Last week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed an executive order preventing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine from being used to treat patients with the Wuhan coronavirus. Television doctor Mehmet Oz, host of the "Dr. Oz Show" said Cuomo needs to reverse the order so the treatment could be utilized, especially in New York City, the epicenter of the outbreak, the Daily Callerreported.
"Hydrochloroquine, along with Azithromycin, and maybe Zinc, have shown, everywhere I read, tremendous, tremendous opportunities to treat people to prevent death," Hannity said. "I want to see more of that. Novartis has said they will now produce and give Americans 130 million doses. The Israelis have already donated six million. They're about to donate four million more. Bayer is also producing it."
According to the Fox News host, he's "frustrated" with Gov. Cuomo's executive order requiring people to go to the hospital for treatment.
"The order, to me, has to be lifted," Hannity said. "Do you agree or disagree?"
Dr. Oz said he agreed with the need to remove the executive order.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, April 04, 2020
Maryland: Gov. Hogan Resists Calls to Shut Down Gun Stores
Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary, along with a number of other openly anti-gun legislators, sent a letter to Governor Larry Hogan asking him to reverse his earlier decisionacknowledging gun stores as critical businesses during this COVID-19 crisis. They find it “disturbing” that numerous Marylanders are choosing to exercise their right to self-defense for the first time and want Gov. Hogan to shut off access to this constitutional right by closing gun stores.
Gov. Hogan’s office says that he will continue to follow federal guidelines designating gun stores as essential businesses that should remain open during this time of uncertainty.
Gov. Hogan’s office says that he will continue to follow federal guidelines designating gun stores as essential businesses that should remain open during this time of uncertainty.
U.S. dairy farmers dump milk as pandemic upends food markets
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Dairy farmer Jason Leedle felt his stomach churn when he got the call on Tuesday evening.
“We need you to start dumping your milk,” said his contact from Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), the largest U.S. dairy cooperative.
Despite strong demand for basic foods like dairy products amid the coronavirus pandemic, the milk supply chain has seen a host of disruptions that are preventing dairy farmers from getting their products to market.
Mass closures of restaurants and schools have forced a sudden shift from those wholesale food-service markets to retail grocery stores, creating logistical and packaging nightmares for plants processing milk, butter and cheese. Trucking companies that haul dairy products are scrambling to get enough drivers as some who fear the virus have stopped working. And sales to major dairy export markets have dried up as the food-service sector largely shuts down globally.
The dairy industry’s woes signal broader problems in the global food supply chain, according to farmers, agricultural economists and food distributors. The dairy business got hit harder and earlier than other agricultural commodities because the products are highly perishable - milk can’t be frozen, like meat, or stuck in a silo, like grain.
Other food sectors, however, are also seeing disruptions worldwide as travel restrictions are limiting the workforce needed to plant, harvest and distribute fruits and vegetables, and a shortage of refrigerated containers and truck drivers have slowed the shipment of staples such as meat and grains in some places.
“We need you to start dumping your milk,” said his contact from Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), the largest U.S. dairy cooperative.
Despite strong demand for basic foods like dairy products amid the coronavirus pandemic, the milk supply chain has seen a host of disruptions that are preventing dairy farmers from getting their products to market.
Mass closures of restaurants and schools have forced a sudden shift from those wholesale food-service markets to retail grocery stores, creating logistical and packaging nightmares for plants processing milk, butter and cheese. Trucking companies that haul dairy products are scrambling to get enough drivers as some who fear the virus have stopped working. And sales to major dairy export markets have dried up as the food-service sector largely shuts down globally.
The dairy industry’s woes signal broader problems in the global food supply chain, according to farmers, agricultural economists and food distributors. The dairy business got hit harder and earlier than other agricultural commodities because the products are highly perishable - milk can’t be frozen, like meat, or stuck in a silo, like grain.
Other food sectors, however, are also seeing disruptions worldwide as travel restrictions are limiting the workforce needed to plant, harvest and distribute fruits and vegetables, and a shortage of refrigerated containers and truck drivers have slowed the shipment of staples such as meat and grains in some places.
State Police Urge Voluntary Compliance Of Faith Community During State Of Emergency
(PIKESVILLE, MD) — As state and local law enforcement officers are working throughout Maryland to educate citizens about the Governor’s Executive Order and to enforce the law when necessary, State Police Superintendent Colonel Woodrow Jones III is urging the faith community to be informed and to voluntarily comply with the order as it applies to holding services.
“Maryland’s law enforcement officers are dedicated to helping keep our citizens as safe as possible and are working diligently around the state to ensure the Governor’s Executive Order is complied with,” Colonel Jones said. “My hope is that our faith community leaders recognize the importance of the safety measures that have been implemented and will not risk the health of their congregations by holding services in a way that violates the regulations put in place during this emergency. Technology provides us all with unique alternatives that I hope will be implemented as a necessary and important option until it is safe to once again gather to worship in the way you choose to.”
The Governor’s Executive Order prohibits groups of more than 10 people from assembling and those groups of 10 or less must maintain social distancing of at least six feet between individuals. Churches, synagogues and mosques have been included in the list of ‘non-essential businesses’ that are required to close their normal operations. Some minimal operations at a religious facility can continue and have been defined by the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel as follows:
Drive-In Religious Services: Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other similar religious facilities of any faith (“religious facilities”) may conduct “drive-in” services, where participants gather in their vehicles near the religious facility and participate in the service together by remote means, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
Participants may leave their homes to travel by vehicle to and from the religious facility, and must remain in their vehicle at all times.
No vehicle may contain more than 10 persons, in accordance with paragraph III of the Order.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants in other vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Limited In-Person Services: Clergy may conduct limited in-person services at their respective religious facilities, and participants may leave their homes to travel to and from the religious facility for such services, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
No more than 10 persons, including clergy, staff and participants, may be present inside the religious facility during the service.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Participants, clergy, and staff must (i) be at least six feet apart from one another at all times, except for participants that are part of the same household; and (ii) comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing.
There must be at least a four hour gap between the end of one in-person service and the beginning of the next in-person service. The religious facility should be cleaned between services, in accordance with CDC cleaning and disinfection guidance.
