DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
MD COPS Memorial Walk 10/15/11
Tip Leads To Burglary Arrest
Yulia Tymoshenko Sentenced To Seven Years In Prison
Judge Rodion Kireyev said Tymoshenko had exceeded her powers when she signed a 2009 deal with Moscow that left Ukraine paying a high price for Russian gas.
At the end of an hours-long reading of the verdict, he ordered her to repay the state gas company, Naftogaz, 1.5 billion hryvnia (£120m) in damages.
The trial, which began in May, has been criticised by the Ukrainian opposition and EU leaders.
Oil Spill Is New Zealand's 'Worst Maritime Disaster'
Fears that New Zealand could face a large-scale environmental crisis have escalated as the oil leaking from the container ship Rena into the sea off the Tauranga coast increased by as much as ten-fold.
The news came as the vessel's remaining crew were evacuated following a mayday alarm amid heavy swells.
The New Zealand environment minister, Nick Smith, said the fresh release of oil into the sea meant the Rena spill was the country's most serious ever maritime environmental disaster.
Speaking at a media conference on Tuesday afternoon, he said the consequences had been "inevitable" since the ship ploughed into the Astrolabe reef in calm waters in the North Island Bay of Plenty last Wednesday morning.
Campaign Grows To Oust Murdoch
The shareholder-led campaign for an overhaul of Rupert Murdoch'sNews Corporation is gathering momentum, with a call from the advisers Institutional Shareholder Services for 13 of the company's 15 directors to be voted off the board.
ISS, whose 1,700 clients include pension funds, trade union funds and asset managers in the United States and around the world, issued a condemnation of the media conglomerate's executive and independent directors on Monday.
Transportation Study Finds Support For Higher Fees For Gas Guzzlers, Opposition To Gas Tax Hike
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Biggest Four UK ISPs Switching To 'Opt-In' System For Pornography
Subscribers to four of the UK's biggest internet service providers will have to "opt in" if they want to view sexually explicit websites, as part of government-sponsored curbs on online pornography.
The measures will be unveiled on Tuesday as David Cameron hosts No 10 meeting with the Mothers' Union, a Christian charity. At the government's request the group's chief executive, Reg Bailey, led a review in tandem with Department of Education staff into the commercialisation and sexualisation of children. The Bailey report earlier this year produced a raft of proposals to shield children from sexualised imagery.
Two Political Parties For The Prices Of $1,188,644,055
Hit And Run, YOU Make The Call...
I grabbed my camera and headed outside. However, I couldn't see anything. Then people started pointing towards a car sitting at the red light. I started snapping pictures and someone said there was a flat tire on the other side of the car. So I crossed the street and was able to snap a shot of the car, noticing the front right tire was indeed flat.
As soon as the light turned green the driver took off and just kept driving down the road on the flat tire. When I walked beck to the Plaza people were standing next to the brick wall that the driver hit. You can see where them struck the wall, then they backed up and pulled away.
Now, here's the deal. The vehicle is owned by Salisbury Driving Academy. It had a student driver and an instructor of 30 years as a passenger. That being said, if YOU had a student strike an object, would YOU instruct them to drive away, (hit and run)? Would you then, (knowing the tire is now flat) allow them to drive that very same vehicle all the way from the end of the Downtown Plaza all the way back to their Office at Parsons Road on a flat tire??? Well, that's what they did.
Then of course there's the technicality of, who's at fault, the driver or the instructor?
The Salisbury Police instructed them to return to the scene and it took them quite a while to do so. In fact, they returned in another vehicle and get this, they did so with the student driver driving, NOT the instructor.
The instructor seemed quite upset and said, who called the Police. The Officer replied telling him several people witnessed it and he replied, who. They simply stated, look, they even have pictures of it. The instructor said, there's no pictures of us. OK big guy, well, here they are!
So, would YOU consider this a hit and run? Would YOU hire this instructor to educate YOUR child? I'd say its time to retire and hang it up because in my eyes he instructed the driver to do EVERYTHING wrong.
YOU make the call.
Iowa Caucuses Key
A new NBC-Marist poll highlights the dangers for both Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Romney is leading among caucus-goers with 23 percent, followed by Herman Cain at 20 percent. Far behind is Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) at 11 percent. More than a dozen points behind Romney, Bachmann and Perry each draw 10 percent. Much can happen before January, and unless it does Bachmann and Perry could very well find that their presidential runs end in Iowa.
