DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 02, 2008
How well do some local businesses know employment law?
If this is the case, it is illegal. Employers must pay one and a half times the regular hourly rate for every hour worked over forty hours a week. (Certain exceptions apply) what do you all think?
Jordan Speaks Out & Answers Some Questions
I understand everyone is on EDGE now that an SU student wants to make drastic changes to ineffective policies that people have grown accustomed to over the last 10 years...
With that said I repeat THE FACEBOOK GROUP DIDN'T REPRESENT MY VIEWS ON THE ISSUES... It was a way to discuss issues students may have. 4-2 doesn't do anything now people. Do you really think every rental house in 4-2 is actually in compliance? NO!! I'm trying to address the issue and solve the underlying problem...housing prices/ rents being jacked up way above levels affordable to the average citizen.
I WAS COMPLETELY AGAINST A 14% PROPERTY TAX INCREASE and have said that needs to be repealed IMMEDIATELY; not after 2010(When the new mayor actually takes office). I signed the referendum petition last May...further evidence this isn't my first undertaking in Salisbury politics. The tax increase is a unnecessary burden on many people living in the city.
This allows police to charge people with either 90 days/ or a $500 fine...
I believe the police should have greater latitude in how they deal with these quality of life incidents...
Effective Resource Planning...
Overtime, Court, Increased Paperwork, Running Someone To Central Booking
I want a solution that better utilizes the resources of the SPD and OVERBURDENED TAXPAYERS we all are, while INCREASING QUALITY OF LIFE for everyone
The infrastructure of Salisbury is crumbling from roads and side walks to downtown buildings. It is time we begin a project of gentrification to address the sad state we now find the heart of Salisbury in.
The police force is now inadequate in manpower, equipment, and leadership. We need major changes over at SPD. LEOPS needs to be increased to a 75% defined benefit from its current level of 50% after 25 years of credible service. We will be able to better retain veteran officers this way. Work books with on board NCIC/MILES need to be in every cruiser. SPD is in dire need of its very own K9 unit. We need Code 3 LED lighbars on all marked cruisers to further enhance officer safety when engaged in a traffic stop or vehicle pursuit.
The hallmark of my effort is government transparency. We need AUDITS and on time. A forensic auditor should be mandatory especially with all the unallocated taxpayer money showing up daily.
People are now saying that a recall will waste $60,000. That's PESOS on the $ compared to the millions handed out to developers. The mayor famously said "the buck stops here." With that said, "BARRIE, I ASK FOR YOUR RESIGNATION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY". Come Monday I'm expanding the Recall to include Gary Comegys as well.
We may have problems at our county landfill, but we never forgot how to take the trash out!!!
Thanks for the outpouring of community support I've received, I look forward to working with everyone to make Salisbury a better place for all.
-Jordan Reisman
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson
A Comment Worth Posting Ref. The Daily Times & Blogs
Wicomico County In Full Damage Control Mode

While I had heard this Internal Auditor position was the County Executives responsibility, that is completely wrong. It is and has been the responsibility of the County Council to have hired this auditor.
So why haven't they done so? The answer is very simple. They have tried. They have run ads and searched for such a person. However, NO ONE RESPONDED! I noticed this go around they're saying salary negotiable, depending on qualifications and they are offering full benefits.
Looks to me like IF there is someone out there with an accounting background and was looking for job security, it's time to step up and take advantage of a good thing.
One Year Ago Today

It was one year ago today the Condos were going up on the River and the property owners were taking back way too much land into the River. Oh, it can be argued they lost some of it to erosion but let me assure you my old property in Ocean City went a 1/4 mile into the Bay and I could never reclaim it, not even 2 feet of it!
It's not who you know...............
