Greg Reddell, an agent at State Farm Insurance, will discuss estate planning and long-term care on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 3:30-5 pm and 5:30-7 pm. He will cover retirement realities and how to remove risks that can derail plans.
Compass Investment Advisors will also offer a financial planning seminar on Thursday, Sept. 15 from 6-7 pm and Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 2-3 pm. They will discuss how to protect and grow assets despite volatility in the markets.
Fall house sellers will want to attend a seminar presented by Dr. Amit Poddar, department head and director of Management and Marketing at Salisbury University, on Friday, Sept. 23 from 4:30-7 pm and Saturday, Sept. 24 from 3-5:30 pm. He will share key marketing principles that homeowners listing their property during the fall can use to ensure they receive the best possible price.
Although there is no cost to attend these seminars, spaces are limited and advance registration is required. For more information or to register, call the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department at 410-641-7052.
Information regarding additional recreational programs, including an online version of the Ocean Pines Activity Guide, is available at OceanPines.org.