DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Fashion Show Benefits Local Breast Cancer Group
Tickets are just $25 each for the event, which includes a full Eastern Shore style luncheon, fashion show, silent and Chinese auctions, 50/50 raffle, door prizes and vendor tables.
Fashions are being provided by Bruder Hill of Berlin, CraZy LadyZ! in West Ocean City and the Women’s Health Boutique at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. This year’s event will feature a dozen models who are either breast cancer survivors or members of a survivor’s family modeling this spring’s casual and formal wear, along with swimsuits specially designed for breast cancer survivors.
The luncheon is being provided by the Berlin Fire Company Auxiliary and includes fried chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, salad, rolls, desserts and beverages. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., with lunch at 12:30 p.m. and the fashion show at about 1:30 p.m.
Vendor tables are available for $50 each. Small businesses and crafters are welcome to participate and sell their wares.
WSW’s programs provides mentoring and support groups, a lending library and educational materials, wigs, scarves and head coverings, prostheses and bras, specially designed pillows and other items to aid in the recovery process. WSW is entirely funded through community support, donations and grants and all funding is returned directly to the local community through its programs and services.
For more tickets or vendor information or more information about Women Supporting Women, call 410-641-2849, visit the Berlin office at 10026 Old Ocean City Blvd., Suite 4, Berlin or contact Rota Knott, Worcester County coordinator, at rota@womensupportingwomen.org.
Open Windows Offer Opportunities For Burglars
Wiederman and her 3-year-old daughter were sleeping upstairs when two burglars broke through a screen and entered through an open first floor window.
“The first thing I thought or did was yell and it scared him away,” she says. “I guess because he took off running.”
Wicomico Registration Fair March 26-30 For 2012-13 Kindergarten/Prekindergarten
Please note that no registration will take place March 19-23, the dates originally published in the 2011-12 school system calendar. Those dates are no longer valid. Also, individual schools will not handle 2012-13 enrollments for prekindergarten and kindergarten students.
The Registration Fair is for families of children who will start prekindergarten or kindergarten next school year, and children not in public kindergarten now who will be enrolled in the first grade for the 2012-2013 school year. The Registration Fair will be open in the Flanders Rooms of the Civic Center from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on the following schedule:
Monday, March 26: Beaver Run Elementary, Pemberton Elementary
Tuesday, March 27: Delmar Elementary, Westside Primary, Northwestern Elementary
Wednesday, March 28: Charles H. Chipman Elementary, West Salisbury Elementary and Prince Street Elementary
Thursday, March 29: Fruitland Primary, Willards Elementary, Pinehurst Elementary
Friday, March 30: For any family that has not been able to register on their assigned day
Any parent or guardian who is not able to enroll a child during the Registration Fair should come to the Central Office of Enrollment starting April 10. The office is open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Central Office of Enrollment is located in Annex 4 of the Board of Education Office, off Mt. Hermon Road. 410-677-4438 or 410-677-4479.
Capitol Police Arrest 29 AIDS Activists Following Sit-Ins
More than two dozen AIDS activists protesting the ban on federal funding for needle-exchange programs were arrested after staging sit-ins in House lawmakers’ offices Wednesday morning.
Capitol Police took 29 protesters into custody after they descended on the offices of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), and Reps. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) and Hal Rogers (R-Ky.).
According to Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider, nine individuals were detained in Rehberg’s office in the Rayburn House office building and are charged with demonstrating within a Capitol building.More
Results Of The Eastern Region DI Tournament March 17
Horrifying ‘Chop Shop’ Reveals Murdered Human Remains Dissolved in Acid
It’s being called a “house of horror” or a “chop shop.” German authorities recently identified some of the gruesome activities that occurred at a home in Tuddern, according to the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail states locals became suspicious of a “peculiar” smell emanating from the house. What was later revealed from the police was that a family from Holland killed several individuals out of revenge and attempted to dispose of the bodies by putting them in “hydrochloric acid vats” and dumping the “sludge” down the toilet.
Supreme Court Rules Against Feds!
The Environmental Protection Agency cannot issue a “drive-by” decision that a parcel of land is a protected wetlands and prohibit the owner from using it, and then refuse to hear any challenges to such decisions.
So says the U.S. Supreme Court.
The decision today came in the case of the Sackett family of Priest Lake, Idaho. Mike and Chantell Sackett bought a piece of land in a residential subdivision that was about two-thirds of an acre, purchased the appropriate building permits and started work on their dream home.
Then the EPA arrived, ordered them to restore the land to its pristine condition, protect it for years and then go through a ruinously expensive application process to request permission to use their own land.
Further, the EPA, in collusion with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, told the couple they could not even challenge the decision unless they went through that expensive process.
Report: 29 Wis. Judges Signed Recall Petitions Against Gov. Scott Walker — Was That Wrong?
Twenty-nine Wisconsin judges are among the hundreds of thousands of people who signed petitions in favor of recalling Gov. Scott Walker from office, a newspaper analysis found.
The total represents about 12 percent of the state’s approximately 250 county-level judges, according to the Gannett Wisconsin Media review. The judges who signed were from counties in all areas of the state, though Milwaukee County had the largest share with nearly one-fourth of its county judges adding their names.
None of the state’s 16 appeals court judges or seven Supreme Court justices signed the petitions.
Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' More Shocking Obama Info
“America’s toughest sheriff” says there is “tons” more potentially shocking information on Barack Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility, and he calls the media’s suppression of his findings of a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card “probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States.”
“I’m not going after the president to keep him off a ballot or anything else, but that could happen,” Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “I’m going at it strictly as a law-enforcement guy investigating a possible forgery and fraud. I’m sticking with that, but I’ll tell you one thing. We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.”
Unexplained ‘Booms’ Rattle Wisconsin City…Again
No one has come up with a feasible explanation of the loud disturbances that shook people awake in Clintonville on Sunday and Monday nights, and rattled sleepers again as the sun rose Wednesday.
City administrator Lisa Kuss said the booms have roused people from their beds and into the streets — some in pajamas.
“It startled everyone. They thought something had hit their house or a tree fell on their roof,” Kuss said Wednesday. A police dispatcher took more than 30 calls from concerned residents between 5 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.
This Will Never Happen In Wicomico County
Commissioners President Blaine Young announced Tuesday he will propose the refund at Thursday's board meeting.
"We believe injecting $9 million into Frederick County communities is worthwhile," Young said. "This is going to be real money in people's pockets. They can do with it what they want."
The roughly 86,000 property taxpayers in the county whose bill is more than $100 would get the rebate checks in the mail, Young said. The 4,000 who pay less than $100 would get a credit on their bill.
The proposal would replace Young's plan from December to offer a 3- or 4-cent decrease in the property tax rate.
