Obviously Barrie Tilghman and her Flying Monkeys have allowed the new Sporting Goods Store DICK'S into the Salisbury area to ultimately put Gander Mountain out of business.
There's only so much one area can support and with the economy dropping faster than a speeding bullet, one of these two stores won't survive. Does Barrie care? Heck no! She just wants the tax dollars because she doesn't own the real estate these businesses sit on. I must admit though, they are survival stores.
I hope Gander Mountain survives, that's all.
We have a Dick's out here, and I think Gander Mountain will be fine. Dick's is good for sports and athletic equipment, but they don't sell guns and their selection of fishing, hunting, and camping equipment isn't half what Gander Mountain has.
I think Dick's and Gander Mountain cater to two different clienteles. Gander Mountain is pretty much an outdoorsman store, while Dick's caters to a recreational sports crowd. In my case, hopefully they sell bowling balls and equipment, but they'll also do golf, softball, soccer, etc.
The inappropriate garb o' the Mayor was one thing, but do ya think maybe this is a li'l over the top in the cheap shot department?
I still known how t'laugh, but I'm thinkin' this just gets her sympathizers.
If'n Dick's is goin' into an area with proper zonin' and all, seems okay. But yeah, they oughta look at zonin' and big boxes and too much repetition. But I'd think they'd have t'do that on a law basis, not on a store-by-store basis. Otherwise, it's more of this make-it-up-as-we-go-along stuff.
I haven't been in Dick's Sporting Goods for years, but when I heard the news I thought they may be taking a risk. So often favorite store grow to meet their competition and lose their appeal. The Drugs Store Comment--REALLY! And each one of these sell groceries, gifts, furniture in a box. Not only that the newer improved stores such as the Rite Aid in Delmar MARYLAND has terrible service and we now have to pay sales tax because it used to be in DELAWARE. I want to go in and pick up my prescriptions, and leave. Am I paying more for the big fancy store? Macy's--BIG DEAL! I miss Hecht Company, it was my favorite store, but before that I LOVED Hess Apparel and Benjamins, Goodman's in Snow Hill and Scher's in Pocomoke. Doris Scher would hold certain outfits off the floor. When you came in the store, she would say, "I've been hoping you'd stop by, . . . I put something aside because I just thought of you the minute I saw it." Shirley Goodman, would coordinate an entire mix and match wardrobe, complete with shoes, handbags and accessories. Service is a thing of the past. I don't really enjoy looking through racks and racks to find something I like only to have to search for the other part and find they don't have it in my size. Instead of parking at the front door we now park in huge parking lots. Don't you men miss Ralph & Gaskill and Mike Hals? For the kids could you ever surpass Lad and Lassie? I avoid the mall when ever possible because I don't like the traffic, the stores, the parking or the prices. I am glad that Dick's is using existing retail space and not building another building in North Salisbury.
They'll all be moving just over the line int Delaware VERY soon and Salisbury will crumble. Salisbury has put all its eggs into one basket and the marketing people, Mayor & Council simply screwed up. It was far too big a risk to have Tax Free Delaware right down the street where people WILL go and shop instead. That's where my real estate money will be going from here on out.
Pitagal, that pic is from the Mayor's press conference against the blogs, if'n I recollect rightly.
Sparkly, I sure remember them stores, and yer right about the service. It ain't just a matter o' waxin' nostalgic. It's also a matter o' lookin' at the direction business has taken in this country to meet consumer "desires." How much of it was market desire vs. manufactured desire?
Well, guess we as consumers ultimately get the blame. But at the same time, I gotta wonder if'n some of it wasn't that certain options became less available and we got trained to "need" the so-called convenience of the big box stores.
Once again, (Mr. Multiple names) you seem to know everything, so there's no need to answer your question.
I really wish you'd stop using the 5 names you have on these Blogs and break it down to one. Although you're making it look like we're getting more comments by different people, I know who you are on each one of them and I've shared that information with the rest of the Blog Site Owners.
I think the title is funny enough. No need to analyze it any further.
You have it correct!
You know Moistrear,
It's always nice to have an elder smack you around and play the game of love/hate. One minute you love the things you want to hear about but the second you don't like a post you complain and go on the attack.
Let me put it to you this way. I'd hate to be a son of yours because NOTHING that son ever did would ever be good enough for you.
Bill Duvall, Charles Jannace and I know who you are, (even though you use all those multiple names) and we'd love to see you, (Mr. Knowledge) come out with your own Blog and see how long you last?
You're all talk and no action and IMO you're not helping anyone. The funny part about it is, you'd probably have a pretty interesting Blog. What you need to learn however is, you do NOT control our Blogs and recently we've cut you off from any more abusive phone calls and demands.
Dang I'm confused, Joe please let us know which multi-poster is really just one guy? Moistrear (yucky name) has some decent comments. It is interesting to see Robin Cockey's name come up. This is the man that is controlling the puppets.
C.I.E., Moistrear, Rnecksmare, sneeky peek, Hebronite, madashellinhebron or something like that. These are all one person.
nosweat said......
Dang, why does somebody need so many names?
Because he's trying to throw people off. At the same time he is so opinionated that he likes to change what is being said so the comments go his way rather than what was posted and he wants to make it look like he's supported.
I told him he needs to create his own Blog Site.
Carolyn Hall a "good ole boy"? Not hardly! Fergot the now Mayor makin' that point. What I do remember 'bout that race was Mrs. Hall seemed pretty classy t'me.
City woulda been a lot better off with Mrs. Hall. She always seemed open t'folks. Not so what we got now (shivers runnin' through spine).
Mr. A., I think Moistrear is just providin' some constructive criticism. Not every post is gonna be liked by all folks or be a winner.
I don't know much 'bout nobody behind the aliases here and don't want to. I like the free flow of thought.
Please don't get real offended by these kinda comments. I think they can be useful.
I had a boss once, used to whip on me reg'lar. Later came out that it was 'cause he saw a lot o' potential in me. And I realized my work was a lot better fer his grindin'. Guess ya could say he made a dog outta me. I grew t'respect him and appreciate his point o' view.
Sometimes folks is doin' us a kindness when they don't love everythin' we do.
Moistrear, I like Bill Clinton better'n I like the Mayor. Some might say that ain't sayin' much, but there ya go.
R.Necks...The Fashion Shop? Bill Riordan owned that? I thought it was owned by a man named Kreiser. Fred Kreiser I think it was.
I shore do remember the tennis tourneys here. Kids from 1 t'99 came. Those were the days, my friends.
In this case, I am the Boss and I work for no one. If he wants to biully me around, do it to someone else because I won't stand for it. If you knew who this person was and what they've been putting me through lately you'd completely understand what I'm saying and doing. Out of respect I haven't outted this person because I won't stoop to that level. Not yet anyway.
Mr. A., I don't know nothin' 'bout phone calls or bullyin', only what my simple self reads here.
Sorry if'n there's somethin' else goin' on. I just saw the comments as weighin' in an opinion, one that might be useful. It's yer blog, so yer certainly entitled t'what ya will with it.
Yeah, don't "out" him. I like bein' able t'judge a thought just on what it is and not who it's attached to. Often, a body can figger when there's a string attached and take that into account.
But mostly, the words are just there and folks are a-thinkin'. I like the variety o' thinkin' on the blogs.
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