TSA On Lookout For Big Hair And Snow Globes
Rihanna Named “Esquire’s” Sexiest Woman Alive
Hard to deny that Rihanna’s sexy. To Esquire magazine, though, she’s not just sexy — she’s the Sexiest Woman Alive for 2011.
The magazine bestowed the title on Rihanna on Tuesday, but according to the singer herself, she’s not so sure it applies. “At the end of a concert, I don’t feel I’ve been this sexy thing. Really, I don’t even think about it,” she tells Esquire. “Unless it’s for a song that really calls for it, like ‘Skin’ or ‘S&M’ or when I cover [Prince's] ‘Darling Nikki.’” Rihanna says there’s a specific sequence in her concert called “Sex,” and, she says, “that’s the only part that’s deliberate.” Speaking about her concerts as a whole, she adds, “Honestly, even if it comes across sexual…it’s never deliberate in the rest of the show…I could see ‘What’s My Name?’ — the dancing is pretty sexy. ‘Rude Boy.’ But I don’t know. I guess people find different things sexy.”
10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Japan, this may be your chance.
In a desperate attempt to lure tourists back to a country plagued by radiation fears and constant earthquakes, the Japan Tourism Agency’s proposed an unprecedented campaign – 10,000 free roundtrip tickets.
The catch is, you need to publicize your trip on blogs and social media sites.
The number of foreign visitors to Japan has dropped drastically, since a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power plant in March. Nearly 20,000 people have been confirmed dead, while more than 80,000 remain displaced because of radiation concerns. In the first three months following the triple disasters, the number of foreign visitors to Japan was cut in half, compared with the same time in 2010. The strong Japanese currency has made matters worse.
3 Amish Men Accused Of Cutting Others' Beards
Are Donor Contributions To The U.N. Smart Investments For The U.S.?
Is the multibillion-dollar U.S. annual payout to the United Nations a good investment? The Obama administration says it is a smart move. The facts, however, suggest otherwise.
The smart investment claim was made most recently by Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, the branch of State that includes U.N. oversight, during last month’s opening session of the U.N. General Assembly.
While arguing that “the U.N. helps sustain the global economic landscape that U.S. companies depend on,” Brimmer also declared that “the U.N. spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year procuring goods and services from American companies. They spend more money here than in any other country in the world -- more than $1.5 billion last year alone.”
Bombshell: State Department Outsourced Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Impact Study To "Major" TransCanada Contractor
The department allowed TransCanada, the company seeking permission to build the 1,700-mile pipeline from the oil sands of northern Alberta to the Gulf Coast in Texas, to solicit and screen bids for the environmental study. At TransCanada’s recommendation, the department hired Cardno Entrix, an environmental contractor based in Houston, even though it had previously worked on projects with TransCanada and describes the pipeline company as a “major client” in its marketing materials.The State Department assigned an important environmental impact study of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline to a company with financial ties to the pipeline operator, flouting the intent of a federal law meant to ensure an impartial environmental analysis of major projects.
While it is common for federal agencies to farm out environmental impact studies, legal experts said they were surprised the State Department was not more circumspect about the potential for real and perceived conflicts of interest on such a large and controversial project.
Seattle "Superhero" Arrested For Assault

SEATTLE - Instead of the bad guys, it was Seattle's most prolific self-styled superhero that ended up in handcuffs.
Police officers arrested the 23-year-old man who calls himself Phoenix Jones early Sunday after he was accused of assaulting several people with pepper spray. He was booked in county jail on four counts of assault, with arraignment set for Thursday, police said Monday.
Jones, who wears a black mask with yellow stripes and a bulging muscle bodysuit, said he was only trying to stop a street brawl.
"Just because he's dressed up in costume, it doesn't mean he's in special consideration or above the law. You can't go around pepper spraying people because you think they are fighting," said Seattle police spokesman Det. Mark Jamieson.
BREAKING NEWS: Senate Defeats Obama Jobs Bill
From Fox News
Issa to Holder: Time to 'Come Clean'
"Whether you realize yet or not, you own 'Fast and Furious,'" Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said in a letter to Holder. "It is your responsibility."
