The Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #111 announces that sheriff’s deputies have chosen to conclude the judicial challenge concerning the collective bargaining labor law. To continue challenging the matter in the court of appeals would jeopardize all other agencies that currently have obtained collective bargaining by way of a citizen initiative. The FOP will continue to move forward to resolve the issue with the Wicomico County Government. FOP officers have met with Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt and discussed solutions to resolve this issue. Mr. Pollitt has been and continues to be supportive of collective bargaining for sheriff’s deputies.
As many are aware, collective bargaining for sheriff’s deputies was placed on the ballot in November of 2006 as Question A. This initiative began in order to secure a better retirement and disability plan for sheriff’s deputies. The FOP had attempted talks about this matter with the previous councils to no avail. The voters of Wicomico County approved collective bargaining with binding arbitration by an overwhelming 72 percent approval with 18,506 votes. This speaks volumes as to the citizen’s approval of the matter. As a result Mr. Pollitt presented a proposed labor law to the council which established collective bargaining with binding arbitration between the deputies and the county government. The council amended the labor law to exclude themselves from binding arbitration. Mr. Pollitt then vetoed the law because he felt it was not what the voters had approved. The council then unanimously overrode that veto and adopted the labor code as law. The amended code was the reason for the court challenges.
Due to the recent court decision which ruled the citizen initiative unconstitutional, the labor code has been invalidated. The court ruled that citizens cannot mandate that the council adopt legislation unless it changes the form and structure of the current government. The FOP looks forward to working together with County Executive Pollitt who has pledged to begin new discussions to establish a labor code that meets the approval of all involved. The FOP wishes to extend our thanks to the citizens of Wicomico County for your continued support.
I saw first hand how the FOP conducted the petition drive. First off they employed kids and paid them minimum wage and had them seek out signatures at places like Walmart and Sam's club. The FOP even institued ads in the DT advertising for the job.
My grip is why didn't they go out and solicit the signatures themselves. I'll just bet you that they didn't even pay unemployment benefits or withholding taxes on those kids.
How much of the FOP members funds did you waste on this idiotic lawsuit that had zero chance of succeeding? I'll bet it was a chunk. I hope you entitled egomaniacs learned your lesson. The law and the constitution applies to you also.
5:51---sounds like somebody has been arrested before????? Hahaha...
Has anyone thought to ask Pollitt how he plans to fund this IF the council approved it. He could not even manage to plow the roads during our snowstorm.
The FOP needs to come clean and admit to the voters of Wicomico that what they signed was unconstitutional. Until these law enforcement personel do so, then no one should meet to discuss anything with them. They have continually said they were targeting all the sitting council members when in fact the council members had to vote the way they did to protect the voters of Wicomico County. Unless the FOP is willing to "man up" and tell the voters they snookered them, then they need not expect any respect.
6:27 - The council voted to protect the voters? The voters are the ones who approved this. Many other agencies have binding arbitration. Sounds to me that the FOP got screwed, or all these other governments dropped the ball when they allowed binding arbitration. Which is it?
What is this country coming to...it absolutely blows my mind that we play millions and millions of dollares to professional sports players yet we don't pay near enough to those that put their lives on the live for the safety of others. Oh' I am sorry "egomaniacs" as one person writes. You can moan and grown, whine,all you want about law enforcement, if you think they are so bad then why don't you "man up" and put your life on the line...oh that is write you can't do that with a criminal record. As far as them being above and beyond...they certainly are not. They are under the microscope more than others. I know I was married to one. Do they err, absolutely, they are law enforcement, not God. All they are asking for is better disability benefits, is that to much to ask, with all the money that goes to waste in this county, country and paying those high dollar ball players we can't afford to provide for a wounded officer...it is a shame.
Those of you that are against the FOP's efforts, how about you man up go through the police academy, go out on the streets and face the gang members that everyone fears, get shot by one of those gang members and never be able to work again. There goes your livelihood, your home, your family and everything you have worked so hard for. That is okay though, just go tell the county council what happened, I am sure they would be willing to take a pay cut to support you while you are wheelchair bound. May be able to pick up some free tires for your wheelchair at the landfill!
