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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do YOU Want Chief Webster Terminated?

Have you or anyone close to you been a victim of crime in Salisbury? Are you a fedup citizen? Stop complaining on this or any other blog. Get off your butts and go to the city council meeting Monday night at 6:00pm and let Jim Ireton and the Council majority know exactly how you feel.

Stop making excuses and pointing a finger at Ireton. Do your part. Like anything else in life, if you want it, you have to work to get it. Make Comegys, Smith and Shields know you are sick and tired of business as usual. Stop letting them work against the citizens of Salisbury.

Monday night, August 24th at 6:00 pm at the GOB. BE THERE and BE HEARD! Don't rely on others to speak for you. Speak for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Joe I agree with you on this, but think about it. Many of the people in Salisbury has had 12 years of retaliation with Barrie and her minions. Jim Ireton promised there would be no retaliation and that help was on the way. If he hasn't stuck to his promise and made the changes necessary how to you think the people will feel about coming forward and speaking out? I can't blame them for still living in fear. Nothing has changed, we still have John Pick, Lore Chambers, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields and Alan Webster. You can bet I won't make my voice heard, I have to make a living in this town.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! Ill be there. Where is it held?

Anonymous said...

Ireton and city council know we needs to replace the police chief. Are they waiting for the Public to fire the current one for them by maybe providing them a large enough "political" banner to hide behind?

Orsonwells said...

So, if every city citizen wanted the police chief fired, and 3 on the council wanted to keep him, and he had done no horrendous offense to deserve firing other than being asleep at the wheelhouse, COULD HE BE FIRED?

I'm just asking, because there's obviously a lot of hooplah about doing it, we're ALL tired of a shooting a week Salisbury, but in reality, who do we go to or what do we do about it?

Seems to me that if everyone carried an open weapon in town it may serve to thwart the criminal, but fill the jails up with US, which would leave no room for the thugs. So that leaves illegal concealed, because Maryland makes it all but impossible to get a permit. This action may get one of the "Good Guys" injured or dead.

Which leaves the open weapon look. WHY is this illegal; or is it? It's my second amendment right to bear arms, and as long as I'm not hiding anything and doing it out in the open, I want to do that.
I would feel really safe on 3rd Friday either downtown or on Baker street if ALL of us were armed and ready to go about our business walking together. Maybe it's time we go that direction with this town. We HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

If the police need help, (and they do) they need to call up this militia and ask us for help. It is provided for in the Constitution, and there are willing, honest, and forthright people willing to join in. We are just waiting to be asked, and if we're not asked by the local officials, then we may have to go it alone, and nobody wants that, not even us!

What do YOU think?

Anonymous said...

80% of SPD want the bald one fired. Someone is correct - that department is imploding and no one in this town gives a crap.

Anonymous said...

Nothing's changed as far as fear of speaking out, to those of us who must work within the system of that viper pit called the City of Salisbury. Complain about something and the next thing you know you're targeted. Maybe a time will come when this won't be the case, but it surely isn't now.
Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Orsonwells, if enough people come forward, then a it's a question of incompetent leadership. I can't believe he couldn't be fired for that legally.

For the person above, I don't know about political banners. It's more like sending them a political message, loud and clear!

Anonymous said...

You could have fifty people show up and the chief won't get terminated, UNLESS there's a formal charge. The deck is still stacked in his favor, regardless of his perceived incompetencies and manipulation of the truth. Given, barely anybody in blue or out likes him, but it's not basis for termination. For that, you need a violation of law or charter, with someone with clear evidence to back it up.
Don't look for anything to come of Monday night, other that people venting and getting five minutes of temporary relief.
I'd like to seem him go as much as Joe does, and be unemployable anywhere else (even Somerset County), but he's careful and backed by big money and advice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nothing's changed as far as fear of speaking out, to those of us who must work within the system of that viper pit called the City of Salisbury. Complain about something and the next thing you know you're targeted. Maybe a time will come when this won't be the case, but it surely isn't now.
Sad but true.

8:23 PM

I agree with the above comment. Nothing has changed and Jim Ireton needs to recognize the fact that many of the city employees played an important role in getting him elected. He promised change and help on the way. We will not get change as long as John Pick, Lore Chambers and other department heads are still in their positions. What we have is another individual looking for his 15 minutes of fame by getting elected. They are basically useless liars and extremely pathetic people. Mr. Ireton please prove us wrong and do the right thing. Get rid of Pick and the department heads.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the rank and file of the SPD need to take a vote of confidence or no confidence in the police chief. that will ring louder than ANY city council meeting. Come on guys do it and get the prick out of there. the true power is in your hands!!

Anonymous said...

To answer this question, I would answer with simple questions. During his tenure, 1) Has the crime rate increased or decreased? 2) Has the cases been solved in a timely manner? 3) Has the cold cases increased? 4) Has the moral increased or decreased? 5) What is the attitude ofthe Officers? 6) Does he really have an interest in Salisbury since he does reside within the City limits? These answers shows his concern for the citzens and his priorities. Watch around the College, University Park and University Village between 11am & 3pm now that semester is getting close to begining, you will find him in those areas on the cell phone site seeing like a old pervert.

Anonymous said...

Leatherbury or Lashley, both could clean this City up in 3 months. A local Police Chief who cares beats a retired Baltimore moron any day.

Anonymous said...

