O.J. Simpson’s former manager, Norman Pardo, is making a documentary about the infamous murders — presenting the case that Simpson “didn’t act alone.”
Pardo — who describes himself as a friend of the NFL-great-turned-con, and worked with O.J. for nearly 20 years after his acquittal — has been developing the film for four years with co-executive producer Dylan Howard.
The series will be pitched next week to streaming services, cable and premium networks to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the homicides of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
“For the first time, the most thorough investigation into the murder ever conducted will be shared with America,” said Pardo, who claims to have more than 70 hours of video of Simpson that nobody has seen. “We have assembled a team of internationally renowned criminal investigators, experts and lawyers,” he said.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, November 30, 2018
A Turning Point for the Homeless? U.S. Court Rules Cities Can't Make It Illegal to Sleep in Public
A recent federal ruling is driving cities to revisit their local ordinances and methods of reducing homelessness.
A federal ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in September is already having an effect on how communities treat homeless people.
Martin v. Boise has been making its way through the courts since 2009. At issue is whether Boise, Idaho's ban against sleeping on the streets -- a so-called anti-camping ordinance that exists in many places across the country -- violates homeless people's Eighth Amendment rights, which protect against cruel and unusual punishment.
Martin v. Boise has been making its way through the courts since 2009. At issue is whether Boise, Idaho's ban against sleeping on the streets -- a so-called anti-camping ordinance that exists in many places across the country -- violates homeless people's Eighth Amendment rights, which protect against cruel and unusual punishment.
Louis DeBroux: Democrats Outraged at Betrayal by Black Men, White Women
Despite their victories in the midterm elections, picking up dozens of seats in the House and half a dozen governorships, Democrats are livid at what they see as a betrayal by one of their most monolithically loyal demographics: black men.
In three critical, high-profile races — governor of Georgia, and governor and U.S. Senate in Florida — the Republican won by a very narrow margin, and it was black men voting Republican who arguably cost Democrats those seats.
In the gubernatorial races, Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams made history by becoming the first black woman to earn a major-party nomination for governor. Likewise, in Florida, Democrat Andrew Gillum sought to become the state’s first black governor.
In three critical, high-profile races — governor of Georgia, and governor and U.S. Senate in Florida — the Republican won by a very narrow margin, and it was black men voting Republican who arguably cost Democrats those seats.
In the gubernatorial races, Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams made history by becoming the first black woman to earn a major-party nomination for governor. Likewise, in Florida, Democrat Andrew Gillum sought to become the state’s first black governor.
Big property rights victory at the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a landowner who challenged the government's designation of 1,500 acres of land as "critical habitat" for an endangered frog species.
Edward Poitevent sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who said the land in question – in his family's possession for decades – was critical to the survival of the dusky gopher frog, even though the species had not inhabited the land since 1965.
Daily Caller:
"I am really overjoyed that an eight to nothing court agreed with me that the service's decision was absurd and nightmarish for property rights in the United States," landowner Edward Poitevent told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a Tuesday interview.
"We all actually thought something like this would happen, but what's really stunning is this is an eight to nothing decision," Poitevent said.
Edward Poitevent sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who said the land in question – in his family's possession for decades – was critical to the survival of the dusky gopher frog, even though the species had not inhabited the land since 1965.
Daily Caller:
"I am really overjoyed that an eight to nothing court agreed with me that the service's decision was absurd and nightmarish for property rights in the United States," landowner Edward Poitevent told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a Tuesday interview.
"We all actually thought something like this would happen, but what's really stunning is this is an eight to nothing decision," Poitevent said.
The Silly Longing for Small and Simple Government
Our modern-day well-being is built on both private- and public-sector institutions. We need them to be cost-effective, not inexpensive.
The population of the United States was less than four million when our Constitution was adopted. There was nothing remotely resembling a modern-day national government. Nor did the fledgling governments of the 13 states bear any resemblance to contemporary state government, or even to contemporary local government.
The world hasn't just changed since then; the modern world would be wholly unrecognizable to the Americans of the late 18th century. Government wasn't just smaller at our country's founding; the differences between then and now are also differences in kind. Hardly a shred of the modern-day public sector was in evidence when our country was founded.
Consider just a few truths about public goods and services as we know them. The founders gave these truths no thought whatsoever, because they had not been conceived of.
The population of the United States was less than four million when our Constitution was adopted. There was nothing remotely resembling a modern-day national government. Nor did the fledgling governments of the 13 states bear any resemblance to contemporary state government, or even to contemporary local government.
The world hasn't just changed since then; the modern world would be wholly unrecognizable to the Americans of the late 18th century. Government wasn't just smaller at our country's founding; the differences between then and now are also differences in kind. Hardly a shred of the modern-day public sector was in evidence when our country was founded.
Consider just a few truths about public goods and services as we know them. The founders gave these truths no thought whatsoever, because they had not been conceived of.
Why This High School Football Team Spends $20,000 for Every Game
The Whalers, a high school football team in Barrow, Alaska, won their first Division III state title last year. They hope to repeat this season.
The team plays above the Arctic Circle, in the northernmost community in the United States. Their nearest opponent is 500 miles away. It costs $20,000 to either fly the Whalers to an away game or bring a visiting team to Barrow, which is paid for with help from the state.
When the program started a dozen years ago, the boys practiced on a patch of dirt. That changed after a Florida football fan heard about the fledgling team and raised more than $500,000 to pay for new blue and yellow turf -- the Whalers’ colors. Snow is routinely cleared before games, and players and spectators alike are subjected to the wind and cold from the frigid Chukchi Sea, just 100 yards away and where actual whalers can be seen bringing in their catch.
The team plays above the Arctic Circle, in the northernmost community in the United States. Their nearest opponent is 500 miles away. It costs $20,000 to either fly the Whalers to an away game or bring a visiting team to Barrow, which is paid for with help from the state.
When the program started a dozen years ago, the boys practiced on a patch of dirt. That changed after a Florida football fan heard about the fledgling team and raised more than $500,000 to pay for new blue and yellow turf -- the Whalers’ colors. Snow is routinely cleared before games, and players and spectators alike are subjected to the wind and cold from the frigid Chukchi Sea, just 100 yards away and where actual whalers can be seen bringing in their catch.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Will Not Run for President in 2020
Gov. Cuomo Tuesday definitively ruled out running for President in 2020.
"I am ruling it out," Cuomo said during an appearance on WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show." "I ran for governor (in November). I have a full plate. I have many projects. I'm going to be here doing the job as governor."
"I am ruling it out," Cuomo said during an appearance on WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show." "I ran for governor (in November). I have a full plate. I have many projects. I'm going to be here doing the job as governor."
For Framing Innocent Black Men, Former Florida Police Chief Gets 3 Years in Prison
Raimundo Atesiano, the former Biscayne Park police chief who directed his officers to frame innocent black men for a series of unsolved burglaries, admitted he wanted to appease community leaders and polish the village's property crimes record.
Even in a small village of about 3,000 residents, the pressure was just too much, he said.
"When I took the job, I was not prepared," Atesiano told a federal judge on Tuesday. "I made some very, very bad decisions."
His apologies did not sway U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore, who on Tuesday sentenced the 53-year-old former cop to three years in prison. He allowed Atesiano to remain free for two weeks before surrendering so he can care for his mother, who is dying of leukemia.
Even in a small village of about 3,000 residents, the pressure was just too much, he said.
"When I took the job, I was not prepared," Atesiano told a federal judge on Tuesday. "I made some very, very bad decisions."
His apologies did not sway U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore, who on Tuesday sentenced the 53-year-old former cop to three years in prison. He allowed Atesiano to remain free for two weeks before surrendering so he can care for his mother, who is dying of leukemia.
Marijuana Legalization Bill Advances in New Jersey
A bill to legalize recreational marijuana was approved by a House-Senate committee in the New Jersey Legislature Monday, a giant step toward making the cannabis plant and its products available in the state.
"It's very exciting. We made history today," said Roseanne Scotti, director of the Drug Policy Alliance of New Jersey. "This is the first time a legalization bill has ever been voted out of committee in New Jersey. So this was a huge win."
