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Sunday, July 14, 2013

President Of Chamber Of Commerce To Get Salisbury Fire Station 16 For $85,000.00

OK Taxpayers, You Make The Call

Above are just some of the articles I have written over the years about the old Fire Station 16. I encourage each one of you to click on them and see how this building has evolved. 

What bothers me the most is just how slimey Mayor Jim Ireton has been most recently as well as the City Council. When I offered $250,000.00 cash with no contingencies on this property years ago, the former Council decided to place restrictions on the property to assure that Joe Albero could NOT purchase that property. 

Last night they announced the Mayor LIFTED those restrictions, YET IS WAS NOT IN THE RFP, making the deal, (in my opinion) illegal.

What humored me the most was what I received in the mail today. The Chamber of Commerce wrote a big article on how well the Chamber is now working with the Mayor and Council. I guess so. The President, (Brad Gillis) just landed the deal of a lifetime. A $750,000.00 building for $85,000.00 with no restrictions.

Mind you, I'm confident this group will do a fine job with the building and I don't begrudge ANYONE who lands a great deal. I simply have a problem with how the Mayor and Council mislead others. As far as we knew, the building could only be purchased IF the Mayor and Council agreed to what was being put in that building. 

Here's an idea for you Brad, open a convenience store that offers free coffee to Firefighters and they can come home several times a day to get coffee and Twinkies using taxpayers gas and vehicles. At least it will be slightly closer to their home base. Bend over once again taxpayers. It was your election to lose. 

I love the note Ireton sent back to Councilwoman Cohen. Let the Gillis' do what they do best and get out of their way. Next year John Cannon will be President of the Chamber. I wonder what's in store for him?


Wouldn't dare leave my name said...

The open ended documentation means the screwing has just started. Watch how this toilet swirl gets bigger

Anonymous said...

If the citizens of Salisbury aren't outraged about this then they need to keep their mouths shut. This is the Mayor and council stealing your money and you should be outraged. The city has outgrown the government office building and needs more room just as the county has. The many departments in the city need more room. The fire department needs more office space and the Mayor and Jake day give away this valuable piece of property for pennies on the dollar just to watch the slumlords put rental housing in it.

To all the taxpayers in Salisbury just STHU!!

Anonymous said...

The Shore bows down to the Good Ol' Boys. It's how it's always been, unless you're not from around here. That's why the Shore is behind the times. It's laughable. Sad, but laughable.

Anonymous said...

The citizens need to recall the scoundrels who approved this action. There is grounds for an out citizens lawsuit for misappropriation of taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

Was there anything wrong with using that bldg to house the States Attorneys Office and Child Advocacy Center? Both would have had ample space for offices and all sorts of impersonable staff to intimidate clients,especially small children.

Anonymous said...

Joe it seems you are really upset over this. I am not as Salisbury does not need a run down building sitting empty. The tax payers will benefit from the taxes it will receive, especially after the building is renovated by Brad. He turns dirt into gold with his business plans.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 8:02, At taxpayers expense. It's never hard to turn something into gold when you pay for dust to start with.

Anonymous said...

Nothing in this town surprises me any more - Corrupt as corrupt can get and we have a fairy leading the way with his little magic wand. Down right disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Sick. But what can we do now? I feel it is to late. Is there any way to stop these fools? map

Anonymous said...

If the council placed the restrictions, how can the mayor remove them??

Ray Wisniewski said...

Shame how your city has been raped by unscrupulous characters. And the sad thing is, you stood by and let them do it.

Anonymous said...

8:02-What have they turned into gold? Not being flippant but seriously curious because I only know them as someone who general contracts and builds for others.

Anonymous said...

well thats what you get when people can't get together and make a stand. too many wishy washy people around. or ones who just close thier eyes to this stuff.glad i don't live in city limits.

Anonymous said...

This whole county is corrupt everyone just now noticed

Anonymous said...

8:02 what dream are you living in. The taxpayers should be out raged. They basically gave that building away. The homosexual pansy no good mayor and Fake Day the guy who was bought by special interest groups. I have not seen anything they have turned into gold. All this crap about Arts district is a joke. That fire house could be used for other purposes other than another art building.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo at the end. Didn't Brad Gillis just get a contract with another building where the states attorneys office is going to be located. Two slam dunks in a row.

Anonymous said...

10:06 What a sad little man you are.

Anonymous said...

This all boils down to not only a lack of real leadership but "leadership" low in self esteem and a compelling need to make themselves feel important which they do by catering to whom they perceive as big shots.
Actually from the outside looking in it's quite funny to see how they lick butt.

