I have just learned that States Attorney Davis Ruark will in fact take a 60 Day Leave Of Absence perhaps starting on Monday. He does have some loose ends to tie up but the intent is to go to Florida for a 28 day In Patient Treatment Center.
While Mr. Ruark has served as States Attorney going on his 5th term, making such a decision, (IMO) is the most honorable thing he could do. Stepping down and making such a harsh decision is not the answer right now.
Facing your problem head on and choosing to do something about it is not only honorable, just imagine once he returns and is seen in a local pub with a drink in his hand? I'd say this is a step in the right direction and will be life altering in the right direction. I'd also say that individuals like County Executive Rick Pollitt, Sheriff Mike Lewis and the entire Law and Law Enforcement Community will respect such a decision and I encourage each and every one of you to show your support.
My hat is tipped to Mr. Ruark. My thoughts, prayers, support and best wishes go out to him as well as his entire Family. That's a man!
60 day leave of absence to go to florida to "dry out", and get help, eh? damn shame he can't take all the other drunk drivers who got slammed by him alomg for the ride. BULLSH!T!!!
he put lives at risk...we elected him to prosecute people who engage in these types of negligent behaviors
stepping down is the proper course of action...how can he have any credibility in court now?
Tip my hat..you have to be kidding. Everyone will tip their hats and kick him in his ass on his way out the door. One down and many to go to make this county better. Short man out!!
60 days for a 28 day treatment? sounds like the good ole boy has 32 days to drink in sunny Florida...
I respect the man but who is paying for him to dry out and have a vacation in FL?
I would like to meet someone who never made a mistake in their life. He is taking responsibility for his actions. May he come out a better man.
The damage is done. Ruark chose to drink and drive. The price, his career as States Attorney. If he has a problem, I applaud him for seeking help. However, he needs to step down.
Wonder if he is going to the same 28 day clinic i went to on my lawers advice after my 2nd dwi. I got to play tennis, ping pong, but did have some good group sesions where I got to the root of why I really drank the way I did.
Did it make me quit? No. You have to want to. Does he have a problem? I have no clue. I dont like people saying a person gets 1 dui and claim he has a drinking problem. He is doing this to try and look good in court.
My insurance company fought tooth and nail to get me out as they were being billed over 800.00 a day!!
While I did quit for a while, and I will not drive drunk as the jail time did more for me than the treatment place... these centers can help. (It was the 2nd dwi that got me jail time)
Even tho I went in patient I still went to jail. But that was on my 2nd offense. I do not see him going to jail on first. Hell, if it was any county other than Wicomico, you wont see jail till 4th or fith. Wicomico is not a county you want to get a DWI in.
Will be real interesting to see who gets billed for his stay. My bill after a bit over 2 weeks was close to 20,000. Granted I didnt pay a cent, insurance did.
I hope people dont think we as tax payers are paying fot his re-hab as I am sure it does come out of his paycheck. And I only got 2/3 salary because they put me on short time disability.
Time will tell if it really helps.
Davis is human, he made a mistake, perhaps he has a problem but he is willing to seek help. We all deserve a second chance to get our lives in order. I lost a loved one because he did not take the step Davis has in knowing when to stop and get help. “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at him.” I am glad that Rick Pollitt is our County Executive, he has had alot to deal with in his first year but you will not find a more honest man and I am confident he will do whatever is necessary to get the County back on track.
Rick is not doing a good job for the county. He is too nice of a guy and everyone has him in their hands especially Mike Lewis. Things are being done behind closed doors. People wake up and change this county for the best.
I am glad to know that our top presecutor will do the right thing and step down. Glad to know that he is facing his problems & seeking help. My best wishes goes to him & his family.
Having said that, I still need to know if Mr. Ruark will be prosecuted as any other citizen arrested while driving drunk? After all his son, who was also arrested a few months back while driving drunk, was never charged, because he was considering going into the armed services. An admirable thing, but there are plenty of other young men & women who get the book slammed at them, and rightly so, regardless of their military aspirations.
We have a choice, either end the double standard, and hold all poeple accountable for thier actions in an equitable manner, or continue to make a moquery of our laws.