Minimal Operations at Religious Facilities: Clergy and other staff of religious facilities are permitted to continue conducting minimal operations under paragraph IV.c of the Order, provided that they comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing. In the case of religious facilities, the term “minimal operations” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, facilitating remote services.
Individuals in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order may be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor offense that, upon conviction, could result in up to one year in jail and up to a $5,000 fine, or both. Those organizing/leading events and those attending in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order could each be charged.
“Maryland’s law enforcement officers are dedicated to helping keep our citizens as safe as possible and are working diligently around the state to ensure the Governor’s Executive Order is complied with,” Colonel Jones said. “My hope is that our faith community leaders recognize the importance of the safety measures that have been implemented and will not risk the health of their congregations by holding services in a way that violates the regulations put in place during this emergency. Technology provides us all with unique alternatives that I hope will be implemented as a necessary and important option until it is safe to once again gather to worship in the way you choose to.”
The Governor’s Executive Order prohibits groups of more than 10 people from assembling and those groups of 10 or less must maintain social distancing of at least six feet between individuals. Churches, synagogues and mosques have been included in the list of ‘non-essential businesses’ that are required to close their normal operations. Some minimal operations at a religious facility can continue and have been defined by the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel as follows:
Drive-In Religious Services: Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other similar religious facilities of any faith (“religious facilities”) may conduct “drive-in” services, where participants gather in their vehicles near the religious facility and participate in the service together by remote means, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
Participants may leave their homes to travel by vehicle to and from the religious facility, and must remain in their vehicle at all times.
No vehicle may contain more than 10 persons, in accordance with paragraph III of the Order.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants in other vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Limited In-Person Services: Clergy may conduct limited in-person services at their respective religious facilities, and participants may leave their homes to travel to and from the religious facility for such services, subject to the following requirements, which are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare:
No more than 10 persons, including clergy, staff and participants, may be present inside the religious facility during the service.
Participants may not interact physically with clergy, staff, or participants. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting donations by basket or plate.
Participants, clergy, and staff must (i) be at least six feet apart from one another at all times, except for participants that are part of the same household; and (ii) comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing.
There must be at least a four hour gap between the end of one in-person service and the beginning of the next in-person service. The religious facility should be cleaned between services, in accordance with CDC cleaning and disinfection guidance.
Minimal Operations at Religious Facilities: Clergy and other staff of religious facilities are permitted to continue conducting minimal operations under paragraph IV.c of the Order, provided that they comply with all applicable guidance from the CDC and MDH regarding social distancing. In the case of religious facilities, the term “minimal operations” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, facilitating remote services.
Individuals in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order may be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor offense that, upon conviction, could result in up to one year in jail and up to a $5,000 fine, or both. Those organizing/leading events and those attending in violation of the Governor’s Executive Order could each be charged.
*Update-Student Charged*-Troopers Investigating Threat to Indian River High School

Dagsboro– The Delaware State Police have charged 14-year-old Michaela Watson of Millville, DE, in connection with a school threat aimed at Indian River High School, located at 29772 Armory Road, Dagsboro, DE.
On March 9, 2020, the Delaware State Police was made aware by the Indian River School District that a student had made written threats aimed at the High School. Further investigation into this incident revealed that a 14-year-old Indian River High School student had made written threats in a journal specifically targeting the high school. The student had not been in attendance at the school since mid-January 2020.
On April 2, 2020, Watson responded to Troop 5 where she was charged with the following:
Attempted to Commit Assault First Degree Conduct Created Risk of Death Caused Serious Injury (Felony)
Terroristic Threatening
Watson was arraigned before the Justice of the Peace Court and released on $21,000.00 unsecured bond.
House Republicans Ask Governor to Allow Gun Stores to Remain Open
ANNAPOLIS, MD – House Republicans today sent a letter to Governor Hogan asking that he allow Maryland gun stores to stay open. Maryland gun stores are currently designated as essential in accordance with guidelines from the Department of Homeland Security. The letter follows a request from General Assembly Democrats that the Governor force these stores to close.
The letter can be read here.
Governor Hogan Announces Financial Relief Initiatives for Marylanders and Small Businesses, Accelerates Hospital Surge Plan
Proclaims Moment of Prayer and Reflection at Noon Sunday
Financial Institutions Commit to Supporting Millions of Borrowers
Drive-Thru Testing Program Expanding to Howard and Montgomery Counties
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan, in collaboration with Maryland’s financial institutions, today announced a series of financial relief initiatives to provide further assistance to millions of Marylanders and small businesses who are facing economic hardships due to COVID-19. Nearly 70 of Maryland’s largest banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders, state agencies, and other financial entities have collaborated to provide additional flexibility to borrowers.
“I wish that I could tell you when we’re going to turn the corner, when you’ll be able to go back to work, to school, to church, or when any of us will be able to get back to living a normal life again,” said Governor Hogan. “No matter how long and how hard the road ahead may be, we are going to have to find a way together to keep going and to keep fighting this invisible enemy with everything we’ve got. It may seem hard to believe right now, but I am hopeful that our state will make it through this together, and that eventually, we will come back stronger and better than ever.”
Earlier today, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) reported 2,758 cases of COVID-19—an increase of 427 new cases. There are now cases in all of Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions and over 5,500 total cases in the National Capital Region. 42 Marylanders have died, and 416 are currently hospitalized. 159 Marylanders have recovered and have been released from isolation.
MOMENT OF PRAYER. While it is currently unsafe to gather together in churches, temples, and other places of worship across the state, Governor Hogan issued a proclamation declaring a statewide moment of prayer and reflection at noon on Sunday, April 5.
“This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, and Wednesday is the beginning of Passover for our Jewish community,” said the governor. “In the Christian faith, we use this time to remember and reflect on the sacrifice of one, for the redemption of many. Each and every one of us is now being asked to make sacrifices that may very well help save the lives of others. At noon this Sunday, I am calling on all Marylanders to join together at home, or wherever you are, in a moment of prayer or reflection for those we have lost, those who are sick, and the doctors, nurses, clinicians, health care workers, and first responders on the front lines around the clock working to bring about a new dawn in our history.”
