DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, July 23, 2010
Salisbury Police, WCSO & MSP Hold Press Conference Today
In a drive by shooting, possibly Gang related, Troy Williams was shot in the head and ultimately died from his injuries.
On July 20, 2010, Lamont Whaley, William Joseph Parker and Atilano Jeffrey Limon were stopped in a taxi cab and had been observed placing items underneath the passengers seat. During the check Officers found two loaded handguns, one had been reported stolen.
When being interviewed additional information was obtained that led investigators to obtain warrants for the following people charging them with attempted 1st degree murder, 1st degree assault and various other charges.
Frederick Paul Costen III
Keshaw Lamont White
Brooks Lamar Seldon
Brooks Lamar Seldon was arrested. White and Costen are still WANTED and are considered armed and dangerous.
Chief Barkley was humbled to have the help and assistance from the following agencies.
Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
Maryland State Police Homicide Unit
Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force
Maryland State Police Gang Enforcement Unit-East
U.S. Marshals Service
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
In California, 3 Who Drew High Salaries Resign From Posts
Oscar Hernandez, the mayor of Bell, California, said the City Council accepted the resignations of City Manager Robert Rizzo, Assistant City Manager Angela Spaccia, and Police Chief Randy Adams, who reportedly had a combined salary of more than $1.6 million. He added that the three will not get severance pay.
"Today, our city council took the quick and decisive action that is in the best interest of our city so that we may return our attention to delivering outstanding city services," the mayor said in a statement posted on the city clerk's website.
"We recognize that today's economic climate and the financial hardships so many families are suffering put our past compensation decisions in a new light. To the residents of Bell, we apologize. We are confident that your pride in our great city endures and that the city's financial health and superior public services demonstrate that our priorities remain intact."
GO HERE to read more.
Dog Agility Show This Weekend At The Crown
It's free!
Don't Count Him Out Just Yet

I have been on the phone all night last night and all morning this morning trying to make sure there's a balance in this race for States Attorney.
Let me say this, Matt is a very honorable man. He's a hell of a Husband and Father. On top of such normal pressures of being a Partner in a Law Firm, he's proven to be one hell of an attorney, holding a license in both Maryland and Delaware, something less than a hand full of attorneys in Salisbury own.
Matt's biggest concern is that people completely understand he is his own man, not driven by ANY special interests. Because some people immediately started pushing buttons and expressing personal attacks, Matt will not be a hit man and participate in any personal attacks against his opponent.
Matt will take time away from this quest this weekend and make a final decision as to whether he is in or out of this race.
Until Matt signs a piece of paper at the Election Headquarters, Matt is not out of this race.
The unfortunate passing of Sam Vincent has made this particular race a very difficult one to proceed with. Just remember one thing, Sam Vincent was the republican choice to run in this race. IF Matt chooses to stay in he will do so honorably and respectfully.
OCPD Press Release
responded to 700 South Atlantic Avenue, for a reported structure fire. When emergency
personnel arrived at the scene they quickly determined that there was no fire and that there had actually been an amusement ride accident.
Ocean City fire and police personnel discovered that the “Tidal Wave” roller coaster
located at Trimper’s Rides (700 South Atlantic Avenue) had an apparent mechanical
problem which caused several of the persons riding on the roller coaster at the time to become injured.
Ocean City paramedics transported a total of 3 persons between the ages of 10 and 15
years old to area hospitals with what appears to be non-life threatening injuries.
The Tidal Wave roller coaster is closed at this time pending an inspection by the Maryland Department of Labor & Licensing – Amusement Park Ride Safety Inspector.
A Letter To The Editor
St. Johns Carnival
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (July 23, 2010) — Continuing to lead Maryland toward a more sustainable future, Governor Martin O’Malley today signed Executive Order 01.01.2010.16 directing the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to prepare a Long-Term Electricity Report for the State by the end of next year. The first such report in 20 years will evaluate Maryland’s long-term electricity needs and will include a comprehensive review of alternatives to meet those needs.
