"This is Jon Gerity,
First i was at eagle express. Check the records they were open. My wife needed milk. I filled my tank at wine rack than went to eagle because wine rack did not have no milk. I went in there the cashier was crystal. Go and ask her.
I got my milk on the counter than i went to look for rolaids. While me and cashier were looking pager goes off.
I left went to the scene and saw several cars out front of house.
Second i saw police running up.
Than i saw a vehicle in the back yard.
Know the fire was on a-d corner.
So me and police officers heard from a neighbor someone was inside i did what i was taught to go in. I did my job no matter who says what i did it.
Another thing my wife didnt bang that cop. She was raped why dont you sign your name tough guy.....
well until you sign your name on here who you are after talking crap about my wife just be happy that it wasnt your wife who got raped......
i did not want it to end up like washington street so just back off of my family
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
Wait i forgot my title FF/EMT-B"
this post does not make any sense at all. i think you need to write it again ,but do a draft first and maybe proof read it before you post it. i like to see people representing the fire dept. and being proud of it ,but try not to make us look uneducated.
Wouldn't "UNEDUCATED" be a guy who tries to post the same comment 4 times in a row?????? Or would that just be an IDIOT?
Date: 12/26/2007 3:38:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: noreply-comment@blogger.com (Anonymous)
To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BROTHERHOOD MY ASS!":
this post does not make any sense at all. i think you need to write it again ,but do a draft first and maybe proof read it before you post it. i like to see people representing the fire dept. and being proud of it ,but try not to make us look uneducated.
Date: 12/26/2007 3:38:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: noreply-comment@blogger.com (Anonymous)
To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BROTHERHOOD MY ASS!":
this post does not make any sense at all. i think you need to write it again ,but do a draft first and maybe proof read it before you post it. i like to see people representing the fire dept. and being proud of it ,but try not to make us look uneducated.
Date: 12/26/2007 3:39:01 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: noreply-comment@blogger.com (Anonymous)
To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BROTHERHOOD MY ASS!":
this post does not make any sense at all. i think you need to write it again ,but do a draft first and maybe proof read it before you post it. i like to see people representing the fire dept. and being proud of it ,but try not to make us look uneducated.
Date: 12/26/2007 3:40:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: noreply-comment@blogger.com (Anonymous)
To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BROTHERHOOD MY ASS!":
this post does not make any sense at all. i think you need to write it again ,but do a draft first and maybe proof read it before you post it. i like to see people representing the fire dept. and being proud of it ,but try not to make us look uneducated.
I wonder how your wife is feeling now that you told thousands of people she had been raped..... That should have been left alone. IMO
Just because you are in the FD doesn't mean your in the brotherhood. You have to earn that right. Your in the brotherhood when they tell you your in the brotherhood. Quote from an FDNY Lieutenant Squad 252 Brooklyn in the film The Brotherhood. Thank you.
I'd BET good money that most Fire Fighters knew what BROTHERHOOD was since they were 4 years old. Most of them had HONORABLE Parents in the Fire Department who knew the meaning far better than the Pussies in the Fire Department today. Not all, just MOST!
98% of the problem with brotherhood in SFD you can blame on the administration.
Probie Days said...
Just because you are in the FD doesn't mean your in the brotherhood. You have to earn that right. Your in the brotherhood when they tell you your in the brotherhood. Quote from an FDNY Lieutenant Squad 252 Brooklyn in the film The Brotherhood. Thank you.
4:33 PM
You guys have way to much time on your hand and watch way to much tv. Get life you FDNY Wannabe's!!
SFD is not and never will be FDNY!!
firemen said...
98% of the problem with brotherhood in SFD you can blame on the administration.
5:22 PM
Agreed 100%. get rid of the fat slob 3 stooges and the brotherhood may come back. Gordy, See and Hoppes do the right thing and step down now before you all are thrown out!!!!
No, the SFD is not the FDNY for sure. However, the statement about earning acceptance into the brotherhood applies everywhere.
First of all to all these "BROTHERHOOD" assholes,
Gerity did what Gerity was trained to do, i have proof he was at the eagle express when the call came in.
