PG County Sports Complex
The Bennett Girls conlcuded their indoor season with an impressive 30 points to take third place in the 2-A State Meet. The Clippers tied Northpoint for third and was only 1 point behind second place Loch Raven. Middletown took the State Crown with 48 points. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you to score 30 points in a State track meet is down right impressive. The pool of quality athletes and the number of different teams that participate makes it hard to score points. Litterally one individual athlete can win the meet by themselves, its been done! Bennet has been producing State Championships, champions, and top 6 finishers every year!
Hats off to the Bennett athletes and coaching staff! Congrats goes out to Ashley Orr, Savanna Bozman, Megan Bebee, Chakira Sells, Briqeque Woodson, Keli Berkman, Chimere Stevenson, the 4x200 team, and the 4x800 team!

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Monday, February 18, 2008
Public Input Meeting On Increasing Transparency In Salisbury Government

Public Input Meeting on Increasing Transparency in Salisbury Government
Thursday, Feb. 21, 7-9 p.m.
Las Palmas Restaurant
Goliath Shopping Center, Roland St.
(next to Giant Shopping Center)
In response to ongoing constituent input regarding open government, Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen invite the public to share their ideas and concerns about increasing transparency in Salisbury Government, from how meetings are conducted to gaining access to various types of information.
Bring a friend!
Seating is first-come, first-served.
High School Teams At 1A/2A State Indoor Track Meet
Prince Georges Athletic Complex
The PG County Athletic Complex is a wonderful facility which hosts both regional and state level indoor track meets for Maryland. It has a full 200 meter 6 lane composite track which boasts some fast times that have been ran on it. I had some great memories on that track competing in the mile and half mile at state meet my senior year (my first year living in Maryland). I'm glad to see these young athletes getting the opportunity to have the same experiences and opportunities I had when I ran in high school! The Salisbury area actually has a great base for great performances and sending many athletes on to compete at the collegiate level. Points for team scores go out to the top 6 competetors only! Congrats to these individuals!
Note: results will be continually added...
Women’s 1-A
14 Lake, Dinah Washington 45.96 300m
5 Early, Jessie Mardela 12:53.84 3200m
8 Washington 'A' 1:55.68 4 x 200
9 Mardela 'A' 11:44.39 4x800
10 Scott, Celina Snow Hill 6.97m shot put
Women’s 2-A
3 Orr, Ashley J M Bennett 7.47 55m
8 Robinson, Lora Parkside 43.58 300m
5 Wright, Amanda Parkside 5:38.06 1600m
12 Bozman, Savannah J M Bennett 6:10.83 1600m
9 Bozman, Savannah J M Bennett 13:18.98 3200m
11 Beebe, Megan J M Bennett 13:25.21 3200m
2 Sells, Chakira J M Bennett 8.87 55m hurdles
3 Woodson, Briqeque J M Bennett 9.00 55m hurdles
10 James M Bennett 'A' 1:53.66 4 x200m
12 Parkside 'A' 4:36.01 4x400m
5 Parkside 'A' 10:29.10 4x800m
7 James M Bennett 'A' 10:30.85 4x800m
6 Purnell, Shimae Wicomico 1.47m high jump
9 Stevenson, Chimere J M Bennett 8.69m shot put
10 Berkman, Keli J M Bennett 8.55m shot put
Boys 1-A
8 Cotton, Maurice Washington 2:12.13 800m
5 Cotton, Maurice Washington 4:48.02 1600m
7 Snow Hill 'A' 1:40.71 4x200m
Boys 2-A
9 Bryant, Kwame Parkside 37.64 1 300m
12 Smith, Eldon Wicomico 38.52 300m
5 Dashield, Gerrit J M Bennett 2:07.91 800m
9 Webster, Dan J M Bennett 2:11.54 800m
5 Webster, Dan J M Bennett 4:44.77 1600m
9 Wood, Eric Parkside 10:50.06 3200m
7 Dorman, Zach J M Bennett 3.50m Pole vault
The PG County Athletic Complex is a wonderful facility which hosts both regional and state level indoor track meets for Maryland. It has a full 200 meter 6 lane composite track which boasts some fast times that have been ran on it. I had some great memories on that track competing in the mile and half mile at state meet my senior year (my first year living in Maryland). I'm glad to see these young athletes getting the opportunity to have the same experiences and opportunities I had when I ran in high school! The Salisbury area actually has a great base for great performances and sending many athletes on to compete at the collegiate level. Points for team scores go out to the top 6 competetors only! Congrats to these individuals!
Note: results will be continually added...
