
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Will Obama Brand Designer Clothes Be Next?


My son goes to Pittsville school and we just learned of this. Were you aware the kids in Wicomico are being told to come to school dressed up on the 20th and were told to be prepared to watch and celebrate Obama's inauguration? Guess we can't have religion in schools but it's ok for them to ram this clown down our kid's throats. Thought you may find this interesting."

OK, enough is enough! While I have stated in the past that it would be exciting in my lifetime to see a Black President as well as a Woman President, this kind of crap needs to end. I agree with this Parent, this is flat out wrong. Putting some children in a position if they DO NOT dress up for this occasion it will clearly make them an outcast against the new President of the United States, let alone their classmates.

I strongly hope that our County Executive is in fact following this particular Post as I know he follows Salisbury News daily. I respect Mr. Pollitt like a Brother but I will flat out state, no politics here, this must end NOW!

I hope people receive this experience as not only one in which we as a Country can be extremely proud of. I more so hope it's a spiritual experience for the entire World to see. Our growth in America has come a long, long way but you do not have to be in your Sunday best to fully understand this moment and respect it for what it will be.

The Wicomico County Board of Education is simply out of line and has gone too far. This control needs to end as well as the pressure they are placing on their Students. If it is not a daily protocol they should drop this request immediately. Your children have rights and IMHO I feel they are violating their rights and placing them in a very awkward position. Not everyone voted for Obama. Not everyone supports Obama. He will become my President in a few days and I pray he will turn this Country around because Lord knows we need all the help we can get. But this is just out of line. Rick, I hope you're listening.


Anonymous said...

Who friggin cares!!! What I've had enough of is you accepting comments stating things like "to ram this clown down our kid's throats."

How about this Joe... this year could spark the dreams of millions of kids to become president some day. That would mean kids wanting to go to college and wanting to succeed in life.

Wow... so terrible!

Anonymous said...

"Not everyone voted for Obama. Not everyone supports Obama."

But the majority DID! So deal with it!
This post would NEVER make your site had McCain won!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are you so surprised? We all know how liberal the school system and its teachers are. It has been a general practice to brainwash the children into being bleeding heart liberals for many years.

Topper said...

what do you think they would say if all the white kids came in wearing "koofies" or however you spell the religious head wear of the muslims. I bet there would be a boat load of people saying they were being inappropriate

Anonymous said...

My son goes to Westside Intermediate school, I haven't heard about them dressing up, but I can tell you that if he comes home and tells me he has to dress up, I will tell him; that day will be like every other day and he will not dress up. He is only 9 years old, I know that he should know what goes on the world, but come on...these children have enough to worry about day to day. Adding politics to the mix is just absurd! Children agree with the people around them, Yes I voted for McCain, but my children never heard me discuss politics around them.

The 20th will be a very sad day for me, if anything my family will dress in all black because I feel that will mark the death of America as we know it!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 sons in 2 different Wicomico schools. Neither has been directed to dress up on Inauguration Day. Maybe the parent did not get the whole story? Perhaps this person's child's class is doing an activity, such as a debate, that the individual teacher recommended dressing up for?

Joe, before you post inflammatory info, please check with the BOE first.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think you should tell all the parents this affects to call the school board and not bother with Mr. Pollitt, since it's probably a teacher or a principal at a particular school. My kids are at Mardela and so far I've not heard anything about "dressing up" for the inauguration. That's the point of the letter for all you Obamabots that are getting all rammed up. It's about requiring kids to dress up, not about the actual inauguration. Get a grip and drop the RedBull, Rockstar drinks. You can dream about being President without the suit and tie, morons.

joe albero said...


I have the e-mail address for this Parent and this is NOT the first time this has been mentioned by concerned parents.

This Blog is open for discussion and it should be brought out, like it or not. The BOE can CYA as much as they want to here as well, that's their right and they have done so in the past.

Anonymous said...

If I were a teacher, I would probably have some special event for the day of a Presidential Innauguration. This is an historic event for our country, regardless of who the person is.
In a nine year olds life, he was 1 year old the last time a new pres was elected.
I disagree with you, Joe and parent.
Don't deprive the children of the significance of this event, regardless of your politics. This is an event for all Americans, not just Dems or liberals or blacks.

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:43 said,

"What I've had enough of is you accepting comments stating things like "to ram this clown down our kid's throats."

LOOK, are you related to Barrie Tilghman? You must not have been very well educated when you went to school because we have certain freedoms in this Country and freedom of speech is one of them.

This person has every right to his opinion and can freely state it. If McCain has won I'm VERY CONFIDENT we would have been hearing all kinds of hate messages. GET OVER IT!

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to cram any type of politics down young children's throats. If the high school or even upper classes of middle schools decide it is in the best interest of the older children to have viewings of the inauguration that would make sense, since they will be voting soon.
Either way, telling kids they have to dress up to watch TV? That is insane! I recall a group of kids who met Presicent Bush and one or more of the kids was wearing sandals, while the media made a huge story out of it I don't recall Bush having a hissy fit! Let's keep in mind, president or not people are people. I am sure Obama and his wifey have not been the best dressed all of their lives. Give it a rest already, enough is enough! Let kids be kids. After all let's just consider the fact these kids are going to be in school all day which the majority of that time they are supposed to be learning. How comfortable is it for most kids to be in Sunday's best for 7+ hours???

Anonymous said...

"You must not have been very well educated when you went to school because we have certain freedoms in this Country and freedom of speech is one of them."

Yup. My local education is producing 90k /year. Thanks for caring so much!

Liam said...

I didn't vote for Obama, and I in no way agree with his politics. However, we should teach our children that the inauguration of the President of the greatest country in the world is a sacred event. To dress up and respect the event, regarless of who is being inaugurated, teaches our chldren an important lesson in the fundamentals of patriotism. Hardly anything reflects laziness and disrespect as ones baggy and sloppy attire. We have bred generations who are willing to burn the flag, "take out one nation under God", and so on... Dress those kids up and teach them to respect this hallowed event! We'll be glad we did when they can vote!

Anonymous said...

this is our president joe, im not sure how anyones freedoms are being exploited here.

the teachers want the kids to know how important it is that we have a new president. im sorry that bush didnt inspire anyone to dress up or anything like that, but the fact is, this isnt religion, this isnt culture, this isnt anything other than our NEW president, and the teachers asking the students to show some respect for our new president and themselves by dressing up... how is this in ANY way a bad thing?

as someone said above, the fact that you or anyone has a problem with this, is purely ludicrous if you ask me. id be more than happy to dress up myself and or my child to support the new president, dress up and look good and feel good about him/herself...

like someone else said above, if mr. principal john mccain was the newly elected president, i hardly believe you'd have any issues.

just admit it, and everyone else please just admit it, you are racist and you have a problem with a black man leading your nation.

i do not have a problem with a black man leading my nation, i love it, i love it more than you can imagine, as im a firm believer in the fact that we are all equal, that we all are capable of running this nation, and that together we can rise up and unite to become once again the greatest nation this country has ever been. i also love it, because it REALLY spits in the face of racists around the world!


joe albero said...

WOW, 4 more years of this crap. This is going to be fun!

anonymous 9:55, Congratulations on your financial success. Now, when you can make $350,000.00 in salary alone for 20 years straight from only ONE of my companies, then I'll be impressed. Oh, by the way, I never graduated from High School. Bad car accident, long story. I've always made more money than the President of the United States, so even the President doesn't impress me personally, white or black.

anonymous 10:03 sais,

"this is our president joe, im not sure how anyones freedoms are being exploited here."

