DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Right To Carry Firearms
On July 2, Fairfax County police received a 911 call from a Champps restaurant in Reston. Six men are seated at a table, the caller said. They're all armed. Dispatchers quickly sent four officers to the scene. The officers were "extremely polite" and were hoping that some of the men were in law enforcement, said Sgt. Richard Perez, a spokesman for the police department. None was.
The men told the officers "they were just exercising their rights as citizens of the commonwealth," Perez said.
Turns out, packing a pistol in public is perfectly legal in Virginia. And three times in the last month, including at Champps on Sunset Hills Road, residents have been spotted out and about in the county, with guns strapped to their hips, exercising that right.
In the first episode, at a Starbucks, Fairfax police wrongly confiscated weapons from two college students and charged them with a misdemeanor. Police realized their mistake, returned the guns and tore up the charges the next day. Police commanders have since issued a reminder to officers that "open carry" is the law of the land in the Old Dominion.
Over the years there have been sections of Salisbury that had rather distinctive names. For the most part these are all gone now and people wouldn’t know where they are if you referred to them by their former name.
The earliest distinct name was Cotton Patch. It was located out Riverside Drive and was the farthest upriver a large boat could go. The wharf was naturally named Cotton Patch Wharf, and there are houses now where they have built up the land for housing. Most of the houses that are on the riverside of Riverside Drive are built on land that was once part of the river.
Near here is a section of Salisbury that was referred to as Snuff Hill. It is near Riverside Drive and Oak Hill Avenue. The name originated because so many of the ship’s captains lived there, and most of them used snuff. This was because the use of any other form of tobacco on their long voyages subjected it to the wet conditions.
The Hunting Park section of the city used to be called Weatherhead’s Woods after the man who previously owned all the land that now comprises Hunting Park. The Larmar Corporation bought all the land and developed it in the 1940’s. George Chandler was the guiding hand behind the Larmar Corporation, and the surveyor he used was Bert Cropper from Ocean City. They started before World War II and finished it after the war.
An area that was still familiar to many in the 1950’s was Rabbit Gnaw. It is the area around the Salvation Army complex.
Another area is Hasty Town. This area was around where Expert Tire is now. There is no history of Hasty Town, only a vague reference as to its location by the late historian, Richard Cooper.
The area that is now the Oaks sub-division at the corner of North Division and Isabella streets was called Pea Hill before 1890. It was sort of a park that had a ball field and picnic area for people to enjoy on week-ends. E. E. Jackson bought the entire piece of land and built his mansion on it. He called it “The Oaks”. The 40-room mansion was sold in 1925 to an out-of-town buyer for $100,000. He tore it down and sub-divided the property.
Two areas have been referred to as the Fairgrounds. The first was the block that is encircled by Church, Truitt, and Isabella Streets and Holland Avenue. This was around 1875. The other is where Pemberton apartments are now. This was used as the county Fairgrounds beginning in 1909.
One of the larger enclaves was Georgetown. It was a predominately black section that was formerly part of the plantation of Major Levin Handy called Poplar Farm. The Poplar Hill Mansion was the manor house for the farm. It is thought that one of his slaves bought his freedom and settled in the area. No one knows how it became to be known as Georgetown. The east-west perimeters are between Poplar Hill Avenue and just to the west of the railroad. The north boundary was around Isabella Street and extended southerly to the main part of Salisbury. The southerly part of Georgetown was also referred to as Cuba.
Anything west of the river was in “California”. My grandmother was born in 1888 on the corner of Second and Pearl, and my grandparents’ first house after they got married in 1911 was on the corner of Isabella and Lake Streets – in California. Another area in California was a large area known as “the cranberry bog” because that is what it was. It was unsuitable for building and it eventually became a dump. It now sits under our new fire house on Cypress Street.
Today there are many sub-divisions that are familiar to us such as Camden and Newtown, but how many of the old names do you hear?
Have I Finally Arrived?

Believe it or not, I have been fighting the text message thing for many years now but yesterday I finally gave in and Verizon got me.
A few months ago I called Verizon and asked them to please remove the two land lines in my home. I hadn't used the home phone in probably 2 years, (at least). The only calls we'd ever receive on the home line was from the School. They have our cell phone numbers now. I had been paying for unlimited calls for probably 4 years and quite frankly I started feeling pretty stupid for paying Verizon extra money for lines we just weren't using.
Yesterday we were driving past Verizon and my Wife mentioned she'd like a new phone. She doesn't use hers a whole lot but considering hers was about 5 years old, it was time to get her an upgrade. We have a plan where we have four cell phones but only mine had text messaging and because I'm so cheap, even my cell phone was limited to 250 text messages a month. My plan also had 3,000 minutes on it and I'd find myself going over those minutes fairly often.
While we were in the store I was able to show them a problem with my phone that happened once in a while and for the heck of it they dialed my phone and low and behold the problem I mentioned happened right then and there. Man, talk about LUCK!
It was at the point they said, this is not good and you too qualify for a new phone, because of this technical issue. So there we were getting new phones, all state-of-the-art. They looked at my plan and said to my Wife, would you like text messaging too. She smiled and said, yes, that would be nice. They then explained they had a new unlimited plan for calls and text messages and believe it or not it would save me at least $100.00 a month if I joined this new plan.
Now let's see, a savings of at least $100.00 a month, unlimited calls and unlimited pictures and text messages, I'm all about that deal. So we switched plans and jumped at the opportunity.
I guess it's OK for you to send me back the response I HATE. Someone would text me something like, will you be coming to a particular meeting. I'd reply, I'll be there at 6 PM. Then they'd reply, OK. I HATE THAT! With 250 messages a month, why the hell would you reply, "OK"?
So I guess you might say that Verizon has now lowered my blood pressure, saved me a few bucks and I can even hold my head high knowing my Wife can now text her friends without looking like a cheapskate, (all my fault, of course). Oh, you can now text me "OK" and you won't get a nasty message back from me.
Obama On 'The View': Blames Media In Racial Firing
His administration ousted the employee, but then apologized and offered to rehire her.
In an interview on ABC's daytime talk show "The View," Obama says the media often seek controversy, not the facts. But he acknowledged that the forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod could also be blamed on those in his administration who overreacted.
Obama said the incident shows that while progress has been made, racial tensions still exist in the U.S.
The wide-ranging interview also covered lighthearted topics, from Obama's knowledge of pop culture to his Blackberry use.
The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets
The file consists of a single code— 4c812db292272995e5416a323e79bd37—that secretly identifies her as a 26-year-old female in Nashville, Tenn.
The code knows that her favorite movies include "The Princess Bride," "50 First Dates" and "10 Things I Hate About You." It knows she enjoys the "Sex and the City" series. It knows she browses entertainment news and likes to take quizzes.
"Well, I like to think I have some mystery left to me, but apparently not!" Ms. Hayes-Beaty said when told what that snippet of code reveals about her. "The profile is eerily correct."
Ms. Hayes-Beaty is being monitored by Lotame Solutions Inc., a New York company that uses sophisticated software called a "beacon" to capture what people are typing on a website—their comments on movies, say, or their interest in parenting and pregnancy. Lotame packages that data into profiles about individuals, without determining a person's name, and sells the profiles to companies seeking customers. Ms. Hayes-Beaty's tastes can be sold wholesale (a batch of movie lovers is $1 per thousand) or customized (26-year-old Southern fans of "50 First Dates").