I have proof FFD SFD didn't show up in 5 mins, from the SFD to Fruitland is more than 5 mins.
And i don't blame him going to to hosp on his own, with EMS like you all with big F***ing mouths he didn't want all the harrasment like he is getting now.
Don't cry cause you weren't there on the scene, and FPD and Gerity put out the fire before you got there,
And about his wife why don't you all just mind your F***ing buisness and leave her out of it
what you all have nothing better to say like you do with Joe's wife and granson.
So why aren't you all dogging the FPD for running into the house without the wearing anything, OH by the way one of the FP officers was treated that night also for smoke inhilation.
So if you weren't there and just lisening to these asshole FF's who know it ALL, why don't you just give them credit for doing a good job;
*Fruitland Angel*
Fruitland Angel it is great you stick up for you husband. Keep up the good work.
great photo, I was wondering does the other fire men in the fire station or ST.16 feel that now you told the whole world your wife was raped, "Wife", an how could you say that over the world-------wide----web. she did not bang that cop. she was raped. So your wife is the one!!!!! Isn't their a "rape sheild law" boy you just f#&k UP! wow.
WOW! Jon you just told the world your wife was raped. YYYYYY i don't under stand their is a rape sheild law to protect the victim, or suspect what is she?
anonymous 7:10,
Do you wear thongs and dress like a girl, because you sure do act like one? Pansie!
First of all to the response about
Fruitland Angel it is great you stick up for you husband. Keep up the good work.
7:04 PM
My wife did not post that ok. Leave my family out of it.
I am telling you now i sign my name to things you dont. You are afraid of what?????
You are scared of something you can dog my family but you can not sign your name?????
Why dont you sign it wait i know you are scared and a asshole.
Half of you guys at the fd who run there mouth and than try to be someone friend to there face.
Hardly any of you know the meaning of brotherhood and never will.
First you dog your own fireman than you dog his family.
Were you there and wanted heavy fire showing and fire thru the roof.
Because you are some kind of adrenaline junkie. That cares more for fighting huge fires, than caring for someone or there home.
There is only a handful of fireman that i actually trust and are decent fireman.
For the rest of you that can talk trash about me and my family and each other.
Wake up one day you are going to need one of us that you dog.
Meaning you cant do everything on your own.
Or your certain click cant do everything.
Sign your name
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
More about the fire, just because you save lives an you get a stif-fie when the alarm goes off. did you think that your the only one who helps people in need!!! You A$$
reference call me biggie
Anonymous said...
great photo, I was wondering does the other fire men in the fire station or ST.16 feel that now you told the whole world your wife was raped, "Wife", an how could you say that over the world-------wide----web. she did not bang that cop. she was raped. So your wife is the one!!!!! Isn't their a "rape sheild law" boy you just f#&k UP! wow.
7:10 PM
You F**king trouble maker you knew about it the night it happened and you have been talking about JG and his family ever since. Jon I am sorry this has happened to you and I can truly say your brother firemen have been talking about you behind your back ever since you have been in the fire dept. Don't feel bad you arent the only ones they dog. I no you are much better than them losers so just hang in there.
Anonymous said...
More about the fire, just because you save lives an you get a stif-fie when the alarm goes off. did you think that your the only one who helps people in need!!! You A$$
reference call me biggie
7:48 PM
John to a friend, the angel is your friend dont lie about that, far as bringing your family in this matter you may consider a new significant other, that girl will have her day. can you say "perjury".
It was one of you assholes that brought up his wife, implying she was running around with a member of SPD, all he did was tell the truth. Not like you all didnt know it before hand.
What a bunch of assholes. I agree with Joe. Brotherhood my ass.
At one time there was a brothernood in the police and fire dept. What went on in the station house stayed there.You all make me sick how you treat one another.I think you all need to grow up. People and kids look up to you as a role model.You all have a very dangerous job and you need one another to depend on. Please keep in your mind on what is important and that is saving lives.Before some one gets hurt in a fire.Thank you all for what you do out there and may God keep you safe from harm.A proud father of a
fireman and EMT .
