DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, May 07, 2009
WBI Press Release: Charges: Murder First Degree

DATE: May 7, 2009
LOCATION: 1000 Beaglin Park Drive, Salisbury, MD
NARRATIVE: On May 7, 2009 the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation and the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit arrested the below listed for the murder of Humbird Lynn Johnson. The body of the victim was discovered by Wicomico Sheriff’s Office Deputies on Saturday May 2, 2009. Donahue was taken to WCDC where he is being held without bond.
Anyone with information can contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898.
ACCUSED: Donahue, John Wilbert W/M 52 YOA
1000 Beaglin Park Drive
Salisbury, MD
Murder First Degree
Murder Second Degree
Assault First and Second Degree
DISPOSITION: Held Without Bond
INVESTIGATING DETECTIVE Detective Gismondi and Cpl Smith
MSP Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
DATE: May 7, 2009 TIME: 2045
Obama At It Again
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know....
Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA. This is the news that didn't make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza.
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Let's review...itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:
His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S., but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.
Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? To verify this for yourself:
One day while going to visit a site one of the structural engineers asked me to pull off the side of the road near an overpass . . .similar to the Rt. 50 overpass that just collapsed. He said look up at the disintegrating pan decking. He then showed me pieces of concrete on the roadway whereby it had been reported where several passing motorists complained they had their windshields shattered from falling concrete debris from above.
When I walked under the overpass to get a closer inspection he pushed me aside and said don't go under it as he didn't trust the structural steel. Right about then a large semi-passed over the overpass and I kid you not I could actually see the concrete pieces falling down upon the roadway as well as visually see the bridge sway from the stress above.
I said to the structural engineer, what are you going to do? He said he submitted his report and that the State Highway of Virginia had ordered some plywood to be attached to the underside of the pan decking to keep the concrete from falling onto passing cars.
He informed me that deteriorating bridges like these are everywhere case-in-point RT. 50 overpass. The one that really scares me though is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. I definately do not trust it! Check out the huge hump at the expansion joint near the peak of the span . . . it is not normal.
Salisbury Police Department Press Release
A victim received a call from a subject who stated that he was soliciting money for the Salisbury Fire Department.
Officers met with Fire Department officials who advised they are not doing any fund raising at this time.
If you receive a call from anyone requesting money for injured firefighter’s fund, do not contribute.
Hole y Crap!
When I received a call telling me there was a hole the size of a 55 gallon drum on the Rt. 13 overpass bridge heading south bound I thought, come on now, no way! This is the overpass over Rt. 50. I got there and truly couldn't believe my eyes. Clearly the photos don't lie.
I wish I had the time to look up the bridge ratings because I asked about this particular overpass and they said it was rated a "4" which sounded like that's pretty bad. This overpass is expected to be refurbished this year by the state but as you can see in the 4th & 5th pictures they have already made the same kind of repair right next to the new pothole.
I was told the patch repair will be 4 ft wide by 10 ft long! Vehicles have been driving over it all morning before someone finally came out and saw it was a serious issue and pulled crews from other locations to get right on this problem. Expect delays on your way home from work too because they had to block off Rt 50 below as well.
Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and Maryland Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Program

Scholarship applications, criteria, and details on the selection process can be obtained from guidance counselors at all Wicomico County High Schools, or by calling the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4892, x208. The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is May 20, 2009.
Co2 Tank Raises A Big Scare In Salisbury
Bike To Work Day: Friday, May 15
Dover -- The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) Delaware Bicycle Council encourages cyclists to participate in Bike to Work day Friday, May 15. Along with TMA Delaware and Ride Share Delaware, DelDOT reminds riders that cycling is healthy for the environment and body, and saves gas money!
Workplaces that register for Bike to Work Day will receive bicycle maps, safety information, and T-shirts (limited availability). To register, visit TMA Delaware's Web site at www.tmadelaware.org or Ride Share Delaware at www.ridesharedelaware.org. The event is rain or shine.
