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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Matt Is Back!

This guy should be named the Energizer Bunny! As Salisbury News had mentioned last week, don't count this guy out just yet. Matt announced yesterday afternoon he was back in the race for Wicomico States Attorney and he's back in it to win.

Family and close friends came to support Matt and Folks, we have a serious contender who means business. This will be "the race" to watch in Wicomico County.


Anonymous said...

Nice guy, but no experience in a state's attorney's office and little experience with criminal cases. Davis has handled both victory and well as adversity with equal grace. He's an exceptional trial lawyer, the best I've seen. And he has turned the state's attorney's office from a little, country office into a very, very good metropolitan prosecutor's office. We need Davis now more than ever.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I strongly disagree that this will be the "race to watch" in Wicomico County.

Forget the Democratic Primary for state attorney - Mitchell is toast.

On a professional basis, I would give Ruark the edge due to the 20+ years experience with all types of criminal cases. I would give him the experience that he KNOWS his staff - many who have worked for him close to 20 years. He has more years MANAGING the office AND the processes in District and Circuit Court so the advantage is to Ruark.

The only contested issue is going to be the "human side" of the race. Call it integrity, personal character, or whatever but opponents of Ruark will bring up the fact of his DUI in 2008 (the gun charge was bogus and everyone know Todd had it in for him). Ruark admitted guilt, repented, paid the price and rededicated himself to correcting his character flaws - his PERSONAL character flaws.

There will be an outcry that the county's senior law enforcement official should be held to a higher standard but he paid the price for his mistake, learned from it, and became a better husband, father, and man for it. That says a lot.

Matt is a wonderful person, a wonderful husband and father and a talented lawyer. To my knowledge, he has not PERSONALLY "stumbled" like Ruark did. That is to his credit and I believe, in time, he could make an effective State's Attorney. I just don't think its that time right now.

There has been a lot of changes in Wicomico County the past year with regards to law enforcement. With Webster, Tilghman, Devenyns, et. al leaving, it has reinvigorated the county law enforcement coalition into better cooperation and teamwork - and Ruark has been a big part of that. Now is not the time to detract leadership from that coalition and crime fighting effort.

A bigger problem in this race is the perception that Davis is "weak" or "soft" on crime - not so. The biggest problem is the judges; both District Court and Circuit Court giving light sentences and none at all. Jailtime means nothing to the thugs as most know it will only be a few weeks. Look at the records of any criminal involved in gangs and drugs and you will find multiple cases in the court system. Ruark and his staff are trying to put them away but the real problem is the judges.

Stets? and Nolle Pros? yeah, I've heard that argument before but it doesn't hold up. When the states' witnesses don't show up, when the witnesses change their story or refuse to testify, and when domestic partners have reconciliated before trials - that's not the state's fault and the state is left with no choice but to stet or nolle pros the case and the public never gets to see this and understand how frustrating it is to NOT be able to put these criminals away because the courts won't do it without the preponderance of the evidence.

Sorry to make this so long but to summarize, I believe this choice is going to simply be a perception of what the character of both men is and for a lot of people, emotions will take over and they will refuse to really exam all the other issues such as how effective could a brand new state attorney be with a staff of 28 people he knows nothing about? how would that best serve Wicomico County's interests? How about the new state's attorney's lack of knowledge of the local and state-wide coaltion and familiarization with law enforcement, medical, emergency, etc. personnel and organizations? These are things we MUST look at.

I encourage everyone to do their homework examining the records, the prior experiences, the talent, and the effectiveness of each candidate. They are BOTH honorable men, one happened to make a mistake 2-1/2 years ago. Did that mistake affect his life? YES. Did that mistake affect his value and ability as states attorny? NO.

Its OUR county, folks, The choice is yours but for me, its going to be Mr. Ruark.

thank you for your time,
sign me - GOP's for Ruark

Anonymous said...

9:52 AM you have stated the facts better than I could have. I would have voted for Sam Vincent, but I to have to give the edge to Ruark.

I am a conservative democrat by nature and vote for the person rather than party.

Anonymous said...

How stupid does 9:52 think the people are? He posts anonymous and then signs GOP's for Ruark. I seriously doubt that many in the GOP are supporting Ruark. The comment sounds like it came right out of the democratic camp. Personally, for me the democrats are very sneaky and I don't trust them at all.

Anonymous said...

