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Saturday, April 02, 2016

The True Story Of A Fake Presidential Candidate

Meet Yetta Bronstein, candidate for president.

At least, she was a presidential candidate — kind of. In the 1960s, a pair of professional pranksters, husband and wife Alan and Jeanne Abel, orchestrated an election-year hoax with Bronstein, a politician as much as she was a fiction.

"Yetta Bronstein lives in the Bronx. She has a boy named Marvin. He plays the drums, badly," recalls Jeanne. "And one day she decides to run for president!"

Bronstein ran as an independent write-in candidate in 1964 and '68, leading a political party known as the Best Party. Her platform included national bingo.

It was Jeanne Abel who would act as Bronstein in interviews with reporters, while Alan stood in as her campaign manager.

"I got a lot of press," Jeanne says. "I only appeared on radio because I was then only in my 20s and I was blond and not a Jewish mother."



"It's time for the People to stand."

“I think Donald Trump is what this country needs to get forward,” Mike Schuetz of Hawkins Guns told Infowars reporter Rob Dew. “Last year I was victimized by the current administration through their use of Operation Chokepoint.”

Under the operation, the U.S. Department of Justice has been pressuring banks to refuse service to businesses the DOJ is targeting politically, such as gun stores, by coercing financial institutions to close the bank and merchant accounts associated with these businesses, which Infowars brought to the public’s attention in 2014.


Report: Hillary's FBI Interview Coming Within Days

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign could potentially be derailed in weeks, as the FBI is expected to finish its investigation into her use of a private email system soon, according to a new report.

Al Jazeera America reports the FBI has finished looking through Clinton's emails and server. All that's left are interviews with Clinton and some of her aides. The news outlet, according to a video of the report posted on Mediaite, said Clinton is expected to speak with the FBI within days about her email setup during her time as Secretary of State (2009-2013) under President Barack Obama.


'Duck Dynasty' Star Willie Robertson Joins Fox News as Correspondent

Willie Robertson, a star on the reality show "Duck Dynasty," will join Fox News as a paid correspondent on Monday with the introduction of his own radio podcast, according to The Daily Beast. He will make appearances across Fox News programming.

The 45-minute weekly podcast show for Fox News Radio will highlight Robertson's views on politics, celebrities, faith and family, among other subjects, said The Wrap.

Robertson is chief executive of Duck Commander, the million-dollar duck call business based in West Monroe, Louisiana, started by his father Phil Robertson, per the Duck Commander website.


Pro-Hillary Group: Trump Illegally Promised Carson a Job for Endorsement

A group backed by a longtime Hillary Clinton supporter alleged to the Justice Department this week that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump illegally promised former rival Ben Carson a position in his administration in exchange for an endorsement.

"It has recently come to light that Mr. Donald Trump may have willfully offered Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration should he become president in return for supporting his candidacy in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 599," the American Democracy Legal Fund said in a letter to the federal agency.




This website has been consistent in our opposition to proposed government-subsidized refugee resettlements in South Carolina. We were the first website in the state to break open this scandal last year, and we’ve been all over it ever since.

Our view is simple: Security concerns aside, our state simply cannot afford either the immediate or long-term costs associated with such an influx. That’s why we oppose the resettlements – and support efforts to hold our state leaders accountable on this issue.

Others apparently feel the same way …


Verizon is Tacking on another $20 Fee

Verizon will charge customers $20 to upgrade their phones starting April 4.

The fee will apply virtually every time a customer upgrades to a new phone -- whether customers buy the phone outright from Verizon (VZ, Tech30), sign up for the carrier's device payment plans or even purchase the phone through Apple's Upgrade program.

Previously, Verizon had only charged upgrade fees to customers still under a two-year contract (a $40 fee, which remains in place).


Flood Insurance Rates Set to Increase April 1

Flood insurance rates are set to increase for all policyholders on Friday as the National Flood Insurance Program continues to dig itself out of $24 billion in debt incurred in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Sandy and other recent emergencies.

That means policyholders and their insurance agents will once again be forced to wade through a bewildering barrage of bureaucratic lingo like "Lapsed and reinstated pre-Flood Insurance Rate Map (Pre-FIRM) policies," "Pre-FIRM primary residences," "preferred risk," "standard rated," "Biggert-Waters" and "Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014."

And those phrases are from just two paragraphs of a news release Thursday from state Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty's office alerting Florida residents of the coming rate increases.


Governor Hogan's Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Provides Historic Funding For Education And The Arts

Budget Places Emphasis On Education Funding, Works To Ensure All Maryland Students Receive Quality Education

“My top priority is and always has been education funding." -Governor Larry Hogan, January 12, 2016

Investing In Maryland’s Future Generations

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Includes A $6.3 Billion Investment Toward Maryland’s Public Schools; The Largest Investment Ever For Public Education In Maryland’s History. Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget is historic, in that it increases public education funding by $154 million, providing $6.3 billion toward public education. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)
Governor Hogan: “This Year, We Will Break Our Historic Record-High Investment In Public Education From Last Year...” (“Gov. Larry Hogan’s State Of The State Address,” The Baltimore Sun, 2/3/16)

Del. Haven Shoemaker (R- District 5): “He’s (Hogan’s) Putting His Money Where His Mouth Is By Putting More Money Into Education.” (Heather Norris and Erin Cox, “Carroll Legislators Encouraged By Hogan’s State Of The State Address,” Carroll County Times, 2/3/16)

K-12 Per Pupil Funding Will Increase In Every Jurisdiction Throughout The State. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Can We Liberate Our Kids From Traditional Schooling?

The last thing dedicated teachers want to think is that they’re fulfilling all the duties of a babysitter and not much else, says educator Mac Bogert.

“I’m often reminded of Mark Twain’s quote: ‘I never let my schooling interfere with my education,’ ” Bogert says. “Learning is among the most exciting and enjoyable experiences we have in life, yet many students and teachers herded into our school systems view school as something to be endured, as if the school day is one long detention.”

Recent findings illustrate the problem. In 2015, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) showed a decline in math comprehension from fourth- and eighth-graders for the first time since 1990.

“If you want to know how effective schools are, ask a teenager,” Bogert says. “Why do smart kids who enjoy reading and learning find school boring? We don’t need to make people learn, we need to free them to learn.”

Bogert, author of “Learning Chaos: How Disorder Can Save Education,” (, and president of AZA Learning, which encourages an open-learning process for all participants, says our educational system is outdated. He proposes new methods parents can use to resurrect a love of learning from their kids.