"It's very exciting. We made history today," said Roseanne Scotti, director of the Drug Policy Alliance of New Jersey. "This is the first time a legalization bill has ever been voted out of committee in New Jersey. So this was a huge win."
Jordan Candler: Republicans Need to Court Ex-Felon Voters
"For both their sake and ours, we all will benefit from calling on the best of our human instincts."
On Election Day, voters in Florida opted to make voting a legal right for a significant number of ex-felons. The infusion of a million or so new voters could turn Florida blue because most felons veer to the left. Setting aside the prudence of this decision, the Washington Examiner’s Quin Hillyer inexorably observes: “It’s time for Republicans to start appealing to felons.”
Other states have likewise restored ex-felons’ voting rights, including Virginia. At least Florida did it the right way — through the ballot box. A few years ago, then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s effort to instate blanket clemency to nearly a quarter-million ex-felons was foiled by the state’s supreme court, which reminded him that clemency in that state is only permissible on a case-by-case basis. McAuliffe’s scheme was purely political — turning Virginia blue. And while Florida Democrats were aboveboard in their approach, the outcome could be replicated unless Republicans begin courting this demographic.
Hillyer contends, “They should do so for humane reasons. They should do so because practical benefits might accrue for the broader society. And they should do so because of raw political calculation: Ex-offenders increasingly will be voting, and so will their extended families.” Importantly, not all crimes are created equal. The opioid crisis, for instance, is emblematic of the fact that a large portion of felons aren’t actually violent. And that distinction is important. In the Examiner, Hillyer profiles Stephen Nodine, who is himself a felon. As Hillyer writes:
On Election Day, voters in Florida opted to make voting a legal right for a significant number of ex-felons. The infusion of a million or so new voters could turn Florida blue because most felons veer to the left. Setting aside the prudence of this decision, the Washington Examiner’s Quin Hillyer inexorably observes: “It’s time for Republicans to start appealing to felons.”
Other states have likewise restored ex-felons’ voting rights, including Virginia. At least Florida did it the right way — through the ballot box. A few years ago, then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s effort to instate blanket clemency to nearly a quarter-million ex-felons was foiled by the state’s supreme court, which reminded him that clemency in that state is only permissible on a case-by-case basis. McAuliffe’s scheme was purely political — turning Virginia blue. And while Florida Democrats were aboveboard in their approach, the outcome could be replicated unless Republicans begin courting this demographic.
Hillyer contends, “They should do so for humane reasons. They should do so because practical benefits might accrue for the broader society. And they should do so because of raw political calculation: Ex-offenders increasingly will be voting, and so will their extended families.” Importantly, not all crimes are created equal. The opioid crisis, for instance, is emblematic of the fact that a large portion of felons aren’t actually violent. And that distinction is important. In the Examiner, Hillyer profiles Stephen Nodine, who is himself a felon. As Hillyer writes:
Political Editors: 'The Clinton Affair,' Redux
A&E recently released a six-part mini-series on Bill Clinton's scandals.
Ahead of the 20th anniversary in December of Bill Clinton’s impeachment, A&E recently released a six-part mini-series on his scandals titled, “The Clinton Affair.” We know — how did they fit so much material into only six parts?
We took note of a recent New York Times article on one particular episode in Clinton’s affairs — that of Paula Jones. According to the Times:
[Monica] Lewinsky has always been cast as the central female character of Bill Clinton’s scandals, and while that has been hell for her, it has been rather convenient for him. Over two decades, it was easy to forget that the reporting on Clinton’s consensual affair with an intern arose out of an even more damning context: Jones’s harassment suit. (It was Lewinsky and Clinton denying their affair under oath in the Jones case that gave [Ken] Starr the material to pounce.) Paula Jones spoke out against the most powerful man in the world, and when his lawyers argued that a sitting president couldn’t be subject to a civil suit, she took them all the way to the Supreme Court and won. In another world, she would be hailed as a feminist icon. But not in this world — not yet.
Indeed, long before #MeToo became a Democrat/feminist rallying cry, Democrats and feminists were contemptuously dismissing Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick as “bimbos,” trailer-park trash, and pawns in a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her, Willey claimed Clinton groped her, and Broaddrick said he raped her while he was governor of Arkansas. All three women were largely ignored by the mainstream media; even Lewinsky’s story was broken by the Drudge Report. NBC famously held its interview with Broaddrick until after Clinton’s impeachment and trial.
Of course, the Times excuses this: “In the ‘90s, these women’s stories cut directly to the biases of the mainstream media: that sexual harassment and assault were tabloid tales and that publishing anything that seemed to sway a political process was ill advised.”
Ahead of the 20th anniversary in December of Bill Clinton’s impeachment, A&E recently released a six-part mini-series on his scandals titled, “The Clinton Affair.” We know — how did they fit so much material into only six parts?
We took note of a recent New York Times article on one particular episode in Clinton’s affairs — that of Paula Jones. According to the Times:
[Monica] Lewinsky has always been cast as the central female character of Bill Clinton’s scandals, and while that has been hell for her, it has been rather convenient for him. Over two decades, it was easy to forget that the reporting on Clinton’s consensual affair with an intern arose out of an even more damning context: Jones’s harassment suit. (It was Lewinsky and Clinton denying their affair under oath in the Jones case that gave [Ken] Starr the material to pounce.) Paula Jones spoke out against the most powerful man in the world, and when his lawyers argued that a sitting president couldn’t be subject to a civil suit, she took them all the way to the Supreme Court and won. In another world, she would be hailed as a feminist icon. But not in this world — not yet.
Indeed, long before #MeToo became a Democrat/feminist rallying cry, Democrats and feminists were contemptuously dismissing Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick as “bimbos,” trailer-park trash, and pawns in a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her, Willey claimed Clinton groped her, and Broaddrick said he raped her while he was governor of Arkansas. All three women were largely ignored by the mainstream media; even Lewinsky’s story was broken by the Drudge Report. NBC famously held its interview with Broaddrick until after Clinton’s impeachment and trial.
Of course, the Times excuses this: “In the ‘90s, these women’s stories cut directly to the biases of the mainstream media: that sexual harassment and assault were tabloid tales and that publishing anything that seemed to sway a political process was ill advised.”
Amid Voter Suppression Claims, Georgia and New Hampshire Secretary of State Races Remain
Georgia and New Hampshire will elect secretaries of state next week, in a year that has been plagued with claims of voter suppression across the country.
Bill Gardner is the nation's longest-serving secretary of state, having held the job in New Hampshire since 1976. His reign might come to an end next week.
In New Hampshire, the secretary of state is elected by the legislature, which was just taken over by Democrats ready to make a change. Gardner is a Democrat, but he's being challenged by Colin Van Ostern, who was the party's nominee for governor in 2016.
Bill Gardner is the nation's longest-serving secretary of state, having held the job in New Hampshire since 1976. His reign might come to an end next week.
In New Hampshire, the secretary of state is elected by the legislature, which was just taken over by Democrats ready to make a change. Gardner is a Democrat, but he's being challenged by Colin Van Ostern, who was the party's nominee for governor in 2016.
Just 5 percent say coverage for all should be top healthcare priority for new Congress: Poll
Although the liberal push to expand Medicare to everybody has received a lot of attention in the past year, a new poll suggests the issue is off the radar for most Americans.
In the survey, the Kaiser Family Foundation asked respondents to react to an open-ended question: "Thinking about next year, which healthcare issue would you most like the next Congress to act on in 2019?"
Among the answers, 19 percent named "affordability and cost"; 10 percent named the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare); 6 percent named Medicare; and just 5 percent said, "Healthcare/insurance for everyone."
In the survey, the Kaiser Family Foundation asked respondents to react to an open-ended question: "Thinking about next year, which healthcare issue would you most like the next Congress to act on in 2019?"
Among the answers, 19 percent named "affordability and cost"; 10 percent named the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare); 6 percent named Medicare; and just 5 percent said, "Healthcare/insurance for everyone."
Mueller protection bill falls short in Senate
A group of senators failed Wednesday to secure a vote for their bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired by President Trump, marking the latest stumble for their efforts to sideline the White House.