Jonathan Taylor & Company, you can shove it right up your A$$ with your nasty Police comments as well. You and JR need to get a life and start acting like real men. Your comments will never see the light of day here and you know it.
Im really not sure on how the FOP stuff works but I can say this. Cops in general are extremely underpaid. These guys are out there on the front lines putting their lives on the line each and every day.
They dont strike when they dont get their money. They dont complain that they arent getting paid enough. They just come to work and put on a smile and do their job. A job, that we cant even fathom. We see it everyday on tv and in the news about a officer being shot or assaulted in the line of duty.
Another good example is 2 years ago when Ocean City PD gave up their raises and I believe they have a contract that said they were enititled to X amount of money. I know that Delmar PD also has some sort of FOP contract and they arent paid well either.
If you dont want to give them what they want, then they should get a better raise. My entire point, is these guys are severly under paid and we need to fix this problem to get character officers in the position.
I have learned that law enforcement today is what society is. It is all about me not we. Law enforcement years ago donated their time, that's right, no pay, to give back to our community. Today, they want to be paid to do anything they do.
I work full time and still give back to the community. But I am old school. I hope to make a difference.
I get up early, I work hard. I still find time to volunteer. Do you know how many law enforcement actually give any of their time to the FOP. Not many. They are to busy complaining about me and what are you going to do for me.
If you want me to care about you, to vote to help you, to see that you are taken care of, them quit complaining and take an hour a week and give it back to the community like I do without pay. Actually get off of your butt and attend a FOP meeting.
Then I will think more about you and what you need.
There seems to be some notion that working in a public safety job should entitle a person to virtually endless benefits because of the "danger".
Here's two newsflashes for you:
1: There are TONS of jobs far more dangerous than policing in terms of real world life and death hazards, and those people aren't crying for more public benefits.
2: There are FAR more applicants for police jobs than available positions. If the middle class wage, and awesome benefits these jobs pay isn't good enough for you QUIT! NOW! You can be replaced in the blink of an eye by motivated people who actually want to work without being world class crybabies.
The FOP has not demonstrated to the People that they will uphold the Laws of the Land.
Begin arresting illegal immigrants and the thugs on the streets committing violent crimes - and the citizens will support you.
To Anonymous 9:42 pm, no one is asking for endless benefits. First off they do not have endless benefits. Unless you know what you are talking about you need to shut your mouth. Do you have disability pay with your job? Do you have a retirement? Some of these officers have neither. Do you think being hurt on the job trying to protect you should not reward them with some disabilty if they can not work. Do you think after 30 or 40 years of devoted service they should not have some decent kind of retirement? The county rewarded their attorney with a retirement, but not their officers. All they are asking for is some disabilty benefits and LEOPS (decent retirement). Not all officers are sitting pretty, just remember that.
As to all the nay sayers I have not heard one deputy ask for a pay raise or anything other than the right to ask for one.
I have known many officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Notice they call it duty. Line of duty death. As to the person stating there are more dangerous jobs. Well per capita this is one of the most dangerous jobs on earth. Officers in this county have responded to numerous shootings and murders this year alone. Ask Ted Shea what kind of world we live in. Officers run into what most runaway from.
As for the vote on question "A" did any member of the current council seek to follow the will of the voter. Who cares how the petition was garnered. The fact remains that educated voters told you what they wanted and expected from you. The council blindly denied the will of the people. As a tax payer and a good citizen I can tell you that millions like me are sick of arrogant politicians telling voters what is right for them. The bell tolls for those who refuse to remember who put them in office.
The question of the wording in the voter initiative was scewed. The courts upheld the word "shall" versus "may' was at issue. Why did the council not back Rick Pollitt and the Sheriff of this county when they supported it. Why was there no civil attempt to correct the matter. The fact is control and power. This sitting council never wanted a County Executive in the first place. The deputies fell to politics at its worst.