FINANCIAL RELIEF PACKAGE. Governor Hogan enacted an executive order which builds on an earlier order that prohibits residential evictions arising from a tenant's substantial loss of income due to COVID-19. The latest order is now extended to commercial and industrial evictions. The order also:
Stops lenders from initiating the mortgage foreclosure process
Authorizes the Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation to suspend certain lending limits for Maryland banks and credit unions, on a case-by-case basis, in an effort to make more credit available to businesses
Prohibits repossession of cars and trucks
Prohibits repossession of homes that are not considered "real property,” such as mobile homes, trailers, and live-aboard boats
Read the amended executive order.
Consistent with applicable guidelines, Marylanders may be eligible for the following opportunities upon contacting their financial service providers:
90 Days of Payment Forbearance or Deferral. Mortgage lenders and servicers will provide up to a 90-day forbearance or deferral period for mortgage payments.
Waiving Late Fees. Mortgage lenders and servicers will not charge late fees during the forbearance or deferral period.
Credit Reporting. Mortgage lenders and servicers will not report negative information to the credit bureaus during the forbearance or deferral period.
90 Days Forbearance from Foreclosure Initiation. All mortgage lenders and servicers will follow the forbearance and reduced payment programs established by federal authorities.
HOSPITAL SURGE PLAN. Governor Hogan has ordered the acceleration of the state’s hospital surge plan in order to be completed six weeks ahead of schedule. Work is underway to create capacity immediately through expansions to existing facilities, like hotels and convention centers.
Baltimore Convention Center. Initial construction is complete on the field hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center, including facilities for patient and staff areas. Partitions and other necessary fixtures are being finalized this weekend, and 100 staff members have already been hired.
Medical Tents. The first wave of advanced medical tents have been assigned to hospitals and to Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services facilities, and more will be allocated in the coming days.
NEW DRIVE-THRU TESTING SITES. On Monday, three vehicle emission inspections stations were opened in Glen Burnie, Waldorf and Bel Air. Two additional testing sites at emission inspection stations will be opened in Columbia in Howard County and White Oak in Montgomery County. All patients must obtain a referral from their doctor and will be seen by appointment only.
NEW GUIDANCE FOR LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES. As multiple long-term care facilities in Maryland experience COVID-19 outbreaks among vulnerable residents, the Maryland Department of Health has issued new guidance to these facilities to promote the use of procedure or surgical masks for employees at all times and in all areas. Read the full guidance here.
GOVERNOR HOGAN ENACTS TELEHEALTH EXPANSION. Prior to today’s press conference, Governor Hogan enacted HB448/SB402 andHB1208/SB502. This emergency legislation enables health care providers in Maryland to provide remote health care services so long as those services follow proper standards of care, and expands coverage of mental health services provided via telehealth.
Financial Institutions Commit to Supporting Millions of Borrowers
Drive-Thru Testing Program Expanding to Howard and Montgomery Counties
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan, in collaboration with Maryland’s financial institutions, today announced a series of financial relief initiatives to provide further assistance to millions of Marylanders and small businesses who are facing economic hardships due to COVID-19. Nearly 70 of Maryland’s largest banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders, state agencies, and other financial entities have collaborated to provide additional flexibility to borrowers.
“I wish that I could tell you when we’re going to turn the corner, when you’ll be able to go back to work, to school, to church, or when any of us will be able to get back to living a normal life again,” said Governor Hogan. “No matter how long and how hard the road ahead may be, we are going to have to find a way together to keep going and to keep fighting this invisible enemy with everything we’ve got. It may seem hard to believe right now, but I am hopeful that our state will make it through this together, and that eventually, we will come back stronger and better than ever.”
Earlier today, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) reported 2,758 cases of COVID-19—an increase of 427 new cases. There are now cases in all of Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions and over 5,500 total cases in the National Capital Region. 42 Marylanders have died, and 416 are currently hospitalized. 159 Marylanders have recovered and have been released from isolation.
MOMENT OF PRAYER. While it is currently unsafe to gather together in churches, temples, and other places of worship across the state, Governor Hogan issued a proclamation declaring a statewide moment of prayer and reflection at noon on Sunday, April 5.
“This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, and Wednesday is the beginning of Passover for our Jewish community,” said the governor. “In the Christian faith, we use this time to remember and reflect on the sacrifice of one, for the redemption of many. Each and every one of us is now being asked to make sacrifices that may very well help save the lives of others. At noon this Sunday, I am calling on all Marylanders to join together at home, or wherever you are, in a moment of prayer or reflection for those we have lost, those who are sick, and the doctors, nurses, clinicians, health care workers, and first responders on the front lines around the clock working to bring about a new dawn in our history.”
FINANCIAL RELIEF PACKAGE. Governor Hogan enacted an executive order which builds on an earlier order that prohibits residential evictions arising from a tenant's substantial loss of income due to COVID-19. The latest order is now extended to commercial and industrial evictions. The order also:
Stops lenders from initiating the mortgage foreclosure process
Authorizes the Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation to suspend certain lending limits for Maryland banks and credit unions, on a case-by-case basis, in an effort to make more credit available to businesses
Prohibits repossession of cars and trucks
Prohibits repossession of homes that are not considered "real property,” such as mobile homes, trailers, and live-aboard boats
Read the amended executive order.
Consistent with applicable guidelines, Marylanders may be eligible for the following opportunities upon contacting their financial service providers:
90 Days of Payment Forbearance or Deferral. Mortgage lenders and servicers will provide up to a 90-day forbearance or deferral period for mortgage payments.
Waiving Late Fees. Mortgage lenders and servicers will not charge late fees during the forbearance or deferral period.
Credit Reporting. Mortgage lenders and servicers will not report negative information to the credit bureaus during the forbearance or deferral period.
90 Days Forbearance from Foreclosure Initiation. All mortgage lenders and servicers will follow the forbearance and reduced payment programs established by federal authorities.
HOSPITAL SURGE PLAN. Governor Hogan has ordered the acceleration of the state’s hospital surge plan in order to be completed six weeks ahead of schedule. Work is underway to create capacity immediately through expansions to existing facilities, like hotels and convention centers.