Sens. Cory Booker and Chris Coons, both Democrats, and Jeff Flake, a Republican, fear Mr. Trump is angling to fireMr. Mueller to derail what could be an damaging report on the 2016 elections, Russian meddling and Trumpcampaign figures’ behavior.
They sought to force to the floor a bill that would have raised the standards for firing Mr. Mueller, making it almost impossible for the president to oust him.
“The bill is becoming more urgent,” Mr. Coons said, pointing to a renewed series of tweets from Mr. Trump this week blasting Mr. Mueller and his team.
But Sen. Mike Lee objected to holding a vote, derailing their effort.
Sens. Cory Booker and Chris Coons, both Democrats, and Jeff Flake, a Republican, fear Mr. Trump is angling to fireMr. Mueller to derail what could be an damaging report on the 2016 elections, Russian meddling and Trumpcampaign figures’ behavior.
They sought to force to the floor a bill that would have raised the standards for firing Mr. Mueller, making it almost impossible for the president to oust him.
“The bill is becoming more urgent,” Mr. Coons said, pointing to a renewed series of tweets from Mr. Trump this week blasting Mr. Mueller and his team.
But Sen. Mike Lee objected to holding a vote, derailing their effort.
Unhinged Brennan Rips Into Trump: Suggests Trump Will be Deposed - Removed by Force
Former CIA Chief-turned-Twitter-troll John Brennan lashed out at President Trump Tuesday for defending himself against Mueller’s unconstitutional witch hunt.
President Trump attacked Mueller’s gang of angry Democrats and even brought up the DNC server which the FBI still has never forensically inspected.
President Trump attacked Mueller’s gang of angry Democrats and even brought up the DNC server which the FBI still has never forensically inspected.
Republican Senate win in Mississippi gives Mitch McConnell three votes to spare to confirm Trump judges
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith's victory in the Mississippi run-off election on Tuesday night will provide Republicans with 53 Senate seats, in effect giving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., three votes to spare when it comes to confirming President Trump's judges.
With Democrats now in control of the House of Representatives, Trump won't be able to pass any sort of major legislation, meaning that the Republican Senate will be primarily spending the next two years pushing through as many judicial nominations as possible.
In the past year, with Republicans down to 51 seats, McConnell has only been able to afford one defection on confirmations. That in effect has left fence-sitting Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Jeff Flake with out-sized influence over the nomination process as any two of them had the power to sink a nomination.
With Democrats now in control of the House of Representatives, Trump won't be able to pass any sort of major legislation, meaning that the Republican Senate will be primarily spending the next two years pushing through as many judicial nominations as possible.
In the past year, with Republicans down to 51 seats, McConnell has only been able to afford one defection on confirmations. That in effect has left fence-sitting Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Jeff Flake with out-sized influence over the nomination process as any two of them had the power to sink a nomination.
French Writer: Yellow Vests Are Against 'Davocracy' Elites
Prolific French writer Renaud Camus, who coined the theory of the “Great Replacement,” told Breitbart London that the recent “Yellow Vest” protests are a grassroots reaction against the Davos elite who view working people as worthless “human Nutella.”
Mr Camus said that he believed there to be more substance to the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) movement, which is supported by 77 per cent of French, than just an outcry over a rise in fuel taxes, saying it was really about a “lack of respect, general exchangeability, being treated by managerial politics like an object, a simple product.
“A product, a producer, and a consumer all at once, a thing, a number, not a human being.”
Mr Camus said that he believed there to be more substance to the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) movement, which is supported by 77 per cent of French, than just an outcry over a rise in fuel taxes, saying it was really about a “lack of respect, general exchangeability, being treated by managerial politics like an object, a simple product.
“A product, a producer, and a consumer all at once, a thing, a number, not a human being.”
North Carolina State Students Demand Sanctuary Campus After Previously Deported Felon’s Arrest
Students at North Carolina State University held a meeting last week to discuss how they can pressure the school into becoming a sanctuary campus to stop the police from reporting illegal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The desire to make North Carolina State University (NCSU) into a sanctuary campus was spurred by the October arrest of a previously deported felon who had a detention order issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Students became offended upon learning that this individual, who is a convicted felon, had been detained by a police officer and reported to ICE.
The desire to make North Carolina State University (NCSU) into a sanctuary campus was spurred by the October arrest of a previously deported felon who had a detention order issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Students became offended upon learning that this individual, who is a convicted felon, had been detained by a police officer and reported to ICE.
Guys, Avoid 'Rhino' Sexual Enhancement Products, FDA Says
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning men that "Rhino" products promising better sex may pose serious health risks.
Since 2007, the FDA has identified more than 25 products marketed with variations of the name Rhino that contained hidden drug ingredients, the agency reported Tuesday.
The FDA has received reports of chest pain, severe headaches and prolonged erections after taking a Rhino male enhancement product. Some men have been hospitalized due to extreme drops in blood pressure.
"Over the past few years, the FDA has been combating the retail sale of male enhancement drug products that are frequently misrepresented as dietary supplements and that contain hidden and potentially harmful active drug ingredients," said Donald Ashley in an agency news release. He's the compliance director in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
The unapproved products are sold at gas stations and convenience stores, on websites such as eBay and Amazon, and have been found in international mail shipments to the United States.
Since 2007, the FDA has identified more than 25 products marketed with variations of the name Rhino that contained hidden drug ingredients, the agency reported Tuesday.
The FDA has received reports of chest pain, severe headaches and prolonged erections after taking a Rhino male enhancement product. Some men have been hospitalized due to extreme drops in blood pressure.
"Over the past few years, the FDA has been combating the retail sale of male enhancement drug products that are frequently misrepresented as dietary supplements and that contain hidden and potentially harmful active drug ingredients," said Donald Ashley in an agency news release. He's the compliance director in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
The unapproved products are sold at gas stations and convenience stores, on websites such as eBay and Amazon, and have been found in international mail shipments to the United States.
Maryland Fishing Report

Travis Long holds up a beautiful fall striped bass to prove there is still good times to be had out on the water. Photo courtesy of Travis Long
Cold winds are blowing and minds are beginning to drift from fishing, but there will still be days where the outdoors call us away from the holiday rush. For those times, there are plenty of good fishing opportunities to be found from the streams and lakes of western Maryland to the offshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Forecast Summary: Nov. 28 – Dec. 4
With Chesapeake Bay water temperatures around 48 degrees and dropping, fish are moving towards winter holding areas or migrating out of the bay. With plenty of cool waters and oxygen from surface to bottom, anglers can avoid waters with poor water clarity from recent heavy rains.
In addition, look for concentrations of fish in some of the slightly warmer bottom waters located from the Bay Bridge south to near the Maryland state line in areas with good structure such as underwater points, oyster bottom, reefs, channel edges and large schools of baitfish.
It will be cooler most of this week except for some milder weather on Sunday and Monday. Expect windy conditions on Wednesday and Thursday. Another chance of rain rolls in on Saturday and then again next Monday and Tuesday. Expect sunny to partly cloudy conditions most of the other days with air temperatures in the upper 40s to the mid-50s and cool night-time temperatures in the upper 30s to mid-40s. At the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Maryland Department of Natural Resources buoys, water temperatures continue to cool, with the Susquehanna Flats at 43 degrees, Gooses Reef at 48 degrees, Mallows Bay at 43 degrees and Point Lookout at 49 degrees. Water temperatures should continue to drop this week due to the cooling air temperatures.
There is still poor water clarity on the main bay down to Bay Bridge and on the Potomac River down to near Colonial Beach. In addition, expect water clarity to decline in localized and nearshore areas as another round of rain enters the area Saturday and Monday. There will be above average tidal currents on Monday and Tuesday as a result of the new moon on Dec. 7.
Department monitoring crews will be out early next week to provide updates on bay conditions from surface to bottom.
For the full weekly fishing conditions summary and more, please be sure to check out Click Before You Cast.
As the fishing and boating season winds down in the Chesapeake Bay, many have been pulling their boats out for winter storage since the Thanksgiving weekend. There is always the task of power washing down a hull that usually has some degree of bio-fouling on it. Those who have kept their boats in slips in the brackish waters of the upper and middle bay’s tidal rivers may notice clusters of tiny mussels on lower units, trim tabs or outboard motor brackets.
