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Monday, July 20, 2009

Yeah, We Just Happened To Slip This 4x4 Vehicle In A Capsule, NOT!

You believers are kidding me, right????????


Anonymous said...

I didn't know GM had a manufacturing plant on the moon.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that we did not go to the moon in 1969. How can we let them lie to us like this?

Anonymous said...

There are millions of people now, in 2009 who know for a fact that we never went to the moon. Now it is a joke. Why do we all continue with this sharade?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I must have been out sick the day that the news showed that it was a fake. I don't remember ANYONE proving it was faked, yet YOU have proof? Show me.

joealbero said...

Click the link in the article just below this one. Then come back and tell everyone it was real. This has to be JT because he can't read or write and pays no attention to anything but hate.

Anonymous said...

You mean the Gov't LIES!!! I'm Shocked!

Anonymous said...

It was real.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Joe. I read the article and all it is is one man's opinion. No proof. And no, I'm not JT whoever that is.

Anonymous said...

You also believe in the "grassy knoll" theory too, I bet.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for doubting the accomplishment of these brave Americans!

Anonymous said...

Flat Earth folks still exist but we went to the moon!
Hate to burst so many under educated bubbles.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:28, aka, JT, yeah, it's not you., LOL

The mere fact that you allegedly read the entire article and walked away still convinced we landed on the moon without any debate clearly tells me you're a liar. You are JT and like it or not I know exactly every time you come to this site and comment. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

I guess Walter Cronkite was fooled as well?

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Walter Cronkite he has kissed more comie a$$ than Castro

joealbero said...

I pulled it because I knew it was JT who posted it. How you feel about that now JT. Yeah, we know each and every time you're on here, like I said before. Thanks for the laugh though. You'll say anything against what I have to say. By the way Idiot, you know how we also know how many hits, (or lack thereof) you get on your site. Look at your YouTube hits, you Idiot. You only get 20 or so every time you put one up. You are so stupid it isn't funny. It's no wonder you lost 60% of your visitors in three months. You're like Michael, lying about your hits and then you get snagged.

Sorry Folks, I just had to get him back real quick. Ignore this comment. It will reach him and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of a space guru so here we go...The LRV (Lunar Roving Vehicle) was not carried in a capsule. The LRV never touched the lunar surface until Apollo 15 in 71'. They used the Lunar Landing Module named "Eagle" to land on the moon with the LRV. The LRV was actually NOT inside the Module either, it was mounted to the outside of the the space craft. It actually folded down to nearly half of it's 10'x 6' assembled dimensions. Scope out the links below...




So Joe, you are right, the LRV did not go to the moon in a went on a Lunar Landing Module...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I believe

joealbero said...

Okeydokey 3:04.

Anonymous said...

Don't try and confuse Joe with the facts. He has an OPINION the same as everyone else. Sorry Joe.....still not JT.

Anonymous said...

here we go again, I thought we covered this ground last week. We did land on the moon. It has all been debunked numerous times- yet like most lies, they become accepted truth if you don't keep fighting them. There is no scientific evidence supporting a fake moon landing However,there is plenty of scientific proof that we did. Unfortunately, people just want to believe the worse about gov't, that their out to screw you at every turn, and that no conceivable good can come about. good website debunking the "we didn't land on the moon" people. Be enlightened and go read it.

Anonymous said...

Joe, If we never went to the moon then how did we discover the alien moon bases there? Answer that question!

Anonymous said...

Are you serious, Joe?

joealbero said...

I've got you thinking and talking, don't I.

Anonymous said...

Your last comment just proves that you don't care about the spaghetti you throw on the wall, you just like to see what sticks and what slides to the floor.

Anonymous said...

joe are you serious, if we didn't really land on the moon try to explain to me where moon pies came from

Anonymous said...

Joe, just a question from reading this and your other posts about you think the Gemini and Mercury missions were fake as well, or is it just the first moon landing? Does this apply to the other Apollo missions as well? Other space flights since by NASA?

As I said, just curious what you might think about that. I don't know if I have read arguments against other missions and whatnot (elsewhere online), it always seems to be Apollo 11 that stirs it up.

Always fun to read debates on this I think either way!

Anonymous said...

I don't buy into the "facts" anyone went to the moon and my husband doesn't believe Dinosaurs roamed earth! He thinks I am nuts and I think he is nuts, so I guess it just goes to show we all have our theories and beliefs. Just because we don't agree on facts or lack there of doesn't mean we can't respect each others opinions and move on!

Anonymous said...

"I've got you thinking and talking, don't I."

Should have a ? on it. So you are just trying to stir up hits and comments huh? Sounds a lot like something an ex-contributor here would do.

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

Here is something to debunk all of this: Since this guy thinks the moon landing was filmed alongside 2001, what is a major F**K up with 2001?

The color of the Earth is too lite. If the moon landing used the same footage wouldn't the Earth in NASA clips be a too lite blue as well?

Anonymous said...

We landed. The Lunar Recon Orbiter just photographed every landing site over the past few weeks. Get over it. Search "LRO".

duck around said...

Joe, really. trolling for comments is beneath you. You don't need to do this to drive traffic to your site. Between this and the anti-Obamathon you've had going the past 2 weeks, I'm not sure which one is more of a sign of desperation.

And all of your "But, but, but Clinton! No, wait, I mean, we didn't land on the moon!" questions can be answered here. And here. And here

Buzs Aldrin had the right answer. When confronted by a man who shoved a Bible in his face and demand he swear he landed on the moon, he did the only logical thing.

He decked him with one punch.

Anonymous said...

How many trips to the moon did Russia make?

Orsonwells said...

I just got off the Flat earth Society's page and tried to join. After filling out their grueling test and form, the "submit" button wasn't linked to anything! "No url found" was all i got! And have you read their mission statement? It's something to believe in for sure, Joe. If you find out how I can join, let me know!
And no, we didn't go to the moon, Elvis and MJ are now living together as gay lover drug addicts, and it was the grassy knoll.
On a lighter note, your government is NOT lying to you. Obama DID print up the extra $800 BILLION and blew it for you without your permission, and will hold your neck to the grindstone until you pay it back.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to those Lunar Reconnaisance Orbitor pictures:

Anonymous said...

well i watched a show on the history channel that showed the live news cast of the 1969 landing it seemed all too strange to me.the astronauts looked transparent especially to lighter objects in the background i know they were in outer space but i think people are still solid matter that cant be seen through in space!

Anonymous said...

When standing on the moon one cannot see the stars. Why? I don't know, but you can't see the stars.

duck around said...


Easily explained - the exposure time of the camera wasn't long enough to capture the stars' light.

From Yahoo! Answers:

"Exposure for objects in full sunlight (100 ISO film) 1/125 at F16

Exposure for capturing stars > 1 second at F2.8

The stars are underexposed by 11 stops or so. Try recording that dynamic range on any film."

Anonymous said...

Look at just about any picture taken from the space shuttle with the earth in the foreground and the black of space in the background and you won't see any stars either. Are the stars not there? No, picture just doesn't capture the faint light from the stars due to the film and camera settings.