"We can segment it all the way down to one person," says Eric Porres, Lotame's chief marketing officer.
One of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found, is the business of spying on Internet users.
The Journal conducted a comprehensive study that assesses and analyzes the broad array of cookies and other surveillance technology that companies are deploying on Internet users. It reveals that the tracking of consumers has grown both far more pervasive and far more intrusive than is realized by all but a handful of people in the vanguard of the industry.
• The study found that the nation's 50 top websites on average installed 64 pieces of tracking technology onto the computers of visitors, usually with no warning. A dozen sites each installed more than a hundred. The nonprofit Wikipedia installed none.
• Tracking technology is getting smarter and more intrusive. Monitoring used to be limited mainly to "cookie" files that record websites people visit. But the Journal found new tools that scan in real time what people are doing on a Web page, then instantly assess location, income, shopping interests and even medical conditions. Some tools surreptitiously re-spawn themselves even after users try to delete them.
Obama: Republicans Holding Small Businesses "Hostage"
GO HERE to read more.
A Black Hole For Babies And Bucks
Where's the money? That's the question on everyone's mind after reading the recently released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. The GAO numbers on money paid out to Planned Parenthood between 2002 and 2008 reveal an unaccounted-for $1.3 billion.
No answers have been forthcoming. In typical Planned Parenthood style, the abortion giant has done nothing to shed light on the question. In fact, it has done just the opposite.
After weeks of investigation by American Life League's Stop Planned Parenthood project, it appears the reason the GAO was not able to account for the expenditure of the great majority of the government money received is that Planned Parenthood will not produce its internal audits for the GAO to analyze.
Because of this, the GAO had to rely on reports filed by Planned Parenthood affiliates under the Single Audit Act, and those reports grossly underreport the amount of government money expended by Planned Parenthood.
The American taxpayers are left with more questions now than before:
* Why didn't Planned Parenthood hand over its internal audits to the GAO as it did in 2001 in the face of a similar inquiry into its spending?
* Why is the organization allowed to disregard the request of 31 U.S. senators and representatives to account for its expenditure of government funds? What is Planned Parenthood hiding?
* Why do we continue to fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of $349 million annually and not hold it accountable for how it spends that money?
* Most important, why is an organization that kills more than 300,000 innocent unborn children each year sanctioned and funded by our government?
Can an organization that operates more than 800 facilities in 50 states and has an annual budget of more than $1 billion really be hiding from public view?
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?
People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"
Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.
Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.
Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.
Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.
He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.
He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.
The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."
GO HERE to read more.
Is It Time To Scrap BP brand?

BP gas station owners across the country are divided over whether the oil giant stained by its handling of the Gulf spill should rebrand U.S. outlets as Amoco or another name as part of its effort to repair the company's badly damaged reputation.
GO HERE to read more.
Gingrich: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Should Sue Feds
In an exclusive Newsmax interview, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich backs Arizona’s new immigration law and says Gov. Jan Brewer “ought to promptly file suit against the federal government to make them pay for all the costs that Arizona’s dealing with — costs in schools, costs in prisons, costs in hospitals.
If the federal government’s basis of it’s lawsuit is that it has sole responsibility, then it ought to have sole responsibility.
If I were [Gov. Brewer], I’d present them with a bill for several billion dollars on behalf of the people of Arizona who are currently suffering because of the incompetence and failure of the federal government.”
Arizona Governor Considers Changing Immigration Law
Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the law and appealed a ruling blocking its most controversial sections, said Friday she would consider changes to "tweak" the law to respond to the parts U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton faulted.
"Basically we believe (the law) is constitutional but she obviously pointed out faults that can possibly be fixed, and that's what we would do," Brewer told The Associated Press. She said she's talking to legislative leaders about the possibility of a special session, but said no specific changes had been identified.
GO HERE to read more.
The Final Act Of The Rangel Drama
The trial process is under way on 13 counts of alleged wrongdoing by former House Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel. This is the action I have demanded night after night on the floor of the House since 2008, when the New York Democrat first publicly admitted wrongdoing. It is action that should have begun within a reasonable time frame - during 2009 at the latest. It is action that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly predicted would be concluded by the end of 2008.
Justice delayed is justice denied. The speaker's delay in addressing this very serious case is ironic, as the timing of this final act of Mr. Rangel's likely downfall will be played out during the last weeks of the 2010 election campaigns, to the detriment of the speaker's party. But to anyone who would cry partisan politics, please remember all those nights on the House floor during 2008, 2009 and this year when we pleaded with Mrs. Pelosi to resolve this issue. Had the speaker expedited this process as she promised, this case would have been settled last year, to her great political benefit.
This is the speaker who promised to "drain the swamp" of congressional misdeeds but instead has presided over the most scandal-tainted House in modern history, with Charlie Rangel as the flagship of Mrs. Pelosi's fleet of corruption.
From the conviction of former Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana on bribery charges, to the still unresolved charges of stimulus-money misuse by Rep. Maxine Waters of California, to the allegations of defense-contract wrongdoing against the late Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania and the now-defeated Rep. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, to the ongoing investigation of the speaker herself for the alleged cover-up of former Rep. Eric Massa's male-staffer sexual harassment scandal, the speaker instead has established a history of allowing Democratic corruption to grow and fester to unprecedented levels.
These are the inactions that have led to an 11 percent public approval rating of Congress, the lowest in American history. But there is more about this discredit to the House than the actual charges against Mr. Rangel, that in fact go beyond the speaker's area of responsibility.
That is the issue of equality under the law for all Americans. Mr. Rangel has admitted failure to pay $75,000 in federal taxes for more than a decade. He has paid not one nickel in penalties or interest.
Any working American guilty of this massive a tax violation would be assessed at a minimum for tens of thousands of dollars in penalties and interest, and maybe even jail time for tax evasion. Yet the powerful former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has paid nothing other than the taxes owed, nor has any enforcement action been taken by the IRS against this blatant and confessed tax evasion. This comes from the same Obama administration that promised to eliminate "two Americas" - one for the rich and powerful and another for the working people.
As it turns out, that is exactly what we have been given by President Obama and Mrs. Pelosi, as evidenced by the Rangel case and further exemplified by the case of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, who also admitted to evading federal taxes without penalty. This is the very same official who oversees the IRS itself and whose employees would be fired for committing the same offense their boss did.
(Sykesville, MD) – Governor Martin O’Malley joined Colonel Terrence Sheridan today as they welcomed more than fifty new troopers to the ranks of the Maryland State Police.
After 26 weeks of rigorous academic and physical training in the Maryland State Police Academy, 51 new troopers marched across the stage to accept their diploma from Governor O’Malley and their new gold badge from Colonel Sheridan. Hundreds of family members, friends, and their new fellow troopers witnessed the graduation of the 135th Trooper Candidate Class at Century High School in Sykesville.
“There is no profession like law enforcement more critical to maintaining the quality of life and the freedoms that we enjoy,” Governor O’Malley said. “The most important responsibility we have in government is the protection of public safety. We are proud to have the Maryland state troopers as our partners in accomplishing that goal. Our mission is an important one and we intend to stick to it.”