The facts support biking to work:
Almost 90 percent of all trips are made in personal vehicles. More than 40 percent of these are solo. Less than one out of seven trips use transit, a bicycle, or are on foot. (According to Italladdsup.gov.)
With nearly half of all trips less than 3 miles, biking - which is perfect for short trips - saves gas money, and reduces air pollution and traffic congestion. (According to a Federal Highway Administration 2006 report.)
To promote healthy lifestyles and combat the rising trend of obesity and inactivity in the United States, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. This can happen in a number of ways: walking or biking to work, running errands on foot instead of by car, or taking a quick bike ride or stroll through a park. The CDC's emphasis is less on grueling workouts at the gym, and more on encouraging Americans to be active during their everyday lives.
According to the trends for overweight and obese Americans, youth today are the first generation predicted not to outlive their parents. (According to a National Institute on Aging 2005 report.)
DelDOT staffs the Delaware Bicycle Council, whose No. 1 priority is safety and education for cyclists statewide. The Council also advocates for improved bicycle facilities. DelDOT, in coordination with the Delaware Bicycle Council, has put bike-friendly rumble strips on Route 1, added trails at Blue Ball Properties in Brandywine, works with developers to provide bicycle facilities along road frontages, teaches bicycle safety to children, and develops bicycle and pedestrian plans for local communities.
Washington High School Play

Friday May 8 and Saturday May 9, 2009
Curtain is at 7pm
Tickets are $6 for students with ID and $8 for adults
Washington High School is located in Princess Anne, MD
The play last about 2 hours.
For more info please call 410-651-0480
Thanks for your support!
Do You Get What You Pay For?

Saturn closes its doors
Give the Village of Hope a break on huge water bill
SALISBURY: Man sought in shooting
Downzoning is far from over
DELAWARE: 5-year-old dies after bike crashes into truck
After years of no qualms about the City providing health coverage for his fellow-stooges, Michael Day and Shanie Shields, Bubba now would withhold it for other members of the Council who refuse to join the scheme team. Shanie gets that religion just as soon as she "finds" another source of health insurance coverage. Then there’s Louise Smith, who has other government provided coverage.
And, behind the curtain, it’s Barrie P. Tilghman – gone but not forgotten. Let’s "balance" her proposed budget by striking the funding she included for (1) the standpipe (2) the "All-American City" contest and (3) a big raise for Lore Chambers. Those items would cover the health insurance coverage that Barrie failed to include – her "going away present" for Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen.
Peninsula Plastic Surgery Customer Appreciation Day
A Letter To The Editor
Last night on WBOC I saw how they had caught up with you concerning Watermen's closing their doors. I was surprised how long it had taken due to usually once something appears on your blog they are the next one's to cover it.
Then I wake this morning to follow my normal routine....your blog first THEN Daily Times to check the obits. While waiting for their page (which is so slow) to direct me to the obits....I noticed they ran a story about the man being killed in his apartment. YOUR THE MAN! Your only one man who also has a family life, yet you cover every story in town as it happens. WBOC and the Daily Times has more than one person yet they can't keep up with you, not even one day behind.
If it weren't for the obits I wouldn't even bother with DT. I'm still working on that for you. I do have a question about it for you. There are times where you'll show that the DT had a story and then you'll have a link which the reader can go directly to their page to read the article. You always give the DT credit instead of how they take from you and don't mention your name at all. Ok back to my question. Could you do that with the obits?"
First of all, let me thank you for your message. WBOC is well aware of Salisbury News getting out there first, in most cases. These are very trying times financially for all of the MSM as Car Dealers are closing down, (their main advertisers) and other businesses feeling the impact of a slower economy.
One thing is for sure though, every one of the MSM Companies are keeping a much closer eye on Salisbury News because they know we have little overhead, yet we're producing articles faster. Once we're in full swing with advertising, LOOK OUT! As people tend to want a variety, Salisbury News is the most convenient source to pop on and see what's new. We update throughout the day and night, usually delivering something new each time you click on.