Anonymous said...

They'll make four apartments upstairs and charge a grand a month for each one. That's 48 grand a year alone just for the apartments. The rich keep getting richer and Ireton keeps running the city like Obama is running the country.

Anonymous said...

Joe keep this at the top all day - people need to keep commenting on this and need to know what kind of leaders in this town THEY voted for (I will never believe the count was correct) nonetheless this is what we're stuck with until somebody has the guts to recall this mess in city hall.

Anonymous said...

10:18 AM - 10:06 not sad - does the truth hurt or something?????

Anonymous said...

The taxpayers are outraged?

Then where were they at last night's meeting? There were two. Two. The lady who usually shows up and the guy who spoke at the end.

At least when Mike Dunn was ramming things through, a number of brave taxpayers showed up and stopped some of it or at least tried to.

No more. Guess all the ones with balls died or moved. B*tch away on a blog, but if you didn't show up to complain...and if you didn't turn out to vote or turn your friends out to vote, this is what you get.

Anonymous said...

They should just give it to him at this point.
What's going on with old Feldmans. Saw a bunch of kids throwing bricks in river yesterday from that site. It's a mess. Any updates!?

Anonymous said...

Feldmans was waiting on a bulkhead that also got approved in last nights meeting.

Anonymous said...

10:32 Again I'm an outsider looking in but if I were a Sby resident I wouldn't want to face the council. Most do give the appearance of being extremely immature. Immaturity equated to vindictiveness. Anyone can watch online.

Anonymous said...

You might be the 'sad little man'

Anonymous said...

Something is going on with this. Mrs. Cohen was obviously very concerned about something. Listening to what she had to say, it appears something was very wrong. She has been on council for many years and has almost never abstained from a vote, just a couple that I can remember.

Anonymous said...

10:18 is the one who is sad. They know darn right well these comments are correct and have no defense for the council's actions so they attack. This is due to their own lack of honesty and integrity. Guarantee you are a pathological liar also 10:18. It's all intertwined.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a conflict. Should a chamber president be purchasing prime real estate. Especially for a steal.

Anonymous said...

Heck I would have paid that, just for a cool garage to park my toys and cars in.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is something very very wrong 11:10 if they suddenly removed the restrictions and didn't offer up the property for sale again. If not illegal at the very least unethical.
Property should have been listed through MLS(like forward moving cities are doing)for a real true picture of it's value.
The tax payers are the losers here with the circus council Salisbury has these days. Not leaders just yes people.

Anonymous said...

wha wha wha wha. Complaints without solutions is whining.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 11:50, SERIOUSLY?

Let me remind ALL of you what I was going to do with that building if I had purchased it at $250,000.00 or even $110,000.00. I was going to put in a Station 7 Restaurant. That was HOW many years ago?

Guess what restaurant Palmer Gillis wants to put in there. Yep, Station 7!

I had the solutions YEARS AGO, yet the current and former administration denied me.

As far as the person sending in a comment that I never made a formal offer, BS! I stood there with a check for $250,000.00 with NO contingencies. What IDIOT would refuse that kind of cash! This has been a set up for YEARS. Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman are destroying Salisbury at taxpayers expense. You need only open your eyes. WHO stood there on election day supporting Ireton, Barrie Tilghman.

Man, some of you people are just plain dumb.

Anonymous said...

11:14 Ha! There is no such thing as conflict of interest anywhere in government. National or local they all vote for their own best interest. What do you think goes on in congress everyday?

lmclain said...

Graft. Corruption. Bribery. Kickbacks. Payoffs. Backroom deals. You would have a hard time buying a f'ing HOUSE for $85,000, much less a 2 story brick building in the middle of town! Wonder why citizens (regular citizens, that is. Not the rich and connected ones) DON'T trust the lying leeches govern us? They turned down a quarter of a million dollars and thought $85,000 was a better offer?? Start the hanging right here in Salisbury. They didn't even kiss you first....

Anonymous said...

Ms Cohen abstained on moral grounds.
11:50-You obviously do not know the definition of complaining. No one is complaining. They are offering ideas and also opinions. If you or anyone thinks for one second this deal was honorable then you really need to look in the mirror. Or maybe you are a hopeless case due to the way you were raised with no morals or values? What harm would have been done to list the property?

Anonymous said...

Why do you assume John Cannon is the next chamber president. I am aware of someone else that believes its their position.

Anonymous said...

Maryland and especially the eastern Shore are on a fast-track to becoming another Democrat controlled cesspool of the very rich and the very poor. No middle class--Salisbury will soon become a mini Baltimore CIty and who in their right mind is going to want to venture downtown amongst Section 8 housing? Salisbury passed the tipping point the last election--the economic future now depends on Federal Government subsidies and handouts, not private sector innovation. You blew in District 2.

