12:00 PM -- Congressman Kratovil Open House -- Kratovil office on Main Street, Salisbury, opposite the Wicomico County Courthouse.
2:30 PM -- Meet and Greet with Salisbury's Mayor-Elect, Jim Ireton, and the new State Democrat Party Chair, Susie Turnbull -- Wicomico County Public Library on S. Division Street, Salisbury, in Meeting Room 1.
After that, Jim Ireton will be at Pork in the Park at Winter Place Farm.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, April 17, 2009
Someone Reported To Be Gloating Over Shanie Shields Victory Today

It has been reported that Chief Webster is gloating over Shanie Shields victory today, as if it allows job security. If that's what it takes to make a Department Head happy, good for Chief Webster and others.
How nice it mujst be to go to work every day with some of the worst stats in the entire United States of America and be happy because you think your job is secure. Now that's a man for ya.
So Chief, perhaps now is the time for me to expose your last round of abuse of power. Now seems to be a really good time for everyone reading this Blog to know just what you've been up to lately.
You see Folks, Chief Webster has been doing everything in his powers to have me arrested once again. That's right, he has been trying to have me charged with stalking and harassment.
On April 1, 2009 I came to learn that Chief Webster had been to the States Attorney's Office for a meeting with Davis Ruark and Sheriff Mike Lewis. He presented a package that had information from a Post I put up HERE back on March 8, 2009. You remember the Brooke Mulford Fundraiser at Seacrets, right? Well, it turns out Chief Webster became irate because I Posted 13 pictures, 3 of which had Chief Webster in them.
Mind you, this was a public event in a public building and he's a public official. There are signs posted all over the place in Seacrets stating pictures and video can be taken. Yet the Chief of the Salisbury Police Department felt I was stalking him. You need to seriously get over yourself Chief because I truly have no interest in you or your family. Your paranoia is really shining through.
I went there to cover this event and as many of you know I have pretty much been to almost every one of these events held for Brooke. Since that time, Chief Webster has had detectives investigating me and WASTING your tax dollars because quite frankly Davis Ruark and Sheriff Lewis immediately determined I had done absolutely nothing wrong and no charges were going to be filed against me for breaking any laws.
Chief Webster stated that his Girlfriend's Daughter was with him at the time, like that would make any difference. So you'd think it would be over, right? NOPE, not at all. Furious and frustrated, Chief Webster then took his case to Worcester County to try to get States Attorney Joel Todd involved. Rumor had it that Worcester County was going to file for a warrant against me around April 1, 2009.
It was around this period of time the Fat Man was starting to put out hints of me being arrested, it was only a matter of time, they said. They then posted photo shop pictures of me in the back of a Salisbury Police Car with Chief Webster driving. We immediately started preparing lawsuits against Worcester County just in case something did in fact happen. Fortunately the charges seemed to disappear once the word got out of our intentions.
That being said, we are still trying to decide if we will file suit against the City of Salisbury, Chief Webster and anyone else who was involved. I have done nothing wrong and I have every right to take Chief Webster's photo. Go to the link and see for yourself. I said nothing about the Chief and it's pretty clear that Chief Webster was never a target in those photos. We were in one room and when you Post 13 pictures, I'm sure there are plenty of others out there who ended up in more than one picture.
I believe their goal was to make front page news in the Daily Times. Something along the lines of, Local Blogger Arrested For Stalking, Tied To The Campbell Ireton Campaign. It backfired but YOU should know what YOUR Chief of Police has been up to and or capable of.
How's that gloating working for you now Chiefy? Other lawsuits are also pending against the City on my behalf over the Mayor and Chief of Police refusing to allow me into Press Conferences. The Chief was made well aware that a Judge did consider me Main Stream Media, I just wasn't protected by the "Shield Law" because of only one reason, I haven't taken an income from Salisbury News. Other than that I am Main Stream Media and they MUST allow me into any and all Press Conferences.
As for Press Credentials, they're not necessary. The ONLY time that is necessary on a local level is if the President were to come to Salisbury. I would then have to be registered. Considering I do this full time they must allow me in. Now, if the Fat Man wants to try to claim he deserves the same rights, that's really cool because he'd then have to make contact with Disability and they would have to reduce his benefits substantially, if not all together. He does not have the same rights.
Have a nice weekend Chief and all Department Heads. I too am happy for Shanie's win and I'm sure we'll all be seeing one and other real soon. Oh, by the way. If anyone wants to consider the other person following them, perhaps the Chief should take down that video camera across the street from my building at 300 W. Main Street. After all, there's only been one car broken into there in years. I would hardly think graffiti on a building would warrant spending thousands of dollars purchasing and installing a camera for that parking lot area. That's OK though Chief, I'm not coming back to that building anyway. Thanks for adding that security for those people who will be renting space in my building and I'm sure your people will be keeping an eye on all of their vehicles from here on out.
In closing, if you taxpayers feel this is the way your Chief of Police should be using his resources, so be it. I personally do not feel this was proper. Mind you, when my Wife was working at the Salisbury Zoo for 18 years, when the Mayor wanted to get rid of her she went to the Styaff there and held a meeting asking them to come up with ANY dirt they could on her. One of them told her that she had heard that Jennifer was taking drugs home from the Zoo to euthanize some of our animals. That was good enough for the Mayor and Chief to start a CRIMINAL investigation against my Wife. It was hearsay and certainly NOT something you would assign a Detective to investigate. Nevertheless, this is Salisbury and they went and started interviewing everyone Jennifer knew but they never once interviewed Jennifer. They never once went to Dr. Tragle who's name was on the licence for such said meds. In fact, they NEVER even checked the inventory sheet for the medications they had in stock. Some kind of INVESTIGATION, eh? It was a witch hunt designed to intimidate my Wife and myself. It failed.
