So far we have figured out that he lives in a halfway house of sorts in the Camden area. He used to work at Giant but allegedly got fired due to yelling at a customer and was most recently seen at Giant about a week ago talking to people at the front counter. He was also seen two days ago on a bike on Camden Avenue with a group of kids.
Anyone with any information please contact the Salisbury Police Department or post information about this persons name here on comments. You can obviously remain anonymous. The person that updated us with this information remembered his name possibly as "Devon". So we're getting closer, we just need a little more help and we can get this behind us. Thanks for all your help Folks.
Joe, you could also ask people to call Crimesolvers, 410-548-1776 where they could get a cash reward and remain anonymous!
What did this guy do, that we are trying to get his name, and if he worked at Giant, wouldn't they be able to give the name with a warrant, if it is that important?
Does anyone know the house number on Camden? If so, the landlord could be identified using the SDAT search. I agree about Giant. They are very community oriented. If the photo was taken to them they mgiht recognize the guy. He stole items from a number of cars as I recall.
he broke into my car, stole my wallet and spent my money. he also did this to at LEAST my next door neighbor and 4 other reports that day from the same SBY police officer who was on my case... he was a brief cart worker outside at giant, and yes we can get all information, but you know the police, they are busy, and this is small change... im doing my own work, to see this scumbag go to jail, thats all :)
and btw, i did take the pic to giant last night, and thats how i got the information you are seeing in the post joe made for me :) come on guys, im good, im tackling all avenues... i just now need help with the ID of this punk. thats all... someone has to know him... or has seen him...
Its snoop dog!
it aint snoop, cause if it was he'd abought some blunts and not newport box 100's
if it is the cases that happened in eden... he stole my car and all of our personal items... if it that devon it is devon townsend... however there are lots of devon's and i don't know if this one is that man i am just going by the comment said at 11:04. sorry if this is no reference
Aint that one of the guys all them cops busted the other day ? Yeah thats the ticket, He pulled this job while he was rolling rouge. Just a little moonlighting on the side. But Im positive thats the guy !
The SA didnt let him go yet did they ? I sure hope not for your sake. Your welcome for the tip.
Oh yeah what about my reward for finding this guy ?
if he worked for giant they have his name. the police need to take his mug there. they were not allowed to give out his info to just anyone.
this pic was taken from a camera in a store he attempted to (or did) rob, in laurel, i believe. it hasn't been that long ago, so the other details should be right here on this blog.
i did NOT happen in eden, it happened in salisbury.. sorry :(
7:55 am - i guess im lucky that im not just ANYONE :) ive got friends in high places hombre, dont worry, we're gonna get him.
Giant has not employed an African American "Devin" for some time. They also have not "fired" a parcel pick-up employee in quite a while. It's been the same employees for about a year....?
They would be more than willing to provide information to the police if it involved tracking down a criminal. The guy doesn't look familiar and is, unfortunately, hard to identify due to the poor quality of the photo.
Case and point, a Detective would actually have to put down the donut, set their coffee asside, put on a jacket and actually go to Giant to find that information out, now wouldn't they? I mean, that IS how you solve crimes, right? Obviously this hasn't happened yet and now you know why so many files go COLD in Salisbury, yet the coffee and donuts stay warm and fresh.
You go guy!
Git him!
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