The Worcester County Sheriff's Department and the Pocomoke Police have arrested Billy Burke, husband of Stephanie Burke who just ran for the City Council Seat in Pocomoke. While Stephanie has been all over the news recently based on a very interesting and questionable absentee ballot challenge, Billy Burke seems to have gotten himself into some really serious trouble.
It has been reported that Billy has been charged with multiple counts of wiretapping as he recorded conversations with multiple people, including Mayor Mike McDermott. He then posted those conversations on his Blog after excerpting them and this is completely illegal. In the state of Maryland it is completely against the law to record any conversation with anyone without their consent.
In speaking with Mayor McDermott last last night he said he completely supports any one's first amendment rights, people have died to provide that freedom in America. He went on to say, however, when someone abuses the first amendment, they deserve to be punished.
I did speak to Billy earlier and he has admitted to making such a mistake. The Police came to his home with a search warrant and arrest warrant and witnesses said they saw the Police carrying boxes of materials out to their vehicle.
The evidence will be taken to Pikesville, Maryland to be processed and reviewed and further charges are pending. I'm also told the possibility of multiple civil lawsuits may be in order against Mr. Burke as well.
Bloggers are certainly accountable as well Ladies & Gentlemen. When someone tells you not to do something and they purposely go ahead and do it anyway, there's a price to pay for that as well. I have experienced the same situation with the Fat Man, telling him to leave my Wife and Grandson out of it. He admits in his own words on his Posts that I told him this and he went ahead and did it anyway. That's harassment.
Nevertheless, Billy Burke will have his hands full and one can only hope it was worth the price because I know and I'm sure most everyone reading this Post knows, you can't just go taping someone without their permission. I'm sure there will be lots more to come some time later today but Salisbury News has it first and it will take some time before anyone else gets their hands on this.
See you in the morning.
UPDATE 12:37 AM: This just in from Billy Burke.
"Dear Joe:
I was just arrested and all of our computers were seized by the Pocomoke Police Dept for recording the Mayor of Pocomoke City making incriminating statements about the City Manager on the steps of City Hall.
I had no idea that it was a felony to record someone without their permission in the State of Maryland even if that person is the Mayor standing in the same exact location where Mayors have traditionally made public proclamations'.
The arrest warrant was issued in direct retaliation for our complaints of voter fraud during the election earlier this week and the warrant was dated Tuesday April 7th 2009 at 11:00 AM DURING the election.
I was arrested shortly after returning from Holy Thursday Mass and processed in Pocomoke by the PD then taken to a commissioner in Ocean City who released me on my own recognizance.
The reason for the arrest was the contents of the attached recording where Pocomoke City Mayor Mike McDermott admits to witnessing City Manager Boss Hogg Russell Blake DESTROY public government documents that were under an active Maryland Public Information Act (FOIA) request.
The entire 37 minute rant by Mayor McDermott that was made on the steps of City Hall which is a public place where one would have no expectation of privacy can be heard at this link:
He is clearly trying to intimidate my wife Stephanie Burke who was running for City Council and stated that "I have a plan, why don't you move" and he also stated that he did not care that the city bulldozed toxic asbestos into a big hole by the Pocomoke river poisoning the citizens to bring in a few jobs.
Our cell phones have been seized along with out digital cameras, video cameras, external hard drives, recording devices and more.
Boss Hogg does not like having the States Attorney called in to investigate a crooked election nor does he like it when a recording of his stooge Mayor is made public.
We need your help and the help of the public.
If you can post and distribute these recordings it will show what is really going on in Pocomoke City.
The people need to know how openly corrupt the Pocomoke City Government is and that Boss Hogg will use his private police force to intimidate people into keeping him in power.
It's scary, really scary....
Billy provided two links to the audio mp3 files but I had to remove them as I have been advised that I too could be brought in for providing such information that is under investigation. Sorry Billy but I do know the law in Maryland and I do know the taping was illegal and cannot participate by providing the recordings. I'm confident you'll understand. Joe
Update #2:
Case Information
Court System:
Case Number:
1I00083721Tracking No:081002045456
Case Type:
District Code:
02Location Code:04
Document Type:
WARRANTIssued Date:04/07/2009
Case Status:
Defendant Information
Defendant Name:
POCOMOKE CITYState:MDZip Code:21851 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date:
05/07/2009Trial Time:09:00 AMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:301 COMMERCE STREET SNOW HILL 21863-1007
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:WIRETAPPING
Amended Date:
CJIS Code:1 5705MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From:
Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code:
CXAgency Sub-Code:23Officer ID:0086
OK... I will admit I know nothing of this but exactly where was he taped? Was it a conversation in a public place or was it a phone call? I do know you can not record a phone call with out consent. But if he was in public is that differant? Where exactly and how were the comments recorded?
