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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Welfare Poem

I cross ocean,
Poor and broke,
Take bus,
See employment folk.

Nice man treat me
Good in there,
Say I need to
See welfare.

Welfare say,
'You come no more,
We send cash
Right to your door.'

Welfare checks,
They make you wealthy,
Medicaid it keep
You healthy!

By and by,
I get plenty money,
Thanks to you,
American dummy.

Write to friends
In motherland,
Tell them 'come
Fast as you can.'

They come in turbans
And Ford trucks,
I buy big house
With welfare bucks

They come here,
We live together,
More welfare checks,
It gets better!

Fourteen families,
They moving in,
But neighbor's patience
Wearing thin.

Finally, white guy
Moves away,
Now I buy his house,
And then I say,
'Find more aliens
For house to rent.'
And in the yard
I put a tent.

Send for family
They just trash,
But they, too,
Draw the welfare cash!
Everything is
Very good,
And soon we
Own the neighborhood.

We have hobby
it's called breeding,
Welfare pay
For baby feeding.

Kid's need dentist?
Wife's need pills?
We get free!
We got no bills!

American's crazy!
He pay all year,
To keep welfare
Running here.

We think America
Darn good place!
Too darn good for
The white man race.
If they no like us,
They can scram,
Got lots of room in Pakistan .

It is interesting that the federal government provides a Single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 And each can also get an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of$2,470.00 .

This compares very well to a single pensioner who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!


Anonymous said...

Joe , I believe civil war is on the way. I have worked 55 years
and receive half of what these people get. We will more than likely have to make some very, very , very radical changes.

Anonymous said...

This is just great! I am out there every day working 10-12 hour days and then I get behind someone in the grocery store that has a much more appealing grocery order using their "welfare" card! I just love it so much!!! NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

This is so true and you can thank the "majority of the people" who voted for Obama. These are the same people that approve welfare for lazy people and illegal aliens. Many of these so called majority are welfare recients themselves.

We need to put a moratorium on Visa's, secure our borders as soon as possible and deport all aliens illegal or not.

Anonymous said...

How about standing behind a family with, the better grade of food, nicer clothes, gold teeth or tooth, 4 or 5 kids, all pimped out to the hilt, hats sideways and such, (btw: are hats with the brim in the front still made? I tend to see the ones with the brim on the side or back, they aren't cheap either, I can tell this by the tags still one them)Oops I drifted away for a second. Anyway the family gets into a very nice Cadillac Escalade, sitting on what appears to be rather large, non stock rims and tires, I hear these are rather expensive too! This welfare systme is a crock and these crooks are allowed to get away with it and we keep giving to them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:32Pm

They are the ones that voted democrat and voted for Obama.

Obama gonna put gas in my car an pay my rents!

Anonymous said...

No such animal as a "very nice Cadillac Escalade".

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.. this is too cute yet soooo true... but maybe with Obama we all can gets some welfare too...hahhahah

Anonymous said...

I was in Walmart tonight and I am an American, but I certainly was a minority in that store. America needs to wake up before it is way to late. They are coming over here in droves and taking our tax dollars and the liberals are giving it to them as quick as they can. It wasn't only the hispanics it was also middle eastern foriegners and niether one of them was speaking English.

Anonymous said...

I so totally agree. But, if we speak our minds, we are accused of being racist. I am so sick of political correctness I could just scream!

Anonymous said...

"Change" is gonna come !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I so totally agree. But, if we speak our minds, we are accused of being racist. I am so sick of political correctness I could just scream!

11:13 PM

You are right, but we need to keep speaking our minds. We have a right to be heard and it is for OUR country not theirs!!

Anonymous said...

Remember the Alamo...

Anonymous said...

I love ignorant comments such as these. People like you can kiss and chew my benefit recieving toliet paper, If you are talking about me. Yeah, I recieve assistance, yes I work. I am the only child of my parents, I am american born. My parents are divorced. My father makes over $100,000 a year with a high school diploma. My mother has worked hard protecting your community for over twenty years. My father has one child, and he's never claimed me on his income taxes. So guess what? What ever I need, I am going to apply for. I ain't asking him for much of nothing. Why should I when my family combined, including me, has invested into taxes. I have 3 children and I am 31 years old. I don't regret the birth of either of my kids. They're smart intelligent and high achievers. You've even seen them in your local newspaper for achievement. You have complimented me on my children's good manners in stores and restaurants. I am raising them to stay away from social services. It's more a headache than a help. My grandparents worked 50 years plus, and never used the aid of the government, but when my grandfather died, and my grandmother needed assistance, she could get little to no assistance, after all those years of paying taxes. I wish some illegal, bootleg, no tax-paying person would get assistance and I sit back and continue to struggle. I have filed tax-returns every year since turning 18. I have been layed off, and I struggle to find decent employment to not buy clothes, but to pay bills, save money, and ensure that my children participate in healthy activities. I have done community outreach to earn money to pay for continuing education, working over 80 hours a week for bi-weekly 365.00 stipend. I am a junior in college and have been for over 5 years to avoid debt. I have the same car I had when I had my first child in 1995. I am not materialistic. One day soon I won't need assistance. God knows I don't want to obtain it. One day and one day soon I won't need it, nor will I be eligble to recieve it and that'll be fine by me. But until then, I will not let some judgemental bastards such as yourself judge me. True, some do take advantage and american born citizens suffer. I believe that the government should go by the families as a whole income. There are alot former reciepents who now pay way more than that they recieved. Sara Jessica Parker, Whoopi Goldberg etc.,. And for note when I go to Wic and/or social service to take my paystubs, I see various races, these days more so the caucasian race, and I am not playing the race card on that one. As a reciepient, the system is more strict on citizens than immigrants. If you need atleast apply, get yours too and stop assuming and judging. Most people who have cadillac escalades and recieve benefits are using someone elses card or will really need assistance in the future. I gurantee you. Be careful as to how you judge. there are alot of hard working people, even in the school system who need assistance just to get by. If you can find me a job on my associates degree that will put me at stable. Even to pay my necessary bills, (home, phone electric and food). Then I will contact you immediately. Thank you.