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Friday, June 27, 2008

Who is W. R. Witzke?

In Friday's Daily Times we were treated to an oddity - a letter to the editor that was both well thought out AND very well written. It didn't hurt that I was in full agreement with the author.

I don't know if Witzke is a man or a woman. I don't know whether he or she is a Democrat or a Republican. I do know that Witzke is either very intelligent or some kind of conservative savant.

Witzke has provided one of the most succinct and persuasive pieces against Wicomico County's antiquated dispensary system. We commend Witzke for his or her writing and logic. We also wish they wrote for us at Delmarva Dealings. We can always use an intelligent voice like this.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

It is probably Wayne Witzke, who used to be (and maybe still is) an officer with the 200th MP company that used to be at the Salisbury armory.

Anonymous said...

Today while in the liquor store I picked up some propaganda authored by WCLCB EMPLOYEES. This piece is trying to put the fear in small business owners that their alcohol licenses will go up in price several thousands of dollars. I can't understand why the board isn't putting a stop to their employees being out of control. They have been trying to incite the public for months. Alessi, Haemel and Dennis, please do your job and get control of your employees.

Anonymous said...

wayne witzke

Tim Chaney said...

Believe me the employees there wouldn't dare do anything that wasn't approved by the management and the board. I worked in that hole for 6 years. I should just cut this crap and ask to speak with all three, Rick Pollitt, Mike Lewis and Ed Baker. I was sent to see Ed while employeed there about reporting employee theft.

Tim Chaney said...

I will add that during my tenure there boardmember Mrs. Dennis was the only one I could have any faith in trusting.

Like the city votes are always 3 to 2, she was always out numbered 2 to 1, I still have a lot of respect for her.

Anonymous said...

Tim, We have never met but please make contact with either Mike, Rick, Ed Baker or Davis Ruark. All would be very receptive to you. Afterall, it is tax dollars.

Tim Chaney said...

Oh I know Rick Pollitt and Mike Lewis will see me without hesitation, I would prefer to talk to them all together. The county attorney may not, could be a conflict of interest, all I can do is try.

They need the good word of an insider to even get a gist of what has gone on there in the past, and most likely continuing as we speak. You can bet your sweet bippy they are keeping a close eye on this blog! F'um.

I haven't said anything that I can't back up either.

Anonymous said...

Put up or shut up!!

Anonymous said...

Make the call to meet with all. There is no doubt in my mind that if you call either Rick or Mike and tell them that you want to meet with all 4, they will make it happen. The people of Wicomico will be forever indebted to you. We all know that the dispensary system is problemed and needs to go away but the 4 above needs to hear it first handed. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Dennis is a fine person and should not be held accoutable for the actions of the dispensary. Haemal and Alessi should be held as well as Collis and Cooper. Tim do it for the people of Wicomico.

Anonymous said...

The board members and manager are using the employees as sympathetic pawns in their low risk game of chess. It's not about the employees, it about cutting off the heads of the Medusa.

Anonymous said...

another thing is that lcb doesn't have to ask the county council how much raises and benefits they hand out. county has no control over them at all, the citizens must start contacting their representitives about this lead weight around the ankles of taxpayers. start going to delaware to buy your liquor, cut them off at the knees, hell go to worcester county, just don't buy it here

Anonymous said...

I see all of these people telling Tim what he should do against the LCB. I agree, Tim should tell all he knows however, how many of you that are encouraging him to do what is right for the county have stood up to Barrie Tilghman, told what you know about her administration? How many of you have ever stood up for anything other than on the blog? I'm not being a smart ass, I really would like to know. I haven't seen to many in this area that will stand in the open for much of anything. In the safety of their own little groups is quite a different story, everybody is balls to the wall then. What do you do when push comes to shove?

Guess what? PUSH CAME TO SHOVE...a long damned time ago. Don't be so quick to push someone else to do what you aren't willing to do yourself. This crying about owning businesses and living in town is old, we've heard it until we can all sing the tune backwards. Don't ask Tim Chaney to stand up for you, go and stand up with him. He too has to work and live. Look at the snake pit you are to quick to push him into. Alessi, is the crookedest man walking, Callis, Haemel and Collins, birds of a feather.

Tim Chaney said...

Three of us had to go talk to Ed Baker about employee theft. Several former employess know about another that was on video tape that I also witnessed, yes 4 totally different people.

That makes 7 people, you think they will all lie under oath? I'm not the only witness to what has gone on there. The Truth shall set you Free.

After what happened at the Landfill I bet somebody will want to get the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

I understand that there isn't any inventory control there as well as any control over the cash registers. Oh, well, if your drawer comes up short. Again, poor management and shortsightedness by the board.