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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Violent Shooting in Salisbury Last Night

The shooting that occurred last night near the Exxon Station at Vine St & Rt 13, just outside PRMC, is allegedly a drug deal gone bad. The victim of the shooting was shot in the abdomen and once in the thigh, both bullets went clear through, one bullet was found lying on the ground next to the victim. According to our sources the victim is well known by local authorities as an alleged drug dealer and the suspect was identified by the victim. The victim gave the street name of the suspect to the police. The police recognized this name immediately. It should be known that both the victim and the suspect have very long list of priors.

Names are being withheld until further notice from law enforcement agencies.


Anonymous said...

Any idea how many time PRMC has been on lockdown due to incoming patients who are victims of violence in the last year, six months, etc.? That is probably a good indicator of crime in the area. They lock down when the assailant hasn't been caught and the victim is taken to the ER.

Anonymous said...

I was at PRMC when the shooting happen, the hospital never went on lockdown , in fact an ambulance had to be called for the victim when he was laying right in the parking lot. Nothing was ever called over the intercom of the hospital to let people know that anything was going on. Salisbury police did not even tape off the parking space where the victim was laying, I was able to go over to the police officer and I even volunteered to hold the Cop's flashlight so he could take pictures of the bullet where it came out of the victim.

Anonymous said...

welcome to little Chi-ca-go!

Anonymous said...

Good, let them kill each other off.
Saves tax payer dollars. Ends drug deal one at a time.
Soon with our new leadership they will also have health care and it will take care of there hospital bill, if there lucky enough to live. We also need to give them life insurance incase they dont live. No decent people go out in salisbury at night anyway , hell you might get killed for being near a drug deal. Also remember there is no crime in salisbury, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Salisbury was a nice town when i was a kid and now it is a shit hole, if you dont believe me go down to the wicomico river and take a swim. Let take back our country rebell now. Signed: fed up

Anonymous said...

i work at the hospital and it goes on lock a fair amount.. kind of scary when it happens.. Drug dealers and gangs want people dead no matter what or who gets in their way

Salisbury is a sespool of crime and getting worse

Anonymous said...

It's a sign of the times. Revolution is coming. Can't you feel it? Police can't protect you. You better carry what you need to protect you and yours.

Anonymous said...

"Another Violent Shooting" - Unless he died it wasn't violent enough...

Anonymous said...

Soon I'm gonna have to start given "hazard" pay to my employees who work in the berry.

And to get them to work nights here....forget-a-bout-it. There ain't nothing here but crooks and hook....ers that is.

Its been rumorred that Joe's Angels are on the way. Help us Joe Help us !

Anonymous said...

The people of the united States Of America live in fear daily. The fear has spread from the violence on streets to entire perception of the State Of The Union. As one person posted"Can you feel it". I can when an african american can say and do what ever they want to and guilt America for the sins of our great, great grandfathers this country has lost its core values. I for one feel no shame or guilt for the actions of those decades past. I do not believe the change in behavior and what Iam am hearing from children who are obviously quoting what they hear at home or in school. This country needs to do some serious healing if we are ever to be the strong nation we once were. I see many organizations that protect the rightsof those of color or certain religous groups. Yet the common aglo person has no rights once soever. It angers me and I am a moderate at best. I see things are more Black and White than ever before. It is horrible that people fear groups of thugs that roam our streets. The total disrespect of law and order. I feel Rome is burning. I see it all over the country not just here on the shore. Ifwe continue down the pat of destruction we currently travel all will have to make a choice of where we truly stand on a multitude of fronts. People need to work together to bring resolution to the complicated issues we face. I will never live in fear on my own soil that i can assure you. The gang problem in this county is out of hand. The city is starting to decay to a point that it is an embarrassment for travelers just to drive down Rt.13. Citizens need to take back what is rightly yours free of fear of thugs that roam our streets. The city and the county need to fund whatever the police to nedd accomplish this deed. The police can not do it on their own. The common man has to step up to the plate to help counter a very disturbing trend in our county. The level of violence is reaching out to all segments of our county. It is time for those willing to report crime and take a stand once and for all and win back our streets. The State Goverment has to aid municapalities with funding and laws that have teeth to make those who are domestic terrorist pay regardless of what color they are. I say live free or die. It is time for a revolution of intergrity and patriotism. Good versus evil. Enough is enough. When the hospitals that care for our loved ones have to be locked down, the schools that educate our young have to be locked down, this country is losing the fight. To the thugs that do what they want when they want without fear of aprehention we are losing the battle. As econimic times fall harder on us all we will see the fabric of those that are willing to take a stand.