Atheist Group Demands Christian Church Be Evicted From Public Building In Hawaii
The Solid Rock Fellowship Assembly of God is a church that is stationed inside of a low-income housing complex in Kalihi, Hawaii. Run by Pastor Taavao Alualu, the house of worship has been in operation since 1996. Despite its 16-year history, the Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church (HCSSC), a group that values church-state separatism, is seeking to have the church evicted.
In addition to urging the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to evict the church and prevent it from using the public space, the group wants the state to collect back-rent that the house of worship didn’t pay during some of its time using the building.
“It’s basically a separation of church and state issue,” explains David Tveraas, director of HCSSC. “The issue is this is a state building and the state is not allowed to be funding any private churches.”
A Day Of Dishonor
The Iraq War should never have had a first anniversary. President Bush announced on May 1, 2003 – in front of a "Mission Accomplished" banner – that "the United States and our allies have prevailed" and "major combat operations in Iraq have ended." If the war had ended then, it would have resulted in the deaths of "only" 140 U.S. soldiers.
But, of course, it didn’t end. Just like it didn’t end on August 31, 2010, when President Obama proclaimed that "the American combat mission in Iraq has ended" and "Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country." By that time 4,420 U.S. soldiers had died for a lie.
The war in Iraq did not "officially" end until December 18, 2011, after 4,484 U.S. soldiers had died in vain. The war lasted more than twice as long as the U.S. war against Nazi Germany in World War II.
Media Uses Flimsy 'Dutch Castration' Story to Smack Catholic Church
The media are falling over themselves to relay a salacious report that the Catholic Church in the Netherlands may have surgically castrated "as many as 10 young men" over a half a century ago, in the 1950's.
Perpetual Catholic bashers such as the New York Times, NPR, and the Boston Globe are having a field day trumpeting the tale.
The message from these outlets is clear: "The Catholic Church is bad, bad, bad. The news gets worse every day!"
A closer examination of the facts, however, reveals that there is a lot more to this story than meets the eye.
In an excellent piece of investigative journalism at GetReligion, George Conger suspected that there may be some important context missing from this story, such as, "How many people were castrated in the Netherlands during this period?"
The Predatory State Of California, Part 2
Yesterday's entry Welcome to the Predatory State of California--Even If You Don't Live There [15]generated dozens of emails recounting similar stories of "we don't need no stinkin' due process" looting and "fishing expeditions" by California and other state/local governments.
Let's begin with correspondent (and Arizona resident since 2001) R.T.'s experience of his account being looted without prior notice or due process by the state of California to the tune of $1,343. R.T. finally reached an employee of the State Franchise Tax Board and received an explanation.
The state representative stated that "we don't try to contact the person involved," i.e. the taxpayer whose account is about to be looted. The rep went on to explain that the state had received a 1099 from a financial institution for the year 2006 and had promptly stolen the citizen's money in the event that tax was owed to California.
Everyone who believes the government is "here to help disadvantaged people" needs to wake up and ask what kind of government we have when due process has been replaced with "legal" looting. R.T. reported the income in question on his 2006 Federal and Arizona tax return. Wouldn't common sense, not to mention common law, suggest that the state of California should be required to ask the citizen who now resided in another state if the income in question had been reported in that state?
How about notifying the citizen of the state's claim and his/her rights to present facts relating to the state's claim?
Iranian Spy Deported from US to Tehran - Swapped for Hikers?
A spokesman for the U.S. State Department confirmed Tuesday that a convicted Iranian spy as deported last week back to Tehran.
Spokesman Noel Clay said Ardebili, 38, found guilty of arms smuggling, had completed his prison term – a five-year sentence handed down in a U.S. District Court in Delaware.
Amir Hossein Ardebili pleaded guilty in 2009 to conspiracy to ship sensitive American military technology to Iran. Court papers indicated the spy worked as a procurement agent for the Islamic Republic and acquired thousands of components. The charges to which he admitted his guilt included conspiracy, smuggling, arms export control violations and money laundering.
Before, during, and after preparing food;
Before eating food;
Before and after caring for someone who is sick;
Before and after treating a cut or wound;
After using the toilet;
After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet;
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing;
After touching an animal or animal waste; and
After touching garbage
In addition to being conscientious with hand washing, taking general safety precautions such as using gloves when caring for someone with an open wound, sanitizing surfaces that may have come in contact with body fluids or secretions with a bleach and water solution, and staying home from school, daycare or work if signs of illness are present are important in reducing the spread of infectious diseases.
“Washing our hands and taking general safety precautions doesn’t take much time or effort, but both offer great rewards in preventing illness,” said Mrs. Brewster. For more information on hand washing or preventing communicable diseases, please contact the Wicomico County Health Department at (410) 543-6943.
Fannie, Freddie Faulted For Spending on Conference
(Reuters) - A federal watchdog faulted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance companies propped up with taxpayer funds, for "questionable" spending on a mortgage industry conference last year, in a report released on Thursday.
Almost half of the $600,000 that the two companies spent for a conference held by the Mortgage Bankers Association in October "was of questionable value," the inspector general for the companies' federal regulator said.
The inspector general cited $140,000 spent to help sponsor the conference, saying it "did not find sufficient justification" for the sponsorship. It also cited the $140,415 spent to host dinners and business meals, saying the companies could have accomplished the same amount of business at a "substantially lower cost."
Coroner: Cocaine Contributed To Houston's Drowning
Houston, 48, was "found submerged in bathtub filled with water" and "no trauma or foul play is suspected," the coroner said.
The toxicology tests found other drugs in her body, including marijuana, the anti-anxiety drug Xanax, the muscle relaxant Flexeril and the allergy medicine Benadryl, the report said. But these drugs "did not contribute to the death," it said.
The one-page report released Thursday did not disclose the levels of each drug, but that information will be included in the final coroner report to be made public within two weeks, the coroner said.
Shock Video: OWS Protesters Caught On Camera Dumping Feces In ATM Lobby
Police said Occupy Wall Street protesters were captured on surveillance video dragging a large receptacle of human urine and feces to an open-air plaza at the corner of Nassau and Cedar streets last Wednesday evening, just before 8 p.m.
They then poured the waste down a set of stairs there, police said.
The second crime happened less than an hour later and was caught on video when the ATM lobby of a Chase Bank was fouled with a large trash can filled with human feces and urine.
Pictures and Video Here
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Releases 3-22-12
That Juvenile became disorderly and the Deputy attempted to place her under arrest. As the Deputy was attempting to place handcuffs on her, the juvenile assaulted the Deputy. As the Deputy attempted to restrain the juvenile Mr. Haggerty physically attacked the Deputy. The Worcester County Deputy used his Tazer and subdued Mr. Haggerty and placed him under arrest.