Let me tell you about truth, meaning why is this guy a hero now that he could of killed his self. I went threw 10 years of fire training, NYPD first thing you cant help someone if your not prepared yourself, second If he would of gotten hurt or killed isn't that why fire men do the things they do "stupid shit" remember 911 never regret "I was their" you will never see life for what it is, until you witness death!
John your wife has a few things she needs to tell you about Three different firefighters also. If she can't remember I'll start naming if you like, now that i mentioned it that "cop Who's accused of rape, Her" come on, sound like someone needs money.
Whats next when are you guys planing to sue.
I cant wait for the rape issue to be said with.
sex is what occured,
time will tell who you are married too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
proud father what goes on in the station house stays their , hope you dont have a daughter, if so I might consider joining one dept. both dept.. are full of sex, cheaters, and lies. if you only knew why camera are placed in certian places because they dont want you to see everything.
So to the ones like biggie and the one who has 10 years training....
Why dont you go ahead and tell me your names come on be a man and tell me!!!!!
You guys talk a lot of shit on here. You are not going to dog my wife period.
Go ahead and name the names of the other fireman,
Than be man enough to name yours so they can talk to you.
She did not do anything with any other fireman besides me.
End of that.
See you guys are on here talking all this shit and you cant sign a name.
See there is no brotherhood in the firehouse it shows you guys still keep dogging my family.
You know how to be a man and call me or you know how to get a hold of me if you want to talk let me know.
Other wise your comments are bullshit when you cant sign your name......
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
why all the fus.. Joe your website is going to blow up! 2 hours ago 15-18 comments crazy two hours later 25. watch out daily times, is the whole org. post is about one helping another. now fighters are fighting, fight it out!!!a cop was accused of rape, go to court!!!
easy button PUSH(+)here
R Murphy
I know she not only tried the same thing with me but she did the same thing out at station 2 with a few guys!What do you think I am that stupid to posst my name and get caught up in your problems!Never going to happen!Eat it snd sleep dumbass!
See Jon, the key word here is TRIED. You see, to me it looks like a scorn pansy ass who wanted something but couldn't get it. It also sounds like two others at another Station were denied as well and now they're spreading their BULLSHIT, (just like I expected) as he has now ADMITTED NOTHING EVER HAPPENED!
Like I said, "Brotherhood My Ass!" New Yorker My Ass!
I have been sending my father the Fire fighter posts and comments, and he is absolutlely appauled at the way his "firefighter Brothers" are acting. He has been in the NYFD for almost 40 years, and he has never seen anything as childish as this shit. He told me to stop sending him these, because it makes him SICK!!! You need to grow up, and start acting like adults instead of high school assholes.
Sorry Dude but the SFD is out of control. Citizens have been fooled for far too long as to these guys being gentlemen and honorable. It's no longer an honorable profession while See & Gordy are in control. I guess it will all be better when they swing the doors in that new $10,000,000.00 Fire Station, NOT!
She is not even that good looking!I would not even touch that with your d*ck and joe smow pushing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, a scorned fire fighter. How good looking is your right hand, jerk off?
well if you are pissed off at jon for his wife then why big man FF won't you name names, then this blog will get pretty interesting.
so are you one of the 3 who had her??? who were the others, why dont you ley jon know the truth, you call it brotherhood so be his brother and tell him, see you cant d**khead could you????????
I would love for you to attempt to beat the living shit out of me you piece of shit...Keep on with the threats dickwad..See you at the next fire. You will be leaving real quick...PROMISE:)
P.S.-loved seeing you stalking through the bushes last night in Fruitland..Better be careful in the dark like that.
We knew what wa going on long before what happened.
Why don't you post your name??
OOOOOOOH, Tough Guy!
I'll be leaving real quick, eh? Beter know the law and my rights first. I can make the life of the SFD miserable, so I challenge you to try and stop me.
As for the threats, Mr. Anaonymous Fire Fighter, you're a puissy by hiding behind a fictitious name. However, it proves once again that Mr. Bryan Records needs to open his eyes a bit more and stop denying some of the biggest assholes here are in fact Fire Fighters. It's only when things get tough, you all start running like little girls and say, but it wasn't all Fire Fighters behind the anonymous names. Yes it is.