Women’s 1-A
14 Lake, Dinah Washington 45.96 300m
5 Early, Jessie Mardela 12:53.84 3200m
8 Washington 'A' 1:55.68 4 x 200
9 Mardela 'A' 11:44.39 4x800
10 Scott, Celina Snow Hill 6.97m shot put
Women’s 2-A
3 Orr, Ashley J M Bennett 7.47 55m
8 Robinson, Lora Parkside 43.58 300m
5 Wright, Amanda Parkside 5:38.06 1600m
12 Bozman, Savannah J M Bennett 6:10.83 1600m
9 Bozman, Savannah J M Bennett 13:18.98 3200m
11 Beebe, Megan J M Bennett 13:25.21 3200m
2 Sells, Chakira J M Bennett 8.87 55m hurdles
3 Woodson, Briqeque J M Bennett 9.00 55m hurdles
10 James M Bennett 'A' 1:53.66 4 x200m
12 Parkside 'A' 4:36.01 4x400m
5 Parkside 'A' 10:29.10 4x800m
7 James M Bennett 'A' 10:30.85 4x800m
6 Purnell, Shimae Wicomico 1.47m high jump
9 Stevenson, Chimere J M Bennett 8.69m shot put
10 Berkman, Keli J M Bennett 8.55m shot put
Boys 1-A
8 Cotton, Maurice Washington 2:12.13 800m
5 Cotton, Maurice Washington 4:48.02 1600m
7 Snow Hill 'A' 1:40.71 4x200m
Boys 2-A
9 Bryant, Kwame Parkside 37.64 1 300m
12 Smith, Eldon Wicomico 38.52 300m
5 Dashield, Gerrit J M Bennett 2:07.91 800m
9 Webster, Dan J M Bennett 2:11.54 800m
5 Webster, Dan J M Bennett 4:44.77 1600m
9 Wood, Eric Parkside 10:50.06 3200m
7 Dorman, Zach J M Bennett 3.50m Pole vault
Pocomoke Police REFUSE to Enforce Laws Against X-Councilman Honiss Cane
The Pocomoke Police Department working under Pocomoke City’s un-elected DICTATOR of 32-years Russell Blake, City Manager are refusing to enforce public law & policy… ITS OFFICIAL THE POCOMOKE CITY GOVERNMENT IS OPENLY CORRUPT!
Numerous complaints have been made about X-Councilman Honiss Cane’s moving outside of his district and no longer being qualified (according to the City Charter) to retain his seat on the Pocomoke City Council. Apparently this and many other laws do not apply to ‘Boss Hoggs’ cronies.
X-Councilman Honiss Cane owns a derelict property of Fourth Street which has had no less than 10-untagged vehicles parked junking up the area. The only apparent business being done from Cane’s location on Fourth Street is street level crack cocaine dealing.
Word on the street is the Cane family has openly controlled the crack cocaine market in Pocomoke City which is why the police department turns a ‘blind eye’ and the only drug arrests that stick are made by outside law enforcement agencies WHEN THE POCOMOKE POLICE DEPT IS EXCLUDED FROM THE BUST!!!
City Manager Russ Blake is in charge of the Police Department hence the reason I blame him as being personally responsible for the open air drug market on Fourth Street operating with impunity for over 20-years.
The fact that ground zero for the Pocomoke Free Trade ‘Crack Dealing’ Zone is property owned by X-Councilman Cane is more proof of the openly corrupt government that Pocomoke City has allowed for years.
The Mayor of Pocomoke City stated in the Tattler Forums that X-Councilman Cane had been sent certified letters from the Police Dept about his untagged cars and that he would be dealt with like any other citizen. Now he is dealing with the reality that Russ Blake and his stooges run Pocomoke City and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it!
Word on the street is X-Councilman Honiss Cane is supporting OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren in his race for District Three City Council. OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is currently fleecing the citizens of Pocomoke City out of millions of dollars with his involvement in the’ Discovery Center’ and is being paid over $1,000 per week just to show up.
OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is clearly dumber than a box of rocks being X-Councilman Canes ‘Stooge’ boy to split the white vote on election day… something about Cane not being elected to the Democratic Central Committee…
OUSTED X-Councilman Holdren can only see the Grand a week he is getting for being Boss Hogg’s stooge and is expected to continue with his stupidity, even though he has been told by his ‘Grand PooBah‘ at the Lodge to stand down.
Life is grand in Pocomoke City, open corruption, payola in the light of day, blatant disregard of law by Boss Hogg’s cronies.
Crack Cocaine is easily available day and night on Fourth Street courtesy of X-Councilman Cane and Boss Hogg Ruler, Russ Blake at Pocomoke City Hall.
Citizens are not allowed to have even one untagged car on their private property or it will be towed. X-Councilman Honiss Cane is allowed 12 total piece of crap untagged vehicles junking up two properties (one is crack central).
The Pocomoke City Charter requires a City Councilman to LIVE IN HIS DISTRICT!
X-Councilman Cane has moved outside his district to Butlers Village and waves a phone bill to his former residence on Fourth Street claiming its where he lives. Mr. Cane you are a liar and everyone in town knows it.
The Police Dept of a small town of 4,000 people claims it cannot shut down an open air drug market in a 4 square block area, because ground zero belongs to X-Councilman Honiss Cane…
What an openly corrupt city we live in. How much has Russ Blake been paid by the drug dealers to allow 20-years of a free trade zone?
