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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Help Wanted?

"Did you happen to see the WCDC advertisement for a "CORRECTIONS FACILITY MANAGER"? It's for a maintenance supervisor, for cripe's sake! And they honestly think they're going to get someone certified in electrician, plummer HVAC etc., with good leadership qualities, for $35034 a year? Have you had an electrician or a plummer do any work lately? Plummers get $180 an hour! This is a joke! It's got to be!

Perhaps you also noticed that the requirements for this particular position are a lot longer than those for Chief of Security? Clearly, 3D is of the opinion that one cannot emerge fresh from college and do a sufficient job supervising maintenance personnel, but they can supervise CO's and handle all of the security issues pertaining to inmates. Interesting revelation, that. Perhaps we begin to see how 3D's mind works . . . when it works."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me, in departments other than the sheriffs department and the BOE, this is how it is. The county does not pay "ordinary" workers well. Then what happens is you get what you pay for. There should be "for real" salary studies done and actually implemented. Unfortunately with the bulk of money for salaries going the "important" agencies, there is not enough for the "stepchildren" of the county.