This thread needs to end!Gerity you got a little respect now leave it alone.You are putting your family in the light!
Your rights? Last time i checked until the incident is deemed safe by the IC, its my scene.Try me? bet i will prove you wrong
I want you to come up to me as a man and tell me the shit you say about my wife.
Matter of fact werent you the one who kept messaging my wife on myspace and she turned you down and your wife called me telling me how your a dog?????????????
Dont let me get into that you are pissy because my wife is faithful and you wanted something that you cant have.
Like i said before come up to me and be a man or sign your name to these post.
Oh are you scared because you dont want to get involved with this shit now because you got rejected hmmmmmmm
maybe i will be seeing you very soon
not a threat just get your thoughts together real quick!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
Well, like you claimed I was in the bushes, obviously you lied but that's OK. I was on the neighbors property with permission and I could have walked up much closer. However, I respect the environment I'm in and with a zoom lens I can stay plenty far enough away and get what I need. I don't need to be in your way to get shots. Besides, you guys have been threatening me for how many months now and how many fires have I covered where I wasn't physically attacked, I wasn't told to get back and I wasn't removed from the scene. You're a big mouth that talks a lot of shit and you're hurting the rest of the Fire Department.
Again, I was called into this fire and I'll not even go anywhere near who called me to start with, BROTHER! LOL
I'm really not interested in going to your fires but when I do you will treat me with mutual respect or you and the City will get sued. I have proven to be a source for local information. I get invited to Press Conferences. I get multiple Press Releases voluntarily and if you deny me access you'll quickly realize you just screwed with the wrong individual.
You'll see. LOL
Anonymous said...
Fruitland Angel it is great you stick up for you husband. Keep up the good work.
7:04 PM
It's his mommy
Anonymous said...
Your rights? Last time i checked until the incident is deemed safe by the IC, its my scene.Try me? bet i will prove you wrong
10:12 PM
Is that you cheef sea?? What a pussy!!
barry joey is picking on me again. can I keep staring him down?? puleezzzz
How dare you use Bryan Records name or the Records name at all! These guys are the best chief officers I ever had! I am not going to get into what they have done in there past or what the have done in the future but they are the best and I am proud to work beside these guys everyday when my pager goes off! Sorry Brain and Steve had to say something!
Morris batdorf FF
these wimps on here who keep fucking with their brothers have D.S. Syndrome named after the wannabe far cheaf. also known as little man syndrome; little dick, little brain, nothing but a pussy that has to hide behind an anonymous post.
Can you spell DUI?
Go and place what I have done and what I learned from my mistakes!
Anonymous said...
How dare you use Bryan Records name or the Records name at all! These guys are the best chief officers I ever had! I am not going to get into what they have done in there past or what the have done in the future but they are the best and I am proud to work beside these guys everyday when my pager goes off! Sorry Brain and Steve had to say something!
Morris batdorf FF
10:35 PM
Oh my, another redneck farmin heard from. Chill out Mo no one is saying anything bad about the records so you don't have to look tuff like you got someones back. Now crawl back under that rock and only speak when you are spoke to because you and your poor grammar give the good guys a bad name. No credibility whatever. Poor guy.
I have made mistakes In my life!
Who has made some bad mistakes? Morris, is that you?
Now who will drive the fire equipment?
How about the Chief of Hebron?
Anonymous said...
I have made mistakes In my life!
11:10 PM
yes and the term that comes to mind is LOSER!! Now get off of here before you lose more credibilty, please. More fireman with a questionable past and a brush with the law. Didn't Gordo and See fire someone recently for an alcohol situation? What are you still doing there?
I am not allow to drive eqiupment!
What!I have not had a drink of beer in years!
Anonymous said...
Oh my, another redneck farmin heard from. Chill out Mo no one is saying anything bad about the records so you don't have to look tuff like you got someones back. Now crawl back under that rock and only speak when you are spoke to because you and your poor grammar give the good guys a bad name. No credibility whatever. Poor guy.
11:09 PM
Joe, is that you? It has you written all over it.