X-Councilman Cane has a stooge OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren to split the white vote in the upcoming City Council election. OUSTED X-Councilman Candidate Don Holdren has submitted totally bogus financial reports for the ‘Discovery Center’ to the State Senate to qualify for a bond issue. The Discovery Center does not have a chance of making a dime in profits, ever and has fleeced the citizens out of $8 million and counting.
A Grand a week for Holdren? what a scumbag to openly ripoff the people, be Cane’s stooge and getting a few bucks as political payback from Boss Hogg.
People of Pocomoke City be advised that the laws do not apply if your name is Cane, Holdren or Blake in Pocomoke City…
To any citizens with EVIDENCE please click the FBI POLITICAL CORRUPTION LINK at the top of this page and file a report. There is a federal investigation into the openly corrupt dealings at Pocomoke City Hall and they will go down.
As long as the unelected dictator of Pocomoke City for 32-years, Russ Blake, continues to darken the doorway of Pocomoke City Hall your vote for any city official is worthless and crack will be plentiful for the children.
Numerous complaints have been made about X-Councilman Honiss Cane’s moving outside of his district and no longer being qualified (according to the City Charter) to retain his seat on the Pocomoke City Council. Apparently this and many other laws do not apply to ‘Boss Hoggs’ cronies.
X-Councilman Honiss Cane owns a derelict property of Fourth Street which has had no less than 10-untagged vehicles parked junking up the area. The only apparent business being done from Cane’s location on Fourth Street is street level crack cocaine dealing.
Word on the street is the Cane family has openly controlled the crack cocaine market in Pocomoke City which is why the police department turns a ‘blind eye’ and the only drug arrests that stick are made by outside law enforcement agencies WHEN THE POCOMOKE POLICE DEPT IS EXCLUDED FROM THE BUST!!!
City Manager Russ Blake is in charge of the Police Department hence the reason I blame him as being personally responsible for the open air drug market on Fourth Street operating with impunity for over 20-years.
The fact that ground zero for the Pocomoke Free Trade ‘Crack Dealing’ Zone is property owned by X-Councilman Cane is more proof of the openly corrupt government that Pocomoke City has allowed for years.
The Mayor of Pocomoke City stated in the Tattler Forums that X-Councilman Cane had been sent certified letters from the Police Dept about his untagged cars and that he would be dealt with like any other citizen. Now he is dealing with the reality that Russ Blake and his stooges run Pocomoke City and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it!
Word on the street is X-Councilman Honiss Cane is supporting OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren in his race for District Three City Council. OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is currently fleecing the citizens of Pocomoke City out of millions of dollars with his involvement in the’ Discovery Center’ and is being paid over $1,000 per week just to show up.
OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren is clearly dumber than a box of rocks being X-Councilman Canes ‘Stooge’ boy to split the white vote on election day… something about Cane not being elected to the Democratic Central Committee…
OUSTED X-Councilman Holdren can only see the Grand a week he is getting for being Boss Hogg’s stooge and is expected to continue with his stupidity, even though he has been told by his ‘Grand PooBah‘ at the Lodge to stand down.
Life is grand in Pocomoke City, open corruption, payola in the light of day, blatant disregard of law by Boss Hogg’s cronies.
Crack Cocaine is easily available day and night on Fourth Street courtesy of X-Councilman Cane and Boss Hogg Ruler, Russ Blake at Pocomoke City Hall.
Citizens are not allowed to have even one untagged car on their private property or it will be towed. X-Councilman Honiss Cane is allowed 12 total piece of crap untagged vehicles junking up two properties (one is crack central).
The Pocomoke City Charter requires a City Councilman to LIVE IN HIS DISTRICT!
X-Councilman Cane has moved outside his district to Butlers Village and waves a phone bill to his former residence on Fourth Street claiming its where he lives. Mr. Cane you are a liar and everyone in town knows it.
The Police Dept of a small town of 4,000 people claims it cannot shut down an open air drug market in a 4 square block area, because ground zero belongs to X-Councilman Honiss Cane…
What an openly corrupt city we live in. How much has Russ Blake been paid by the drug dealers to allow 20-years of a free trade zone?
X-Councilman Cane has a stooge OUSTED X-Councilman Don Holdren to split the white vote in the upcoming City Council election. OUSTED X-Councilman Candidate Don Holdren has submitted totally bogus financial reports for the ‘Discovery Center’ to the State Senate to qualify for a bond issue. The Discovery Center does not have a chance of making a dime in profits, ever and has fleeced the citizens out of $8 million and counting.
A Grand a week for Holdren? what a scumbag to openly ripoff the people, be Cane’s stooge and getting a few bucks as political payback from Boss Hogg.
People of Pocomoke City be advised that the laws do not apply if your name is Cane, Holdren or Blake in Pocomoke City…
To any citizens with EVIDENCE please click the FBI POLITICAL CORRUPTION LINK at the top of this page and file a report. There is a federal investigation into the openly corrupt dealings at Pocomoke City Hall and they will go down.
As long as the unelected dictator of Pocomoke City for 32-years, Russ Blake, continues to darken the doorway of Pocomoke City Hall your vote for any city official is worthless and crack will be plentiful for the children.