Very well said 9:52. Matt is a good person and an excellent attorney, but very limited in criminal. Sam would have known the office inside and out and would have been able to take over without a stumble. Matt would have to catch up, figure out the office, the agencies and what his place is. He would have an excellent staff to make the transition, but I also agree with 9:52 that Matt is not ready for this. He will need more criminal experience. Too be chosen due to Sam's unfortunate death does not make him the better candidate.

Davis, you have my vote. You had your DUI, you paid the price and for some, they want you to pay for the rest of your life. The sentence is over, let the man do his job and vote for the experience.

Obama admitted to doing drugs and he was voted as the President of our Country. Marion Berry keeps making a comeback. Some get off and get a free ride, others are determined guilty for life.

Anonymous said...

10:18 I beg to differ. I doubt 9:52 thinks the voters are "stupid". He/she made a pretty convincing argument about why they want to support Davis. There will be a lot of Republicans voting for Davis in the general election.(for various reasons) see 10:09's comment and you'll understand why.

Anonymous said...

10:18 is funny. He criticizes 9:52 for posting anonymously as "GOP's for Ruark" and then he/she posts anonymously that "democrats are very sneaky and I don't trust them at all." Sounds just a bit hypocritical to me, but that's just my "anonymous" opinion.

Anonymous said...

10:18 I totally disagree I am a registered republican and I will also be voting for Ruark in the General Election.

Anonymous said...

I am not a member of GOP but agree with all that was said in prior post. I vote for experience. My vote is for Mr. Ruark

Anonymous said...

9:52, if Mike Lewis endorses Ruark I might give you a little credibility, until then I consider you part of Ruark's reelection campaign. Certainly the GOP does not support Ruark.

Anonymous said...

It's time for some new blood, time for a change. Too many repeat offenders walking the streets. I welcome all new candidates and look forward to see who will "step up".

Anonymous said...

10:18, there are drugs for paranoia.

Anonymous said...

"Too many repeat offenders walking the street."

You are exactly right, but the criminals are the ones repeating the offenses. There are people who have been in prison for years and they come back out onto the streets and repeat. Is it because Davis Ruark is the prosecutor? No, it is because there are bad people who like to break laws.

My own family member is in jail and I hope he stays there for a long time because then the community is safer without him being on the streets. Is that Davis' problem? No again, it is the criminal's problem because the criminal is breaking the law and there are guidelines in which one has to go by for the crime that is committed.

Anonymous said...

11:05 this is 9:52 again. Of course the official GOP organization will not support Mr. Ruark but there are many republicans in Wicomico County who will cross party lines in November to vote for the person they feel is the best choice for us. I would love to have the demographics for how many republicans end up voting for Ruark but it matters not in the end. Most will vote their conscience and I believe Ruark will win in the end.

Anonymous said...

10:18 - I, too, am a GOP for Ruark.

Anonymous said...

I hear alot about Matt's "lack of experience" for this office. Lets not forget you must start somewhere. Can we have a look at what Mr. Ruark's level of experience was when he took office 24 years ago? Doubt that Ruark had tried a high number of murder or death penalty cases when he arrived on the scene of the State's Attorneys Office.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a change in the states attorney. Just because you've been there for 20 years doesn't mean you've done a great job or more experience.

Jean Louise Finch said...

As with any profession, there comes a time when the practitioner loses his/her edge and its time to move on if not retire. It's true for doctors, athletes, lawyers, indeed all of us. As noted in other posts, Davis has been at it a long time; in a high stress, fast paced, executive position. Time and task have taken their toll, but he hasn't realized or admitted it yet.

Sam Vincent knew it and no doubt that was at least one of the factors considered in making what was obviously a difficult decision; to run against Mr. Ruark.

Matt's decision to stay in the race is the right one and I certainly don't blame him for hesitating to involve himself in the cess pool that our electoral process has become. I trust that he and Mr. Ruark will conduct themselves and their campaigns in an honorable fashion, just as my father would have. He too was an attorney from a small southern town.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on Mike Lewis endorsing anyone. No matter who wins the election Mike is going to have to work with them.

Anonymous said...

I like what he says about Ruark not prosecuting to the fullest. I 100% agree!The States Attnys Office currently tries the cases they "know" are home runs (hence the great record they boast of)and shy away from some they should try in court to keep animals off the streets with stets. I know this from experience. Do the search and see.

Anonymous said...