Baltimore Convention Center. Initial construction is complete on the field hospital at the Baltimore Convention Center, including facilities for patient and staff areas. Partitions and other necessary fixtures are being finalized this weekend, and 100 staff members have already been hired.
Medical Tents. The first wave of advanced medical tents have been assigned to hospitals and to Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services facilities, and more will be allocated in the coming days.
NEW DRIVE-THRU TESTING SITES. On Monday, three vehicle emission inspections stations were opened in Glen Burnie, Waldorf and Bel Air. Two additional testing sites at emission inspection stations will be opened in Columbia in Howard County and White Oak in Montgomery County. All patients must obtain a referral from their doctor and will be seen by appointment only.
NEW GUIDANCE FOR LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES. As multiple long-term care facilities in Maryland experience COVID-19 outbreaks among vulnerable residents, the Maryland Department of Health has issued new guidance to these facilities to promote the use of procedure or surgical masks for employees at all times and in all areas. Read the full guidance here.
GOVERNOR HOGAN ENACTS TELEHEALTH EXPANSION. Prior to today’s press conference, Governor Hogan enacted HB448/SB402 andHB1208/SB502. This emergency legislation enables health care providers in Maryland to provide remote health care services so long as those services follow proper standards of care, and expands coverage of mental health services provided via telehealth.
Presymptomatic coronavirus patients can spread illness for 1-3 days before showing signs, CDC report says
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that those infected with the novel coronavirus can spread it for one to three days before showing signs of the illness — such as a fever, cough or shortness of breath — hence making them “presymptomatic” spreaders. The findings further emphasize how infectious COVID-19 is and why containment measures may be difficult.
The CDC in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) looked at some 243 cases of COVID-19 in Singapore from Jan. 23 through March 16. Specifically, researchers “identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of secondary cases.”
Presymptomatic is defined in the report as “the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected person (source patient) to a secondary patient before the source patient developed symptoms, as ascertained by exposure and symptom onset dates, with no evidence that the secondary patient had been exposed to anyone else with COVID-19.” SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Of the 243 cases, 157 contracted the disease locally. Presymptomatic transmission likely occurred in at least 10 of the 157 cases, according to the report.
The CDC in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) looked at some 243 cases of COVID-19 in Singapore from Jan. 23 through March 16. Specifically, researchers “identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of secondary cases.”
Presymptomatic is defined in the report as “the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected person (source patient) to a secondary patient before the source patient developed symptoms, as ascertained by exposure and symptom onset dates, with no evidence that the secondary patient had been exposed to anyone else with COVID-19.” SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Of the 243 cases, 157 contracted the disease locally. Presymptomatic transmission likely occurred in at least 10 of the 157 cases, according to the report.
Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan: “Ocean City is Our Happy Place, But Right Now There Is No Place Like Home”
During a virtual press conference on April 3, Mayor Meehan provided details on Ocean City’s latest actions to help flatten the curve of COVID-19 in Maryland
OCEAN CITY, Md.: With many states, including Maryland, under Stay-at-Home orders, Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan reminds residents and visitors that right now there is “no place like home.” In a virtual press conference held on Friday afternoon, Mayor Meehan recounted several drastic actions Ocean City has taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Not only has the Town of Ocean City closed the beach, Boardwalk and Inlet Parking Lot, but also lodging restrictions were placed on hotels, motels and rental properties to allow for essential lodgers only through April 30.
“This has been a difficult time for all of us, as the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 has greatly impacted our community and the country,” Meehan stated. “Every measure we have taken has been to stop the spread of the virus and save lives. It has slowed tourism but these actions are necessary to help protect our community. To many of us, Ocean City is our happy place but right now, we remind everyone that there is no place like home.”
OCEAN CITY, Md.: With many states, including Maryland, under Stay-at-Home orders, Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan reminds residents and visitors that right now there is “no place like home.” In a virtual press conference held on Friday afternoon, Mayor Meehan recounted several drastic actions Ocean City has taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Not only has the Town of Ocean City closed the beach, Boardwalk and Inlet Parking Lot, but also lodging restrictions were placed on hotels, motels and rental properties to allow for essential lodgers only through April 30.
“This has been a difficult time for all of us, as the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 has greatly impacted our community and the country,” Meehan stated. “Every measure we have taken has been to stop the spread of the virus and save lives. It has slowed tourism but these actions are necessary to help protect our community. To many of us, Ocean City is our happy place but right now, we remind everyone that there is no place like home.”
Trump says CDC now recommends Americans consider cloth masks in public
President Trump said Friday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that people wear cloth or fabric face coverings, which can be made at home, when entering public spaces such as grocery stores and public transit stations. It is mainly to prevent those people who have the virus — and might not know it — from spreading the infection to others.
The guidelines do not give many details about coverings beyond: "cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure."
Trump emphasized that wearing masks in public is voluntary and said he will not be doing so.
A federal official tells NPR that the White House pressured the agency to limit the scope of the wording of the new guidance. The CDC wanted to emphasize that the recommendation could be helpful for Americans in all parts of the country, given that it is becoming increasing difficult to designate particular areas as "hot spots," since the virus is present in so many areas of the country. In the end, this source tells NPR, the White House insisted the guidance emphasize the use of face coverings in areas where there is widespread community transmission of the virus.
The guidelines do not give many details about coverings beyond: "cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure."
Trump emphasized that wearing masks in public is voluntary and said he will not be doing so.
A federal official tells NPR that the White House pressured the agency to limit the scope of the wording of the new guidance. The CDC wanted to emphasize that the recommendation could be helpful for Americans in all parts of the country, given that it is becoming increasing difficult to designate particular areas as "hot spots," since the virus is present in so many areas of the country. In the end, this source tells NPR, the White House insisted the guidance emphasize the use of face coverings in areas where there is widespread community transmission of the virus.
Muslims clash with baton-wielding police outside a mosque as they try to enforce Pakistan's new coronavirus lockdown during Friday prayers
Pakistani Muslims clashed with police trying to enforce new curbs on gatherings to prevent Friday prayers and contain coronavirus infections, officials said.