SO, I never dressed for any one elses swearing in! When you make other children an outcast because they didn't dress up, rights are being violated.

"the teachers want the kids to know how important it is that we have a new president. im sorry that bush didnt inspire anyone to dress up or anything like that, but the fact is, this isnt religion, this isnt culture, this isnt anything other than our NEW president, and the teachers asking the students to show some respect for our new president and themselves by dressing up... how is this in ANY way a bad thing?"

How about those kids who can't afford dress clothes? How about the parents that spent all their spare money by donating to get Obama elected? You do realize how tight things are for most Americans right now, don't you? You're starting a Cult, period.

"like someone else said above, if mr. principal john mccain was the newly elected president, i hardly believe you'd have any issues."

Maybe so, maybe not. HOWEVER, YOU would, id the tables were turned!

"just admit it, and everyone else please just admit it, you are racist and you have a problem with a black man leading your nation."

Don't YOU call me a racist! This is EXACTLY why I firmly believe this Country is absolutely going to fail. It's not Obama, it's all the other radical racists out there who are getting a taste of blood and now they want every white man and woman to suffer. You're an Idiot!

"i also love it, because it REALLY spits in the face of racists around the world!



Anonymous said...

go back to delmar and worry about DE schools, just because you own property here doesn't mean you have a say on how we educated our children, I can remember watching carter "walking" on the street after his speech; so if a school wants to create a memory for the kids, stay out of it

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:03, I posted earlier (Anon 8:50), yes I voted for McCain!! So when people don't agree with Obama we are racist!?! Come on, people like you are the biggist racist group in the country! Now we have a "black" president so the group that voted for the "white" president are racist??? This country is in sad shape because of people like you calling everyone else racist because we don't want Obama who happens to be black. I don't have a problem with a black man running this country I have a problem with Obama running this country!

This post was about the children in school, wow how it turned so quickly...

Anonymous said...

Here we goes...4 years of bring called a racist just because you don't agree with Obama! Wow, you definitely have some morons on here Joe because only a moron would ignore that:

He has no experience whatsoever to be President.

He is the one who attended a racist church for 20 years and called a devout racist his 'mentor.'

He is the one who decided to run for President while at the home of an admitted terrorist.

He is the one who,it seems as though, knows no one who hasn't been indicted in some way. Crooks do hang with crooks, right?

He is the one who promised change but has nothing but bring back Clinton's people.

I could go on but you get the point. Like you said, it's going to be fun! Especially when he screws up and we get to say 'TOLD YOU SO!!'

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55

If you aren't paying at least $58,500.00 in taxes, you should be. I hope you will be paying at least that very soon. That's what you voted for, dont 'cha know?

Anonymous said...

i don't see anything wrong here at all. i voted for mccain, but no matter who had won, the presidential inauguration is always an historic event. depending on the age of these students, it may be the first one they have seen or the first one they will be able to remember. i was in 2nd grade when george w. bush was inaugurated, and we all watched it on television in our school. i remember sitting there bored and not understanding what was going on, but that's besides the point. i don't remember if we had to dress up, but if we did i doubt any parents would have objected.

the "clown" comment just ruins any point this person is trying to make. it's hard to make a strong argument and have people take you seriously when you write things like that.

Anonymous said...

"This post would NEVER make your site had McCain won!!!!"

That's correct, because the liberal teacher's unions would have NEVER have celebrated a McCain inauguration as they are planning to do with Obama. I don't recall any of this hoopla from the schools when Bush entered office. If the only issue here was the glorious transfer of power, maybe the kids should be informed of the manner in which the democrats acquitted themselves when leaving the white house 8 years ago, in stark contrast to the way Bush has welcomed Obama.

Anonymous said...

Obama is NOT the first Black president. He is the first BIRACIAL president. It's just easier for everyone to call him black it makes them feel like they are not racist. What will they call the dark skinned thug that mugs them on the street? I can guarantee you the N word will flow like the Mississippi, just as fast and easy.

So all you politically correct, liberal white folks keep playing the race card, it shows your true colors.

joe albero said...

I just love how all these people come here and say in the very beginning of their message, "I voted for McCain BUT."

Come on now, no one is kidding anyone here. Nevertheless, many have called Barrie Tilghman a Clown. Did no one say anything because she's a white clown? Are you trying to tell me that NO ONE EVER called Bush a Clown?

YOU PEOPLE ARE NUTS! Even I have called Bush a Clown and many other things no longer allowed on my own Blog.

Now we're going to hear, Obama isn't black! He's half black. OMG, did I say black and not African American? I MUST be a racist!

Read my opinion in the original Post and you'll klnow where I stand. I hope the guy does great things but you know what, ain't gonna happen! NO ONE in the next 4 years is going to turn things around without this Country folding because they completely busted Americans financially. Where are they going to get the money? YOU, that's where!

I told ALL of you long ago. They'll take till they think you're out. Then they'll take even more until they know for sure you're out. Then they'll do it one last time to make sure everyone in America is flat broke and they must ALL start over again equally. It's called a depression Folks and that's where we're headed. Obama will be the leader into this depression and while everyone stand there pounding their chest, just what do you think Americans will do and say 50 years from now. My guess, it was because of that black President. NOT that it's right butu that's my guess. Time will tell. It doesn't get any more REAL than that.

joe albero said...

Again, Joe Albero says what everybody else wants to say but are afraid to do it.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, isn't Pres. Elect Obama half white. He is actually the first half white/half black president elect if you want to put him in his proper race.

Anonymous 1107

joe albero said...


It's not worth it. I have always felt many Democrats are two faced. Many are as straight as they come but let me assure you, most talk the talk and as soon as they get what they want they screw you so fast it isn't funny and they rarely walk the walk. Hence, this is why so many actors are democrats. Completely full of crap and acting their way through whatever it takes to get their way.

Young democrats are excited that they won and that's cool. However, it will be the last time the democrats will win for the nect 20 years after Obama's term is over because of the downfall of America financially. You'll see.

Anyhow, the kids shouldn't have to dress up for anyone. They never had to in the past and the wet pant liberals want to shine again by strong arming the children where these democrats will take credit for that down the road too. NOT in my neck of the woods.

IF the BOE is saying the kids don't have to dress up, MAKE SURE THEY DON'T! That's all I'm saying. If YOU think it's the right thing to do, LET YOUR CHILD BE THE OUTCAST AND SEE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT THEN!

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:07 said,

"Excuse me, isn't Pres. Elect Obama half white. He is actually the first half white/half black president elect if you want to put him in his proper race."


Anonymous said...

Mulatto or Bi-racial would be the proper term. It's in the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. This discussion is rather ugly. For starters, I don't care if Chewbacca The Wookie was being inaugerated-what is the harm in kids getting in the spirit of looking professional? Finding a job for these kids when they get out is likely going to border on impossible, and I doubt your resume is going to float to the top while wearing your "good jeans" to a job interview. Secondly-why are we so concerned about clothes when you see reports here about Beaver Run and Bennett Middle where there appear to be multiple health and safety issues to address. Let the feds do their your city first.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I don't understand is why he considers himself African American in which he is truly Bi-racial. So as far as I'm concerned he's not the first African American President of the United States,he's the first Bi-racial President of the United States and in my vocabulary will be referred to as such.

joe albero said...