Ruark had been an Assistant state's attorney for 4 years before becoming state's attorney. He tried many serious cases before he became the state's attorney. and he knew the office.

Anonymous said...

3:33 I am sorry you got caught and convicted. Maybe you will get over it one day.

Anonymous said...

3:33 here. My experience that I speak of is not me getting caught. Try reading instead of judging. I had a family member that was a victim of a crime where the offender was simply put on a stet and the victim's acct. of the crime was simply discarded. Now go back under the rock you came out from under 3:44.

Anonymous said...

If you want to do head counts, I would like to know how many democrats will be voting for Matt. I suspect there will be many.

Anonymous said...

Something needs to be done to bring the office back in line, boost morale and cut dead wood. Matt has the ability to lead the office by example and if you listen to him, a different way to work with law enforcement to get violent offenders off the street. Matt has the ability to wear the white hat the office needs right now & has my vote

Anonymous said...

Matt may wear the white hat for now, but in the courtroom you must take off the hat and fight like hell to see that justice is done. Even in the office there are very hard decisions a state's attorney must make, decisions which will offend and which are unpopular but decisions which are right. Davis has done it, done it well, and is most enthusiastic about continuing to fight. He is the right choice for the people of Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

Boost morale, now that is just what we need. That office is so laxed. Don't get me wrong, the work gets done. Some of the dead wood has been removed. Personal assistants that were allowed to put that office in turmoil to start with have been relieved of their duties but left the office with a bad taste. Davis does head that office but there had been a Deputy State's Attorney who was assigned duties as well as prosecute and supervisors that supervise the office personel. So is it for Davis to have to worry about if someone takes a longer lunch then the next one or prosecute a case?

This office has suffered a lot since Sam's death and has torn the office, but the office was also being torn apart not knowing which to be loyal to when Sam announced he was running against Davis.

This office will heal and if it is about morale then maybe they should go to work for some of the other sectors close to the State's Attorney's Office. You talk about morale problems. Every office has problems but that office is a high stress office with prosecuting cases and taking the criminals off the streets.

Anonymous said...

There are many Dems for Matt including me.

Credibility and integrity are two necessary components to be an effective States Attorney. Davis has squandered both in my opinion.

Time for new blood, new commitment and new attitude.

Anonymous said...

The office has been in the dumps for a long time because some of the attorneys did much of the work while Davis let other attorneys slide. This drove Sam wild because Davis would not do anything about it. Why do you think Sam would file against his boss? Things are very bad in that office and a new boss will be there soon.

Anonymous said...

The moral in that office is so low you could see a snakes belly from where they are.

They were all so relieved when they found out that Sam was coming to their rescue.

If Davis is such a great boss and supervisor this would not have been the case. I think that his own staff wanted a change speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Matt is a great man, I know that personally. However that does not make up for his lack of experience in criminal court. That is too much of a gamble to take. I know the argument is that he will hire the best to be around him. The failure in that is that he needs to know what to do, he is the top dog, not the people he hires. I just think now is not the time for him.
I do agree things need to change in the office. Davis needs to listen to the complaints and get rid on some of the slackers in the office. When was the last time he watched his attorney's in a trial? Things do need to change, i just wish Matt had more than a small time in criminal court.

Anonymous said...

I give Matt the credit for having the courage to run against Davis. That speaks volumes! I am a democrate but will cross party lines for new blood. Good luck Matt.

Anonymous said...

Well technically, the GOP picked and encouraged Matt to run against Davis on the last day. Matt did not step up and decide this, he was persuaded to do it. I have a problem when a party picks someone to run against an opponent versus a person stepping up on his/her own.

Again, I like Matt, but I only hope he is doing it for all the right reasons and not just for the party. Matt's time is coming, I am just not sure now is it.

Anonymous said...

The States Attorneys Office is a divided house. Sam Vincent wanted better for Wicomcio County so what does that say about Davis? Out with the old in with the new. Matt has my vote!

Anonymous said...

A little off subject but does anyone know the law regarding yard signs for candidates being place in state and county right of ways along roads. I've noticed several and was curious as to weather or not they are legal.

Anonymous said...

I was curious also 3:24 so I googled it and found that it is illegal to place signs in State right of ways. Some candidates are clearly violating the law by placing signs near stop signs, along highways in right-of-ways, near telephone and electric poles, etc. I suspect the counties have similar regulations. Let's hope they enforce it because frankly I don't want to look at them from now until November.