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Friday, November 27, 2009

Climategate E-mails Sweep America, May Scuttle Barack Obama's Cap And Trade Laws

Just a few considerations in addition to previous remarks about the explosion of the East Anglia Climategate e-mails in America. The reaction is growing exponentially there. Fox News, Barack Obama’s Nemesis, is now on the case, trampling all over Al Gore’s organic vegetable patch and breaking the White House windows. It has extracted some of the juiciest quotes from the e-mails and displayed them on-screen, with commentaries. Joe Public, coast-to-coast, now knows, thanks to the clowns at East Anglia’s CRU, just how royally he has been screwed.

Senator James Inhofe’s Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has written to all the relevant US Government agencies, acquainting them with the nature of the e-mails. But the real car crash for Obama is on Capitol Hill where it is now confidently believed his Cap and Trade climate legislation is toast. It was always problematic; but with a growing awakening to the scale of the scientific imposture sweeping the world, as far as the Antipodes, the clever money is on Cap and Trade laws failing to pass, with many legislators sceptical and the mid-term elections looming ever closer.

At the more domestic level, the proposed ban on incandescent light bulbs, so supinely accepted in this servile state of Britain, is now provoking a huge backlash in America. US citizens do not like the government coming into their houses and putting their lights out. Voters may not understand the cut and thrust of climate debate at the technical level, but they know when the Man from Washington has crossed their threshold uninvited.

The term that Fox News is now applying to the Climategate e-mails is “game-changer”. For the first time, Anthropogenic Global Warming cranks are on the defensive, losing their cool and uttering desperate mantras such as “You can be sceptical, not denial.” Gee, thanks, guys. In fact we shall be whatever we want to be, without asking your permission.

At this rate, Copenhagen is going to turn into a comedy convention with the real world laughing at these liars. Now is the time to mount massive resistance to the petty tyrants and hit them where it hurts – in the wallet. Further down the line there may be, in many countries, a question of criminal prosecution of anybody who has falsified data to secure funds and impose potentially disastrous fiscal restraints on the world in deference to a massive hoax. It’s a new world out there, Al, and, as you may have noticed, the climate is very cold indeed.



Anonymous said...

What a scam !

Anonymous said...

If Obama signs on to this he will be shredding our constitution by nullifying it anytime it contradicts the new agreement with the UN. If he signs this agreement, our constitution means nothing.

Anonymous said...

not to forget, it's now called the energy bill. if the name is changed...

Anonymous said...

Watch the libtards and environazis try to downplay this. Their arguement goes something like this:

1. These emails mean nothing, everybody knows global warming is happening
2. These are only a few scientists, what about the thousands of others that conclude global warming is real.
3. We shouldn't even discuss the content of emails that were illegally obtained
4. It doesn't matter, we still need to clean up and protect the environment.
5. You can't overrrule 30 years of science on a couple of emails
6. Those that claim there's no global warming aren't climatologist.

Nobody is talking about the computer code that was released along with the emails, where they are sticking in artificial numbers to reach their desired outcome of upward trends.
Nobody is talking about the fact that the computer file wasn't stolen at all but was released by a whistleblower from the inside.
Nobody is talking about the fact that the thousands of scientists that "agree" with man made global warming all based their conclusions on this group of scientists findings.
The whole house of cards has fallen down.
This is the biggest story this century and the MSM is ignoring it.
After all they were telling us that the world is coming to and end unless we comit to trillions of dollars in taxes and lower living standards. Now we don't have to do any of that. That's not news?
Micheal Mann should be the first to be prosecuted for this, followed by James Hanson. Pennsylvania State University should fire Mann immediatly.
Somehow though, I think certain people in powerful positions will protect these guys.

Anonymous said...

If he signs the Military will declare martial law and remove him from office !

Anonymous said...

Annon 920AM. You hit the nail on the head. I know a few libtards who say exactly what you wrote in the six excuses - to the tee. They must all learn the same things and talk the same way to people. Even their children respond the same way (children of libtards)
You can NEVER reason with them about ANYTHING.