“There have been no major new electric power plants or transmission lines in Maryland in more than a decade,” said Governor O’Malley. “Meanwhile alternative energy solutions like wind and solar have emerged and matured, and nuclear power is again being explored as an option. This report will provide data critical to addressing our long-term electricity needs, a major component of our blueprint for securing a clean, reliable and affordable energy future for Maryland families.”
The Executive Order was developed by DNR in cooperation with the Public Service Commission, the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA). The report, which will be prepared by DNR’s Power Plant Assessment Program, will assess future electric energy use requirements and peak electric demand requirements, and identify sources and alternative resources to meet any gaps in these requirements through the end of calendar year 2030.
“Alternatives that will be considered include fossil fuel generation, nuclear generation, renewable electric generation resources, energy conservation and efficiency measures, enhancement of the electric transmission system, and measures designed to reduce peak demands,” said Malcolm Woolf, Director of MEA. “The report will also address the impacts of electric vehicles on Maryland’s electric power requirements, potential benefits of “smart meters,” and other factors that can be expected to affect electricity supply and demand.”
Building on MEA's 2008 Electricity Strategy and 2010 Maryland Energy Outlook, this report will be the first comprehensive, alternatives analysis for Maryland since 1990. During the intervening years, Maryland’s population has grown by about one million people, electricity consumption has grown by more than 25 percent, and concerns about the environmental impacts of electricity supply and consumption have increased. With an estimated population increase of an additional one million Marylanders by 2030, this report will be an essential tool in securing our energy future, and keeping Maryland Smart, Green and Growing.
“This will be an inclusive process, and we look forward to working with stakeholder groups across the board -- including representatives of government, business, utilities, environmental groups and consumers -- to generate a report that will help inform decision making and policy development for the next two decades,” said DNR Secretary John Griffin.
The report will be completed by December 2011 and will be paid for over two fiscal years using existing funds within the Power Plant Assessment Program.
A copy of the Executive Order can be viewed here: www.governor.maryland.gov/documents/100721OffShoreWind.pdf
It is common practice for the City to give retiring career police officers their pistol, and apparently Webster is considered a career person because he was on the force for about 10 years.
Taxes For Thee, But Not For Me
Isabel - Kerry’s luxury 76-foot New Zealand-built Friendship sloop with an Edwardian-style, glossy varnished teak interior, two VIP main cabins and a pilothouse fitted with a wet bar and cold wine storage - was designed by Rhode Island boat designer Ted Fontaine.
But instead of berthing the vessel in Nantucket, where the senator summers with the missus, Teresa Heinz, Isabel’s hailing port is listed as “Newport” on her stern.
Could the reason be that the Ocean State repealed its Boat Sales and Use Tax back in 1993, making the tiny state to the south a haven - like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Nassau - for tax-skirting luxury yacht owners?
Cash-strapped Massachusetts still collects a 6.25 percent sales tax and an annual excise tax on yachts. Sources say Isabel sold for something in the neighborhood of $7 million, meaning Kerry saved approximately $437,500 in sales tax and an annual excise tax of about $70,000.
The senior senator’s chief of staff David Wade denied the old salt was berthing his boat out of state to avoid ponying up to the commonwealth.
“The boat was designed by and purchased from a company in Rhode Island, and it’s based in Newport at the Newport Shipyard for long-term maintenance, upkeep and charter purposes, not tax reasons,” Wade told the Track.
Vilsack Falls On His Sword For The Dear Leader
Sherrod, who is African-American, was dismissed form the USDA on Monday after a video clip went viral in which she appeared to admit withholding benefits from a white farmer because of his race.
The incident has become a political embarrassment to the White House.
"He [Vilsack] jumped the gun, partly because we now live in this media culture where something goes up on YouTube or a blog, and everybody scrambles," Obama told ABC.
“I've told my team, and I told my agencies that we have to make sure that we're focusing on doing the right thing instead of what looks to be politically necessary at that very moment,” he said in the interview.
More here
[The story above is in stark contrast, however, to one that ran on Wednesday: ]
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he will reconsider the department's decision to oust a black employee over racially tinged remarks after learning more about what she said.
Vilsack issued a short statement early Wednesday morning..
"I am of course willing and will conduct a thorough review and consider additional facts to ensure to the American people we are providing services in a fair and equitable manner," Vilsack said.
