DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, November 01, 2010
Tin Man's Custom Is On Fire
Fortunately, there are plenty of people who respect where we stand and I gladly gave them my strong suggestions as they checked off their list. I even sat down with two people so far and suggested who I'd vote for and why. I didn't just say, vote for this or that person. I wanted them to make sure they knew why I was suggesting each candidate.
This has never happened in the past and if there hadn't been as many calls as I received, I probably wouldn't have mentioned it. After the Shield's/Polk race, it could come down to 20 votes and I'll be happy knowing we helped make a difference.
Be sure to get out and vote tomorrow Folks. Don't you ever think someone is so far ahead they don't need your vote. Every single vote will count in this election, believe me. Think about it for a minute. Can ANYONE actually say they are sure one candidate will absolutely beat the other, NO! Unless you get out there and vote, you might seriously regret you didn't take the time.
O'Malley Attack Ad On Taxes/Fees
I just heard the O'Malley attack ad on taxes and fees for the fourth time in one hour. I have ONE question: What tax or fee did O'Malley repeal or roll back during his four years in office?? The answer of course is NONE! Stop the hypocrisy O'Malley, you have had four years and all you did was raise taxes. Your time is up. Read my vote tomorrow at the polls. Editors Note: Sent in by a loyal reader. |
BREAKING NEWS: Critical Accident On Rt. 113
The image above is not from the scene.
Bob Ehrlich Wins Election By Two Votes!
Mathias Election Day Schedule
Berlin, MD – Below please find important details for Election Day activities for Delegate Mathias, Candidate for State Senate.
What: Delegate Jim Mathias casts his vote in his hometown
Where: Roland E. Powell Convention Center, 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City – Main Entrance
When: Tuesday, November 2nd from 6:45a.m. to 7:30a.m. (The delegate will vote at approximately 7:15a.m.)
Details: Delegate Mathias, who is running for State Senate in District 38, will cast his ballot in the 2010 election at 7:00a.m. on Tuesday November 2nd at the Ocean City Convention Center. Delegate Mathias' daughter, Lauren Mathias, voted during Early Voting but will join her dad at the polls tomorrow morning. Over 5,000 people are registered to vote at the Convention Center and Delegate Mathias will kick off Election Day by casting his vote in his hometown.
Election Night Party
What: Conway-Mathias Election Night Watch/Volunteer Thank You Appreciation Gathering
Where: Station 7 Restaurant, 7456 Gumboro Road, Pittsville, MD 21850
When: Starting at 8:30p.m. - Close, Tuesday, November 2nd
Details: Delegates Norm Conway and Jim Mathias will thank their friends, supporters and volunteers for all their hard work with free food and live music as Election Night results are announced. Please RSVP to Nicholas Blendy if you plan to attend or have any questions or needs.
Delegates Conway and Mathias will address supporters and likely be available for comment regarding Election Night results.
Today We Act ... Tomorrow We Vote
All of your hard work will finally pay off tomorrow. Election Day is an amazing sign of our country’s greatness. We the people will head to the polls and select who will represent us in Washington, D.C. However, it’s been said that “the future is decided by those who show up.” We need to make sure that all of our supporters cast their vote.
We have volunteers making the final phone calls, and we need your help. Please spend a few hours today calling voters and asking them for your support. You can find a directory of these phone centers here.
If you can’t make phone calls, please commit to talking to 3 people you know about why you support this campaign. Your endorsement will mean more to your friends and family than any “talking head,” and will be a very effective tool.
We would also like to make sure you know where your polling location is. This website will allow you to find your polling location, and will even give you directions. The polls open at 7:00 am, so make sure you cast your vote early.
Again, this has been an amazing experience. Thank you for joining me in this effort.

Andy Harris
Salisbury Police Department Press Release
ARRESTED #1: Juvenile male, 15 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Tyaire Rontez Donvell Bright, 18 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES (both): Robbery with a deadly weapon
First degree assault
Second degree assault
Theft (under $ 100)
Conspiracy to rob with a deadly weapon
Conspiracy to commit robbery
Conspiracy to commit first degree assault
DISPOSITION: Suspect # 1 held by Juvenile Justice
Suspect # 2 released to Central Booking
CC # 201000043260
On October 29, 2010 at approximately 9:53 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police were on patrol in the area of the Emory Court Apartments and observed the below listed suspect. The officers made contact with the suspect and found that he was wanted on two (2) outstanding Delaware arrest warrants. The suspect was taken into custody and a search of his person, incident to arrest, resulted in the recovery of a quantity of suspected cocaine.