• Ban rote learning. When preparing to teach within a traditional framework, we aren’t stimulating a child’s curiosity. Rather, we’re serving the framework of control. This sort of top-down, listen-without-interrupting teaching is limiting and alienates many types of learning personalities. Instead, foster engagement, which means an open environment where kids feel free to participate.
• Encourage children to sound off. Ever see an interesting news discussion on television? If no one is saying what you want to say, you can become frustrated to the point of turning off the conversation. Students who are shy or otherwise discouraged from engaging can shut down in a similar way. But when they’re included and encouraged to participate in a lesson, their minds stay focused. They feel they have a stake in the lesson.
• Take a cue from the Internet. We’re not starved for information; we’re starved for stories, which have lessons embedded within them. Simply sharing a story invites learning. That’s why you should allow a child’s narrative of inquiry to be more democratic than controlled. Allow him or her to pursue a line of thought wherever it may go, rather than controlled, assigned resources.

“Ideally, your child will be a participant within a hotbed of ideas, rather than a passive listener in an intellectually sterile environment,” Bogert says. “That may not always be possible at school, but this kind of encouragement at home will help them later in life.”

Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Promotes Economic Development

Budget Takes Important Steps Forward Creating Environment Where Businesses Can Grow And Flourish

“Over the past 12 months, Maryland businesses had their best year in eight years, with some of our most important brands and employers - like Under Armour, McCormick, Northrup Grumman, FedEx, and Amazon - increasing their investment and growing jobs in our state. Let’s build on that progress, and continue to make Maryland a more competitive, and a more business-friendly state.” -Governor Larry Hogan, February 3, 2016

Expanding Opportunities For Maryland Businesses

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Includes $6.4 Million In General Funds For The Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority And Fund. Funding for the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund will total nearly $20 million in Fiscal Year 2017. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

To Contribute To The Development Of Small Businesses In Maryland, The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Provides $6.3 Million For Business Assistance Through The Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Protects Maryland's Environment

Budget Provides Resources Necessary To Responsibly Protect And Strengthen Maryland’s Standing As An Environmental Leader

“Maryland should be leading the charge in protecting our environment. Maryland’s environment can and should be cleaner and healthier.” -Governor Larry Hogan, February 3, 2016

Making Investments To Protect Our Most Precious Natural Asset

Fiscal Year 2017 Will Be The First Year In History In Which No Budget Actions Will Divert Funding Away From Bay Restoration Efforts To Support The General Fund. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Will Provide An Historic Amount Of $53 Million Toward The Chesapeake And Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund; The Highest Level Of Funding Since Its Establishment. The Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust fund will receive $53 million in the Fiscal Year 2017 budget, this is a $13.6 million, or 34.5% increase from $39.4 million which was provided for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund in Fiscal Year 2016. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)
Governor Hogan: “This Dedicated Funding For The Trust Fund Will Enhance Our Efforts Even Further, And Cement Our Position As Ecological And Environmental Leaders. Through These Commitments, We Signal Our Commitment To The Restoration Of The Chesapeake Bay And The Improvement Of Our Public Lands, Both Locally And Statewide.” (Press Release, “Governor Hogan Pledges Millions For Bay Restoration And Land Conservation,” Maryland Department Of Natural Resources, 1/20/16)

State Agencies Committed To Protecting And Preserving Maryland’s Precious Environment And Natural Resources Will See Significant Growth In Their Fiscal Year 2017 Budgets

Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Aggressively Addresses Pressing Matters Of Health And Substance Abuse

Budget Offers Aid And Care To Some Of Maryland’s Most Vulnerable Individuals

“In the past year, we have taken important steps to address another problem that has impaired the quality of life of Marylanders all across our state: heroin and opioid addiction. Please join me in thanking Lt. Governor Rutherford and the members of the Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force for their countless months of hard work. Thanks to their efforts, we remain relentlessly focused on finding the best ideas and working toward solutions.” -Governor Larry Hogan, February 3, 2016

Providing Quality, Accessible Health Care Options To Marylanders

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Will Provide More Than $10 Billion Toward Maryland’s Medicaid Program. In Fiscal Year 2017, funding for Maryland’s Medicaid Program, which provides basic health care coverage for more than 1.2 million Marylanders will be over $10 billion, an increase from the $9 billion that was provided for Maryland’s Medicaid Program in Fiscal Year 2016. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Will Provide $18 Million In Prescription Drug Assistance To 28,700 People Who Are Medicare Part D Recipients. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Over $1 Billion Is Invested In Providing For The Needs Of Individuals With Disabilities

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Invests $1.1 Billion In The Developmental Disabilities Administration, An Increase Of 6% From Fiscal Year 2016. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Appropriates A Total Of $105.3 Million For The Division Of Rehabilitation Services. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Provides $18.2 Million To Ensure That Children With Autism Will Continue To Receive Services In Their Community. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Taking A Stand And Tackling Substance Abuse And Addiction

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Provides $348 Million Toward Existing Substance Addiction Programs And Substance Use Disorders. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

$2.3 Million In Funds Were Included In The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget For A 2% Rate Increase For Providers Who Provide Substance Abuse Services For Those Who Are Uninsured. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

An Additional $3 Million In Funds Were Included In The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget To Support Drug Addiction Services In Prisons And To Reduce Drug-Related Crime And Recidivism. (Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Heroin And Opioid Task Force: Taking Action To Address The Devastation Caused By Heroin

The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Will Provide $4.8 Million In Additional Funding To Implement The Recommendations Of Maryland’s Opioid And Heroin Emergency Task Force. In addition to executing the recommendations put forth by the Opioid and Heroin Emergency Task Force, the $4.8 million in additional funds will also be instrumental in enhancing the quality of care, expand access to treatment and support services, boost overdose prevention efforts, and strengthen law enforcement options.(Maryland Department Of Budget And Management)

Authors on Delmarva: New Book Talks Series Offered by Westside Historical Society

On April 8 the folks from Westside Historical Society will inaugurate a new Series for all book lovers out there. Called “Authors on Delmarva” each of five programs will feature a local author who lives on Delmarva and writes about some facet of life on Delmarva! All programs are open to the public, and will be presented at Laytons Chance Winery near Vienna, from 4 to7 pm on Friday afternoons! The Series is being chaired by WHS members Laura Layton and Kathy McIntyre.

