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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Daily Times Supports Drivers' Licenses for Illegals

The Daily Times doesn't want you to wait in line for your drivers' license. Isn't that sweet. The bottom line is that the Real ID act is a minor inconvenience and worth the price of helping to protect the sovereignty of our nation.

Do we want illegal aliens voting in Maryland elections? Without Real ID, that is exactly what we are getting. Go to your county Elections Board. If you present a valid Maryland license or ID, that is all you need. Yet, illegals are permitted those under the current law. The requirements to vote are clear, yet no proof of citizenship is necessary.

The Daily Times argues that being forced to obtain a copy of your birth certificate (at a cost of $15) in order to obtain a drivers' license is simply too onerous. Of course, a tax increase on Salisbury residents (as the "Tilghman Times" refused to critically examine) that amounts to hundreds of dollars is perfectly OK.

I am honestly perplexed at the arguments made by our local newspaper. While it is no secret that I am no fan of their editorial policy, I never would have accused them of supporting illegal immigration or of being anti-American, until today. The paper will of course argue that this was not their argument. Perhaps ... but it is surely the result.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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carlos65 said...

I think you and every other American should take a long hard look at the Real ID act. I don't believe the opposition is about giving an Illegal a Drivers License. It goes much deeper. One more right the government wants to take away from us, one more way to keep track of its' citizens, one more freedom taken away under the camouflage of National Security. One could even look at it as a States Rights vs. National Government issue, (I think a war was started over that in the 1860's) I am not a whack job but I would encourage everyone to investigate this before just jumping on the bandwagon believing that it is in our best interest because the government says it is. What are we sheep? I am not sure who to attribute this to but it applies in this case - "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Please don't say it is just about Drivers Licenses for Illegals because you know that isn't true. I didn't read the Times stand on this but I am aware of the issue and I wonder how our founding fathers would view such an invasion of our privacy and our rights

dan said...

Amen carlos. i am more upset about the added costs and frustrations, which is what I read into the editorial. I am no big fan of the paper, but to say that the editorial board is advocaing giving illegal immigrants driver's liscenses and other forms of IDs is being a bit one-sided and biased.

The DMV fees are high enough (thank you Bob Erlich.) The taxes are high enough (thank you Martin O'Malley.) The argument that a "mere" $15.00 additional charge over top of everything else is all well and good is, simply, wrong.

This is a move that shows us that our government does not trust us at all. If someone has had a driver's liscense for 50 years, paid all their taxes, and plyed by all the rules, they still ahve to "prove" their citizenship? That is (for lack of a better term) crap. I am as liberal as teh next tree-hugger, and this is simply an awful idea.

It will not solve whatever problem its designers are attempting to band-aid, it will not make any of us safer or our borders more secure, and it will not stop unwanted elements of our society from usurping the rule of law for their own gain.

This is an attack (yet again) on our freedoms and our rights. There are a lot of ways to confront our security and border issues in this country. Taking more money from the citizens already here, and making us prove that we belong, is not it. It smacks of disrespect, and smells of desperation.

Anonymous said...

Earth to writer: you can have your state stop issuing licenses to illegals without succumbing to REAL ID. That is what we have done in the 43 other states. What you mention is a smokescreen. Check out this link to see how government plans to coerce us into these IDs under false pretenses:

Anonymous said...

Carlos, I'm with you! I did read the Daily Times' editorial and it was a lot of drivel about inconvenience.

Let's talk about older African-Americans whose birth records weren't kept or were destroyed, including in fires set to destroy black buildings. I believe the congressman who spoke at the MLK dinner mentioned this.

Then there's the "National ID" program where if you DON'T cooperate with this, you don't get a passport, you don't go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, etc.

This country has gone insane since 9/11, and after awhile, you get to understand the conspiracy theorists about it. What better way to get the people to comply with being identified, classified and categorized than to have an emergency.

Not saying it's right, but sometimes, even I have to wonder.

This country has gotten very scary.

Anonymous said...

Well, that is MAryland for you, and you wonder why the state is broke.

Illegal Imigrants are doing it people. They dont pay their bills, they dont need to. Too many names to keep track of. They drive with out insurance, go to hospitals with out insurance and WHO is paying for it

US!!!!!!!!!!! USA!!!!!!

Now lets let them vote so they can have more say over this crap.

Georga Carlin says you want to cut gas use, get rid of 11million illegal imigrants, that should help some.

Bring troups HOME put them on the border and stop the bleeding and bleeding hearts.

MOST of the liberal bleeding hearts have NEVER served int eh military to defend the country...

Yeah I know spelling and grammar, dont give a shit, read between the lines.

Anonymous said...

"you don't get a passport, you don't go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, etc."

Yes you can. you just can't came back.

Anonymous said...

i don't see a problem. if you can't speak english or pass a driving test, you need to show your citizenship papers. won't cost anything. without meeting this license.