That being said, the Daily Times will rarely give us credit.I say rarely because they rarely give their customers the link to our Site. They have never given us credit for any article or topic, yet we have been doing so for four years. The "Professional Courtesy" is to link to an article but the MSM thinks they're too big to do so. They want Bloggers to link to them, (which I think is fair and right) but they never link to us. To be fair, WMDT regularly states they got their information from Salisbury News, so you know.
I guess many of them think, (while in a closet) that if they don't mention Salisbury News, no one will know we're out there and then they'll look like they got more for their money when they purchase the paper. Think about it like this. IF the Daily Times printed this information came from SBYNews.com, every article locally would say that and everyone would simply come here for free instead and they'd lose all their business. So you can't blame them for that.
What you can blame them for is the fact that they're not out and about much any more. They're not at many of the meetings, yet they read it on Salisbury News, call their contacts from that particular meeting and write a story without every having to be there. To me, that's pretty poor reporting and once again you're only going to read one side of the story.
As for the Obituaries, we're working on that as well. We've built the base, we have the visitors, we're bringing in the advertisers, next comes the Staff. Baby Steps.
A Letter To Michael Owens
Since April 26, 2007, I have wanted to say a few words to you. That is the day that I found out that my friend of many years, and your son, had used a gun to take his own life. You use to tell him he was worthless. You use to make him feel that way too. You tormented your entire family until they were hanging on by nothing more than emotional threads. You are a demented, perverse human being who, for some reason, has been given the privilege by our so-called “justice” system to begin living your life once more as it were before April 26, 2007. You show no remorse for completely destroying an exceptional young man. You show no remorse for leaving your daughter just as devastated by your abuse. You are the only reason that your son, Joshua Owens, took his own life. I hope you are NEVER able to forget his smile. It was one of the most infectious one’s I’ve ever known. Josh was a very special person to me. Growing up, I heard tales of the terror you would inflict, and witnessed his fear of you. Wild horses couldn’t tear me from trying to help Josh, as he was turning into a troubled teenager. Sure, I was by his side for some if his wild antics, but I was also there to soothe him when he boiled over with rage because he could not save himself, let alone his baby sister, from your abuse.
I’ve lost many people in my life, loved ones and friends, both young and old. Some of those people I think about every now and then, some more often than others, but then there are those that never leave you. They are with you in your thoughts every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, right down to the moment you drift off to sleep. Amazingly, they even make it into your dreams. Josh, for me, is one of those people. I cannot and will not ever forget that promising spark I saw in him. I will never forget his smile, although it was more of a smirk, or his laugh. Josh was just one of those people that I always cared about and wanted to see succeed. I wanted him to live his life to the fullest and somehow find it in himself to forgive you for what you had done to him, and his sister, who he loved more than life itself. I am writing this letter today because he could not. You buried Josh’s promising spark so far beneath all of the anger and rage that you inflicted upon him, he could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. He could not see a life outside of the pain and suffering that you caused. You made Josh feel so terrible about his self that he felt the lives of his family and friends would be enriched by his absence. Mine is not. I feel empty and helpless when I think of my childhood friend’s last minutes. I hate to think that he was alone. I wish I had kept in touch with him more throughout the years; maybe I could have helped in some way. I hate to think that he really thought that this was his only way out. I think of his mother and sister every day, wishing I could share my tears with them. I yearn for some way to find closure for myself and I hope that this is it. Mr. Owens, I dread the day I run into you. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be recognizable, you and Josh looked very similar. That is your daily reminder. You will never be forgiven for what you have done.
