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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Debbie Campbell - Right As Rain About Salisbury


It "MUST" be something in the Drinking Water - the contamination of issues and good will by inexperienced, dishonest, "controlled" reporting. Writers (if that's what you call them) for DT are a controlled substance disbursed at chosen intervals to poison the minds of the citizens of Salisbury. I am convinced that your blog is the ONLY place to get a REAL read on what's going on.

About the Salisbury Police... I have every belief, based on my own "experience" that the Police force is corrupt, that Chief Webster is a phony blow-hard puppet without the balls to even live in Salisbury but who shines his charisma to dance around crime and cover his own ass. Anyone with "half" a brain can see thru his charade at policing, which, unfortunately, includes lying, cheating, defaming, manufacturing ideas, "conveniently" concocting - leaking information and blatant distortion of TRUE FACTS. We know, that he will even stoop SO low as to have a speaker at City Council meeting "removed" because he and some "other" chamber members were AFRAID OF WHAT MIGHT BE SAID.....

Deb Campbell nor anyone should have to fall prey to the deceitful, vicious, mind games of politics in Salisbury.

Ms. Campbell h as proven to be the most forth right, honest, up-front citizen and council representative personally, professionally, morally. I have the utmost respect for her passion and earnest attempts to "make a difference" for Salisbury. She should be applauded for her continued efforts - however long they may survive. May god bless her, protect her and her family from the Hells of Salisbury and its corrupt police leader and his practices.

Thank you Joe for the opportunity to share my views OPENLY.

Soon-to-be Exiting Salisbury


Anonymous said...

Joe, this is a nice opinion, but I would really like to see GA's posts on Tape Gate again. They give a good perspective about how this most recent smear of Campbell has evolved.

Anonymous said...

You lump the whole department in your charge of "corrupt?" All the employees, Officers, Detectives, and non-sworn administrative personell are all hard working people with families. One might even be your neighbor. Are you going to go next door and call them corrupt to their face? Each one is working as hard as they can to keep this city from falling into the lawless hell it seems to be headed. But they won't let it happen. I want you to close your eyes and imagine this city without these hard working men and women. Or maybe you imagine yourself as the LONE CRIMEFIGHTER! You and people like you should go to the dept, pick up that application, or go to the city council with your resume' for the COP position and let YOUR expertise wipe crime off the map!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just noticed your signature. So you choose to criticize, then turn and run!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a harsh letter from soemone who was a victim of a serious crime. I salute the rank and file of the police department and just hope that the city gets its act together to really take a bite out of crime. I'm sorry that we're losing another resident who has been willing to invest their time and put their name out there in challenging what's going on. Rocking the boat can be very uncomfortable in Salisbury.

doug wilkerson said...

I agree, "Openly" sign what you believe or your just a "Paper Tiger", nothing more & nothing less. You cant stand on a soap box with a mask on your face.

Anonymous said...

11:10, I agree it's not fair to lump all police into the barrel. The post seems to focus on Webster. It's not unusual to have a dim view of a group if it's leader isn't up to par.

Maybe it's time for members of the force to exercise their whistleblower rights. I feel sorry for SPD members. Take back your department.

Fruitland Born

smitty240 said...

Doesn't everyone understand why Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen were brought under fire? They chose to upset the apple cart! They didn't adhere to the "good 'ol boy" club's guidelines. They chose to think independently, without the approval of the entrenched elite. These are the people that fear independent thinking. You are to be assimilated into the collective and not stand out by expressing your own thoughts. Bravo to these two ladies for having the courage to stand up to the established norm and take the council into a new, and potentially better, direction. Lord knows, it would be difficult to take it any further in a downward direction.

Anonymous said...

Webster has always been a Barrie puppet. He wasn't the choice to take police chief position, Barrie gave it to him anyway. Anyone put in place by Barrie Tilghman should be removed immediately. She removed good, honest people and replaced them with those she could control and manipulate. Remove them all, starting with the city solicitor and work your way down.

Jeff Livingston used to be a good honest man of integrity when he worked for Coulborne Dykes. Apparently, he has sold his soul to the devil.

Mark Tyler has always been a piece of work, complicit in Barrie Tilghmans removal of Coulbourne Dykes. He never could be trusted.

Clean out the third floor and watch the attitude of the other members of SPD change for the better.