These clusters are called false dark mussels, and they have been prolific in the brackish portions of tidal rivers. They were first noticed back in 2004 when there was a population surge of them and they tended to grow large clusters on lines left in the water, dock piers and most anything below the surface of the water.
They grow up to 1/2 inch-3/4 inch in length and generally are considered native, although there are some conflicting views on their origin. They can be confused with zebra mussels, but the false dark mussel has a defining, pronounced hook of shell on the inside of the mussel near the hinge.
They do a great job of filtering the waters of the tidal rivers and really help with water clarity which is a good thing. They also provide food for diving ducks, crabs and terrapins. The bad thing is they are extremely toxic to dogs that ingest them.
In addition, look for concentrations of fish in some of the slightly warmer bottom waters located from the Bay Bridge south to near the Maryland state line in areas with good structure such as underwater points, oyster bottom, reefs, channel edges and large schools of baitfish.
It will be cooler most of this week except for some milder weather on Sunday and Monday. Expect windy conditions on Wednesday and Thursday. Another chance of rain rolls in on Saturday and then again next Monday and Tuesday. Expect sunny to partly cloudy conditions most of the other days with air temperatures in the upper 40s to the mid-50s and cool night-time temperatures in the upper 30s to mid-40s. At the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Maryland Department of Natural Resources buoys, water temperatures continue to cool, with the Susquehanna Flats at 43 degrees, Gooses Reef at 48 degrees, Mallows Bay at 43 degrees and Point Lookout at 49 degrees. Water temperatures should continue to drop this week due to the cooling air temperatures.
There is still poor water clarity on the main bay down to Bay Bridge and on the Potomac River down to near Colonial Beach. In addition, expect water clarity to decline in localized and nearshore areas as another round of rain enters the area Saturday and Monday. There will be above average tidal currents on Monday and Tuesday as a result of the new moon on Dec. 7.
Department monitoring crews will be out early next week to provide updates on bay conditions from surface to bottom.
For the full weekly fishing conditions summary and more, please be sure to check out Click Before You Cast.

Evan Keicher sent in this picture of a cluster of false dark mussels he scraped off the trim tabs on his boat, which was docked in the Severn River. Photo by Evan Keicher
As the fishing and boating season winds down in the Chesapeake Bay, many have been pulling their boats out for winter storage since the Thanksgiving weekend. There is always the task of power washing down a hull that usually has some degree of bio-fouling on it. Those who have kept their boats in slips in the brackish waters of the upper and middle bay’s tidal rivers may notice clusters of tiny mussels on lower units, trim tabs or outboard motor brackets.
These clusters are called false dark mussels, and they have been prolific in the brackish portions of tidal rivers. They were first noticed back in 2004 when there was a population surge of them and they tended to grow large clusters on lines left in the water, dock piers and most anything below the surface of the water.
They grow up to 1/2 inch-3/4 inch in length and generally are considered native, although there are some conflicting views on their origin. They can be confused with zebra mussels, but the false dark mussel has a defining, pronounced hook of shell on the inside of the mussel near the hinge.
They do a great job of filtering the waters of the tidal rivers and really help with water clarity which is a good thing. They also provide food for diving ducks, crabs and terrapins. The bad thing is they are extremely toxic to dogs that ingest them.
DeVos Warns Of ‘Crisis’ Surrounding Rising Student Loan Debt
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos warned of the rising student debt as a ” looming crisis” in remarks given at the annual Federal Student Aid (FSA) Training Conference in Atlanta Tuesday.
“Our higher ed system is the envy of the world, but if we, as a country, do not make important policy changes in the way we distribute, administer, and manage federal student loans, the program on which so many students rely will be in serious jeopardy,” DeVos said in her speech at FSA, according to a transcript from the Department of Education.
The FSA is a part of the DOE that is responsible for the student loans given by the government, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
DeVos added since the FSA’s establishment in 1965 to 2007 saw the student loan balance grow to $500 billion. The balance went to $1 trillion between 2007 and 2013. America’s student loan balance is currently $1.5 trillion.
“Our higher ed system is the envy of the world, but if we, as a country, do not make important policy changes in the way we distribute, administer, and manage federal student loans, the program on which so many students rely will be in serious jeopardy,” DeVos said in her speech at FSA, according to a transcript from the Department of Education.
The FSA is a part of the DOE that is responsible for the student loans given by the government, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
DeVos added since the FSA’s establishment in 1965 to 2007 saw the student loan balance grow to $500 billion. The balance went to $1 trillion between 2007 and 2013. America’s student loan balance is currently $1.5 trillion.
Cafeteria worker jumped by students at east Baltimore school
BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A Baltimore school cafeteria worker was in the hospital Tuesday night, after she says two students attacked her.
The violent confrontation was caught on camera and the victim’s family is speaking out.
The cafeteria worker says she was attacked by to female students. School police said it happened Tuesday at the National Academy Foundation Middle-High School in east Baltimore.
“They attacked my sister. She could not defend herself,“ said Kenya Mackey, the victim’s sister.
The violent confrontation was caught on camera and the victim’s family is speaking out.
The cafeteria worker says she was attacked by to female students. School police said it happened Tuesday at the National Academy Foundation Middle-High School in east Baltimore.
“They attacked my sister. She could not defend herself,“ said Kenya Mackey, the victim’s sister.
Rove: Obama’s redistricting idea would benefit Democrats – not democracy
Since leaving office, former President Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, have made congressional redistricting reform a top priority.
Saying that “protecting” democracy requires “rethinking the way we draw our congressional districts,” President Obama has lashed out at Republicans for supposedly gerrymandering themselves into control of the House of Representatives.
Gerrymandering involves manipulating the boundaries of districts represented by members of the U.S. House, state legislators and local officials to favor one political party over the other in elections.
By this practice, the Democrat former president asserts, the GOP “moves our debate from the rational, reasonable middle, where most Americans are, to the extremes. And that makes commonsense policies that most Americans support less likely.”
Then in a burst of typical self-righteous sanctimony, Obama argues that Republican dominance in redistricting is “not good for our children and regardless of our party affiliations, it’s not good for our democracy.” The former president asserts each party should get representation roughly equal to its share of the congressional popular vote.
To achieve this, Obama and Holder argue, Americans should elect more Democrats (how remarkably convenient) to state legislatures and create appointed states commissions to handle redistricting.
Saying that “protecting” democracy requires “rethinking the way we draw our congressional districts,” President Obama has lashed out at Republicans for supposedly gerrymandering themselves into control of the House of Representatives.
Gerrymandering involves manipulating the boundaries of districts represented by members of the U.S. House, state legislators and local officials to favor one political party over the other in elections.
By this practice, the Democrat former president asserts, the GOP “moves our debate from the rational, reasonable middle, where most Americans are, to the extremes. And that makes commonsense policies that most Americans support less likely.”
Then in a burst of typical self-righteous sanctimony, Obama argues that Republican dominance in redistricting is “not good for our children and regardless of our party affiliations, it’s not good for our democracy.” The former president asserts each party should get representation roughly equal to its share of the congressional popular vote.
To achieve this, Obama and Holder argue, Americans should elect more Democrats (how remarkably convenient) to state legislatures and create appointed states commissions to handle redistricting.
Former Democrat AG Kathleen Kane Ordered to Prison
Pennsylvania’s Former Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane was ordered to report to prison for an up to two-year prison term in a corruption case this week.
Kane, who has been free on a $75,000 bail as she appealed her 10 to 23-month sentence, was ordered to prison after the state Supreme Court refused to take her case, Fox News reported.
Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy revoked Kane’s bail saying that the time she could remain free on appeal has expired and ordered the former Democrat official to remand herself to jail.
Prosecutors asked for the prison sentence to begin on Tuesday saying that the Supreme Court’s refusal ended Kane’s possibilities of winning a reversal of her conviction.
“Two different appellate courts have reviewed her case, yet her judgment of sentence remains,” District Attorney Kevin Steele said of Kane’s appeals. “She received a fair trial, her guilt was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and now it is time for her to serve her sentence.”