Read the Post and it will tell you. Nevertheless, you cannot record someone without their consent. If it's a Council Meeting, it's fine. But clearly you cannot just go taping people and then use it to your advantage. Sorry, it's the law.
Section 10-402(a)(1) and (2) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Annotated Code of Maryland:
(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subtitle it is unlawful for any person to:
(1) Willfully intercept, endeavor to intercept, or procure any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication;
(2) Willfully disclose, or endeavor to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subtitle.
The following is excerpts having to do with recording a Mayor on the courthouse steps making statements to the public. Pay particular attention to the definition of "oral communication" and "private conversation".
Billy did nothing wrong, according to this.
(2) (i) “Oral communication” means any conversation or words spoken to or by any person in private conversation.
(ii) “Oral communication” does not include any electronic communication.
(15) “Readily accessible to the general public” means, with respect to a radio communication, that the communication is not:
(i) Scrambled or encrypted;
(ii) Transmitted using modulation techniques the essential parameters of which have been withheld from the public with the intention of preserving the privacy of the communication; or
(iii) Except for tone–only paging device communications, transmitted over frequencies reserved for private use and licensed for private use under federal or State law.
(17) “Aural transfer” means a transfer containing the human voice at any point between and including the point of origin and the point of reception.
(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subtitle it is unlawful for any person to:
(1) Willfully intercept, endeavor to intercept, or procure any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or electronic communication;
(2) Willfully disclose, or endeavor to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subtitle; or
(3) Willfully use, or endeavor to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subtitle.
(3) It is lawful under this subtitle for a person to intercept a wire, oral, or electronic communication where the person is a party to the communication and where all of the parties to the communication have given prior consent to the interception unless the communication is intercepted for the purpose of committing any criminal or tortious act in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States or of this State.
Joe, don't be upset with me for asking this, but didn't you tape someone at the zoo and play the recording on your blog?
So its against the law to tape a public speech?
I'm sorry but his excuse for not knowing the law doesn't pass muster. If he was doing it for legitimate purpose, he should have told McDermott what he was doing. I know you have a friendship with these people Joe but something with them doesn't add up. The word dirty comes to mind.
Do you suppose that, if the results of the election and those INCREDIBLE absentee votes had not been questioned, this arrest would have occured? Of course not.
This is similar to the situation with Joe and the real estate transaction in Pittsville. Using power of elected office to inflict harm on individuals who cause displeasure to those elected officials SUCKS. I hope that the power of the "press", or in this case "blog" brings this sort of thing out in the open, at long last. Pocomoke, hang in there. Soon Help will be on the way to your area!
Maybe it's time for our sheriff's offic to go to Jonathan Taylors welfare apartment and confiscate his computers.
Hats off to Mr. Burke for risking his welfare to expose those crooks!
This happened not only because of the protest about the election, but because McDermott (who is not even remotely liked by his WCSO co-workers) wants to run against Jim Mathias for his seat in the House.
The recordings show a side of McDermott that people who know him have seen repeatedly - the temper tantrums, and irrational ranting and raving when he is caught in the wrong - and for the rest of the voting public to hear this might damage what campaign he imagines he has.
McDermott is a scary individual with a pretty scary track record.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse!!!!
This is directly from the MD Attorney General's office website.
Statements that a person "knowingly expose(s) to the public" are NOT made with a reasonable expectation of privacy and therefore ARE NOT protected as "oral communication" under the State and federal wire tapping laws.
I'd say the steps of city hall is about a public place as any.
I've never seen the other guy's blog, but it if contains rants and viscious personal attacks like this one, it's only a matter of time before the self-rightous make a mistake and slip, with the government close by to step in and grab you arm. In time, everyone gets their just rewards. Karma is truly something.
Files still available on Pocomoke Tattler at 8:30 a.m.
