Having been born, raised and educated in Salisbury many years ago, I read all the local blogs (daily and have done for months) with interest and I must say, with some sadness, for what Salisbury and Wicomico county have become.
I grew up in the City Park area and swam there near the bandstand and Beaverdam everyday, every summer, of my childhood. Those days I was in the park from 9AM till dinner time.
The Zoo was one of my daily visits. (used to be able to ride my bike through there then) I knew the names of every animal in the Zoo and everyone of the homeowners on both sides of the park. (Kids have a way of that you know) In the winter I used to ride my snow sled down the steps of the hill to "Picnic Island" and over the footbridge. (Never once got hurt) The park was so clean and well maintained. I still remember the city workers with their Gravely tractors cutting the grass on those hills.
Bamboo used to grow high on Picnic Island next to Beaverdam and the ducks would lay eggs in there. We would make up flour and water and fish for Sunfish around the waters of Picnic Island. (no license required)
In my teenage years I would walk from house near the park to Bethesda Methodist Church every Friday night (during school term) to a dance. It cost a dime to get in and the music was provided by a juke box that cost a nickel a song. No fear walking from home to the dance, Salisbury was a nice place.
When I married, my wife and I bought a house in Salisbury and lived there 4 years. As I look back I can fancy myself a visionary. I saw what was happening to the city and sold out (35 years ago) and moved to Worcester county.
I just wanted to say these things because I remember how nice the city used to be. All I really wanted to do was send these pictures of the black squirrels but a flood of memories rushed in and I couldn't resist. (I could go on for hours but who would believe that Salisbury was actually like that)
According to the info that I have these are grey squirrels but they are melanistic. For 35 years we have been enjoying them now you can enjoy them too. I have attached pix of my squirrels along with some support info below. We actually have more black ones that grey.
Loyal Reader