If he walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, he is a duck, black or white!

Obama is a human being, period. So he's a democratic duck, (so to speak) that's the way I see it.

They didn't ask children to dress up for any other President throughout history, that's what this Post is all abour, cut the crap! Dress ANY way you like and tell your Teacher you read on Salisbury News that you didn't have to dress up for school that day.

If they have a problem with that, tell them to send me an e-mail to and we can discuss it one on one.

Anonymous said...

Joe. Seems like you caught "the grumpies" that I had during the rain yesterday. For the record, I sincerely doubt anybody in a public school is being FORCED or REQUIRED to dress in a certain fashion as that would violate First Amendment protections. But if anybody REALLY wants to be a true "maverick" and not wear the old suit and tie...I have an old Biz Markie T-Shirt someone can use.

Anonymous said...

"They didn't ask children to dress up for any other President throughout history"

how do you know this, have you lived here the last 10, 20, 30, 40 years or so. Get your facts straight before you make incorrect statements, I remember being asked to dress up, didn't have a problem with it either...

tedh said...

I have raised my kids here in Wicomico County for 17 years (inclusive of my step kids) and have been here my whole life and never was any of us asked to dress up. I remember a mock election when Carter got elected but that was about it.

Anonymous said...

I am a retired teacher. I don't care who is elected President, it is important for our school kids to see the inaugural events. The inauguration and everything that surrounds it is a great civic lesson that happens only every four years. The kids--and all of us, for that matter, need to see the Vice-President and President sworn in, the inaugural speech, and all the pomp that accompanies this day. It is our democracy in action, unique to our country. Yes, the kids might miss some English or math during this time, but what they do experience will be more important. I can't remember ever missing a televised inauguration. When I taught and had a TV available, I let students watch (and, no, I wasn't a Social Studies teacher). And, 8:43, you may think that Obama is a "clown," but he is our leader for at least the next four years, and you might want to listen to his speech to see where he intends to lead us for the first term.

Dave C said...

I know that a lot of people that read this blog are Anti-Obama, but I voted for the guy and I still think that this is going too far. Sure, it's an historical election and I (and I hope the majority of America is too) am proud that we have taken one more step to put racism behind us, but requests/requirements such as this bring it right back up. Sure the guy has made a huge step for African Americans, but if we are all equal then why change the way we do things on our inauguration day? Certain things, such as using Lincoln's bible for the swearing in, are good ideas because of sentimental or nostalgic reasons-I think that is acceptable, but this, NO! Let's treat him like an equal, not a superior or special exception because he is African American. I honestly think that if he Obama was asked about are dress code, he probably would want to be treated as any other president has. Honestly, I sick of hearing about the whole election-I wish I could just fast-forward through all of this and see if he can perform-whether good or bad.

Anonymous said...

Did the teacher tell the kids they had to dress up when the prior President was inaugurated? I bet not.

People can say this election wasn't about race, but IT WAS.

Chimera said...

They do integrate current events into school curriculum, so I can understand showing the "swearing in" but they should not have to dress formal to sit and watch it.

Anonymous said...

Joe just doesn't want to accept that it could be a positive influence in these young kids eyes.

Can't think of the years past where young kids are really taking in the event... regardless of the reasons!

Maybe Joe is upset that in 10 years he won't have as many SPD mug shots to post!

This event could change a lot of young lives which makes the future bright for all!

But Joe doesn't want to hear others opinions.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:21 said:

"And, 8:43, you may think that Obama is a "clown," but he is our leader for at least the next four years, and you might want to listen to his speech to see where he intends to lead us for the first term."

8:43 was only quoting the person from the email to Joe. The initial person said "clown", to clear that up.

Anonymous said...

A new school update!!

My child just got home from school and said their art teacher told them the BOE wanted them to draw a picture of what they would like to do upon meeting Obama and include their name and phone number! Supposedly it's for the Daily Times.

WHAT is going on here??? Name me another President we've done this with.

Anonymous said...

Very sad. Moreover, this wasn't something they had a choice about. According to my kids they had to draw this while they were sitting in Art class today.

Anonymous said...

Kids getting interested in real world issues. Is that bad?

It's not the kids that will complain about this! It's the parents! This thread proves it.

For once can a positive experience be left alone???!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I will be sorry for the person that gets my phone call tommorow if my child comes home this afternoon and tells me that he had to draw a picture and put his name and phone number on it!

Anonymous said...

A new school update!!!

My child just got home and said that his teacher told the class they had to start jogging to DC tonight! Schools figured they could make it in time for the inauguration!

What gives? Driving to the school now!

Anonymous said...

I just got the January newsletter from my daughters school(willards) and they are asking to have the kids dress in red/white/blue and it says inaguration activities.I really dont care, but would they have done that for any other president? She can wear the colors if she wants...but does he even respect those colors? refusing to pledge to our flag...who knows....

Anonymous said...

who cares. it is a presidential inauguration. it is supposedly one of the biggest things that happen in america. I remember when Carter was elected (I was in grade school). We didnt dress up, but we all watched the inauguration. We also participated in the elections by doing a mock election and voting who you thought should win. This is a great way to get kids involved in how government works and what they should expect when they become voters when they are of age.

Anonymous said...

4 more years , my goodness , I
don't think any of the kids need this crap. I know I don't! My
my my , he's not my savior.
Please don't worship this Idiot.

tedh said...

All I can say is lets see if the Messiah can live up to all of the hype. The answer is NO there would not be all of this going on if McCain got elected. I believe they would have watched the Inauguration but it would have been done and over, school as usual.

Anonymous said...

I suppose all the girls are supposed to wear burrka's or however them Arabs spell it?!

Anonymous said...

why don't we just give the kids the day off school so that they can watch the world come to an end at home with their families?

mommaneedswine said...

While I disagree that children should be asked/made to dress differently on 1/20, I don't think it's a bad idea for kids to watch the inauguration on television. It is history, regardless of the race or political affiliation of the President. I can remember watching these events in school, in particular, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986.

Anonymous said...

"RIchard Jones said...
I suppose all the girls are supposed to wear burrka's or however them Arabs spell it?!"

listen here YOU DUMB motherbleeper, learn to spell, learn to not hate and then people will care about what you think, until then, keep your ignorant A** home and off the internet...

especially since i heard terrorists can put files on your computer that will melt it!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 3:28

get out from under the rock you've been living under, take the toothpick out of your mouth, turn nascar off for a few minutes and REALLY think about what you are saying...

just try... just for a second...

Anonymous said...

im far from being racist but im going to speak my mind on this topic!i dont recall ever dressing up in school for any of the presidents so why now becuase he is like 5% black? this country was founded on freedom and equality so yeah i think its good to have a black president but why treat him different than any that came before him? and speaking of equality we have gotten so liberal about this its so hard for people of certain races to get good jobs because they give these jobs to people with less qualifications and experience because they are a minority so as a majority does that not give me the right to be treated equal? i have seen people apply to govt jobs with college military and previous experience lose a position to a person who had only a high school education and no experience. so as far as dressing up i dont think this is politicaly correct at all unless we dress up every year for every president no matter who he/she may be.

Anonymous said...

My daughter goes to Pittsville School. The deal is that they can dress up and the best dress will win a prize. They don't have too but are encouraged too. My daughter elects not too. She said nothing has been said about watching him sworn in but that will probably just happen.