I personally would like to see this Chief of Police thrown out of Office because as I have said many times in the past, I think he sucks at what he does. I think he abuses his power and this go around I have enough witnesses to make a very solid case against the city and this man. It's nice that you're happy Chief but I doubt that smile is going to last for very long because you will be hearing from my attorneys in the very near future.
How's that murder case coming along with the dead prostitute Chief?
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases

Incident: Resisting Arrest
Date of Incident: 15 April 2009
Location: 20700 block of North Tourmaline Drive, Hebron, MD
Suspect: Don W. Vass, 25, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 15 April 2009 at 11:13 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office went to a residence in the 20700 block of N. Tourmaline Drive in Hebron in an attempt to locate Don Vass. The Fruitland Police held an outstanding warrant for the arrest of Vass in connection with an armed robbery. Upon arrival at the residence, the deputies made contact with the occupants and announced they had observed Vass inside the residence. Upon beginning a search of the residence, one of the deputies guarding the perimeter of the residence heard a commotion on the roof. Upon shining his flashlight on the roof, the deputy observed the target of their search, Don Vass clinging to the roof in an attempt to hide. The deputy called for Vass to come down from the roof, but instead he attempted to climb to the other side in a further attempt to hide. Vass was unable to stay on the roof, falling off into the backyard, landing right where a deputy was there waiting.
Deputies attempted to take Vass into custody but he struggled and resisted their efforts. The deputies managed to get Vass into handcuffs and transported him to the Central Booking Unit. Once there he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Vass was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance on the Resisting Arrest charge. Vass was then processed on the outstanding Fruitland police warrant.
Charges: Resisting Arrest
Incident: False Statement
Date of Incident: 16 April 2009
Location: Ocean Gateway at Stanton Ave, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Brenda J. Ames, 46, Baltimore, MD
Narrative: On 16 April 2009 at 1:39 PM, a WCSO deputy stopped to check on a female walking on the shoulder of Ocean Gateway in the area of Stanton Avenue. Upon being stopped by the deputy, the subject provided the deputy an identity that was later discovered to be false. During the encounter, the deputy was unable to verify the provided information. When questioned again, the subject became nervous and provided a second identity. That too was unable to be verified by the deputy. The subject was adamant that the information was correct but could not produce any identification. After more investigation, the deputy finally discovered the subject’s true identity, Brenda J. Ames.
Ames was arrested for Hindering and Obstructing and also providing a False Statement to Law Enforcement. Ames was transported to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Ames was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Hindering and Obstructing
False Statement
Incident: False Statement
Date of Incident: 17 April 2009
Location: 100 Block of Onley Road, Salisbury, MD
1. Daniel P. Litfin, 19, Eldersburg, MD
2. Mark S. Litfin, 20, Sykesville, MD
Narrative: On 17 April 2009 at 1:53 AM, a deputy on patrol observed two individuals in the process of placing an orange traffic barrel being placed over a mailbox in the 100 block of Onley Road. The deputy recognized that the traffic barrel had been taken from a construction site nearby. When the two individuals saw the deputy, they attempted to flee but were apprehended by the deputy. Upon examining the barrel and the mailbox, the deputy discovered that both were damaged.
Both subjects, identified as Daniel Litfin and Mark Litfin were placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, both were released by the District Court Commissioner.
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property
Salisbury News Just Got A Winning Ticket
Like it or not, as of this moment Shanie Shields in the winner of the District 1 Council Seat. So what does this mean for Salisbury News, a lot!
If Cynthia Polk would have won, what would we have to write about for the next 4 years? Because Shanie has temporarily won her District, I know darned well that Mayor Tilghman will be running the City of Salisbury along with Mike Dunn, Lynn & Don Cathcart, SAPOA, you name it. They're have a 3 to 2 vote on the Council and while the new Mayor of Salisbury, Jim Ireton will do everything in his powers to deliver reasonable and responsible legislation, the Council will shoot it down time and time again because Bubba, Louise and Shanie are too afraid of their own shadows, let alone those mentioned above.
So for me, this is really cool. Advertisers are lining up for Salisbury News and we continue to grow each and every day. Just when you think you're reached that ultimate plateau, in comes a couple more thousands hits and they stay there without negative change.
So it looks like we're going to be taking on the Big Boys, the MSM. WMDT, WBOC and the Daily Times will soon feel the impact of our new presence and at 11:00 or so today we were delivered some of the best news we could receive.
That being said, I'd like to personally congratulate Shanie Shields and thank her for her commitment to the Council. Things are going to get really interesting from here on out and in my line of business, this is perfect. Without a Shanie Win I would have had to reconsider this Blog because quite frankly things would have been quite boring.
So what's to become of our new Mayor? I happen to know Mr. Ireton's strategies on this matter and quite frankly, the man is a genius! Nope, I'm not going to share it. You people mentioned above will simply have to sit back and recalculate everything because not only are you not going to be able to figure this guys out, you're not going to know what to do about it.
I see a self destructing group and even more growth for Salisbury News. Why is that so important? Because the more we grow, the more we deliver for our advertisers. The more we grow, the more business they get. The more advertisers we get, the lower the cost for their advertisements so it's a win/win for everyone.
Prepare for the next level from Salisbury News. It's coming soon.
If Cynthia Polk would have won, what would we have to write about for the next 4 years? Because Shanie has temporarily won her District, I know darned well that Mayor Tilghman will be running the City of Salisbury along with Mike Dunn, Lynn & Don Cathcart, SAPOA, you name it. They're have a 3 to 2 vote on the Council and while the new Mayor of Salisbury, Jim Ireton will do everything in his powers to deliver reasonable and responsible legislation, the Council will shoot it down time and time again because Bubba, Louise and Shanie are too afraid of their own shadows, let alone those mentioned above.