While thanking Governor O’Malley for the seven classes of new troopers that have graduated and the law enforcement technological advances made during his administration, Colonel Sheridan reminded the new troopers that the human factor is still an important part of good law enforcement. “Providing public safety services cannot be left up to technology,” Colonel Sheridan said. “There still has to be that human element of competent men and women who interact with professionalism and compassion with our citizens who need their help. We have those kinds of people throughout the Maryland State Police.”
The 49 men and two women in the 135th Trooper Candidate Class elected Trooper Nathan Steelman as their class president. Trooper Steelman addressed his classmates during the graduation ceremony, but that will be one of the only duties he will be performing in his new job for awhile.
Trooper Steelman, from Washington County, is also an E-5 sergeant in the United States Army Reserve. He served a 15-month tour of duty in Baghdad in 2006-2007. Trooper Steelman has been redeployed and will soon begin training for a tour in Afghanistan to begin later this year. His State Police Stetson will be waiting for him upon his return from military service.
After a few days off, the new troopers will begin their field training at barracks across the state. A new class of trooper candidates is scheduled to begin training later this month.
Uncle Steny: Expiration Of Bush Tax Cuts Equals A ‘Republican Tax Increase’ On Middle Class
“We have no intention of allowing the Republican tax increase — that their policies would lead to — to go into effect for working Americans. Period,” he said. “We’re going to act and make sure that the Republican phase out and increase in taxes does not end as they provided for in the laws they passed.”
Hoyer’s press secretary told CNSNews.com in an e-mail that the Democratic Majority Leader was referring to the “middle class” when he said “working Americans.”
Hoyer also said at the press conference, “If we left the Republican policies in place, their [working Americans] taxes would be increased next year. We’re not going to let that happen.”
Hoyer spoke at a “Make It In America” press conference where analysts spoke about ways the federal government could encourage manufacturing in America, particularly for small- and medium-size energy companies.
When asked if allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire could hinder manufacturing in the United States, Hoyer said that raising taxes on upper-income Americans will not hurt the economy.
More from CNSNews
[My neck is getting sore from all the spin and whiplash --Editor]
The reward has been raised to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of Jason J. Phillips, 30, also known as Joerell Glover, who was formerly from Princess Anne, Md., but has no known current address. He should be considered dangerous and has been known to resist arrest.
Phillips is described as an African American male, 6’1” tall and 170 pounds. Troopers have warrants charging Phillips with first and second degree assault and reckless endangerment. Additional charges are pending.
The victim is identified as Melissa Morris, 30, of Princess Anne, Md. Phillips is the former boyfriend of the victim.
Early on the morning of May 15, 2010, Maryland State Police from the Princess Anne Barracks responded to the victim’s home for the report of a domestic argument and assault. The victim stated she had been assaulted by Phillips, her ex-boyfriend. Phillips had fled the scene prior to troopers arriving.
Morris was transported to the hospital in Salisbury and subsequently developed severe complications from internal injuries inflicted by the accused. She was transferred to a Baltimore hospital, but died from her injuries on July 27, 2010. After an autopsy, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled her death a homicide as a result of blunt force trauma.
Maryland State Police continue to lead the search for Phillips, which began after troopers obtained warrants for the original assault on Morris. The warrant information is on file in the National Crime Information Center database and information has been distributed to police departments in and outside of Maryland. Troopers continue to work with the Somerset County State’s Attorney’s Office on this investigation and additional charges are anticipated.
Information has been developed indicating Phillips could be in Philadelphia or Florida, where he has friends and relatives. Troopers have contacted staff at America’s Most Wanted, who agreed to list the lookout for Phillips on their website immediately. Further assistance may also be provided by AMW, but those details are not confirmed at this time.
The reward money being offered is from the Somerset County Crime Solvers fund. Anyone with information about Phillips is urged to immediately contact Maryland State Police at the Princess Anne Barracks, at 443-260-3700, or call 911.
Each child must provide his or her own fishing pole and tackle, and at least one parent or guardian must accompany the child throughout the morning’s activities. Bait will be provided by Jerry Taylor, owner of Taylored Tackle. Groups must bring their group leaders. The event is primarily a catch, register and release type of derby. However, if a child wishes to keep their legal catch, they must bring their own cooler and ice.
Contact Jack Wilson, Chairman, at (302) 629-8986 for more information. Group leaders are asked to contact Sandy Blackwell at (302) 629-7038 for details and pre-registration.
Refrigerator Needed At Local Food Ministry
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases
Incident: Driving While Suspended
Date of Incident: 27 July 2010
Location: Ocean Gateway at Naylor Mill Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Laura A. Schaefer, 30, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 July 2010 at 8:48 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Laura Schaefer and discovered that her driver’s license was suspended. After further investigation, the deputy concluded that Schaefer was operating the vehicle with full knowledge that her license was suspended.
The deputy placed Schaefer under arrest and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Schaefer was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Driving While Suspended
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 27 July 2010
Location: 300 block of Carey Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: David Kroon, 25, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 July 2010 at 2:44 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded for the report of a women screaming for help from inside a residence in the 300 block of Carey Avenue in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputies met with a female victim who advised that she became involved in a verbal altercation with her boyfriend, David Kroon, when he allegedly hit her in the head and refused to let her leave a bedroom. The victim also informed the deputy that Kroon brandished a knife in a manner that made the victim believe that Kroon was about to assault her with it.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the deputy placed Kroon under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Kroon in the Detention Center in lieu of $50,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 1st Degree
Assault 2nd Degree
Incident: Unattended Children
Date of Incident: 27 July 2010
Location: 800 block of Cornish St, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Melissa S. Mitchell, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 July 2010 at 9:47 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to the report of two unattended young children in the roadway in the 800 block of Cornish Street in Salisbury, MD. Upon arrival, the deputies located a three year old and a five year old unattended. The five year old advised they were being watched by his mother, Melissa Mitchell, but he did not know where she was. The deputies were unable to make contact with Melissa or any other adult inside their home address so both children were transported to the Sheriff’s Office.
Later in the evening deputies managed to locate Melissa who advised that she only intended to leave the children alone for a short time while they were sleeping. Melissa was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Melissa was detained by the Commissioner in lieu of $100,000.00 bond.
Charges: Confinement of Unattended Minor Child
Reckless Endangerment
Contribute to Condition of a Child
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 28 July 2010
Location: 900 block of East Road
Suspect: Shane G. Johnson, 22, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 28 July 2010 at 2:31 AM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported domestic disturbance occurring inside a residence in the 900 block of East Road in Salisbury. Upon arrival they met with a female victim who advised the deputies that she had been assaulted by her live in boyfriend, Shane G. Johnson. During the investigation, the deputies saw signs of physical injury on Johnson that corroborated her account.
Johnson was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Johnson in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 29 July 2010
Location: 700 block of Booth Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Juan A. Hadith, 41, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 29 July 2010 at 6:45 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported altercation that had occurred inside a residence on Booth Street earlier in the day. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a female victim who stated that she had been involved in a verbal altercation with her boyfriend, Juan Hadith, the escalated into a physical confrontation. During the investigation, the deputy saw signs of physical injury on the victim that was allegedly inflicted by Hadith.