ARRESTED: Duane David Dismuke, 30 years of age
Frankford, Delaware
CHARGES: Delaware warrant –
Violation of Parole – Robbery
Delaware warrant –
Violation of probation – Robbery
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000043107/201000043112/201000043113
NOAA Issues Freeze Warning For Tonight

340 PM EDT MON NOV 1 2010
340 PM EDT MON NOV 1 2010
Correcting A Big Lie
- Skipping out on paying for campaign debts. Completely untrue. Local businessman and printer, Tom Gulyas, offered to print mailers for Beau back in the 2006 election. When it came time for payment, Tom wanted to donate his portion of the work to Beau’s campaign. Gulyas claims this isn’t the case, but desperate men will do desperate things during desperate times. Funny how Gulyas waits four years to file a claim. This is totally politically motivated and the truth will come out in court.
- Running afoul of Campaign Finance Laws. A huge lie. This is related to the Gulyas matter, but again, the facts presented by those trying to trash Beau make him look like he can’t manage the campaign budget and blows off finance laws. In fact, if anyone bothers to call the board of elections and seek the truth, they’ll know that Beau properly closed his account; properly to reopened the account to deal with the Gulyas matter; and followed all of the laws in place. Further, Beau is not on any kind of monthly repayment plan. This is all nonsense and babble directed by Beau’s opponent to try to discredit Beau.
- Trying to Fool Voters by Misrepresenting His Legal Career. Just another lie. Beau’s 13 year legal career has been dominated by his public service as a career prosecutor – that is a fact. Beau has never once tried to hide any part of his legal career. Of course he’s going to highlight his prosecutorial experience – as would anyone running for State’s Attorney. On the flipside, after losing the 2006 election, Beau did some defense work and civil practice in Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties, often times without receiving payment for his legal work. This broadened Beau’s experiences in the practice of law and gave Beau an appreciation for the rights of the accused that he would not have had otherwise. How is this bad for Beau or bad for you, the citizens of Worcester County?
- Wants Voters to believe he doesn’t do plea bargains. Another lie. All prosecutors, in appropriate cases, allow the defendant to plead guilty in exchange for dismissing some charges or agreeing to less stringent sentencing. Without this tool, prosecutors everywhere would be tied up trying traffic cases that are four years old! The key here is to know when to allow for a plea and when to properly try a case. High profile cases should be tried and not pleaded. And even more importantly, high profile cases shouldn’t be tried in a different jurisdiction just because you don’t think the citizens of Worcester County can reach the right decision in a jury case. Ask Joel Todd why he joined in a defense motion to move the Sifrit case out of Worcester County? Talk about deceiving the voters of the county? Todd didn’t trust the voters of this county to sit in judgment because he thought Sifrit wouldn’t get a fair trial.
- Discredits a Victims Rights Group. Just a lie to make Beau look like he doesn’t care about victims. Beau stated that he wouldn’t allow the use of victims’ endorsements just to support his campaign. This was Beau’s response when asked about Todd’s use of a victim’s facebook page, not a victims rights group, endorsing Todd. Beau would rather that the victims not live through their grief once more for someone’s political gain. While Todd wants to use victims’ endorsements as a means to promote himself, Beau has total respect for the rights of the victims to their privacy. If a victim wants to post up a facebook page supporting Beau, that’s fine, you just won’t find a link from Beau’s page or a big deal being made about it in deference to that victim and their family.
- That he was admonished by the Maryland Supreme Court. ABSOLUTE LIE. I should know. I represented Beau in the matter of Oglesby vs. Williams, 372 Md. 360 (2002). First of all, Maryland doesn’t have a supreme court, so anyone saying so obviously doesn’t have an understanding of how our court system works. The highest court in this state is the Court of Appeals, which also handles attorney misconduct and the practice of law. No where in the opinion did Beau Oglesby get admonished by the court for anything having to do with his attempt to justify his residency during the 2002 campaign. But don’t take my word for it. Instead, Google the court opinion on the internet and read it for yourself.
WalMart Steals From Customers
It's no wonder Muir Boda, (WalMart Manager) wants to get into local politics so desperately.
Wicomico State’s Attorney – Matt Maciarello
While State’s Attorney is a down ticket race and usually pretty low key, all three Lower Shore counties have pushed the State’s Attorney race to “must watch” status.
With the defeat of incumbent State’s Attorney Davis Ruark in the Democrat primary, Wicomico voters now face a choice between Democrat Seth Mitchell and GOP candidate Matt Maciarello. Each candidate is campaigning on different platforms, but the choice is simple – Matt Maciarello.
Mitchell emphasizes his experience. It should definitely be considered. However, Mitchell wants voters to ignore factors that are far more important.
A State’s Attorney is much more than a prosecutor. Let’s face it, the State’s Attorney actually prosecutes a very small percentage of the actual cases handled by his or her office. Leadership and managerial skill are actually far more important than the ability to prosecute a case. Maciarello’s skills in these two areas outweigh Mitchell’s abilities to such an extent that it wouldn’t matter if Maciarello had never stepped into a courtroom. To add to the mix, Maciarello is regarded by his peers as a pretty fair lawyer.