You're wrong! Let me get you people straight, respectfully.
Yes, Davis Ruark's Son was also charged last summer. However, it was his first offense and as in 99% of those cases they receive a PBJ. Davis Ruark is no different. Quit expecting him to be severely punished and or go to jail because that's simply not the case for first time offenders.
Davis cooperated completely and quite frankly did NOT ask for special attention, unlike so many others you have read about in the past.
He manned up to his situation and took it on the chin. Respect that, please? I have clearly stated I'm NOT at all happy with what has happened but let me assure you, this man is stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing, immediately.
Oh, as for the Idiot who said he's going away to a place with tennis courts and so forth, go to hell! Mr. Ruark is not only NOT going to one of those places, he's also more than likely going to lose his Family over this whole thing. That's one hell of a price to pay for such a mistake.
OK, I've said my peace.
So he didn't ask for any special consideration. Who does? So he didn't get offered any special treatment. Who would? Will he get special treatment? Of course he will. If you think he won't then you got your head up your a$$.
Sounds to me like his drinking is a big problem. To go to Florida for a 28 day program sounds like an alcoholic to me. I mean you can get a DUI if you are at home drinking and have two beers between 6-7pm go out driving and blow over a .08, so does he have a problem or did he have those last two beers in less than an hour and jump in his car and head to Salisbury.
I dont think it should be about the person. I think its about the position as Cheif Law Enforcer. How many laws and/or what type can be broken before it's an obomination of the position? Alcohol impairs judgements and leads to addiction. It's destroyed many good people. Surely he'd be a great loss to our judical system, years of experiance and confidence make for expediting the work load. How much confidence would be lost from law officers, coworkers and of coarse the public? Should everyone now be destracted by dought while they work together on acase {is he under the influence/impaired now?} Just ask yourself, honestly, will it affect your confidence level in this person? Are you willing to take that risk? Now go the picture of Ruark, the Sheriff and Sharma. Look in Mr Ruarks hand, can you honestly tell yourself there is no dought in anyones mind that this glass contains ice tea and not long island ice tea?
Do we really know if this is his first offense, or the first time busted?
I want more information.
Anyone with a lick of sense knows this isn't the first time he's ever been behind the wheel of an automobile over the .08 limit. This isn't isolated. It's just the first time he got nailed. Now all of a sudden he's sorry and used bad judgement. What about all of the other times?
I feel Davis is doing the right thing for himself, his family and for this county. Give the man a chance to prove that he can come back a changed man and not drink any more. We all make a mistake or two in our lives and when we do don't we ask God for forgiveness and He comes through for us? Davis, you come back and do the good job you have done for us over all these years!
A. Goetz
So it's ok for Ruark to break the law ( HE DID BREAK THE LAW) but we can now lock Ray Lewis up and throw away the key. Am I hearing this correctly?
Joe I can't believe my ears! If it was anybody else well let's say Chief See or Bill Gordy would you be saying the same thing??? OR even B tilghman?? This is BUllSH!T. He could have killed someone that night and himself he needs to quit or get fired! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Especially to get caught in a COUNTY car!!
You know, you make an excellent point. To the point I'm actually speechles.
I'll have to think that one over for a while, no excuses.
Davis took full responsibility for his actions and partial responsibility for their consequences. Some applaud the former, some condemn the latter.
Davis Ruark made a huge mistake, driving while drunk. And I can assure you it isn't the first time he's done it. I'm pretty sure that there will be numerous accounts about to be shared, cue the floodgates to open.
This isn't anything new for him, same thing from back in the early 80's. Ask anyone who used to be a regular at the old Royal Exchange Pub, Davis was there frequently. Ask any of the old bartenders in the area, they know him well. He just never got caught--until now.
Yes, he certainly felt he was above the law and now is taking a 'leave of absence' to another state where he can't witness the fallout from his behavior--and I'm pretty certain this will be also at the taxpayer expense.
Had he killed someone, and he well could have, not only would it been a tragic loss of life, Wicomico County would have been sued into bankruptcy.
There is a reason that elected officials are held to a higher standard, not just being the target of litigation, but as a standard to live up to and strive for.