The first program will feature Phillip Hesser, author of What a River Says: Exploring the Blackwater River and Refuge, a book not only about the history of this important part of Dorchester County, but a beautiful and provocative study of the important challenge to preserve and protect this natural environment. Hesser even brings to light the controversy over placement of a bridge across the Nanticoke River, beginning in the mid-1800s and involving the towns of Sharptown, Mardela Springs, and Vienna, as well as Blackwater!

Phillip Hesser, Ph.D., taught in the US and Africa and managed educational programs for international and non-profit organizations in Washington, DC. Now, he can be found teaching at Salisbury University and Wor-Wic Community College; lecturing about landscape, life and livelihood on Chesapeake Bay; progging
around the marshes with pups Marshall and Bayly; or working on Sitting in Limbo: Life and Livelihood on the Tumps of Chesapeake Bay.

All programs are FREE and light refreshments will be offered. Programs begin with a “meet-and-greet” the author, followed by the author’s talk and discussion with the audience, and ending with a chance to purchase a signed copy of the featured book.

Future programs will feature Phillip LeBel, author of A Brief Relation of the State of Delmarva on May 27, Joe Moore author of Murder on Maryland’s Eastern Shore on June 17, Anne Foley author of Hollands Island: Dorchester County’s ‘Lost Atlantis’ on September 9. A fifth program on Oct. 21 will be announced later.

What a great chance to “Wine, Unwind, and Share a Good Book!” Reservations are NOT required, but to get answers to questions, contact Westside Historical Society at or phone 410-726-8047, or Laura Layton at the Winery at 410-228-1205.

Maryland Safe Boating Course 19, 20, 21 April 2016 - in Ocean Pines Library

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary will be conducting its second Safe Boating Class of the year in the Ocean Pines library, 19, 20, 21 April. A record class size for the March class is a great affirmation of the enthusiasm and conscientiousness of the Worcester and Sussex County recreational boaters to do it right.

Are you ready for the season? Perhaps you are starting out in boating, or coming back to it. Regardless, the Maryland Basic Boating Class is a great opportunity to satisfy Maryland requirements and to get practical boating knowledge from state certified Coast Guard Auxiliary Instructors. The course is NASBLA (National Assoc. of State Boating LawAdministrators) approved.

The Maryland Boating Safety Education Act requires that anyone born after July 1, 1972 must possess a Maryland Basic Boating Safety Certificate to operate a boat in the state of Maryland. Those attending the class and passing the test will receive a Maryland Boating Certificate.

Even if you were born before 1 July, 1972, and can ‘shiver your
timbers’ like a buccaneer, the Maryland Basic Boating Course is an ideal way to brush up on your general nautical knowledge and to build your boat handling confidence.Besides the state mandated material,the class will tap the local knowledge and experience of the certified instructors. Topics include: safely navigating and piloting about our Ocean City waters, how to tie basic nautical knots, how to identify bad weather and tactics for boating in foul
weather, nautical terminology, boat trailering, and more. There are also discussions on maintenance and commonmedical issues that can occur while boating.

The course will held April 19, 20, 21 April at the Ocean Pines Library. The three evening course will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end no later than 9:00 p.m. each evening. Space is limited.

Cost for the course is $15.00 and includes all course materials. To register, or if you have questions, please contact:

Barry Cohen at 410-935-4807 or E mail


SALISBURY, MD — Healthiest Maryland Businesses, the state’s initiative to support healthy workplaces, is seeking applicants for the Wellness at Work Awards. The purpose of the awards is to recognize Maryland employers for their exemplary accomplishments in worksite health promotion. Employers may be eligible to earn a Gold, Silver, or Bronze award. Launched in 2010 and based at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Healthiest Maryland Businesses assists businesses by creating customized wellness plans, setting wellness goals and monitoring progress. Six regional coordinators around the state provide personalized guidance to businesses of all sizes. To date, over 400 businesses have signed on to take advantage of this free program. “Our goal is to make the healthiest choice the easiest choice,” explains Jennifer Johnson, coordinator for the Lower Shore Region, which includes Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset counties. “Workplace wellness programs can help employees eat healthier foods, get more physical activity and make other lifestyle changes that improve their health.” To be eligible for an award, businesses must be a current member of Healthiest Maryland Businesses and must complete an online application. Deadline to apply is April 29. 

The application and additional details can be found at The Wellness at Work awards will be given at the 7th annual Workplace Health & Wellness Symposium on June 10 at the BWI Marriott. The annual symposium, presented by Business Health Services, is the largest workplace wellness gathering in Maryland, focused on discussing timely health and wellness topics for employers. Registration information may be found at: 

For more information about the Wellness at Work awards, contact Jennifer Johnson at 410-219-7482 or

The NSA Is Terrified of Hillary

Former NSA and CIA director, retired General Michael Hayden, is speaking out and telling the world Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server scheme violated our national security and places lives at risk.

Hayden is not a man who scares easily or speaks in hyperbole. He is a retired United States Air Force four-star general, former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Washington Examiner reports:

"What she set up was inconceivable. And the explanations since that point are incoherent," retired Gen. Michael Hayden told Al Jazeera's Mehdi Hasan, in an interview set to air next week.

Asked if it was likely that the Russian and Chinese governments had possession of her emails, Hayden replied "Yeah," and suggested it wasn't just them.

"I would lose respect for scores of intelligence organizations around the planet if they were not already thumbing through the emails," Hayden said.

Source: AAN

Why Those Who Can Are Fleeing This Failed State

France is in trouble. Through the embrace of nihilism, socialism, and moral relativism, the cheese eating surrender monkeys across the Atlantic have created a moral and spiritual blackhole in their country, ready to be filled by radical Islamists. The exile began with French Jews, who suffered long before the country was invaded by North Africans. Now, France's millionaires are following them:

Rising tensions in France, especially in Paris following a series of Islamist terrorist attacks in 2015, have spurred an exodus of its super-wealthy citizens, a new report on migration trends of millionaires and high-net worth individuals across the world reveals. The report warns that other European countries, including the UK, Belgium, Germany and Sweden "where religious tensions are starting to emerge", will also see similar trends.

Regarding a Brexit, the report suggests millionaires would want to stay in Britain even if it leaves the single currency bloc.