TV footage showed dozens of people chasing two police vehicles and pelting them with stones as an officer fired in the air to disperse the crowd.
The astonishing video outside a Karachi mosque comes as health experts warn an epidemic in South Asia could overwhelm public health systems in the region.
Pakistan and Bangladesh, and India, have struggled to persuade conservative religious groups to maintain social distancing.
TV footage showed dozens of people chasing two police vehicles and pelting them with stones as an officer fired in the air to disperse the crowd.
The astonishing video outside a Karachi mosque comes as health experts warn an epidemic in South Asia could overwhelm public health systems in the region.
Pakistan and Bangladesh, and India, have struggled to persuade conservative religious groups to maintain social distancing.
Po Po Ain't Playing Games In Delaware: STAY HOME!
Delaware State Police authorized to search out-of-state vehicles
CLAYMONT, Del. — Delaware state troopers are cracking down on out-of-state drivers
State police were active Friday outside the Total Wine & More in Claymont, which is located along the Delaware-Pennsylvania border. Troopers were given full authority to pull over any vehicle with out-of-state tags.
It's all part of heightened measures by the state to limit the number travelers during the coronavirus pandemic.
State police were active Friday outside the Total Wine & More in Claymont, which is located along the Delaware-Pennsylvania border. Troopers were given full authority to pull over any vehicle with out-of-state tags.
It's all part of heightened measures by the state to limit the number travelers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Soros Groups Pushing Democrat Scheme for Mail-In Voting
Progressive organizations, many backed by billionaire activist George Soros, are at the front lines of a campaign advocating for a “vote by mail” system in the upcoming presidential election, citing fears that the Chinese coronavirus pandemic makes it too dangerous to vote in person.
President Donald Trump warned that voting by mail would hurt the Republican Party, lambasting Democrat proposals for more money in the coronavirus stimulus bill to fund absentee and vote-by-mail options.
“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things – levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
Analysts have posited that such proposals help the Democrat Party. Republicans specifically fear the prospect of voter fraud, since mail-in voting would be much harder to authenticate.
Soros’s Open Society Foundations have long sought to change the way Americans vote, also funding groups looking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide.
President Donald Trump warned that voting by mail would hurt the Republican Party, lambasting Democrat proposals for more money in the coronavirus stimulus bill to fund absentee and vote-by-mail options.
“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things – levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
Analysts have posited that such proposals help the Democrat Party. Republicans specifically fear the prospect of voter fraud, since mail-in voting would be much harder to authenticate.
Soros’s Open Society Foundations have long sought to change the way Americans vote, also funding groups looking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide.
Trump Addresses Why Illegal Immigrants Not Eligible for Stimulus Checks: 'They Came in Illegally'
President Donald Trump made clear on Wednesday the reason the millions of unauthorized immigrants residing in the United States will not be sent coronavirus payment checks: “They came in illegally.”
“Over five million immigrants in this country do pay taxes through their IT numbers, yet they will not receive any money in the stimulus package,” one reporter told the president.
“And no undocumented immigrant will receive any aid from the government during this crisis. How do you suppose they survive during the COVID-19 [outbreak]?”
“Over five million immigrants in this country do pay taxes through their IT numbers, yet they will not receive any money in the stimulus package,” one reporter told the president.
“And no undocumented immigrant will receive any aid from the government during this crisis. How do you suppose they survive during the COVID-19 [outbreak]?”
FISA judge rips FBI, orders disclosure of targets in faulty surveillance warrant applications
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court slammed the FBI Friday after the Justice Department inspector general this week released new findings that the FBI repeatedly violated surveillance rules.
The court’s presiding judge ordered the FBI to turn over the names of 29 cases the inspector general found had no documentation to support accusations lodged in the surveillance warrant applications.
An internal audit by Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded the FBI could not locate supporting documentation, known as the Woods File, in four of the 29 cases.
In three of those cases, Mr. Horowitz said, the FBI did not know if the files ever existed.
The court’s presiding judge ordered the FBI to turn over the names of 29 cases the inspector general found had no documentation to support accusations lodged in the surveillance warrant applications.
An internal audit by Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded the FBI could not locate supporting documentation, known as the Woods File, in four of the 29 cases.
In three of those cases, Mr. Horowitz said, the FBI did not know if the files ever existed.
Weiner Timeline:’ How the FBI Gave Hillary Cover During the Election
[Judicial Watch] just released 180 pages of communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that include Strzok’s “weiner timeline,” which shows a time gap of almost a month between the discovery of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner and the obtaining of a search warrant.
On November 3, 2016, Strzok sends an email to Page with a “weiner timeline.” The document shows that on September 28, 2016, the Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC) of the New York Office of the FBI reported “potential MYE-related material,” referring to Midyear Exam, which was the code name of the FBI’s Clinton email investigation. The timeline shows that not until October 30, almost a month after the discovery, was a search warrant for the emails obtained:
On November 3, 2016, Strzok sends an email to Page with a “weiner timeline.” The document shows that on September 28, 2016, the Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC) of the New York Office of the FBI reported “potential MYE-related material,” referring to Midyear Exam, which was the code name of the FBI’s Clinton email investigation. The timeline shows that not until October 30, almost a month after the discovery, was a search warrant for the emails obtained:
Before Jake Day Deletes This Comment...
Jake went live a few minutes ago with Chief Barbara Duncan. The video kept stopping so the viewers have no real clue what was said. Nevertheless, it was the first comment above, D.B. Foskey who put Mayor Jake Day in his place.
A Viewer Writes: Why?
Joe look what just pulled in to Food Lion in Fruitland. Why is a State car being used from SU when they are closed?
True the Vote Joins New Mexico Citizens Battle to Stop Court-Controlled Mail-In Elections
True the Vote has joined with New Mexican voters to intervene in a lawsuit in which several county clerks and the New Mexico Secretary of State, without opposition, are requesting the Supreme Court of New Mexico to order that the upcoming June 2nd primary election be restricted to mail-in ballots only, eliminating entirely both in-person and absentee balloting. These Democrat government officials based their request on the national health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus.