I'm simply surprised at how shocked some people are over it.
He needs not only to resign IMMEDIATELY, but also accept whatever stiff sentence is due him.
I'm quite astonished by some people on this board in reference to the severity of receiving even 1DUI.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Board (NHTSA), most drivers involved in fatal crashes have no prior convictions for a DUI.
In 1998, 15,935 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes, an average of one every 33 minutes. These deaths constituted approximately 38.4% of the total 41,471 total traffic fatalities. (NHTSA, 1999)
Economic costs of alcohol-related crashes are estimated to be $45 billion yearly. An additional $70.5billion is lost in quality of life due to these crashes. (Miller et al, 1996b)
Talk about saving taxpayers $...
Wake up people...What Ruark did was NO JOKE! There is no exception for this mistake
Ruark must resign at once!!!
Anonymous said...
So he didn't ask for any special consideration. Who does? So he didn't get offered any special treatment. Who would? Will he get special treatment? Of course he will. If you think he won't then you got your head up your a$$.
9:54 AM
Let's see--didn't Rep. Adkins from DE ask for special treatment when he got out of his car and stated who he was? We know what happened to him. Ruark knows not to do such a thing because it is political suicide. I don't think he got out of his car, flashed his SA ID and requested to just go home and sleep off his bender
Wicomico County is certainly fortunate to have elected Sheriff Mike Lewis. He is honest, not one of the good ole boys club and wants Wicomico County to regain its respectability.We, the average citizen, will support his sincere efforts and praise his name far and wide.
Wicomico County is certainly fortunate to have elected Sheriff Mike Lewis. He is honest, not one of the good ole boys club...
Then what was he doing out fishing with Ray Lewis Last Year?
He should be relieved of his position. Any other job if you were caught drinking and driving you would be fired.
Gotta love this city and county eh?
Let's go down the list here!
1. Rai Sharma (County PWD) - FIRED!
2. Davis Ruark (County SA) - FIRED!
3. Barrie Tilghman (Mayor) - FIRED!
4. Pam Oland - (City Financial Clown) FIRED!
5. Dave Winslow - (WWTP Supervisor) - FIRED!
6. Will Smith (WWTP Asst. Super) - FIRED!
7. Jason Joynes (WWTP Chief Operator) - FIRED!
8. Louise Smith ( City Council) - FIRED!
9. Gary Comegys (City Council) - FIRED!
10. Shanie Shields (City Council) - FIRED!
This City/County is run by nothing more than a bunch of hypocritical, corrupted clowns and all of the above should be run out of town! Only after getting rid of all of the above (and I'm sure I've missed a few) does this government and its citizens stand a chance of any normalcy at all!
I love the Eastern Shore but come on people, when is enough enough?
Wow, how did Sheriff Mike Lewis come in to this, I don't believe Mike Lewis would have gone fishing with Ray Lewis had he knew Ray Lewis was committing a crime. Just as my son, I don't think he would have been hanging out with someone he didn't know was going to commit a crime that would implicate him, Mike Lewis has proven to be a great man. Back off, This is about Mr. Ruark not Mike Lewis
I don't know to much about Mr.Ruark, but I wish you the best sir, it sounds like people are going to do there best to ruin you.
It's rumored that MADD is willing for Davis Ruark to continue as district attorney after he as had his trial. One minor mistake should not be cause for the citizens to forget all the positive things that he has done for our County.
anon 512
you would have a point if Mike Lewis wasn't the one who cracked this thing wide open. There's nothing wrong with our sheriff going on a fishing trip. There's nothing wrong if Ray and Mike are friends I have some friends that have made bad decisions as well as you probably have friends that have also. But to try and connect Sheriff Lewis in this because he went fishing with Ray is a stretch don't you think. By the way I don't uphold Ray for this but I wish him nothing but the best and I hope one day he will have this whole thing behind him.
Stewart Wallace
Because of his recent arrest, Davis Ruark believes he should not be the prosecutor in cases involving DUIs and vehicular charges. He misses the point rather significantly. Because of his recent arrest, he should not be the prosecutor in cases involving lawbreakers.