The report was compiled by New World Wealth, an agency that gives information on the global wealth sector. The report was based on data collected from investor visa programme statistics of each country; annual interviews with around 800 global high net worth individuals and with intermediaries like migration experts, second citizenship platforms, wealth managers and property agents; data from property registers and property sales statistics in each country; and by tracking millionaire movements in the media.

France could be setting the table for the rest of Europe, and the United States should take advantage of this opportunity. Instead of welcoming hordes of illiterate, likely to be government dependent Mexicans and Islamic radicals, we should open our doors to those literate and high skilled Europeans who have seen the ravages of socialism firsthand, and are ready to contribute to growing our economy and enriching our culture.

Source: American Action News

How the PC Police Are Encouraging Illegal Immigrant Lawbreakers

The P.C. Police have prevailed on a major issue. The Library of Congress has decided to stop calling a spade a spade:

Thanks to some complaints lodged by students at Dartmouth it is now officially canon in the United States Library of Congress that the term illegal aliens should no longer be used to apply to aliens in the country illegally. No… I know what you’re thinking, but I’m actually not making this up. (Washington Times)

The Library of Congress is no longer using the heading “illegal aliens” in bibliographic records, thanks to a request from Dartmouth College students.

Working with library staff at the Ivy League school, members of a Dartmouth coalition for immigration reform petitioned the Library of Congress in 2014 to replace the subject heading with a more accurate and less offensive term.

Officials concluded that the meaning of “aliens” is often misunderstood and should be replaced with “noncitizens,” and that the phrase “illegal aliens” has become pejorative. The heading “illegal aliens” is being replaced by “noncitizens” and “unauthorized immigration.”

This is nothing more than elitists altering language to suit their personal policy preferences. Even under the most extreme liberal standards, there is nothing particularly racist, sexist, or classist about the term "illegal alien." It's gender neutral. It's class neutral. It is perhaps the most innocuous term one could use to accurately describe the perpetrator of a crime. The term may be construed as negatively associated with Latin Americans, but that's only because they're the party most frequently committing the crime in question.

This is nothing more than an attempt by elitists to whitewash the violation of a law they wish didn't exist. It's what the American public has suspected for quite some time, and it's why millions of Americans are demanding enforcement now.

Source: AAN

Hillary Explodes

The Democratic frontrunner for president hasn't had a press conference for more than four months now. She's avoided any and all situations that aren't entirely scripted. Maybe this is why. It seems like every time she gets in front of a voter and has to answer a question about her cozy connections to big business, she's as rotten as a throwback school marm disciplining a small child.

Source: AAN

This City is Considering Removing a Monument to an Iconic American War Hero

There are few things more iconic New Orleans than the statue of Andrew Jackson riding into battle on his horse in Jackson Square. After all, it was Jackson who won one of America’s greatest military victories in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815.

However, that has not saved Jackson from being the target of the armies of political correctness. The New Orleans City Council, which has already removed monuments to Robert E. Lee and former Confederate President Jefferson Davis, considered a motion to remove the statue of Andrew Jackson because Jackson was a slaveholder and carried expulsions of Native Americans during his presidency.

The city of New Orleans has an ordinance in place declaring historical statues and monuments as “nuisances” if they advocate racial supremacy and if they have been the site of demonstrations. That was the authority by which the city removed the statues of Robert E. Lee and other Confederates earlier in the year.

To point out the absurdity of this ordinance, Tulane University administrator Richard Marksbury presented an argument against the Jackson statue. It should be noted that Marksbury was an opponent of removing the Confederate monuments and opposes the ordinance.

New Orleans City Councilwoman Stacy Head, who also opposed the removal of the monuments, called the ordinance a dangerous precedent. “We should bring closure to this dangerous precedent in one way or another” she said according to The New Orleans Advocate.

But New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the activists behind removing the Confederate monuments do have their sights on Andrew Jackson, and other symbols and monuments around the city. From the New Orleans Advocate:

Take ‘Em Down NOLA, a group made up of some of the strongest opponents of the Confederate monuments, as well as other groups have called for a more comprehensive review of icons in the city that they argue would result in many — including Jackson and the statue of Bienville in the French Quarter — being removed because of atrocities committed by the figures they honor.

Landrieu for his part has not commented publicly on this since December and has not commented on Jackson per se.

The Confederate monuments are still standing in New Orleans thanks to a Federal judge who has blocked their removal until all appeals are exhausted

Source: AAN

Nuisance Suit Against Trump Brought By Loser Protesers

American Action News has learned that three "peaceful protesters" who are claiming they were attacked at a Louisville rally on March 1, 2016 are filing suit against the Trump campaign, per a press release issued by the law firm representing them, Clay, Daniel, Walton, and Adams. The attorney who issued the press release, Dan Canon, is a veteran civil rights litigator operating on behalf of many liberal causes. He also serves as counsel in Miller v. Davis, the case that arose out of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis' refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples due to religious objections. We will have more on this story as it develops.

Source: AAN

John Deere Baptism 7 years ago in Iraq

Eight Horrific Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens This Year

An illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with raping and impregnating a 12-year-old Texas girl, authorities say.

Prosecutors charged that in 2015 an illegal immigrant, Jose Alejandro Najarro, tried to convince his 12-year-old victim to have sex with him, but she refused. Refusing to take “no” for an answer, the suspect allegedly raped her at his home in Kyle, Texas.

Several months later, the girl was found to be pregnant and an investigation into her predicament was begun at that time. The girl told authorities she only had sex one time and that was with the suspect.

The child also said Najarro pursued her for months after their first encounter — even offering her money at one point — but she steadfastly refused to go back to his home. Source: Breitbart

It Doesn't Get Any Better Then This

This veteran had his dogs taken away while he was in the hospital. The video shows him with regained health, and coming in to place a deposit to buy them back. He's surprised to find that someone has already paid the bill in full and he gets to take the dogs home with him. Best reaction ever.

This Hillary Ally Was Asked to Name Her Accomplishments. You Won't Believe What Happened Next

Part of Hillary Clinton's sales pitch for the presidency has been her long record of accomplishment and experience. Conservative commentators were quick to point out that riding your husband's coattails and winning a Senate seat- virtually unopposed- in deep blue New York isn't really that impressive. After the former first lady was completely annihilated by a radical socialist political neophyte in 2008, and went on to become the worst secretarty of state in American history, conservatives were sure she would be a complete and total disaster. The verdict was in. She was unqualified to be president.