Maciarello speaks with ease about his pre-legal career as a manager in the Department of the Navy. It’s clear that running a large office will not be an issue for him. Anyone who has spent three minutes with the man knows that he is a natural leader. His response as to how he would approach the upcoming Thomas Leggs murder trial shows the stark contrast between the two candidates. Maciarello has no problem deferring to others if he believes that is best for the citizens of Wicomico County and the family of a crime victim. Mitchell simply couldn’t bring himself to admit that others in the State’s Attorney’s office might be better able to handle a high profile case. Maciarello showed leadership. Mitchell showed ego.
Maciarello has taken special steps to insure that his campaign was always positive and above reproach. Sadly, Mitchell’s campaign has degenerated into a “win at any cost” mentality. Mitchell might be forgiven for running negative ads, but his attempts to draw the family of the late Sam Vincent into the campaign has shown isn’t fit to serve the people of Wicomico County.
Matt Maciarello is the clear choice to be our next State’s Attorney. There is no comparison between the two men.
Oglesby For State's Attorney
John Boehner Hits President Obama On 'Enemies'
In remarks prepared for delivery to a rally in Cincinnati with Rob Portman, the GOP nominee for Senate in Ohio, and John Kasich, the GOP nominee for Ohio governor, Boehner says:
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as ‘our enemies.’ Think about that. He actually used that word. When Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush used the word ‘enemy,’ they reserved it for global terrorists and foreign dictators — enemies of the United States. Enemies of freedom. Enemies of our country.
“Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word ‘enemy’ for fellow Americans — fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government — people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs.
More from Politico
Another Letter To The Editor
First, I want to say how sorry I am to hear about your father-in-law. May he rest in peace and I hope God will give you, your wife and his entire family some comfort at this time. Semper Fi, Marine!
Now I hope you will forgive me for going from that to the ugly subject of Salisbury's city council president Louise Smith. I heard Bill Reddish's show this morning and I'm just lucky I didn't "lose it" and hit a tree!
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen were on talking about how Louise Smith has formed her very own crime group and she sent a letter to the mayor saying how they need to meet about it. Who the heck does this woman think she is? Queen of Salisbury? I guess Louise Smith knows more about crime than Mike Lewis or Ivan Barkley or all those people from the state and federal agencies the mayor brought together. I guess Louise Smith knows more than our police officers, the ones she keeps cutting funds for so she can have her little pet projects.
What the heck is wrong with Salisbury that it keeps electing egomaniacs like Louise Smith and Barrie Tilghman? There are many things I am upset with Mayor Ireton about, but I do have to give him some credit on this Safe Streets thing he is doing. I was at the Princeton block party for a little while and it was huge! I haven't seen that much positive life in that neighborhood in years. I heard on the show this morning they also busted a criminal house there.
I know you are really busy with the county, state and national elections, Joe, and with your family's sadness for which I again say you have my deepest sympathies. But could you help us little people do something about this nightmare Louise Smith after all that's behind you? I know we should write letters and stuff, but she just ignores us, her and those other two Shaney Shields and Gary Comegis.
Could I also take a moment to thank Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Cohen for their hard work? It must be very frustrating for them just like for us. I saw Mrs. Cohen at Superfresh and she was very nice to take time to talk with me and I told her she looked very tired. She just laughed and said she had a lot on her plate. Her kids sure have grown too because I got to see them and I remember pictures of them being small.
Anyway sorry to ramble. I'm trying to cram all this in qucik before I go "on the clock." Thank you for being there for us, Joe.
Wicomico Council (District 4) – Bob Caldwell

Caldwell previously served on the Salisbury City Council. There he was responsible for shepherding the city’s zero-based homestead tax credit. This is why, despite a higher city tax rate, many homeowners pay less in city taxes than they do in county taxes. As a candidate for county council Caldwell has pledged to push for such a homestead tax credit on our county property taxes.
In addition, Caldwell is a staunch advocate of a tax differential for residents of Salisbury, Fruitland, and Delmar. This addresses fundamental issues of fairness for city residents. Despite the fact that none of us reside in one of these municipalities, we agree with Caldwell 100%!
In addition to these strong stances for his prospective constituents, Caldwell is also committed to keeping the revenue cap unless rescinded by the voters. He is also a strong supporter of property rights.
MacLeod is a good man. He has served his community well over the years. However, we cannot point to one accomplishment as a councilmember. Sadly, he has often refused to vote until AFTER he saw how colleague Bill McCain voted; a bad omen whether we agreed with him or not. McCain is leaving after one term. Who would MacLeod take his cues from then?
Caldwell is the clear choice for District 4 voters.
Wicomico Council (District 2) – Stevie Prettyman
Prettyman is one of only two members of the council to offer tax relief legislation during the last four years. She has been a staunch advocate of fiscal restraint in tough economic times. She fought hard, and successfully, to protect the property rights of farmers. She almost single-handedly forced the Wicomico County Liquor Control Board to mend their thieving and profligate ways and return more funds to the taxpayers of Wicomico County.