Bwahahaahahahaahahahahaha! Mr. Grammar! How about checking your own first?
Most everyone has skeletons in the closet. This really isnt the place to go digging them out. Right or wrong Most of the firemen here would of done the same. What was done is done. Lets drop the issue and go on to more productive issues.
anan 550 preach it brother!!!!!!!
I beg to differ. I believe it's the perfect place to allow others to see just how immature and out of line a majority of the SFF are.
Yep, back stab and kick your BROTHERS when they're down, right Jon?
Speaking of Brotherhood. Ask JG about his part last spring in a citizens complaint on two fellow firefighters. The information proved to be false and calculated. He has not been seen around much since then. If your going to pick a mule, then please find one with some substance.
You could only find this kind of stuff in a trailer park. The wyfe. The huzbun. The Farman hero. Who cares what they did. They don't rate in the whole scheme of things in this world.
why dont you fireman actually man up and sign your names?????
Jon Gerrity for president! He's my hero....He ranks up der with the top. Thanks for putting my small working far out for me. You saved my house.
The only reason you want names is so you can screw with people. You proved that with your set up of Wayne Barrell. But he's gonna have the last laugh on you!
Jon gerity and joe make a great couple cause there are both retards
ANON 408, you must be the retard Joe is just simply telling the truth of you asshole FF's and Jon didn't do a thing wrong..
so suck it up and either stop coming to this site or just get over it, YEAH Jon. G and Joe. A
Nithsdale Estate said...
You could only find this kind of stuff in a trailer park. The wyfe. The huzbun. The Farman hero. Who cares what they did. They don't rate in the whole scheme of things in this world.
12:27 PM
Most farmin are nothing more than trailer trash that can't get a real job anywhere.
Good observation anon 5:41. One thing is for certain with a good recruitment and retention program would help recruit quality volunteers. This would help staff the stations 24/7 and eliminate 3/4 of the renegade paid firemen. The majority of their calls are bogus job security runs. The volunteers could run the city again and save the tax payers millions of dollars a year. Yes it can be done. Can you imagine that. A fire department without See, Gordy and that Fat Guy!!
has anybody got a clue what this whole blog was about in the first place? it was to commend jon and the police officers that went into the damn house to make sure that there wasnt anybody in there... u guys have nothing better then to sit on here and dog him and me (yes me im the wife of jg) it really goes to show that alot of u stupid so called "brotherhood firemen" really know how to stick by your fellow brothers side. oh thats right you arent i havent heard many good things come across here lately and ya know why bc everyone is so worried about what happend in my life...well heres what i have to say...stay the hell outa my damn business and for all of you that dont believe me time will tell, time will surely tell. and i cant wait to see the looks on every single mutherfuc**r that had something bad to say about me and jon i dont recall very many of you coming to see how jon and i were doing....alls you did was take what you heard and ran like the fu**ing wind. and just a little education when people keep calling you names and saying things like oh shes the firehouse whore and this that and the other it doesnt help much with self esteem. and if i slept with any of you firemen can you please tell me your names because i sure as hell dont recall doing anything with anybody at any station. thank you and have a fu**ing great weekend
Volunteers run the city anyway!! JG is ABM baby....I couldn't have done it better what a scheme baby!!!
JG shouldn't even be here anyway. Whatever happened to the ARMY...guess he was worried about what the wife would do while he was gone. (If I was him I wouldn't want to receive a dear jOhn Letter either!!! ROTFLMAO
I heard that it wasnt even Jon Gerity's kid!!!! I also heard (from other FF's) that every time Jon left the house (the one on Priscilla St) there was a line of FF's outside waiting there turn with his wife.
This post is based on hearsay, and in no way should be deemed factual. It's just what I heard from other FF's.
Hey Snoopdizzle,
I trust my wife 110%. You are the assholes who cant be trusted one min around females. Most of you guys dog each other and dog families. Yea say what you want about me but leave my family alone. For the last time i am asking leave them out of it.
Just for your information the ARMY which if you know my business so much i joined the ARNG.
Another thing is that i got injured so i couldnt go yet.
Leave my family alone and out of things and if any of you cowards want to talk about them please sign your name or contact me directly.