It seems like liberals might be coming to terms with her ineptitude as well. In a recent interview, Senator Dianne Feinstein, a long term Clinton ally, drew a major blank when asked about Hillary's record of non-chromosomal accomplishments:

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein had to turn to Google during an interview earlier this week when asked to name her former colleague Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments in the Senate. Feinstein, who met with The San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board on Tuesday, ultimately said that Clinton was not in the Senate “long enough…to do more.”

Clinton was elected to the Senate from New York in 2000. She left in January 2009 to serve as secretary of state. As someone who worked with Hillary Clinton for nearly a decade in the Senate, what in your view was her signature accomplishment as a senator?” The Chronicle’s editorial board asked Feinstein.

“Golly, I forget what bills she’s been part of or authored. I didn’t really come prepared to discuss this,” said Feinstein, who had planned to pitch a new water plan.

Clinton has been dogged by her flimsy senate record. She authored only three laws during her Senate stint. The legislation designated a highway, post office and government building in New York. She co-sponsored another 74 bills that ultimately passed.

Source: AAN

Love Trump Or Hate Him, He's Right

This State Stands Up for the Second Amendment

Mississippi made a major move to acknowledge their citizen's unfettered right to self-defense and defense against tyranny. As the Tenth Amendment Center reports:

Today, the Mississippi Senate passed a bill that not only allows unlicensed, “constitutional carry,” but also sets the foundation to reject and end new federal gun control regulations and executive orders.

Originally introduced as a church security bill to allow those with a concealed carry permit to have a firearm in church, House Bill 786 (HB786) was passed in the House by a vote of 85-33. However, when it was sent to the Senate, the scope of the bill was greatly expanded in the Judiciary A Committee.

This is a great victory for gun rights advocates, and for those Americans who might not otherwise be able to defend themselves from those wishing to do them harm. We hope more states soon follow suit.

Source: AAN

Do You Still Eat Together As A Family?

El Salvador Is CRACKING DOWN On Major Gangs With US Ties

Salvadoran President Salvador Sanchez Ceren declared a state of emergency as gang violence skyrocketed in 2015 to “nearly a murder an hour” and showed no signs of stopping in 2016, according to Deutsche Welle.

The small Central American country is home to two of the world’s most notorious street gangs: MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang. The president has asked the country’s Congress to approve “a $1.2-billion loan to reinforce security measures,” according to Reuters.

Security policies will be enacted for an emergency 15-day time period. One of the new security measures will prevent visits to prisons by family or friends of inmates.

Seven prisons in the country will be subjected to increased scrutiny as a result of the temporary security measures. Phone signals will be blocked in prisons so as to ensure a complete lack of communication with the outside world, according to Salvadoran daily La Prensa Grafica.

Most senior level gang leaders in El Salvador are behind bars and order hits from their prison cells. A total of 6,650 Salvadorans were murdered in 2015; the result of a 70 percent hike in murders after a failed gang truce.

More here

Priebus Won't Turn RNC Over to Trump If He Wins Nomination

If Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination this summer, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus is vowing not to give the billionaire’s campaign control over the party leading up to the November election, according to a report in The New York Times. 

Walmart’s First-ever Revenue Drop

Not every milestone is worth celebrating.

For the first time ever – or at least since the company went public some 45 years ago – Walmart's revenues shrank from the year before, according to its annual financial filing released Wednesday.

Walmart is clearly having trouble adapting its gigantic stores to the Internet age. To be sure, it is a retail juggernaut that brings in half a trillion dollars (that’s right, trillion) in sales every year. And with more than 11,500 stores in 28 countries,there’s no way it will disappear anytime soon.

Still, Walmart might have just hit its growth limit.

And the sales dip comes despite the fact that Walmart spent $11.5 billion (roughly matching what J.C. Penney made in sales last year) to build more than 400 new stores, remodel old locations, and revamp its website and other technology to better serve its customers.


Funnel Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Into Salisbury University, Get A Building Named After You, (Norm Conway)

Conway Hall Dedication Celebration

Spy Agency Says NSA Data Will Be Shared Within Government

A top lawyer for U.S. spy agencies says a change in policy is being finalized to allow the sharing of intercepted data throughout the federal government — but that it won't be used for domestic policing.

Lawyer Robert Litt of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence writes in a national security legal blog, Just Security, the policy change will allow "no greater access" to law enforcement "than there is today."

"These procedures are in the final stages of development and approval now, and we hope to have them finalized and released to the public soon," Litt writes.

"There will be no greater access to signals intelligence information for law enforcement purposes than there is today," Litt adds in the blog post.

"These procedures will only ensure that other elements of the intelligence community will be able to make use of this signals intelligence if it is relevant to their intelligence mission."

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Taxpayers Are Footing Bill for Solar Project That Doesn’t Work

As every 10-year-old who ever got a sweater for a birthday present has been told, “it’s the thought that counts.” That seems to be the guiding principle at the Department of Energy and the California Public Utilities Commission when it comes to solar power.

The latest example is the $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar thermal plant in California. (Note: Solar thermal plants do not use solar panels to directly convert sunshine to electricity; they use sunshine to boil water that then drives conventional turbines.)

Here’s the story so far. Ivanpah…

is owned by Google, NRG Energy, and Brightsource, who have a market cap in excess of $500 billion.
received $1.6 billion in loan guarantees from the Department of Energy.
is paid four to five times as much per megawatt-hour as natural gas-powered plants.
is paid two to three times as much per megawatt-hour as other solar power producers.
has burned thousands of birds to death.
has delayed loan repayments.
is seeking over $500 million in grants to help pay off the guaranteed loans.
burns natural gas for 4.5 hours each morning to get its mojo going.

Brightsource, which is privately held, is owned by a virtual who’s who of those who don’t need subsidies from taxpayers and ratepayers.

In spite of all this, Ivanpah has fallen woefully short of its production targets. The managers’ explanation for why production came up 32 percent below expected output is the weather. In addition to raising questions about planning for uncertainty, it is not all that clear how a nine-percent drop in sunshine causes a 32-percent drop in production.

More bizarrely, the natural gas used to get the plant all warmed up and ready each day would be enough to generate over one quarter of the power actually produced from the solar energy.

Sorry, let’s not be haters.

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Starnes: It’s time to knock it off. Enough is enough.

As we say in the South -- it's time for a "Come to Jesus Moment."