Local government is “grunt work”. You are paid very little to spend countless hours attempting to solve constituent problems AND point the county in the right direction. The only job that is possibly more thankless is that of an elected school board member. Because of our strong executive form of county government, there is very little that a councilmember may do other than nibble around the edges. Yet, Prettyman has managed to help steer our county executive and our county government away from a path that would be fiscally and economically disastrous. With stronger and more conservative support on council Prettyman and District 5 councilman Joe Holloway could accomplish a great deal of good for Wicomico citizens.
While we have many Libertarian and libertarian-leaning friends, Calpino’s form of libertarianism is of the more extreme variety. We have witnessed him argue for the abolition of Social Security and Medicare in public fora. While we can understand the argument on a theoretical level and grant that a councilman would have no say over the matter, this is but one indication of the type of irresponsible ideas Calpino would bring to our county council.
Stevie Prettyman has earned another term in office. She has earned our support because of her hard work over twelve years on council. She has earned our support because of her willingness to stand up for her constituents and our county. She has earned our support because of her accomplishments as a councilwoman. In addition, District 2 voters should run, not walk, to the polls and vote for Stevie Prettyman because the alternative is frightening and could cause harm to our attempts to rebuild our local economy and our community.
Wicomico Council (District 1) – Sheree Sample-Hughes

Sample-Hughes supports a “modification” of the county’s revenue cap. This is equivalent to supporting higher taxes. She also supports the “land grab” – down zoning Wicomico ag lands and stripping farmers and large landowners of their property rights. That said, she is a woman of her word. When she was first elected four years ago she promised to reach out to her diverse constituency and stay in communication with them. This she has done.
In addition, the only reason ag lands have not already been down zoned is because she held to her word. While councilmen John Cannon, Bill McCain, and Dave MacLeod (along with county executive Rick Pollitt) were willing to “compromise” in order to get the camel’s nose of down zoning under the tent, Sample-Hughes held firm in her belief that a stronger approach to down zoning was necessary. She, along with her liberal colleagues, were wrong; but she held to her stated position. This should not only be respected, but we should be thankful that this allowed voters an opportunity to elect members this year who will not allow our farmers to be victims of government-sanctioned theft.
Goslee’s approach to county government is more in tune with our own. By all accounts, he is a good and honorable man. That said, Sample-Hughes’ seems to be more in tune with the needs and beliefs of her district. For these reasons, we believe that she has earned another term.
Wicomico Council (At Large) – Bob Culver and Matt Holloway

It’s very simple. Culver and Holloway both bring business acumen and experience. Both men have ties to agriculture. Both believe that the revenue cap should be kept in place unless, and until, the voters of Wicomico County choose to amend the charter again and remove the cap. They also believe that our county’s farmers should not be stripped of their development rights UNLESS they are fully compensated.
Culver and Holloway’s opponents, former councilman Ed Taylor and Dr. Dave Cowall, are good people worthy of our respect. Sadly, they are not who we need to serve in our county’s legislative body. Both men want to see the revenue cap abolished. This would not only result in a higher tax burden on Wicomico citizens and businesses, it would be in opposition to the express will of the vast majority of Wicomico voters. If Messrs. Taylor and Cowall want to abolish the revenue cap they should start banging doors and gather the 10,000 signatures necessary to put a charter change on the ballot. Attempting to do so through the County Council is NOT the appropriate way to handle this.
On the land use issue, Taylor and Cowall differ. Taylor does claim that farmers should be compensated, although we question his means of doing so. Cowall attempts to duck the question – for good reason. Cowall’s ties to local environmental groups is well known. The leaders of every local tree hugging group top his list of campaign contributors. Without a positive statement to the contrary, we can only conclude that Cowall will support stripping farmers of their property rights without adequate compensation. While none here have ever pulled a plow, we cannot stand silently while our neighbors are robbed by our own local government. We are also concerned by the financial support he has received from the teacher’s union (his single biggest contributor). We are left to believe that Cowall would simply be another Bill McCain, but with a beard.
We need strong voices on our county council who will help Wicomico County grow its economy. Bob Culver and Matt Holloway are those voices.
Wicomico County Executive – Rick Pollitt

Despite these differences, we have to acknowledge his success in shepherding Wicomico’s county government through difficult times. Would we prefer that he had done some things differently? Absolutely; but Pollitt deserves credit for tackling a difficult job that will be more difficult during the next two to three years.
While we have stated our disappointment in a lack of openness with the county legislature, we cannon condemn Pollitt for a lack of openness with public at large. Pollitt has consistently been willing to answer questions posed to him by the media or the voters. This must be applauded, and respected.
Perhaps our endorsement MAY have been different IF a credible opponent had emerged. We’ll never know because Pollitt’s opponent is not a credible alternative. Republican Joe Ollinger may be almost as nice a guy as Rick Pollitt. However as we noted in our endorsement of District 38 State Senate candidate Michael James, “we don’t need to send a pal to Annapolis”. We don’t need to select a “nice guy” to serve as the County Executive either.