Robin Holloway, President Of The WCBOE Responds
I sincerely understand the concerns of many citizens who believe the Wicomico County Board of Education is "top heavy." Ensuring high student achievement, safe schools, and providing effective and efficient operations are the top three goals of the seven member school board. Constantly the board looks for cost effective ways to improve in these areas, and there is always more work to do.
The Maryland State Department of Education 2006 -2007 FACT BOOK can be downloaded at
Specifically refer to pp 8 - 9 to get comparative data on Equivalent Staff (Full time Equivalent) size for all districts in MD. Page 1 of the book will provide numbers of students for each county to put the data in context.
Just as an example, Worcester has 6,830 students. Wicomico has more than double at 14,427. Yet both districts have 3 in Central Office leadership positions: superintendent and assistant superintendents. (Two years ago when Mr. Field became interim Superintendent, he stepped up from Asst. Superintendent and this position was never re-filled). Worcester has 24 Directors, coordinators, supervisors, pupil personnel workers, school and social workers. Wicomico has 51.
Our comparative and ratio data is very close to Worcester and other counties with a similar number of students.
This data must also be considered in context with the students we serve. Wicomico now has 47% of our students qualifying for Free & Reduced meals (FARM), an indication of economic disadvantage by federal guidelines. Worcester has 32% FARM students.
If you look at Title 1 students, (p. 30), Worcester has 1,212 . Wicomico has 2,920. This is more than double Worcester and a much greater % of the student population. (Title 1 is a federal program to help disadvantaged children meet challenging content and student performance standards.) To receive the federal funds, a full time person or grants administrator - must coordinate and adhere to the program guidelines. In addition, a larger % of Wicomico's student population qualify for Special Education services and are English Language Learners.
These students (FARM, Title 1, ELL & Special Ed) are called Students at Risk. Wicomico ranks among the top 5 districts in MD for the largest number of at-risk students. Thus, more staff is required to address these needs and coordinate a myriad of grant programs and community services to address the needs of these students.
While the frustration and community concern have simmered over the last seven years with the perception that the BOE wastes money, I have witnessed the FARM rate of Wicomico County students climb from 36% to 47% and an almost untenable increase in federal and state requirements and mandates that increase the cost of public education. In some of our in Salisbury elementary schools (like Prince Street Elementary), 77% of the students are on Free & Reduced meals. Wicomico has more than 200 students who are homeless by federal defintions. The demographics of Wicomico County are changing exponentially, student and family needs are growing, and at the same time, we are spending less per pupil than the state average and our neighbors in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset. (pp. 26-27 of the FACT BOOK).
If Joe and/or GA will contact me at, I will work diligently to get you any information needed to clarify some of the long held misconceptions about the Wicomico County BOE.
Most BOE employees work very hard to maximize student achievement, provide a safe learning environment, attain greater organizational efficiency and ensure compliance. It is not a perfect system by any measure, but there are passionate and dedicated educators and staff working diligently in often challenging circumstances to achieve results.
The Board of Education is in the final stages of a national search for a four year superintendent of schools. It is my greatest hope that this community can come together and support a new superintendent for the future of our 14,500 Wicomico school age children.
Robin Holloway
Wicomico County Board of Education
The Maryland State Department of Education 2006 -2007 FACT BOOK can be downloaded at
Specifically refer to pp 8 - 9 to get comparative data on Equivalent Staff (Full time Equivalent) size for all districts in MD. Page 1 of the book will provide numbers of students for each county to put the data in context.
Just as an example, Worcester has 6,830 students. Wicomico has more than double at 14,427. Yet both districts have 3 in Central Office leadership positions: superintendent and assistant superintendents. (Two years ago when Mr. Field became interim Superintendent, he stepped up from Asst. Superintendent and this position was never re-filled). Worcester has 24 Directors, coordinators, supervisors, pupil personnel workers, school and social workers. Wicomico has 51.
Our comparative and ratio data is very close to Worcester and other counties with a similar number of students.
This data must also be considered in context with the students we serve. Wicomico now has 47% of our students qualifying for Free & Reduced meals (FARM), an indication of economic disadvantage by federal guidelines. Worcester has 32% FARM students.
If you look at Title 1 students, (p. 30), Worcester has 1,212 . Wicomico has 2,920. This is more than double Worcester and a much greater % of the student population. (Title 1 is a federal program to help disadvantaged children meet challenging content and student performance standards.) To receive the federal funds, a full time person or grants administrator - must coordinate and adhere to the program guidelines. In addition, a larger % of Wicomico's student population qualify for Special Education services and are English Language Learners.
These students (FARM, Title 1, ELL & Special Ed) are called Students at Risk. Wicomico ranks among the top 5 districts in MD for the largest number of at-risk students. Thus, more staff is required to address these needs and coordinate a myriad of grant programs and community services to address the needs of these students.