Rick Pollitt once again has stepped up and is attempting to do the moral and just thing. Pollitt has not once stuck his head in the sand hoping the issue will go away.
This type of right has been given to numerous agencies across the state. The councils seated in those jurisdictions gave it upon overwhelming voter support. The same support it received here. I was not angry by their act. I was sadden by it. The pride felt when the public said we support you will never be overshadowed by the choice of seven. The council's action said we do not trust you, nor do we support you.
To the person that wrote find new work. You would not understand the dynamics of this profession. It takes courage and a willingness to serve others. To see and interact with society at its worst. I watched hundreds of police officers volunteer to give up their Christmas away from their own children to look for one of our own. It is funny we look at the good poeple of this county as "our own". We protect them as our own.
This entire matter has been brewing for twenty years. The deputies have had a substandard disability package and a minimal pension. I think we should protect those that protect us. Obviously so does 18000 voters in this county.
The average age of deputies in Wicomico County serving in patrol was 23 years of age in 1992. The average now is in the 30's. Who own homes and have children in our schools. This builds a strong competent work force. In 19 years only three deputies have retired from the agency??
As these deputies age the issue of disability becomes very coherent.
I would put this group of men and women against any agency in the country. The Sheriff is nationally recognized and one of the most dedicated crime fighters I have ever met. The recent Foxwell case showed this country what we have here in the way of professional, dedicated crime fighters. No one can ever doubt the ability and drive that Mike Lewis and Staff displayed in such a heart breaking time.
Again no one has asked for anything other than peace of mind to know our families will be financially stable in the tragic event I die or become disabled serving the citizens of this county.
To the men and women working to resolve this issue remember what you do for yourself will go to the grave with you. What you do for others will live for eternity. Fear no one and respect all.
The Wicomican
What does Mike Lewis think about it.
2:45 am.....You are soooo off base with your thinking. What part of unconstitutional do you not understand? The council had no other choice as you well know first hand. This is not my opinion...it is it court's opinion.
And what information are you basing it on regarding the sitting council "did not want the County Exec. form of government?" I know I have seen several current council memeber advocating several years ago for the Exec form of govt. Give the citizens the straight facts...and stop blaming others for the downfall of this initiative.
Just incase you are wrong. The language was wrong period. The effort was moral and just. A.A. County, Ocean City, P.G., Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Howard. Do I need to go on. All these places had the same language used. It was the councils that decided not to fight it after a large voter support. Wicomico said no and did nothing to meet in the middle. This I know for a fact. BAD politics. They had to show Pollitt who was in charge at the exspense of the deputies. What part of that dont you get.
So in turn Wicomico County almost became known as the county who screwed every firefighter/paramedic/police officer who has collective bargaining. A liberal lawyer in a black robe made a call. That may have been right in text but was way off base in morals & ethics. The case should have never been before the courts. 18000 said yes, 7 said no. Simple math. It all could have been worked out at no cost to anyone. Politicians blew this one.
The bell tolls for those who do not respect the American people. We put you there we can sure as hell take you out.
Have a Delmarvalous Day.
A "liberal" judge insisted on the strict constitutionality of a law? I think you need a dictionary that defines "liberal". Normally that's considered a CONSERVATIVE perspective.
Re "danger" police are nowhere near the top of the list of the most hazardous jobs. Being a pizza delivery driver, a logger, or a commercial fisherman are MANY times more dangerous than being a police office.
2:01, Justin, and friends,
What is the average life expectancy of a fisherman, logger, or pizza delivery driver?
If it is less than 67 years of age as it is for a police officer, then I'll agree. They are as dangerous. The job keeps killing cops well after most retire. In Wicomico, they will still be working when they die.
Of course there are more dangerous jobs out there, but not over here.