A friend of mine who is a teacher said they were expected to watch with their students, so that teacher said it will probably be a sick day.

We would never be expected to dress up if McCain had won. It would have been another day and so be it that a war hero was our President. That didn't happen and now we are expected to jump through hoops for OUR FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT.

Anonymous said...

Some of these responses make me wonder where our country is heading.

Obama was elected by a majority to lead our country. He is going to be our president whether you like it or not, so why not have a positive attitude?

He is the first non white-male that we elected as our president, and this should be an indicator that the people (majority) of this country have grown. It is a shame that some people still chose to evaluate a person by skin color and/or religion.

But, what really scares me are the comments about the pain the children will endore by having to wear nice cloths. It wouldn't hurt for the kids to wear decent/nice/Sundays best clothing for a change.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't hurt for the kids to wear decent/nice/Sundays best clothing for a change.

5:58 PM

Then let's expect them to do this every other day of the week/year. The kids are allowed to wear some of the most disrespectful clothing all through the year, but on inauguaration day they must dress up. And who is this for, the BOE, the school, or for those cameras that will be at every school, every bus stop and I bet there will even be a few cameras watching children at home getting ready for school showing their excitement.

And no I am not a racist, so don't go there. I voted for experience, I guess McCain had to much. The perfect debate would have been McCain/Biden and Obama/Palin. Experience vs. experience, no experience vs. more experience. Pull the wool over your eyes, it will be a long 4 years and hopefully some people will wake up next election. If the republicans give us a candidate unlike Clinton's second term, maybe there will be a chance to turn this country around.

Anonymous said...

The guy just got a new job ..thats all. When I got my masters licence I didnt see everyone getting all spiffed up for me ! And I didnt want them to either. Its called humility, all of you obamanites should try some some time.

Why fill a childs head with lies? The president doesnt have any real power unless the congress is in agreement. We have checks and balances to keep egos in check especially when needed.

I dont think its any big deal that a black guy gets to be the focus of blame for the Countrys down falls personally. By trying to place obama on a pedestal only breeds racism. He is just a man who is president. Nothing more ! If there is a reason for people to be up in arms its because the pledge of alegence isnt said any more.

It is a shame to cause our children to think a certain way. It only inhibits creativity and originallity. I feel because obama is black is more of a reason not to make a big deal out of his being president . No one else that I can remember was so "special".

And I absolutely dont think this is some kind of historical event. Woop-de-doo a black man is president ! Show me a man that can walk on water or flap his arms and flys that is historical ! Or a two headed dog , another historical event .

Now the school board has placed my child in danger ...because if she dosnt dress up or pretend to care about the inauguration then she will be targeted by every black kid in school and kids can be very cruel.

Again it only incites racism by placing obama on some kind of pedistal. I ask any one of you ? Would any of you want to be president during these times? If so , I think you need your head examined .

I really do shudder every time I hear "historical event". We have had how many presidents ?

In my profession , A second year apprentist isnt allowed to handle power tools yet obama , with his 22 monthes of senate experience has been made some kind of hero that can lead our country. Wake up people. The hate will never die unless you stop making race the issue. It really blows my mind at all the B.S. around this guy. I think he is just another arrogant a-hole that will lie his way out of any mistake he has made. And that has been his only track record.

Lets all hope there is a spiratual awakening in this "big shot" and he becomes humble with-in his new job.

And just for laughs, the majority leader has already said that they will be keeping a close eye on him. But enough of the rushing to make important decisions. Choices made in haste are choices made for a waiste. And Im tired of being robbed right in front of my face, how bout you ?

Joe please post this !

Anonymous said...

MLK Jr. had a dream about a day when people would be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin. That probably applies to the kind of clothing they're wearing, too. If children can't be taught a concept unless they're dressed in a certain way, they can't be taught it.

Anonymous said...

1:55, thank you for making the correction. I (1:21) apologize to 8:43 for attributing the "clown" reference to him. I responded too quickly. By the way, 8:43, you make a wonderful point about the value of kids' being able to see Obama's being sworn it.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think the only way we can bring closure to this fiasco and make Pittsville happy is for congress to mandate Marlboro Miles can be redeemed sport coats and ties. This trainwreck of a thread lost all credibility when gradually evolved from kids "WERE TOLD TO WEAR" in bold print, to what I always thought the truth had to be-that kids had a "CHOICE TO WEAR." The only comfort I get is I interact with kids quite a bit, and few of them are as ignorant as the parents who pretend to be their "mentors." Nice work, Pittsville...stay classy.

Anonymous said...


I will honestly tell you that this was NOT a directive of the BOE. They did state that lessons should be incorportated around the inauguration, allow students to watch the swearing in ceremony and Obama's speech.

If more is done, that is a directive from the principal, not the BOE.

My school is not requiring staff or students to dress up on this day. We teachers are incorporating activities into all subjects but not doing anything out there.

Please don't include all schools in your negative comments.

Anonymous said...

We're talking about children here people! The last thing a 'child' wants is for their teacher to be upset with them or to have to deal with the wrath of thir little schoolmates. Was the word TOLD ever said in schools? Maybe, maybe not but the children know exactly what was intended and implied. Too bad some of these little BHO lambs on here aren't intelligent enough to figure that out! Please lambs...will one of you explain to the rest of us on here exactly what makes this day any more special than any other inauguration EXCEPT for the fact he's black? ...and remember, if you say it's because he's the first BLACK President then you must be racist for mentioning that. I mean, that is the way you think, right?

Anonymous said...

this isnt directly at racemom, per se... however it is for every single one of you who read this, who are basically her, racemom.

first of all get your knuckles off the floor, stop breathing through your mouth, stop wearing sweatpants and socks that dont match at walmart, stop feeding your kids racist BS, stop hating. for real. put the rock in front of your cave, and NEVER COME OUT... people like you are such a joke and are TRULY a disgrace to this nation.

i cannot imagine calling myself human and associating with such backward thinking people like yourself.

im as white as can be. whiter than you could imagine in places :) i am highly intelligent. i have no college degree, and make six figures and have for more years than i can remember... i see the real world, ive lived in the real world, ive smelled the real world, ive tasted the freakin real world sister, and you have NO IDEA how backwards you are... NONE

if you took your little whitebread attitude to the CITY, where people dont even understand what you are talking about because racism left A LONG TIME AGO, you would simply be laughed out of town... QUICKLY... because no one puts up with it, NO ONE! its so lame, that you really denigrate yourself by acting that way... well, typing that way... as im QUITE sure your keyboard spurned bravado would quickly diminish in front of REAL PEOPLE!

anyhow, check yourself for real... you REALLY have a problem, i know you are in denial, and thats ok, just like addiction, racism is a condition and is curable.

its quite refreshing that i will be able to look at my new BLACK PRESIDENT with open eyes, open arms, open heart and everything else i can afford the man. he has risen to the occasion, given many people a beacon of light where there was none before and we have to embrace that and move on.

we really do.

i think you can do it, if you look down deep enough, just try... really... just try.

Anonymous said...