The cornerstones of Ollinger’s campaign have been issues that are either unnecessary, impractical, or simply too expensive. A county police force, run by the county Sheriff may sound interesting, unless you happen to live in Salisbury, Fruitland, or Delmar. Ollinger has offered no means of paying for such an idea. We must also point out that the primary reason this proposal wasn’t openly ridiculed was because such a force would be commanded by Sheriff Mike Lewis. What happens when Lewis chooses to retire? Will the next Sheriff of Wicomico County also be the county’s most popular elected official?
Ollinger’s idea to have the County Executive appoint the members of the school board is laughable. It is also impractical. No other Maryland Board of Ed is chosen in this manner. Getting special legislation through would probably prove problematic. Even if this were not so, I would no more want Ollinger, or Pollitt, picking the Board of Ed members than I would the governor. The Board of Education should be answerable to the voters. This is why the overwhelming majority of Maryland counties elect their school boards.
We encourage you to review Ollinger’s “platform”. In addition to the two issues noted above, Ollinger also claims he would implement “pay for performance” for BOE employees. As supporters of “merit pay” you would think we would be cheering. Ollinger’s proposal cannot be implemented without the consent of the legislature and the four unions representing Wicomico BOE employees. Ollinger should not make promises that cannot be fulfilled. Ollinger also implies that he can dictate policy to the BOE. We wish. Sadly, the only thing a county executive can do is withhold funding and negotiate. These are bigger political battles than Ollinger appears to have a stomach for.
All in all, Rick Pollitt has earned our vote for another term.
A Letter To The Editor: Bullets Or Ballots?
The Revolution has already begun, friends. It's on right now.
People like Sharron Angle in Nevada, Joe Miller in Alaska and Christine O'Donnell in Delaware have taken some of the high ground, but the biggest battle is just ahead.
This is a war-- nothing less. We are fighting for the continued existence of this great Republic, and right now we are able to do it in a way that will not cause bloodshed.
Our bullets are our ballots.
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather 'pull the lever' in a voting booth than have to pull the trigger in the streets.
But one way or another, this battle will have to be fought. Let it be here, let it be now, so that our children and grandchildren won't be condemned to lives of slavery to a mountain of debt. They won't be able to do anything about it-- WE MUST!
You're armed to the teeth with votes-- USE THEM! Do your homework, then aim carefully and fire!
Don't let ANYTHING stop you from getting to the polls-- this election will be historic, and it needs to be such a mind-boggling turnout that even ACORN, Al Franken's campaign manager and the 'resurrection of the dead' can't stop it.
We will make history tomorrow, and I know I wouldn't miss that for anything!
Are you in? Let's roll !!
'Packages Must Be ‘Profiled,’ Just Like Passengers'
Israel, a world leader in aviation security, began investing resources in inspecting cargo and passengers back in the 1970s, after experiencing a number of hijackings and aviation-related attacks.
While based on technology, the Israeli approach has a lot to do with profiling – passengers as well as cargo.
“Profiling is the key,” Pini Schiff, who was one of the founders of the Ben-Gurion security division, said on Sunday. “There are many different elements that need to be looked at – who is sending the cargo, what it being sent and where it is going.”
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) was in touch with authorities in the United States to learn the specifics of the alleged al-Qaida plot to mail powerful bombs from Yemen to Chicago-area synagogues. Officials said that there would likely not be any changes in Israeli airport security, which is always on heightened alert.
Israeli officials would not comment on how cargo is inspected. But in addition to profiling, the Airports Authority uses a number of systems, including pressurized containers, in which packages are placed to see if they will explode in conditions similar to those on an airplane.
“What happened over the weekend is a reminder that we need to be vigilant 24/7,” Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said, at the opening of a Homeland Security conference in Tel Aviv on Sunday night.
“Israel is known around the world as a country which develops advanced technology for dealing with terror threats to airports, train systems and other means of transportation,” he said.
Schumer: Settlements No Obstacle To Peace
“My basic view is very simple,” Schumer told his audience at the Agudath Yisrael breakfast in New York. “The reason we don't have peace in the Middle East is because a large percentage, I would say the majority.... of Palestinians and Arabs do not believe there should be a Jewish state anywhere in the Middle East. Period.”
U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to criticize Israel over construction for Jews in Judea and Samaria was “counterproductive,” he said. America's position on Jewish communities was “to the left of the PA” at one point, he added. Schumer noted that he made his objections known at the time, both in private meetings and publicly.
“Anyone who thinks the settlements are the cause of the problem, all they have to do is look at Gaza,” he said. Israel withdrew from Gaza completely, “and what was the response? Missiles on Sderot!” Schumer recalled.
What Obama and America should do for peace is to make it known that America's ties with Israel cannot be broken, he said. “By giving the Palestinian and the Arab world hope that they can break the tie between the U.S. and Israel, you don't further the cause of peace, you set back the cause of peace... If they think the tie is immutable, they will say, well maybe we should throw in the towel and have some kind of peace with Israel. It's that simple.”