While the frustration and community concern have simmered over the last seven years with the perception that the BOE wastes money, I have witnessed the FARM rate of Wicomico County students climb from 36% to 47% and an almost untenable increase in federal and state requirements and mandates that increase the cost of public education. In some of our in Salisbury elementary schools (like Prince Street Elementary), 77% of the students are on Free & Reduced meals. Wicomico has more than 200 students who are homeless by federal defintions. The demographics of Wicomico County are changing exponentially, student and family needs are growing, and at the same time, we are spending less per pupil than the state average and our neighbors in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset. (pp. 26-27 of the FACT BOOK).
If Joe and/or GA will contact me at, I will work diligently to get you any information needed to clarify some of the long held misconceptions about the Wicomico County BOE.
Most BOE employees work very hard to maximize student achievement, provide a safe learning environment, attain greater organizational efficiency and ensure compliance. It is not a perfect system by any measure, but there are passionate and dedicated educators and staff working diligently in often challenging circumstances to achieve results.
The Board of Education is in the final stages of a national search for a four year superintendent of schools. It is my greatest hope that this community can come together and support a new superintendent for the future of our 14,500 Wicomico school age children.
Robin Holloway
Wicomico County Board of Education
Management Of Taxpayers Money Is A Train Wreck
Last Thursday evening during a Salisbury City Council Work Session a multitude of new issues came up with Pam Oland and Herb Geary.
We are currently 3/4 of the way into this year and the City, (Pam Oland) has only reconciled the books up till August, 2007! That's like not balancing your own check book since last August!
Why hasn't the Council had meetings about the Year To Date Budget to actual, to what was projected up till March?
Then there's the major concern referencing Unsecured Accounts. For the past three years, (could be much longer) Councilwoman Campbell has been bringing up the concern referencing tons of taxpayers money being placed illegally in Unsecured Accounts. While we have seen what can happen in the Banking Industry, the Savings & Loan crisis, the City, Mayor or Finance Department have been on notice for this illegal activity and when asked Thursday night if this has been cleared up and or are there and more Unsecured Accounts, Pam Oland stated 1 has been corrected, 1 has not.
This floored Herb Geary as he was obviously unaware of there being a NEW Unsecured Account. Trice Geary knew this was a hot topic in the past and could not believe the City would be so irresponsible again to allow it to continue, especially since it had been red flagged.
The Unsecured Account is a new account and Pam Oland responded to Mrs. Campbell by stating, It isn't a problem unless the Bank goes belly up. How dare Pam Oland be so irresponsible with Taxpayers money!
In closing, Louise Smith should have demanded Pam Oland be terminated immediately. Considering this has been an ongoing situation, Pam Oland is proving time and time again as an alleged CPA, she doesn't belong running this Department for one second longer.
The Tilghman Administration is failing miserably and with any hope, outside resources like The Attorney Generals Office will in fact step in and protect the Citizens of Salisbury.
Does public corruption really have an impact on people's lives?

FBI: Absolutely. Public corruption can take funding away from your child's school and even prevent your street from being re-paved. Police who take bribes endanger your neighborhood. And guess who ultimately foots the bill for these crimes? We all do...through higher taxes. The Government Accountability Office estimates that at least 10 percent of the funding for federal government programs is lost to public corruption and government fraud every year. We're talking tens of billions of dollars.
This is a continuing series on the Pocomoke Tattler from the FBI files on Political Corruption in an attempt to give hope to the people of Pocomoke City. We have been invited to be 'Guest Posters' on the SBY News and thank you for your support.
This interview with Special Agent Dan O'Brien is from June 2005 when the FBI announced POLITICAL CORRUPTION TO BE AMONGST THE HIGHEST PRIORITIES.
It's #4 in our top 10 list of investigative priorities—following counterterrorism, espionage, and cyber. Why do we rank it so highly? What are we doing to stop it? For the answers to these questions and more, we talked with Supervisory Special Agent Dan O'Brien, chief of our Public Corruption and Government Fraud program at FBI Headquarters.
Q: Why's the FBI so concerned about public corruption?
Dan: Two main reasons. First, it strikes at the core of what our country's about. Our democracy depends on a healthy, efficient, and ethical government—whether it's in the courtroom or the halls of Congress. Second, public corruption can have a direct impact on national security. For example, in a recent case in Arizona, 26 current and former department of motor vehicles (DMV) employees were indicted for taking cash bribes for fake driver's licenses, ID cards, and even a hazmat license. What if it's a terrorist trying to get one of those licenses? We've also seen bribes paid at our borders to let drugs come into the country. Again, what if a bribe lets a terrorist get through?
Q: What kinds of crimes are involved?
Dan: They run the gamut. Embezzlement. Voter fraud. Subsidy fraud. Illegal kickbacks. For example, a health inspector might threaten to report code violations unless a restaurant owner pays a bribe. Or a government official might award a contract in exchange for free work on his home or some other favor.
Q: What are you doing to stop public corruption?
Dan: Plenty. We've got a strong national program with agents in place around the nation dedicated to the issue. In our investigations, we use every tool we've got—our cyber capabilities, our surveillance skills, our ability to track financial dealings around the world. Last year, we opened over 900 cases, which led to over 650 convictions or guilty pleas. We're also proactive. We've got analysts specifically trained to uncover corruption, and our agents always have an eye out for new and evolving angles. We’ve got a new initiative to identify DMV employees nationwide who issue fraudulent IDs for bribes and kickbacks. And we’re working with state governments to identify fraud and ways to prevent it.