The deputy placed Hadith under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Hadith was detained by the Commissioner in the Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Juvenile, 16 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia (24 counts)
DISPOSITION: Released to parent/guardian CC # 201000029962
On July 29, 2010 at approximately 2:18 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police responded to a vehicle traffic stop conducted by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department on White Richardson Road in Pittsville. The stop was due to the deputy observing two (2) vehicles operating in an unsafe manner. The deputy learned that the driving was the result of an incident that occurred earlier in the parking lot of the Twilley Center in Salisbury. The Salisbury officer met with one of the drivers who advised that he had been the victim of a robbery, conducted by the suspect who was operating the second vehicle. The victim advised that while in the parking lot of the Twilley Center, the suspect reached inside of his vehicle, hit his arm and took U.S. currency that he was holding in his hand. The suspect then fled from the lot in his vehicle, prompting the victim to follow the suspect until the deputy intervened. Upon contact, the suspect was also found to be in possession of prescription medication without the proper prescription.
ARRESTED: William Jackson Lewis, 19 years of age Berlin, Maryland
Second degree assault
Theft (under $ 100)
Possession of a controlled prescription (2 cts)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 201000030095
Delaware State Police Explorers Receive National Award At Atlanta Explorers Conference

Atlanta, Georgia
July 19, 2010 thru July 23, 2010
Award Earned:
2nd Place White Collar Crime Scenario
Delaware State Police Explorers members attended the National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference held in Atlanta, George the week of July 19, 2010.
During this week long conference State Police Explorers compete against other Explorers from other Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies around the country. During this conference Explorers compete in Non-Emergency Vehicle Operation Courses, Physical Agility competition, and Police Bicycle Course challenge to name a few.
This years Conference was attended by over 2700 participants who along with competing in competitions attended courses of instruction and demos in tactical training. At the conclusion of the week the State Police Explorers Post #2852 out of Troop 4 attended closing ceremonies and received a 2nd Place award in the White Collar Crime Scenario. Three teams finished with a perfect score and the final standings determined through a tie breaker format.
For those not familiar with the Delaware State Police Explorers group they are comprised of young people ages 14-20 years of age. Most of the students involved have an interest in making Law Enforcement a career choice.
Explorers have monthly meetings throughout the year and are provided courses of instruction related to Bomb Threat Assessment, CPR, and Burglary in Progress, Community Service, Domestic Dispute, Collision Investigation and conducting traffic stops to name a few. The explorers not only receive classroom instruction but also hands on application of subjects studied.
Explorers finally can be noticed at community service events throughout the state involving Camp Barnes, Delaware State Fair, Special Olympics and Punkin Chunkin.
Lexington, KY – The Delmarva Shorebirds tied their season high with 18 hits in a 10-5 win in game two over the Lexington Legends at Applebee’s Park. The Shorebirds ended a four-game losing streak in the process. T.J. Baxter and Justin Dalles paced the ‘Birds offense with three hits each. The Shorebirds came into the contest with only one run in their last 28 innings.
The Delmarva Shorebirds plated a run in the first inning for the first time in seven games. T.J. Baxter led off with a lined single into right field. Three batters later, Kieron Pope hit a double to the wall in right-center field to score Baxter.
The Shorebirds added cushion to their lead in the second. After two outs were recorded, Justin Dalles singled. Then, Garabez Rosa doubled down the left field line to advance Dalles to third. Then, Baxter hit a hard ground ball back up the middle to plate both runners. Then, Ty Kelly hit a double off the right field wall to plate Baxter, which swelled the lead to 4-1.
In the third, the Shorebirds were back on the attack. With one out, Steve Bumbry and Omar Casamayor recorded back-to-back hits. Then, Mikey Planeta walked to load the bases. Justin Dalles followed with a single to plate Bumbry. Then, Rosa doubled to score two more runs and give the ‘Birds an 7-1 lead. Baxter followed suit with a single to left field to plate two more runs.
The Shorebirds plated one more run in the fifth inning. Justin Dalles scored on a double play ball off the bat of Kelly.
Bobby Bundy earned the win in 4.2 innings pitched. Brian Parker and James Brandhorst sealed the deal for Bundy from the fifth through the ninth. Parker tossed 2.1 scoreless frames and allowed only one hit while Brandhorst silenced the Legends in the final two innings.
The Shorebirds and Legends square off in game three of the series on Saturday night at 7:05 p.m.
1 RUN-LAST 28 INNINGS: The Shorebirds went 22 innings without plating a run before scoring in the third inning last night. Delmarva has plated just one run in their last 28 innings dating back to July 26 (scored a run in the seventh inning of a ten inning game).
NO FIVE-GAME LOSING STREAK: The Shorebirds have not lost five games in a row this season. They are riding their third four-game losing streak of the season.
EIGHT STRAIGHT: The Shorebirds have been fanned at least 10 times in eight consecutive games dating back to July 22. The Shorebirds have struck out 89 times in the last eight games. Three straight opposing starters have fanned two batters. Three games ago, Julio Rodriguez (LWD) struck out 10 in six innings, Trevor May (LWD) fanned 14 batters in seven innings and Luis Cruz fanned 10 in 7.2 innings last night.
ON THE RISE: Garabez Rosa has nine hits in his last five games. His average has jumped 11 points.
TV Shows From The 1950's
Each one of these are film clips from old TV shows.
Under the video is information, facts and other interesting stuff.
1 JACKIE GLEASON ON THE ROCKY MARCIANO SHOW THE MAIN EVENT (1960)Jackie recalls his early days as a night club comic in Newark, NJ (and the brawl);also, Jackie receives a humanitarian award from Rocky and salutes sidekick Art Carney (Du Mont)Bloopers from The Honeymooners on OTV ch 11 also ch. 30; Marciano v. Wolcott fight on ch. 64
2 JAMES DEAN: HIS FINAL TV APPEARANCE (1954)Rebellious trait obvious, James Dean talks about car racing and safety on Gig Young's show;Walks off set a mention of speeding; eerily, Dean was killed days later in a tragic car collisiom. (Du Mont)
3 ELVIS SINGS BLUE SUEDE SHOES (1956)The King lives here! Elvis Presley debuts on "The Tommy & Jimmy Dorsey Show." (CBS)In the house: Elvis sings many more of his hits on our Classic Oldies Video Juke Box below!
4 A TRIBUTE TO ELVIS PRESLEY, THE KING OF ROCK & ROLL (1959-62)Clips of The King from his early days to induction into the Army, see The King's mom, dad & Col. TomHear Elvis' first #1 1957 hit for RCA, Heartbreak Hotel. (clips from Movietone & AP News)
5 THE EDSEL INTRODUCED ON NBC(1957)Ford paid the network big dollars (in those days) to run this filmed The Edsel Show promotion.Ford canned the car shortly after; it is today a revered automotive classic. (NBC) More 50s cars ch.63v
6 BOBBY DARIN'S "MACK THE KNIFE" (1959)Bobby opened his first of hour variety shows performing his biggest number one hit.(and his label, Atco, didn't want him to record it!) (CBS)*There's more Bobby below: hosting a beauty contest & on the OldiesTeleVision Video Juke Box.