More here
Joel Todd's Mailing
On Saturday October 30, 2010 I received a letter in the mail from Concerned Citizens for Joel Todd. Why? I am a registered Republican. So I read it and really don't understand it's meaning. It is a two page letter on why I should vote for Mr. Todd. Let me break it down for all your readers.
Mr. Todd fills the first half with the the reasons I should vote for him and who else is going to vote for him. He states that he has "as well as over 50 active duty and and retired officers from Worcester County...your county...who want to keep the most qualified person in the job." At the end of the letter (which covers half of the second page) he lists 50 (exactly fifty) names, titled "Police for Joel Todd". These names are qualified as follows: 23 Retired members (Some as much as 15 years retired) , 16 Active members (1 a seasonal officer in Ocean City), 7 Captains/Chiefs of Police or Sheriffs that have not seen the inside of a courtroom in a long time, 2 Special Investigators for his office and 2 Fire Marshalls (who have police powers).
He spends the other one page bashing his opponent and ridiculing his police support and experience. He also questions his "police endorsed" as only 40 FOP members. Well Mr. Todd, every FOP Lodge in Worcester County (there are three, Ocean City, Berlin and Worcester County), FOP Wicomico Lodge, FOP Caroline County Lodge and the Maryland State FOP Lodge have endorsed Mr. Oglesby. This is very strong support. Beau Oglesby has 13 (THIRTEEN) years working as a prosecutor and has the energy and desire to make Worcester County a safer place to live. I know Mr. Todd and Mr. Oglesby personally and have no doubt in giving Mr. Oglesby my support. I think this is the year that a change be made in Worcester County and that would be to support BEAU OGLESBY. As you head to the polls please remember BEAU OGLESBY for State's Attorney.
Michael J. O'Connor
Ocean City
Once again, David Goslee is described as a farmer, with no mention whatsoever about his career at the local Pepsi distribution firm, where he is a division manager.
There is no mention that Bob Caldwell supports complete homestead tax credit protection against higher property tax on homes, and not the slightest suggestion that Stevie Prettyman's opponent is the man who "hung" Frank Kratovil in effigy at a T-party rally last year.
Why anyone in their right mind would pay money to subscribe to that "newspaper" is a mystery.
In the primary 1,444 persons voted early, and the split was 54% Democrat to 46% Republican. Because the only polling place was the Civic Center, it is very likely that most of those voters (and those in the more recent early voting) reside in or very near Salisbury, which is more heavily Democrat than the rest of the County. Thus, it's not surprising that the turnout at polling stations throughout the County on the primary election day was a substantial Republican majority, which resulted in the surprising final split in the primary: 52% Republican to 48% Democrat.
This time, the early voting split is 52% Democrat, 48% Republican -- a bit closer than during the primary -- which indicates that on election day the Republican turnout will again significantly exceed the Democrat showing. What's more: there were 356 votes cast by independent voters (who could not vote in the primary), and if they are combined with the Republicans, the early voting split is 52% Republican & Independent, 48% Democrat.
At present it is unknown how the early voters actually voted, but there's good reason to speculate that the "crossover" greatly favored the Republican candidates, and that is likely to occur in the votes cast on November 2. It is very significant that Democrat voters in Wicomico County have strongly supported Bob Ehrlich in his two prior campaigns for Governor, so there should be considerable crossover by those voters at the top of the ballot, thereby increasing the likelihood of complete or very extensive crossover further down the ballot. And the fact that Andy Harris is much more popular this time could also help to induce some Democrats to crossover.
Thus, there could be a 55% to 45% edge for many Republican candidates, and greater in some races. There could very well be a Republican "super-majority" on the next County Council and possibly even a new County Executive. And, in light of the strong Republican showing in early voting in the surrounding Counties, things also look very good for Republican candidates for state offices -- Michael James in particular.
PS - it was already a given that Matt Maciarello will be elected as the next State's attorney -- now it's a lead-pipe cinch.
Kratovil: First District Residents, I’m Smarter Than You
Super Majority
Tax Increases Are Possible Cure For Next Year's Deficit, Legislative Leaders Say
Taxes on alcohol, gasoline, corporate income and sales face possible increases during the 2011 General Assembly.
“We need to figure out a way to close that deficit,” Sen. Richard Madaleno said last Friday at the Maryland Chamber of Commerce’s annual Business Policy Conference, held in National Harbor, Md.
It may not be possible “to do it all with budget cuts,” said Madaleno, who predicted an even bleaker budget outlook with a possible $2 billion structural deficit.
On the alcohol tax, Madaleno, a Montgomery County Democrat on the Budget and Taxation Committee and a member of the Maryland Business Tax Reform Commission, said that “an increase would be significant” for additional revenue.
The last time the alcohol tax was raised was in 1972, on beer and wine. If the tax goes from 1 cent per drink to the equivalent of 11 cents per drink, he said, “that would bring in $200 million to the state.”