Q: Does public corruption really have an impact on people's lives?
Dan: Absolutely. Public corruption can take funding away from your child's school and even prevent your street from being re-paved. Police who take bribes endanger your neighborhood. And guess who ultimately foots the bill for these crimes? We all do...through higher taxes. The Government Accountability Office estimates that at least 10 percent of the funding for federal government programs is lost to public corruption and government fraud every year. We're talking tens of billions of dollars.
Q: Last question: what should people do if they come across evidence of public corruption activities?
Dan: By all means, call us! If you don't want to give your name, leave an anonymous tip.
It's pretty obvious that the Pocomoke City Government is DOING NOTHING to clean up it's act or to get rid of 32-years of iron hand dictatorship under City Manager Russell Blake.
The City Government is lining up to support X-Councilman Cane in junking up the community with his untagged cars, illegal retention of a city council seat. The Mayor has proclaimed that 'Fourth Street is not an “Open Air Drug Market” unless your definition of such is African American pedestrian traffic.'
Citizens of Pocomoke, pick up the phone, write a letter, click the TIP link you don't have to take it anymore.
Salisbury News Welcomes Boss Hogg
ACC Play Heats Up For March Madness
No doubt the ACC men’s basketball is good, very good! All but two teams have overall winning records, Virginia (.500, 12-12) and Georgia Tech (.458, 11-13). But who is going to make it on Selection Sunday on March 16? With teams having around 5 games left in the regular season it is all about getting a game ahead of the other. Duke and North Carolina are in and traditionally there usually 5 ACC teams who make the Big Dance. So who are the other three? The main teams who will vie for those spots are Clemson, Maryland, Wake Forrest, and Miami of Florida. NC State and Virginia Tech are peering in hoping to get into the mix.
Opportunity #1, the remaining regular season games. Maryland upsetting UNC and recently Wake Forrest upsetting Duke proves that anything can happen in college ball. Rank means nothing! Maryland has the toughest closing schedule even having already played UNC and Duke. The Terps still have to play Clemson, Wake and Miami at their houses, and a tough Tech game away in the regular season finale. Maryland must win these games, because these teams are all in the mix, so they can lock-up their tickets to The Tourney!
Clemson, Wake, Maryland, and Miami all have similar schedules playing each other which could lend itself to two possibilities. Two of the teams basically win out and get in or it comes down to the ACC Tournament through all four teams having similar records. Miami and Wake have the two weaker conference records (4-6) and (6-5) respectively. Maryland and Clemson both are 7-4. If Miami and Wake raise their conference record it will bolster their stock for being if not the top conference in the country (The Big Ten and Big East are up there). If they finish the regular season neck and neck the selection committee will make their decisions based more on the ACC Tourney.
Opportunity #2 The ACC Tournament. The favorites are the Blue Devils and the Tar Heels to win it. The winner automatically goes to the NCAA Tourney. With the upsets handed to these two it is still a possibility that these two may not win it. If the main four contenders come in tied it will be anyone’s ball game. Once the bracket is set based on the regular season is when we will be able to make conjectures on the outcomes. But do not be surprised if it comes down to the tourney, it usually happens.
But based on schedule and records I predict Clemson will lock up a trip to the Dance at the end of the regular season. They did loose to UNC twice in overtime with one by only 2 points. They’re legit. The other three teams will find out if they’re going to the Dance in the ACC tournament; they’re too close to call. But I will throw this out there because I like to be bold. I think it will be Maryland locking up a spot as well! For the third spot, well I’m not that bold to predict.
Opportunity #1, the remaining regular season games. Maryland upsetting UNC and recently Wake Forrest upsetting Duke proves that anything can happen in college ball. Rank means nothing! Maryland has the toughest closing schedule even having already played UNC and Duke. The Terps still have to play Clemson, Wake and Miami at their houses, and a tough Tech game away in the regular season finale. Maryland must win these games, because these teams are all in the mix, so they can lock-up their tickets to The Tourney!
Clemson, Wake, Maryland, and Miami all have similar schedules playing each other which could lend itself to two possibilities. Two of the teams basically win out and get in or it comes down to the ACC Tournament through all four teams having similar records. Miami and Wake have the two weaker conference records (4-6) and (6-5) respectively. Maryland and Clemson both are 7-4. If Miami and Wake raise their conference record it will bolster their stock for being if not the top conference in the country (The Big Ten and Big East are up there). If they finish the regular season neck and neck the selection committee will make their decisions based more on the ACC Tourney.
Opportunity #2 The ACC Tournament. The favorites are the Blue Devils and the Tar Heels to win it. The winner automatically goes to the NCAA Tourney. With the upsets handed to these two it is still a possibility that these two may not win it. If the main four contenders come in tied it will be anyone’s ball game. Once the bracket is set based on the regular season is when we will be able to make conjectures on the outcomes. But do not be surprised if it comes down to the tourney, it usually happens.