Good post. You saw earlier this year with Urban Salisbury that the Council needs to see an overflow crowd in order to do the right thing. Between crime locally and the health care debate nationally, you see that we need to be heard or the politicians will do as they please.
Show up Monday and voice your opinion as to why the Chief must go. If he lives 45 minutes away, how can he respond to a crisis? Does he have a cocktail in the evening and how might that impact his ability to respond to a crisis 24 hours a day? He openly campainged against the current mayor in the election claiming that crime was down in Salisbury. I believe he released the letters to the Daily Times that were considered a personal matter by the mayor, thus taking his beef with Campbell and Cohen to the media. As such he, has openly engaged in a political battle with two council members and the mayor. So, while crime has skyrocketed in the city, he has engaged in political bickering instead of fighting to reduce crime. The crime task force reported a 50% turnover rate in the Salisbury Police Department, which shows something is terribly wrong when half the employees are leaving. Webster also withheld information from the crime task force impeding their ability to perform their tasks. His denial of gangs in Salisbury has allowed a problem to fester and spread into a major problem. He closed the substations which reduced the presence of the police in the communities.
I'm also very upset with the three stooges on the council who have backed Webster all this time. Crime has risen markedly on their watch and they have done little to help the police of this city. They would rather spend a minimum of $50,000 on polluted land, money to purchase a truck to pull a hazmat trailor, and over $100,000 on a water tower that nobody outside of Newtown cares about. So the majority of the council is just as responsible for the awful violent crime rate in Salisbury that continues to climb each week. Just wait until the college students come back and see how many armed robberies are committed against them as they have always been a target of the thugs in this town. Webster must go and in the next election, Comegeys and Smith must be voted out.

Anonymous said...

sorry, Joe, Ireton doesn't have a set big enough to fire Webster. Might as well as forget about it. Let crime run rampart throughout Salisbury - no one really gives a damn.

Anonymous said...

now is the time for all good people to arm themself if the police can not do their job then its time for people to defend theirself this place has turned into a little baltimore with the gangs that the police dont belive we have here just look at the news now a shooting somewhere in salisbury almost every other day well come if it come to my house then the old saying will come true better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn t know Salisbury was blessed with so many experts. Wow getting rid of one individual will not relieve you people of this increased wave of crime. Look at society as a whole, we are at the end folks. The people that have somethings are being attacked by the have nots. Until the majority start saying this is enough and take over from this miserable leadership. You can expect worst....

Anonymous said...

Yo yo yo, Websters gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Do YOU Want Chief Webster Terminated?


Anonymous said...

1. Don't department heads serve at the pleasure of the mayor? (What does the charter say). No cause is needed if this is so.

2. Would love to go, but I voted with my feet 9 months ago, and moved out of town. I watched the city implode over 9 years.

Emailed these comments + more to the mayor over the crime survey from about 1-2 months ago

Anonymous said...

No, they dont serve at the pleasure of the mayor. it takes a council majority to approve any dismissal. Thanks to District 1, that's going to take another election cycle.

Anonymous said...

Lashley and Leatherbury wouldn't do anything they don't have the capacity to run a police department.

Anonymous said...

The police chief needs to do the Only honorable thing for him, at least save face and resign, and take Ireton with him.

Anonymous said...

He should have been terminated the day Ireton took office. That is the time to take care of business.
He does not have a good record.
Remember this is a "at will employment state" , meaning , you can fire anybody for anything or no reason at all.

Anonymous said...

apparently, no one has a "set" big enough to get anything done that needs doing....

Anonymous said...

11:53 - agreed. Both democrats and for show only.

Anonymous said...

Even the Daily Rag is demanding action!!!

Decision time for the mayor
Someone needs to make the call on Chief Webster's future

August 23, 2009

Anonymous said...

11:53PM, Your post shows how stupid you are, both are currently in charge of their respective department or barrack and have had distinguished careers in the State Police. It takes a community to work together to reduce crime and the community are not behind Webster or the City Police. The community would be behind Lashley or Leatherbury because they are local and they care. You are jealous because they both went higher and have more money then you.

Anonymous said...

Wont matter. All talks will lead to nothing.

Anonymous said...

There are many law enforcement officers who have distinquished themselves in their careers. The point of the matter is that someone needs to want the job; not for the salary. Dig deeper and maybe you'll find that both L and L only want high paying jobs with a title. Not because they WANT to clean up the mess Webster has created. Maybe you have missed all the sucking up to Webster they have been doing. I say get someone who can't stand the man. They will work much harder to fix the mess.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, can't go - already experienced the retaliation!

citygoer said...

Anon 8:36 said "The community would be behind Lashley or Leatherbury because they are local and they care."

I've seen lots of other "locals" that couldnt care less about anything here. Just because someone is local doesnt mean jack around here. IMHO most of the locals are the lazy ones w/out much pride. Go for a ride in the Bury sometime and check out all the trash and unkept houses that there are around.

Find someone with some REAL CAJONES and clean up this sh*thole.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 8:36 is on to something. Let's put some black leaders in charge of the City Police and see if they can do any better.

joealbero said...

anonymopus 3:12, what the heck doea a black leader have to do with anything. Salisbury needs a Leader, period. Not a fake cop who refuses to wear a uniform and threAtens to sue any time his performance is challenged.

Screw Webster! Fire the useless Chief before anyone else gets killed and bring in someone, (like Leatherbury) who has roots here as well as PRIDE. It's a no brainer, but it doesn't make a difference if they're black or white or whatever.