Dear god people listen to yourselves for Pete's sake!! Do you realize how absolutely ignorant many of you sound? I swear some of you sound like you should BE attending the schools rather than acting as a parent to the children! What in the sam suck egg does race have to do with this topic on a REAL level? The point is children, especially young children, have absolutely no clue what the inauguration is! Children of young ages should not be be made to dress up to watch TV period! If they were going to be in Washington it would make sense, but they are going to be sitting amongst other kids who are no better than the one sitting on either side of them. Just stop already. Reading some of these posts is like listening in on an argument between children; there is no concrete meaning behind it, the point is completely missed, and both sides can't form a complete thought without attempting to bash someone else!
OH my...I just want to smack reality into some of you. Just be civil, it is not that hard. So you like Obama, so you don't like Obama who gives a hoot? Just debate the topic on whether or not you feel children should be forced to dress up for watching TV. THAT's the main point here. Should children be forced to wear clothing that others may not have access to? Should some children be forced to sit in school all day feeling like outcasts because their families were too poor (likely because of the economic state) to purchase them nice clothing for the one day event.

Jesus lord mary and joseph....ooooo I wish that dang nabit curse ban was lifted if only for this post!! Get over yourselves and act like adults instead of teenagers on the bus to middle school for the life of all people reading these reject postings!
Geez oh whiz

Anonymous said...

Instead of making it mandatory to attend why not make it a concsequence for not passing a test or something. Because if you think a child gives a hoot about some borring tv show of a prsidential inauguration then you dont know kids. There will be more detentions handed out during this time and some teacher will have to stay late and babysit them. Dah. Now if it were recorded and played during political science class this would be apropriate, any thing else is just hype for obama for being black. And this is showing what ?

joe albero said...

anonymous 7:58,

I did not incorporate ALL Schools. The Post was about Pittsville and no one else.

As I appreciate your comment I will even add, perhaps it was one single Teacher at that School, I don't know. It has been brought up elsewhere as well.

Nevertheless, thank you for letting us know about your School.

Anonymous said...

knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing low-brow morons, the whole lot of you anti-obama people... are you serious???

and no matter what you say... its about his color and dont fool yourself.

you know better, just be real about it to yourself, honestly... life will go better for you.

Anonymous said...

bring closure to this fiasco and make Pittsville happy is for congress

ReeseBobby, this is just not Pittsville. I have friends t(teachers and staffing)in WiHi, Wi Middle and Parkside. All schools are requiring more of the teachers during this inauguaration then any other. I do remember when I was young and in elementary school, we had to watch the inauguration but that has not been required in my children's lifetime until now. And when I was in school, we had to dress appropriately, again not in my children's schools.

People can say this election wasn't about race, but IT WAS.

1:32 PM

And you are so right. Obama made it about color from the very beginning to the very end. So much for him running for President and now he will be our President because he was qualified. He ran because he was able to fool most of the previous non-voting residents and the most liberal residents of the United States.

And now Obama is a non-white, half black, half white, bi-racial, did I hit them all. He told us all along that we were going to be told he didn't look like the other presidents, that his skin color was different. I don't care about skin color, maybe in the short time he was a Senator he should have been on the floor voting yes or no, and not present. At least then I would feel he had a leg to stand on and not an agenda.

Anonymous said...


Let's just hope that some idiot does not do something stupid and it is on tv while the kids are watching the ceremony. Now that would be history in the making.

My kid goes to Westide Int. and a letter came home today saying that the kids could by a bagged lunch that day instead of getting pizza. That way they can eat in their rooms instead of the cafeteria. That way they can all watch the ceremony together.

Now you can't tell me that all of these kids will behave to keep quiet for the whole thing. They can't even be quiet during a PTA meeting.

This is out of control. A simple directive from the BOE had turned into unreasonable activities being done by principals.

Anonymous said...

What would happen if I write a note to my child's school requesting that he not watch the inauguration.

We allow kids to skip parties, etc. due to religious reasons and other beliefs.

For those that say this is not a religion issue...let's try this don't have to participate in the "sex ed" lesson if I write a note.

No difference!

Anonymous said...

8:01. The "last thing" a child wants is a dipstick parent that appears to working with 'intelligence' that burns with the white-hot intensity of one of those EZ Bake Oven bulbs. BTW..Which of the two types of music are you listening to tonight-country or western?

Anonymous said...

8:11, very well said.

Just for clarity:
Willards red, white & blue is school wide per the principal, Pittsville dress up is school wide per their principal and according to the art teacher the students all had to draw the pic of them and Obama(with name and phone number)during class time per the Board of Education.

Anonymous said...


The art project was optional. It was sent out via email by Tracy Sahler but it was not a directive.

My school did not and will not HAVE to do it according to my principal.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 8:21 PM

this is about the consitution you moron... not about religion, sex or ANYTHING else... nothing... so the constitution card you are trying to pull right now aint even close to cool... weirdo

Anonymous said...

anonymous 8:18 PM

are you seriously calling this man an idiot?? like really. do you have any place to talk? again, low-brow, knuckle-dragging, troglodytes who live in caves shouldnt be on the internet talking to people with brains, go back and hide, please!

Anonymous said...


My principal supplied us with the following email about the art contest. I cut and pasted it exactly as written...notice nothing about it being mandatory...

>>> TRACY SAHLER 1/5/2009 2:22 PM >>>
(Principals, please share this information with your staff as you see fit.

The Daily Times is doing an art contest for the Jan. 20 edition of Shorelife about Barack Obama called "Obama and Me."

History will be made when Barack Obama officially becomes the 44th president of the United States. The newspaper is looking for Delmarva's creative young artists to show off their talents by drawing what they would do if Obama spent the day with
them. The paper's favorites will be published in the Jan. 20 edition of The Daily Times. All entries will be published online.


1. Children up to age 13 are eligible to enter.
2. Entries should depict Barack Obama and the artist.
3. Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, artistic merit and ability to be reproduced in the newspaper. Generally, crisp bright colors print better than soft pastel colors.
4. Mail entries to The Daily Times, Attn: Ben Penserga, 618 Beam St., Salisbury, Md. 21801; or drop them off at The Daily Times' office, Attn: Ben Penserga. (You may also put your entries in the Pony to Tracy Sahler, Annex 2 of Central Office, and I will get them to the newspaper.) Entries must include the artist's name, age and phone number.
5. Entries are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 16.

For more information, please call Ben Penserga at 410-845-4648, or contact Tracy Sahler at x4465 or

Tracy Sahler
Public Information Officer
Wicomico County Public Schools
410-677-4465 office
410-430-4796 cell

Anonymous said...

Racemom...look at what you are arguing here. You are stating that schools are taking steps to do more to educate your child. On any other day all of you are kvetching because the teachers don't teach/do anything and just collect paychecks. For some reason you can't stand that a new generation has an opportunity to fill voids where you underachieved. Are you jealous..or just shallow? I believe you also mentioned a teacher "friend" that would cop out and take a sick day rather than attend on inaugeration day. That makes me want to wretch, and if you are supportive of that philosophy , while at the same time trying to seat yourself on moral high ground of protecting the best interests of children, you make me want to wretch as well. Tell your POSER of a teacher friend to STAY sick....maybe our kids will finally have a chance to learn something other than stringing together three random numbers for a lottery ticket.

Anonymous said...

I think that Joe has a point.
This is the 1st time such a big fuss has been made over a president. my child came home and told me the same thing. dress up.
I dont remember any of my kids having to dress up for any other president.
and it is not an historic event. think about it people. he is half or should i say part white and so many other races in him. So with that said I dont really see what is any different. Except we are in alot of trouble. and alot will disagree with me but its whatever.. freedom of speech remember???