Anonymous said...

Give the men and women of Salisbury City Police MORE police officers, MORE pay so the ones that get hired don't leave to make enough money to feed their families, the newest and best of equipment to do the job, and the utmost cooperation from concerned citizens or stop complaining and start getting use to the overload in violent crime....this is to you city council, and the people that are in charge of these decisions!!!do something to make this city better, do something drastic not miniscule

Anonymous said...

Mooooooooooooooooooooreeeeeee POLICE. and MOOOORE police trying to proactively catch the criminals not just take reports and do the minimum is what will make this place safer

Anonymous said...

Too bad the dude shooting didn't mean business and send this piece of sh-t to the grave. They could have just carried him down to the river and thrown him in , it would have just blended with all the other turds in there. Salisbury is in need of much better leadership that has the ability to change it without picking on the homeless. If dinglebarrie knew how to run things she would have found a better police chief and Salisbury wouldn't be harboring these thugs. All this mare is worried about is stealing from the poor homeless hoping that will make them invisible.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Barrie & Chiefy for getting the crime down in Salisbury - NOT!

Anonymous said...

I do not feel sorry for the victim.
He can acquire a gun somewhere.
That would make the difference.
We will find ourselves armed to the hilt in this generation.You are
right 10:51pm , the revolution
is near. The democrates have overthrown the government as we have known it.They want change , they shall get it!!!

Anonymous said...

This ain't happened in Salisbury, we ain't gots no crime her.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
welcome to little Chi-ca-go!

8:44 PM

And it is going to get even worse because you all voted for Ob-a-ma!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
..guilt America for the sins of our great, great grandfathers this country has lost its core values. I for one feel no shame or guilt for the actions of those decades past...
1:43 AM

I can assure you that not one of my ancestors owned slaves. I have been doing my geneaolgy for over 8 years and I have become quite an expert at it. Please don't include white Americans in your statement about our sins. As a matter of fact less than 5% of Americans owned slaves and my family wasn't a part of that. By the way it was the Africans that sold their own people into slavery.

Anonymous said...

More cops is not all that is needed in this county. We need prosecutors and judges with the balls to put these people away for the maximum amount of time. Giving them the maximum sentence gives the cops time to clean up the rest of the trash. The way it is now the cops barely get the paperwork done before some asshole judge and prosecutor unlocks the gates and sets them free to commit even more crime.

More cops is a good start but not the answer.

Anonymous said...

You want a pure and decent society, how many of you have the stomach for it? The only way its going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Anon 143 i hear you loud and clear. I also know that non of my ancestors owned slaves as well. I for one want to know why there is a black Maryland State Troopers Coalition. If I am stopped by someone who is a member of this "Coalition" and I am white do I have a chance. Hmmmm It is time for the Governor or the Terry Sherridian the soon to be gone I hope COl. of the State Police to do away with this "Coalition" It is a racist concept by definintion. If there was a "White" Troopers Coalition there would be outrage. This stinks if you are white and get stopped find out if they are a member take your ticket to the Supreme Court if this Black trooper feels he needs protection from his own then how can he not judge the white person he stops. It stinks. When i found out the State Of maryland allowed this group of troopers to have this fraternity if you will. I lost all respect. Keep it real. I do not intend to break a law but if an A/A Trooper stops me,and he or she is a member of this group. I will take it to the next level. I am not a racist but I will not be judged for my color. I think the State Police should have to post a list of these troopers so the public knows who they are. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

143 It was just a literary statement not meant to offend or include. I am the writer of that post. I was just making the point it is time for all to move on from that issue. History has some uglyness and some real honor. I am saying live in the hear and now. I for one am sick of the race card. That only the chosen few can play. If one went to court atating it was because I am causasian it would be laughable. Well not anymore America I see the future crystal clear.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:35

We need a D.A. that up holds the law because it is the right thing to do. Not let some crimes slide so that it does not cost the county too much money ? Because it cost them more money having to re-arrest these criminals the next time.