So for me, this is really cool. Advertisers are lining up for Salisbury News and we continue to grow each and every day. Just when you think you're reached that ultimate plateau, in comes a couple more thousands hits and they stay there without negative change.
So it looks like we're going to be taking on the Big Boys, the MSM. WMDT, WBOC and the Daily Times will soon feel the impact of our new presence and at 11:00 or so today we were delivered some of the best news we could receive.
That being said, I'd like to personally congratulate Shanie Shields and thank her for her commitment to the Council. Things are going to get really interesting from here on out and in my line of business, this is perfect. Without a Shanie Win I would have had to reconsider this Blog because quite frankly things would have been quite boring.
So what's to become of our new Mayor? I happen to know Mr. Ireton's strategies on this matter and quite frankly, the man is a genius! Nope, I'm not going to share it. You people mentioned above will simply have to sit back and recalculate everything because not only are you not going to be able to figure this guys out, you're not going to know what to do about it.
I see a self destructing group and even more growth for Salisbury News. Why is that so important? Because the more we grow, the more we deliver for our advertisers. The more we grow, the more business they get. The more advertisers we get, the lower the cost for their advertisements so it's a win/win for everyone.
Prepare for the next level from Salisbury News. It's coming soon.

Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge Recognizes Top Statewide Agencies
FRUITLAND - The Fruitland Police Department was honored this week as the top agency in its category at the annual Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge recognition ceremony in Baltimore, Maryland. Winning a Law Enforcement Challenge award signifies not only excellence in traffic safety enforcement, but also a commitment to overall public safety. The 2008 campaign featured an emphasis on seat belt, DUI, and aggressive driving enforcement and education activities.
“Traffic safety is one of our top priorities,” stated Chief Michael Phillips. “Earning this award, especially in light of the increased demands of the program, is truly special and it is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Fruitland Police Department.”
Co-sponsored by the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, the Maryland Sheriff’s Association and the Maryland Highway Safety Office, the Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge promotes competition among Maryland police agencies, while recognizing and honoring those that excel in traffic safety enforcement.
“More than 600 people are killed every year on Maryland’s roadways,” said Maryland Chiefs of Police Association President Chief Bernadette DiPino. “I want to congratulate the officers of the Fruitland Police Department for their commitment to the Maryland Law Enforcement Challenge and the service to their community.”
“Lives are at stake and our message is simple,” began OFC Nick McLeod, “buckle up, slow down and always drive sober. We will continue to educate people in Fruitland, but when that outreach fails, we are dedicated to enforcing Maryland’s traffic safety laws.”
Reckless Riders Offered Sobering Data In Hopes For Change

You may hear them before you can see them- a motorcycle bellowing out either the low pitched thunder from a traditional bike or the high pitched rev from a highly tuned performance machine. As the weather warms, citizens here in Delaware are most likely to experience the increased presence of motorcycles on our roadways. Last spring and summer, the Delaware State Police had investigated far too many serious and fatal motorcycle crashes and witnessed many acts of reckless riding behavior. Thus, the hope is that by presenting some very sobering data to the motoring public, we can reduce the number of these types of occurrences. It is prudent and important to first note that the vast majority of motorcycle operators enjoy this means of transportation safely and they follow the rules of the road. Unfortunately, it is the small percentage of reckless operators that create hazerdos driving conditions on our highways.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), "nearly half of all motorcycle driver deaths involve just the motorcycle and no other vehicle. This proportion has remained largely unchanged over time. Speeding and alcohol use contribute to many of these fatal single-vehicle crashes. In 2007, 48 percent of the 2,087 motorcycle drivers killed in single-vehicle fatal crashes were speeding. Forty-one percent of motorcycle drivers killed in single-vehicle crashes in 2007 had blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher Over one quarter, or twenty-six percent, of motorcycle riders who were involved in fatal crashes were riding without a valid license in this same year."
The National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) supported these findings and in one report and they focused on the implication of impaired riding. NHTSA says that "in 2007, 27 percent of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over 0.08 percent (the national definition of drunk driving), compared with 23 percent of drivers of passenger cars, 23 percent of light truck drivers and 1 percent of large truck drivers in fatal crashes." They added that an additional 8 percent of these fatal crashes involved operators who's BAC was at a lower level (0.01 to 0.07 percent BAC.)
Speeding also plays a major factor in fatal motorcycle crashes. The most recent data available from NHTSA was for the year 2007. In this report, it states that "36 percent of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were speeding. This compares to 24 percent for drivers of passenger cars, 19 percent for light truck drivers and 8 percent for large truck drivers." With speed in mind, the IIHS draws a correlation to the type of bike one may ride how it relates to fatal crashes. They advise, "Motorcyclists who drive supersport motorcycles, which make up a small fraction of registered motorcycles, and are overrepresented in fatal crashes. The driver death rate per 10,000 registered motorcycles for supersports is about 4 times higher than the rate for motorcyclists who ride cruisers, standards, or touring bikes. Supersport motorcycles are built on racing platforms but modified for the highway and sold to consumers. A combination of light weight and high-horsepower engines means many of these motorcycles can reach speeds of more than 160 miles per hour."
The Delaware State Police hopes that those who choose to ride motorcycles here in Delaware do so safely and in accordance to state law. Again, the goal of this news release is not to discourage anyone from riding a motorcycle, but to encourage safe riding habits by underscoring the key factors that are involved in fatal crashes.
Wicomico Library System Turns 140 Years Old
This week the Wicomico County Library turned 140 years young. A Celebration was held in honor us such a grand accomplishment. I left before the cake was served, so I can't tell you how good it was. However, here's some history on the system itself. Oh, before I forget. The last photo is Mr. & Mrs. Art & Dorothy Goetz. Art was the Director of the Wicomico County Library System for many years before retiring and turning things over to Tom Hehman. I'm very proud to say that Dot & Art Goetz are my In Laws.