Under the New Mexico Constitution, only the Legislature has the authority to determine the time, place, and manner of voting in New Mexico elections. The government officials assert, however, that the legislature is wholly incapable of addressing this problem and that the New Mexico Supreme Court should order the election be conducted by mail-in ballot only, dispensing of all other state laws that protect elections from voter fraud.
In contrast, the voters seeking to intervene in the case claim that their fundamental right to vote will be violated by a mail-in-ballot only election since their votes will be diluted by illegal voting if the fraud prevention provisions of in-person and absentee ballot are dispensed with. Furthermore, due to inaccuracies in the voter registry many eligible voters will not get ballots and their ability to vote will be comprised.
More here
Under the New Mexico Constitution, only the Legislature has the authority to determine the time, place, and manner of voting in New Mexico elections. The government officials assert, however, that the legislature is wholly incapable of addressing this problem and that the New Mexico Supreme Court should order the election be conducted by mail-in ballot only, dispensing of all other state laws that protect elections from voter fraud.
In contrast, the voters seeking to intervene in the case claim that their fundamental right to vote will be violated by a mail-in-ballot only election since their votes will be diluted by illegal voting if the fraud prevention provisions of in-person and absentee ballot are dispensed with. Furthermore, due to inaccuracies in the voter registry many eligible voters will not get ballots and their ability to vote will be comprised.
More here
If Wicomico County Employees Wondered Why They Were Brought Back To Work...
The National FOP is the voice for America's law enforcement during the #COVID19 pandemic to set standards to protect our officers.
You mean like threatening a lawsuit against Wicomico County for hazard pay, (time and a half) for all officers, forcing the County Executive to bring back ALL non essential employees.
You mean like threatening a lawsuit against Wicomico County for hazard pay, (time and a half) for all officers, forcing the County Executive to bring back ALL non essential employees.
Protect and serve my a$$, unless Mike Lewis and company are making a profit off us taxpayers.
So if ALL county employees wondered why they were called back, it was the GREED of Sheriff Mike Lewis and the FOP.
Maryland’s Governor, a Republican, Is Willing to Spar With Trump for Supplies
Larry Hogan is head of the National Governors Association and charged with representing state leaders who fear they’re unprepared to fight the coronavirus.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Larry Hogan was annoyed. On a conference call, Mr. Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, had just learned that several South Korean companies were ready to ship more coronavirus test kits to his state. But they were stymied because the Food and Drug Administration had not yet approved their use.
“I don’t care if we have F.D.A. approval or not,” Mr. Hogan said into a speakerphone in the governor’s reception room, where he was flanked by a container of Purell and a 9 a.m. Diet Coke, with aides sitting six feet apart around a large table. “We’ve got people dying,” he said, adding, “I don’t want to wait for permission.”
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Larry Hogan was annoyed. On a conference call, Mr. Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, had just learned that several South Korean companies were ready to ship more coronavirus test kits to his state. But they were stymied because the Food and Drug Administration had not yet approved their use.
“I don’t care if we have F.D.A. approval or not,” Mr. Hogan said into a speakerphone in the governor’s reception room, where he was flanked by a container of Purell and a 9 a.m. Diet Coke, with aides sitting six feet apart around a large table. “We’ve got people dying,” he said, adding, “I don’t want to wait for permission.”
Blackburn: China ‘Should Waive Some of Our Debt’ — ‘They Have Made a Global Pandemic Worse’
According to the latest data from the U.S. Treasury Department, the United States owes nearly $1.08 trillion to Mainland China. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) argues China should consider waiving some of that debt given the communist nation’s role in the spread of the COVID-19/coronavirus.
During an interview that aired on Huntsville, AL radio WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” when asked, Blackburn explained ways to hold China accountable for the global pandemic, noting her effort to officially recognize China’s role and the debtor relationship the United States has with China.
During an interview that aired on Huntsville, AL radio WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” when asked, Blackburn explained ways to hold China accountable for the global pandemic, noting her effort to officially recognize China’s role and the debtor relationship the United States has with China.
Man accused of killing EMT among violent inmates de Blasio wanted to release
The violent inmates the de Blasio administration wanted freed amid the coronavirus crisis included the man accused of killing Bronx FDNY EMT Yadira Arroyo and the two men accused of taking part in a Queens robbery that led to the friendly-fire death of NYPD Detective Brian Simonsen, law enforcement sources and officials said.
Christopher Ransom, 28, Jagger Freeman, 26, and Jose Gonzalez, 28, were initially on a list of inmates — compiled by the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice — to be considered for release from Rikers Island in order to stem the spread of the virus there, sources and officials said.
The high-profile inmates were removed from the list after their names were rejected by both The Bronx and Queens district attorneys, sources said.
Ransom and Freeman were previously indicted on murder and robbery charges in connection with the Feb. 12, 2019, friendly-fire shooting death of Simonsen in Queens. Simonsen was fatally hit when he and other officers responded to reports of a robbery inside a T-Mobile store.
Christopher Ransom, 28, Jagger Freeman, 26, and Jose Gonzalez, 28, were initially on a list of inmates — compiled by the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice — to be considered for release from Rikers Island in order to stem the spread of the virus there, sources and officials said.
The high-profile inmates were removed from the list after their names were rejected by both The Bronx and Queens district attorneys, sources said.
Ransom and Freeman were previously indicted on murder and robbery charges in connection with the Feb. 12, 2019, friendly-fire shooting death of Simonsen in Queens. Simonsen was fatally hit when he and other officers responded to reports of a robbery inside a T-Mobile store.