Salisbury News Ranked #1 Political Blog In State Again
1 Salisbury News 1
2 Brian Griffiths 2
3 Maryland Politics 4
4 Charles County Cafe 5
5 Pocomoke Tattler 6
6 Maryland Politics Watch 7
7 monoblogue 13
8 Politicker MD - Inside Politics for Political Insiders 11
9 Free State Politics 3
10 The Sun: Bay & Environment -
11 Baltimore Reporter 14
12 WorcesterRight 10
13 On The Record 12
14 Maryland Moment -
15 Capital Punishment 16
16 Crablaw's Maryland Weekly -
17 The No BS Zone 15
18 Maryland Politics Today 8
19 Delusional Duck -
20 Martin O'Malley -- Broken Promises -- OMalleyWatch.com -
Thank You, ALL of you. If it wasn't for Ray Lewis, Rai Sharma and ALL the County Thieves, who knows where we'd be ranked this week! Did I miss The Daily Times Blogs on this list above??????
Jordan Wants Mayor Tilghman Out
While I sat in the meeting yesterday with other chosen friends to discuss what our interests might be, we all seemed to be sceptical about a recall against the Mayor. We all concurred referencing Louise Smith however.
Here's how many of us saw things. Well, I should say, this was what I said anyway. The timing isn't right to go after the Mayor. Louise Smith is a whole different story though and if you're going to go after one, why not kill two old birds with one stone, right? God forbid the Mayor come back at me as if that was a threat on their lives! Hopefully she realizes it's a phrase? I can see it now. We'll be standing in front of a Judge, (just like the Jim Rapp BS) he said he wouldn't trust me and far as he could throw me, that's a threat! Obviously the Judge wasn't buying it and threw out his case too.
Nevertheless, some people there didn't like Jordan's motives on certain issues and I won't argue that as well. However, like I said, if you're going to go after one, go after both of them and people will sign.
Personally, I think it's a waste of time. As I will support Jordan, I will agree with the Editorial Staff at the Daily Times and even Bill Duvall, they'd be better off bringing in one of their own Candidates for Mayor than they would trying to recall the Mayor.
Look, you have to tip your hat to this young man for stepping forward, this is AMERICA! He has the right to do what he is doing, tax increases weren't necessary, the $19,000,000.00 found in recent months in accounts clearly proves she's out of control and or in so much control the Citizens don't give a sh!t and quite frankly Jordan is sick and tired of it.
All he's asking for is your signature. He's not asking you to pound the streets, they'll do all that work. So when they perhaps come knocking at your door looking for your support, give it to him. What do YOU have to lose?
If I lived in the City and I was a registered voter, how quick do you think I'd sign those documents? Quit beating the kid up and give him a chance. Even if he fails, do any of you actually believe this Mayor will make it another term? Need I say more?
Andy Harris Victory Party
Yesterday, Mark & Hala McIver held a Victory Party at their home for Congressional Republican Candidate Andy Harris. Quite a few people got the opportunity to meet Andy for the first time. We also got to enjoy great food and republican fellowship.
When the temperature changes and things warm up a little more I hope to have an outdoor event for everyone to come to and meet this fine man in person.
Beating A Dead Horse
Greg Bassett and Davis Ruark had what seemed to be a fairly decent friendship, until recently. My guess is that Mayor Tilghman is riding Bassett to the end of his line attempting to do what she has been trying to do for many years, get rid of Davis Ruark.
Well, screw Greg Bassett and we all know how I feel about Barrie Tilghman. Did you call his Pastor too Greg? I mean, you rehashed every single detail today in your Front Page article and have beaten it to death. The City found $19,000,000.00 in cash floating around AFTER a 14% Tax Increase and you choose to drag Davis into the ground as far as humanly possible? Oh, has the Daily Times even printed a story about this? NOPE! Who's best interest do they have in mind?
I have explicit instructions of possible illegal streams allegedly created by Rai Sharma that go from the Landfill all the way to the Wicomico River, you say NOTHING! Back when the graffiti was all over the walls of buildings in Downtown Salisbury, you wanted nothing to do with it, until my Blog finally forced your hand because even back then we were growing so fast you felt the pressure and finally gave in.