The juvenile began to fight with another subject with the help of a Mr. Stark and Mr. Monroe. The Deputy place those three subjects under arrest.
It was learned that Mr. Monroe and Mr. Stark had broken into another apartment in the Alamo hotel.
Those who were arrested and charged are:
Isreal Christopher Haggerty—19----Dundalk, Md.
Assault police officer - disorderly conduct - 1st &3rd burglary - obstruct/hindering
Committed $50,000.00 bond
2) Brent Michael Monroe—19----Baltimore, Md.
Disorderly conduct - 1st & 3rd burglary
Committed $25,000.00 bond
3) Stephen Darrell Stark---44----Ocean City, Md.
Disorderly Conduct
Released on recognizance
4) Juvenile female—17---Dundalk, Md.
Disorderly conduct - assault police officer - assault 2nd degree - resisting arrest
Held by DJJ in Laurel Md. Facility
Worcester County Sheriff's Office
Press Release
On 03/20/2012 at approximately 1951 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office arrested Sean Lee White, 26, from Pocomoke City, Maryland after a District Court Bench Warrant was issued for Failure to Appear on 03/19/2012. White was originally charged with Driving on a Suspended License. White was later taken before a District Court Commissioner and held at the Worcester County Jail on $2,500 bond.
On 03/20/2012 at approximately 1645 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office arrested Evan Thomas Patrick, 22, from New Castle, Delaware after a Circuit Court Bench Warrant was issued for Failure to Appear on 01/12/2012. White was originally charged with CDS- Possession Marijuana and CDS-Intent to Distribute Marijuana. Mr. Patrick was taken before a District Court Commissioner and held at the Worcester County Jail on $ 35,000 bond.
On 03/21/2012 at approximately 1602 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office arrested William Dulaney Kerns III, 38, of Salisbury, Maryland on a Circuit Court Warrant-Civil Paternity issued for Failing to Appear for Contempt Hearing on 01/12/2011.Mr. Kerns was later held at the Worcester County Jail on a preset $1,000 bond.
Dozens Homeless in Southwest Mexico After Big Quake
(Reuters) - Dozens of families cleared rubble from their destroyed homes in southwestern Mexico on Wednesday following a major 7.4-magnitude earthquake that caused landslides, knocked down school walls and cracked a church tower.
At least 100 houses collapsed and 1,000 were damaged near the epicenter of Tuesday's quake in the municipality of Ometepec in Guerrero state, said Jorge Catalan, an official from the Ministry of Social Development.
No one was killed, but many residents, terrified by repeated aftershocks, spent the night outside and officials said they were preparing shelters and food for those who lost their homes.
Sheriff Joe Wants Obama's Original Draft Card
Following up on his investigative team’s finding of probable cause that Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form is a forgery, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio has asked Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo in a letter to produce original documentation.
A copy of Obama’s registration form indicates the registration took place at the Makaki Station Post Office in Honolulu on July 29, 1980. Arpaio wants court-approved, forensic experts selected by his office to examine the original for its authenticity, as well as any microfilm or computer copies that may exist.
In the letter, Arpaio also asked Romo to pursue his own investigation to determine when and how Obama’s Selective Service registration was submitted and entered into the agency’s records.
Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now
That judgment is in, and the time for waiting is over.With the results of Maricopa County, AZ, sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” an incredible claim has become an incredible situation: a team of professional investigators, commissioned by a major law-enforcement agency, has determined that the alleged birth certificate produced by the president of the United States is a probable forgery.
Process that for a moment. The regime of the world’s most powerful nation – a republic that prides itself on adherence to the rule of law – is likely peddling a forged document. What say you, citizen?
Note that I didn’t claim the president isn’t natural-born. Rather, I claim nothing, but am only stating a fact: there is now no denying that the birth-certificate matter warrants further investigation, and it is time for other law-enforcement agencies and the media to show due diligence. And I will spell out the possibilities here:
•The Arizona investigators are correct.
•They are mistaken.
•They are lying.
For the record, I don’t believe the last for a moment, but I do want to cover all the bases. And home plate is this: the answer may be number one or two, and it’s incumbent upon us to find out through further investigation. And, for those who dislike Sheriff Arpaio, what if the answer is three? Well, if a major law-enforcement agency is producing fraudulent evidence for the purposes of damaging a sitting president, wouldn’t that warrant investigation, too? The undeniable, irrefutable fact here is that there is smoke. And we need to find out who started the fire.
How Many Seconds Does It Take to Change a life?
It began as a series of video interviews for the upcoming book "Hitler, God and the Bible." The subjects were college students in Southern California who don't have a clue who Adolph Hitler was.
Author, evangelist and television host Ray Comfort found that these young adults also had given little previous thought to the reality of abortion.
Then, in the course of a series of mini-Socratic dialogues, come the incredible "180s."
Comfort asks these men and women hypothetical questions about the Nazi Holocaust - and then asks them to apply their answers to the question of abortion.
The results are simply amazing.
Demetrice D. Demby, 39, of the 700-block of Douglas Street, Cambridge, Md., was arrested at about 9:30 p.m. yesterday in the 2800-block of Erdman Avenue in Baltimore. State Police were assisted in the arrest by the Baltimore Police Department and the Baltimore City unit of a US Marshals Service warrant task force. Demby was arrested without incident at the home of an apparent acquaintance.
Following the incident early on the morning of March 18, 2012, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators obtained an arrest warrant for Demby, charging him with first degree assault, second degree assault, attempted first degree murder, attempted second degree murder, and second degree assault upon a law enforcement officer. The warrant was served on Demby last night and he is being held without bond in the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was transported following his arrest.
Demby was the driver of a truck stopped by Cambridge Police Department officers for a traffic violation just before 12:30 a.m. on March 18th. As a K-9 drug scan was being conducted of his vehicle, Demby accelerated away while a Cambridge police officer was standing near the front of his truck. The officer was injured in the incident and that officer and another fired at Demby. Demby was not struck by the gunfire and fled the scene. His truck was found abandoned a few blocks away. A search for Demby had been underway since.
Supreme Court Rules Against Feds!
The Environmental Protection Agency cannot issue a “drive-by” decision that a parcel of land is a protected wetlands and prohibit the owner from using it, and then refuse to hear any challenges to such decisions.
So says the U.S. Supreme Court.
The decision today came in the case of the Sackett family of Priest Lake, Idaho. Mike and Chantell Sackett bought a piece of land in a residential subdivision that was about two-thirds of an acre, purchased the appropriate building permits and started work on their dream home.
Then the EPA arrived, ordered them to restore the land to its pristine condition, protect it for years and then go through a ruinously expensive application process to request permission to use their own land.