Maryland COVID-19 4-4-2020
COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland
Number of Confirmed Cases: 3125
Number of negative test results: 22,485
Number of Deaths: 53
Hospitalizations: 821 ever hospitalized
Released From Isolation: 159
Cases and Deaths by County (deaths):
Allegany 3
Anne Arundel 289, (6)
Baltimore City 343, (6)
Baltimore County 491, (4)
Calvert 33, (1)
Caroline 4
Carroll 134, (6)
Cecil 33, (1)
Charles 95, (1)
Dorchester 1
Frederick 73, (2)
Garrett 3
Harford 44
Howard 180, (3)
Kent 5
Montgomery 640, (9)
Prince George's 653, (13)
Queen Anne's 13
St. Mary's 34
Somerset 4
Talbot 6
Washington 29
Wicomico 8, (1)
Worcester 7
Cases by Age Range and Gender:
0-9 13
10-19 65
20-29 379
30-39 557
40-49 575
50-59 625
60-69 473
70-79 299
80+ 139
Female: 1,640 Male: 1,485
Vermont orders 'big box' retailers to stop sales of items the state deems 'non-essential' in their stores
Walmart, Target, and other stores have been forced to 'close aisles, close portions of the store, or remove items from the floor'
Vermont's Agency of Commerce and Community Development has ordered all "big box" retailers in the state such as Walmart, Target, and Costco to stop the in-store selling of items the agency has determined to be "non-essential" as part of its effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
What are the details?
The state's directive requires that "large 'big box' retailers must":
Restrict access to non-essential goods. Stores must close aisles, close portions of the store, or remove items from the floor.
Only offer non-essential items via online portals, telephone, delivery, or curbside pickup, to the extent possible.
Except in the event of emergencies threatening the health and welfare of a customer, showrooms and garden sections of large home improvement centers should be closed.
Vermont's Agency of Commerce and Community Development has ordered all "big box" retailers in the state such as Walmart, Target, and Costco to stop the in-store selling of items the agency has determined to be "non-essential" as part of its effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
What are the details?
The state's directive requires that "large 'big box' retailers must":
Restrict access to non-essential goods. Stores must close aisles, close portions of the store, or remove items from the floor.
Only offer non-essential items via online portals, telephone, delivery, or curbside pickup, to the extent possible.
Except in the event of emergencies threatening the health and welfare of a customer, showrooms and garden sections of large home improvement centers should be closed.
J-1 Students Will Not Be Coming To Ocean City This Summer
As you will see from the message below, J-1 Students will not be coming to Ocean City for the 2020 summer season. We had pretty much figured this was coming. IF we do get a summer season in Ocean City, (which I do not believe will happen) this will create even more heartache as American kids do not want to fill these jobs. It's going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.
COVID-19: Program/Housing Update from UWT
In light of the continued uncertainty of COVID-19, we made the decision to suspend new enrollment in our SWT program to new applicants on March 20, 2020. When this difficult choice was made, our program was 93% filled in Ocean City (and surrounding areas) and ready for Summer 2020. As the length of this temporary COVID-19 pandemic continues to remain unclear, we are preparing for an increase in local business slowdowns, embassy closures/delays, university delays, and ongoing participant withdrawals.
Given all of the information that we have at this time, we are not able to fill your housing on file with us for 2020 at the below location(s).
32 US Coast Guard members have coronavirus, 2 from NY
WASHINGTON — Thirty-two U.S. Coast Guard personnel have tested positive for coronavirus, including two in the New York City region, according to numbers shared with the Times Union Thursday.
That’s in addition to four U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets who had confirmed cases after traveling to Spain in March.
Meanwhile, Coast Guard members are being tapped to screen ships entering U.S. ports for the virus, to evacuate cruise ships and participate in enhanced counter-narcotics efforts.
Across all sectors of the military, more coronavirus cases are being reported, as branches assist in the domestic response to COVID-19.
That’s in addition to four U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets who had confirmed cases after traveling to Spain in March.
Meanwhile, Coast Guard members are being tapped to screen ships entering U.S. ports for the virus, to evacuate cruise ships and participate in enhanced counter-narcotics efforts.
Across all sectors of the military, more coronavirus cases are being reported, as branches assist in the domestic response to COVID-19.
Trump fires Michael Atkinson, intel watchdog who handled Ukraine complaint
President Trump on Friday night fired Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for the intelligence community who had deemed “urgent” a whistleblower’s complaint about the president’s actions on aid to Ukraine.
In a letter to the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the president said “it is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general.”
“That is no longer the case with regard to this inspector general,” Mr. Trump said.
Mr. Atkinson was nominated by Mr. Trump and started in the post in May 2018. In August 2019, Mr. Atkinson received the whistleblower’s complaint alleging that the president had abused his power in soliciting help from Ukraine to undermine Democrat presidential front-runner Joseph R. Biden.
In a letter to the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the president said “it is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general.”
“That is no longer the case with regard to this inspector general,” Mr. Trump said.
Mr. Atkinson was nominated by Mr. Trump and started in the post in May 2018. In August 2019, Mr. Atkinson received the whistleblower’s complaint alleging that the president had abused his power in soliciting help from Ukraine to undermine Democrat presidential front-runner Joseph R. Biden.
A Viewer Writes: Cancellation of elections...and so it begins
Some people have worried that the current CIVID-19 situation is a good excuse for government to take away some of our rights...and they are correct! And it is happening right here in Pocomoke City.
Pocomoke City has an election for Mayor scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th. The City Charter sets the date for elections and the only way the date can be changed is by changing the City Charter. But, as usual, the Mayor and Council do not feel bound by the law and have decided to "postpone" the election. Cancel is probably a better term as they have not decided when the election might be held, if ever.
Yes, most potential voters are staying in as much as possible but most, if not all venture out to get food, groceries, or for other reasons. If anyone truly wants to cast a ballot it is only a minimal hardship. The election will probably involve 200 voters at the most and it is not difficult to arrange social distancing for those who do vote. Absentee ballots are always an option but no one has seriously considered this. It is also true that some elections can be postponed or cancelled, depending on the predicate of the election and election laws. The Maryland primary is one example, but Pocomoke City elections are bound by the City Charter and any postponement is a clear violation of the charter.
What can be done? In all honesty, nothing. The Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City have constantly demonstrated over the past few years that they are in charge and the residents and voters of the City do not matter.
Pocomoke City has an election for Mayor scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th. The City Charter sets the date for elections and the only way the date can be changed is by changing the City Charter. But, as usual, the Mayor and Council do not feel bound by the law and have decided to "postpone" the election. Cancel is probably a better term as they have not decided when the election might be held, if ever.