My number is at the firehouse or several people have it let me know how you feel. But since this whole thing started heard nothing from the guys who want to dog my family.
Also i was not going to get back on here i told several people but i am not going to let my wife get harrassed and slandered. Why dont you sign your name or give me a call. Let me know how and why you feel a certain way about me or my family.
None of you can do that but until than
To everyone on this blog.
Hope you had a good holiday and take care and be safe.
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
Hey to the comment ......
I heard that it wasnt even Jon Gerity's kid!!!! I also heard (from other FF's) that every time Jon left the house (the one on Priscilla St) there was a line of FF's outside waiting there turn with his wife.
This post is based on hearsay, and in no way should be deemed factual. It's just what I heard from other FF's.
7:25 PM
Than if it was hearsay why dont you call me or talk to me. Instead of coming on here and saying stuff.
First leave my family out.
That is totally uncalled for.
Let me know what you hear. I am asking. Contact me and tell me.
My son is mine. He is my son.
Look i dont know what you are trying to accomplish but enough is enough.
Stop talking about my wife and son.
Leave them alone and out of things.
Can you contact me there is ways getting a hold of me.
Between internet phone or other means.
Why dont you try it.
Not on here.
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
If I were you, I'd sue the shit out of the Fire Department and the City of Salisbury.
The Chief and Mayor are well aware of these comments and have done NOTHING to stop them. Therefore I would find the City liable for their actions.
I would subpoena the computers at the Fire Stations and get all the Blog information off of them and enjoy your retirement because if this isn't a defamation lawsuit, I don't know what is.
Spank those assholes like they've never been spanked before. That will shut those pricks up real quick. Then in depositions you can find out who's saying what because trust me, someone will speak really quick.
I'd also confront Davis Ruark and tell him what you're thinking of doing. Copy all pages of anything referencing your Wife and show him what these people are doing. He has an obligation to investigate it and in the very least it will get these Idiots off my Blog. YAHOO!
Now you mention it dam. It will shut alot of people up. It will also keep them for talking shit about my wife and son. It pisses me off to hear that they mention my wife and now they bring up my kid????????????.
You guys think you are the best thing out there.
There is a handful of fireman who i actually trust and think the world of.
Fireman are not like the fireman back than. You guys should be ashamed of who you are just because you wear a patch no matter ff/emt/paramedic
Why do you still continue to bash me and my family.
Civilians see this site all the time and see what kind of fireman you guys are actually are. I will not stand for this.
It needs to stop now.
Civilians all the time either praise us or put us down.
It is because of what you guys do to each other. That people see. Why should people trust some of you guys when you dog each other especially prime example this sitituation.
I had 4 fireman talk to me already telling me how it is screwed and messed up and how they want to know who is doing this.
Trust me when i find out because i will. Me and that individual will be talking. No threats i am making.
You guys dog me my family and think you can get away with it. Than you guys dog each other and i can go on how some of you guys are only in it for a paycheck.
What happened to brotherhood and what happened to decent fireman.
There is only a handful left. Some good chiefs left because of the crap some good fireman left because of the crap.
Well it is just sickens me how the department is. You should really not have went this far on here.
Why cant you guys just come up to me?????????
Well until next time
Take care...
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
I told you that would shut those assholes up! ROTFLMAO! Now go through with it Jon! Sue those bastards and retire. Are you proud of your Staff now Chiefy See & Deputy Chiefy Gordy? HOOK, LINE & SINKER!!!!!!!
Take Mr. Albero's advice and secure an attorney. The chief and the city are well aware of what is going on on this blog and they know what is being said about you. I know for a fact that the little bald headed miserable prick sent is dogs after you. He has been trying to get rid of you since you joined the department. He thinks he can hand pick his followers, but he is dead wrong. The chief, the fire department and the city are liable for the slander against you and they are responsible for these attacks. Do yourself a favor and make some phone calls tomorrow morning. Don't think the two deputy chiefs are your friends either. Trust no one in that department.