Fernando Guerrero FREE Ticket Givaway Coming Soon From Salisbury News
The Myth Of The Objective Media
Now some may be thinking, that is what we have now. The “mainstream media”, consisting of the major network television broadcasts and a majority of newspapers, is in the pocket of the statists in the Democrat party and they have brainwashed the American people. The other side argues that the “alternative media”, made up primarily of talk radio and the Internet, it unfair to its ideas and programs. Both sides may complain that they are treated unfairly by some member of “the press” but I would argue that this is exactly what the founders intended. The idea that “the press” as a whole is to be objective is a myth we have created for ourselves and was not in any way, shape or form that held by the people of the eighteenth century. If you had an idea or a point of view you wanted to disseminate, you had three choices. First, if you could get the listeners, you could make speeches. Second, you could write a pamphlet. This is what Thomas Paine did with “Common Sense” and in so doing, gave the final push to the Continental Congress to declare for independence. I’m sure King George did not think it a “fair and objective” treatment of his policies. Finally, you could start a newspaper. Samuel Adams and his friends did this to support their revolutionary ideas, as did Thomas Jefferson when he formed his political party in opposition to John Adams. His paper was anything but objective and everyone knew it and accepted it.
The point is that “the press” was understood to have a point of view and its dissemination of the news was understood to support that point of view, a point of view that was political in nature. The papers themselves advertised this fact in their names-the Democrat this or the Republican that. There was no regulation of these papers and the market determined their success of failure. Samuel Adams’ first paper lasted only two years but some of those early papers continue to this day. If their ideas and viewpoint attracted people, it was a success; if they were not, it went under. For the politically active, getting your product noticed in the marketplace of ideas was just as difficult then as it is now.
Over the years, the press has not changed but our perception of it has. We expect the press to simply “give us the facts” and let us fit it into our ideological understanding. We created the myth of media objectivity where there was none, never has been and never will be. Much of the press, for its part, has bought into the myth as well and believes that it is objective and unbiased, lying to itself. Given this situation, we have two choices. We can complain that the media is not what we think it should be, which is what most of those on the “right” do. Or was can delude ourselves into believing that what we receive from the major media outlets is objective and simply swallow their “spin” as true. This is what the majority of Americans who don’t have the will, desire or time to think critically about the issues choose to do. Why? Here is the real issue. Most Americans are products of government schools whose objective, because they are government schools, is to turn out a product that will support the idea that government is good and all the things government does, or tries to do, are good. Americans are not taught to think critically in school, we are not taught to be discerning. Therefore, when students come out of the system, they naturally gravitate toward media that support the worldview they have been spoon-fed for over a decade of their young lives. The more the Federal government controls the schools, the worse this tendency is going to be. The founders knew this which is why there was no “Department of Education” for almost two hundred years. Education was understood to be a family and community matter, not a government matter.
Today, there are more choices than ever before when it comes to receiving information and viewpoints and because of that fact, people who receive it are forced to learn to think critically and be discerning. The marketplace works and we need to let it work, particularly in the areas of political ideology. Any suggestion by any political official that we need regulation in the media should be met with strong opposition. Failing papers should not be “bailed out”, talk radio should not be subject to any form of the “Fairness Doctrine” and the Internet should not be regulated in any way... The marketplace should determine the success or failure of every idea.
The reality is this. The statist, through years of patient work and indoctrination, has bought off larger and larger segments of the population. The current administration seems to believe that it can do pretty much anything it wants and is not constrained by the Constitution, economic reality or common sense. About one sixth of the population of this great country put these people in office. The great question yet to be decided it this-is this the “tyranny of the minority” or has the statist truly won the ideological battle in the marketplace of ideas? If the latter is true, liberty is lost. If the former is true, will the majority rise up before the statist clamps down on any dissenting ideas? It is a race whose outcome has not yet been decided but in order for liberty to triumph, we must actually enter the contest.
Day Two Of The Golden Gloves Championships In Salt Lake City

On Thursday Alexis will face David Imoeseri form Nevada, who Coach Chernoff is familiar with from back in Fernando's day as an Amateur. The Nevada native knocked off top rated Paul Koon of Philadelphia, Wed night. Koon traveled to Ireland with Coach Chernoff on the USA National Team as the heavy weight representative.