The Obama administration's move to reconsider her employment was an absolute reversal from hours earlier, when a White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said President Barack Obama had been briefed on Sherrod's resignation after the fact and stood by the Agriculture Department's handling of it.
In his original statement on the matter Tuesday morning, Vilsack said he had accepted Sherrod's resignation and stressed that the department had "zero tolerance for discrimination." Later in the day, after Sherrod spoke to the media about the intention of her comments, Vilsack sent out a second statement that said the controversy surrounding Sherrod's comments could, rightly or wrongly, cause people to question her decisions as a federal employee and lead to lingering doubts about civil rights at the agency, which has a troubled history of discrimination.
Sherrod said officials showed no interest in listening to her explanation when she was asked to resign. She said she was on the road Monday when USDA deputy undersecretary Cheryl Cook called her and told her to pull over and submit her resignation on her Blackberry because the White House wanted her out.
More here
Shalev: Lebanon Ships Will Not Be Allowed To Enter Gaza
In a letter addressed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and current UN Security Council President Joy Ogwu, Shalev wrote: “The stated intention of these vessels is to violate the existing naval blockade of Gaza."
She added: “Israel reserves its right under international law to use all necessary means to prevent these ships from violating the aforementioned naval blockade. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that these vessels carry weapons or individuals with provocative and confrontational intentions.”
Israel recently eased the blockade of the Gaza Strip following international criticism which came after the IDF raid on the Gaza aid flotilla in May. Israeli soldiers who boarded one of the boats in a peaceful attempt to prevent its entrance into Israel's territorial waters killed nine Turkish citizens when attacked by passengers wielding knives and blunt weapons. The ship was found not to be carrying any aid.
Israel is currently allowing food and other aid into Gaza only via land crossings. The naval blockade continues to maintain the naval blockade. In her letter, Shalev noted the option of delivering aid to Gaza by land and added that sending ships to Gaza is meant “to incite a confrontation and raise tension in our region”.
Bernanke Urges Congress To Renew Bush Tax Cuts
“In the short term I would believe that we ought to maintain a reasonable degree of fiscal support, stimulus for the economy,” Bernanke told the House Financial Services Committee. “There are many ways to do that. This is one way.”
Bernanke's statement put him directly at odds with White House officials and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who favors raising taxes on wealthy Americans by letting the tax cuts the Bush administration passed in 2001 and 2003 expire.
Bernanke's views also conflict with those of his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, who just last week told Bloomberg TV's Judy Woodruff that lawmakers should allow the Bush tax cuts to expire as scheduled at year's end.
Greenspan conceded however that doing so probably would slow growth.
Bernanke emphasized the importance of giving the economy a boost. But he also told the House that dealing with the deficit, which has ballooned during the Obama administration, remains a major consideration.
Conservative Dems Reject Pelosi On Tax Cuts
Fiscally conservative Senate Democrats Evan Bayh, Kent Conrad and Ben Nelson all have said they believe lower tax rates for all income groups should be renewed when they expire at the end of the year.
Pelosi said that does not change her position.
"Our position has been that we support middle-income tax cuts. The tax cuts at the high end have increased the deficit enormously," she said.
Her comments are part of a broad debate over whether to renew tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 under former President George W. Bush that are set to expire at year-end. President Barack Obama and many congressional Democrats want to extend the lower rates for individuals earning less than $200,000 or couples making less than $250,000, but not for those earning more.
At the center of the debate among Democrats is whether economic stimulus or deficit reduction should be the top policy priority.
About 2 to 3 percent of Americans fit into the upper income categories.
There is a guessing game going on in Washington as to when the Democrats will address the tax issue. Some believe they will wait until after the November elections to avoid being accused of raising any taxes before voters head to the polls.
Because of budget rules, lawmakers need to find off-setting revenue to fund extending the lower rates for those in upper income groups, but not for the so-called middle class and under categories.