Further, the EPA, in collusion with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, told the couple they could not even challenge the decision unless they went through that expensive process.
The intent of Maryland’s ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working along Maryland roads. In light of two recent, separate incidents resulting in injuries sustained by law enforcement officers, the need to boost awareness of the law is evident.
On the morning of January 15, 2012, Trooper First Class Jason James, assigned to the Golden Ring Barrack, was transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center after being struck by a passing motorist. TFC James was working a traffic stop when the incident occurred.
On the morning of January 22, 2012, a Howard County Police officer, a person he had in custody and the driver who hit them suffered injuries, after the motorist failed to slow down and move over. All three individuals were transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center for treatment.
“Roadside safety is a matter we feel strongly about, because it comes with the job as a first responder,” said Colonel Marcus Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “Ultimately, we would like it to become instinctive for drivers to slow down and move over, if possible, when they see the lights of emergency vehicles activated on the roadside.”
As part of the effort to boost awareness of the law, officials today unveiled a new decal provided by MAIF, to be displayed on patrol vehicles of first responders for one month. The decal reads, “If I’m on the Shoulder, Slow Down and Move Over” and serves as a reminder for drivers approaching from the rear of an emergency vehicle using visual signals while stopped on a highway to, if possible, ‘make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the emergency vehicle.’ This movement should only be done if another lane in the same direction is available and the move can be made safely and without impeding other traffic. If moving to another lane away from the stopped emergency vehicle is not possible, the law requires drivers to ‘slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for existing weather, road, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic conditions.’
Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine escalates to $750 and three points.
Maryland became one of the last three states to enact the law. Statistics indicate more than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, there were a total of 177 law enforcement officer fatalities, 64 of which were traffic-related. To date, forty-three Maryland State Troopers have been killed in the line of duty and three of them have been killed by motor vehicle crashes.
Controversial Painter Depicts Obama With Burning Constitution

Provo, Utah (CBSDC) – Jon McNaughton, a controversial artist who often mixes religion and politics in his work, has released a new painting.
In “One Nation Under Socialism,” President Obama holds the U.S. Constitution as it burns.
While McNaughton previously depicted Obama stepping on the nation’s founding document, “One Nation Under Socialism” glowers directly as if challenging the viewer. His right hand is holding the Constitution and his left hand is pointing to the flames.
McNaughton tells CBSDC that the hands “represents his recognition of what is happening (to the Constitution) as it goes up.”
Home Buying Much Cheaper Than Renting
The answer has never been clearer: Buy.
In 98 of the top 100 housing markets, buying a home is more affordable than renting, according to the online real estate company Trulia. Only Honolulu and San Francisco buck the trend.
There are several reasons. Home prices are falling. Mortgage interest rates are at historically low levels. And rents are on the rise.
Of course, many renters are not in a position to buy. For one, it's hard to get a mortgage these days, despite low rates. And paying rent can push them further away from being able to afford to buy.
"Rising rents make it harder for people to save for a down payment, which is the biggest barrier to buying a home that aspiring homeowners face," Jed Kolko, Trulia's chief economist.
Principal Accused of Harassing Students, Teachers and Staff
WASHINGTON - Six former and current teachers at Kemp Mill Elementary School in Silver Spring have filed a civil suit against the schools' principal and the Montgomery County Board of Education, The Gazette reports.
According to the suit, Principal Floyd Starnes bullied and harassed school staff and teachers for years, and the Board of Education knew about it but did nothing in response.
Starnes is accused of inappropriate touching and verbal abuse, referring to students and staff as "babes" and "dolls," taking young students into closets and mooing like a cow at the staff over the intercom.
It also alleges Starnes told his staff not to report suspected child abuse to Child Protective ServicesMore
Executive Doomsday Order
When implemented simultaneously with existing laws and Presidential orders, the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order establishes a clear chain of command and control over all aspects of American life in what can only be described as a police state under martial law.
Christian Contestant Ignores American Idol Producers, Says on Live TV 'God, Use Me'
As NewsBusters reported last Friday, the producers of the hit show American Idol warned contestant Colton Dixon to tone down his overtly Christian references if he wanted to win the competition.
Dixon clearly didn't heed their advice, for after his incredible performance of Billy Joel's "Piano Man" Wednesday, he told host Ryan Seacrest, "I’ve been praying before this whole thing because tonight was a big moment for me, and I was just collecting myself and saying, 'God, use me.' I want Him to shine through first and foremost."
MoreWhen They Stop Buying Our Debt: “You’ll See A Worldwide Depression That’ll Make The 1930′s Look Like A Kindergarten”
There’s $8 Trillion in global sovereign debt that needs to be rolled over in 2012. This does not include state, local, corporate or personal debt. There’s simply not enough cash in the world to buy all this debt.
What is worse – who would? Who in their right mind would loan cash today for ten years for a guaranteed return of 1.85%. We know inflation is at least running at 10% in the real world, and you’re taxed on the gains you make before inflation, making bonds a very bad choice for anybody.
But, this debt must be funded or our entire way of life ends. What most people do not know is that our money is debt. Every dollar that comes into existence has a dollar of debt and interest attached to it. The only way to pay back this debt and interest in this debt-based monetary system is that we need to create more debt every year in excess of the debt and interest accrued the year before, or we suffer the mother of all margin calls.
When that mother of all margin calls does finally happen – and it will because it is a mathematical inevitability - the paradigm shift that will follow promises to fundamentally alter our entire way of life. We’re not just talking about losing jobs, we’re talking about all of those worst case scenarios you’ve imagined about hyperinflation, no gas, no food, no government safety net, no emergency services and a complete breakdown in the rule of law.
Lawmakers Probe Pharmacy Ties to Price Gouging
(Reuters) - Lawmakers are investigating three shadowy pharmacies in Maryland and North Carolina for diverting critical but scarce drugs from patients to wholesalers, who are then able to resell the medicine at sometimes big markups.
Elijah Cummings, the senior Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, began a probe in October to discover why certain companies were selling cancer drugs at more than a hundred times their normal cost.
Shortages of hundreds of drugs including cisplatin, a highly effective treatment for testicular cancer, and fluorouracil for colon and other cancers have helped create a lucrative shadow market.
The Food and Drug Administration has said the number of drugs in short supply, which also include anesthesiology and nutrition medications, had risen to 220 in 2011 from 56 in 2006.
Controversial Septic System Controls Headed For Heavy Senate Debate
The World is Running Out of Helium
The world is running out of helium - thanks to party balloons, warns research scientist who uses the gas for pioneering experiments
- Helium is also used in medical scanners and particle colliders
- Supplies could run out in 30 years, says NRC
Last week researcher Oleg Kirichek had to postpone an experiment at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot when helium stocks ran out.
