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Monday, July 26, 2010

Julie Brewington – Paranoid About John Cannon, “Intimidated” By Joe Albero

With all due respect to my friend Joe Albero - if I were running for the state legislature, worrying about whether Joe Albero liked me or not would be way down the list of things to worry about. Sure, SbyNEWS has lots of readers. Sure, Joe has been known to cut loose on someone every now and again. However, ANY candidate’s best shot at election is by following a simple formula – work hard, court lots of volunteers, treat everyone either nicely (or at least civilly), and be true to yourself. Pandering almost always comes back to bite you.

One thing that really doesn’t help the cause is to wrap yourself up in “victimhood” and accuse Albero (or anyone else) of intimidation. This is but one of the many “boo-boo’s” in a recent blog post by 38-A House candidate Julie Brewington.

Let’s get real Julie! If Joe Albero intimidates you, do you really think that the voters of 38-A can trust you to stand up for them against lobbyist, special interest groups, the media, and the big government, Democrat machine in Annapolis?



Anonymous said...

Another pathetic hit job Joe come the f@#$ on .

Anonymous said...

Julie is a lost cause for this voter! Read this Julie.

Anonymous said...

who are you ga harrison? and why are you such a dick?

J.Albero said...

To the nay sayers, perhaps you should go back to how this all started.

Remember, it was Julie who started with the lies and personal attacks.

This article is NOT a personal attack and to me, it's very clear who is dragting most of the comments, meny have already been rejected. If I were a guessing man I'd say it was Julie and Mike Brewington.

Anonymous said...

And now she supports terrorists.

Anonymous said...

I admire her for wanting to run for office. Unfortunately this Julie doesn't seem to have what it takes to run her campaign.

July is almost over and we have a little more than 2 months until the primary elections and she is acting like an attack dog against Cannon & Phoebus. I have been in the company of both gentlemen and I have to say I have never heard either speak about their opponents, let alone, speak negatively.

Julie, if you can't run with the Big Dogs, then stay on the porch.
Don't muck it up for those really qualified to hold office.

Anonymous said...

Joe and Mr. Harrison,
I have sat through the public comments at Council meetings when Ms. Brewington would take the stand and her first statement would be that "I don't know a lot about the subject, but........." and she would continue until I would drop my head in embarrassment for her. Ms. Brewington,you probably know a little about a lot but not enough about anything to run for a delegate seat in Annapolis. Raise your family, stay in tune with gov't and learn lots and then when the kids are grown, maybe you will be prepared to run for office. The time isn't right now for you.

J.Albero said...

I'd like to add the following. First of all, (if you read Julie's article) I did not come on here and publish the alleged photos she so claimed would be published through self inflicted paranoia. In fact, I didn't take pictures of Julie OR her child. I told everyone I wasn't going there and I won't.

The fact that Julie claims her Daughter threw herself in front of my camera to make sure I couldn't get a picture of Mommy, was complete bullsh!t. However, in Julie's mind I'm sure she had a few strong ones last night and created such a story. SAD, the day that a Mother instructs her child to protect Mommy Dearest because of Mr. Bad Man. You and Mike need some serious parental counseling.

Julie, seriously, you have some serious mental issues. First of all, if I wanted a picture of you, your Daughter is what, 3 feet tall. At 5-10, I highly doubt your Daughter is going to shield anyone.

Secondly, you looked like sh!t at Tawes and quite frankly you looked like sh!t last night. The only difference between the two different days was that you were dressed a little nicer last night but you still looked like sh!t.

Not that I would ever control my Wife, I'd at least tell her straight up she might want to RECONSIDER before heading out, especially if she were running for Office and or perhaps speaking in front of a group of people.

Simply put Folks, take one look at the doll baby picture on her campaign signs and then look at her publicly. Cheap babes love those glammer shots but quite frankly most look like street ho's IMHO. Not all women need to look like Barbie but my God, if your going to plaster one face on a yard sign and then knock on that very same door looking like Julie has the past two times I've seen her, WOW! At least we know what she looks like first thing in the morning, especially after a hard night of Jack & Coke.

So take what I've said as constructive critisism Julie, not a personal attack. Unless it really is smoke and mirriors. Your yard signs prove you can at least look like a lady while driving a 4x4 pickup truck and firing off semi automatic weapons.

By the way, I'm also glad someone finally tipped you off on your "Bivalue" spelling errors.

As for John Cannon, GET OVER YOURSELF, YOU IDIOT! John Cannon picked up my camera to take a picture of ME! No one was laughing at images on my camera and like I said, I did NOT take pictures of you and your child.

Funny how you cry wolf, (like an Idiot) while you duck tape your kids mouth and nose suggesting this is how you shut a kid up!!!!! Then, (like an Idiot) you take the child/children out to every public event and cry like a baby suggesting, (before anything happens) that the two of you are about to get abused. How does it feel the day after Julie, when you're completely wrong, yet you try to get others to feel sorry for you?

