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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Salisbury Welcomes Gangs

If you've been anywhere near the Old Salisbury Mall lately this is what you get a taste of.

The Chief of Police certainly is not and obviously cannot handle the crime in the City of Salisbury.

It's time for some new leadership and face facts. How much longer do the residents near the Old Mall have to put up with this mess?

I know I'm sick and tired of taking pictures of it and it's spreading throughout the City like wildfire. I came to learn today that there is a group assigned to make sure that all graffiti is removed within a 24 hour period and the most obvious spot has been ignored for quite some time.

Oh well, it's your City Folks. Do something about it or enjoy the art work.

1 comment:

Chesapeake Dogs said...

Somersetgirl, ya were readin' my mind.

I've seen good street art. This ain't it.