BREAKING NEWS: Senate Passes China Currency Bill
From Fox News
Waitress Receives Tip To Lose A Few Pounds Instead Of Actual Money
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Yes, You Are Spending More Time At The Office
Ohio's 'Joe The Plumber' Plans To Run For Congress
Republicans approached Wurzelbacher hoping to capitalize on his fundraising capabilities
TOLEDO, Ohio — Joe the Plumber is plunging into politics.
The Ohio man who became a household name after questioning Barack Obama about his economic policies during the 2008 presidential campaign has filed paperwork to run for Congress.
Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher's statement of candidacy filed with the Federal Elections Commission last week says he plans to run as a Republican in Ohio's 9th U.S. House district. The filing means a campaign committee can raise and spend funds on Wurzelbacher's behalf.
Warren Draws $3 Million in First Weeks Of Senate Bid
(Reuters) - Democrat Elizabeth Warren raised $3.15 million in the first stage of her bid for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, the former Obama administration official's campaign said on Monday.
More than 11,000 individuals in Massachusetts alone gave to Warren's campaign, and the vast majority of the contributions were $100 or less.
The fundraising haul, which only covers a portion of the third quarter, is a strong start for Warren, who would face Republican Scott Brown in November 2012 if she wins the Democratic primary in September.
Exonerated Of Murder, Boxer Makes His Debut At 52
PHILADELPHIA — The television crew had him up at dawn doing the Rocky fandango, dashing up the 72 stone steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and dancing around in triumph like another over-the-hill, underdog pugilist who had made it big.
Cliché or not, it is hard not to imagine the familiar trumpet score along with the thwock, thwock, thwock of fists on punching bags as Dewey Bozella trains for one of the least likely boxing matches in history.
The Shoe Is Now On The Other Foot In Salisbury Politics
Today the tables have turned and I have to be completely honest with you, it's enjoyable to see these positive changes. I watched the SAPOA people sitting in the back of the room last night and every time there was a vote they all huddled together and started laughing over the 3 to 2 votes.
Even Muir Boda was sitting there with them laughing away as if this was a joke.
Laura Mitchell used words like, haste, disgust, this strips the mayor of power and even went on to suggest the work session was underhanded. Council President Cohen really smacked Mitchell in the face, (very politely, mind you) by clearly stating they had a choice of a morning meeting or an afternoon meeting and Mrs. Mitchell chose the morning meeting, yet bitched about it last night, saying it was an inconvenience for her. Mitchell went on to say "we're endangering separation of power". Good Lord, who fed her that line of crap!
Shanie stated she has never had a problem getting information from the City Attorney in 6 years. I GUESS NOT, Shanie was part of the Dream Team and could have access to inside information not afforded to other Council Members for years. She said, "I've always had a good working relationship" and that's what you have to have. So Shanie, I guess if you're NOT in the click, you still expect others OUTSIDE the click to have a "good working relationship" and its their fault if they don't. Very interesting.
The move made last night doesn't take power away from the Mayor, not one bit, not one ounce. The move simply places the COUNCIL full access to all information, the way it should be. So don't be fooled by any one's statements suggesting anything different.
For those of you who are awaiting the next slick move, THERE ARE NONE. Paranoia has set in for a select few, especially SAPOA. Kris Adams, (President of SAPOA) is digging her hole deeper and deeper as a spokesperson for the rental industry. Might I suggest she step away from ANY public comments claiming she's not there as the President of SAPOA. Come on Kris, who do you think your fooling. Now I know where the Adams Family comes up with the titles, "The Other Salisbury News, The Other Kris Adams". It's ALL coming together now.
BREAKING NEWS: Slovak Parliament Rejects Euro Rescue Fund
From Fox News
NYTimes Sues The Federal Government For Refusing To Reveal Its Secret Interpretation Of The PATRIOT Act
Given all of this, reporter Charlie Savage of the NY Times filed a Freedom of Information Act request to find out the federal government's interpretation of its own law... and had it refused. According to the federal government, its own interpretation of the law is classified. What sort of democracy are we living in when the government can refuse to even say how it's interpreting its own law? That's not democracy at all.
Boston Police Arrest Occupy Protesters
Boston Police moved in on a patch of the Rose Kennedy Greenway between Congress Street and Pearl Street at approximately 1:20 a.m. on Tuesday morning and began arresting activists participating in the "Occupy Boston" protests downtown.
On Monday, the protesters faced an ultimatum by Mayor Tom Menino: return to your original occupation in Dewey Square, or face eviction by the police. Protestors had expanded to the second, new camp site between Congress and Pearl.