You said, "It has been nothing short of true candidate intimidation." You haven't seen anything yet, Idiot. Maybe I'll do another interview of you doing your drunk YouTube video. I know, maybe I'll just replay your own version of it instead. Noooooooooooooooooooooa!

"Speak out Mr. Cannon against candidate intimidation." Bite Me Julie, speak out about Candidate intimidation, lies and abuse, hence again an alleged foot feddish I never knew about until you came around. How about a candidate who crops photos and makes up lies, yeah, you'll do really well in Annapolis.

Julie Brewington is a scumbag liar who drinks too much. By the way Folks, she bitches about John Cannon associating with me, yet she sends JT photos of events. You are one stupid biotch Julie. Enjoy your 10 seconds of fame. I think I'll take some pictures of you from Tawes and create some of my own Campaign Yard Signs. Consider it a sort of donation to your cause.

I'll bet you never lie about me ever again Julie. Then again, you are pretty damn stupid.

Anonymous said...

If you only knew about Julie's past before she got married and had children. The eastern shore must have run out of men before she finally settled down.

Anonymous said...

Joe said....
By the way, I'm also glad someone finally tipped you off on your "Bivalue" spelling errors.

From the BIMBO'S own Blog!! Someone needs to tip her off again!

"An endorcement of vile attacks against a female for being a female?"

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing "the couger" out at Seacrets over the winter flirting and kissing young guys while out on a "girls night out."

My girlfriend was there also and said Julie kissed her. I didn't know she was into chicks. LOL.

Anonymous said...

The article raised a ligitimate question about how Brewington would navigate a high pressure political environment in Annapolis when she appears to take small things (described in the article) as slights. The posts have digressed to personal attacks. I don't care what or if she did something at Seacrets before she filed for office or other past aspects of her personal life. Those who make these tyoes of personal attacks should sign their names.

Anonymous said...

she is only doing this because she is tired of men doing this. she said it on her facebook.

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing you need to know about Julie Brewington. She has publicly said she never paid attention to politics until Obama was elected. That tells me she doesn't know anything about what's going on or how to deal with any of Maryland's problems. We need a leader, not someone with a big ego.

J.Albero said...

Julie and Mike Brewington called GA's PARENTS after 10:00 PM last night, TRASHED, and tried to claim GA used four letter words in his article.

Julie, YOU NEED TO STOP DRINKING! That had to be the worst move you could have ever made politically.

Enjoy this Post being back at the top.

Anonymous said...

i think anyone running for office should have a refresher civics lesson
these people running sound like its for a position planning a barn dance

Ms Ressest said...

Why has this gone back to the top? It was not news yesterday (but had it of been, than this would be yesterday's news).

It is just another piece of trash about Julie. I will not be voting for Julie for my own reasons, not because G A Harrison and Joe Albero deem it necessary to rake her through the coals or post all the dirt on her they can.

It is time to stop the personal attacks against all the candidates not to your liking. I know, I know, you call them opinions, but my opinion is they read like personal attacks.

Anonymous said...

So if it is called an opinion, it cannot be personal attack? How can opinions be news?

Anonymous said...

Julie, I don't know who you are any more. You complain about others going after you but then you call Mr. Harrison's parents late at night and didn't have the decency to do so sober. To the rest of you claiming this is an attack against Julie your wrong. I want to be educated. Julie put up an article attacking Joe Albero and John Cannon and it wasn't true. Anyway, I've seen enough. You will not get my vote Julie.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 12:22, I have a really cool idea. IF you don't like what we provide, DON'T COME BACK.

No one has a gun to your head forcing you to come to Salisbury News, JULIE.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The article raised a ligitimate question about how Brewington would navigate a high pressure political environment in Annapolis when she appears to take small things (described in the article) as slights. The posts have digressed to personal attacks. I don't care what or if she did something at Seacrets before she filed for office or other past aspects of her personal life. Those who make these tyoes of personal attacks should sign their names.

8:07 AM

I notice you didn't sign your name, BOZO!!

Anonymous said...

I am really sick and tired of being around Julie and her whining and moaning about what the other candidates are doing. I am sick and tired of her begging for money before she even discusses issues. What happened to all those posts on your Facebook page about you stimulating the economy when you spend your money? What happened to you bragging about buying a condo in Ocean City and then bragging about you stimulating the economy? If you really want to do something such as run for office and you are strapped for cash then you can sell that river front property you always show off on your Facebook page. If you want to win an election then you have to work for it insteady of begging people for money. You are disgusting!!

Anonymous said...

Any proof Julie made the call?

J.Albero said...

anonymous 12:52, you ARE kidding me, right! That has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen in 6 yhears of Blogging.

Anonymous said...

This site had the potential of being a legitimate news site but you choose to roll in the mud good luck with that !

J.Albero said...

anonymous 1:01, Gee, I wonder who could have drafted that comment? LOL

The funniest part is, our numbers blow away the MSM here on the Eastern Shore, you know it and every one else knows it.

We arrived more than 2 years ago and continue to grow each and every day.