[First-- what budget? The democrats refused to pass one, so I guess there's no rules needed. Second-- they don't need to find 'off-setting revenue' to 'pay' for not taking our money. That's just taking it out of the other pocket (they must think we're stupid.) How about this-- use THEIR pay and benefits as the offsetting revenue!-- Editor]
The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy
When I'm talking to people from outside Washington, one question inevitably comes up: Why is the media so liberal? The question often reflects a suspicion that members of the press get together and decide on a story line that favors liberals and Democrats and denigrates conservatives and Republicans.
My response has usually been to say, yes, there's liberal bias in the media, but there's no conspiracy. The liberal tilt is an accident of nature. The media disproportionately attracts people from a liberal arts background who tend, quite innocently, to be politically liberal. If they came from West Point or engineering school, this wouldn't be the case.
Now, after learning I'd been targeted for a smear attack by a member of an online clique of liberal journalists, I'm inclined to amend my response. Not to say there's a media conspiracy, but at least to note that hundreds of journalists have gotten together, on an online listserv called JournoList, to promote liberalism and liberal politicians at the expense of traditional journalism.
My guess is that this and other revelations about JournoList will deepen the distrust of the national press. True, participants in the online clubhouse appear to hail chiefly from the media's self-identified left wing. But its founder, Ezra Klein, is a prominent writer for the Washington Post. Mr. Klein shut down JournoList last month—a wise decision.
It's thanks to Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller website that we know something about JournoList, though the emails among the liberal journalists were meant to be private. (Mr. Carlson hasn't revealed how he obtained the emails.) In June, the Daily Caller disclosed a series of JournoList musings by David Weigel, then a Washington Post blogger assigned to cover conservatives. His emails showed he loathes conservatives, and he was subsequently fired.
This week, Mr. Carlson produced a series of JournoList emails from April 2008, when Barack Obama's presidential bid was in serious jeopardy. Videos of the antiwhite, anti-American sermons of his Chicago pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had surfaced, first on ABC and then other networks.
JournoList contributors discussed strategies to aid Mr. Obama by deflecting the controversy. They went public with a letter criticizing an ABC interview of Mr. Obama that dwelled on his association with Mr. Wright. Then, Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent proposed attacking Mr. Obama's critics as racists. He wrote:
"If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them—Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares—and call them racists. . . . This makes them 'sputter' with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction."
No one on JournoList endorsed the Ackerman plan. But rather than object on ethical grounds, they voiced concern that the strategy would fail or possibly backfire.
Among journalists in general, there's always been a herd instinct. Eugene McCarthy, the Minnesota senator and Democratic presidential candidate, once described political writers as birds on a telephone wire. When one bird flew to the wire across the street, they all did. In Mr. Ackerman's case, I'm glad none of the birds joined him across the street.
Keep reading here
Rep. Hunter Pushes Action Against 'Sanctuary Cities'
Rep. Duncan Hunter's bill is the latest step as lawmakers seek to inject themselves into the debate and force their colleagues to take a stand on the contentious Arizona law. One of those moves failed Wednesday when Republicans tried, but failed, to have the Senate vote on blocking the government's lawsuit against Arizona.
Mr. Hunter's bill, for which he started soliciting co-sponsors Wednesday, would stop the Justice Department from pursuing its lawsuit against Arizona until Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. submits a plan to Congress outlining how he would bring sanctuary cities into compliance with federal law.
A majority of voters tell pollsters they back Arizona's law, and Mr. Hunter said the government overstepped its bounds by singling out a state he says is only trying to help federal authorities meet their responsibility to enforce the country's borders.
"The federal government is being inconsistent," said the lawmaker, whose district includes San Diego and other areas just north of the California-Mexico border. "They're saying we don't want a patchwork of laws, and that's why they're suing Arizona, but at the same time they allow sanctuary cities ... to passively impede federal law."
Tracy Schmaler, a spokeswoman for Mr. Holder, did not respond to a request seeking comment Wednesday. But in a statement to The Washington Times last week, Ms. Schmaler said the Arizona law and sanctuary ordinances are not the same.
John Boehner Measures Speaker's Chair
The Ohio Republican has been eyeing the speaker’s office for about two decades — ever since he passed up a 1992 opportunity to run for an open Senate seat — and he is beginning to peel the curtain on his elusive image.