"We have three very tough fights ahead but we must take them one at a time. These tournaments are so hard because you weigh in every morning and fight all different styles in one week. The competition get tougher and tougher and each bout can take something out of you. Alex trained very hard and did a lot of preparation for this so he could handle grueling schedule." said Chernoff.
Going into the quarter finals, the DC team still has 4 of the 10 boxers still in the running.
The Rt. 13 Outlet Market

The Rt. 13 Outlet Market - Delmarva's Fun Place to Shop - on Rt 13 in Laurel, Delaware
A totally unique shopping experience. Totally tax-free. Open every Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-7 and Sunday 9-6, year-round.
Over 100 vendors with clothing, jewelry, luggage, carpet, pets, electronics, gifts, collectibles and more
A variety of foods and services like sign making, hair care and shoe repair!
Start your own business by calling the manager Lenny at 302-875-4800.
This week's "Manager's Specials" are - Shoe Repair (at door #22) - Men's heels $9-$11 per pair and ladies heels $5-$7 per pair
And from The Signworks - plastic yard signs for your event or business, full color, $8 single sided and $10 double sided.
Philly Beer Pong Goes Wrong - Two Losers In Really Fun Game
Calendar Of Events
I think every one is starting to get the big picture any more. Salisbury News draws in more traffic than any other local news source around. The Calendar is FREE.
E-mail your information to, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and we'll get it up right away. We need the time, the length of the event, cost (if applicable) contact information and whatever details you would like out there.
OC Venders/Entertainers

I've seen on the news the last few days that in two weeks the city will be voting on weather or not to continue letting some of the entertainers we see on the boardwalk stay and play their music, or whatever else they may be doing. Or move them to the street.
I was wondering if you knew anymore about this. And also how the stores may have to place their clothes and signs more in the store to clear up the clutter.. How the heck are they going to keep their business open up and running, if they have to hide their sale signs and merchandise?? And if the Entertainers we see out there EVERY year, have to move to the streets.. Just how many do you think will be robbed, beaten, or just not making their few dollars a day??
Concerned Salisbury Insomniac
Courageous Christopher 5K Walk/Run & Stroller Strut
Sharp Water to donate bottled water
SALISBURY, MD – The second annual Courageous Christopher 5K Walk/Run & Stroller Strut is May 15 at the Asbury United Methodist Church on Camden Ave. in Salisbury. Proceeds will go toward building an integrative playground – “The Everybody PlaySpace” at Pinehurst Elementary School.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Competitive 5K walk/run begins at 10 a.m. and the recreational 5K walk/run also begins at 10 a.m.
Online registration is $25 prior to event. Registration on day of race $30.00
The first 200 registrants receive a moisture wicking T-shirt with race day gift bags to be given to the first 500 participants.
Bottled water is donated by Sharp Water of Salisbury and is available for event participants.
Awards go to the top three overall winners: Top three male and female finishers in each category, 12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+.
All runners, walkers, friends, and family are invited to stay after the race for a fun day with food, drinks, a pig roast, kids activities and live entertainment.
Four year old Christopher Mull has Dravet Syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy for which there is currently no cure. Dravet syndrome is a severe pediatric epilepsy that develops in the first year of life. Children afflicted have a significant impact on their quality of life from very difficult to control seizures, developmental regression and sleep disturbances to profound physical and cognitive delays.
The community helped raise the funds needed to obtain a seizure response dog for Christopher Mull with the proceeds from a 5K race held last May. The support from the community was so overwhelming that the Mull family decided to hold this race again to support a local project.
The Everybody Playspace at Pinehurst Elementary School is a worthy cause and will benefit disabled children like Christopher.
Courageous Christopher 5K Location: Salisbury MD
Web URL: www.courageouschristopher.com. Contact Information: Kevin Mull at kmullpac@yahoo.com or call 410-713-2515
Sharp Water, owned by D.J. and Cindy Shannahan, provides homes and businesses with EcoWater water treatment and purification products and services. Sharp Water was recently honored as the Top Dealer in the Nation in a medium market, the top Dealer in the Southeast Region, and the Top Volume Commercial Dealer in their market. In 2008 Sharp Water was one of EcoWater’s most awarded dealerships.
