While the truth would be nice, we should at least expect some contact with reality. Read More ...

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, August 21, 2008
WCLCB - Spin, Spin, Spin at the County Council Meeting
While the truth would be nice, we should at least expect some contact with reality. Read More ...
WCLCB - Better Late Than Ever
While I don't know who wrote this morning's piece, I do know that they are ignorant of some basic facts. They state:
"The question will not appear on the 2008 ballot because the Wicomico County Council voted 5-1 against asking the Maryland General Assembly for permission to do so."This simply isn't true. The possibility of placing the measure on the 2008 ballot ended when the county council postponed action at their first August meeting. The deadline for placing a measure on the ballot passed prior to the August 19th meeting. Some will also point to an AG's opinion that claimed that the legislature must approve a referendum. If this is the same opinion prepared for Sen. Lowell Stoltzfus, the opinion only states that a binding referendum would need legislative approval.
In any event, a ballot measure for 2008 has been moot for several weeks. The resolution voted on Tuesday (Res. 110-2008) SPECIFICALLY stated that it applied to a referendum to be voted on in 2010.
In addition, a call for transparency is only a half-hearted measure. Far more important would be a call for the dispensary board to quit doling out taxpayer dollars like they are lollipops and balloons in a parade ... or more appropriately with the WCLCB - Mardi Gras beads on Fat Tuesday!
cross posted on Delmarva Dealings

Ladies & Gentlemen:
It is with great honor that I announce my Candidacy as an Independent for the Office of President of the United States.
We have been quietly working on gearing up for the Presidential Race in what turned out to be an Internet Phenomenon. Salisbury News has grown so much, we started becoming Nationally recognized and I was recently approached by the Independent Party to run for Office of the President of the United States.
I hope you'll enjoy the Video attached and enjoy the first message of this announcement.
Oh, God Bless America and all that crap and yes, I am Joe Albero and I approve this message. See Ya In Washington!
GO HERE to see the Video Press Release.
Obviously enough complaints have come in referencing this cross walk. You see, the light turns green and the sign turns white and tells you to GO. You get literally two steps into the road and it starts flashing a warning telling you NOT to go. By the time you get 1/2 way across the road, the light changes. Fortunately someone is finally listening and the City is going to install a new cross walk signal similar to the rest of the ones around town that count down and beep all day and night. So much for renting my apartments upstairs, let alone the other two apartment buildings across the street and even closer to this intersection.
Super Bingo Comes To The Westside Community Center
(Salisbury, MD) See if you will be the lucky player to shout bingo at the Westside Community Center’s Super Bingo on Friday, August 29. Doors will open at 5:00pm with games starting at 7:00pm.
Tickets are $25 in advance and increase to $30 at the door. Price includes sixteen bingo games plus Quickie Bingo and U-Pick’ems. Each game will offer a minimum of $25 in prize money. One lucky winner will take home a $300 minimum Jackpot at the end of the night. Hold’ems and Pull Tabs will be sold separately. Concessions offering barbecue chicken dinners, hot dogs, homemade desserts and more will also be available.
For more information or to purchase tickets call Joy Klauder at 410-873-2993 or email westside@wicomicocounty.org. All proceeds directly benefit youth programs at the Westside Community Center, which is located at 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road in Bivalve, MD. Operated by a local advisory council, the Westside Community Center provides recreational and educational programs to the Nanticoke, Bivalve, Tyaskin, Whitehaven and Quantico communities.
If you would like to learn about other upcoming programs offered by the Wicomico County Recreation, Parks and Tourism Department sign up for Recreation email alerts at www.wicomicorecandparks.org.
Chief Webster Is On The War Path

They don't care who you are, what position you're in within the Salisbury Police Department, if your caught speaking to Joe Albero. YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY FIRED.
Obviously it's not working very well for you Chiefy because I'm getting calls and quite frankly, your Staff is sick and tired of your threatening grown men and women allowed to not only wear guns but also allowed to shoot people.
Salisbury is the old Russia Ladies & Gentlemen. Barrie Tilkghman MUST GO as well as this worthless piece of sh!t Chief of Police. Hey Chiefy, think about this for one minute. You see, I'm ONE guy up against what you want to believe is a united Police Force. Look who's winning, you Idiot!
I'll add, while on the phone earlier with Councilwoman Terry Cohen, Chief Webster made his rounds past 300 W. Main Street, slowly passing by with a silly assed grin on his face. Yeah Chiefy, I was man enough to stare you in the eyes while you looked the other way. You may be smiling on the outside but everything I hear within the SPD, you're running scared on the inside.
By the way Chief, I welcome you to stop or park your car and stop in and smoke a Cigar any time you'd like at 300 W. Main Street. Maybe we can even put the past behind us?