Anonymous said...

It was listed.

Anonymous said...

I still think a Hooters Restaurant would be a better option. This would draw the college crowd and the mayor would only visit for carry-out!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Ray Wisniewski said...
Shame how your city has been raped by unscrupulous characters. And the sad thing is, you stood by and let them do it.

July 9, 2013 at 9:14 AM

So true!

And the thought of your comment makes my skin curl. A gay mayor and rape seems to be synonymous. One in the same.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10:06 What a sad little man you are.

July 9, 2013 at 10:18 AM

No your Homo friend and Fake Day are sad little men.

Anonymous said...

Please move this to the top! It is very hidden way down here at the bottom of your page.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It was listed.

July 9, 2013 at 1:29 PM

Prove it!

By the way it should have been relisted when the first offer didn't go through.

Anonymous said...

It was not listed on MLS-the premier go to source for those interested in purchasing property 1:29. The attempt that was made to sell the property was half hearted to put it mildly and most cities realize this and go the MSL route now.

Anonymous said...

As usual the good old boys system is alive and working well for those within the magic circle of crooks in the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County. Another fine example of corruption in our wonderful city and county governments. The first step in correcting some of the problems would be to remove any local attorney as the city and county attorney positions. They both serve at the pleasure of the councils, thus they are going to do whatever the councils tell them to do. These attorneys are more interested in collecting the big bucks than doing what is legal or moral. Had this not been the case, at the meeting on Monday the city attorney would have spoken up and declared the sale void. Sure looks like no spine or b***s there. The voters let "smiling Jake the snake" woo them with all his persona and they fell for it hook line and sinker. The mayor and his man in his pocket Jake have only just begun. Stay tuned, they are both loose cannons, ready to sell the City of Salisbury and anything they can for a song. How about a lottery to see who is correct at guessing, just how long before The Bricks project will be the next undercover and under the table deal on the horizon. Yes, politics do make strange bed fellows - especially when your pocket is being filled to the brim - and who knows what else.

Anonymous said...

Joe, not a word in the Daily Times about what you posted about Ireton telling Cohen to get out of Gillis' way!

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 4:26, ANYONE who watched PAC 14 last night could clearly see and hear Terry Cohen make that speech. Your local media is purposely covering up the BEEF of each story to protect the LIBERALS.

Anonymous said...

Each taxpayer just got $200 taken out of their wallet to subsidize a political insider. It's shenanigans like this that keep me from moving back into the city.

Anonymous said...

Look how active the chamber was in the election, too. Things that make you go hmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

What do you all expect? You got a mayor who ran from the police and a council person who likes to show off and speed. 2 ladies who quite frankly haven't done much and have their own troubles. These people never grew up and therefore are easily lead around by special interest.

Anonymous said...

Only 51 comments? That's because most readers can't find it and can't stand sifting threw the other crap to find it. It could have been well over 200 comments by now.

Anonymous said...

The most troublesome part of this to me is that Brad Gillis is the president of the Chamber. Does anyone recall the secret that the politicos had at the Chamber. All the king's horses and all the kings men were there figuring how to get back to where they wanted the city government to be. Especially strange since nationally the Chamber is MOST interested in preventing tax hikes. You have never heard a peep out of the Salisbury Chamber over tax hikes. You hear them lobbing for special projects and giveaway from what I can see. How does the National office feel about that?

Anonymous said...

I was told you did not submit a formal bid or proposal - that is why you were denied.....but who knows how true that is!

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 9:27, Let me make this perfectly clear for the last time.

On the very day that the former City Council surplussed the Fire Station I made a formal offer with check in hand to purchase the property for $250,000.00. If you'll recall, that was the meeting in which Gary Comegys flat out stated publicly that he would NEVER allow Joe Albero to purchase ANY property from the City.

Now, that being said, it was AFTER that meeting where former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and the Council created brand new legislation designed to make sure Joe Albero could not participate. If was AFTER that meeting they came up with an RFP including language in which it didn't matter who the HIGHEST bidder was. Instead the language stated the Mayor and Council had the final say as to WHAT BUSINESS could occupy the property.

They did the same thing with the horses from the PD Mounted Patrol AND Fire Trucks. The City has done everything in their power to keep ME from participating.

My original offer was formal. I did so with not only a check but I made my offer on PAC 14 and gave them a verbal contract for $250,000.00 and NO contingencies. They should have taken it and ran with it.