The 2016 Republican presidential race has been one of the most rancorous in recent history. The behavior of the candidates and their followers has been downright repulsive.

There are no clean hands among this bunch. Instead of focusing squarely on the issues at hand -- they have chosen to engage in ugly personal attacks.

I'm especially disappointed in the behavior of those devout followers of both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

For what it’s worth many good-hearted conservatives have been caught in the crossfire between the warring factions.

They have filled our Facebook pages and Twitter feeds with filthy messages. Reasoned and thoughtful conversation has been replaced with hateful rhetoric and insults.

If you praise Trump, the Cruz people attack. If you praise Cruz, the Trump people attack. If you criticize Trump, you’re accused of being a left wing liberal. If you criticize Cruz, you’re accused of being an establishment Republican.

And after months of this kind of horrible behavior -- enough is enough. It's clear that "agree to disagree" no longer works. These days if you don’t agree, you’re the enemy.

And we’re not just taking fire from politicos and conservative talk show hosts. We’re also getting hit by religious leaders – folks I like to call modern-day Pharisees.

They seem to believe that your whereabouts in the afterlife is contingent on who you support in the 2016 presidential race.

I’m not going to name names, but there are a number of well-known conservatives who don’t believe you can be a Christian in good-standing and support Trump.

Opponents of Ted Cruz accused him of cheating God – by dropping a paltry amount in the offering plate.

It’s ugly out there, folks.

You should hear some of the things I’ve heard coming from the mouths of good, church-going ladies. It would make a Methodist blush.

It’s time to knock it off. Enough is enough.

We’re tired of the insults. We’re tired of the tabloid gossip. We really don’t care how big your hands are. We really don’t care if you sweat profusely.

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U.S. Lost 29,000 Manufacturing Jobs in March—But Gained in Retail, Food Services and Drinking Places

( - The United States lost 29,000 manufacturing jobs in March while gaining jobs in retail trade, food services and drinking establishments, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

During the month, jobs in the retail industry in the United States outnumbered jobs in manufacturing by 3,651,100.

In February, according to seasonally adjusted data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the manufacturing sector was 12,320,000. In March, that dropped to 12,291,000.

“Employment in manufacturing declined by 29,000 in March,” said the BLS’ monthly release on the national employment situation. “Most of the job losses occurred in durable goods industries (-24,000), including machinery (-7,000), primary metals (-3,000) and semiconductors and electronic components (-3,000).”

Meanwhile, according to the BLS’s seasonally adjusted numbers, employment in retail trade climbed from 15,894,400 in February to 15,942,100 in March—an increase of 47,700.

Employment in food services and drinking places climbed from 11,282,800 in February to 11,307,600 in March—and increase of 24,800.

The number of manufacturing jobs in the United States, according to the BLS’s seasonally adjusted historical numbers, peaked in June 1979 at 19,553,000. Since then, manufacturing jobs in the United States have dropped by 7,262,000 (to the 12,291,000 reported for this March).


The Navy just approved the military's best tattoo rules

The Navy is easing its tattoo policy in a bid to recruit and retain more sailors from the millennial generation, of whom more than 1 in 3 sport body art.

Sailors will be allowed to have neck tattoos, sleeves and even markings behind their ears under the new policy, the most lenient of any military service. Only their heads are off limits under the new policy, which the Navy's top sailor has called a reality check on the permanent art favored by sailors.

“We just got to the point where we realized we needed to be honest with ourselves and put something in place that was going to reflect the realities of our country and the needs of our Navy,” Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (AW/NAC) Mike Stevens said in a March 30 interview. “We need to make sure that we’re not missing any opportunities to recruit and retain the best and the brightest because of our policies.”

The new rules, announced Thursday and taking effect April 30, will allow sailors to:


Subject: 93,482,000 Americans Out of Labor Force in March

The number of Americans not participating in the workforce in March dipped again compared to the previous month but was still higher than it was a year ago, according to Labor Department data released Friday.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 93,482,000 Americans were neither employed nor had made an effort to find employment in March.

March’s non-participation level continues a multi-month trend of decline after the number of people out of the workforce hit a record high of 94,610,000 in October — declining another 206,000 compared to February.

While the number of people out of the workforce declined in March, 292,000 more people were out of the work force compared to March 2015.

The labor force participation rate over the month of March remained relatively unchanged at 63 percent (compared to 62.9 percent in February), higher than it was a year ago.


How to Hack an Election

Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade.

It was just before midnight when Enrique Peña Nieto declared victory as the newly elected president of Mexico. Peña Nieto was a lawyer and a millionaire, from a family of mayors and governors. His wife was a telenovela star. He beamed as he was showered with red, green, and white confetti at the Mexico City headquarters of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which had ruled for more than 70 years before being forced out in 2000. Returning the party to power on that night in July 2012, Peña Nieto vowed to tame drug violence, fight corruption, and open a more transparent era in Mexican politics.

Two thousand miles away, in an apartment in Bogotá’s upscale Chicó Navarra neighborhood, Andrés Sepúlveda sat before six computer screens. Sepúlveda is Colombian, bricklike, with a shaved head, goatee, and a tattoo of a QR code containing an encryption key on the back of his head. On his nape are the words “
” and “” stacked atop each other, dark riffs on coding. He was watching a live feed of Peña Nieto’s victory party, waiting for an official declaration of the results.

When Peña Nieto won, Sepúlveda began destroying evidence. He drilled holes in flash drives, hard drives, and cell phones, fried their circuits in a microwave, then broke them to shards with a hammer. He shredded documents and flushed them down the toilet and erased servers in Russia and Ukraine rented anonymously with Bitcoins. He was dismantling what he says was a secret history of one of the dirtiest Latin American campaigns in recent memory.

For eight years, Sepúlveda, now 31, says he traveled the continent rigging major political campaigns. With a budget of $600,000, the Peña Nieto job was by far his most complex. He led a team of hackers that stole campaign strategies, manipulated social media to create false waves of enthusiasm and derision, and installed spyware in opposition offices, all to help Peña Nieto, a right-of-center candidate, eke out a victory. On that July night, he cracked bottle after bottle of Colón Negra beer in celebration. As usual on election night, he was alone.

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Restaurant Owner’s Blunt Sign for Disrespectful Customers Goes Viral — He Says His Fellow Muslims Are Most Offended

Business is booming at Mun Cheese after a frustrated owner posted a controversial sign outside his Petersburg, Virginia restaurant.