11 - Sandy Silvia or Wheatley or whatever she decides to call herself this week from Wicomico Emergency Services- FIRED! We are tired of waiting for her to retire. How can someone that has been unsuccessful in trying to sue the County remain at her position? She should have been given a choice...Carry out this lawsuit & lose - FIRED or carry out the lawsuit & win - RETIRE. And take the Wounded Screaming Chicken Mobile with you!!!!
I swore yesterday,no more comments about Davis Ruark's DWI. This mornings paper has both driven me over the edge and changed my mind about comments about Ruark.
Davis, I do not believe that a man of the law would have the nerve to say "I made a mistake". My God man a mistake is defined as a slip-up,misjudgement, goof, oversite DWI it neither one of those. DWI is a misdemeanor defined as a class of ILLEGIAL acts which are less serious than a felony.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it,and of all people you were not ignorant of the law.
Your slinking off to Florida in February is nothing more than the act of someone who flees while waiting for the waters to calm.What happened with your request for a speedy trial? Do you honestly think this is all going away while you are gone.
No States Attorney should ever expect or be entitled to the same measure of punishment as the average John Doe. Your punishment must be both swift and harsh. People look up,or use to,to their elected officials.
If you do not stand up and take your punishment like a man than you are, certainly, not a man of honor,just another poor choice of the voters. Someone more interested in saving his $100 thousand plus a year job,than doing the right think!
anon 5:12
would be interested in where you get your info. i have some thats much more accurate. sheriff lewis has never shared anything more than his last name with ray lewis. there never was a fishing trip with the two on the same boat. they have never come in contact with one another until this incident. dont try to create any more drama we have enough of that already
In most recent news, Ocean City Police Chief Bernadette DiPino said that at the time of the traffic stop, Ruark told officers that there was a loaded handgun in the car. At that point officers seized the gun.
DiPino said Ruark was legally permitted to have the gun in the car and he has violated no criminal laws. However, DiPino said she referred the matter over to Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd and asked him if any civil charges can be filed in relation to the gun.
Ha! Ha! Ha! I blew a .09 and Mr. Ruark acted as if i was public enemy number 1. Now how does it feel! If he doesn't lose his job then the entire court system loses all credibility in my eyes and in the eyes of many eastern shore inhabitants. I would like to propose a toast to Mr. Ruark not only losing his job, but also to spending time in driver improvement class and losing his license for 90 days and being alcohol restricted for 3 years and paying 1,000 dollars in fines and going on probation for a year and i think you get the point! Peace!
What is everyone talking about!!!! What happened to innocent until proven guilty. Most everyone has Davis pinned as a drunk that needs to lose everything in his life. Most of the time you hear that cops just lock people up for no reason or because they are black. What a crock of horse sh!t. So now am I to believe because this OCPD cop arrested Davis for DUI that he is guilty already without a trial. Man I wished everyone thought like that when the real criminals who sell drugs to your kids in school get off due to a technicality. People get your head out of your own A$$ and wake up. He will get his day in court and THEN if he is found guilty then he will get what every other 1st offender gets, and that is PBJ. So for all of you that think Davis is a drunk and he needs to be fired or step down keep smokin whatever your smokin. SA Todd is charging Davis with these extra charges for retaliation against Davis for backing O'gelsby in the last race for the Worcester County SA.
SA Todd is the one that is abusing his power and using his position for personal gain. He is a D!ck just like his tiny son.
Our county what a great place! Our county council never can get along. Kenny,Paul, and Randy stealing from us tax payers. Who else? Hope it comes out. Why did Sheriff Lewis stop the truck in the first place? A mud flap, come on you think? or was he trying to stop the investigation that was ongoing from going farther or did he just want to take all the credit and shine like a star. Now Ruark dwi he knew what he was doing, you think? He has prosecuted drunk drivers for years, he knew the law. Drove a county car and carried a loaded gun, you tax dollars at work. Think of it, your loved ones could have been killed by him. I have no sympathy, fire him. How many others are driving county vehicles that can do the same thing, and do they really need them. Is it stealing, but with permission. Rick Politt remember we elected you. Now start cleaning this mess up and lower our taxes by stopping the stealing and misuse of county property.
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