Anonymous said...

I know my children will go to school in sweats that day. Just for the simple fact they want them to dress up, they didn't ask people to wear cowboy hats when Bush was sworn in again. That is just something that the school needs to stop while they are ahead.

Anonymous said...


About the constitution?...I was not making a religious issue you idiot...

I was saying that I should have the option of having my child excused if I wish. Freedom of speech, thought and action...

Oops..that was reciting the constitution....

Anonymous said...

This isn't about who voted for Obama and who didn't.

It's about the inauguration of a president -- the President of the United States. Not "the President of ya'll who voted for me."

That said, I don't think kids should HAVE to "dress up" for the inauguration, and I think it's wonderful if the schools are going back to the tradition of watching it on TV. It's history. It's civic engagement.

Since my kids didn't come home from school saying that HAD to dress up for the inauguration, this sounds more like a) a specific teacher's request for a class project and b) a kid's way of expressing what he/she heard a teacher say.

I've had mine come home and say, "But Mrs. X SAID we HAD to do it this way."

Or it could be these kids heard Mom or Dad say enough times that they were "getting this clown rammed down their throats" that they came home and repeated an idea or a suggestion to dress up as exactly what Mom or Dad wants to hear.

Get all the facts first.

And, Joe, here's something you might want to consider:

I'm all for dissent about policy, but Obama hasn't even been sworn yet.

People complain all the time about lack of respect for the presidency, authority, the police, teachers, etc.

But what are they telling their kids (based on comments here)?

1. The man about to be sworn in as president is "a clown rammed down our throats." No, he was elected by a majority of Americans through the democratic process for which our soldiers died to protect.

2. That teachers are all about money and greed, are stupid and don't know how to treat kids. So then kids who have listened to this go to school and are supposed to treat teachers with respect?

Folks with kids, think about how you talk in front of your kids, even if they are behaving now. Because they listen and come later, the "do as I say, not as do" is going to be a battle.

Sorry to sound preachy, but respect is taught in the home. My parents (may they RIP) taught me to both respect AND question authority. And I was taught the balance.

Just something to think about. If we ever hope for things to get better, you can't get them better by doing the same thing as before.

Anonymous said...

reese bobby, you are spot on... these people are scary... trouble is, theres lots of em...

concerned mom, id be concerned that you are a mom with kinda philosophy, i hope and pray every day, that one of your children falls in love with a person of color... i WISH AND HOPE AND PRAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beaver Run asked them to dress up too

Anonymous said...

Some of the Pittsville teachers feel it is a good idea for everyone to dress up. My child says they are reminding the children about the dress up day and talking more about that day. They are talking about it being Historical.

Anonymous said...

8:48. That is what some commenters here don't (and unfortunately will probably never) understand. The more this lame nonsense is spun in front of their kids {who usually do know better}-the more the kids want to rebel and do exactly the opposite of what the parent is yelling down at them from their hypocritical high horse. Next thing you know you find a pack of Trojans and a Wu Tang Clan CD in Little Suzy Jean's prom bag....and mommy dearest just can't understand how THIS could have happened!!!!! If I had a dollar for every time I saw something like this I would be in Aruba right now.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 8:51 PM

do you not see that?
i hope im misreading your intentions

Anonymous said...

I have to keep reading this just to see what stupid thing reese bobby and i can't take it no mo are going to write next. We can tell by your literacy or lack thereof that you voted for BOH. I know, I know, you want me to explain what literacy means, right?

The kids people, we're talking about the kids!

Anonymous said...

"When have we ever done this for a president before?"

Well, I remember doing special stuff and studies when getting a new president. Don't remember if clothes were involved because we always dressed pretty nice in those days.

Does it matter if it's been done before or not? Sounds to me like everyone is trying to take this as an opportunity to involve kids and get them interested in their government, especially since we saw young people turn out more than ever before to vote.

Isn't that what we want? Americans involved and engaged?

This is a historic time because of Obama's race, but maybe this interest is more about the excitement he generated in people to turn out an vote and to want to get involved. Kennedy was a big deal coming in because he was young and inspirational. Obama is young and inspirational.

I really don't get the venom spewing here. As someone else noted, ANY time you have an issue with your kid being involved in something at school, you can write a note, talk to a teacher or a principal, etc.

Boy. And some of your criticize the Israelis and the Palestinians for their conflicts. Here is something simple to deal with (and get facts about) and you people go off with all sorts of assumptions and accusations.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:11

"We can tell by your literacy or lack thereof that you voted for BOH."

awww did that make you feel better?

Anonymous said...

9:11. I think I am being "de-clawed" now despite not uttering profanity. I had some very wise advice that some people needed to hear, but I guess it didn't make the cut. Hard to hear a truth like that-that is the problem; it is much easier to stick your head in the sand. Oh, well it out amongst yourselves...

Anonymous said...

Actually, my apologies to Joe. My 9:03 did make the cut (to his credit). That advice is not easy to hear, but some of you better try to wrap your head around it, big time....and it is happening earlier and earlier than "prom season" with kids these days. And 9:11, it is in rather poor taste to hide behind the "best interests of kids" when based on what I have seen out of your intelligence level, I wouldn't trust you to babysit a c.p.r. dummy, let alone an actual child.

Anonymous said...

A few ideas:

1. Send your kids to school in military fatigues.
2. Steal from the liberal playbook and send them to school with t-shirts
bearing Obama's picture and the caption "Not My President"
3. Keep them home from school and claim religious persecution by the Cult of

joe albero said...

I thank you for sharing this with everyone. While I don't want to come off critical, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

Since when does the Daily Times have such influence over the regular curriculum with Schools and why is the BOE acting like puppets, woo, hoo, we're going to be in the paper! What's next, WBOC wants a contest for the best dressed, WMDT wants a contest for who looks the closest to being bi racial like Obama and Salisbury News want to do a LIVE Blog while the event is going on and get real time comments from children as it's happening?

If you SUCKERS can't realize that they're making MONEY off of the HITS they'll get when you click on each and every picture, you're just plain STUPID.

Ask the Daily Times how they charge their On Line Customers. PAGE VIEWS and hits!

The BOE needs to get their heads out of their rear ends and stop falling for this kind of stuff. I know it excites some of you to have your child published but to be used by a Company making money off of such adventures, you're fools. Now, to be fair, did many of you realize this? More than likely NOT.

Oh well, do what you like. The days of doing this kind of art and exhibiting it IN THE SCHOOLS with pride is obviously over. In other Countries this would be looked upon as SWEAT SHOPS! I'll be certain to make a Post up about it. Man am I gonna get beat up over this one.

Anonymous said...

I guess Shelton Lankford didn't qualify for a day pass so he could do inaugeration fingerpaints/foil hats for them. Isn't his mumbo jumbo all the DT has going on these days anyway? I think they reached a new low recently and downsized the handicapped author who used to write some motivational type articles for them. Why not try to exploit the kids for free. THAT is not cool.

Anonymous said...

LIke others have said, I seriously doubt the kids are being required to come to school in dress clothes. The source has their facts wrong or their child was misinformed. It may have been suggested, but is that so bad? Like it or not, it will be a historical day. By the way, I am white, and republican, and I can see how significant Obama's swearing in will be to be to his supporters, and the youth of this country. Becoming familiar with the processes of the government, especially of presidential election process, should be critical to a child's education...especially when it only comes along only 4 years. Is the suggestion of putting on your Sunday best (or whatever you feel best in) and showing your pride in America, on such a significant day in history (like it or not) such a bad idea? I went to a presidential inauguration when I was a kid. At first, I went kicking and screaming. At the end of the day, I was so thankful that I got to experience it and it left a permanent impression on me. It seems there are more people on here concerned about what their kids wear to school, than what they are learning at school.