7 WESTINGHOUSE DEBUTS HI-TECH "ADVANCED TV" (1951)Show the kids hi-tech video blossoming before anyone heard of cable, satellite or HDTV. They may chuckle,The "one knob-no antenna-black matrix pix tube" had viewers in awe..but it was a technical disaster. (TVC)
8 WILLIAM BENDIX AS LOVABLE CHESTER A. RILEY (1956)The Life Of Riley with Marjorie Reynolds, Tom D'andrea, Lugene Sanders, Wesley MorganOnce played by Groucho Marx & Jackie Gleason, Bendix's Riley was the definitive blue collar family guy.Watch Riley, delirious over having his tonsils removed, drive family, Gillis, & hospital nurse (Honeybee) crazy!(CBS)
9 ICONS I: WHAT MADE 50'S TV GOLDEN (COMPILATION, (1952-60)Art Carney, Rod Serling, Manicurist Madge, Ted Mack, Annette & Frankie, The Champs, Don Adams.It was Ted Mack's Amateur Hour that introduced Frank Sinatra, Connie Francis, Pat Boone. (UPI)
10 THE PATTI PAGE SHOW (1958)The Singin' Rage sings the immortal Tennessee Waltz, it doesn't get anny better than this.Also from her show, Patti croons over that cute little Doggie In The Window. (syndicated)
11 BLOOPERS FROM THE HONEYMOONERS (1957-58)On live TV: Audrey misses her entrance cue, Jackie's fly is open (watch how brilliantly he improvs).Jackie slips on the set (happened again at CBS, where he broke his leg) (Du Mont) see also ch.30 & 82,
12 THE CENSORED JERRY LEE LEWIS HERE UNCENSORED! (1957-59)Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls Of Fire! The' "Killer" smooches his child bride cousin on a filmed news interviewon stage, he goes wild performing (looks like today's metal rockers). The networks nixed both. (UPI)
13 A TRUE 50's DOO WOP TV CLASSIC(1958)Rare Clip: The Del Vikings Perform Jitterbug Mary (taped at WOOK-TV Baltimore) *There's many more classic Doo Wop Originals On The Classic Oldies Video Jukebox below.
14 the original FAMILY AFFAIR (1966)Brian Keith & Sebastian Cabot sin the last of the sentimental family sitcoms (despite failed 2004 remake_.An affluent bachelor and his butler uddenly gain custody of adorable orphaned nieces and nephew (CBS)
15 ALAN FREED'S BIG BEAT DANCE PARTY DANCERS (1959)Local NYC Ch. 5 Freed show regulars dance and post-payola Alan Freed's parting statement (Metromedia);plus Dick Clark's rigid payola statement to an angry Senate investigator (UPI)
16 THE STEVE ALLEN SHOW (1957)Steverino's classic rock and roll poetic hate reading of Be Bop A Lula, no apology to Gene Vincent. Steve snubbed rock, had no rock acts on his show, but then booked them on his shows to get ratings (NBC).
17 The Inventor Of TV Sketch Comedy ERNIE KOVACS (1954)Long before SNL, imitated by his contemporaries (Berle, Gleason, Skelton), he was the true inventor of TV sketch satire.Ernie's Kovacs; vignettes could have been taped yesterday~still look contemporary, he was a TV comedy visionaryThere are more Ernie Kovacs comedy innovation in our Oldies Television Trivia Quiz, link below.
18 THE RED SKELTON SHOW (1959)Red as Clem Kaddiddlehoffer going to college, with guests: Reed Haley ("Racket Squad") & Marvin Kaplan ("Meet Millie")We included Red's traditional, eye candy June Taylor Dancers' sketch opening and Red laughing at his own jokes (CBS)
19 ICONS: THE DELINQUENCY RAMPAGE! (COMPILATION, 1957-60)Hoods, Dolls, Street Fights, Make Out Points & ...Barry Goldwater. "Cool man. Ya dig it? Like, Wow! Ya square'r sometin?"This, kids, was how your parent's parents perceived the next out of control, immoral generation (AIP)
20 FATHER KNOWS BEST (1953)Full Episode of The definitive aspartame family sitcom: Betty & Kathy fued begin over a bathing suitRobert Young, Jane Wyatt, Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray, Lauren Chapin. (CBS)
21 PETTICOAT JUNCTION (1962)Bea Bernadette and Edgar Buchanan bring up three perky teenage countrypolitan girls in Hooterville,at the Shady Rest Hotel; this show was the precursor to Green Acres Toot toot! (CBS)
22OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST BOB MATTHIAS (1956)1952 Olympic Triathalon Champ Discusses The games & movie debut with mild mannered Herb Sheldon.Sheldon hosted several shows ranging from talk, to teen dance, to Ricky Tick Piano. (Du Mont)
23 : DANCES OF THE 1950's: THE HAND JIVE (1957)Teens perform the Hand Jive dance to Johnnie Otis' Willie & The Hand Jive adlib with Rockette precision (DuMont)What do Johnny Otis, Grateful Dead, Eric Clapton & Grease have in common? Read how the Jive goes on today.
24 GROUCHO MARX YOU BET YOUR LIFE (1959)Contestants: Then 11 year old Candice Bergen appearing with dad, Edgar; also Groucho's daughter, Melinda.Are the dads smarter than the 6th graders? In part 2, Dads join daughters in the quiz. Say the secret word! (NBC)
25 the original DRAGNET(1959)The grandaddy of all TV cop shows and the definitive police melodrama with Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe Friday, Ben Alexander as Officer Frank Smith. Olan Soule as the lab tech. Just the facts, ma'am. (NBC)
26 THE IMMORTAL MUSICAL COMEDY OF VICTOR BORGE 1951Victor and the symphony orchestra give a new twist to Listz and it is a classic Borge, both a musical & comedy genius.Victor Borge's precision piano and satiric talent are as natural as his warmth. (CBS)
27 EDDIE FISHER SINGS A MEDLEY OF HIS BIGGEST HITS 1953Eddie croons I'm Walking Behind You, Anytime, With These Hands, Oh My Papa on his TV show.Like the era crooners, Fisher got 15 minutes a week to enthrall fans..and also Liz Taylor & Debbie Reynolds.. (NBC)
28 ABBOTT & COSTELLO:L WHO'S ON FIRST? 1951This is the signature Bud Abbot and Lou Costello comedy routine that is often imitated, never duplicated.The duo did hosting stints on The Colegate Comedy Hour and Hollywood Palace. (NBC)
29 MORE DANCES OF THE 1950's THE JITTERBUG 1958 It started with Cab Calloway and ended up the most popular moves on American Bandstand, et al.Here, it becomes the domain of Bill Haley & The Comets' ripping off Little Richards' "Gonna Rip It Up." (AIP).
30. THE HONEYMOONERS ...IN COLOR! 1969Ralph & Ed are jailed in Paris, accused of counterfeiting. Ed's escape plan backfires with hilarious results.Gleason wanted the show taped by Wometco TV in Miami, Audrey Meadows & Joyce Randolph had NYC commitmentsShiela Macrae & Jane Kean played wives Alice & Trixie; TV audiences didn't accept the change. (CBS)
31 THE ORIGINAL FLASH GORDON SERIAL theatres-1939; TV-1960'sBefore TJ's doo wop concerts, PBS used Buster Crabbe's Flash Gordon cinema serials rattle the PBS tin cup.From Captain Video to Captains Kirk, Picard & Janeway, scifi and space travel was always a TV niche. (PBS)
32 Full Episode THE LONE RANGER 1955Hi Ho, Silver! It's the grandaddy of weekly TV western series starring oft masked Clayton Moore.The Lone Ranger was the top rated #1 of the many Saturday afternoon "thataway" exciting oatersHere is the full version of the debut episode, Enter The Lone Ranger Hi, Ho Silver! (syndicated).