Today you have an editorial bashing Jordan for TRYING to do what is right. IF he was going to be such a FAILURE at his attempt, why give it ANY attention at all and suggest to your readers it has failed every other time in the past. First of all, you make it sound as if there have been numerous attempts in the past. Pretty sad for that Bible Hugging Biotch that so many would allegedly chose to try to recall her, eh? Then there's the fact that it has actually only happened once before, as far as I know. There was no Blogs back then and YOU were the only rag people listened to. Boy how times have a changed.
Man, I could go on and on for quite some time here but my point is well made, you'll stab ANYONE in the back and sell yourself like a whore just to sell a Sunday Paper. I'll bet more people right now would be interested in what might be polluting the River than anything to do with Davis Ruark at this point.
To Mr. Sam Vincent, pay close attention to who your friends are and remember that Greg Bassett is only interested in the money he can make off of you, just like a prostitute. Has anyone ever seen Sam Vincent out with the Mayor in public before?
Bring Your Own Legos
Follow-up on questions to the WCBOE
A brief re-cap:
Based on comments made by readers on this blog, as well as comments Ive heard from people in the community, I developed 3 questions and posed them to Robin Holloway (President of the WCBOE) by posting them here on this blog. I then contact Mrs. Holloway by phone, at her request, to discuss the issues. Mrs. Holloway directed me to Tom Fields, A/Superintendent of Schools for Wicomico County, for the answers to my questions. I have been in contact with Tom Fields who has provided information which has proven to be enlightening, and on some points for me, disappointing. Disappointed not at the BOE or the school system as much as with the State and Federal govts.
At this point I will list the questions and follow with the answers provided and my opinion. You can make our own opinions and comments as you see fit.
Question 1) Is it true that the State of Maryland has determined that a disproportionate number of minorities have been suspended and, therefore have instructed our school administrators to ignore certain conduct violations?
Answer 1) No - not exactly. State Auditors routinely visit all school systems to assure that the manner in which "special ed students" (those who receive an education with the benefit of an Individual Education Plan", or IEP) is in compliance with State and Federal mandates. Failure by the school system to maintain compliance could result in the loss of control of approx. $3,000,000.00 of State and Federal funding by the BOE. NOT the loss of the money - loss of CONTROL of the money. The way I understand it, the BOE receives this money to help offset the costs associated with providing IEP's to those student deemed to be in need. The BOE uses this money as it sees fit in order to assure compliance is met. If the State believes the mandates are not being met, they will dictate specifically how these funds will be spent by the BOE in order to assure compliance.
The State Auditors have determined that a high number of special ed. students have been suspended from school for behavioral problems. They have also determined that the methods used by some teachers and administrators to punish bad behavior by special ed. students were inconsistent with school policy and were responsible, at least in part, for this high number of suspensions. The findings of the auditors prompted the BOE to address this issue with school administrators in order to bring them into compliance with the existing policies.
Special Ed. Students ARE given special treatment relating to punishment for misbehavior. This special treatment is mandated by State law. Mainstream students are not afforded the same treatment.
Below are some facts given by Mr. Fields which are likely to lead people to believe that minorities are given preferential treatment.
a) There are approx. 1700 students in Wicomico County who have been determined by state standards to be special ed. students.
b) Minorities make up approx. 30% of the student body population.
c) Minorities make up more than 50% of the students designated as special ed. students.
d) A significant number of special ed. students do not have outwardly visible signs of a disability. They have been diagnosed with "emotional disorders" and, therefore, are categorized by State standards as "Special Ed. Students". These emotional disorders account for a significant number of behavior problems.
e) State law requires that special ed. students be placed in an environment that is as unrestricted as possible. This means they are placed in the classroom with the mainstream students, often with an additional teacher to provide special assistance.
f) When I asked if outbursts and behavioral problems exhibited by special ed. students disrupted the education of the mainstream students, he stated "that is a CONSTANT challenge".