He was hoping to study the structure of matter, but had to wait three days to run tests – at a huge cost – while helium was found.
Maryland Government Gets Poor Grade For Corruption Prevention
Bar Breathalyzers Have Arrived in the D.C. Area
BETHESDA, Md. - The question of how many is too many now has a straightforward answer.
Bars all over the country -- including one in Bethesda -- have installed breathalyzer vending machines as a way of informing customers of their driving capabilities.
"There are some women who said, 'Oh I had two beers,' and blow into it, and they realized, 'Oh, I'm actually at a .08, and I never would have guessed it,'" says Kevin Melanson, founder and president of the local distributor 729 Vending.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases 3-22-12
Date of Incident: 16 March 2012
Location: 300 block of Autumn Terrace, Salisbury, MD
Name: Melissa Ann Hall, 41, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 16 March 2012 at 10:23 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office went to a residence in the 300 block of Autumn Grove Terrace for the purpose of locating Melissa Ann Hall who was wanted on a District Court Body Attachment. The Attachment was issued on 1 November 2011 after Hall failed to appear in a District Court Case.
The deputy took Hall into custody and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Hall was held on $300.00 bond.
Charge: Failure to Appear
Incident: Warrant Arrest
Date of Incident: 16 March 2012
Location: 6000 block of Bent Pine Road, Willards, MD
Name: Linda Sue Massey, 48, Willards, MD
Narrative: On 16 March 2012 at 9:24 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office went to a residence in the 6000 block of Bent Pine Road in Willards for the purpose of locating Linda Sue Massey who was wanted on a District Court Body Attachment. The Attachment was issued on 13 May 2012 after Linda Sue Massey failed to appear in a District Court Case.
The deputy took Massey into custody and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Massey was held on $500.00 bond.
Charge: Failure to Appear
Incident: Warrant Arrest
Date of Incident: 18 March 2012
Location: 700 block of N. Westover Drive, Salisbury, MD
Name: Bessie Mills, 33, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 18 March 2012 at 12:58 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office went to a residence in the 700 block of N. Westover Drive for the purpose of locating Bessie Mills who was wanted on a District Court Body Attachment. The Attachment was issued on 7 March 2012 after Mills failed to appear in a District Court Case.
The deputy took Mills into custody and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Mills was held on $500.00 bond.
Charge: Failure to Appear
Incident: Warrant Arrest
Date of Incident: 18 March 2012
Location: Beaglin Park Drive, Salisbury, MD
Name: Michael Scott Wagenhals, 28, Delmar, DE
Narrative: On 18 March 2012 at 4:15 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Michael Wagenhals on Beaglin Park Drive. During the traffic stop, the deputy discovered an open warrant for the arrest of Wagenhals for failing to pay a deferred payment in a theft case.
The deputy placed Wagenhals under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Wagenhals in the Detention Center in lieu of $157.50 cash bond.
Charge: Failure to Pay Deferred Payment
Iraqi Al Qaeda Claims Bombs Targeting Summit Security
(Reuters) - Al Qaeda's affiliate in Iraq claimed responsibility for dozens of bombings that killed at least 52 people across the country on Tuesday in attacks aimed at undermining tighter security measures ahead of week's Arab League summit in Baghdad.
Iraq is due to host the meeting for the first time in over 20 years and the government is anxious to show it can maintain security following the withdrawal of U.S. forces in December.
Tuesday's wide-scale explosions were the bloodiest in almost a month and were the latest attacks mainly targeting Iraqi police forces that the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) has claimed responsibility for this year.
Chicken Debate Heats Up in Annapolis
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Chicken coops aren't just for the farm anymore.
Raising chickens in the city is a practice that's becoming more common nationwide.
Annapolis Mayor Josh Cohen has proposed an ordinance to allow city residents to keep as many as five hens, but no roosters, on their properties.
"In Annapolis, and I think all across the country, there's a renewed push toward sustainability," says Cohen. "People want to know where their food comes from, and they want to support restaurants that source their food locally."
Central Banking Was Responsible For 2008 Meltdown – Nothing Else
Dominant Social Theme: The meltdown was a catastrophe. It was caused by regulations ... taxes ... leverage ... big business ... big government ... mortgage products ... derivatives ... greed ... Satan ... but one thing is for certain, it wasn't caused by fiat-monopoly central banking. We know that for sure. Central banking had nothing to do with it ....
Free-Market Analysis: Following the 2008 global economic crash on an almost day-to-day basis, as we have, we've regularly made the argument that it was caused by central banking monetary inflation and that its result is bound to be the eventual demise of the dollar reserve system.
We believe we're being proven correct on both points. We've also pointed out that the crash itself was predictable and that the top elites that put this global central banking system in place know full well that cyclically it creates crashes, recessions and now depressions.
The Insanity Of Carbon Capture
Dominant Social Theme: Take this nasty gas and bury it.
Free-Market Analysis: Imagine that someone proposed to freeze oxygen and store it below ground in a semi-solid form. Imagine that this was supposed to be turned into an industry. Imagine that people pursued oxygen with butterfly nets, so that you had plenty of "capturers" running around the countryside waving at the sky. Imagine that they were paid top dollar by private industry and government to do this ...
It's really no more ridiculous than what is now being seriously proposed by the mainstream media. "Carbon capture" is not merely dubious on a number of fronts; it's an example of the contempt held by the power elite for the masses they someday intend to "cull."
The power elite intends to move the world toward global governance via dominant social themes, the fear-based promotions that frighten Western middle classes into giving up power and wealth to specially prepared globalist institutions.
Global warming itself, now labeled climate change, was the proximate methodology for this manipulation, and despite the exposure of global warming as a fraud, the elites that seek global governance continue to promote this false meme.
Are Middle East & African Wars Really About Protecting The Immoral Global Banking System & Fighting Gold?
Douglas Questions Cardin's Opposition To Cut Federal Gas Tax
"Ben Cardin could have voted for working families and against one of the most burdensome taxes in America. Instead, he choked," said Douglas. "Meanwhile, Goverenor O'Malley continues his stubborn gas tax-a-thon in Annapolis, and Mr. Cardin is as quiet as a mouse. This is just pathetic."
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) offered the amendment which Cardin rejected. "Martin O'Malley is talking about bridge collapses and the urgency of 'investing' in infrastructure," Douglas added. "In addition to reducing the federal gas tax, Senator DeMint's amendment would also have drastically sped up transportation projects by reducing bureaucratic delays. Instead, Ben Cardin cast a vote to tax Maryland more and aggravate bureaucratic delay."