33 THE ENDEARING GRIMACES OF EDDIE CANTOR 1952Hosting The Colegate Comedy Hour, Eddie pantomines a sketch as the hapless victim of a vixen.A forgotten legend, Cantor's expressive face and singing style warmed the cockles of viewer's hearts. (NBC)
34 BOBBY DARIN NERVOUSLY HOSTS A BEAUTY CONTEST 1957Long before having his own weekly show, Bobby's first TV emcee gig, hosting a product hyped beauty pageantUh oh, , what a disaster! The contestant names are mixed up and so are the sponsor's promo lines (Du Mont)
35 MORE DANCES OF THE 1950's: THE LINDY HOP 1959From American Bandstand in Phillie, to a Dick Clark special in St. Louis to The Jersey Shore,everybody was Lindy Hopping to Danny & The Juniors "At The Hop" You can swing it, you can do it (ABC) ...and there's more Danny & The Juniors, here to stay, on our Classic Oldies Video Jukebox (below)
36 SHAKE, BABY, SHAKE! IT'S THE KILLER AGAIN! 1958Jerry Lee Lewis brings down the house again for his rehearsed fan club prez on Dick Clark's show.The fireball shooter misses the song cues and a camera catches a guy trying to jump on stage. (ABC)
37. THE DANNY THOMAS SHOW 1958"Make Room For Daddy" with rare Danny Thomas, Marjoriie Lord, Rusty Hammer, Angela Cartright.The kids wreak havoc on daddy and mommy with a divide and concur tactic. (CBS)Please support St. Jude's Children's Hospital founded by Danny. Help save lives of children with cancer.
38 SID CAESAR: YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS 1957Legendary sketch comedy with co-stars Imogene Coca, Carl Reiner & Howie Morris as "Uncle Goofy"doing their classic takeoff on This Is Your Life, also a glimpse of The Timepiece (CBS)
39 HERE COMES TOBOR! 1954Before Captain Video got a hold of Tobor, little Robbie ran the prequel to "Tobor The Great."Madison Ave jumped on ship with a cardboard Tobor mask. Don't laugh, they sold. (Du Mont)
40 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN 1954After the animation came TV's live Superman series starring George Reeves and Noel Neill as Lois LaneLois gets is abducted by a gangster, Superman sans Clark Kent saves the damsel in distress. (CBS)
41 THE ADVENTURES OF FLIPPER 1964Let's get our minds off killer whales and go back to this beloved, adorable dolphin.Each week this amazing mammal fascinated kids and adults by solving mysteries! (synd.)
42 SPIKE JONES 1951Spike & the gang of hilarious musical whackies perform their signature "Cocktails For Two."As you see this wild musical circus, know Spike Jones choreographed the zany antics. (Du Mont)
43 CAPTAIN VIDEO & HIS VIDEO RANGERS 1950Before Captain Kirk, there was Captain Video chasing those bad guys around the galaxy.The "Star Trek" of it's time, network program directors made the very same mistake. (Du Mont)
44. THE LIBERACE SHOW 1952Walter Liberace brought style to candlelight piano music, with, of course, brother George on violin.This rare clip captures the musical heart and soul of the flamboyant pianist. (Du Mont)
45 MEDIC 1954First and still best medical drama series. Richard Boone as Konrad Steiner MD. Still as relevant: prizeighter befelled by Diabetes. This is pioneer medical TV drama. (NBC)
46 THE BIG VALLEY 1965Outstanding Western series with Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors and Linda EvansFull episode: "Heritage" Fanatics threaten to blow up the Bartley mine (NBC)
47 THE ROOTS OF TV BASEBALL 1950-57Visual newsreel memories of baseball's great early years, featuring a tribute to Jackie RobinsonSo relevant now: Robinson broke the color line in baseball, Obama in the US presidency. (Movietone)
48 Mc HALE'S NAVY 1962Before cracking up Harvey Korman, Tim Conway was sidekick to Ernest Borgnine on this military sitcomView a full half hour episode and watch Tim fall (literally) for a Lt. Commander Nurse. (NBC)
49 HOPALONG CASSIDY 1952The Saturday afternoon TV Western staple starring William Boyd as frontier vigilante Hoppy.Of the many Saturday TV matinee oaters, this ranked #2 in ratings. Giddyap! (syndicated)
50 DARK SHADOWS 1966The first Weekday afternoon TV gothic soap opera, Jonathan Frid as the Vampire Barnaby Collins.For a brief time, this breakthrough gothic drama out-ranked established serial dramas in ratings. (ABC)
51 FADS & FANCIES OF THE 50s & 60s The Hula Hoop, Twist, Palisades Park Beauty Contests, Rock-Ola Juke Box, Ford Thunderbird, moreset to the music of The Olympics' "Dance By The Light Of The Moon" (edited by CI)
52 I LOVE LUCY 1952Highlights from TV episodes involving the coming of "Little Ricky" that captured viewer's hearts.Ricky gets the news during his club performances, he and the Mertzes go frenetic when "it's time".Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, William Frawley. (CBS)
53 full episode THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 1962You asked for it, here it is, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore with guest Bob Crane (Hogan's Heros .Dick is directing a community theatre show, Mary sings & dances a vampy Calypso song Ohhh, Rob! (CBS)
54 THE BEATLES FIRST TELEVISION APPEARANCE 1963Not yet on Sullivan or in the U.S., the Fab Four debuted "She Loves You" On The Mersey Sound (BBC)*There's more Beatles & other British Invasion classics on the Classic Oldies Video Juke Box below.
55 BAT MASTERSON 1958Gene Barry stars as the debonair Bat Masterson, this episode "The Stampete In Tent CityGuest stars Robert Conrad as the vigilante out to avenge his brother's killer (NBC)
56 MARTY ROBBINS ON THE JOHNNY CASH SHOW 1964Back in the 60's, Holiday Inn funded half hour shows for Dolly Parton, Bobby Vinton & Marty RobbinsBefore his own show aired, Marty sang "El Paso" on Johnny Cash's short lived TV gig (syndicated)
57 FRANK SINATRA SPEAKS CANDIDLY 1954Would you believe, a humble Frank Sinatra? He speaks openly about the bad years,gratitude to Bob Hope & his all time favorite movie role (can you guess which one?). (CBS)
58 PASSWORD 1962Allen Ludden hosted this enormously popular game show 1962 to 1971 on all 3 networks & syndicationAllen vies celebs Carol Burnett and Gary Moore against contestants to win $250-big prize then (CBS)
59 The Phenomenon STAR TREK TV ON DEMAND 1966-presentNow you don;'t have to sit up and wait until 3AM when stations run Star Trek episodes. Get them here right now!.Watch Full Episodes of Star Trek, Star Trek:The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Enterprise (synd Paramount)Also a clip of Trek's post cancellation UK placebo, SPACE:1999 wMartin Landau, Batbara Bain (ITV).