My opinion 1) The state has opened up a Pandora's Box by lowering the behavioral standard for special ed students with "emotional disorders". They should be bringing those students up to the same standard to which everyone else is held so as to prepare them for life in the real world. This would help alleviate the animosity which is inevitably created when it appears as though someone is receiving preferential treatment. Especially when a great many (by virtue of the figures listed above) are minorities. We mustn't forget that there are many people out there who are looking for any reason to justify their belief that minorities in general receive preferential treatment. Students who cause disturbances, regardless of the reason, should not be permitted to compromise the quality of education available to mainstream students. I am not without compassion for those with learning disabilities (I have a nephew diagnosed with autism) but I do not believe that children without disabilities should pay a price for those who do. A genuine disability is one thing, but I don't believe that children who refuse to behave should be classified as disabled due to an emotional disorder. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior. THAT is what should be impressed upon ALL children. Just because a child is raised in a single parent family and has been classified as having an "emotional disorder" doesn't mean he/she won't go to prison for committing a crime. Child Psychologists are handing out behavioral disorder diagnosis's like candy. We're teaching our children that they're not responsible for their actions.
Question 2) Some time ago the Wicomico County Board of Education initiated a pilot program entitled "School Based Wellness Program". Can you tell us if this program still exists and if so where and what it consists of?
Answer 2) School based wellness is a a grant funded program which still exists at Wicomico Middle School. Students who participate must have the signature of a parent or guardian prior to any treatment. It should be noted that my specific question to Mr. Fields on the phone was whether or not School Based Wellness provided birth control to students without parental notification. Initially he stated that he knew of no such thing and advised me that he'd look into it. Several days later Mr. Fields called me and advised that he was surprised with what he had learned. He stated that he had learned that if the parent/guardian signs giving permission to participate in the School Based Wellness Program that parent essentially signs away his/her right to be informed of that type of information. So in order to take advantage of the program, the parent signs away certain parental rights! Mr. Fields stated that had I not asked the question he may have never know about that.
Opinion 2) School Based Wellness is an under the radar socialized medical care program that strips the parents of the right to know whats going on with the health of their children. Imagine if it were nationwide. Folks we'd better be careful of what we ask for. How would you feel if you learned that your had been on birth control for months and was sexually active and that the school had known the whole time, yet you were never consulted before they provided your child with birth control? I would be fit to be tied. I believe that any type of program that requires people to sign over certain parental rights is yet another huge step toward Socialism and may have never been implemented had there been an elected school board. No offense to the current members but it they were held accountable by the citizens, then the citizens would have a voice as it relates to the direction in which their schools are heading.
Question 3) The proposed new Bennett High School is to be built in Fruitland I believe. By the time it is completed where (in a percentage) will the student population be in relation to it's design capacity and how long is it expected to take until the school is up to the maximum capacity.
Answer 3) Bennett MIDDLE School is probably going to be built in Fruitland. Bennett HIGH School is going to be built behind where it currently stands. Now here's the interesting part . Both schools will be at 100% capacity when they open their doors! What? That's right! Mr. fields stated that the State of Maryland will not provide funds to build anything designed to hold more students than currently exist.....and the County simply doesn't have the funds to build with the capacity to handle future numbers of students. As a matter of fact, in order to get funding from the State for these projects, the WCBOE had to prove that the surrounding schools couldn't handle any more students either. It was mentioned, however, that the new schools are being designed to put all mechanical workings such as plumbing, heating, and electricity in specific areas so that any future additions can easily tie into existing services.
Opinion 3) I don't think there are any easy answers to this. I commend the initiative to design with the future in mind, and what good would it do to actually build classrooms that would not be used until the population increases?
I believe the WCBOE could do a better job at communicating with the public. Mrs. Holloway and Mr. Fields seemed sincere and were helpful. At no time did I feel as though I was being ridiculed for asking questions and I feel as though I was given honest answers. If not, then I was fooled and I will readily admit that should evidence to that effect arise. Mr. Fields stated that the BOE website is currently being changed to offer a Q/A section. It will start by posting Frequently Asked Questions and supplying answers to those questions as a way to "break the ice". Then people will be able to post their questions and get the answers they need. I could go on but I think it's more important for others to be able to comment and make important points of their own.