Do tell me what it is about this article written by GA Harrison that isn't legitimate news?

Julie and Mike Brewington are candidates, (public figures). They called GA's parents last night to complain about their Son. Do YOU really believe any other legitimate CANDIDATE out there would have ever stooped that low?

I said it to everyone weeks ago, Julie Brewington will self destruct on her own and I was exactly right.

Fred Norris said...

She is nuts. Why would she call the parents?

Robin Quivers said...

I don't know Julie, but if half of this is true, she does not belong in Annapolis.

Anonymous said...

she has a chance just like webster has a chance

J.Albero said...

anonymous 1:47, she has NO chance and she knows it. She will come back, (you mark my words) and say she stood up to the establishment and gave it her all. You know, that kind of crap. While I too encourage others to get more involved, let's get serious here. Julie is an attention hog, always standing in front or next to those more popular than herself. LOOK AT MEEEEE! She would follow me in every Council Meeting and repeat everything I had said just before her and never once say, I agree with Mr. Albero. instead, she'd ride the wave. Look at the Library issue. I have been fighting a new Library for 2 years and all of a sudden Julie thought she'd not only start fighting herself, she'd take all my ideas over the past 2 years as if she had created them. It would be one thing if she said I support what Mr. Albero has discussed. Nope, not Julie.

Let me add, I am a republican and my Wife is a democrat. We enjoy healthy debate here at home and disagree on many issues. HOWEVER, my Wife didn't choose to CHANGE parties because it might benefit her like Mike Brewington did. No One Knows what Julie and Mike really are and I can assure you, it was only because I exposed Julie before she was about to attempt to announce she was going to first run for Stevie Prettyman's seat, then she was going after the County Executive Seat and she finished it off by running for Delegate, none of which she had any chance of winning.

Granted, she may have achieved getting some to feel sorry for her. She may even get some to believe I'm a sexest beast. However, 95% of the sane people on the Eastern Shore see Julie for exactly what she is, a Dingbat.

Her signs tell it all. LOOK AT MEEEEE! Then if you get up REALLY close you might see her name and message. When you dye your hair blond and dress like a tramp, believe me, the men will notice. She really didn't need her photo to take up most of her signs. If she showed up at events the men would be talking about her. However, the women already are and it's not good.

Anyone can come off nice and innocent but believe me on this one, Julie Brewington knows how to play people. Joe Albero just doesn't buy into that BS.

GA Harrison said it best. Look at Addie Eckardt, Jeannie Hadaway and Stevie Prettyman. Solid women with wisdom and experience. When have you ever heard they cry foul? I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

It's very simple..she is nuckin' futz

Anonymous said...

Joe stop double dipping..LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

5:32pm "who are you ga harrison? and why are you such a dick?"

That is the funniest thing I have read in quite a while!

The continued interest in these 2 tools is beyond me. Of course they are not going to win anything, but I firmly believe they will get more sympathy votes because of everything written about them on sbynews.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why people do not want to run for office?

Fruitland Generic Citizen said...

It would kill you guys to spell out the words Democratic Party correctly just ONE time, wouldn't it? You're proving your own willful ignorance. Maybe I'll take out two letters of your party's name and start calling y'all Rublicans.

fragile said...

hey joe., i agree! Ga harrison! im glad you are keeping up with the truth here! she has been BLIZZOGED!!

Pretty hate machine said...

hey i love your posts on julie. i cant believe she called his parents! what jerks!

sin said...

joe for president!
The shore is in a downward spiral!

broken said...

this post is very informative

Stan & Gladys Murch said...

Dear Mr Albero,

We met and talked with Julie Brewington at the Tawes Clam Bake. We found her to be quite refreshing and so sweet. In fact we agreed with all that she is hoping to accomplish in Annapolis.

Reading her blog, led us to your site. We are very distressed to read so many bad things here along with the comment you put up on her site.

We thought you were just sounding off but your blog now leds us to believe many other have the same opinion as you have. It is so sad

We have watched several of your political interviews today and must compliment you on this service. It is good to be able to listen to the candidates reasons for wanting to serve our great nation.

Ron Brawl said...

The part of this article that people should focus on and analyze before voting is the comparison at the end is Julie up to standing up to everyone and everything that is going to be thrown her way if she is elected. If you say that she will not then she doesn't deserve your vote. If you say yes, then she deserves consideration.

I can't imagine anything Joe or Mr. Cannon throw at her will be as intense as the lobbyists, extortionist and people with greasy palms will throw in Annapolis. It is definitely something to consider.

Anonymous said...

One thing about this blog, readers of the comments are only going to get "Joe's slant", (remarks appear to be heavily filtered), based on the conclusions of my audit.

Surely many that do read or contribute to the comments realize this, whether it is about this person, another person or topic. As long as participation includes this consideration, one must have a lower expectation of open and free discussion and comments.

Joe, you may want to evaluate your process, seek more objectivity; your current editing is eroding the integrity of your blog.