7:09 Shhhhh. Let that be our little secret. "Bad boy, bad boy, what you going to do, what you going to do when they come for you?"
The law's pretty simple. You cannot record a conversation, anywhere, public or private, without the person's consent. The "I didn't know" defense does not work in this instance.
It should feel 'dirty' it's going down in P CITY where YOU have NO POWER if "they" want you 'they' will have you.
Corrupt,incompitant,and imorral is what you have in Pocomoke politics.
Things will not change in Pocomoke until THEY are MADE to change!
Sounds like crap to me this law. If you are taped in private conversation sure , law should stand but a public convo? Major BS.
That election made Salisbury's look tame. That amount of absentee ballots should be investigated. The candidates were nearly tied at around 50 votes each (around 100 total votes). Then the absentee votes are counted and there were more than double the amount of people who actually went out and voted. They were overwhelmingly in favor of the other candidate. Smaells like some serious fraud to me. Has this ever happened, where there are about 250 absentee votes and 100 voters in person? I can see a military town, but Pocomoke?
Few people would scarifice the way Billy and Stephanie have if they didn't want to change their quailty of life and bring true democracy to their local government.
Here in Salisbury we are lucky we just got rid of "Vlad thee Impailer."
We all know what the "Good Ole Boyz" are, if they had their way there'd still be lynchings!
I don't understand why law enforcement takes the whole computer and not just take the hard drive? It's not hard, even I can take a hard drive out. Save a lot of time.
Hang in there, best wishes.
it IS perfectly legal to record a conversation in a 'public' place where others can be expected that the conversation to be heard.
This is just more of Pocomokes strong arm tactics.
Otherwise, every news outlet would be punished by law or sued by criminals daily.
again, what Billy did IS perfectly legal. Read the laws about recording in a "public place" I'd say Pocomoke better have it's ducks in a row this time, they have screwed up.
Maryland State courts have interpreted the laws to protect communications only when the parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and thus, where a person in a private apartment was speaking so loudly that residents of an adjoining apartment could hear without any sound enhancing device, recording without the speaker's consent did not violate the wiretapping law. Malpas v. Maryland, 695 A.2d 588 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1997); see also Benford v. American Broadcasting Co., 649 F. Supp. 9 (D. Md. 1986)
If this occurred on the front steps of Pocomoke's city hall, there is no expectation of privacy.
Sorry, Joe, but as an attorney who has worked on both sides of similar cases, this is not at all a crime. Unless you've dramatically fumbled the details, I'm fairly certain there's no crime here. The above quoted code from Anon 5:39 is pertinent. If you care to update details, it would be appreciated.
Can you imagine the porn on JT's computer?
Someone turned me on to "Malpas vs State." I believe it was an appellate decision in which the judges concluded that the wiretapping laws were not violated when: 1. the person doing the recording is in a lawful place
2. the statements were knowingly exposed to the public and
3. could the presence of someone else hearing the conversation be reasonable anticipated (by McDermott)
I can say the law can be bent to the benifit of Goverment. This arrest is total abuse of the law. The crime does not fit the bill. I can assure you if McDermott had anything to do with this he will never see my vote for any position in which he chooses to run. This is a case that should be in a civil court. When our elected officials make a statement on the steps of a goverment building and we the people are not allowed to record such statement. The law has been twisted to fit goverment.
All i know is that Pocomoke has a long reputation of corruption to include your buddy Frank White ( former poice chief) Do you home work Joe. The historical and blatant corruption goes back the 80's. It is sad that the Mayor claims to be a Christian. I do see "God" in his work. We all answer to a higher being. I would keep that in mind when we target those who exspose the lees than ethical behavior by those we put in place. If in fact the voting is as corrupt as pointed out maybe "We the people" did not put them there at all.
The crime in that city as well as the corrupt politicians is sickening. If the general public knew the perception of local law enforcement not associated with the Pocomoke P.D. they would be apalled.
I do not defend the actions of this man. I do not know him, but on its face it appears he has stepped on the wrong political toes. We faught this very behavior in Iraq and other dictaterships. Our forefathers faught this behavior on this soil.
Whats next total sensorship. I am amazed they took these actions. i can assure you if he recorded him stating anything positive in the same light of the facts no action would be taken.
