While the Daily Times drafted TWO articles in the past two days about how they served alcohol to a minor, they still purposely missed the mark, the biggest point of the story.
I sat back yesterday and waited with anticipation of their bigger and better article today and just as I suspected, it was there. Here's what they missed though.
THERE'S NO ACCOUNTABILITY!I'll NEVER forget Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman bringing this up, FACE to FACE with the heads of the Liquor Board, (not afraid to tell it like it is) and stating, when the Dispensary was caught, NOTHING happened to them! No Fines, No Suspension, NOTHING! There is NO accountability!
How convenient of the Daily Times to have missed that statement. It's no wonder Joe "G" is gone. He missed the mark on this article like he missed the mark on so many others. Oh, this makes me a naysayer, right? I disagree with him being a professional and tell the entire story, after all, that's what we pay them for, right?
If you're a Bar, Restaurant or Convenience Store and you sell to a minor, you could be fined, suspended and or even lose your license completely. Ron Alessi is enjoying yet another branch of Government that has no accountability whatsoever! You see, at the Zoo when animals die by the hundreds per year, no one gives a sh!t because they're not accountable by telling you how many died each year. In the Liquor Dispensary, they're not accountable either and Alessi is involved in both.
Alessi needs a swift kick in the ass out of City/County relations and retire, just like we suggested Bill Duvall do long ago. Things will go further down hill, like they have with Duvall, the Zoo and now the Liquor Dispensary. Very poor job there Joe "G."