Boehner is trying to strike a bipartisan tone — one that is likely to be mocked by Democrats who remember him as allowing his Republican colleagues to egg on protestors as the majority tried to pass health care overhaul legislation.
Yet, the picture Boehner would like to project is that of his time as chairman of the Education and Workforce committee. He said that if he could pass No Child Left Behind with Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) anyone could work together. He said he would work with “anybody on the other side of the aisle.”
Should Republicans win the majority, Boehner would need to work with President Barack Obama, a man who has been mocking Boehner publicly for weeks.
“I don’t know which President Obama I’ll be dealing with,” Boehner said. “If it’s the one I dealt with over the past 18 months, while it's been pleasant, none of the ideas [that] he’s asked us for that we’ve provided have been adopted, and they’ve had a go-it-alone approach for 18 months.”
To be sure, Boehner is still parroting some well-worn talking points that even make Republicans cringe: he asked where the jobs are (his favorite moniker from the past year) and said that “there isn’t a race in America [Republicans] can't win.”
He hates being politically labeled — that’s why he avoids joining caucuses. For example, earlier this week he passed up the opportunity to join the House Tea Party Caucus.
But he still has the thorny issue of the conservative wing of his party, which hardly trusts him and sees establishment Republicans as being nearly as bad as Democrats. The GOP has taken the plan to “walk amongst” tea partiers, and Boehner touted his experience of speaking to the group in California and Ohio.
Some folks at these rallies, Boehner said, are “anarchists who want to kill all of us in public office,” but some are Democrats, others disenfranchised Republicans and most of them are angry at the way the country is heading.
Boehner also gave a clue to what Republican policies he doesn't support. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the top Republican on the Budget committee, laid out his roadmap for the future — a 75-year plan that alters entitlements and Social Security. Boehner said “parts of it are well done, other parts I’ve got some doubts about in terms of how good the policy is.”
More here
O’Donnell Pulling Out Stops in Delaware Senate Race
Christine O’Donnell is clearly the conservative choice over Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) for the GOP nomination for Joe Biden’s old senate seat. Whether she’s the more electable choice, only time will tell. In the year of the “Tea Party”, O’Donnell’s shot at garnering the GOP nod hinges on how many disaffected Republicans will turn out for her and / or to deny Castle (the “RINO” candidate) a place on November’s ballot.
To that end, O’Donnell is coming out swinging:
“Mike Castle’s voting record proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he is for special interests, against the free market, anti-Second Amendment, pro-abortion and he’s even for sanctuary cities. It’s a preposterous record,” O’Donnell said. “Calling himself a Republican is borderline schizophrenic, confused about his own political identity.”
“Mike Castle is the most liberal congressman in the Republican Party,” said Yates Walker, campaign spokesman.
O’Donnell points out that National Journal, hardly a conservative organ, ranks Castle as the most liberal GOP House member. To overcome the electability argument, O’Donnell can how point to a Rasmussen poll showing her with a 2 point lead over presumptive Dem nominee Chris Coons.
Given Castle’s length of service as Governor and Congressman, along with a huge fundraising advantage, will painting Castle as a RINO be enough? Time will tell. However, if it can be done, Delaware is a great state to do it in. If O’Donnell is able to organize a real grassroots effort, you can easily contact just about every registered Republican in the First State.
It may just boil down to who wants it the most…. who will will work harder.
from Delmarva Dealings
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Kaleabe (nmn) Woldamanuel, 21 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Obtaining a controlled substance by fraud
Obtaining CDS by altered prescription
Obtaining CDS by forged prescription
Possession of a forged prescription
Prescription forgery
Issuing a forged/counterfeit prescription
Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000028184
On July 21, 2010 and approximately 9:15 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the subject with burglary, theft and a number of credit card offenses. The warrant was obtained by a Salisbury Officer following the investigation of the theft and use of a victim’s credit cards. The suspect was employed by the victim to complete home repairs and lawn work. The suspect entered the victim’s residence without permission and took the victim’s credit cards, using the cards at various locations in the Salisbury area and on the internet.
ARRESTED: Darrell Glenn Stubbs, 48 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: First degree burglary
Third degree burglary
Fourth degree burglary
Theft (2 counts)
Theft scheme
Credit card offenses (7 counts)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000028554
NAACP Candidate Forum …
Issues and Answers Down on Delaware Ave.