But based on schedule and records I predict Clemson will lock up a trip to the Dance at the end of the regular season. They did loose to UNC twice in overtime with one by only 2 points. They’re legit. The other three teams will find out if they’re going to the Dance in the ACC tournament; they’re too close to call. But I will throw this out there because I like to be bold. I think it will be Maryland locking up a spot as well! For the third spot, well I’m not that bold to predict.
Big Brother Is Getting Bigger
I am in full support of cameras being installed throughout the City of Salisbury. Crime is simply out of control and clearly this Mayor & Council are not willing to enlarge the Staff for the SPD.
That being said, I noticed a brand new camera yesterday on the top of Randy Taylor's building overlooking the parking lot there. My only question is, is there enough crime in that particular lot to warrant a camera? I know of one car that was broken into there in the past year or two.
I can see cameras on Church Street but again, I cannot understand a camera being installed at the traffic light at One Plaza East, Main Street & Division Street? Is this a high crime area as well? I have never heard of a problem at that location.
OK, so this will come off as really paranoid but seriously, do they simply want to see who's Downtown and when? In the past I have spoken about how interesting it is that no sooner am I in the Downtown area, Chief Webster shows up driving around. Perhaps it's a coincidence he does show up at all different times of the day or night? All I know is, I now have one next to my building Downtown and they can tell any time I come or go. Installing the one they just did on the Taylor's building is completely blocked off by the Vernon Powell building being in their way, should they claim it's there to look into the other parking lot behind the Plaza.
Oh well, I certainly have nothing to hide but it sure looks suspicious to me.
County Council Meeting Is At 6:00 PM Tuesday
Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland
February 19, 2008 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. John T. Cannon, President Call to Order
Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
6:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2008
6:07 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing
6:27 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator
1. Resolution 10-2008-Council approval of FY07 State Capital Project Grants Application and Agreement-Youth and Civic Center Renovations
2. Youth and Civic Center Restoration Bonds
3. Resolution 11-2008-Re-appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Daniel Kwiatkowski
4. Resolution 12-2008-Re-Appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Patricia Petersen
5. Shared Facility Agreement-Village Down River
6. Liquor Control Board Audit Presentation
6:45 pm. Edgar A. Baker, Jr.-County Attorney
Public Hearing:
Resolution 13-2008-Donation of land for Pittsville Recreation Facility
6:55 pm. Comments from Attending Citizens
7:05 p.m. Council Members’ Comments
7:10 p.m. Council President’s Comments
7:15 p.m. Adjournment
7:30 p.m. Open Work Session:
Board of Education-Discussion of Choices and Ombudsman program and
Information regarding gang activity in the schools
County Council Office Budget
8:20 p.m. Closed Work Session:
Discussion of Property Acquisition
County Council Office Budget
The County Council reserves the right to close a portion of this meeting as authorized by Section 10-(508) a of the State Government Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland
February 19, 2008 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. John T. Cannon, President Call to Order
Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
6:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2008
6:07 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing
6:27 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator
1. Resolution 10-2008-Council approval of FY07 State Capital Project Grants Application and Agreement-Youth and Civic Center Renovations
2. Youth and Civic Center Restoration Bonds
3. Resolution 11-2008-Re-appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Daniel Kwiatkowski
4. Resolution 12-2008-Re-Appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Patricia Petersen
5. Shared Facility Agreement-Village Down River
6. Liquor Control Board Audit Presentation
6:45 pm. Edgar A. Baker, Jr.-County Attorney
Public Hearing:
Resolution 13-2008-Donation of land for Pittsville Recreation Facility
6:55 pm. Comments from Attending Citizens
7:05 p.m. Council Members’ Comments
7:10 p.m. Council President’s Comments
7:15 p.m. Adjournment
7:30 p.m. Open Work Session:
Board of Education-Discussion of Choices and Ombudsman program and
Information regarding gang activity in the schools
County Council Office Budget
8:20 p.m. Closed Work Session:
Discussion of Property Acquisition
County Council Office Budget
The County Council reserves the right to close a portion of this meeting as authorized by Section 10-(508) a of the State Government Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
Have YOU Ever Received This Message?
The Daily Times Story Chat can, at times, be very interesting. You see, whenever "I" get on there and post a comment, the next thing I know someone sends me this message telling me I'm no longer watching this topic. OH YES I AM! However, its not until I go back on there and post another comment that they'll allow me to get a message every time someone responds.
That being said, does this also happen to you, or am I simply chosen because I am who I am?
Is This Joe G From The Daily Times?
I would appreciate it you would now do a compaign to see the salary comparisons among teachers in Worcester and Dorchester counties. This would be very interesting. Since it seems like you have so much time on your hands. I am sure that you could get the process started, let the daily times do most of the legwork and then sit back and claim all the glory. This would show true "journalism"."
Seems to me, Salisbury News produced this information 5 days before The Daily Times, respectfully. When WE have a Staff of more than 200 and WE start selling advertising, not only will we do so, (IN OUR FREE TIME) we'll do it better than The Daily Times. How you can feel we're taking credit is beyond me. Nevertheless, thanks for paying attention and we're sorry we hurt your feelings, Joe.