Wicomico Public Library began as a subscription library in 1869, only two years after the formation of the county itself. By 1878 the library had increased its membership from 30 to 100 members. In the early 1900s interest waned and the library closed. It was successfully re-launched in 1916 and by 1923 was operating on a subscription of $1.00 a year.
By 1925, the library was recognized as a needed community service and the idea of free library service in Wicomico County was born. The doors opened on February 2, 1926 as the Salisbury-Wicomico Free Public Library; open two afternoons and one evening a week. This became officially known as the Wicomico County Free Library with the approval of the certificate of corporation on June 24, 1927. The need for more space moved the library to High Street, in its own building in 1934. In 1948 the first bookmobile was purchased and began service.
As services, patrons and materials increased, the library once again moved - to its present location on Division St. in 1963. In 1978 a major renovation started, which was completed in 1980. The building has essentially remained the same ever since.
In FY2008 circulation was 743,090; 804 programs were offered and attended by 13, 506 people. The library system has expanded to four locations, is open 197 hours per week, and has 69 public access computers. The newest bookmobile (the library’s fourth) started service in February 2007 and makes 30 stops per week around the county.
A real "tea party" is in order if the Wicomico County Council passes this bill. Not every member can be expected to "just say no" to the environmental elite and NIMBY's who are urging them to pass this bill.
Even if you're not a landowner, your rights could be attacked next. There are only TWO County Council Members who are against this Bill and quite frankly, to the 5 wanting to vote for it, expect Salisbury News to support whatever candidate will be running against you because YOU need to go.
Violating our rights like this is a travesty and clearly our Government is getting too big and clearly has too much time on their hands as well. Be prepared because the battle started when you actually considered this crap, now the WAR begins so that we can REMIND ALL of YOU that you work for We The People.
It's scary enough that most Americans are worried what direction this Country is headed. Now we have local politicians trying to demand they know what's better for us property OWNERS and what we can or can't do with this property. BITE ME! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The War has just begun Folks. Any politician that supports this Bill will be exposed here on Salisbury News with the STRONG recommendation they be removed in the next election. WE pay our taxes, mind your own business and stay away from OUR land.
Thoughts on the Tea Party
While I commend anyone that takes a stand, I have to wonder what they were standing for? I heard all of the complaints of higher taxes. What I didn't hear were the complaints when the City of Salisbury raised property taxes just 2 years ago. I didn't hear the complaints last year when the sewer and water rates were increased 50% over 5 years and now another 15% coming this year. Where were the protesters then? Where were your signatures when we were out collecting them to take the proposed 17% tax hike to referendum? Where will you be when Rick Pollitt makes every attempt at removing the tax cap in the county? Exactly what taxes were being protested? Cigarette tax, fuel tax, food tax, lodging tax, luxury tax, clothing tax, property tax, income tax, school tax, amusement tax, etc.?
While I agree this country is out of hand with it's give aways and wasteful spending I will also agree attention was brought to the White House through a nationwide effort. I don't agree it will be effective. If you want to affect change start in your own towns and cities then take it to the county level, moving on to the state house then take your complaints to DC once you have affected change on a local level.
Start with city and county council meetings, let these elected officials know people are watching and people will stand up and speak against wasteful spending. The city and county are both going into their budget sessions, spend some time hearing how they want to spend your tax dollars. Start with demanding an audit of the Board of Education or making positions at the Board of Ed elected. I'm certain a lot of fat can be cut from their administrative budget. There is a difference in spending on education and spending on administration for education. We can cut the fat in the fire department. What is the purpose of having the newest "toys" if you don't have the manpower to utilize those "toys"? If you are going to be active, be active right here in your own back yard. Believe me when I tell you the city council members get especially nervous when the room is packed with citizens. In fact, Louise Smith comes unglued and has been known to shut meetings down completely.
What will happen to the city when the last of the old timers can no longer attend meetings and speak out against wasteful spending? There will be no one there to hold their feet to the fire. In two years there will be another city council election, the incumbents will either get their act together now during this budget session or know they have no chance of ever being reelected to office. The same goes for the wasteful spending on the county side, hold their feet to the fire or let them know in no uncertain terms they will not be reelected. Of course none of this can be done without active participation of the citizens and a watchful eye.
The apathy has paralyzed the citizens in this area. I have heard people say they don't speak up because it won't change anything, or they say I have a business or, I don't want them coming after me or, I work for the city I don't want to lose my job. The reign of terror in the city is over so stop making excuses and take hold of your city and the way elected officials handle your money.
You need only speak three words for them to hear the message loud and clear. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
While I agree this country is out of hand with it's give aways and wasteful spending I will also agree attention was brought to the White House through a nationwide effort. I don't agree it will be effective. If you want to affect change start in your own towns and cities then take it to the county level, moving on to the state house then take your complaints to DC once you have affected change on a local level.
Start with city and county council meetings, let these elected officials know people are watching and people will stand up and speak against wasteful spending. The city and county are both going into their budget sessions, spend some time hearing how they want to spend your tax dollars. Start with demanding an audit of the Board of Education or making positions at the Board of Ed elected. I'm certain a lot of fat can be cut from their administrative budget. There is a difference in spending on education and spending on administration for education. We can cut the fat in the fire department. What is the purpose of having the newest "toys" if you don't have the manpower to utilize those "toys"? If you are going to be active, be active right here in your own back yard. Believe me when I tell you the city council members get especially nervous when the room is packed with citizens. In fact, Louise Smith comes unglued and has been known to shut meetings down completely.