Running a bit late, I was gratified to pull into the First Baptist Church for the Wicomico NAACP Candidate Forum and find a nearly full parking lot. I was even more pleased when I entered the meeting hall and found that most of the people present were ordinary citizens and not candidates and friends. This is usually the first tip-off to a good debate or forum.
Tom Taylor took the blue ribbon among the County Executive candidates.
The county council candidates were interesting to be sure. Democrat At-Large candidate Dave Cowall put in a fine performance but also left me with a distinct feeling that he’s the enviro-left candidate in the race. Stevie Prettyman and Joe Holloway held their conservative ground. Gail Bartkovich showed why she’s probably the most competent (but not the most consistent) member of council. Dave McLeod is running right (and against his own record). Sheree Sample-Hughes continues to prove that a combination of brains and liberalism make her the most dangerous person on council (at least as far as the taxpayers are concerned).
Rangel to Face Ethics Charges
Former House Ways and Means chair Charles Rangel (D-NY) will finally face ethics charges for myriad offenses. Rangel, who was forced to step down as committee chair earlier this year over other charges, is being investigated for filing false financial disclosures and income tax evasions. The details of the charges will be made public next week.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington called on Mr. Rangel to resign.
"Today's action demonstrates that the notoriously lax ethics committee has found substantial reason to believe that Rep. Rangel has violated federal law, House rules, or both. Now the question is whether Rep. Rangel will resign or endure a public trial that promises to be filled with detailed and undoubtedly embarrassing revelations of wrongdoing," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the watchdog organization. "The time clearly has come for him to resign."
Republicans took no time to remind the public of Nancy Pelosi’s promise to “drain the swamp” and to end the “culture of corruption”.
"Today's announcement is a sad reminder of Speaker Pelosi's most glaring broken promise: to 'drain the swamp' in Washington. Instead of presiding over 'the most honest, most open and most ethical' Congress in history, Washington Democrats have presided over a string of bailouts, job-killing government takeovers and other backroom deals," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican.
from Delmarva Dealings
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release
Date of Incident: 16-17 July 2010
Location: Wicomico County
Suspect: Pending
Narrative: On 17 July 2010 the WCSO began an investigation into a series of incidents involving the slashing of tires, the breaking of lights and the destruction of mailboxes. The damages were discovered in the 29000 block of Deer Harbour Drive, 4200 block of Elk Creek Drive, 29000 block of Jackson Road, 4000 block of Doe Run Drive, 30000 block of Foxchase Drive, and the 500 block of Regency Drive.
The damage is believed to have been inflicted during the overnight hours from 16-17 July. Anyone who may have witnessed anything in these listed areas during this time frame is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.
Wargotz: "Mikulski Destroying Free Enterprise System"
Annapolis - Today, Commissioner Eric Wargotz M.D. a Republican candidate for the United States Senate, criticized Senator Mikulski for supporting the financial regulation bill.
According to an Associated Press summary of the bill, the Federal government receives broad power over the entire economy. The article says, "If such a company teetered, the government could liquidate it. The costs of taking such a company down would be borne by its industry peers." This means a council of 10 government bureaucrats can liquidate companies at will and their industry peers would be forced to pick up the costs.
"Mikulski is destroying the free enterprise system in America." said Commissioner Wargotz M.D. "The free enterprise system is what has made the United States the most prosperous nation in the world. This bill is an unprecedented infringement on economic freedom and it must be stopped."
Commissioner Wargotz has committed to consistently support the free enterprise system if elected. He has a plan to cut spending, lower taxes, and decrease burdensome regulations on small businesses to create jobs.
Beat The Heat Golf Tournament Supports The Junior Girls Softball Federation
The tournament will be a scramble format with teams of four. The team entrance fee is $300 ($75 per player). Price includes one round (18 holes) of golf, cart, tournament scoring, range balls, contests, prizes and a buffet dinner.
Local businesses are invited to become a part of the historic beginnings of the JGSF’s commitment to supporting the fun and life lessons learned when youth participate in softball leagues through sponsorships and/or donations.
