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Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Message From Bob Caldwell

Good morning! We have another "call for action" today. The Salisbury/Wicomico Co Planning & Zoning Commission meets today at 1:30 pm in room 305 of the GOB.

There are two issues of critical concern, both "quality of life" issues: First; the Hearn property, which seeks to change building plans from high-quality "empty-nester" residences to student housing; and second, The Captains property on Camden Avenue, which seeks to expand its utilization as a "non-conforming use" property.

The Hearn proposal absolutely affects the neighbors, and the neighborhood. While economic changes have created potential hardship for the developers, that's what's known in the industry as "risk!" It is an inherent part of the business, and it is not up to the citizens or our appointed commission members to create a risk-free environment for businesses. I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), that had the plan been presented initially as a student housing project, the outcry would have been significant, and justified. The probability of being approved would have been slim, at best.

The Captain's property has two issues: First, the question as to whether or not it is a "legal non-conforming" property; and second, the impact on the neighborhood. The first question may be an item that can only be determined in court, but the second has no doubt attached. Expanding its use as an apartment building, when it's nestled among strictly single-family detached homes is extremely detrimental to the neighborhood.

I know the time is inconvenient. Some of us cannot attend today because of commitments. But if you're able, PLEASE try to be at the meeting to lend your voice and support to our friends from the two neighborhoods. Hearings are one of the few areas where attending and voicing opinions CAN make a difference. Unless we as concerned, committed citizens make ourselves heard, the degradation of QOL in Salisbury and metro Wicomico County will continue its downward spiral.

Thank you for being in the game, when it would be so easy to sit on the bench and let others carry the load.


Bob Caldwell


Tim Chaney said...

I had to work, then a crime watch meeting after work to get our block party organized for the 27th.

How did the vote go? This Hearne deal and the bail out of the developers at the Old Mall further proves that this administration should take the good free advice of it's citizens, it wouldn't have to spend a fortune on study's and survey's.

$350,000 in tax breaks to Walgreens, to now see why Super "G" Drug's got out and now RiteAid across the street from Walgreens's is moving into the Eckerd's building across from BlockBuster. So virtually Walgreens has caused the closing of two other drug stores.

Actually Walgreens has helped to lose more jobs than it promised to provide, 30 employee's as I recall with maybe a handful being part time.

I bet the mayor would like a new GOB building with her name on it, ya think? She has run this town into the ground. Linen's of the Week is bailing. When unemployment goes up, so does crime. The only place her name belong's is on Donald Schaffer's outhouse, I am beginning to think he was right : /

Tim Chaney said...

Correction to above post: "A handful being full time."