Some of those policies include: “We are here to serve you…not to kiss your @#$’? and Due to ‘da’ price increase 4 ammo…Do not expect a warning shot (For those who want 2 act a fool).”

“When my son brought it to my attention I was like oh my God,” Annette Newsome-Ampy told NBC 12 in Richmond. “This is my first time, but it will probably be my last.”

Resturant owner, Mohamed Salama, told TheBlaze he has no regrets.

“You can take it the way you want to take it. I just put my rules (up) and keep it running.”

However, there have already been a few changes to the sign. Mohamed has covered up his name after pressure from a “local mosque.” He has also put tape over a few of the “words that might offend people” because he “want his restaurant to be a place for all.”

Mohamed also told KSLA-TV that “most who got mad were my people.”


Watchdog group sues for FBI records on Obama

A watchdog group on Thursday announced it was suing the federal government to obtain records on President Obama held by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The lawsuit from Judicial Watch, filed against the Justice Department in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, follows a 2011 Freedom of Information Act request in which the group sought information the bureau obtained from 2008 interviews with associates of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Those included meetings with Obama, his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, and senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

"This lawsuit highlights the personal corruption issues of Barack Obama," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "Barack Obama and his closest aides were interviewed by the FBI in a criminal investigation and his administration doesn't want Americans to have the details."

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Ted Nugent’s Simple Facebook Post About Trump Is Going Mega Viral – You’ll Immediately See Why

"As usual, misinformation runs amok..."

Rocker Ted Nugent is never shy about making his political opinions known, and a message he posted about Donald Trump on Tuesday is going viral.

In the Facebook post, Nugent contends one of the best reasons for supporting the billionaire candidate is the list of those who oppose him, including President Obama, the media, the establishment of both major political parties, the UN, China, Black Lives Matter and the Pope.

At this time I do not endorse Donald Trump anymore than I endorse Ted Cruz as I admire both gentlemen. But these points are SO damn special!
Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ...See more

Qatar's World Cup Venues Built With Forced Labor

Amnesty International is accusing Qatar of using forced labor and allowing other worker uses to build venues for the 2022 World Cup, in what the rights group called a "stain on world football."

In a report released Thursday the London-based organization said it interviewed 132 construction workers at the Khalifa International Stadium, one of several being built to host the games. The workers, all migrants, all reported abuse, which Amnesty described as "systematic."

Some workers lived in cramped and dirty living quarters and were not paid for months at a time. When they were compensated, it was often much less than originally promised. Many of the migrants were unable to leave the country because their passports were confiscated or they were not issued exit permits. In many cases, the workers were threatened if they complained about the abuse.

Rights groups have long accused Qatar of labor violations, but this is the first report to tie abuses to construction on World Cup venues.

"The abuse of migrant workers is a stain on the conscience of world football," Amnesty Secretary General Salil Shetty said. "For players and fans, a World Cup stadium is a place of dreams. For some workers who spoke to us, it can feel like a living nightmare."



The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?”

The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”

The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” (The idiom “pretend to be a Swede” means to play dumb, hence the title is literally asking, “Are you Swedish?”) The author,who is black, goes on to condemn President Obama for meeting with Cuban pro-democracy activists and “subtly” suggesting that the Cuban Revolution needed to change. “Obama came, saw, but unfortunately, with the pretend gesture of lending a hand, tried to conquer,” Elias Argudín writes.

“[Obama] chose to criticize and subtly suggest … incitations to rebellion and disorder, without caring that he was on foreign ground. Without a doubt, Obama overplayed his hand,” he continues. “The least I can say is, Virulo-style: ‘Negro, are you dumb?’”



Salisbury Streets

When doing any Salisbury history, knowledge of former street names is essential. References to Bridge Street might bring about some undue consternation. Actually, Bridge Street was the former name of Main Street. The name was appropriate since it went down to the only bridge in Salisbury across the Wicomico River. An earlier map of 1817 lists it as Bridge Street, but it was named Main Street by 1885. The same holds true for Division Street. It was originally named Dividing Street because it was the dividing line between Somerset and Worcester Counties. The street to the south of Main Street was named Back Street. This has become Camden Avenue. The street that connected Back Street to Bridge Street was named Dock Street because of its location near the river and the adjacent docks. We now know it as Market Street.

The only two streets that have retained their original names are High Street and Church Street. These two names go back to at least 1817.

In the area of East Salisbury, there are two names that have been changed over the years. One is Truitt Street. The block encircled by Church Street, Holland Avenue, Isabella Street and Truitt Street was at one time the Fairgrounds. There are still some of the mighty oaks trees that were planted around the area but few are left. There were many of them left when I grew up on the corner of Church and Truitt in the 1940’s. In the 1870’s, when the Fair was held there, the road that ran alongside it was known as Fairground Road. That road is now Truitt Street.

The other street in East Salisbury that changed was Naylor Street. The original name of the street was Williams Row. The street name was changed because Dr. Robert Naylor moved into town and built what has become the Hotel Esther. The farm he bought encompassed all the land east to Truitt Street. His heirs sold off the house and land, and new streets cropped up in the names of Benny Street and Coles Circle.

A bane to anyone giving directions is the name change on the same stretch of road. The most recent example of this is College Avenue. At Snow Hill Road, it becomes Beaglin Park Drive. Another is Mt. Hermon Road. What was originally Williams Street Extended took on a life of its own at Main Street and took on the name of its destination about four miles out of town.

Of course the building of a major highway will disrupt the flow of a city street’s original configuration. The original Wailes and Cemetery Streets were greatly affected by both the construction of Route 50 in 1961 and the building of the new high school in 1932. Cemetery Street was to eventually become Commerce Street, and Sharp Energy has their offices and plant there now. The easterly extension of Cemetery Street would be Glen Avenue. Wailes Street now ends at Route 50.

Subject: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, The UK has been Selected the World’s Best Educated Country

A new number one is projected to win NJ MED’s fourth- annual global rankings of the world’s top 20 education systems for 2016.

Without, understanding how the two work together, and developing solutions, the concept of educating every child is undoable.
— Educate Every Child on the Planet

Unlike traditional educational ranking system polls. NJ MED also uses their global rankings has an indicator of a nation’s economic growth potential, as it relates to developing a healthy workforce for sustaining its education system for children, according to Mr. Albert Mitchell, the Executive Director of NJ MED.