For more information please contact Federation member, Tom Stevenson at 410-430-3814 or Program Director Kelly Rados at 410-548-4900 ext. 108 or email krados@wicomicocounty.org.
Who’s Running In Maryland … The Final Tally
The final reports are in as to who is running for office in the “Once Free State”.
Statewide, Congressional, and Legislative Candidates
Will Republicans make big gains in this deep blue state? Too early to tell. However, the number and depth of good GOP candidates could well be the beginning of a better future for Maryland.
from Delmarva Dealings
“Maryland’s top ranking in this report is the result of hard work from many people at the state and local level,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “While we are justifiably proud to be among the few states considered to be fully prepared, we will continue to work with the education and child care communities to make sure the safety of our children is our top priority.”
Save the Children evaluated the states on having laws or regulations in places requiring: written plans for evacuating children from licensed care facilities and moving them to a safe location; written plans to notify parents of an emergency and reuniting the families; written plans to account for children with special needs; and that all schools have a disaster plan.
“Children appear to be disproportionately affected by disasters,” said Richard Muth, Executive Director of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, who also serves on a preparedness subcommittee of Save the Children as a representative of the National Emergency Management Association. “Maryland’s Emergency Management team has worked with our schools, day care facilities and emergency managers to make sure we have written plans for evacuation of children and to reunite them with their families.”
Save the Children released its first report on disaster preparedness last year, and Maryland was one of only seven states to meet all four criteria in that study. For a full copy of the 2010 study, please visit the following web site: http://www.savethechildren.org/publications/reports/2010-Disaster-Report.pdf
BALTIMORE, MD - Governor Martin O’Malley convened a roundtable discussion of banking executives, officials from the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, and the Department of Business and Economic Development to discuss challenges and opportunities for lending to small businesses in Maryland.
“Small and family owned businesses are the backbone of our economy. They create nearly two out of every three jobs in Maryland. And they are still feeling the pain of the national recession. Too many have been forced to shut their doors during this recession, and too many continue to struggle just to make payroll,” said Governor O’Malley. “I’ve asked you to join us today because I want to talk to you about additional steps we can take, so that we can get the capital flowing to our small business that will allow them not only to keep the doors open, but to grow and to thrive, and to create and save more Maryland jobs.”
Making sure that credit is available and flowing to small businesses is vital to recovery and job growth. The Federal Reserve has recently held a series of events bringing together stakeholders to assist in forming a national policy response. This event is intended to focus that discussion at the state level and identify any additional steps that might be taken to make credit more available to sound small businesses, beyond those already undertaken by the O’Malley-Brown Administration.
In 2009, for example, the Governor launched Maryland’s Small Business Credit Recovery Program, which works through an existing state financing program – the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority (MIDFA) – to provide a state-funded guaranty of privately-financed small business loans. Part of the initiative includes a Certified Lender’s program, which provides immediate approval of up to a $50,000 guaranty, and a Rapid Response program, which provides 48-hour approval of up to a $250,000 guaranty.
Governor O’Malley and the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development were instrumental in drafting the State Small Business Credit Initiative Act of 2010, which has been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and is awaiting action in the Senate. The federal proposal is based largely on Maryland’s Small Business Credit Recovery Program and would help to capitalize funding for the 34 states and U.S. territories that have existing loan guarantee programs.
“We need small businesses to create jobs to continue the momentum of the economic recovery, and the growth of those businesses depends critically on access to credit. We need to find ways to ensure that creditworthy businesses are able to get the loans they need, and a collaborative process is vital to coming up with creative solutions,” said Alexander M. Sanchez, Secretary of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, whose department includes the Office of the Commissioner of Financial
Hickory, N.C. – The Hickory Crawdads scored two runs in the bottom of the eighth inning to break a 5-5 tie en route to a 7-5 win over the Delmarva Shorebirds on Thursday night. Tyler Townsend hit his second home run in as many nights. The Shorebirds drop back into third place, a half game back of Hickory.
The Shorebirds raced to an early lead in the first inning. After Brian Conley flew out to center field, Omar Casamayor singled through the right side of the infield. Then, Tyler Townsend belted his third home run of the season over the left-center field wall.
