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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Shamu, (the killer whale) is big business at SeaWorld.

Do You Think The Show Should Continue After Another Whale Has Killed 3 Trainers?


Anonymous said...

Shamu has killed THREE trainers? Wow I didn't know that...sounds like Shamu needs to hit the road!

Anonymous said...

Shamu is a captive out of his/her natural environment. The whale does not have the cognition of a human. What else can be expected of it?

Anonymous said...

No they should never keep an animal of that size in captivity to begin with. They are very intelligent creatures and it obviously isn't happy with its conditions. If I was held captive I would do anything I could to escape. What's the difference?

Jo said...

What else does this creature have to before they set him free? These shows obviously are not something he wants to do. Shows should be cancelled, for the same price as a ticket into Sea World you can go for a day & watch them in their natural habitats. He's been held for 20yrs. Enough with the stupid tricks for profit. These are intelligent mammmels who should be given respect, not forced into our entertainment. It would really suck if we were the ones being held captive instead.

Anonymous said...

I think Shamu should be released into his natural environment. There his natural instincts will help him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe after four or five, but not three.

Anonymous said...

How many trainers have to die before they stop this abuse. Cancel the show and set them free.

Anonymous said...

I guess these animals have lived up to their billing: Killer Whales.

Anonymous said...

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Anonymous said...

The trainers know or should have known the risks.

Anonymous said...

Joe, if you are going to ask this question then you should ask if there should be any zoo's in the world? It's the same caged up environment.

Anonymous said...

10:12 Spoken like a true Socialist ! There is nothing wrong with making money to the point of being financially secure .

Anonymous said...

Big business at the expense of human lives. What sane person would want the job?

Anonymous said...

This goes to show that no matter how long animals are held captive, they still have their natural instincts and habits. The same goes for the Circus industry with lions and tigers and such attcking their handlers/trainers! All of this for our entertainment. Animals can not be 100% domesticated and trusted to act as if they are.

Anonymous said...

Thats what you get when you keep an animal like that in captivity.

Anonymous said...

He is a KILLER whale..he is not meant for our entertainment. He should be set free to live the life he is supposed to.

Anonymous said...

I think Shamu is trying to tell its owners something. Is anyone listening?

Anonymous said...

Set the whale free No more deaths.

Anonymous said...

well lets see, if my dog decided to eat someone he would be put down immediately. If he killed 3 people, well enough said. feed him to the sharks

Anonymous said...

Yep. the trainer's obviously know that they are working with wild animals and should know the risk that they are taking. so I say, let the show begin!

Anonymous said...

10:08 and 10:12 said it all.

Anonymous said...

The problem with setting them free is that after 20 years, they won't know how to live on their own. They shouldn't have caught them in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Amen 10:12. Now the whales have been out of their natural environment for too long to set them free. No choice, but to keep them and carry on the show. When you work as a trainer, you know the risks before you start. If you choose to do the work, you accept the risks. Not much different than climbing Mt. Everest is it. Keep the show going, but maybe reconsider bring future whales into captivity.

joealbero said...

Let's get something clear here, since some other Bloggers can't seem to read. The question is,

"Shamu, (the killer whale) is big business at SeaWorld.

Do You Think The Show Should Continue After Another Whale Has Killed 3 Trainers?"

So, that being said, we are NOT saying Shamu killed the Trainer. We simply stated Shamu is big business and his name is far more recognized. We then go on to say "ANOTHER WHALE."

Many comments, (probably one person and I'm sure you can guess who) have been rejected because they make no sense.

Try reading a little better and then try to understand what you've just read.

Anonymous said...

I believe Shamu was minding his own business when he was captured. Nothing and no one was to be a captive. Nothing quite like freedom.

Anonymous said...

I can't see how it matters which whale it was that did the killing. They ALL have instincts basic to their species.

HappyHourNow said...

So all other Bloggers know. Shamu has never accidently killed anyone. However they should get rid of the Whale that has killed 3 people, and only work with the whales that are born at the facilities. Leave the wild in the wild.

Anonymous said...

Give the whales a break! Their present conditions were NOT by choice. Some instincts are inherent to their species.

Anonymous said...

That is a tough question. If Shamu has not displayed this behavior then maybe the show should go on. I think no one should be allowed in the tank with them. This is not their natural environment and only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

11:30, where do you think the whales who are born at the facility come from? I doubt that they are being cloned in the ocean.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, read the question thoroughly. Shamu did not kill three people. Another whale, Tilikum, did. However, from my understanding one of those three was a man who wandered in after hours. He was found draped over Tilikum's body.

Anonymous said...

How does it matter where whales are born? They all have instincts inherent to their species.

Anonymous said...

Having been to Seaworld twice, I have to say that the animals and trainers have a good relationship with one another. However that being said, one must keep in mind, that these are WILD animals. No matter how much special treatment, training, care, or love they receive they are still WILD ANIMALS. The shows that they put on at Seaworld's parks are enjoyed by millions of people every year. I dont know how many whales that their corporation has control of for their multiple parks, but how often do you hear of a trainer being killed? How about zoo keepers? They are killed occasionally....Why not raise a huge stink about them???

And one other thing- one of the three deaths is questionable as to whether the whale had anything to do with the death- the guy broke into Seaworld, and dove into the tank. Autopsy results showed he died from hypothermia if I remember correctly. He was found floating in the tank when everyone came in the next morning. There was no apparent trauma anywhere on his body.

Anonymous said...

When an animal kills a human the animal goes down.

Balanced Libra said...

1- this whale was not "Shamu", but an orca named "Tilikum".

2- there should never have been shows where these massive creatures are kept in tanks so small that they cannot swim freely causing various pathologies, including dorsal fin collapse (curving of the top fin).