If anyone should defend this man it is Joe Albero. Joe you have pushed the envelope nuerous times. I know you have been targeted for things 100's of others have done.
The message here is clear dont tred on those with the power we gave them.
I am losing faith in the legal syatem all around us. The hypocrisy is disturbing to say the least. When leaders say do as I say not as I do we are in real trouble.
I have followed your work and know that you can not agree with this arrest. If you like this man or not. It is very clear he caught something on tape. The seizure of audio equitment that was not used is an attempt to "Go fishing" They are attempting to shut this guy down or at least keep him quiet. It makes one wonder what they fear he has.
I am in no way a fan of the A.C.L.U. but this person should contact them. If he beats the charge he should then contact Peter Angelos of Baltimore City and see what financial compensation can be had. Do not sue the city sue the person. The Tort law protects goverment and allways will. It is the only avenue for the comman man to swing back against the machine that goverment has become.
Robin Cockey is another local attorney that is not affraid to kick corrupt goverment in the nuts. It is time for all free men to take a stand against repression.
If anyone has read this law is nothing more than a law to protect the goverment. It amazes me that in the very state our constituion was signed has the most strigent wire tap laws in the country. In Pa. it take an act of god to get a wire tap. Who are they protecting you and I. I dont think so. When the steps of a public building. That in the past have been used to release media i highly doubt this will fly at a state court level. This man needs to appeal this to the highest court in the land. I think the more media exsposure this gets the greater chance to get a fair trial exist.
I would love to know who wrote this search and seizure warrant. If they know he did not have his computer on the steps of the building why where they seized. It sure appears they went way beyond the scope of the warrants intended procurement of evidence.
Here in Ocean City, this is being compared to the dead baby case from a few years back-the exceptions to the statute being overlooked.
Someone said "poor Joel Todd is probably thinking--- S** O* A B****, I told Mayor McDermott not to read the blogs"
Did I go to bed to early or what.
In the long run this will probably be the push to get the ball rolling in cleaning up Pocomokes political scene. I think in time this is a blessing, it might not seem like it now. Trust me its all in the light of day now.
It is funny how the police tell us why they cant legally pursue leads on the Christine Sheddy case, but they can twist the laws to arrest Billy.
Violations of the law are felonies punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of not more than $10,000. Civil liability for violations can include the greater of actual damages, $100 a day for each day of violation or $1,000, along with punitive damages, attorney fees and litigation costs. To recover civil damages, however, a plaintiff must prove that the defendant knew it was illegal to tape the communication without consent from all participants. MD. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 10-410.
State courts have interpreted the laws to protect communications only when the parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and thus, where a person in a private apartment was speaking so loudly that residents of an adjoining apartment could hear without any sound enhancing device, recording without the speaker’s consent did not violate the wiretapping law. Malpas v. Maryland, 695 A.2d 588 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1997); see also Benford v. American Broadcasting Co., 649 F. Supp. 9 (D. Md. 1986) (salesman’s presentation in stranger’s home not assumed to carry expectation of privacy).
if the attorney that posted would like to contact me, between my civil rights that Pocomoke violated and now this on Mr Burke, if you're interested you could buy your wife a nice new home, car, etc. by the time you get done with pocomoke.
Anonymous said...
Can you imagine the porn on JT's computer?
9:49 AM
Yes and I understand it is porn involving children. He is one sick individual.
First the voters of Pocomoke were used and conned into voting by absentee ballots and now the loopy politicians and city officials are using the members of our law enforcement to make bogus arrests.
I wonder WHO "got the ball rolling" with respect to the initial investigation of "wiretapping?"
McDermott is a law enforcement official besides the mayor.
I wonder if this could be construed as an abuse of power issue?
anonymous 7:09, absolutely not.
Michael McDermott
"I was informed by the Office of the WorCo State's Attorney that I was a victim in a case involving an illegal wiretap"
So state's attorney's office, just out of the blue, decided to investigate and concluded a crime was committed?
That mayor down there must think alot of people were born yesterday!
1015--are you on crack?Robin Cockey standing up to corruption? He is as slimy,greedy,immoral and unethical as they come. He is right up Barries buttocks and has defended the rich and powerful slumlords against the ordinary citizen. You had me until that particular statement.
Wiretaping is what got Linda Tripp in so much hot water over that Clinton/Lewinsky mess.