While voicing strong support for federalism in America, Douglas noted that Cardin consistently hides behind the principle to avoid breaking ranks with Governor O'Malley and his anti-worker circles in Annapolis. Said Douglas, "Federalism should not become an excuse for dereliction of duty. Cardin should support efforts to reduce taxes on Marylanders, and he should loudly oppose O'Malley's efforts to raise them. Instead, Cardin is absent from his post. Once again, Senator Cardin chokes and Maryland suffers. Maryland deserves a better US Senator."
Fruitland Easter Parade

The Fruitland Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Annual Easter Parade on Main Street in Fruitland on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 10:00 am. The parade starts at the Fruitland Primary School and ends at the Fruitland Recreation Park on Brown Street. There will be a contest for non-profit youth groups. After the parade, the Fruitland Recreation Commission will sponsor an Easter Egg hunt at the Recreation Park. For more information or to register to participate in the parade, please contact Tina Banks at 410-603-9613 (cell) or 410-860-4884 (work).
Portland Couple Awarded $2.9M In Wrongful Birth Case; Say They Would Have Aborted Child
Kalanit Levy was born in June of 2007 to Ariel and Deborah Levy, after prenatal testing did not reveal any abnormalities.
The Levys' attorney said Dr. Thomas Jenkins removed maternal tissue – instead of the fetal tissue – from Deborah Levy's womb which resulted in faulty test readings. The suit also faults the medical center for reassuring Deborah Levy that her baby didn't have an extra 21st chromosome.
The couple says they would have had an abortion had the test been done properly and they had known about the Down syndrome.
A Magical Destination Coming To Delmar
Leave it to the Cathell Family, owners of the US Drag Strip in Delmar to present what I feel is one of the most exciting events I have seen in many years here on the Eastern Shore.
Well thought out, well designed and loaded with support from both Maryland and Delaware, get ready for "DECORATING DELMARVA HOLIDAY FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS".
While it will only cost $15.00 per car load, 1/3 of the funding being raised will be paid forward to our local schools. The details will be posted on a new website they are creating, http://www.decoratingdelmarva.com/.
The event will start in November and finish January 4th. Folks, I sat for 2 hours listening to Mark's presentation and it was one home run after the other. It's about time someone got so creative around here and even gained the interest of just about every business they have confronted so far. And rightfully so.
Some of us sat there during a break and discussed just how many times we've actually been to that race track. It was my first time there. Some hadn't been there in 20+ years, since they were in their teens.
Salisbury News will support this event in every way we possibly can. We will continue to keep you update with more details over time. This will truly be a magical destination and my hat is tipped to the Cathell Family for being so creative and delivering a perfect location for what we can all expect to be a great Family event for many years to come.
Salisbury Makes The Top 50 US Cities For Bed Bugs
Rollins, the corporation that owns seven pest control companies, including Orkin, says it has seen a 33.6 percent increase in bed bug business compared to 2010. The company has just released its rankings of U.S. cities in order of the number of bed bug treatments from January to December 2011.
And the winner … is Cincinnati. Chicago is ranked second, followed by Detroit, Denver and Los Angeles. The report says L.A. moved from 25th to fifth on the list.
Here are the top 50 U.S. cities, ranked in order of the number of bed bug treatments. The number in parenthesis is the shift in ranking compared to January to December 2010:
1. Cincinnati
2. Chicago
3. Detroit (+1)
4. Denver (+2)
5. Los Angeles (+20)
6. Columbus, Ohio (-3)
7. Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas (+43)
8. Washington, D.C. (-3)
9. New York (-2)
10. Richmond/Petersburg, Va. (+6)
11. Houston (-1)
12. San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose, Calif. (+35)
13. Cleveland/Akron/Canton, Ohio (+1)
14. Boston (+4)
15. Dayton, Ohio (-7)
16. Las Vegas (-1)
17. Honolulu (+55)
18. Baltimore (-6)
19. Raleigh/Durham/Fayetteville, N.C. (+9)
20. Philadelphia (-9)
21. Atlanta (+24)
22. Lexington, Ky. (-13)
23. Syracuse, N.Y. (+25)
24. Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (+27)
25. Colorado Springs/Pueblo, Colo. (+19)
26. San Diego (+13)
27. Seattle/Tacoma, Wash. (-3)
28. Omaha, Neb. (-11)
29. Buffalo, N.Y. (-16)
30. Pittsburgh (-3)
31. Indianapolis (-12)
32. Milwaukee (+6)
33. Charlotte, N.C. (+13)
34. Phoenix (+19)
35. Louisville, Ky. (-3)
36. Hartford/New Haven, Conn. (-16)
37. Grand Junction/Montrose, Colo. (+30)
38. Knoxville, Tenn. (+4)
39. Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, Mich. (-17)
40. Nashville, Tenn. (+15)
41. Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto, Calif. (+24)
42. Des Moines/Ames, Iowa (-13)
43. Salisbury, Md. (+46)
44. Albany/Schenectady/Troy, N.Y. (-23)
45. Cedar Rapids/Waterloo, Iowa (-22)
46. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. (-20)
47. Lincoln/Hastings/Kearney, Neb. (-17)
48. Salt Lake City (-8)
49. Charleston/Huntington, W.Va. (-13)
50. West Palm Beach/Ft. Pierce, Fla. (+6)
Absolutely Appalling…Obama Uses Banks To Control Catholic Church
Via The Blaze,
JPMorgan Chase is shutting down the Vatican’s bank account with its Milan branch due to a “lack of transparency,” according to Reuters.
“The Vatican bank, also known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), is having its account phased out and closed by March 30,” Business Insider’s Julia La Roche reports, “because it apparently ‘failed to provide sufficient information on money transfers.’”
…last year the Vatican formally adopted internal laws to comply with international standards on financial crime and they now comply with the rules of the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF), according to Reuters.
Moreover, the IOR has created an internal Financial Information Authority (FIA) and has “committed to comply with international anti-money laundering standards and liaise with the group and law enforcement agencies,” according to the report.
IRS May Share Tax Info With Police to Fight Fraud
(Reuters) - A surge in tax refund fraud and identity theft has prompted the Internal Revenue Service to consider sharing more tax return information with police, a senior official told a congressional hearing on Tuesday.
In a move that could spark concerns over personal privacy, the IRS said it is considering a pilot program in Tampa, Florida, where identity theft and refund fraud are rife.
"We are limited in what we can supply to local law enforcement," said Steven Miller, deputy IRS commissioner for services and enforcement.
Tax return information is normally kept tightly secret by the IRS. Under the program, exceptions could be made, with the permission of victims of identity theft and tax refund fraud, so that bogus tax return documents could be shared with police.
A Show You Won't Want To Miss
Burleys Bon Voyage is a live production about Noah and the Ark as told by the animals. Tickets can be purchased at burleys.com, Trinity United Methodist Church or Salisbury Christian School.