That is not the point. Being a professional skydiver is extremely dangerous; but they won't search your house when there are three thugs hiding inside that broke in to steal your stuff, or rape your wife. A cop will. A cop will risk his/her life to protect/rescue your family, and they expect that they may get hurt. All's the FOP wants is for an Officer be helped out if he/she get's hurt and can't return to work. That's all.
I’m sorry that you will not be elected again.
7:33 Anon.
Oh puleeze! Give it a rest.
I'm so tired of hearing you and people like you whine, whine, whine.
Go buy some cheese will ya!?
You are NO better than the rest of us! THAT my dear is the difference!
The economy affects ALL of us, not just the police, but you don't see the other departments CONSTANTLY crying how bad they are paid or how bad their benefits are!
Even in this economy, the police are still grabbing all they can.
When revenues are DOWN, expeditures must go DOWN and it cannot continue to be every other department and every other expense line item that takes the hit!
How about getting REAL?
What does "getting real" mean? Did you learn phrase that on MTV ten years ago? You have no idea what real is.
Nobody has complained about everything. I am certainly not whining.
I have not complained about compensation, or getting 11 furlough days this year. I have not complained about work conditions, hours, bosses, or prior work related injuries. I did not complain about the lack of boots on the street to do the job safely and effectively. I did not complain about getting assaulted by a citizen last week. I did not complain about local Judges legislating their beliefs from the bench, and in doing so letting criminals out every day. I did not complain about your freedom of speech, and your freedom to have an opinion. I don't complain that the economy is literally making my job more difficult, and more dangerous.
We all know, you hate cops, and you think the world would be better off without any. That’s your opinion. Great. If you would “get real” you would realize how bad your world would be without OUR laws, and those who enforce it.
I only complained about a lack of disability. No other departments complain about it because they all have a disability package.
And yes, I do think and know that I am better that you, 8:24. Check your record and look in the mirror. There is a reason why you did not get that job as a cop when you were younger.
Even with your opinion, when you call for help, I will still come running, no questions asked. That my dear is the difference!
Easy to sit back with a silver spoon in your mouth and run it or have a spouse that makes big money cutting people and charging twenty bucks for an asprin. A mom and dad that carried your lazy butt your whole life. There are only three council members that are worth a darn.
I respect you guys and you deseve what ever you can get. I know the truth is coming ouy soon about Ed Baker getting retirement paid by the county. I also know deputies in the early 90's were told there was no retiremnt when they had it down town. It is embarassing what has taken place. Time to get a set council and take responsibility for your cops.
I know when November rolls around a couple of them will be on the bandwagon. I hope the FOP throws them off the wagon. I am going to donate money ans so is my family who has lived in this couty their whole lives to the FOP. No none of them are my family I just think my families vote should have counted for something. Get real about that Hollway and Cannon. I am calling you out. You both hate the police and the East Side knows it. See what support you find down here. Joe H. you turned your back on the farmers of this county and we will not forget it sir.
County Council- the police are whining because they want disability when their jobs put them in physical danger every second of every day? TEACHERS in this county have disability, and they only work 10 months a year, monday-friday from 8-5. Why do they have disability? Because a filing cabinet might fall on them? A student might send a spit ball their way?
My husband works 10 hour shifts spanning all hours of the day and night, weekends and holidays, and risks his life running into dangerous situations to save yours. Police officers have had cars "falling" into them, as well as fists, knives and teeth, and his clients' bullets are much more life altering than spit balls...
Many officers are college educated, so don't say that's the difference between them and teachers. Why aren't these brave men and women just as deserving of basic disability benefits as other county employees?
You know why because Cannon, Prettyman, Barkovich,Holloway, McCloud, MCcain,Sample-Hughes say so. The Magnificent Seven. Hell they were smarter than 73% of the voters in this county. The council can fall back on it was illegal all day. You had a moral and ethical responsibility to carry out what the voters wanted. You knew it was about disability and pension all along. Who are the real fools here. The public. i think not. You have all worn out your welcome. A>M>F>s
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