What will happen to the city when the last of the old timers can no longer attend meetings and speak out against wasteful spending? There will be no one there to hold their feet to the fire. In two years there will be another city council election, the incumbents will either get their act together now during this budget session or know they have no chance of ever being reelected to office. The same goes for the wasteful spending on the county side, hold their feet to the fire or let them know in no uncertain terms they will not be reelected. Of course none of this can be done without active participation of the citizens and a watchful eye.
The apathy has paralyzed the citizens in this area. I have heard people say they don't speak up because it won't change anything, or they say I have a business or, I don't want them coming after me or, I work for the city I don't want to lose my job. The reign of terror in the city is over so stop making excuses and take hold of your city and the way elected officials handle your money.
You need only speak three words for them to hear the message loud and clear. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Dave Suiter, On The Road Again

Hi Folks,
This will be a little long as I explain the pics (attached).
Sailor was just outside Garden City,KS as I was heading west.
West KS is typical scenery but notice the BIG elevator.
Feed Yard is just outside Lamar,Co at junction of 50 & 287. Look at it on Google earth. 1000s of cattle there. SMELL from miles away. I was told that the cattle are raised on the range and at a certain size/weight, they are sold by rancher to one of the co-ops that run feed lots. Cattle eat,poop and get fat. Then they are sold for slaughter. Looking at the conditions these animals live causes me to question eating beef again. They have no range to roam. They lay in their poop., can't help not to!! SAD!!
BTW!! saw a Tyson plant near Lamar that is probably bigger than all of the Tyson, Perdue and Allen facilities all added together.
Irrigation! Noticed west KS and east Co that there were few of the spray units that make the big circles. Look at Google again!! They use drainage irrigation. Water is run through canals, concrete ditches, and miles of white plastic pipe. Any field that has a slope, is watered this way. I wonder how each farmer that uses the water pays his share!!??
Rockies 1,2 and 3 are west of Pueblo,Co.
Locals west of Salida.
Monarch Pass Summit. Google it!! My ears popped three times going up. Over 11K'. Temp dropped to 25. Was extra careful looking for melt water running across the road at that low temp.
Had planned to stop at Pueblo and run up to CO Springs/Garden of the Gods. Forecast was for rain/snow showers. As I cam into Pueblo, noticed clouds building and getting darker. Decided to run as far west as I could before the bottom fell out. As I went west, the sun stayed on my left shoulder. Clouds closing in from East and SE. Saw precip falling to my left/north but made it to Gunnison with out a drop or flake. Long run but fun and beautiful scenery. Tired so checked in where I stayed two years ago. Asked about the weather and hear that "maybe upwo feet in the mountains". may be here a day or two! 2 wheels and snow equal trouble!!!
I must say this and I will probably say it again in the next weeks. Pictures are great!! They feed an interest. BUT!! There is nothing like stopping, smelling the air, taking in the view and marveling at the majesty of Gods creations. Whatever your religious persuasion, you can not help but to be feel something overpowering.
I do hope that you may one day have the chance to go around our great country. We don't have to go to Europe or Hawaii. It's all here!! From the Blue Ridge to the Rockies, come and enjoy the wonder of it all.
Enough preaching!
May not be "stuck in Lodi again" but may stuck in Gunnison,CO. Oh well!! The VFW has a great dinner and only ten blocks trudge through the snow.
Best to all! Get your motor runnin'. See you around the bend in the road.
Habitat ReStore Expands Hours & Needs Donations
The ReStore Home Improvement Outlet of Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County is now open six days a week and in need of donations.
The ReStore, which sells new and gently used home improvement materials and furniture to benefit Habitat’s home building program, has expanded it hours to Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The public is invited to shop and donate items at the ReStore. Habitat needs donations from contractors, businesses and private citizens. Items the ReStore accepts include construction and home improvement materials, appliances and furniture and much more. All donations are tax deductible and Habitat will provide an appropriate receipt for the items.
Donating unwanted items to Habitat also helps to keep them out of the landfill and avoids tipping fees.
The ReStore is located at 609 Shiloh Street in Salisbury and can be reached at 410-749-6325. E-mail Rota L. Knott, store manager, at rota@wicomicohabitat.org.
Donations can be dropped off at the store during business hours or Habitat will gladly arrange for pick-up of large items that can’t be dropped off.
The ReStore, which sells new and gently used home improvement materials and furniture to benefit Habitat’s home building program, has expanded it hours to Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The public is invited to shop and donate items at the ReStore. Habitat needs donations from contractors, businesses and private citizens. Items the ReStore accepts include construction and home improvement materials, appliances and furniture and much more. All donations are tax deductible and Habitat will provide an appropriate receipt for the items.
Donating unwanted items to Habitat also helps to keep them out of the landfill and avoids tipping fees.
The ReStore is located at 609 Shiloh Street in Salisbury and can be reached at 410-749-6325. E-mail Rota L. Knott, store manager, at rota@wicomicohabitat.org.
Donations can be dropped off at the store during business hours or Habitat will gladly arrange for pick-up of large items that can’t be dropped off.
Lane Restrictions Required For Route 404 & Route 13 Project
Beginning on Monday, April 20
Bridgeville -- As part of the U.S. Route 13/Route 404 project, the Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces daytime intermittent lane restrictions on Route 404 eastbound/southbound and Route 13 northbound/southbound between Route 18 and Rifle Range Road for paving. The work will begin on Monday, April 20 and end on May 8, weather permitting. In addition, the contractor will work on weekends. The contractor for this rehabilitation project is Mumford & Miller, Inc.
At all times, one lane will remain open to traffic. Motorists are advised to use caution and expect lane shifts. State Police and flaggers will be on site to direct traffic.
Traffic alerts and traveler information are available at www.deldot.gov or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.