Kane, who has been free on a $75,000 bail as she appealed her 10 to 23-month sentence, was ordered to prison after the state Supreme Court refused to take her case, Fox News reported.
Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy revoked Kane’s bail saying that the time she could remain free on appeal has expired and ordered the former Democrat official to remand herself to jail.
Prosecutors asked for the prison sentence to begin on Tuesday saying that the Supreme Court’s refusal ended Kane’s possibilities of winning a reversal of her conviction.
“Two different appellate courts have reviewed her case, yet her judgment of sentence remains,” District Attorney Kevin Steele said of Kane’s appeals. “She received a fair trial, her guilt was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and now it is time for her to serve her sentence.”
Migrant Caravan Leaders DEMAND U.S. Speed Up Asylum Process
Central American migrants in the caravan held a press conference in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday and demanded that the United States speed up its asylum process to allow more migrants into the country.
Migrants who have spoken to establishment media outlets in recent months have cited economic reasons for coming to the United States. Economic claims, though, as even numerous establishment media outlets have noted, do not qualify migrants for asylum. As a CBS Evening News report recently acknowleged: “Most tell us they are fleeing extreme poverty, but that’s not a condition for asylum or refugee status in the U.S.”
But on Tuesday, the migrant leaders claimed that “they are going to get killed” if they return to their countries, according to NBC News.
Later in a statement, the migrants again admitted that they were in fact coming to the United States to get access to jobs, education, and health care in addition to “a life without threats.”
More here
Migrants who have spoken to establishment media outlets in recent months have cited economic reasons for coming to the United States. Economic claims, though, as even numerous establishment media outlets have noted, do not qualify migrants for asylum. As a CBS Evening News report recently acknowleged: “Most tell us they are fleeing extreme poverty, but that’s not a condition for asylum or refugee status in the U.S.”
But on Tuesday, the migrant leaders claimed that “they are going to get killed” if they return to their countries, according to NBC News.
Later in a statement, the migrants again admitted that they were in fact coming to the United States to get access to jobs, education, and health care in addition to “a life without threats.”
More here
SCOTUS Weighs Limits on Police Seizure of Property
Timbs v. Indiana could open floodgates of asset forfeiture cases
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a case which could have a profound impact on the ability of states to seize the property of ordinary citizens.
The case, Timbs v. Indiana, is expected by some court watchers to continue the court's steely-eyed suspicion of state laws that concern the seizing of property allegedly associated with criminal activity.
Directly at issue in the case is whether or not the state of Indiana was justified in seizing plaintiff Tyson Timbs's 2012 Land Rover. Timbs, who has a history of opioid abuse, used the car several times in the process of selling heroin to undercover narcotics officers in Indiana. The third time he attempted such a sale, he was pulled over and arrested. The Land Rover, which contained no drugs and was worth some $31,000, was seized.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a case which could have a profound impact on the ability of states to seize the property of ordinary citizens.
The case, Timbs v. Indiana, is expected by some court watchers to continue the court's steely-eyed suspicion of state laws that concern the seizing of property allegedly associated with criminal activity.
Directly at issue in the case is whether or not the state of Indiana was justified in seizing plaintiff Tyson Timbs's 2012 Land Rover. Timbs, who has a history of opioid abuse, used the car several times in the process of selling heroin to undercover narcotics officers in Indiana. The third time he attempted such a sale, he was pulled over and arrested. The Land Rover, which contained no drugs and was worth some $31,000, was seized.
The Many Factors Driving GM's Cuts
Taxpayers spent nearly $50 billion bailing out General Motors in 2008 and lost more than $11 billion. We argued at the time that the auto giant had been hampered for years by over-burdensome union contracts and sub-par craftsmanship. Ten years later, that’s still true (albeit to a lesser degree), and now the bailed-out company is laying off 14,000 workers in North America, including eliminating more than 8,000 white-collar jobs and closing five plants (four in the U.S.).
Cue the media outrage … at President Donald Trump.
No doubt GM’s announcement does hurt Trump. After all, two of the plant closures and much of the job loss will occur in states he won — Ohio and Michigan. His campaign was and is centered on bringing jobs back to the U.S and restoring downtrodden towns in Middle America; GM is doing the opposite.
Democrats were quick to blame Republican tax reform. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) said in a statement, “GM received record tax breaks as a result of the GOP’s tax bill last year, and has eliminated jobs instead of using that tax windfall to invest in American workers.” That ignores the forest to focus on one tree, but it’ll swing some votes thanks to amplification by the Democrats’ Leftmedia super PAC. We’d like to say that every instance of a corporation paying less in taxes ($157 million less in GM’s case) led to more jobs, but that’s not always the case due to other considerations.
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Cue the media outrage … at President Donald Trump.
No doubt GM’s announcement does hurt Trump. After all, two of the plant closures and much of the job loss will occur in states he won — Ohio and Michigan. His campaign was and is centered on bringing jobs back to the U.S and restoring downtrodden towns in Middle America; GM is doing the opposite.
Democrats were quick to blame Republican tax reform. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) said in a statement, “GM received record tax breaks as a result of the GOP’s tax bill last year, and has eliminated jobs instead of using that tax windfall to invest in American workers.” That ignores the forest to focus on one tree, but it’ll swing some votes thanks to amplification by the Democrats’ Leftmedia super PAC. We’d like to say that every instance of a corporation paying less in taxes ($157 million less in GM’s case) led to more jobs, but that’s not always the case due to other considerations.
More here
CAIR Executive Director Calls for ‘Murderous’ Israeli Leadership to Be ‘Terminated’
The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Angeles said in a tweet on Sunday that the "murderous regimes" of both Iran and Israel should be "terminated."
Hussam Ayloush linked to a story about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calling Israel a "cancerous tumor" in the Middle East and wrote, "Iran's regime calling Israel a ‘cancerous tumor' is like the pot calling the kettle black. All the people of that region will be better off once both murderous regimes are terminated."
CAIR is a Muslim advocacy group with ties to extremist and terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hussam Ayloush linked to a story about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani calling Israel a "cancerous tumor" in the Middle East and wrote, "Iran's regime calling Israel a ‘cancerous tumor' is like the pot calling the kettle black. All the people of that region will be better off once both murderous regimes are terminated."
CAIR is a Muslim advocacy group with ties to extremist and terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Central American Migrants Exploit Border Barrier Gaps in Arizona
Yuma Sector Border Patrol officials tweeted that large groups of illegal immigrants from Central America continue to exploit gaps in the region’s border infrastructure to enter the U.S.
Border Patrol officials with the Yuma Sector tweeted a video showing a group of illegal immigrants crossing the border where there is a gap in infrastructure. The crossing occurred on November 23 at about 4:15 p.m., according to Yuma Sector officials.
Officials told Breitbart News the group of 31 migrants crossed the border Friday afternoon. They classified all but one as family units. They came to the U.S. from El Salvador (4) and Guatemala (27) and the majority asked for asylum, the Yuma Sector spokesman stated.
According to the source, “no intelligence at this time suggests that they were part of the caravan.” The caravan migrants still appear to be consolidated to the San Diego Sector at this time.
Border Patrol officials with the Yuma Sector tweeted a video showing a group of illegal immigrants crossing the border where there is a gap in infrastructure. The crossing occurred on November 23 at about 4:15 p.m., according to Yuma Sector officials.
Officials told Breitbart News the group of 31 migrants crossed the border Friday afternoon. They classified all but one as family units. They came to the U.S. from El Salvador (4) and Guatemala (27) and the majority asked for asylum, the Yuma Sector spokesman stated.
According to the source, “no intelligence at this time suggests that they were part of the caravan.” The caravan migrants still appear to be consolidated to the San Diego Sector at this time.
Barbara Lee on Losing Dem Caucus Chair: I ‘Absolutely’ Think Ageism, Sexism Played Role in Loss
Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif.) on Wednesday attributed her loss in the Democrat caucus chair race to ageism and sexism, saying she "absolutely" believes she lost because of discrimination.
Earlier in the morning, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) defeated Lee, a fellow Congressional Black Caucus member, with a vote of 123-113. The Democrat Caucus chair is the fifth most powerful position in House Democrat leadership.