Uh Oh, Better Call MACO
When you enter Downtown Salisbury from east to west, this is what you get to see entering Main Street. I don't care who you are, this looks like sh!t and the owner David Moore needs to get his freakin act together, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US ARE FORCED TO DO!
I'm told the Owner is experiencing an economic hardship during the slow movement of real estate but that's why he bought this building so cheap, isn't it? While the rest of us, (especially ME) would be receiving letter after letter, fine after fine, this building is a PRIME location of the IMAGE Salisbury leaves tattooed in every one's mind.
So once again Barrie Tilghman, I believe some call these people FOB's. Obviously you're willing to go to any and all extremes to let these alleged friends do whatever they want.
Ladies & Gentlemen, especially Downtown Property Owners, don't answer another violation letter, don't pay any of their BS fines. Use these pictures as a prime example of why you shouldn't have to and let a Judge decide for you with such said examples.
Thanks But No Thanks
While the buildings these newspapers sit in front of are in fact occupied, people are choosing not to even pick up the daily paper and or even make good use of it for their dogs.
The Daily Times continues to be a day late, (if not more) and a dollar short when is comes to local news and information. Did YOU see anything about the Soldier coming home today in the Paper? Did I miss something? I certainly didn't see it.
Rather then allowing the citizens to be aware of such an even so they can attend, they choose to say nothing and or bury it somewhere in which people don't recognize it and they come back AFTER the event is over and act like they did all the work for you by showing up and taking pictures.
I don't know exactly who is making the decisions at that paper but they've forgotten where they came from and who they are really working for, you, the Customer.
Oh well, if you're still paying for that paper, you're nuts. In this case, you should call them up and ask them to pick up their trash in front of your building.
I hope to see many of you at the Wicomico Airport this afternoon.
Lori Brewster Is Sworn In As The Wicomico County Health Officer
Ms. Brewster was confirmed as County Health Officer by the State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene last April. She had been the Acting Health Officer since July, 2007. Lori was sworn in yesterday in front of one of the largest crowds I've seen yet in the GOB. Heck, it was even close in numbers with the swearing in of the County Executive. Of course, Sheriff Lewis was the biggest yet.
Nevertheless, Lori is a wonderful person and once again Wicomico County is VERY fortunate to be surrounded by so many quality employees. I simply can't wait for a new Mayor in Salisbury so we can mirror that same image. Congratulations Lori. May you enjoy many years in this position in good health.
Hey Joe, Are You and Your Contributors Next?
NSA Security Officer: We Should Just Kill These People
Richard Volaar
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008
When somebody within your own government calls you out, do you show up? How do you handle it?
Wayne Madsen, always spoiling for a fight with Bush and Cheney, or the chance to show off his undies to minimum wage airport TSA workers, has an executive level NSA staff person on record saying that significant sentiment exists within the NSA to kill troublesome bloggers and journalists.
The NSA executive staffer was, apparently, not the source of the sentiment, but this individual did pass along the context and the precise wording of the “junior G-man” working in the NSA. Prominent names listed in the NSA database of troublemakers?
1. Bill Gertz
2. James Bamford
4. Jim Risen
5. Dr. John C. K. Daly
6. Wayne Madsen
These were all the names Madsen published, but there are, of course, many others. Possibly you, gentle reader.
If not now, probably later.
As much as Madsen hates Daily Kos, I would think that if
Wear nice underwear when you travel, bloggers. The TSA will soon be checking your anal orifice for that extra 3 ounces of shampoo you just can’t live without.
The Taggers Are Back
Plenty Of Pumps Available
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann says Bush Creating an Embryonic Police State
Nick Langewis and David Edwards
Raw Story
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008
“Now that the Democrats were nice enough to fold up on FISA,” MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann said, “the issue is all contained now. Right? Not exactly.”
The Justice Department has proposed changes to police intelligence-gathering rules that would ease the transfer of information about citizens to federal intelligence agencies, who would then keep the information for at least 10 years. The changes, the first since 1993, were introduced for public comment on July 31.
Under the proposed changes, law enforcement agencies would be allowed to target groups and individuals on the basis of suspicion of participation in terrorist acts or providing material support to terrorists. Former FBI agent and American Civil Liberties Union policy counsel Michael German, however, told the Washington Post that the proposed changes could lead to abuse of constitutional rights by law enforcement agencies, citing cases where police have eavesdropped on political dissenters and infiltrated their ranks.
“It turns police officers into spies on behalf of the federal government,” German said. “If police officers no longer see themselves as engaged in protecting their communities from criminals and instead as domestic intelligence agents working on behalf of the CIA, they will be encouraged to collect more information.”