60 MORE DANCES OF THE 50's: THE SWINGBACK 1958New York teens dance The Swingback (also called The Sway) to Duane Eddy's "Forty Miles Of Bad Road"The hips swayed and the preachers prayed rock & roll would go away. It didn't. (MGM)
61 THE LIVE TV FRIDGE COMMERCIAL CATASTROPHE 1954Poor Westinghouse. If their built in antenna TV fiasco wasn't enough, more flawed, chagrin causing infamy:the automatic referigerator door that jammed on this live nationally broadcast commercial. Bet heads rolled! (CBS)
62 THE ARTHUR GODFREY SHOW 1957He ridiculed sponsors, fired staff on the air, fixed talent contests and made Godlike demands on execs, crew;,yet still got big ratings, ruled corporate airwaves and network, sort of like Oprah does now, sans chicanery (CBS)
63 BUILDING THE 1958 DODGE 1957What a retrospect! A TV industrial film goes inside the Dodge automotive plant foundry to finish<.br> In 1979, Chrysler received a government bailout to make new Dodge cars. Sound familiar? (commercial).
64 FIGHT CLASSIC: ROCKY MARCIANO vs. JERSEY JOE WALCOTT 1952Highlights from that historic championship boxing match in Philadelphia September 12, 1952<.br> Of course you'll see that boffo KO comeback in the 13th round~this is the true Rocky, Sly. (DuMont).Check out Dynamite Joe Rindone's fights, too, on Oldies Television Ch 79!
65 AND MORE GREAT ICONS OF THE 50's VOL III 1952-59Richard Nixon's first scandal, John Wayne's PSA, Marilyn Monroe's Motor Oil, Jimmy Durante's Schnozz,George Burns & Gracie Allen, Jack Benny & Dennis Day, Laurel & Hardy, Jackie & Art's "Hello, Ball!"
66 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS 1959With a "good evening," came melodramatic thrillers from the Master Of Suspense, Alfred HitchccockThe man whose big screen movies kept us on the edge of our seats brought the same to small screens (CBS).
67 SATURDAY NIGHTLIVE~~ BEFORE SNL 1954-58All Broadcast Live Sat Eves: The Bob Hope Show, The Liberace Show, The Ken Murray Show,Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, The Steve Allen Show, The Pat Harrington Show, The Jackie Gleason ShowSid Cesar's Your Show Of Shows. Watch many surprises with regulars & guests. (ABC-CBS-DuMont-NBC).
68 FELIX THE CAT 1959In 1928, RCA testing Vladimir Zworkyn's iconoscope , Felix The Cat was the first image ever on TV;Oldies Television's roster would not be complete without Otto Mesmer's historic cartoon icon.Here is his 1959 Saturday cartoon show with a new, hip updated opening that we can just ignore.(NBC).
69 THE DONNA REED SHOW 1958Donna mugs nervously to the camera when daughter, Mary (Shelley Fabares) sings at a school dance.The song she sings? "Johnny Angel," of course. Dad (Dr. Stone, Carl Betz) allays Mom's fears.Full episode soon and check out the Donna Reed Christmas Show below on ch 79 (NBC)
70 full episode THE GOLDBERGS 1952Gertrude Berg served as executive producer and co-writer as well as starof this beloved sitcom about the matriarch (Molly) of a middle class Jewish family.Frank Sutton, who would later be Gomer Pyle's Sarge, guest stars in this episode. (synd.)
71 LUCILLE BALL & CAROL BURNETT 1965Two queens of comedy together with Gale Gordon as straight man on "The Lucy Show".Lucy wants to join Carol on a trip to Palm Springs, they scheme to fool Boss Mooney. (CBS)
72 THE LITTLE RASCALS 1955The top Saturday morning TV attraction in the 50's was the re-worked MGM "Our Gang Comedies"This favorite classic episode has Darla wooing Alfalfa rather than vice versa on Valentine Day.Of course, the other guys would throw a hilarious gremlin in Alfalfa's romantic ballad crooning. (synd.)
73 full episode HIGHWAY PATROL 1956Before there was "Book 'em, Dano" in Hawaii, there was "Ten.Four" in California. Brodericj Crawford starred,If you think dope smuggling was a thing of the 70's, wait 'til you see this narc bust in the 50's. (ZIV/MGM synd.).
74 full episode LOST IN SPACE 1966Danger Will Robinson! The world's first and last outer space sitcom; today, like "Trek," has fan conventions.This episode guest stars Mercedes Mc Cambridge (The Exorcist), here as matriarch of alien hillbillieswho grow a "Little Shop of Horrors" intruded upon by Dr Snith (Jonathan Harris) and Will (Bill Muny) (ABC)
75 BEULAH 1951Long before The Jeffersons and Sanford & Son even before Amos & Andy on TV.there was the talented Ethel Waters as supermaid Beaulah & Butterfly Mc Queen as next door OrioSadly, Proctor & Gamble canceled the highly rated, popular show after only two seasons. Guess why.(CBS)
76 BEWITCHED 1966Wriggle your nose, it's Elizabeth Montgomery as that saucy, sassy, beautiful, bedazzling witchand Dick York as her befuddled hubbie, Darren (or as Agnes Moorehead would say, "Durwood" (NBC)
77 I DREAM OF JEANIE 1966Out of the bottle comes that lusciously capricious Jeanie, Barbara Eden (blink-blink).Larry Hagman is her adopted master, Bill Daly is the bewildered buddy (CBS).
78 SEA HUNT 1957The "Dragnet" of the ocean floor, Lloyd Bridges fights underwater crime with only a snorkle.This syndicated show, along with "Flipper" (coming soon), got high tide ratings in it's era (ZIV)
79 DYNAMITE JOE RINDONE 1954Like Rocky Marciano, Joe Rindone was the son of Italian immigrants who rose to boxing glory.Here is Dynamite Joe in action from the era when boxing was true sportsmanship.produced by Andrew Bertino. (Vimeo).
80 THE MILTON BERLE SHOW 1957Featuring Arnold Stang & guest Mickey Rooney; Berle's swan song after 8 Tues. Nite Years.Bit: Berle wants Gleason like publicity, so he feigns a broken leg for a press conference (NBC)
81 THE LEGEND OF DOO WOPThat streetcorner harmony from the 50's that will never die, the music we know call Doo WopHere are video specials which tribute the unforgettable part of R&R and R&BPlus REMEMBERING DOO WOP RADIOwith commentary by Don K. Reed. music by The Crests, Frankie Lymon & The Knockouts.
82 MIKE WALLACE & EDWARD R. MURROW 1952-54If you thought Mike Wallace was tough on "60 Minutes," wait 'til you see him on the fifties!.You won't believe what he said to Steve Allen (neither did Allen, most likely), but Kirk Douglas got his say)Legendary Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy go at calling the other "un-American"..(CBS)
Friday, July 30, 2010
SBYNews.com Interviews Are Complete
To the 30+ Candidates who took the time to come in and be interviewed, Governor, Congress, Senators, Delegates, Sheriff's and County Council, THANK YOU. It shows you have NOTHING to hide and you're not afraid to face some of the biggest topics/questions facing the Eastern Shore/Maryland with transparency.
Folks, EVERY serious Candidate who interviewed with Salisbury News knew what the possibilities were by doing so. They knew they might be challenged in comments from those who disagree with their platform. Once each and every interview is published we will then put them all up in a row in one single Post for every one to review again at their leisure.