Bridgeville -- As part of the U.S. Route 13/Route 404 project, the Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces daytime intermittent lane restrictions on Route 404 eastbound/southbound and Route 13 northbound/southbound between Route 18 and Rifle Range Road for paving. The work will begin on Monday, April 20 and end on May 8, weather permitting. In addition, the contractor will work on weekends. The contractor for this rehabilitation project is Mumford & Miller, Inc.
At all times, one lane will remain open to traffic. Motorists are advised to use caution and expect lane shifts. State Police and flaggers will be on site to direct traffic.
Traffic alerts and traveler information are available at www.deldot.gov or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.
Morality Question
There's a morality test with only one question, but a very important one. It features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a choice. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.
You are in Florida. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are photojournalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless.
You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly you see a man and a woman in the water. They are fighting for their lives, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer. Somehow they look familiar. You suddenly realize who they are. It's Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi!! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take them under forever. You have two options: You can save their lives or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the deaths of two of the world's most powerful people.
Here's the question, and please give an honest answer...
Would you select high contrast color film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
You are in Florida. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are photojournalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless.
You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly you see a man and a woman in the water. They are fighting for their lives, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer. Somehow they look familiar. You suddenly realize who they are. It's Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi!! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take them under forever. You have two options: You can save their lives or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the deaths of two of the world's most powerful people.
Here's the question, and please give an honest answer...
Would you select high contrast color film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
Delmarva Paintball Responds
"Hello all, This is Dan Wallace, Owner of Delmarva Paintball.
Before people go haywire on this, I'd like to clear a few things up.
First the totals are way off. While still quite high the actual amount is far less than a third of what is listed. The amounts listing me as the officer are duplicates of what the company was assesed but with fewer penalties.
How did it happen? 8 years ago when I moved Delmarva Paintball from DE. to Salisbury I spoke with a representative from the comptrollers office. I asked very specific questions and got horribly inacurate answers.
Much like Crown Sports I was not made aware of the Admissions and Amusements tax and thus did not collect it from my customers.
I also asked about whether paintballs sold for use at the facility were to be charged sales tax. I was told no. To quote the Comptrollers representative "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaraunt either" Turns out they were very wrong and I was very wrong for going to the Comptrollers Office for tax advice.
After being open for more than 6 years in the county and paying all and every tax that I was aware of, I was audited.
It made no difference that the missinformation that I recieved was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers.
Remember... this is not a tax on me or on my business, it is tax on people who play paintball. I am just required to collect it from you for the state.
It would have been simple to charge each customer a few extra dollars during that time and just hand it over to the state. That's what I did with all the other collected taxes.
Now I will admit, when I got that bill I was shocked. I had been playing above board and as far as I knew all was well in taxville.
I had no way of paying what they were asking and of course it was impossible to go back to 6 years worth of customers and say "Hey, I need another couple of bucks from you" So, I am stuck finding a way to come up with the money.
I have never hid this. It is something I have been dealing with for two years. I had to file tons of forms and I am working on payment arrangements with the state.
No, I am not rolling in the dough. Actually the paintball business is a tough one, made even tougher with the extra taxes put on me. Most weekends my referees take home more than I do and the government definately collects more in taxes from Delmarva Paintball than I make in a year. Most days I'm just hoping I can afford to stay open another week.
Thanks for reading.
Dan Wallace
Delmarva Paintball"
From Joe Albero:
Mr. Wallace,
The state has provided this information and fully expects you, (as well as the Corporation) to make good on those figures. Unfortunately, (for you) you will also be subjected each and every day to penalties and interest until the full amounts both corporate and personal are paid off.
I have owned several businesses in my day, some of which were Billiard Rooms. They were subjected to a 10% Amusement Tax as well and this was considered and adjusted immediately when I started those businesses. ANY good Accountant or CPA would know this, as should YOU.
To claim you made calls and were told different, well, no disrespect but that was a lame excuse. I'm personally confident that YOU have spoken to other business owners, (in the SAME business) that bitched and complained about the Amusement Taxes they were paying, therefore I find it pretty much impossible to believe your story.
You went on to quote, "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaurant either" Mr. Wallace, come on now. That's about as made up a statement as I've ever heard any businessman make. In the Billiard business you hand them a rack of 16 balls and two pieces of chalk, they are expected to return to the counter with the same. If you SELL them something, it's taxed. The ketchup thing, well, that's just ridiculous. When you sold your customers Paintballs, they weren't coming back to the counter to return them.
"It made no difference that the miss information that I received was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers." There was a time I had an accountant who was actually paying the 10% Amusement Tax as well as a 5% Sales Tax. The Accountant was wrong for doing so. It was one or the other, whichever is higher. Nevertheless, when we went to the state and asked for the additional 5% we had been paying, back, they simply told us that if we could prove we were going to pay back each and every Customer that 5% they would do so. However, they knew that was impossible, so hundreds of thousands of dollars was kept by the State. No hard feelings, our mistake. However, at least we were honest and paid our fair share.
The tail end of your message is truly puzzling. My kids played paintball on a Semi Pro level. ANYONE reading this Post that has kids and have been subjected to the cost of a day of Paintball knows the expense of this sport. It's out of this world, cost wise. Let me put it to you this way Mr. Wallace. We used to hear complaints at the Billiard Rooms from people saying, TWENTY BUCKS, YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? Mind you, there were two to four of them playing for hours on brand new tables, TV's showing sporting events all day and night, heat and or air conditioning and space that cost at least $16.00 per sq. ft. Yeah, TWENTY BUCKS!
You sign up for a Paintball Game and it will cost you that much. Then there's the rental of the guns and gear. Then there's the Painballs. COME ON NOW, you must not be reporting every sale Mr. Wallace because I know Paintball Fields where they're making so much money hand over fist it isn't funny. More importantly, while we were paying Staff to man the Billiard Rooms, paying rent, gas & electric and insurance, we also paid our taxes and quite frankly, WE MADE MONEY.