I wonder if the D.A.s office has to keep flow charts on expences verses fines. It sure does feel like it. " Oh my we need more fine money to offset the Judges new pay raise" And the criminals who don't have anything (as most of them it seems)are just set free. Set free to maybe grow in income so that they can be harvested at a later date when they can afford more fine money for the D A s office.

Kindda like growing criminals for county funding....

Wooaahh, I was getting a little out there with that last statement.

I hope ?

Anonymous said...


You said it right!!!

Anonymous said...

MORE COPS, MORE COPS! People, cops don't make any money working for the City of Salisbury.
Look how small the graduating class was at Wor-Wic for police officers.
Money is a KEY issue is hiring more cops.

joe albero said...

Just a minute 4:21,

Graduating Classes for Police Officers everywhere is down. Perhaps you should ask the Police Agencies just how difficult it is to get in. Your record has to be VERY clean. This is why those who are in deserve the respect they have so earned.

I'll add, local Officers are making more money and it was one hell of a fight to get them what they now have. Leadership needs to change and priorities respecting Public Safety need to be priority #1. Only then will Salisbury grow to a respectable level and this is why I have had my differences with the current Mayor and Police Chief.

Chimera said...

I dread even having to drive into Salisbury for anything-when I have to do so, I wedge a claw hammer between my seat and the shifter, its the most "legal" lethal weapon I can carry in the car legitimately.The parking lots scare me the most so I try not to go shopping alone.
And while we are on the subject of "self-preservation" I have to ask....I know alot of visitors to this blog are LEO's and former LEO's so tell me-what IS legal for women to carry as a defense? I know some of the pepper/chem sprays are not,as are not tasers.Will I catch a charge for having a tool under my seat?

Anonymous said...

Totmom, who cares what's legal? Ask yourself what does it take to keep you safe that is more important than what is legal these days. I'll worry about what is legal when I get caught, until then I'm going to be safe, everywhere I go.

Anonymous said...

Like old Frank Hastings used to say....."I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six".

Anonymous said...

this person and people like him need to be taken care of. Word around town is that this is the same person who had his house shot at just last week on Jackson. The same house where his little son was almost hit with one of the bullets!!

Anonymous said...

I am under the beleif that the wcsd
is the leading law inforcement agency in the county.Salisbury is in the county.

Instead of hireing more city police , why not beef up the patrols in these "crime ridden" areas with some of our own leading officers ? Perhaps they could rotate in patrols so that some sort of law inforcement would be available in more frequent patrols. Making the time between patrols less. With this more visible technique I'm sure it would at the least cut down on the time availible to criminals to commit these crimes that are being committed more often. I only hope that this would not mean that the wcsd would have to expand their knowledge in detecting a crime before it has been committed. After all they should already be trained . I think it isn't a matter of hireing more police. It is more along the lines of utilizing the police we already have. Tighten up on their work ethics. Perhaps supervising them a little closer and manage their patrols a little closer. Do they have G.P.S. in their patrol cars ?

Maybe a little less summons serving and a little more public serving is all that needs to be implamented here. The free ride is coming to a end boys in brown.Its time to step up and lead in other areas other than parking citations and summons serving. We could hire "DOG" the bounty hunter for this job. And I'm sure we could find a few meter maids to handle the rest. Get the police to police.Yeah thats the ticket.Excuse the pun.

I for one don't feel safer knowing that citizens are breaking the law because our law agencys arn't focussing on the growing rate of these kinds of crimes.

Anonymous said...

The thugs who prey on your white hiney don't ask what's legal. Why should us law abiding citizens care. If totmom's toting a Stanley, more power to her! Whale away baby doll!

Anonymous said...

while these repeat criminals are in the hopsital, why not sterilize them so they can't have children? then maybe, there would not be a bunch of pre-teen and teen hoods? and our tax burden would be much lighter for welfare, head start etc! these people are damaged beyond repair and should not be having/raising children. period.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the quality of officers that stay at SPD. The only ones they keep are the ones no one else wants. Most of them wouldn't know what pro activity is outside of stopping old ladies for tag lights.

joe albero said...

anonymous 12:36, That's just wrong. I know many of the Offiocers on the SPD and they are not only great cops, they're incredible human beings tolorating a Boss that simply sucks.

Many of the Officer that are still there are only there because the other Police Departments don't have LEOPS, (sp?). IF they could transfer to another department and carry over these benefits they would have done so long ago. That's the facts, Jack.