Yes, most potential voters are staying in as much as possible but most, if not all venture out to get food, groceries, or for other reasons. If anyone truly wants to cast a ballot it is only a minimal hardship. The election will probably involve 200 voters at the most and it is not difficult to arrange social distancing for those who do vote. Absentee ballots are always an option but no one has seriously considered this. It is also true that some elections can be postponed or cancelled, depending on the predicate of the election and election laws. The Maryland primary is one example, but Pocomoke City elections are bound by the City Charter and any postponement is a clear violation of the charter.
What can be done? In all honesty, nothing. The Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City have constantly demonstrated over the past few years that they are in charge and the residents and voters of the City do not matter.
Who is Larry Hogan? What to know about Maryland's governor
The spread of coronavirus across the nation has led to the rise of governors as thestate chief executives have been thrust into the forefront of responding to thepandemic.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has been one of the state leaders who took drastic action early on as COVID-19 cases rose in March, closing all non-essential businesses and schools in his state in the hope of saving "thousands of lives"
"If we don't do something to stop this spike in the curve, the fact is we will not have ICU beds and ventilators," Hogan told "Bill Hemmer Reports." You look at what happened in places like Italy and what is happening in New York. We don't want that to happen in each of our states."
Here are some things to know about the governor of the Mid-Atlantic state:
Hogan has said to 'follow the doctors and the scientists' to respond to coronavirus
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has been one of the state leaders who took drastic action early on as COVID-19 cases rose in March, closing all non-essential businesses and schools in his state in the hope of saving "thousands of lives"
"If we don't do something to stop this spike in the curve, the fact is we will not have ICU beds and ventilators," Hogan told "Bill Hemmer Reports." You look at what happened in places like Italy and what is happening in New York. We don't want that to happen in each of our states."
Here are some things to know about the governor of the Mid-Atlantic state:
Hogan has said to 'follow the doctors and the scientists' to respond to coronavirus
Pentagon Fires Navy Captain Who Spoke Out About Response To Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Of COVID-19
This is turning into a major sh*tstorm...
The Pentagon has relieved Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, the commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, from command of the aircraft carrier after he allegedly leaked a copy of a scathing letter he wrote to top brass requesting that all but the bare minimum (he said 10% ) of the sailors on his boat be let off to prevent a brutal outbreak of COVID-19.
Reports about the sailors, the first aboard a ship on active duty to test positive for COVID-19, first emerged last week, and the situation has become a growing hot potato as the White House and Pentagon have resisted allowing the sailors to disembark.
Similar to how Trump initially wanted to keep the passengers of the 'Diamond Princess' from leaving the ship, it's believed Trump pressured the Pentagon not to let the sailors off because it would look bad for the administration. There are 4,865 sailors on board, and
But Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly replied that he didn't believe leaving only 10% behind would be appropriate. "Our plan has always been to remove as much of the crew as we can while maintaining for the ship's safety," he said. "This ship has weapons on it, it has munitions on it, it has expensive aircraft, and it has a nuclear power plant. It requires a certain number of people on that ship to maintain the safety and security of the ship."
The Pentagon has relieved Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, the commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, from command of the aircraft carrier after he allegedly leaked a copy of a scathing letter he wrote to top brass requesting that all but the bare minimum (he said 10% ) of the sailors on his boat be let off to prevent a brutal outbreak of COVID-19.
Reports about the sailors, the first aboard a ship on active duty to test positive for COVID-19, first emerged last week, and the situation has become a growing hot potato as the White House and Pentagon have resisted allowing the sailors to disembark.
Similar to how Trump initially wanted to keep the passengers of the 'Diamond Princess' from leaving the ship, it's believed Trump pressured the Pentagon not to let the sailors off because it would look bad for the administration. There are 4,865 sailors on board, and
But Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly replied that he didn't believe leaving only 10% behind would be appropriate. "Our plan has always been to remove as much of the crew as we can while maintaining for the ship's safety," he said. "This ship has weapons on it, it has munitions on it, it has expensive aircraft, and it has a nuclear power plant. It requires a certain number of people on that ship to maintain the safety and security of the ship."
Here Comes The Next Crisis: Up To 30% Of All Mortgages Will Default In "Biggest Wave Of Delinquencies In History"
Unlike in the 2008 financial crisis when a glut of subprime debt, layered with trillions in CDOs and CDO squareds, sent home prices to stratospheric levels before everything crashed scarring an entire generation of homebuyers, this time the housing sector is facing a far more conventional problem: the sudden and unpredictable inability of mortgage borrowers to make their scheduled monthly payments as the entire economy grinds to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic.
And unfortunately this time the crisis will be far worse, because as Bloomberg reports mortgage lenders are preparing for the biggest wave of delinquencies in history. And unless the plan to buy time works - and as we reported earlier there is a distinct possibility the Treasury's plan to provide much needed liquidity to America's small businesses may be on the verge of collapse - an even worse crisis may be coming: mass foreclosures and mortgage market mayhem.
Borrowers who lost income from the coronavirus, which is already a skyrocketing number as the 10 million new jobless claims in the past two weeks attests, can ask to skip payments for as many as 180 days at a time on federally backed mortgages, and avoid penalties and a hit to their credit scores. But as Bloomberg notes, it’s not a payment holiday and eventually homeowners they’ll have to make it all up.
According to estimates by Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi, as many as 30% of Americans with home loans – about 15 million households – could stop paying if the U.S. economy remains closed through the summer or beyond.
And unfortunately this time the crisis will be far worse, because as Bloomberg reports mortgage lenders are preparing for the biggest wave of delinquencies in history. And unless the plan to buy time works - and as we reported earlier there is a distinct possibility the Treasury's plan to provide much needed liquidity to America's small businesses may be on the verge of collapse - an even worse crisis may be coming: mass foreclosures and mortgage market mayhem.
Borrowers who lost income from the coronavirus, which is already a skyrocketing number as the 10 million new jobless claims in the past two weeks attests, can ask to skip payments for as many as 180 days at a time on federally backed mortgages, and avoid penalties and a hit to their credit scores. But as Bloomberg notes, it’s not a payment holiday and eventually homeowners they’ll have to make it all up.
According to estimates by Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi, as many as 30% of Americans with home loans – about 15 million households – could stop paying if the U.S. economy remains closed through the summer or beyond.
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