Huffington Post reporter Matt Fuller asked Lee, 72, after the loss whether she believed "ageism or sexism played a part in this race."
"Well, I think you heard and saw what took place. So I absolutely think that’s the case," Lee said.
Earlier in the morning, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) defeated Lee, a fellow Congressional Black Caucus member, with a vote of 123-113. The Democrat Caucus chair is the fifth most powerful position in House Democrat leadership.
Huffington Post reporter Matt Fuller asked Lee, 72, after the loss whether she believed "ageism or sexism played a part in this race."
"Well, I think you heard and saw what took place. So I absolutely think that’s the case," Lee said.
Stormy Daniels Says Michael Avenatti Went Rogue, Sued Trump Against Her Wishes
Two weeks after his arrest for allegedly abusing his girlfriend, Stormy Daniels says that Michael Avenatti sued Donald Trump against her wishes, according to a statement she gave to the Daily Beast on Wednesday.

Avenatti also launched a now-deleted legal defense fundraising site without her consent.
Daniels is now unsure if she will keep Avenatti on as her lawyer.
Here is her full statement, provided to The Daily Beast - with Avenatti's response below:

Avenatti also launched a now-deleted legal defense fundraising site without her consent.
Daniels is now unsure if she will keep Avenatti on as her lawyer.
Here is her full statement, provided to The Daily Beast - with Avenatti's response below:
Texas court upholds conviction of woman sentenced to 8 years in prison for voter fraud
An appeals court upheld last year’s conviction of a Texas woman who officials said voted illegally multiple times, Attorney General Ken Paxton said Tuesday.
Rosa Maria Ortega, a green card holder, is a permanent resident who lives in the Dallas area. On voter registration forms, Ortega marked she was a U.S. citizen – allowing her to vote “illegally for more than 10 years,” Paxton’s office said.
The mother of four was sentenced to eight years in prison with parole eligibility in less than one year. She was also fined $5,000. The Texas 2nd Court of Appeals upheld the conviction Tuesday.
The attorney general’s office said it had offered Ortega a lesser punishment so she could avoid prison – just two years of community supervision – but she declined and chose a jury trial instead.
Rosa Maria Ortega, a green card holder, is a permanent resident who lives in the Dallas area. On voter registration forms, Ortega marked she was a U.S. citizen – allowing her to vote “illegally for more than 10 years,” Paxton’s office said.
The mother of four was sentenced to eight years in prison with parole eligibility in less than one year. She was also fined $5,000. The Texas 2nd Court of Appeals upheld the conviction Tuesday.
The attorney general’s office said it had offered Ortega a lesser punishment so she could avoid prison – just two years of community supervision – but she declined and chose a jury trial instead.
Serial killer who may have committed 90 murders is linked to yet another killing
Police in Washington, D.C., have attributed an unsolved murder from 1972 to convicted serial killer Samuel Little, just weeks after he admitted to committing at least 90 killings since the early 1970s.
Prince George’s County Police said Wednesday that officials received a call in October about an unsolved murder dating back to the summer of 1972, in which a hunter discovered human remains in a wooded area off Route 197, along the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Laurel.
Detectives set out to interview Little in Texas, where he is serving multiple life sentences for murders in that state and California. According to investigators, he revealed “specific and previously unreported details” about the case that led them to believe his confession.
Police have never been able to identify the victim, but say Little’s confession has helped them to narrow their search.
The medical examiner’s report described the victim as a 19-year-old Caucasian female, with dirty blond or reddish hair. The victim was between 5-foot-2 and 5-foot-6.
Little told investigators he picked the woman up at a bus station on New York Avenue in the District of Columbia and learned that she was recently divorced and had come there from Massachusetts.
Prince George’s County Police said Wednesday that officials received a call in October about an unsolved murder dating back to the summer of 1972, in which a hunter discovered human remains in a wooded area off Route 197, along the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Laurel.
Detectives set out to interview Little in Texas, where he is serving multiple life sentences for murders in that state and California. According to investigators, he revealed “specific and previously unreported details” about the case that led them to believe his confession.
Police have never been able to identify the victim, but say Little’s confession has helped them to narrow their search.
The medical examiner’s report described the victim as a 19-year-old Caucasian female, with dirty blond or reddish hair. The victim was between 5-foot-2 and 5-foot-6.
Little told investigators he picked the woman up at a bus station on New York Avenue in the District of Columbia and learned that she was recently divorced and had come there from Massachusetts.
Will Johnson – Charlie Brown Is Christian Not Racist
Liberals now say the classic cartoon should be censored
The problem with Charlie Brown is it’s Christian, not racist.
We all know Democrats are against Christianity and the attack on the comic strip is because it still has a strong influence on many young people, something they aim to change that through any means necessary, including the false claim of racism.
The problem with Charlie Brown is it’s Christian, not racist.
We all know Democrats are against Christianity and the attack on the comic strip is because it still has a strong influence on many young people, something they aim to change that through any means necessary, including the false claim of racism.
Social Media-itis
Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania may have finally proven what people have suspected for years: Social media is bad for your mental health.
Okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated, but professors Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson, and Jordyn Young at UPenn’s psychology department found that decreasing social media usage can reduce feelings of depression and loneliness. It may also reduce a person’s narcissistic and other self-centered behavior.
The study, published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, delved into the social-media habits of 143 University of Pennsylvania students over a period of several weeks. Half the students used Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat like they normally would, while the other half restricted their usage to 10 minutes a day. Both groups where evaluated throughout the course of the study on seven different scales measuring moods and psychological well-being.
Okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated, but professors Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson, and Jordyn Young at UPenn’s psychology department found that decreasing social media usage can reduce feelings of depression and loneliness. It may also reduce a person’s narcissistic and other self-centered behavior.
The study, published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, delved into the social-media habits of 143 University of Pennsylvania students over a period of several weeks. Half the students used Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat like they normally would, while the other half restricted their usage to 10 minutes a day. Both groups where evaluated throughout the course of the study on seven different scales measuring moods and psychological well-being.
Baltimore daycare worker pleads guilty to killing eight-month-old girl
A daycare worker has pleaded guilty to killing an eight-month-old girl by smothering her with a blanket because she wouldn't go to sleep.
Leah Walden, 24, admitted the murder of little Reese Bowman, at Rocket Tiers Learning Center, Baltimore in May 2017, at a court hearing on Tuesday, wbaltvreports.
Walden was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the horrifying killing by Judge Althea Handy who sobbed as she handed it down.
In heartbreaking scenes, Reese's father Justin Bowman wept as he told the court: 'I will never see my girl take her first steps, hold her, kiss her, comfort her when she's scared, hear her say "I love you". I am devastated.'
Turning to Walden and pointing he said: 'Reese Annette Bowman accomplished more in her short life than this woman ever will.'
Walden tried to explain her actions by saying she had snapped and had not been given appropriate training or assistance for her job.
Assistant State's Attorney Anne Colt Leitess said Walden had told a co-worker, 'Girl, I'm frustrated. I'm sick of this little b****. I hate this little b****. She makes me want to punch her in the face.'
Leah Walden, 24, admitted the murder of little Reese Bowman, at Rocket Tiers Learning Center, Baltimore in May 2017, at a court hearing on Tuesday, wbaltvreports.
Walden was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the horrifying killing by Judge Althea Handy who sobbed as she handed it down.
In heartbreaking scenes, Reese's father Justin Bowman wept as he told the court: 'I will never see my girl take her first steps, hold her, kiss her, comfort her when she's scared, hear her say "I love you". I am devastated.'
Turning to Walden and pointing he said: 'Reese Annette Bowman accomplished more in her short life than this woman ever will.'
Walden tried to explain her actions by saying she had snapped and had not been given appropriate training or assistance for her job.
Assistant State's Attorney Anne Colt Leitess said Walden had told a co-worker, 'Girl, I'm frustrated. I'm sick of this little b****. I hate this little b****. She makes me want to punch her in the face.'