Tickets can also be purchased at the door at Holloway Hall, at Salisbury University on Friday and Saturday at 7:00 pm and Sunday at 2:30 pm. Produced by Dean Defino. You won't want to miss it.
Camp Barnes Stock Car Race Fan Appreciation Sponsorships
The race has been an annual tradition for thousands of fans throughout the years. The proceeds from the race go directly towards the operation of Camp Barnes.
This year we would like to celebrate our 4oth Anniversary by offering “Fan Appreciation Sponsorships”.
We are asking individuals or families for a $40.00 donation to “Sponsor a Lap” for our feature races in the Big Block Modifieds, and Super Late Models.
With your generous donation we will announce your name during the race as a “Sponsor”. At your request, that announcement can be made to your satisfaction such as: John Doe, John Doe and Family, in honor of John Doe, In Memory of John Doe, etc. We will also place your announcement in our race day program as a sincere “Thank You” for your sponsorship.
Any questions, please contact Detective Jeff Hudson of the Delaware State Police at 302-856-5850 Ext. 212.
If interested, please mail cash/check for $40.00 to:
Delaware State Police
Attn: Detective Jeff Hudson
23652 Shortly Rd.
Georgetown, De 19947
Today's Survey Question 3-22-12
Lost Dog 3-22-12
Hi Joe.
My neighbors dog got out of the fence yesterday afternoon and they can not find
her. She lives on Barbara Ave in Hebron. Her name is Minnie.
She is 8 yrs old black n rust minpin with some gray. Recently had several teeth
pulled and has a rib that pokes out. She does not bite. She also is not wearing
a collar. Please call Fran at 410 543 1707 home or 410 251 4640 cell.
MSNBC’S Sharpton Sinkhole
NBC news used to be the channel for sober, boring Huntley-Brinkley journalism. It was liberal, to be sure but serious. NBC’s news wasn’t always objective, but it had a reputation for professionalism. Think Tim Russert. But in today’s era, Brian Williams going on saucer-eyed burger runs with President Obama is a refreshing improvement over MSNBC’s lineup, chock-full of vicious, uncivil, shamelessly partisan left-wing hacks.
Griffin is the man who should be held responsible for this. This man fired Pat Buchanan because he didn’t think his latest book “should be a part of the national dialogue, much less the dialogue on MSNBC.” Buchanan worried in print about a possible “end of white America.” But Griffin hired and now promotes the race-huckstering activist the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Pa. City Gets Nothing But Red Ink From 'Green' Investment
The government of the state capital of Pennsylvania is bankrupt, and a Big Government "green energy" project is to blame. The city of Harrisburg has -- almost quite literally -- burned up hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a trash-to-energy boondoggle that resulted in the city being unable to pay its bills.
Seven years ago, the city decided to borrow $125 million to rebuild its trash incinerator to bring it into compliance with federal air quality standards -- after the feds shut it down for putting toxic pollutants into the air. The new debt was on top of the original debt the city still owed for building the incinerator in the 1970s.
But rather than just fix the air pollution problem, the city decided on a more ambitious project -- convert the trash incinerator into a "trash to steam" plant that would generate steam energy, and make money for the city. The city envisioned earning money by burning trash for neighboring towns and counties, and also selling energy. Trash-to-energy plants are seen by some environmentalists as a greener alternative to landfills.
Obama Gives Our Secrets To Russia
Last week, the president announced that he was going to provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti-missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe in the hopes of lessening Russian opposition to their deployment. He is exacting no reciprocal sharing of intelligence, nor can he be sure that Putin will not just turn around and forward the gift package to North Korea or Iran.
Reuters noted that “the Obama administration is leaving open the possibility of giving Moscow certain secret data on U.S. interceptor missiles due to help protect Europe from any Iranian missile strike. A deal is being sought by Washington that could include classified data exchange because it is in the U.S. interest to enlist Russia and its radar stations in the missile-defense effort, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Tuesday.”
Customs: Nigerian Woman Swallowed 5 lbs. of Heroin

STERLING, Va. - Customs officials at Dulles International Airport say a Nigerian woman set an unfortunate record when she allegedly tried to smuggle nearly five pounds of swallowed heroin into the country.
Authorities say 52-year-old Bola Adebisi ingested 180 thumb-sized pellets filled with $150,000 worth of heroin. She's been charged with drug smuggling in federal court in Alexandria.
Customs and Border Protection officers became suspicious when she told officers she was coming to the U.S. to visit her brother, but couldn't describe him. A routine pat-down found her stomach to be abnormally rigid. An X-ray revealed the pellets and she was taken to the hospital.
The previous record for an ingested drug seizure at Dulles occurred last year, when another Nigerian was discovered with more than four pounds of pelletsSource
Obama Doesn’t Care About Debt
This week, though, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., offered up the House’s budget outline, which — whether misguided, genius, flawed or whatever you might think of it — is a pretty earnest reflection of the concerns of about half the country. The primitive half. So the White House — where rational, enlightened grown-ups are represented — responded like so:
“The House budget once again fails the test of balance, fairness, and shared responsibility. It would shower the wealthiest few Americans with an average tax cut of at least $150,000, while preserving taxpayer giveaways to oil companies and breaks for Wall Street hedge fund managers.” It’s a waste of time to point out how little of the above statement is true, because no matter what the topic is or how critical the consequences are, the White House is going to claim Daddy Warbucks isn’t pulling his weight. It polls well.
Oh, and oil companies and hedge fund managers. The axis of evil.
What Is Fair?
The idea that government can “make life fair” is intuitively appealing to people — at least until they think about it. I’ll try to help.
Obama says fairness requires higher taxes, but as The Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore asks, “Is it fair that the richest 10 percent of Americans shoulder a higher share of their country’s income-tax burden than do the richest 10 percent in every other industrialized nation, including socialist Sweden?”
Or as economist Art Laffer asked, is it fair that American corporations pay the highest corporate tax rate in the world?
Beyond taxes, again quoting Moore, “Is it fair that President Obama sends his two daughters to elite private schools that are safer, better-run and produce higher test scores than public schools in Washington, D.C. — but millions of other families across America are denied that free choice and forced to send their kids to rotten schools?”
No. Parents ought to be able to spend their education money at any school they choose. Big-government politicians bemoan income inequality, but would equalizing incomes make life fair?
Political Rope-A-Dope
According to an American Community Survey, by the U.S. Census Bureau, the top 10 poorest cities with populations more than 250,000 are Detroit, with 33 percent of its residents below the poverty line; Buffalo, N.Y., 30 percent; Cincinnati, 28 percent; Cleveland, 27 percent; Miami, 27 percent; St. Louis, 27 percent; El Paso, Texas, 26 percent; Milwaukee, 26 percent; Philadelphia, 25 percent; and Newark, N.J., 24 percent.