Anon 12:34, Tripp recorded telephone conversations-completely different scenio.
As for Cockey he is an attorney keep that in mind. If he could protect the "Mare" then keep in mind he does know Maryland Tort. I am no fan of his but a highly respected Tort Attorney from baltimore told me he is the best on the shore when it comes to tort. I personally do not like the man. If you want to try the devil sometimes one has to go to hell to get the right advocate. Sorry Mr. Cockey it is what it is. Those that are the best at protecting the goverment are the best at screwing them as well.
I am going by what I have read. The best in maryland is Karp & Karpinski. As you might guess they are all ready on the pay role of most local Goverments through the LIGIT Insurance Company. It is sad they could right a lot of wrongs. They are getting the big bucks. Sadly our bucks when we go after Goverment i can only guess but i am sure our tax dollars fund this insurance carrier.
McDermott needs to take a long hard look at himself in the mirror. I fear he has become the monster he once pursued. Power is a sin when used to harm others.
I fear it will only get worse as time passes. The American people need to keep the ball rolling in making goverment accountable. If the election process is in fact as corrupt as stated by those living in that community a major suit needs to be filed and pursued.
Good luck and God speed to all those affected by this abuse of power.
OK, from the horses mouth.
I called the FBI and they confirmed that recording in a public place IE the steps of city hall has absolutely nothing to do with the federal wiretapping law. They directed me to the Attorney generals office, (410-576-6300) I spoke to an attorney there and he said it is perfectly legal to record a conversation in any public setting, he could not give any advise other than interpret the law which he clearly said that Billy Burke was within his rights has has even more leeway being a journalist. He also said the law is very clear in that what a public place is. "anywhere a person can be overheard in public with the exception of a privet bedroom and/or bathroom"
McDermott's press release makes it appear as though the State's Attorney office initiated this investigation. I'm not buying it.
Anon 12:34, Tripp recorded telephone conversations-completely different scenio.
But in the state of Maryland, both parties have to know that the recording is going on. Tripp did't tell Lewinski.
If Maryland had quickly charged and taken Tripp to court over the illegal recordings, the contents would be "fruits of the poisonous tree" and the whole Clinton BJ affair rendered moot.
Anon 1:28 it's the whole "expectation of privacy" thing. When you are on the telephone you expect that your conversation is private. When you are on the steps of city hall, you can reasonably expect that your conversation won't be private.
Are we to believe that Joel Todd's office has nothing better to do than to sit around and say,"hey lets contact Mikey," and let him know that Billy Burke taped him on the front steps of City Hall!!! Noooooooo!!! Give me a break. Mikey, Joel Todd told you to stay off the Tattler. Should have done what you were told. Better yet, you should have done what was right in the first place....SERVE THE PEOPLE. Now your arrogance and self serving manner has come home to bite you in the a**. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
If McDermott can't take the little bit of heat the Burkes put on him, he sure as heck can't take the scrutiny that would be placed upon him and his entire family if he were elected as a Delegate.
His son would have to stop using the 'my dad is a detective' thing every time he gets pulled over, and McDermott himself would need to learn to control himself under pressure, which he has NEVER been able to do.
His actions this time may have been just enough to draw the much-needed attention to Pocomoke and its corruption. Several members of law enforcement have expressed the need to go back into Pocomoke and take over the PD again, and these are all coworkers of the mayor.
I dont know anyone that would touch McDermott with a 10 foot pole about now. His credibility is out the window. What ever political dreams he had aspired too, in my opinion, is lost. Who in their right mind would elect this out of control, self absorbed, holier than thou, poor excuse for a mayor/detective? NOT ME!!! you reap what you sow.
I'd be willing to be that the wiretapping was only an excuse to do a thorough investigation of this man and his wife.
She will shut up about possible corruption now I'll bet and that is what they wanted.
Isn't that called blackmail?
Anon 3:01, about a month or so ago, I expressed concern with my police department, Ocean City, because an overwhelming number of those being arrested here, were from Pocomoke. I was told it was all due to drugs and Pocomoke was the only town in the county without a drug task force & the county drug task force wasn't welcomed in Pocomoke.
You dont know Mrs Wymzie very well buddy.
Anon 2:12, The arrest warrant for Billy Burke was issued on April 7th, the day the Nibblet murder trial started. I agree with you.