Look i would like at least someone who knows all this shit going on and who knows for sure who is doing it. If you can do that for me i wont say your name. I can deal with alot but when they start slandering me and my family i am not going to do it anymore. I am done with all this shit and it will stop.
I tried to tell people to just leave it alone but you know i will go the step further and do something that will end it for good. People have a right to freedom of speech they do not have the right to slander nor the right of deafamation of character.
Well if anyone can talk to me and let me know what is going on and contact me than please do so.
Jonathan L. Gerity Sr.
speaking of that bald headed prick i just heard him on the scanner trolling the streets on station 2 smoke investigation. i guess he didn't think the vollies could handle their own calls. 930 at night and he is squirling calls. that loser must not have a life. wait!! wasn't that him trolling lollipop lane over by station 1 tonight. when is he going to come out of the closet and admit he is a pole smoker. you know he wouldn't be so miserable if he got that off his chest.
Joe, by posting these idiotic comments about his wife and kid, you are turning your blog into a soap opera! Why bother posting such crap? Regardless if she cheated or was raped, the kid is his or not...its not news, they are innocent civilians that dont deserve comments like that! People make me sick!
Stick to the subjuect at hand...you want news, what the hell happened to the "cop" that "raped" or "slept" with his wife? It may be a common law to have an affair or a felony to rape, but either way its the law! Thats more news than coming on here slandering his wife and child!
The guy did what he obviously felt he had to! I am sure the family who lived in that home is very grateful! I know I would be!
There unfortunately is no such thing as the "brotherhood" any more, among ANY department(police and fire)! Its not like the movies! You can talk the talk all you want but when the *hit hits the fan, there is no such thing! Coming from a much bigger city, that is one thing I have learned about Smallsbury! Everyone is out to get everyone else!
Go for it Jon, what do you have to loose, shut these F***ers up once and for all.
You are a better person then they are.
And like someone said in a post eailer, "DON'T TRUST NO ONE"
Probie Days said...
No, the SFD is not the FDNY for sure. However, the statement about earning acceptance into the brotherhood applies everywhere.
6:33 PM
Loser, the minute anyone puts on that badge is the minute he should be accepted.
But the minute he betrays it he should get it taken away. Like you should for that stupid comment.
Joe, have you noticed the hits and posts go up when the city employees are at work?? ROTFLMAO
I guess the far min don't have computers or the internet at home. Thank God for us tax payers to allow them losers you have access to the net.
This whole shit storm going on will be the end of your fire career, for two reasons. First your jumping right on the train with Joe, with all this calling people pussies for not naming their names. You better be careful calling everyone a pussy, cause the women in this department could kick your ass. Secondly you are defending a women who doesn't give two shits about you, if your son could talk, he would tell you of the night he watched your wife sucking off another firefighter through the bars of his crib. Now before you tell me to "state your name pussy", I'll stop you right there, mainly because the firefighter mentioned above told me in confidence about his sexcapades with your wife. Now I don't condone this persons behavoir, but I've known him for many years and what he does is not my business to call him out on. Not to mention I heard a rumor you went up to station 2 one night looking for a member that your wife said she was leaving you for. I dare you to call me a liar on either of those issues. So make sure you attend the case your wife has against the cop and wait for the bombshells. The truth comes out in the wash.
wow....what a mess...i happen to know jg, and have mixed feelings for him and his family-mainly wife, that kid didnt ask to be brought into this world. I think that he is a damn good firefighter/paramedic or whatever it is that you want to call him, but, I have heard him tell shit to whomever will listen, so in a way he brings it on himself, and act like he is the top dog, and as far as his wife is concerend, well her day will come and whatever happens will happen. Oh well he is suppose d to go off to the military in the spring, such a shame that he will be leaving his wife and 2 kids, with the possibility that he will never return, but hey no one said that he was smart.....
For one thing how can you say that your wife was raped has it even been to court that cop is inocent until proven guilty. Then again this is the fourth person that she has accused of rape. I don't know how she can even live with herself or how you can even be with someone that cheats on you and then when caught she says oh well he raped me. Watch out FF's don't piss her off she will say that one of you raped her next. When everybody learns the truth about her in court you are going to feel so stupid for standing behind her lies.
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