The most common characteristic of these cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some of them — such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia — haven’t elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. What’s more is that, in some cases for decades, the mayors of six of these high-poverty cities have been black Americans. You say, “What’s the point, Williams?” Let’s be clear about it. I’m not stating a causal relationship between poverty and Democratic and/or black political control over a city. What I am saying is that if one is strategizing on how to help poor people, he wants to leave off his list of objectives Democratic and black political control of cities. According to Albert Einstein (attributed), the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Inequality Undermines Democracy
Policy makers haven’t cared much either. The United States does less than other rich countries to transfer income from the affluent to the less fortunate. Even as the income gap has grown enormously over the last 30 years, government has done little to curb the trend.
Our tolerance for a widening income gap may be ebbing, however. Since Occupy Wall Street and kindred movements highlighted the issue, the chasm between the rich and ordinary workers has become a crucial talking point in the Democratic Party’s arsenal. In a speech in Osawatomie, Kan., last December, President Obama underscored how “the rungs of the ladder of opportunity had grown farther and farther apart, and the middle class has shrunk.”
Date of Incident: 19 March 2012
Location: 100 block of North Main Street, Hebron, MD
Suspect: Male Juvenile, 16, Hebron
Narrative: On 19 March 2012 at 5:05 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported fight in the 100 block of North Main Street in Hebron.
Upon arrival, the deputy learned that juveniles were engaged in a verbal altercation when one of the juveniles allegedly began assaulting the other. The alleged instigator of the attack had left the scene prior to the arrival of the deputy but was located on an adjacent street where he was detained. This subject admitted his involvement in the
fight and told the deputy he was upset because the other subject was pointing his finger at him in a manner replicating the firing of a gun.
The juvenile was released to a parent and the deputy will be submitting a juvenile referral requesting formal charges through the Department of Juvenile Services.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree
Incident: Fugitive
Date of Incident: 15 March 2012
Location: 1000 block of Fairground Drive, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 15 March 2012 at 8:41 AM, a deputy located Kieonna Denise Hall in the 1000 block of Fairground Drive. Hall was wanted on a District Court Bench Warrant after she failed to appear on 6 March 2012 for a Violation of Probation hearing in a theft case.
The deputy transported Hall to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Hall on $5,000.0 bond.
Women Are The New Illegals
From the ultrasound requirement that crept from Kansas to Pennsylvania to muted chatter about rolling back affirmative action rulings, this assault on choice isn't about morality, or the dubious rights of a one inch fetus, but instead garden variety economics plain and simple.
Rich white men of the mostly Republican persuasion are increasingly threatened by the emergence of women as a force to be reckoned with in the marketplace. Mostly rich white men of the conservative persuasion are likewise threatened by the growing number of women in Congress whose constituency includes not merely their wives and sisters, daughters, and mothers-in-law, but their bosses, too.
Army Wants More Mobile Devices
Md. Senate Panel Considers Abortion Reporting Bill
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Proponents of a bill to require hospitals and abortion providers to report the number of pregnancies they terminate say the measure would improve women's healthcare.
The bill, which the state Senate Finance Committee considered Wednesday, would require the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to collect demographic information including the age, race and marital status of women treated in Maryland.
Sen. Barry Glassman, a Harford County Republican and the bill's sponsor, says collecting the data would help the state better assess pregnancy rates.
Capitalism Akbar
After reading the headlines about the US soldier who shot up Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony. There is all this clamor to quickly bring this guy to trial and execute him, never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Yet this Major Hasan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming Allah akbar, still hasn’t stood trial, and they are still debating whether he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive: slay as many infidels as possible.
So we have a guy in a war zone who cracks, and he must be executed immediately. But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome, from listening to real soldiers who had actual battle experience.
Two and a half years later, they still haven’t tried the murderous terrorist.
Ryan Budget Passes Committee By One Vote
The House Budget Committee approved Chairman Paul Ryan's 2013 budget resolution on Wednesday night by a close vote of 19 to 18.
Two conservative Republicans voted against the Ryan plan, which cuts spending by $5.3 trillion over ten years, because it did not cut the budget fast enough. Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) and Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) voted no.
The tight vote indicates that next week House GOP leaders could face a larger floor defection than they did on last year's budget, which got every Republican but four behind it. GOP leaders say they are confident the measure will pass even though they can count on no Democratic votes.
Sound Familiar?
government and political system, another body representing another form of
government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded.""
-- Senator William Jenner
(1908-1985) U.S. Senator (IN-R)
Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' More Shocking Obama Info
“America’s toughest sheriff” says there is “tons” more potentially shocking information on Barack Obama in connection with his probe into the president’s eligibility, and he calls the media’s suppression of his findings of a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card “probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States.”
“I’m not going after the president to keep him off a ballot or anything else, but that could happen,” Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “I’m going at it strictly as a law-enforcement guy investigating a possible forgery and fraud. I’m sticking with that, but I’ll tell you one thing. We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.”
Student Goes Berserk.
EDITORS NOTE: If you are offended by bad language this video is NOT for you.
More including videos Here
Inflation - The Truth
Last month Bernanke stated "Gas prices won't drive inflation". Excuse my language but it is my opinion the Bernanke is a first rate bullshit artist. He ranks right up there with Obama. He should have stated that gas prices won't be the only thing that drives inflation.
We simply cannot believe what these idiots are trying to sell us. Think about this. The American Dollars is the worlds reserve currency. Oil is bought and sold globally with U.S. Dollars. Don't let these politically motivated hacks tell you that it's speculators and instabilities in the middle east that are soley responsible for the increase in oil prices. No. The truth is that the U.S. Dollar is being devalued.....everyday. As the value of the dollar goes down it takes more of them to buy the same amount of anything - including oil. The libs are crying foul that the oil companies are making record profits but the truth is that the record profits they made this year don't have the buying power of the profits they made 5 years ago. Our dollar is becoming worthless.
As things become more expensive and salaries stay the same or drop, significant problems arise. People aren't able to buy as much. As much food. As much clothing. New cars. We will ultimately get to the point that we won't be able to purchase the bare necessities. More and more people will have to depend upon the government to supplement their existence. Oh wait! They already are!
No matter what the talking heads are saying, we are steadily sinking financially. We as a nation are never, ever going to be able to repay our national debt. Ever. The numbers simply don't work. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. Those who have come to this realization have started to prepare. They are networking and stockpiling. They are becoming self sufficient.
Again I urge you all. Wake up and see what's going on around you. Make the necessary arrangements to become self sufficient. Educate your neighbors, friends, and family. Prepare.