It's probably safe to bet they were tied up with important things that day.
I can assure you that Billy and Stephanie Burke will stay true to their ideals. This will not shut them up. This will only fuel their desire to prove to all, that all they want is the truth. Whats wrong with a transparent government? I dont get it. This couple should be applauded for standing up for what they believe in. God Bless them.
Joe, I have to commend you for the cautious approach...... A lot of what has been said before me is nonsense and based on poor information and maybe some prejudice.....My mother lives in the district where the council vote was held and Tracy Cottman visited there on several occassions. She handed out absentee ballot applications and returned and picked them up for voters so that a ballot could be mailed. She verified who my mother was and all other persons who she did this for. Mom asked me if I knew either candidate. I know Steph and have seen Tracy at a few meetings. I made no recommendation but learned later that steph did not even send anything out until the day befor and bever went to the area where my mom lives. I think that steph just got out played on the absentee issue and worked hard for her vote....I also think Pocomoke is getting real tired of the Burkes methods in securing change.....A 1/2 century resident of pocomoke city and worcester county. Howard
If we take Joe's report at face value it appears Burke has tacitly admitted taping several phone conversations well beyond the Pocomoke Mayor's "courthouse steps" conversation people seem to be focusing on. If Burke's defense is "I was too stupid and arrogant to know better" then he's in for a paddling.
It's sickening to see Burke trying so desperately to make so many lame, pathetic excuses for his criminal behavior. If a politician tried that he would fry them, but now that he's in trouble he's not above wallowing in the same mud puddle of excuses.
Burke is an arrogant ass who's finally getting his well deserved comeuppance.
well if that's so, it's proof right there of voter fraud in pocomoke.
Any person who assists a voter in the completion of an absentee ballot application must complete the new assistor portion on the application.
No candidate in the election for which an absentee ballot is being requested can provide any assistance whatsoever in the handling of the absentee ballot including being an authorized messenger for absentee voter.
First, to the last Anonymous who posted: It is ILLEGAL for ANYONE to handle an absentee ballot after it was signed other then the Post Office and election officials. It is ALSO a fraud for a voter to send in an absentee ballot if they are perfectly able to vote in person. God knows, and so do the Election Officials, Mayor Mike McDermott, and Tracy Cottman, that 175 citizens who voted by absentee ballots were LYING when they swore that they were unable to personally go to the polls on April 7th.
That said, what Billy Burke did was NOT against the law!
Maryland Md. Code Ann., Courts and Judicial Proceedings §10-402 yes yes yes - § 10-410.
"State courts interpreted laws to protect communications only when parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Speaking on the steps of City Hall in Pocomoke City, a public forum, gives Mayor McDermott NO "reasonable expectation of privacy".
Billy Burke is obviously being harrassed by Mayor McDermott who openly supported Tracy Cottman against Mr. Burke's wife, Stephanie, for 5th District Council seat.
Billy Burke is innocent of all charges and quite likely has a civil suit case against the City of Pocomoke.
Maybe, finally, the Mayor has stepped too far in his quest to hide the illegality and fraud of the recent election, and his reign of terror on the citizens of Pocomoke City will end!
Anon 4:43 No where do I see written by either Joe or Mr. Burke, that the converstation in question occured on the telephone.
The taped conversation was made on the steps of city hall. Explain what you mean by Mr Burke "has tactily admitted taping several phone conversations."
I'm going to take up for the other side this time. Howard's comment is in reference to the ballot application not the ballot itself. Different ballgame.
12:50 thanks for clearing that it.I guess I thought wiretaping was on a phone. Seems I was wrong. I wonder how the police get around this if they put a wire on someone.
If all that was done was to tape someone talking in public this is a bunch of horse hockey
Billy is not one to stand down without a good fight - stay tuned folks! This fight has hardly begun...(and for all you anonymous's out there - state your name and be recognozed - cowards!)
...has tactily admitted taping several phone conversations."
This was posted by a Boss Hogger trying to defend the open corruption in Pocomoke City.
No phone calls have been recorded.
Folks they are really reaching for anything to hold onto.
The seizure of electronics was Boss Hogg's feeble attempt to shut down the Pocomoke Tattler.
Some cower to intimidation tactics, true Patriots fuggin' stand up and fight back!