The real intent of the changes, Olbermann opined, is to implement them before President Bush leaves office “so the next president can’t do a damn thing about unraveling this disaster, which is, appropriately enough, an embryonic police state.”
On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee called on Attorney General Michael Mukasey to delay the implementation of the new guidelines, which would take effect October 1, until FBI Director Robert Mueller has a chance to testify to the Committee on September 17. “Efforts to harmonize the rules governing criminal and national security matters also raise potential civil liberties concerns,” said Committee chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Ranking Member Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) in a letter to Mukasey, “given the broader latitude currently given to investigators to consider race and ethnicity in national security matters.”
Question of the Day, Thur 8/21
So, my question is:
Have you ever been to or shopped at a second-hand store? What's your favorite second-hand store? What's the most interesting or suprising thing you have found there? Have you ever found money in something you have bought? Anything gross?
Tilghman & Comegys Violate COMAR Laws!
There are only two photo's in this series of pictures that doesn't violate the law.
Imagine riding in the right hand lane of the road on a Bicycle, or wait, even worse, a wheel chair. As you're cruising along you're forced to ride over one of these storm water grates and your tires lock in between them!
This is why COMAR has LAWS against these kinds of violations. While Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys continue to sell the Public on Bike Routes, they're asking for extremely hefty fines as well as massive lawsuits for NOT following the Code.
Go look it up Barrie & Gary. You're clearly in violation throughout the Downtown area. Mind you, that's the only area I looked and there were probably 20 of them I found in violation. I could have walked further but I'm kind of tired of taking pictures of that black Crown Vic always popping out of nowhere.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
Timothy Logan Elliott, 20yoa of Salisbury was arrested for Possession of Marihuana. During a traffic stop of a vehicle being operated by Elliott in the 900 block of N Salisbury Blvd, an officer from the Salisbury Police Department detected an odor of burnt marihuana coming from inside the vehicle. During a consent search of Elliott, an amount of suspected marihuana was located in his pants pocket. Elliott was released to the custody of Central Booking.
John Robert Broadhurst Jr, 40yoa of Salisbury was arrested for Possession of Crack Cocaine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Driving on a Suspended License. During a traffic stop of a vehicle being operated by Broadhurst in the area of N Salisbury Blvd and Wilson St, officers determined that Broadhurst’s license was suspended. When Broadhurst was asked to exit his vehicle a pill bottle fell to the ground when the door opened. The pill bottle contained an amount of suspected crack cocaine. Search of Broadhurst’s vehicle also found a smoking device with suspected cocaine residue. Broadhurst was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Darontay Lamar Dashiell, 16yoa of Salisbury was arrested for Concealed Dangerous Weapon, two counts of Possession of Firearm Ammunition by a Minor, and Possession of a Unregistered Rifle. An arrest warrant was served on Dashiell for his involvement in an incident that occurred on August 5, 2008. Officers from the Salisbury Police Department responded to the 600 block Jefferson St area for a reported juvenile in possession of a gun. Officers located a juvenile matching the description given to them. The juvenile was identified as Dashiell and he was advised as to why he was being stopped. A search of a backpack in Dashiell’s possession found a sawed-off rifle and several rounds of ammunition. Dashiell was arrested and released to the custody of his mother after consultation with Juvenile Services. A review of the juvenile charges was conducted by the Wicomico County State’s Attorney office and it was determined that the evidence that was recovered from Dashiell in conjunction with his age would allow for Dashiell to be charged as an adult. Dashiell was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Disiree Nicole Duncan, 32yoa of Salisbury was arrested for 2nd Degree Assault. Officers responded to the 400 block of Camden Ave in reference to a domestic disturbance. On arrival, officers met with the victim that advised he had been in a verbal argument with Duncan. The argument turned physical and Duncan struck the victim on the left side of the face. Duncan was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Millions Spent Protecting Candidates
agency has already asked for more money to cover unexpected costs - an extra
$9.5 million on top of the $85.25 million that was budgeted for the 2008
campaign. Obama received Secret Service protection almost a year earlier than
officials expected and has had a detail since May 2007. And as soon as each
candidate announces his vice presidential pick, new protective details are
deployed for the second-in-command hopefuls.
Because Denver's Invesco Field, an open-air stadium that seats 76,000 people,
holds nearly four times the number of people as the indoor Pepsi Center - there
needs to be more security and extra countersnipers and air patrols as well.
GO HERE for the full AP Story.
Council Votes to Continue Corruption - Part II
I watched the thing twice and I can understand how some folks are confused. It was unnecessarily complicated and I have to admit that Cannon was masterful in the way he railroaded the dispensary bill to defeat. Read more ...