Senate President Mike Miller has long advocated increasing the gas tax and he did so again at the conference, as he had last year. This time, though, he had company.
The gasoline tax was last raised in 1992, from 18.5 cents to 23.5 cents per gallon.
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Meet Marley
Hi Joe!
Since my husband and I found Marley on your blog and so many readers don't always get to hear about the homes where the animals on your blog go to, I wanted everyone to meet Marley!
My husband and I had talked about getting another dog for quite a while. We had one amazing dog already and his name is Bear and he will be three years old in November. We do not have any children yet so our animals are our world and they really complete our family. We wanted to extend this joy to another dog and we applied twice at the Humane Society, to no avail. Marley was up for adoption in July and we took Bear to meet him and his sisters to decide if any of the dogs would get along. Marley was the only little boy in his litter and got along very well with Bear so we decided that this was the dog for us. This was the most amazing decision for our family.
Marley is about five months old now and he has learned wonderful manners from his older brother. We receive many compliments about how well our dogs behave in the neighborhood and while I wish that I could take the credit, I know that Marley has learned all of his discipline from his brother! The two of them are inseparable and are so loving together. Marley also likes cats. We have two cats in the house and Marley doesn't chase them at all; this is amazing for a puppy!
Among his many attributes, Marley is very loving! He smothers us in kisses when we sit on the sofa; he climbs up the pillows and gives us kisses to wake us up in the morning to tell us that he has to go outside. Our puppy is growing steadily into a great dog and loves to please! Marley has been a wonderful addition to our family and we are so thankful to have found him!
Christan Maycock McIntyre
Letter From The Dean Of Students At SU
- Check your Pipe or Cigarette before you smoke it – if it contains any illegal substance, we will have you on a broomstick out of here sooner than you think.
- Check your bev40rage before your drink it – if you are not 21 or you simply turn into a Goon or Goblin after a few drinks, it will appear that you are dressed in a “donkey” costume to your friends and to the community.
- Check your right jab before you toss it or your uppercut before you lift it. Whether or not you are dressed like Mike Tyson for Halloween, if you fight, we will retire you for the at least a year from SU.
- So whether you go out or not, have a great time, be safe, respect the men and women of SafeRide, and whatever you do, don’t be a “Donkey”
Military Quote Of The Day
GySgt Harry Berres, USMC
Delaware Awarded Four Federal Grants to Support Public Transportation
Dover -- Governor Jack Markell and Delaware's Congressional Delegation announced today the awarding of five important federal grants that will improve rail and transit infrastructure in the First State. The grants, awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), will provide needed funding to complete major rail projects along the Northeast Corridor, improve transit facilities in Sussex County, and replace aging buses in the DART First State fleet.
The awarded grants reinforce the importance of infrastructure improvements recently discussed by President Obama and Governor Markell at the White House last week. All the grant monies being highlighted are from the Federal FY 2010 appropriations funds, which is not affiliated with the Federal Stimulus program Congress appropriated the discretionary money to USDOT, which was then required to award the money through a competitive grant process.
Awarded Grants:
* $13 million from the FRA for the construction of a third track on the Northeast Corridor south of Wilmington. The project will increase travel times and reduce train conflicts in the area. This funding completes the $40 million needed to begin the project. The project is expected to start in early 2011 and will produce 115 construction jobs and up to 15 permanent jobs over time.
* $5 million grant from the FTA to build a new DART Maintenance facility and Park & Ride lot at site of the former Wright Chrysler automotive dealership along Route 1 near Five Points in Lewes.
* $3.7 million FTA grant to replace seven transit buses with 40-foot hybrid diesel buses.
* $2.25 million planning grant from USDOT to address transportation needs and design expansion of the Newark Rail Station. The grant will be used to plan integration of the University of Delaware's transit oriented development of the former Chrysler vehicle assembly plant, now owned by the University
GO HERE to read more.
October Notes From The Wicomico County Board of Education
Moment of Silence
Observed a moment of silence for the late Linda Mable Washington, a Wicomico High School food service worker.
Public Comments
Heard comments from a parent with concerns about the Magnet Program selection process. Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen said the High Performing Learners advisory committee would meet on Oct. 14 to review what has taken place since the last meeting, including the 2010 selection process, and look at the work that needs to be done now. A Q&A on the Magnet Program and High Performing Learners has been prepared for the committee and the website. Board members asked that public comments and questions on Magnet be considered and responses given in a timely manner.
Superintendent’s Report
Heard from Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen that:
The process of writing an action plan for allocating Wicomico’s nearly $3.1 million in Race to the Top (RTTT) funding is continuing, and that RTTT will mean a change to measuring student growth rather than performance on set measures, with teachers evaluated partially on the growth their students make.
The 2010 Adequate Yearly Progress information is out and available on the website and at mdk12.org. In accordance with federal regulations, Wicomico will redirect approximately $400,000 in Title I funding to professional development.
A recent Maryland State Department of Education audit of the school system was a success.