My kids would spend anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 a day, (PER KID) playing Paintball. Not TWENTY BUCKS! Now if I was under the impression you were only bringing in twenty bucks per kid each time they came to play Paintball, I might believe you had some problems surviving. I know that's not the case and so do you. I should add, to EVERY Parent reading this article, they know what they spend on their kids playing Paintball and quite frankly, it's nuts!
Going into business is a serious responsibility. There are laws to follow, NONE of which are ever given to you by the state. They expect each and every business person to know these rules/laws and abide by them, this is why we hire Lawyers and Accountants. This is why Banks require business plans, should you borrow money to get into business. If ANY one of the three didn't pick up on that before you went into business, well, my guess is that you went into business winging it and without professional advice.
Yes, there are actually some cases where a good lawyer is worth his weight in gold. Fortunately for me I have been surrounded by such professionals. Mistakes do happen but negotiating for two years and you still haven't settled on an amount due, you Sir are not serious about being in business. I'm sure the rest of us will pay for your failures through these Bailouts and or simply as a taxpayer in the state.
Mr. Hearne's situation is completely different from yours. Nice try on that one but you're completely wrong. Mr. Hearne didn't believe he owed any taxes on TEAM SPORTS for CHILDREN under 18 years of age. If you simply walked in the door and wanted to play an open game of volleyball, YOU WERE TAXED. If you were an adult, YOU WERE TAXED. The County didn't have enough room to provide ball fields for many TEAM SPORTS for children, so they went to the Crown and asked if they could provide the space. They did so but no one ever dreamed that HE/THEY would be taxed for Amusement for CHILDREN playing organized team sports. They don't charge a tax when you sign your kids up for sports.
Nevertheless, he owned up to his responsibility and quite frankly I'm amazed that the state is allowing you to continue operating your business while you still owe this money after 6 years of not doing so. While many might believe you need to stay in business in order to pay off that debt, I believe after what you've said above that they should close that business down immediately and take their losses. This would still require you to pay back that debt but all in all I do not feel one bit sorry for the position you are in. Get a Lawyer, get an Accountant and face this thing head on. Not doing so for six years, well, shame on the state. You're in a cash business and you don't abide by the rules. It's time you close down and go to work for someone who does.
Before people go haywire on this, I'd like to clear a few things up.
First the totals are way off. While still quite high the actual amount is far less than a third of what is listed. The amounts listing me as the officer are duplicates of what the company was assesed but with fewer penalties.
How did it happen? 8 years ago when I moved Delmarva Paintball from DE. to Salisbury I spoke with a representative from the comptrollers office. I asked very specific questions and got horribly inacurate answers.
Much like Crown Sports I was not made aware of the Admissions and Amusements tax and thus did not collect it from my customers.
I also asked about whether paintballs sold for use at the facility were to be charged sales tax. I was told no. To quote the Comptrollers representative "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaraunt either" Turns out they were very wrong and I was very wrong for going to the Comptrollers Office for tax advice.
After being open for more than 6 years in the county and paying all and every tax that I was aware of, I was audited.
It made no difference that the missinformation that I recieved was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers.
Remember... this is not a tax on me or on my business, it is tax on people who play paintball. I am just required to collect it from you for the state.
It would have been simple to charge each customer a few extra dollars during that time and just hand it over to the state. That's what I did with all the other collected taxes.
Now I will admit, when I got that bill I was shocked. I had been playing above board and as far as I knew all was well in taxville.
I had no way of paying what they were asking and of course it was impossible to go back to 6 years worth of customers and say "Hey, I need another couple of bucks from you" So, I am stuck finding a way to come up with the money.
I have never hid this. It is something I have been dealing with for two years. I had to file tons of forms and I am working on payment arrangements with the state.
No, I am not rolling in the dough. Actually the paintball business is a tough one, made even tougher with the extra taxes put on me. Most weekends my referees take home more than I do and the government definately collects more in taxes from Delmarva Paintball than I make in a year. Most days I'm just hoping I can afford to stay open another week.
Thanks for reading.
Dan Wallace
Delmarva Paintball"
From Joe Albero:
Mr. Wallace,
The state has provided this information and fully expects you, (as well as the Corporation) to make good on those figures. Unfortunately, (for you) you will also be subjected each and every day to penalties and interest until the full amounts both corporate and personal are paid off.
I have owned several businesses in my day, some of which were Billiard Rooms. They were subjected to a 10% Amusement Tax as well and this was considered and adjusted immediately when I started those businesses. ANY good Accountant or CPA would know this, as should YOU.
To claim you made calls and were told different, well, no disrespect but that was a lame excuse. I'm personally confident that YOU have spoken to other business owners, (in the SAME business) that bitched and complained about the Amusement Taxes they were paying, therefore I find it pretty much impossible to believe your story.
You went on to quote, "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaurant either" Mr. Wallace, come on now. That's about as made up a statement as I've ever heard any businessman make. In the Billiard business you hand them a rack of 16 balls and two pieces of chalk, they are expected to return to the counter with the same. If you SELL them something, it's taxed. The ketchup thing, well, that's just ridiculous. When you sold your customers Paintballs, they weren't coming back to the counter to return them.
"It made no difference that the miss information that I received was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers." There was a time I had an accountant who was actually paying the 10% Amusement Tax as well as a 5% Sales Tax. The Accountant was wrong for doing so. It was one or the other, whichever is higher. Nevertheless, when we went to the state and asked for the additional 5% we had been paying, back, they simply told us that if we could prove we were going to pay back each and every Customer that 5% they would do so. However, they knew that was impossible, so hundreds of thousands of dollars was kept by the State. No hard feelings, our mistake. However, at least we were honest and paid our fair share.
