Ultra Conservative Author and Columnist Anne Coulter was cut from the Today's Show today, and was replaced by gossip columnist Periz Hilton, who recently offered $1000. to anyone who would throw a pie in Anne Coulter's beautiful face.
Looks like she's gonna do just fine! How much more free advertising could she ask for? Someone else will pick her up just for the ratings value.
She is an ugly woman on the inside.
Excellent move on their part. She was a waste.
Good riddance. What a rude, unpleasant, misdirected, waste of influence she is.
Nothing good comes after the words anne coulter.
Did she used to be a man? She has a adams apple.
Is it not amazing how liberals can not stand freedom of speech and the bias in the press is even more apparent.Let us not forget that this is the same media that sent over 2000 reporters to Alaska to find dirt on Palin but sent none to Chicago to investigate the most corrupt political party and its new leaders relationship with them! It now looks like the american people have elected the most potentially corrupt person to ever hold the office of president.
She is nice looking but beautiful is a stretch, she doesn't smile enough to get my vote for beautiful, regardless of her politics.
They preach tolerance until someone who disagrees with them speaks up, then they show just how intolerant they really are.
Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
-Kurt Vonnegut
No conservatives allowed on the liberal press don't you know.
Be nice to see her and Al Franken trade cream pie's in the face just as a lark to agree to disagree.
For the record I think they both lean just a little too far, somebody has to do it. In politics you always push for the impossible and hope you wind up with what you really want.
She was on CBS' Morning Show this morning. I turned it off. She's pathetic.
She is a moron. If you actually listen to the crap she spews, you will be happy she is gone. I saw her on CBS this morning, and it made me want to puke. Lie after lie after misstatement.
If you have ever read an Ann Coulter book she back's up the " Anonymous said...
She is a moron. If you actually listen to the crap she spews, you will be happy she is gone. I saw her on CBS this morning, and it made me want to puke. Lie after lie after misstatement.
11:15 AM"
Because her books are based on the stuff she deals with and writes columns about every day. Her "misstatements" are actual truths that liberals refuse to hear and they have the sources to back up the statements. It's too bad for NBC, and good for Ann Coulter. She wants to get her message out and they shouldn't be biased to try and control what people hear, whether you agree with her or not. You can see her regularly on other news outlets (like Fox), hopefully other networks won't be as biased against her freedom of speech.
Many might call me a liberal, however my main source of news is Fox and CNN. You have to at least listen to the other side, that's why I like Hannity and Colmes. She was on there last night and no I really don't care for her.
My pie trading idea between her and Franken would be for charity of course.
She's really a man, she has Adam's apple.
Last I heard there is no more Hannity and Colmes. It's now Hannity's America or something like that
That is true. I heard Colmes is taking the role of the old man in the Poltergeist remake trying to haunt liberal ideas in poor unexpecting peoples homes.
One more right wingnut held to account. Bravo NBC.
Truth hurts, run and hide little sheeple.
GGGGOOOOOOOODDDD. I really hated that women.
Just out of curiosity... how many of you folks out there who said you can't stand her or she is ugly is a man?
Just type your Anon time for identification.
I just have a feeling that you GUYS don't really like an intelligent woman.
Anne Coulter is probably one of the most well spoken person that one can have the opportunity of listening to. Her command of the English language and American History and Politics is on par with that of William F. Buckley.
I agree she is certainly not going to be hurt by this, but doesn't this bother you even the least little bit that instead of hearing another side of a story they just silence it??
not to mention her sense of humor and quick wittedness...
i believe she speaks the truths through hysterical invectives, most of which are spontaneous and
the liberal obamorons will never be able to appreciate.
and chuck nbc, foulter...
fyi, that's an adams apple regardless. i suppose you could call it an eve's apple. everyone has one...proper name larynx, or voice box. within lies the vocal cords, one on each side and is the opening to the trachea or windpipe.
also home to one of the most powerful reflexes in the human body, be you man, woman or child.
I said she wasn't beautiful because she doesn't smile enough, she's far from ugly.
I made the Franken references, jokingly. I did say I watched her on Hannity and Colmes, I didn't turn her off, I listened. Even I can come up with a good idea or thought, I listen to everyone.
I like intelligent women, however I do better with the dumb ones LoL You Rock Wymzie u b 1 intelligent 1
Wymzie. Just caught your direct request for a man's opinion on her. I think you know I am at least "quasi-intelligent" but:
1) No, she ain't all that-seems like A Gabby Reece wanna-be to me. I prefer more curves and less phony political bull guano.
2) Man...Once she opens that ignorant mouth of hers; I can honestly say I would rather "pitch-woo" with the rotund girl, Natalie?, from "Facts of Life." At least the FOL chick was "beautiful on the inside."
3) I hope you don't need that pile of dirt because "Mr. Wymzie is 'down on aisle 9'"
As far as her intellegence, well, most of you have never been on NBC, let alone "Banned Forever". She's packing some pretty serious smarts to have gotten where she is and to have done what she's done. Whether you like her or not, she is a gifted and talented individual who has and will continue to have a prosperous career and future. For those who have added the brilliant comments like, "she's ugly" or "she has an adam's apple" there is no doubt she would chew you up and spit you out intellectually.
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