Shame on those who were too afraid of Joe Albero, it's your loss. We'll talk about that some other time though.
Crime Solvers Press Release

Crime solvers Unites Local Law Enforcement for a Safer Community
Crime Solvers is a 501C – 3 organization
SHARES OF GANNETT - (The Daily Times parent Company) - Rank the Lowest Among Publishing Companies
Click here to read more!
Update On Four Puppies Up For Adoption
Just wanted to update you on the last pup. She has gone to her new home this morning. I thank you again for your help with getting them adopted."
Jeremy Gordy Leaves Salisbury Fire department
Will Pappy be far behind?

These are the dog days of summer – a good time to foist folly upon a public distracted by baseball, crabs & beer, beaching it, mowing grass, and now the melodrama called Charles B. Rangel, the esteemed public servant. It’s not surprising that the lovely Ph.D. to be in the Mayor’s office is trying to resurrect a colossal calamity at the City Council’s next work session on Monday, August 2.
The cost estimates seem to be massaged since the last effort to hoodwink us; now only an estimated $717,665 more money is needed, what with the City kicking in the property for nada and if $915,000 in so-called “grants” are available (a really big IF).
But the estimated cost to rehab, the derelict building into a few small apartments, with the City’s property gift included, is still nearly $2 Million and likely would be somewhat more when all is done.
This is a no-brainer: NO WAY! This would be as much a fiasco as would that plan to acquire and rehab the “Linens of the Week” property, which Lore will probably try to revive also before summer ends.
The “consultant” is demanding that the City pay them almost $25,000 for concocting this absurdity if it does not go forward to folly at “The Bricks.” So, let them sue the City and get laughed out of court.
Ehrlich Touts Flush Tax In Baltimore Visit
The former governor and congressman said his administration also shuffled funds around to balance the budget, but called the bay restoration fund one of the most important dedicated sources of revenue in the state "and it is something that we would think long and hard about taking dollars out of."
Mr. Ehrlich noted the fund was praised by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation when it passed, and foundation spokesman Tom Zolper confirmed before the event that the organization has supported the fund. On the use of the funds, Jenn Aiosa, the foundation's Maryland senior scientist, said state lawmakers have been told the fund will need about $500 million more to fund plant upgrades, and the $155 million that has been transferred is to be returned and is not expected to prevent any plants from being upgraded.
"Whether the transfer was made or not, we would still have a deficit," Ms. Aiosa said.
However, she warned that "if any effort is made to make that shift permanent, we will raise a ruckus."
A recent poll showed Mr. O'Malley and Mr. Ehrlich in a tight race for the State House, with the economy on top of voters' minds. While the environment trailed far behind on the list of concerns for poll respondents, neither side is willing to concede anything in such a tight race.
Charlie Spins It
The allegations include failure to report rental income from vacation property in the Dominican Republic and hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional income and assets on his financial disclosure statements.
Other charges focused on Rangel's use of congressional staff and stationery to raise money for a college center in New York named after him; accepting favors and benefits from the donors that may have influenced his congressional actions; use of a subsidized New York apartment as a campaign office instead of a residence; and misuse of the congressional free mail privilege.
"Even though they are serious charges, I'm prepared to prove that the only thing I've ever had in my 50 years of public service is service," Rangel told reporters Thursday night. "That's what I've done and if I've been overzealous providing that service, I can't make an excuse for the serious violations."
OMB Nominee Got $900,000 After Citigroup Bailout
The money was paid to Jacob Lew in January 2009, about two weeks before he joined the State Department as deputy secretary of state, according to a newly filed ethics form. The payout came on top of the already hefty $1.1 million Citigroup compensation package for 2008 that he reported last year.
Administration officials and members of Congress last year expressed outrage that executives at other bailed-out firms, such as American International Group Inc., awarded bonuses to top executives. State Department officials at the time steadfastly refused to say if Mr. Lew received a post-bailout bonus from Citigroup in response to inquiries from The Washington Times.
But Mr. Lew's latest financial disclosure report, provided by the State Department on Wednesday, makes clear that he did receive a significant windfall.
White House officials declined to discuss the compensation Wednesday, saying only that Mr. Lew is the right person to lead the Office of Management and Budget.
More from The Washington Times
Gingrich: Obama Repeating Mistakes From The Great Depression
Speaking in an exclusive Newsmax interview, Gingrich sounded the alarm that raising taxes could cause serious damage to the economic recovery. "If we have large tax increases in January," Gingrich told Newsmax.TV, "this economy will sink deeper into recession. There will be higher unemployment. The recovery will be longer.
"This was exactly the mistake made in 1937 and 1938, and it created a second mini-Depression. I think it's very dangerous, and I think the simple battle cry ought to be no tax increase in 2011, period. Keep current tax law exactly as it is through 2011," said Gingrich.
Gingrich charged that the high unemployment that continues to plague the economy stems from "an administration which consistently has been destroying American jobs."
He cited the financial reform legislation that the president recently signed into law as an example of "one more job-killing bill" passed by Democrats.
When asked to give his recommendations for curing the nation's ongoing economic woes, the former Speaker pointed to the five-point agenda on his AmericanSolutions.com Web site, which is included in the Economic Freedom Act recently submitted to Congress by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah.
That legislation endorsed by AmericanSolutions calls for:
* A 50 percent cut in the Social Security and Medicare tax, both for the employer and the employee.
* Zero capital gains tax, which is the rate in China.
* A 12.5 percent corporate tax rate, which is the rate in Ireland.
* A 100% write-off annually for small businesses to buy new equipment, so workers have the best, most modern equipment.
* Permanent elimination of the estate or "death" tax "so people have an incentive to work and save their entire lifetime.
"We think those five tax changes would dramatically accelerate economic growth and help the economy," Gingrich tells Newsmax.
Additionally, Gingrich said the release of the Wikileaks documents on Afghanistan should be considered an "unconscionable" act of treason. He said it isn't only that the documents were leaked. "I think we should also be very, very strong in our condemnation of the newspapers that published them," Gingrich said.
Egyptian Journalist Describes 'Absolute Prosperity' In Gaza
"A sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast. Further, the site of the merchandise and luxuries filling the Gaza shops amazed me,” he reported.
Concerned that his initial impression of prosperity may have been misleading, “I toured the new resorts, most of which are quite grand, as well as the commercial markets, to verify my hypothesis. The resorts and markets have come to symbolize prosperity, and to prove that the siege is formal or political, not economic,” Al-Houl said.
Gaza's markets are filled with a “plethora of goods,” he wrote. Prices on many items, particularly food, are much lower than they are in Egypt, he said. With goods entering Gaza from both smuggling tunnels to Egypt and humanitarian aid shipments coming in via Israeli crossings, “supply is much greater than demand,” he stated.
The evident prosperity is not enjoyed by all, or even most, of Gaza's residents, according to Al-Houl. The problem is the vast differences in the distribution of wealth. The luxury resorts and wide range of consumer goods are enjoyed by “only a few groups,” he said, primarily those who own smuggling tunnels to Egypt and those who work for international organizations such as the United Nations' UNRWA and who do not include or aid the rest of the population.
Most of the new resorts “are owned by members, or associates, of Hamas,” he reported.
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