In the second, Hickory stormed back to take a 4-2 lead. Zach Zaneski led off with a single. Then, Vinny DiFazio smashed his eighth home run of the season over the left field wall. Two batters later, Guillermo Pimentel singled and moved to second on a ground out. With two outs, Travis Adair singled to center field to give Hickory a 3-2 edge. Adair extended his hit streak to 14 games, the longest active streak in the South Atlantic League. The next batter singled right and the ball was misplayed by Brian Conley, allowing Adair to score from first.
Guillermo Pimentel added to the lead in the third. He connected on a single to left to score Zach Zaneski to give the Crawdads a 5-2 lead.
The Shorebirds battled back beginning in the fourth inning. Townsend blasted a triple off the top of the center field wall to lead off. Then, Kieron Pope hit a towering sacrifice fly to deep left field to plate Townsend.
In the sixth inning, the Shorebirds knotted the game at 5-5. Garabez Rosa hit a two out single. Conley following with a mammoth homer over the tall right-center field wall to knot the affair. It was Conley’s fourth home run of the season.
Hickory then plated two runs in the bottom of the eighth inning. Jared Bolden led off with a double inside the third base bag and down the left field line. Zaneski then flied out to deep right field and Bolden tagged to third base. Brian Parker intentionally walked Difazio to set up the double play. Then, Cody Podraza placed a bunt in front of the mound that Parker fielded and threw away down the right field line to score Zaneski. The Shorebirds contested that the runner was out of the base path and interfered with the throw. Guillermo Pimentel followed with a single to left field to score DiFazio.
Joseph Ortiz picked up the win in 3.2 innings. He struck out eight batters and did not allow a hit.
Brian Parker was pinned with the loss in 3.2 innings.
The Shorebirds play the series finale on Friday night at 7:05 p.m. RHP Patrick Kantakevich makes the start for Delmarva.
10 RUNS: The Shorebirds plated ten runs last night for the first time since May 15, when they plated lost 11-10 to Kannapolis at Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium. The Shorebirds went 60 games without totaling a double-digit output. The six run inning in the sixth last night was the largest single-inning output since June 19, when the ‘Birds plated six runs in the third inning against Lexington.
6 RBIS: Tyler Townsend recorded six RBIs last night, his personal career best and the most in a single game for the Shorebirds this season. Ty Kelly notched the previous high of five RBIs on April 11 against Greenville. The last Shorebirds player to record six RBIs in game was Joe Mahoney, who knocked in six runs on April 12, 2009 against Lakewood.
NINE-GAME HIT STREAK: Ty Kelly is riding a career high nine-game hit streak into game three against Hickory. He is 15-for-36 (.416) during the streak. It is interesting to note that Kelly has no extra base hits during the streak. He has also scored a run in five straight games.
LAST PLAYOFF APPEARANCE: The Shorebirds have not qualified for the SAL playoffs in four years. In 2005, the Shorebirds last made the playoffs by winning the second half (42-27). The Shorebirds lost to Hagerstown two games to one in the semi-finals.
13 OF 15: Ty Kelly has hit safely in 13 of his last 15 games dating back to July 4. His .274 batting average is the highest it has been since May 20 when he was batting .277.
TEN GAME WINNER?: Jesse Beal leads the Shorebirds staff with seven wins as he goes for number eight tonight. The Shorebirds did not have a 10-game winner in 2009. Ryan O’Shea and Oliver Drake tied for the staff high with eight wins. The last ten game winners came from 2008, when Zach Britton (12-7), Sean Gleason (12-2) and Luis Noel (10-8) all won ten games.
FOUR RBIS IN LAST FIVE: Gary Helmick has recorded an RBI in four of the last five games that he has appeared. He has 20 runs-batted-in through 50 games played. Helmick is 10-for-29 in 10 games in July (.345).
FALLING OUT OF MIX: Levi Carolus has not played in a game since July 15. He has been out of the lineup in five straight games.
THIRD BEST: The Shorebirds pitching staff has accumulated the third lowest ERA (.292) in the month of July. Hickory’s pitching staff has the lowest staff ERA in July (.280).