Chimera said...

Kids are alot smarter now it seems at young ages than when I went to school-I was rather impressed when my daughter,4 yrs old at the time,came home from school right before the election and proudly announced that " "John McClain & Brocko Bama" were running for President".I think its great that kids learn about current events in school as long as there is no political agenda behind it.'
BTW....isn't "John McClain" the hero of Diehard movies??Lol

Anonymous said...

not into racism this is directly to you may not have noticed but racism has not left any city and never will. im from baltimore and i go at least once a month to visit take your white behind into the wrong neighborhood and if youre not street tough you might not come out because youre white. and if you didnt pay attention to the news about two or three months ago several white couple were assaulted by a gang of black teenagers on city buses. why because they wanted money? no they didnt take anything they just yelled out racist comments as they ganged up on random white people so no racism has not left the city you may have just left the city and forgot racism.i think you held up your hand and counted when you said you make six figures but meant to say you can count what you make on six fingers.

joe albero said...

I just had to do it. Comment 100. LOL

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10:49

in intelligent cities, its going away... im not stupid enough to think its GOING away forever or gone for good, you will have thugs in all cities that are outliers, but that doesnt mean its the norm.

Bob said...


Perhaps the big issue some of the parents have with the board and/or some of the teachers is that they feel children are being forced to celebrate the election of a president whom some of their parents didn't support. It's kinda like the children are being taught WHAT to think rather than HOW to think. Parents feel like their children are being taught to believe in a political philosophy that is in direct conflict with their own. I can understand that concern since it happens more often than one would think. (remember the children out in front of the schools carrying signs in opposition of the property tax revenue cap at the direction of their teachers? This was behavior which was in direct violation of county policy.)

I am personally torn on the issue because the aforementioned reasoning must be weighed against the importance of teaching that the democratic process was carried out.

SunnyInOC said...

My letter came from Buckingham in Berlin tonite with my kids. It read "encouraged" to dress in Sunday's best or USA colored. I read it, chuckled, and threw it in the trash.
I'm sure Mr. President will have major plans for February. Black History Month will have a whole new meaning after 1/10, since his campaign was all about being the first black president (just nobody tell him he's not black).

Anonymous said...

ANON 10:49pm .... sorry but you are wrong! I am from A.A.Co. living on the Glen Burnie/ Pasadena line for the last 5 years I was over there and I can tell you racism is still there. Racism will be every where with both, yes both, white and black because people fear what they do not fully understand. Some people swear that it is in the bible to not date outside of your race, some people think it is morally wrong, some people are just simple minded! The point is no matter what city or small town you go into there is going to be racism of one type or another.
My family is white living on the predominantly black side of town, BUT the black people treat us much better than the whites do... explain that one to me? I know why because we are people and we treat people with respect. We are a family that may not fully understand black culture BUT we respect it, just as my neighbors my not get us BUT they respect us! It doesn't have to be about seeing eye to eye on everything for cripe sake why can't people see that?

I swear I can't for the life of me understand why people are so set against just functioning without causing some kind of internet race war. You know one of the things that really cracks me up is so many people on here are throwing around a race card both white and black and probably several bi racial or multiracial people, but they want to be anonymous! If you feel so strongly about your views and statements than why hide behind anonymous? Heck my neighbors could be reading this, they know my name and y'all can look me up in the yellow pages because I 100% stand behind the words I type!
Knock it off already, no one is going to "win" because they come up with a new way to accuse someone else of being racist!
One more thing and then I will shut up well maybe, thugs are not just black! Thugs come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. I had all three of my vehicles broken into one night but did I go all crazy white girl and start blaming my neighbors? Heck (almost slipped there Joe!) NO, I thought it through and the first person that crossed my mind was a white THUG from the other end of town. Well you know who I went to, to ask about it? My neighbors, yes the white chick asked her black neighbors because I have more trust in them than the whites in town..go figure! It isn't about judging someone because of their color it is about getting to know the person they are and then deciding what you think! I have a white husband and white children because I chose to have a white husband and white children. That doesn't mean I am racist, if a black man marries a black woman is he racist? Nope, so what is all the dag on stink about with some of you people. Just stop it already. Every single one of you who are debating this are doing nothing more than adding fuel to a fire that has never fully extinguished and it is plain out stupid to keep doing it. Let the flame burn out once and for all.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
go back to delmar and worry about DE schools, just because you own property here doesn't mean you have a say on how we educated our children.....10:24 AM"

Wait a second 10:24. You mean to tell me that since Joe owns property in Salisbury he cannot have a say? Wrong. If anything, he should have two says? Why? Two sets of taxes. He's paying CITY and COUNTY taxes. So your argument that he cannot make a statement about this is pointless. He has to "pay" so he gets a "say!" I doubt you'll get it, but that's the way it is. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I'll just send my kids dressed like Barack HUSSIEN Obama, blackface and all!

Anonymous said...

I voted for Obama (and donated the max), but I don't believe that kids should be asked to dress up for the inauguration.

Respect needs to be earned, never demanded.

Forcing the demonstration of respect where respect hasn't been earned, is just how one brings up mindless little conservatives.

Anonymous said...

what i think is being racist is by making all over someone because he is our first black president. I look at him like any other president. Singeling him out, and having special celebrations that we didnt do for other presidents doesnt seem normal to me. I voted McCain,but i respect that Obama is our president.But I view him as I do any other president.

Anonymous said...

Maybe everyone should start calling the Board and complaining. Its easy to complain here, but out some action behind the posts you are making.

Anonymous said...

You people are ridiculous. You are getting all uptight because kids were "encouraged" to dress up or wear red, white and blue? It is going to be a very cool event, whether you voted for Obama or not. All Americans should be proud that we have come so far since the days when Emmett Till was brutally slaughtered because he may or may not have whistled at a white woman. Dear God, people, get a grip! Some of the most horrific violence of America's civil rights movement happened in our lifetimes, not in some ancient history! And now, in our lifetimes, Barack Obama won in a fair and peaceful election. What an amazing country. Why don't you all take the time to explain THAT to your kids--that, even though you did not vote for Obama, it sure is awesome to live in a country where he can get elected. Why does everything have to be so negative?

Anonymous said...

willards mom, learn to spell, then post here, please, stop the ignorance topped with a cream of misspellings... thanks...

Anonymous said...

i learned a new song last night for all you rednecks

"ive gotta black president...
ive gotta black presiden...
and i cant do nothin' 'bout it"

sing it to the tune of YOU LOSE :) haahahahahahhaah

Anonymous said...

OMG I spelled singling wrong! Big deal.Im not being tested. I am far from ignorant. You obviousoly get offended easily by others opinions. If anything, you are being racist. You should treat a black president like any other president. They are the same. Why separate them because of their skin pigmentation? Now that my dear one is being racist :) We are created equal....stop dividing

Anonymous said...

I would have voted for Obama if his morals lined up with mine. Its funny how so many people voted for him just because he was black and not for anything else. That is what I think is wrong. Maybe (and I really hope) a black man or woman runs next time and their beliefs and morals line up with mine. Then, I would vote for a black president. I think YOU are being ignorant for thinking its a racial thing. Quit playing the victim role and maybe you wont feel like one.

tedh said...