If you let yourself get walked over all your life that's just what you get. You have to be able to stare them down straight into the eye. If that doesn't work, sucker punch'um : )
I don't know Ka-rat-e, but I know I-swing-low :O
Need a puter Billy, I got an extra?
C'mon Joe he's one of the good guys. You know what they were up to and don't let a very stretched technicality get in the way.
Follow the bouncing ball here folks. Stephanie ran for City Council. On election day 4/7/9 she took pictures of McDickwad who "claims" he is a Republican. The pictures show McDickwad standing with 2 of the largest backers of the Democratic party in WorCo. Shortly after those pictures were taken, McDickwad went to the Pocomoke City Police Dept. and swore out a warrant against Billy Burke. WHY??? Is it because he's afraid that those pictures will be used to show him the incompetent lap dog of the democratic machine in Worcester County? Is it because Stephanie filed a complaint charging voter fraud in the election? Is it because neither Steph nor Billy are afraid to call B***S*** on his broken campaign promises? Is it because the Tattler is being read and seen by people across the state and he is looking like a spoiled baby who hasn't been taking his meds?
I don't know. I really don't. I have my suspicions though.
But here's the thing...if McDickwad is willing to spend THIS MUCH time on this subject and this blog what exactly is he afraid will come out? Is there something WORSE in the mayor's closet?
Can't the Daily Rag get their breaking news stories right?
POCOMOKE: Candidate's wife charged with illegally taping mayor
By Jenny Hopkinson • Staff Writer • April 10, 2009
SNOW HILL — Local blogger William Burke has been charged with a wiretapping offense after he recorded a conversation between himself; his wife, District 4 city council candidate Stephanie Burke; and Pocomoke City Mayor Michael McDermott, and posted it on a Web site.......
And were with you all the way.
Hey Mata who were the Dems McDickwad were hanging out with? I will make sure my fellow Republicans at the Central Committee know what is going on. Can I get a copy of those pictures.
Anonymous said...
......The best in maryland is Karp & Karpinski. As you might guess they are all ready on the pay role of most local Goverments through the LIGIT Insurance Company.
1:01 PM
You are correct, they are on the payroll and have already been used by Officer Brumley.
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Name: Brumley, M L
Address: 101 Clark Ave
City: Pocomoke CityState:MDZip Code:21851
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Karp, Esq, Daniel
Practice Name:
Address: 120 East Baltimore Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21202-1605
Lee Brumley did you ever think your predatory habits involving minors would ever be exposed? How about that young girl from Virginia that you used to abuse? Weren't you married at the time?
6:41 The answer to your question is spelled out right in the state statute dealing with wiretapping:
"(ii) It is lawful under this subtitle for an investigative or law enforcement officer acting in a criminal investigation or any other person acting at the prior direction and under the supervision of an investigative or law enforcement officer to intercept a wire, oral, or electronic communication in order to provide evidence... "
Remember, you are on the Internet. If you have a question the answer is right at your finger tips. The folks on these blogs have many more questions and unfactual "facts" then they should with all the answers staring them right in their faces.
Karpinski, Colaresi and Karp specializes in labor relations/unions. In the above mentioned case, most likely retained by the FOP.
DOH~! Payback is a bit**
Like casting that first stone thing huh? A cop that is a child molester? Is he registered? If not he should be arrested!
Regarding the comment that this arrest was just a way to do a thorough investigation on the Burkes:
You are absolutely correct!
Ever since I started calling them on their nonsence they have wanted to try to find something on me.
As exciting as my life may seem, it really is pretty mundane.
When my husband I were away a couple of years ago, and left our teenagers at home they did what unsupervised young adults do, and they (from stories that I have heard) had a party or two.
I was told by several neighbors that Officer Mitchell had come to them and asked them to file a complaint against my residence so that he could GET THEM!
None of my neighbors complied with the officers request.
My family and I have been the subject of much speculation, but I'm sorry guys, I am what I say that I am.
I am liscensed Beekeeper, an artist, a gardner, a writer, a Mom, a Wife, a Home Schooler, a friend, a neighbor, a Grandaughter, a community activist, a Christian, and most recently a candidate for City Council. (these were not listed in any particular order, just as they came to mind)
As Officer Mitchell searched my bedroom I wonder what he was hoping to find?
Oh My, nothing kinky!