The Race in Mississippi Was All About Race
“That’s racist!” Oh how tiresome is the charge leftists make virtually every day against a Republican somewhere. The slandered person this time is GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who yesterday won her runoff to become the first elected female senator from Mississippi. Gov. Phil Bryant appointed her to the seat earlier this year to replace Thad Cochran. Leftmedia outlets teased 24/7 that the race would be close primarily because of contrived racial controversy, but Hyde-Smith ended up defeating Democrat and former Clinton Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy 54-46. Unwilling to let the narrative go easily, Twitter headlined that she “narrowly” won. We suppose it’s “narrow” compared to Donald Trump’s 18-point win in 2016…
Significantly, of course, Hyde-Smith’s win provides Senate Republicans with a majority of 53 seats, and thus a more comfortable cushion for anything from confirming President Trump’s judicial nominees to advancing conservative legislation to blocking Nancy Pelosi’s House legislative agenda. As we argued the day after the midterms, GOP gains in the Senate were driven mainly by voter concern over the judiciary in the wake of Democrats’ horrendous treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Speaking of horrendous treatment, that brings us back to the big issue in this race — race.
Significantly, of course, Hyde-Smith’s win provides Senate Republicans with a majority of 53 seats, and thus a more comfortable cushion for anything from confirming President Trump’s judicial nominees to advancing conservative legislation to blocking Nancy Pelosi’s House legislative agenda. As we argued the day after the midterms, GOP gains in the Senate were driven mainly by voter concern over the judiciary in the wake of Democrats’ horrendous treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Speaking of horrendous treatment, that brings us back to the big issue in this race — race.
Teacher Attacked at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
BALTIMORE (WBFF)-- Baltimore School Police have charged a student with assault after he allegedly punched his teacher in the face Wednesday morning.
Multiple sources confirm that there was an altercation between an 11th grader and a teacher. School officials have not confirmed it.
Sources tell FOX45 the student was upset with his physics teacher over a detention.
The teacher did not appear to be seriously hurt.
The 16-year-old student was taken into custody after the incident.
It's the latest case of an employee attacked in a city school. Baltimore Teachers Union have announced a school safety task force in response to the assaults.
Multiple sources confirm that there was an altercation between an 11th grader and a teacher. School officials have not confirmed it.
Sources tell FOX45 the student was upset with his physics teacher over a detention.
The teacher did not appear to be seriously hurt.
The 16-year-old student was taken into custody after the incident.
It's the latest case of an employee attacked in a city school. Baltimore Teachers Union have announced a school safety task force in response to the assaults.
Another MSM 'Bombshell' on Trump/Russia Collusion Falls Apart
On Tuesday, Robert Mueller’s investigation made a surprising announcement — it was pulling out of its agreed plea deal with Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager. The Mueller team’s court filing gave the reason: “After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement.” For his part, Manafort denied the allegation, saying through his legal team that “he believes he has provided truthful information and does not agree with the government’s characterization or that he has breached the agreement.”
Despite Leftmedia spin, the news is a blow to the Trump/Russia collusion narrative. Lacking evidence to support the collusion charge, Mueller seemingly needs someone connected to both the Trump campaign and the Russians who is willing to testify to the allegation. Mueller may have determined Manafort is not that man.
However, like clockwork, as soon as another piece of the vacuous collusion narrative begins to fall apart, the mainstream media runs to the rescue by peddling the latest dubiously sourced “bombshell” report.
Despite Leftmedia spin, the news is a blow to the Trump/Russia collusion narrative. Lacking evidence to support the collusion charge, Mueller seemingly needs someone connected to both the Trump campaign and the Russians who is willing to testify to the allegation. Mueller may have determined Manafort is not that man.
However, like clockwork, as soon as another piece of the vacuous collusion narrative begins to fall apart, the mainstream media runs to the rescue by peddling the latest dubiously sourced “bombshell” report.
One-third of migrants in caravan are being treated for health issues
Migrants who came with the caravan are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues, Tijuana's Health Department warned on Thursday morning.
The spokesman told Fox News that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.
There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox, the spokesman said.
At least 101 migrants have lice and multiple instances of skin infections, the department’s data shows.
There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions, the spokesman said. The thousands of migrants are being sheltered at the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro U.S.-Mexico Port of Entry, despite the place being capable of providing for 1,000 people.
The location also has only 35 portable bathrooms. A sign reading “No Spitting” was put up, as coughing and spitting by migrants are rampant in the shelter.
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The spokesman told Fox News that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.
There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox, the spokesman said.
At least 101 migrants have lice and multiple instances of skin infections, the department’s data shows.
There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions, the spokesman said. The thousands of migrants are being sheltered at the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro U.S.-Mexico Port of Entry, despite the place being capable of providing for 1,000 people.
The location also has only 35 portable bathrooms. A sign reading “No Spitting” was put up, as coughing and spitting by migrants are rampant in the shelter.
More here
Graham: 'What Message Do You Want to Send to the Rest of the World About Our Border?'
"This is a day of reckoning for the American people," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News Tuesday night.
With thousands of Central Americans massing at the southern border, it's time to decide: "What message do you want to send to the rest of the world about our border?" Graham asked.
"If you want to be open borders, this is your chance. If you want to stand firm, this is also your opportunity, and I hope Democrats understand you have got to really hate Trump to not see this caravan as a problem for the American people."
With thousands of Central Americans massing at the southern border, it's time to decide: "What message do you want to send to the rest of the world about our border?" Graham asked.
"If you want to be open borders, this is your chance. If you want to stand firm, this is also your opportunity, and I hope Democrats understand you have got to really hate Trump to not see this caravan as a problem for the American people."
Subject: Industry Group Pledges $100,000 for Program Aimed at Recruiting New Shooters
The firearms industry's trade group announced this month it established a new $100,000 grant program to help gun ranges introduce new people to gun ownership.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said the new grant would be used by ranges across the country involved in their First Shots program. The group said the program is designed to provide "a safe, fun and educational introduction experience for people new to firearms." It said First Shots events also help develop ties to a range's local community and bring in new customers.
NSSF describes First Shot events as a place where first-time shooters can receive a "comprehensive introduction to shooting by qualified range operators and instructors that includes firearm safety, local ownership requirements, shooting fundamentals, hands-on instruction and how and where to continue." The curriculum for the events was developed by the NSSF but is administered by local ranges in states across the country. The industry group said the program has introduced thousands of beginners to the shooting sports.
Ranges can apply for grants of up to $2,500 to help defray the costs of holding and marketing First Shots events. The grants can also be used to pay for equipment purchases made for the event.
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The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said the new grant would be used by ranges across the country involved in their First Shots program. The group said the program is designed to provide "a safe, fun and educational introduction experience for people new to firearms." It said First Shots events also help develop ties to a range's local community and bring in new customers.
NSSF describes First Shot events as a place where first-time shooters can receive a "comprehensive introduction to shooting by qualified range operators and instructors that includes firearm safety, local ownership requirements, shooting fundamentals, hands-on instruction and how and where to continue." The curriculum for the events was developed by the NSSF but is administered by local ranges in states across the country. The industry group said the program has introduced thousands of beginners to the shooting sports.
Ranges can apply for grants of up to $2,500 to help defray the costs of holding and marketing First Shots events. The grants can also be used to pay for equipment purchases made for the event.
More here
Kavanaugh 2.0: Smears Against Court Nominee Tom Farr
We learned during the fight over Justice Brett Kavanaugh that Democrats will stop at nothing to block nominees who defend the Constitution’s limits on government. Lies, smears, screams, and even crimes are the tools of their trade.
Now, the same tactics are being used to smear another nominee to the federal bench – Tom Farr from North Carolina.
Farr was appointed by President Trump for a vacancy on the United States District Court that sits in Raleigh – the site of multiple fights over election process laws and Congressional redistricting. The seat has been vacant since 2006, the longest vacancy on the federal bench nationwide.
Farr, like Kavanaugh before him, is experiencing ritual defamation by his opponents.
Farr committed the unpardonable sin to the left: He represented the state of North Carolina in defending North Carolina's voter ID and election integrity laws. Power is too important for Farr’s foes to allow a nominee with mainstream views to be confirmed to a court so central to their litigation agenda in that swing state.