Protesters expected police action at midnight, but the bell tolled 12 without any stir.
MoreMichael Douglas To Play Liberace In HBO Biopic
'Behind the Candelabra' will also star Matt Damon as flamboyant entertainer's lover
News Ben & Jerry’s Becomes First High-Profile Company to Support Occupy Wall Street

This weekend, the board of directors of Ben & Jerry’s published a statement of solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, saying “The issues raised [by the protesters] are of fundamental importance to all of us,” and that they “support this call to action and are honored to join you in this call to take back our nation and democracy.”
With this statement, Ben & Jerry’s became the first large company to publicly step out in favor of the 99%. It’s not entirely surprising—the ice cream maker, which brings to mind tie-die t-shirts, The Band and older bearded men smoking weed, has been socially active since its inception in 1978, and has retained that as part of its image even after being bought by Unilever in 2000.
In their statement they said:
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It's Hard To Be A Racist
Today all that has changed. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., pointed that out back in 1994 when the Republican-led Congress pushed for tax relief. Rangel denounced Republicans' plan as a form of modern-day racism, saying, "It's not 'spic' or 'nigger' anymore. (Instead,) they say, 'Let's cut taxes.'" That means the simple use of the N-word is not enough to make one a racist. If it were, blacks would be the nation's premier racists. Today it's the call for tax cuts that makes you a racist. That's why the "tea" party, short for "taxed enough already," is nothing more than organized racists. What makes tea partyers even more racist is their constant call for the White House and Congress to return to the confines of the Constitution.
Millions To Lose Unemployment Benefits If Congress Doesn't Act
If lawmakers don't act soon, the jobless see their unemployment checks start to disappear come January.
More than 6 million Americans are set to lose federal unemployment benefits in 2012, with 1.8 million running out in January alone, according to new figures from the National Employment Law Project.
A Backlash Against Rising State Fees
A backlash against fee increases is underway, however, as Republicans at the state level turn tea party enthusiasm against the rising cost of government transactions. In New Hampshire, Republicans succeeded in rolling back fees that went up during the recession. Florida’s Republican governor, Rick Scott, wants to do the same, at least for certain vehicle-related fees. Meanwhile, a wider effort from California to West Virginia is aimed at changing both language and legalities so that “fees” and “taxes” are treated as one and the same.
My Laid Off Co-Worker is Better Off Unemployed Than Working - 99 Weeks Off, Same Income!
US Ties Iran To Plot To Assassinate Saudi Diplomat
Two people, including a member of Iran's special operations unit known as the Quds Force, were charged in New York federal court. Holder said the bomb plot was a flagrant violation of U.S. and international law.
"We will not let other countries use our soil as their battleground," Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said at a press conference in Washington with Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller.
Obama Is Upset
Wicomico County Executive, Its All About Control
The chain of command system works like this. As an employee you see a problem that needs immediate attention. You go to your supervisor with the complaint. If they feel it worthy of bringing it to the next level they go to their boss. IF their boss chooses to DROP it completely, it stops right then and there. Now, you can make a formal complaint and put your job on the line by demanding it go to your Boss' Boss. (yes, there are that many levels and you've yet to reach the Mayor or County Executive. If the highest boss decides it will be dropped, the Mayor or County Executive NEVER come to learn what the situation actually is. Well, let's just say for the record they can claim they never knew.
Oh well, you take a look at the message and make your own call on its intent. In my opinion, I want my County Council People and Employees NOT to be afraid. This is NOT a private company. It's a company, (if you will) owned by you and me. Oh sure they've got an 800 number. That's so they can get the heads up before the preverbial sh!t hits the fan and for NO other reason. They want time to cover things up and a head start.
Fall Job Fair - This Thursday!
New Nobel Laureate Warned Against Obama Stimulus Package, Calling It Surprisingly Naïve
10,000 Finance Jobs To Vanish From Wall Street
The job losses are projected to occur in New York City's securities industry from now through December, 2012, according to Eric Sumberg, press spokesman for state comptroller Thomas DiNapoli.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release 10-11-11
Date of Incident: 7 October 2011
Location: Magnolia Dr. and Winterborn Ln., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Ernesto L. Colon, 19, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 5 October 2011, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began an
investigation into a burglary that occurred on Magnolia Drive. A bicycle, a video game system and coins
were stolen in that incident. The investigation continued and on 7 October 2011 another burglary was
reported on Winterborn Lane. A window was damaged in this burglary. The investigations led to the
arrest of the suspect, Ernesto L. Colon.