3- unfortunately, release of captive whales that have been in captivity for numerous years (especially any born in captivity) would most likely prove to be a death sentence. They have been conditioned to respond to humans for food, which would be disastrous in the wild with many instances of whale-human contact and many would not fair well getting their own food.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple the whales are being exploited for profit. They are not domesticated animals they are WILD animals that are captured or born into captivity to profit Seaworld (and the like). That fella is nearly 30 years old, put him in a huge tank let people see him but why put him through all the vigorous "training" just to keep making a buck?

I saw a performance with my childrens school at the Baltimore aquarium and although it is neat to see huge creatures jumping through hoops (literally), in my opinion it is wrong to treat these wild creatures like some show dog in an arena.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for straightening them out, Joe. HOWEVER, the whale that is accused of killing three TRAINERS has in fact not done so. Tili, as she is known, has killed two trainers. A third death was a man who hid on the aquarium grounds and then climbed into the pool after hours to swim with Tili. A coroners report stated he died of hypothermia due to the 55 degree water temp. So Tili actually did not kill him. And to 10:18, the post said the LOVE of money, not making money... HUGE difference. Learn to read.
And no, I don't think the shows should be cancelled. It is big business, but they are beautiful creatures and I know I will never see one in the wild. Let the show go on.

Maple said...

ANY creature, put into an alien world such as a zoo or marine park, should NEVER be reprimanded for their natural, animal instincts. The idea that ANY PERSON would consider killing that whale for doing what wild animals so is ABSURD!!! Idiots...thinking whales should be treated like people and given "reprimands" for behavior. Real idoits.

Anonymous said...

Tilikum did not tear the trainer to shreds. She grabbed the trainer by the pony tail and dragged her down until she drowned.

One suspicion they have is that the ponytail had gone across the nose during the tricks and feeding, stimulating the "ready to get another fish" instinct.

Another possibility is, having just been playful with each other and the fact that the trainers go under water with the whales, Tilikum was pulling her in for some fun time under water.

The concept of using wild animals to stimulate profit is rough. It does also stimulate children's curiosity about animals and their environs.

Remember the famous guy who got mauled by his tigers?

The trainers know the danger. The bonding seems worth it to them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Maple but I also believe the whale didn't necessarily intend to kill. Don't they bite and eat what they intend to kill in the wild? Some actions and reactions of wild animals just can't be explained or understood by humans.


Anonymous said...

It's very sad the trainer died, but she knew the risks of working with such dangerous creatures and probably loved these animals more than anyone can believe. I have seen the SeaWorld show and it was incredible and would probably never see anything like that naturally. As long as people are willing to work there, the show should go on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the show should go on. He's a "Killer whale" which says it all. This whale has been in captivity for so long that it wouldn't survive in the sea. He's so big that his tank is too small for him to move around. I feel bad for the families of those he killed but I also feel bad for him. This type of animal should not be trained and treated like a pet. He's a wild animal. Certain instincts never go away. Some places will use any kind of animal to make money.

Anonymous said...

Over 80% of the whales at seaworld were born there. If these whales were being treated so poorly, they would not be reproducing. With that being said, being a trainer at seaworld is a dangerous business. The woman who was killed told her dad when she was 9 that that was what she was going to do for a living. She died doing what she loved. She probably would do it again. Where else would an ineer city kid get a chance to seee the animals that are at seaworld. I love seaworld and think they do alot for conservation and love for the animals that remain in the wild

Robin said...

people need to stop giving animals "human emotions". They shouldnt have that whale or any other for that fact in captivity.
They dont need to be living in swimming pools.

Anonymous said...

I learned today that these Orcas are the largest member of the dolphin family, and are actually "Whale Killers". That term didn't sell tickets, so they reversed the name!
They are not whales.

Anonymous said...

Tilikum did NOT kill 3 trainers. He may have killed an idiot who stayed in the park and illegally entered his tank. And he, with 2 other whales, prevented another trainer from leaving a tank resulting in her death.

This is really the only trainer Tilikum has killed by himself. Just putting that out there.

With that being said, Joe, there was a whaled named Kaiko (spelling?) who was the whale that played "Willy" in the movie, "Free Willy." Your readers should google what happened to that poor whale after the animal rights activists fought to have her freed. She was in fact freed - but died because her immune system could not fight the pollutants/diseases that are in the wild but not present in those nice, clean tanks.

It's a double edged sword.

My suggestion would be to put Tilikum in an environment that would put him on display, or allow him to live (in captivity, unfortunately) but have NO close interaction with humans.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the show should continue. I have been and it is wonderful to see the animals interact with the trainers. They love it and you can tell usually by the way they respond. This was unfortunate for sure. Just like when the owner of the tiger was attack in Vegas some years ago. They had a wonderful act and the tigers had a good life. I am sure they live many many more years in captivity than out looking for the next meal.

Anonymous said...

When they released the whale that played in the movie Free Willie back into the wild, it died because it didn't know how to fend for itself for food. Other than introducing Shamu to the kinzo knife and the sushi table, there's really nothing you can do with him other than what he's doing before he dies.

Anonymous said...

I heard that just before he took down the trainer he was heard saying, "Give me back that filet-of-fish, give me that fish."

Anonymous said...

If a whale had died or been injured, peta would be on the scene, saving the day. but, it's just people dying. why doesnt peta object to their captivity? in this most recent incident, i imagine the 12,000 lb. beast just wanted to play with his 100 pound trainer. he didn't know she could drown in the process. save the whale, forget about the people.

Anonymous said...

ESPN was in Orlando broadcasting live for their the question must be asked...was that a Killer Whale or Chris Berman at SeaWorld?

Anonymous said...

I think a large BBQ is at hand lots of lemon and butter please.