The tail end of your message is truly puzzling. My kids played paintball on a Semi Pro level. ANYONE reading this Post that has kids and have been subjected to the cost of a day of Paintball knows the expense of this sport. It's out of this world, cost wise. Let me put it to you this way Mr. Wallace. We used to hear complaints at the Billiard Rooms from people saying, TWENTY BUCKS, YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? Mind you, there were two to four of them playing for hours on brand new tables, TV's showing sporting events all day and night, heat and or air conditioning and space that cost at least $16.00 per sq. ft. Yeah, TWENTY BUCKS!
You sign up for a Paintball Game and it will cost you that much. Then there's the rental of the guns and gear. Then there's the Painballs. COME ON NOW, you must not be reporting every sale Mr. Wallace because I know Paintball Fields where they're making so much money hand over fist it isn't funny. More importantly, while we were paying Staff to man the Billiard Rooms, paying rent, gas & electric and insurance, we also paid our taxes and quite frankly, WE MADE MONEY.
My kids would spend anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 a day, (PER KID) playing Paintball. Not TWENTY BUCKS! Now if I was under the impression you were only bringing in twenty bucks per kid each time they came to play Paintball, I might believe you had some problems surviving. I know that's not the case and so do you. I should add, to EVERY Parent reading this article, they know what they spend on their kids playing Paintball and quite frankly, it's nuts!
Going into business is a serious responsibility. There are laws to follow, NONE of which are ever given to you by the state. They expect each and every business person to know these rules/laws and abide by them, this is why we hire Lawyers and Accountants. This is why Banks require business plans, should you borrow money to get into business. If ANY one of the three didn't pick up on that before you went into business, well, my guess is that you went into business winging it and without professional advice.
Yes, there are actually some cases where a good lawyer is worth his weight in gold. Fortunately for me I have been surrounded by such professionals. Mistakes do happen but negotiating for two years and you still haven't settled on an amount due, you Sir are not serious about being in business. I'm sure the rest of us will pay for your failures through these Bailouts and or simply as a taxpayer in the state.
Mr. Hearne's situation is completely different from yours. Nice try on that one but you're completely wrong. Mr. Hearne didn't believe he owed any taxes on TEAM SPORTS for CHILDREN under 18 years of age. If you simply walked in the door and wanted to play an open game of volleyball, YOU WERE TAXED. If you were an adult, YOU WERE TAXED. The County didn't have enough room to provide ball fields for many TEAM SPORTS for children, so they went to the Crown and asked if they could provide the space. They did so but no one ever dreamed that HE/THEY would be taxed for Amusement for CHILDREN playing organized team sports. They don't charge a tax when you sign your kids up for sports.
Nevertheless, he owned up to his responsibility and quite frankly I'm amazed that the state is allowing you to continue operating your business while you still owe this money after 6 years of not doing so. While many might believe you need to stay in business in order to pay off that debt, I believe after what you've said above that they should close that business down immediately and take their losses. This would still require you to pay back that debt but all in all I do not feel one bit sorry for the position you are in. Get a Lawyer, get an Accountant and face this thing head on. Not doing so for six years, well, shame on the state. You're in a cash business and you don't abide by the rules. It's time you close down and go to work for someone who does.
You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves?
My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick.
The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs.
Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans.
And then the thieves struck again.
My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier.
But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original!
I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.
Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?
When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts -stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?
THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.
P..S. Last year I thought someone had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.
Thought this was too 'important' not pass on. Have a wonderful day - with a joy filled heart.
These same thieves come in my closet and shrink my clothes!
How..... do..... they...... do it????
My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick.
The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs.
Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans.
And then the thieves struck again.
My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier.
But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original!
I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.
Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?
When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts -stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?
THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.
P..S. Last year I thought someone had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.
Thought this was too 'important' not pass on. Have a wonderful day - with a joy filled heart.
These same thieves come in my closet and shrink my clothes!
How..... do..... they...... do it????
The Funeral
A man was leaving a convenience store with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.
A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one.
Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash.
Behind him, a short distance back, were about 200 men walking single file.
The man couldn't stand the curiosity.
He respectfully approached the man walking the dog and said, "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"
"My wife's."
"What happened to her?"
The man replied, "My dog attacked and killed her."
He inquired further, "But, who is in the second hearse?"
The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog turned on her."
A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two men.
"Can I borrow the dog?"
The man answered "Get in line."
A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one.
Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash.
Behind him, a short distance back, were about 200 men walking single file.
The man couldn't stand the curiosity.
He respectfully approached the man walking the dog and said, "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"
"My wife's."
"What happened to her?"
The man replied, "My dog attacked and killed her."
He inquired further, "But, who is in the second hearse?"
The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog turned on her."
A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two men.
"Can I borrow the dog?"
The man answered "Get in line."
4/17 Yard Sales & Help Wanted Ads
GO HERE for the latest Help Wanted section of Sbynews.
GO HERE for the latest Yard Sales section of Sbynews.
It's going to be a beautiful Saturday for yard sales.
If you would like to contribute, please email SunnyInOC at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "yard sale" or "help wanted" in the subject of your email. Please have all requests to me by Thursday at 3pm to ensure your ad will be included.
Remember folks, IT'S FREE . . . What do you have to lose?
GO HERE for the latest Yard Sales section of Sbynews.
It's going to be a beautiful Saturday for yard sales.
If you would like to contribute, please email SunnyInOC at atlanticjw@aol.com. Please type "yard sale" or "help wanted" in the subject of your email. Please have all requests to me by Thursday at 3pm to ensure your ad will be included.
Remember folks, IT'S FREE . . . What do you have to lose?
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