The deputy transported Colon to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of
the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner placed a $50,000 bond
on Colon.
Charges: Burglary (5 counts)
Theft (2 counts)
Malicious Destruction of Property
Incident: Burglary
Date of Incident: 8 October 2011
Location: Longridge Rd., Parsonsburg, MD
Suspect: Kyle Lucas, 25, Snow Hill, MD
Narrative: On 8 October 2011, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began an
investigation into an attempted burglary that occurred on Longridge Road. Several motorcycle parts were
stolen in that incident. The investigation led to the arrest of the suspect, Kyle Lucas.
The deputy transported Lucas to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of
the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner placed a $25,000 bond
on Lucas.
Charges: Attempted Burglary
Malicious Destruction of Property
Incident: Fireworks Violation
Date of Incident: 7 October 2011
Location: Cherry Walk Rd., Hebron, MD
Suspect: Ricky Hill, 19, Mardela Springs, MD
Narrative: On 7 October 2011 a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint of shots fired. An investigation revealed that there were no shots fired, but fireworks had been discharged, causing the noise. The above suspect, Ricky Hill, and two juveniles were charged with discharging and possession of fireworks without a permit.
Charges: Possession of Fireworks
Discharging Fireworks
Protesters Arrested In Senate Building
BREAKING NEWS: Feds Thwart Iran-Tied Terror Plot
From Fox News
Today's Top Stories 10-11-11
The Net Worth Of GOP Presidential Contenders
Romney outearns them all, but all have comfortable fortunes set aside
Electric Company Repossesses Michigan City's Street Lights
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Volunteer Rescue Squad Fundraiser Shut Down In Va.
Marylanders Want Wind Power, Even If It Costs More
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While I applaud Americans rights to protest, listening to this group talk with enthusiasm saying, "I just got the call and got in the car and ran right up here". Clearly there are just too many democrats out of work and they want to join those Wall Street attention grabbers too. However, they want to BLAME it on the rich. Do they not live in America?
Much has been said about these protesters being better off if they were spending their time and energy looking for jobs, I say BS. Yes, I disagree with even Andy Harris on this matter. THE JOBS AREN'T THERE MY FELLOW AMERICANS!
A gallon of pain is now anywhere from $35.00 to $55.00 at Lowe's and Home Depot. HELLO! We just learned that the Lowe's in Seaford will now be closing at 7 PM instead of 9 PM. When we asked what the Salisbury store would be doing they stated they would soon be following suit too.
You can CLAIM the economy isn't as bad as it truly is. You can watch the Stock Market rise and fall but let me assure you Idiots playing the stock market right now, you're being taken for a RIDE. The ONLY people making money right now are the rich. They know when things will rise and they know when it will fall. I've been trying to tell you for YEARS now, they will take until you are broke. Then they will get you to borrow until you can borrow no more. They will take your homes and everything you've ever owned and then you will become just like these people above, all the free time in the world to go protest in the middle of the day to bitch because the wealthy 1% are making too much money.
Well, what is right and wrong here? In my honest opinion, I do not believe those protesting on Wall Street truly know what they're doing. I also believe its pure luck they're on the right track but like anything else in America, too many of these people wouldn't know how to stand up for themselves properly if they were smacked 20 times in the face.
Organizing and protesting is your right. However, even this group can't make up their minds as to what they want to stand for. Each one has a different sign and a different message. A couple of weeks ago they were protesting for the Postal Service. However, only one or two actually works there.
Find a cause, LEARN IT WELL and if you want to stand up for your belief, so be it. However, make up your freakin minds. REALITY is, big box stores are hurting in a very big way. Don't believe me, go to Home Depot or Lowe's ANY time, day or night and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Our Congress and Federal Government has failed ALL Americans. Well, 99% of them anyway. That's a solid enough number for me to believe things are and have been heading in the wrong direction. When I see so many people on the Downtown Plaza so thick that you can't walk or drive through it, well, then I'll believe Americans truly understand what we're up against. However, these mini groups that are sitting by the phone week after week for that ONE protest call, I'm just not impressed at all.