Now, the same tactics are being used to smear another nominee to the federal bench – Tom Farr from North Carolina.
Farr was appointed by President Trump for a vacancy on the United States District Court that sits in Raleigh – the site of multiple fights over election process laws and Congressional redistricting. The seat has been vacant since 2006, the longest vacancy on the federal bench nationwide.
Farr, like Kavanaugh before him, is experiencing ritual defamation by his opponents.
Farr committed the unpardonable sin to the left: He represented the state of North Carolina in defending North Carolina's voter ID and election integrity laws. Power is too important for Farr’s foes to allow a nominee with mainstream views to be confirmed to a court so central to their litigation agenda in that swing state.
Election Flips Again Fort Final Recount On Wicomico Board of Education
When Mr. Goslee asked for a recount, (perfectly understandable) after losing by only one vote, the recount proved that he had in fact actually WON by one vote instead. Congratulations Mr. Goslee.
Broward Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Will Walk Away From Her Post With a Cushy Pension
Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has come under fire for the numerous incidents of voter fraud and the lengthy recount process earlier this month. She finally decided to resign from her post after facing severe criticism. Now, it's coming to light that she will be receiving $11,000 a month in a pension. That equates to roughly $130,000 a year. Snipes was previously making $178,865 a year as Broward's Election Supervisor, the Sun-Sentinel reported.
Part of the reason her pension is so high is because of her time in government. She already receives $4,880 a month for her combined time as a teacher and school administrator. Snipes has received that part of her pension, in combination with her salary as Elections Supervisor, since she was appointed to the post by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2003. She won re-election to the post four different times since her appointment.
Part of the reason her pension is so high is because of her time in government. She already receives $4,880 a month for her combined time as a teacher and school administrator. Snipes has received that part of her pension, in combination with her salary as Elections Supervisor, since she was appointed to the post by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2003. She won re-election to the post four different times since her appointment.
Bill And Hillary Go To Canada, Collect Check For Bashing Trump In Front Of Mostly Empty Arena
Playing in front of just over 3,000 people in an arena that can seat about six times that number in Toronto Tuesday evening, Bill and Hillary Clinton found a variety of ways to slam the sitting President of the United States, whose reign is so awful, his vanquished presidential opponent suggested, that she was considering moving to Canada to restart her political career as a member of parliament.
The event was hosted by one of the reluctant "stars" of the politically damaging Clinton Foundation expose by Peter Schweizer "Clinton Cash," Frank McKenna, a former Canadian ambassador and current deputy chair of the Toronto-Dominion Bank who Schweizer describes as having "paid Bill more than any other financial institution for lectures," amounting to some $1.8 million for ten speeches over just two years, which Schweizer suggests is related to the Keystone Pipeline battle.
The event was hosted by one of the reluctant "stars" of the politically damaging Clinton Foundation expose by Peter Schweizer "Clinton Cash," Frank McKenna, a former Canadian ambassador and current deputy chair of the Toronto-Dominion Bank who Schweizer describes as having "paid Bill more than any other financial institution for lectures," amounting to some $1.8 million for ten speeches over just two years, which Schweizer suggests is related to the Keystone Pipeline battle.
The Cost Of Insurance Is About To Jump
The argument over whether we’re in for global warming or global cooling and whether what’s coming is natural or human-made is fun but totally irrelevant from a financial perspective. The fact is that for whatever reason and in whatever direction, the climate is getting more aggressive. Monster snowstorms and apocalyptic fires are clearly becoming more common:
Combine the rising number of bad things nature is throwing our way with the fact that millions more people are choosing to live in places with the highest propensity for those bad things, and you get yet another addition to the average family’s cost of living: soaring insurance premiums.
Phil’s Stock World recently published an analysis by University of Michigan professor Andrew Hoffman that expands on the connection between nature and insurance:
Combine the rising number of bad things nature is throwing our way with the fact that millions more people are choosing to live in places with the highest propensity for those bad things, and you get yet another addition to the average family’s cost of living: soaring insurance premiums.
Phil’s Stock World recently published an analysis by University of Michigan professor Andrew Hoffman that expands on the connection between nature and insurance:
US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble
The October advanced trade balance (deficit) of goods worsened to $77.2 billion ($77.0 billion expected) from $76.3 billion in September.
Imports rose 0.1% in Oct. to $217.764b from $217.554b in Sept.
Exports fell 0.6% in Oct. to $140.517b from $141.303b in Sept.
In December 2016, the US goods trade deficit was $63.485 billion.
In October 2018, the US goods trade deficit is $77.2 billion.
A dramatic rise of almost $14 billion since Trump's election and trade war started.
Since this is an advance print, there is no color on China trade data.
Imports rose 0.1% in Oct. to $217.764b from $217.554b in Sept.
Exports fell 0.6% in Oct. to $140.517b from $141.303b in Sept.
In December 2016, the US goods trade deficit was $63.485 billion.
In October 2018, the US goods trade deficit is $77.2 billion.
A dramatic rise of almost $14 billion since Trump's election and trade war started.
Since this is an advance print, there is no color on China trade data.
Rapper Blames White People For His Criminal History
Watch this counter video proving Meek Mill dead wrong
Rapper Meek Mill recently did a piece for the NYT Opinion section where he places the problems of black people squarely on the shoulders of white people, while totally absolving himself of any responsibility.
Rapper Meek Mill recently did a piece for the NYT Opinion section where he places the problems of black people squarely on the shoulders of white people, while totally absolving himself of any responsibility.
Democrats Nominate Pelosi As Speaker, But Bigger Test Lies Ahead
As Einstein so eloquently noted:
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
And so it is that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed victory on Wednesday, saying she had won the Democratic nomination for Speaker amid an entrenched rebellion from insurgent lawmakers who pose the starkest threat to her long reign atop the party.
As The Hill reports, Wednesday’s Speaker vote was conducted by private ballot in the Visitors Center of the Capitol. It was reflective of the unusual nature of this year’s leadership elections that there were written ballots at all.
The outcome was no surprise though, as Pelosi was running uncontested and enjoys widespread support within the liberal-heavy caucus she’s led since 2003.
Nine Democrats in the bipartisan, 48-member 'Problem Solvers' caucus had vowed to withhold their support for Pelosi - or any other Speaker nominee - unless the candidate commits, in writing, to the changes to rules aimed at empowering rank-and-file lawmakers and breaking partisan gridlock.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
And so it is that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed victory on Wednesday, saying she had won the Democratic nomination for Speaker amid an entrenched rebellion from insurgent lawmakers who pose the starkest threat to her long reign atop the party.
As The Hill reports, Wednesday’s Speaker vote was conducted by private ballot in the Visitors Center of the Capitol. It was reflective of the unusual nature of this year’s leadership elections that there were written ballots at all.
The outcome was no surprise though, as Pelosi was running uncontested and enjoys widespread support within the liberal-heavy caucus she’s led since 2003.
Nine Democrats in the bipartisan, 48-member 'Problem Solvers' caucus had vowed to withhold their support for Pelosi - or any other Speaker nominee - unless the candidate commits, in writing, to the changes to rules aimed at empowering rank-and-file lawmakers and breaking partisan gridlock.
The Difference Between An Obama Judge And A Trump Judge
The last few days have seen President Trump escalate his tirade against judicial bias in America's higher courts following his initial comments responding to yet another liberal California judge earlier this week blocked one of President Trump’s policies - this time a new asylum rule that would have required applicants to arrive at a designated port of entry (a lot to ask, I know) - the understandably frustrated president lashed out at liberal courts in general.
“I think it’s a disgrace when every case gets filed in the 9th Circuit,” said Trump.
“That’s not law, that’s not what this country stands for. Every case that gets filed in the 9th Circuit, we get beaten and then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court, like the travel ban, and we won.”
Prompting a response from Chief Justice John Roberts...
“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” he said in a statement.
“What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”
“I think it’s a disgrace when every case gets filed in the 9th Circuit,” said Trump.
“That’s not law, that’s not what this country stands for. Every case that gets filed in the 9th Circuit, we get beaten and then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court, like the travel ban, and we won.”
Prompting a response from Chief Justice John Roberts...
“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” he said in a statement.
“What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”
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