Puppy Mills-Prisioners Of Greed
APHIS, division of USDA, regulates license & regulations. The STATE OF MD has none!! There can be HUNDREDS of breeding facilities BUT HAVE NO REGULATORY BODY CHECKING TO ENSURE ANIMALS ARE CARED FOR. A purchaser who's bought a puppy who winds up being sick or diseased has little recourse . These operations are MOSTLY UNTOUCHABLE by the average person who have bought the sick animal & problems are compounded by Internet sales! THESE ANIMALS PROBLEMS ARE PASSED ON TO
Purchase from a reputable breeder, go to the Humane Society, or a known Pet Rescue Group!! Contact your Representatives to DEMAND THEY STAMP OUT PUPPY MILLS!
Please take the time to help-----As said, ---- "WE ARE THEIR VOICE" -----WITHOUT US--THEY HAVE NOTHING!!
Edna Walls
Offices Available At 300 W. Main St. On The Downtown Plaza

Tancredo: Obama 'Truly A Cult Leader'
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Swine flu has been confirmed by laboratory tests in 1,516 patients in 22 countries, according to the WHO. Mexico has reported 942 cases, including 29 deaths, while the U.S. has 403 cases and two deaths.
Despite the increasing number of U.S. cases, President Obama is solidly against closing the U.S.-Mexico border to contain the outbreak, likening such a move to "closing the barn door after the horses are out."
Former Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado disagrees: "The problem is you cannot necessarily contain it but what you're trying to do is minimize the impact, of course, and reduce the number of people coming into the country with it."
Tancredo believes the administration's refusal to act is also indicative of a "desire on the part of many people to eliminate borders."
"I know it sounds strange, but I assure you that there are people committed to a North American Union just like a European Union, where you have not just an economic arrangement – low tariffs or no tariffs – but you actually have a political arrangement like the European Parliament, which now collects taxes and passes laws."
GO HERE to read more.
How Old Is Grandma?
The Grandma replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was born before:
' television
' penicillin
' polio shots
' frozen foods
' Xerox
' contact lenses
' Frisbees
' the pill
There were no:
' credit cards
' laser beams
' ball-point pens
Man had not invented:
' pantyhose
' air conditioners
' dishwashers
' clothes dryers, clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air
' man hadn't yet walked on the moon
Your Grandfather and I got married first, . . . and then lived together.
Families had a father and a mother.
Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "Sir".
And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, "Sir."
We were before gay-rights, computer- dating, dual careers, daycare centers, and group therapy.
Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense.
We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.
Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege.
We thought fast food was what people ate during Lent.
Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.
Draft dodgers were people who closed their front doors when the evening breeze started.
Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends-not purchasing condominiums.
We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
We listened to the Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on our radios.
And I don't ever remember any kid blowing his brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.
If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan' on it, it was junk.
The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam.
Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of.
We had 5 &10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.
Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.
And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards..
You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600, . . . but who could afford one? Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.
In my day:
' "grass" was mowed,
' "coke" was a cold drink,
' "pot" was something your mother cooked in
' "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby
' "Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office,
' "chip" meant a piece of wood,
' "hardware" was found in a hardware store
' "software" wasn't even a word.
And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby. No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap... and how old do you think I am? You may be shocked.
This Woman could be only 59 years old!
Sussex County 911 Awareness Day TODAY

What: Sussex County 911 Awareness Day
When: Thursday, May 7th 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Where: Sussex County Emergency Operations Center, 21911 Rudder Road, Georgetown
Why: An opportunity for residents to learn more about local emergency services in Sussex County. Police, Fire, EMS, DEMA, DNREC and other first responder disciplines will be represented and have displays available for the public to view.
Who: Event is open to persons of all ages and there is no cost
For further information, please contact Ms. Joanne Iacono at 302.855.2980 or Mr. Richard Short at 302.855.7802