The fact is Obama is being treated different because he indeed is the first black/mixed president. The argument is should WCBOE make such a production about it? I think it should be treated the same as any president in the past and stop dividing the races.They never did this for Bush.

Anonymous said...

GrandDad. I don't buy some of that. I believe it is nothing more than worthless hatred and intolerance, in its most sinister form, being passed down from parents to children. In my opinion, it is unbelievably cruel and hurts the children more than anything the teachers could ever do. There are several people here who seem to have derived their understanding of Constitutional principles from watching Hee-Haw reruns. Once again I will remind everyone that this real stinker of a "debate" was started because a person from Pittsville got their knickers all wadded up over something that was never even true to start with (kids BEING TOLD TO DRESS UP). There is a word for a person such as this- troublemaker. The inaugeration is a process at the very heart of our Constitution. Maybe by watching the process the children will learn something about the importance of voting, the electoral college process, and the many other rights and priviledges the Constitution provides. Maybe then they will have opportunities to become lawyers and teachers themselves {and earn enough money to move far far away from Pittsville}. I hear talk about no atheists in foxholes and such...but if you have ever had to spend a night or two {with no artillery or air support} with your team on an unfriendly ridge in Mybuttistan-I am willing to make a hefty wager that the black guy from Chicago covering your flank just became your best buddy...and if you take an AK round and are bleeding out-I bet everyone of you would also welcome the sight of a gay corpsman/medic slapping a pressure bandage on you. You guys are the adults here-start acting like it!!

joe albero said...

Better go look at my new Post Bobby. You've just been Blogged, respectfully! It will be up in a minute.

Anonymous said...

"I know my children will go to school in sweats that day. Just for the simple fact they want them to dress up"

And THIS is the problem in the world. The dumb parents! Imagine what kind of message their kid will get from this. Won't be positive!! Way to drill this into their young minds. That parent should have never had a kid.

Bob said...

Reese......I couldn't agree more with your comment "The inaugeration is a process at the very heart of our Constitution."

But - You can't deny the fact that many of the people pushing this dress up thing have never pushed it after any other election. The tendency for some folks to over celebrate the "election of the first A/A to the presidency of the United States" is overwhelming. It should be treated as if it were any other presidential election because it is really nothing more than that. Some of the coordinators of this effort are also pushing into these young heads that Obama was the best choice. That Bush brought our country down and that Obama is the saviour who will rise us up from these depths. I know what some of you are thinking. You're thinking "that's right, He WAS the best choice". Those thoughts are political opinions. Political opinions are not supposed to be taught in a classroom as though they were fact. Many people strongly disagree with those feelings and are angry that their children are being led to believe something that is contrary to their own beliefs. It's school. A place where children are taught how to think not what to think. The inaugeration is an event that should be taught in a neutral context.

Think about this Reese. Some time ago I watched one of those prime time news magazine shows - I think it was 20/20. Anyway, the show featured N. Korean children who were being taught in school that America is evil. As these children grow they will continue to believe what they have been taught in school. In America it is the right of the parents to instill their values in their children. It is not the right of the government (or it's entity i.e. public schools) to develop an agenda designed to undermine political values instilled by parents.

Anonymous said...

The Pittsville Rednecks have a rude awakening coning on January 20 th. The Afro-Americans will walk high with respect and dignity. Ignorance with those in the backwoods will noe longer be tolerated. If you want us to spend our money with you or in some cases hire you be prepared to respect the new breed of leadership.America will no longer be dominated by white bigots. Our new President promises change and those who resist will dwindle away. This is the time for the new world order. We hope you will be a part of the new movement.

Anonymous said...

To all you white folks-- the black Americans now read this blog too. We can read, think and are ready to take our equal place in society.Our prisons and lowclass jobs will not be black dominated. Obama will appoint black men and women to positions of power such as judges, CEO's bank presidents, etc.This will be a reality if they want the federal dollar.Please don't cry reverse discrimination.We will sign our names and not Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deacon, come January 20th you'll be walking proud alright, right to the liquor store to buy your bottle & lottery tickets! Look, you're already for Obama to take care of you because you're obviously incapable of taking care of yourself.

By the way, speaking of ignorance, no is NOT spelled n-o-e!!

Anonymous said...

Deacon you are an absolute hypocrite. You infer that people from Pittsville are bigots. You bunch everyone of them together as being prujudice. You do this in the same manner that you claim to dislike when it's done to you. Whether it's based on race or the geographical location in which you live - it's wrong. You are as guilty as anyone else yet you claim that blacks are the victims. It's no wonder so many white people are prejudice. You already have more rights than anyone else yet you continue to cry and want more. More free food. More free housing. More free healthcare. More, more, more, and don't want to work for it at all. And the govt. keeps giving it to you. This is why so many white people are upset. They are sick of hearing you whine and cry when a major percentage of you don't even want to work.

Anonymous said...

Just to add some thoughts QUICKLY..before football. GD. You are a good guy it seems; we just agree to disagree. Once again no harm in that. However, a word to some of the last commenters. Some of us are going against the grain here on Obama's behalf trying to overcome the hate that still flows in certain ways, unnecessarily, in our society today. Don't do the exact same thing/say the same things that were said about minorities through the generations. If there is any secondary significance to this election to me [no matter what race or sex-the ultimate importance is inaugerating our new president and commander-in-chief], as a "middle-aged" white male of independent voting history, is quite frankly more a celebration of the true sacrifices of persons like Rosa Parks {who didn't quite make it long enough to enjoy 1/20/09}-Ms. Parks was only trying to get a dignified seat on public transportation-she did not enjoy the luxury Mrs. Obama had to enjoy lobster and IRANIAN caviar as mid-day snacks. Brush your shoulders off and find middle ground and tolerance....and teach your children well so that we don't have to have horrible exchanges like this when it is their turn to guide America and take care of us during our old age. Go Ravens....

Anonymous said...

Charles Clark! You just wrote:

Obama will appoint black men and women to positions of power such as judges, CEO's bank presidents, etc. This will be a reality if they want the federal dollar. News flash black man. The president doesn't appoint CEO's and bank presidents. The white man doesn't want the federal dollar. It's the BLACK man that is always trying to get free money. Your comment implies that everyone wants money from the government. This shows that your default mental program operates under the premise that it is the job of the government to give money to people. WRONG WRONG WRONG! Get that out of your head!. It's the majority of the african american population that believes this, not everyone else. Try reprogramming your head like this. GET A JOB! Don't take handouts. Be responsible for your actions and stop blaming everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Any parent who does not allow their child to obey the teacher is being non-cooperative. If I, as a teacher ,tell a child to wear red ,white and blue colors and he or she doesn't, then this will reflect in their grade for the day.I will provide the 3-colored ribbons. Parents do not dictate to the schools. We know what is best for all children.Parents need to be positive and stop acting like children. Parents should be the adults. Hope this clears everything up. Any questions, please make an appointment with the Director of Elementary Education, Mrs. Margo Handy.

Anonymous said...

Any child in my child's elementary school who does not dress up will not be allowed to go to the cafeteria and watch the inauguration. The will either stay in a classroom or be sent to the library and do extra school work.I verified this with the vice principal. So my child is staying home with grandma.