Westside Primary and Pittsville Elementary and Middle were named Maryland Character Education Schools.
Several hundred people attended a Gang Awareness Training event held at James M. Bennett high in cooperation with the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention.
Sherri Harkins of Pittsville Elementary and Middle and Willards Elementary has been honored as the Maryland Foreign Language Teacher of the Year.
Wicomico will use the $825,645 it receives from the Education Jobs Fund Program to focus on prekindergarten teachers and class size preservation.
Planning for the Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget is under way, with planning not just for next year but for several years out with continued difficult budget times ahead.
The Family Portal is open for the 2010-11 school year. So far, 1,017 people have signed up to view their student’s school information online. Sign-in information must be obtained by visiting the student’s school.
The school system anticipates more meetings in the near future as improvements to the Onley/Bateman intersection move forward. The city of Salisbury now has the money from the state for the project. The improvements are needed so that as the construction on the Bennett site nears completion, as either the planned 17 buses or 300+ staff cars and other cars must use Onley Road. Board member Ronald O. Willey emphasized the importance of the situation being resolved as quickly as possible.
The Northwestern Elementary HVAC project was approved by the State to receive Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) funding. This approval allows the school system to collect donations of approximately $12,000 based upon commitment letters received from private sector contributors. The QZAB funding with help fund a portion of the long delayed HVAC project at the school.
The system has a $70,000 Connections grant for services to persistently disruptive and violent students, and will collaborate with Sojourner-Douglass College to use space at its facility. The Board will see a Memorandum of Understanding for the arrangement soon.
Meetings continue with the bus contractors with work on issues including insurance, indemnification, breach of contracts, Ombudsman, and “equal to or greater than.”
A committee will work on making sure that all eligible families are aware of the Delmar One-Time Choice.
The school system’s Central Office crisis plan is being updated, and crisis plan training is taking place throughout the system.
Campbell-Jones cultural competency workshops are taking place and are open to Board members.
Highlighted events in October include the Up with People concert sponsored by the Wicomico County Board of Education (Oct. 12) and the Delmarvacade of Bands (Oct. 16); board members also congratulated Wicomico Teacher of the Year Lisa King of Delmar Elementary, who represented Wicomico at the Oct. 8 Maryland Teacher of the Year Gala. In November, look for Election Day (Nov. 2; schools and Central Office closed, please remember to vote), the next STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Saturday on Nov. 13 for students in grades 4/5 and 6/7/8, and American Education Week (Nov. 14-20).
Contact the school system by e-mail at comments@wcboe.org or leave a voicemail message at 410-677-5251. Visit www.wcboe.org for videos, news and more.
Bennett Middle School Design
Approved the design development for the Bennett Middle School replacement project, for submission to the state. Wicomico is requesting $13 million for its first construction funding request to the State for the project. The school system will also seek $15 million in county funding this year. If the state and county provide the construction funding that is being requested, the earliest start date for construction would be spring 2012, with occupancy in summer 2015. The State will pay 87 percent of the eligible construction costs if the project receives LEED Silver Certification and is approved for funding in FY2012. Board member Robin Holloway said the school system should prepare talking points to ensure the need for the project is well understood and well publicized.
Contract Modifications
Approved a $151,817.14 construction contract modification for Whiting-Turner on the James M. Bennett High replacement project for changes to the project, and a $105,323.46 A/E contract modification for Becker Morgan Group for adjustments to the project’s size and scope.
Negotiating Teams
Approved the members of the 2010-11 Board Negotiations Teams for Unit I, Unit II, and Units III and IV.
PTA Officers
Received for information the list of school PTA officers for 2010-11.
Persons in Charge
Held for further attention and a future vote the 2010-11 list of Persons in Charge in schools in the absence of the principal and assistant principal(s).
School Faculty Representatives
Approved the 2010-11 list of School Faculty Representatives.
Bid Awards
Awarded the contract for Stopware PassagePoint EDU Software for all schools and the Central Office to Identicard Systems Worldwide as the low responsive and responsible bidder. The five-year ownership cost for the system is $57,620. A uniform, comprehensive system is needed for the safety and security of school buildings, said Cathy Townsend, Supervisor of Safe Schools.
Awarded the contract for roof repair crew price to Peninsula Roofing as the primary vendor and Potteiger-Raintree as the secondary vendor as the low responsive and responsible bidders. The contract is for small-scale roof repair projects as needed.
Year-End Audit Reports
Approved the Audit Reports as submitted for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2010. Audit documents included the school system’s first Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which will be posted on the website to provide information about school funding and spending to the community. Of note this year is that auditor did not identify any deficiencies through the audit, and School Activities Fund audits, which last year yielded numerous recommendations and only one clean audit, this year improved to 13 clean audits and very few recommendations for the remaining schools.
Monthly Reports
Approved the monthly report on personnel matters for certificated employees and budget transfers, and received for information the monthly personnel matters report on classified employees and the monthly update on grant proposals.