I've been trying to warn "everyone" that when the economy drops, retail goes first! I was told this restaurant closed its doors without "any" warning to its employees. Once again, something you won't read about and or see in The Daily Times.
UPDATE, I stand corrected. Within moments of this post going up I received a call from The Daily Times and they did in fact cover this story. It was in the Business Section on a Sunday some 2 weeks ago.
Maybe I should do this to 300 W. Main Street?
Maybe Shawn Hannidy needs to come and support them. I can't afford Ruth Chris! I did however talk to one friend who's daughter was working there and the story is she gets screwed out of 2/3's of her tip money and only gets 2 tables a night to service. Does anyone ever eat at Habeeb's Cactus Taverna, I quit a while back cause the food was going down hill and the service was slipping? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good old Vinnie, at least he's still hanging in there.
No, she was not making much over 150 a week. she's gone from there, could make 2X as much at outback steakhouse. Go Figure.
Mr. A., please don't grease and smoke up that beautiful Ole Synagogue Building with a restaurant, even a good one.
She is a stately lass deservin' of refined treatment. Nothin' against restaurants, but they do create deposits on walls and stuff.
It's always been my opinion that nobody goes to Taverna for the Mexican food. This includes me. Ahmad's specials are simply consistently good, and this is why people brag on his restaurant so. He has a low turnover with his help also. Translation: Happy employees= good service. I've eaten there many times, have had only a couple of forgettable (not bad) meals.Ahmad rarely disapoints, and if you voice your displeasure he corrects it immediately. Cafe 213 in Fruitland is excellent for those of us with deeper pockets. I've only dined there once, and was stunned at how very fine it was. I'll be going back. I heard the owner was crazy.
Oh, DUVALL should LOVE this joint! LMAO!
From what I hear Ruth Chris stunk from the start, when they had a special invite for others involved in the Restuarant Business. $50 for a steak and an extra $10 each if you wanted a salad or a potato with that. Cactus Taverna is always good and the owner makes it a point to speak to every customer. As for La Roma I will never ever step foot in that place again. In 1993 when I was about 8 months pregnant, I order a pizza, when I got home with it it was raw. SO I called and complained and drove back through a thunderstorm to pick up the replacement. . . It was burned to a crisp! I was so PO'd that I took a picture of it and sent it to John Bozman who used to be at the Times and raved about the place all the time. Don't ever complain there, who knows what will happen to your food. As for TIA's I heard that the Salisbury location was there most successful in the country . . . and that was the problem. As for Goin' Nuts . . .TOO MUCH MSG! I eat there about once a week and finally realized I was drinking a gallon of water after each meal. Still I go there.
Has anyone tried the new "New York" style pizza place or by Racketball club on Milford Street, can't remember the name of the place. Their Pizza is the BEST, up there with Ponzetti's. Seriously Killer pizza!
Although I have to admit the place is just a dirty as Ponzetti's!!!
I'll second that Iyeska!
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