The United Kingdom was selected to win this year’s poll, by two-points over Japan, and ten-points over last year’s winner South Korea. The results were based on a nation’s last year’s ranking in three global poll ranking systems - US News, MBC Times, and NJ MED - that measured academic standards, international performances on test scores, and surveys from students.

Mr. Mitchell added, “Our annual monitoring (in four-quarters) of nation’s economic and social capacities, makes these rankings more relevant, then a tribute to current education standards. Nation’s like India, Greece, and third world countries with weak trade agreements will always face immeasurable odds in educating their children.”


Let's talk about government corruption

Scientists and statisticians caution against looking at a small cluster of events and deriving a trend. A cluster of events involving military and civilian agency corruption can make one wonder, is the military becoming more corrupt? Is the federal government becoming more corrupt?

The bigger picture says no. Let’s hope not. To a nation, corruption is a virulent form of cancer.
Once it gets to a certain point, there’s no return. In the U.S. and in particular the federal government, we’ve got pretty strong institutional safeguards and personal biases against corruption.

For this column, I’m talking about individual corruption like taking bribes for contracts or jobs, that sort of thing. A bigger debate is whether things like tax breaks or subsidies for this or that favored industry really represent a form of corruption — that’s for another day.

I recently interviewed an economics processor, Jeffrey Milyo of the University of Missouri, who’d examined detailed court records of federal, state and local government corruption. Corruption instances occur, but they’re not growing. At least in terms of prosecutions and convictions, the instances are rare, given the size and scope of government in the aggregate.


Insider Reveals Ted Cruz, Amanda Carpenter Plotted Carson Hit Using CNN As Front

Bill Still reports on a Ted Cruz insider, a professional, long-time political operative, who found the dirty tricks of the Cruz campaign and what he described as a “Jonestown” cultish system as being just too much. He’s blowing the whistle on the dirtiest campaign he’s ever had the misfortune to be associated with. After 24 years in the business, the Cruz campaign is the first that was so dirty he had to quit, washing his hands, so to speak, of its filth.

The veracity of the whistleblower was verified by a copy of his offer of employment from the Cruz campaign as well as a copy of a pay stub.

Most damaging to the image of “Mr. Religion,” Ted Cruz, the insider reveals that the plot to rob Ben Carson of his delegates was actually hatched two weeks prior to the Iowa caucus, by Amanda Carpenter, reportedly one of his romantic liaisons and a reporter at CNN.

He reports that since the attempts to bring Trump down had failed, the plan evolved to one of attacking his family and staffers. He also reveals a “Red Wedding” plan to take him down in Cleveland at the convention.


DoD IG finds misuse of employees by former personnel official

A top official in the Defense Department’s Office of Personnel and Readiness submitted timesheets saying he was working while he attended a baseball game and misused his employees’ time.

A recently released DoD Inspector General report from December substantiated claims against Jason Forrester, former deputy assistant secretary of defense reserve affairs, manpower and personnel.


Laura Ingraham eats Ted Cruz alive on Trade

Pretty Cool

It's Your Election To Lose

Maryland Entrepreneurs: Pitch Your Made in the USA Products to Walmart, Deals Can be Made on the Spot

U.S. Manufacturing Summit and Open Call for U.S. Products at Company’s Headquarters

Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is looking for entrepreneurs to pitch their made in the USA products to the company’s buyers in a daylong event at Walmart’s global headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas on June 28, 2016. Registration has begun.

“We are opening our doors and making our buyers available to meet with suppliers with one goal in mind: buy more American products,” said Cindi Marsiglio, Walmart’s vice president of U.S. Sourcing and Manufacturing. “From food to toys to apparel, and companies large and small from coast to coast, we want to make a deal with you for your U.S. made products.”

At the 2015 Open Call, KettlePizza of Groveland, Massachusetts, a twelve-person company, signed a deal for their pizza oven conversion kit to be on the shelves of 500 Walmart stores, while Myndology, Inc. of Appleton, Wisconsin, a three-person company, landed a deal for their ring-bound flashcards to be sold in over 3,000 Walmart stores. Deals are possible for just a few to thousands of Walmart stores, including and Sam’s Club locations across the country.

“Landing a deal with Walmart was huge for us,” said KettlePizza co-founder, George Peters. “Our deal at Open Call gave our small company the chance at a national audience, which is what we needed to take our company to the next level. There is no faster path to a national retail presence than Walmart. Our deal was a game changer.”

“Filling out the application was exciting in itself and a chance that I couldn’t pass on. It’s not every day that you get the chance to sit down in front of a Walmart buyer and pitch the products you have put your life into, then land a deal for over 3,000 Walmart stores,” said Nick Miller, President and Owner of Myndology, Inc. “Since our deal for flash cards, we’ve sold two more products to Walmart. I recommend to anyone manufacturing in the U.S. to submit to Open Call if they want to bring their items to retail.”

Open Call is about more than entrepreneurs pitching products to Walmart. The U.S. Manufacturing Summit and Open Call bring together industry experts, government officials, suppliers, and innovators. Attendees will explore the infrastructure and economic development opportunities available to new and expanding manufacturing facilities throughout the United States.

In January 2013, Walmart committed to American renewal by announcing it intends to help boost job creation and U.S. manufacturing through buying an additional $250 billion in products that support American jobs over 10 years. Walmart is going to meet its commitment in a variety of ways, including buying more from existing domestic suppliers, doing business with new domestic suppliers and helping current suppliers reshore their oversea production.

The deadline for entrepreneurs to register for Open Call is May 27. For more details about Walmart’s 2016 U.S. Manufacturing Summit and Open Call, entrepreneurs may visit

Face It, It's The Truth

Elect Me!

I'm Never Getting Married, I'm Never Having Kids

Yeah, Right!

The Morning After

Get In Line

In A High-Rent World, Affordable And Safe Housing Is Hard To Come By

LaToya Fowlkes is standing outside rent court in Baltimore. A judge has just ruled that Fowlkes has to pay her landlord $4,900 in rent and fees despite her complaints that the house has leaky water pipes, chipped paint, rodents and a huge hole in the living room wall.

But Fowlkes didn't notify her landlord of the problems by certified mail — something the judge said she should have done to avoid eviction.

"It's hard for tenants, because tenants don't know the law. And then you have these landlords that just go and buy agents, and agents just sit there and study it," she says. "So they just know a lot of stuff, they know how to get around, they know how to work the judge over and that's not fair."