Oh my, no adult toys!
Oh my, no pornographic books!
Sorry guys, but I have a moto that I have always lived by...
Live your life like it will be on the front page of the New York Times
There will be no shame on anything that is found on my computer, and no shame on anything that was photographed in my house.
Sorry to dissapoint you guys, but I truly am who I say I am!
And as far as my husband goes...I think that the Secret Service probably did a pretty thorough investigation on his background before that let him in the White House to meet with Top Level officials before he was awarded the largest government contract ever signed in history! Ooops, I forgot. Billy isn't credible, because he doesn't have Pocomoke Royalty's stamp of approval!
Take a freakin HIKE!
I'm using my husbands account, as we are sharing a borrowed computer, since our's have been seized!
1:08 I'm searching high and low for my little violin so I can play you, "Cry Me A River." A Christian? I thought I read somewhere that Christians aren't suppose to live in judgment of others? Like most bloggers, you have way too much time on your hands. And you know what they say about idle hands, right?
2:01 The just shall judge the angels, crack open your dusty Bible and get your facts straight. judging is different from being judgemental
1:08 I'm searching high and low for my little violin so I can play you, "Cry Me A River." A Christian? I thought I read somewhere that Christians aren't suppose to live in judgment of others? Like most bloggers, you have way too much time on your hands. And you know what they say about idle hands, right?
liberal jerk ^^^
Anon 1.08 It is hypocritical judgment that the Scripture you cite condemns. In Mathew 7:verse 6, and 13-15 to see that Christ actually instructs them to make judgments!) A hypocritical judgment is judging something for something of which you are also guilty - LIKE TELLING ME NOT TO JUDGE WHEN YOU ARE JUDGING ME! This passage means the opposite of what hypocrites often interpret it to mean!
Let's look at other Scriptures...
JOHN 7:14: "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
LUKE 17:3: "Take heed... If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him."
And you are judging in your comments here as well.
Judge Not, Least Ye Be Judged Yourself
One of the best known and most misunderstood Scriptures is from Matthew.
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5).
If Matthew 7:1-5 is read carefully, one can notice that it is addressed to a hypocrite. Instead of being a deterrence against honestly judging, it is a warning against hypocritical judgment. The last statement of this Scripture commands sincere, honest judgment. If a verse or a part of a verse is taken out of its setting, then it can be made to appear to teach the opposite of what it really means. It is easy to misquote almost anything to produce a desired effect or opinion. Misstating God’s word, however, is morally wrong.
Many who quote, "Judge not," out of its context, do so in order to promote their own activities or sins. They do not see their own inconsistency in thus judging those who obey God's Word about judging what is untrue. Much that is anti-Scriptural has found shelter behind a misuse of the words of the bible. It has been used as an excuse to let people do what they wish without the oversight of God’s Law. The greatest danger of our day is not too much judging, but too little judging of morality, character and spiritual nature.
By: Vulture 6 On Tuesday, April 19, 2005
3:13 Ah, all the guessing that tries so very hard to portray itself as intelligence on these blogs. I am actual a registered Republican and they don't come any more conservative. And I didn't say I was a Christian, simply commented on the woman's assertion that runs the "tattler" claim that she is. Name calling really is a clear tell-tale sign of someone's intelligence level. Might want to back away from the blogs and try reading a book or two instead.
4:26 Citing and interpreting scripture on this blog may be hazardous to your health. I'd be concerned about a bolt of lightening coming out of no where and zapping you where you sit. Unless you have a Ph.D in theology, I'll pass on your bible lesson for the day.
Judge in Truth
Do not judge another when you do not have all the relevant facts. Jeremiah 5:1 says, "Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth; and I will pardon it." A true judge is one who seeks the truth. If you must judge, be sure and get all the facts. A Japanese proverb says to "search seven times before you judge."
"If you must judge, be sure to get all the facts." In the land of blogs, that would be a refreshing change.
Judge Mercifully
Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:2: "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." You'll reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7-8). If you are swift and harsh in judging others, then God will see to it that you receive the same from others. Has God not been very merciful to you, even though you deserved it not? Likewise, you should exercise mercy toward others.
Certainly no "swift and harsh" judgment on these blogs, right?
Hey Joe, time to distance yourself from this clan. When you lay down with dogs, you end up with Burkes.
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