I would appreciate it you would now do a compaign to see the salary comparisons among teachers in Worcester and Dorchester counties. This would be very interesting. Since it seems like you have so much time on your hands. I am sure that you could get the process started, let the daily times do most of the legwork and then sit back and claim all the glory. This would show true "journalism"."
Seems to me, Salisbury News produced this information 5 days before The Daily Times, respectfully. When WE have a Staff of more than 200 and WE start selling advertising, not only will we do so, (IN OUR FREE TIME) we'll do it better than The Daily Times. How you can feel we're taking credit is beyond me. Nevertheless, thanks for paying attention and we're sorry we hurt your feelings, Joe.
One Lesson Wicomico County Council Could Learn from Salisbury's Council
It's no secret that I'm a huge critic of the Salisbury City Council. There is one thing Salisbury Council does that is heads and tails above their county counterpart - providing information to the public about their meetings. When the agenda for each meeting is posted online, City Clerk Brenda Colegrove also includes a copy (in PDF format) of the council's briefing book. Interested citizens can download it and view information that is far more in-depth than that provided on the agenda.
A case in point is tomorrow's Wicomico County Council meeting. In a far too rare evening meeting, the County Council will hold a public hearing the proposed capital budget. How can citizens intelligently comment on something as large and complicated as a capital budget without having ready access to it. That information may be available on the county's website (somewhere), but I didn't find it. Why not make the briefing books easily accessible to the public?
cross posted on Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, Wicomico politics, fiscal policy
A case in point is tomorrow's Wicomico County Council meeting. In a far too rare evening meeting, the County Council will hold a public hearing the proposed capital budget. How can citizens intelligently comment on something as large and complicated as a capital budget without having ready access to it. That information may be available on the county's website (somewhere), but I didn't find it. Why not make the briefing books easily accessible to the public?
cross posted on Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, Wicomico politics, fiscal policy
Toot! Toot!
Whenever I come out with articles similar to this one I get responses, (especially on Story Chat) that I'm tooting my own horn. This may be true but it's important people realize Salisbury News is not only delivering first, we're changing the scope of information not normally provided by The Daily Times. The paper is getting fatter with news and the quality of their work is also excelling quite a bit, thankfully.
Today we're seeing important information referencing the Ocean City Fire Department and the priceless Volunteers being ousted by a controlling majority of the City Council and the Mayor of Ocean City.
It's simple, they want the Volunteers out and they want the Taxpayers to provide a 100% Full Time, Fully Paid Professional Team on Staff. This will cost the Taxpayers a fortune and no one can say that the Volunteer Chief Chris Larmore isn't qualified to direct the Paid Fire Fighters.
In a call early this morning, I spoke with one of the 20+ year Volunteers and I asked him, you guys didn't pass up offering to PAY Chris, did you? Not at all. We did make that offer and they turned us down. You see, it's all about the Paid Fire Fighters not willing to take instructions and direction from the Volunteer Chief.
For more than 100 years the Volunteers have served Ocean City proudly and unconditionally. Clearly the Paid Fire Fighters come with conditions. I personally believe people shouldn't forget where they came from, yet far too often we see this power struggle where municipalities have to prove control.
Use the City of Salisbury as a perfect example. Come on now, a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station has been constructed, why? Because they have to be the biggest and the best. Would they have BUILT a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station IF they had to pay for it themselves? Yet the Daily Times never asked THAT question. The Salisbury Zoo wants to completely rebuild with a $36,000,000.00 Master Plan, FOR WHAT? They can't even keep animals alive and everyone who visits the Zoo can clearly see that it continues to fall apart with double the Staff and a quadruple budget than previous years. You have the old Station 16 that is a valuable piece of real estate being considered as a GIFT to the Artsy Fartsy people and then they, (the SFD) have the nerve to ask for hundreds of thousands of dollars from the City AND County Taxpayers to remodel another Station, yet they aren't willing to SELL the old Station and use the funds from that sale to do the renovations.
Just like the Salisbury Zoo, they have yet to hold a single fundraiser for a so called $2,000,000.00 Animal Services Building. The AZA demanded they construct this building 3 years ago and the Zoo knows it won't cost $2,000,000.00, they start high and when all is said and done they'll get what they want without doing a thing to help fund the expense. They already got $500,000.00 committed by the Taxpayers in the City, now they want an additional $300,000.00 from the County and another $500,000.00 from the State. Pretty SLICK, if you ask me! That building shouldn't cost $700,000.00! One can only wonder if Ron Alessi will attempt to get his Crew in there to build it too?
The point here is, the City has valuable property they can sell to help pay for their wants and needs and this is why I strongly suggest the Attorney General's Office look hard and deep and any so called, FOB's. It's the IDEA of fraud, not the fact that it has happened. It's the idea of opening opportunities for such a problem at the Taxpayers expense.
The idea of Volunteers getting involved and raising funds for such wants and needs are one thing. There's a sense of PRIDE in paying for something on your own. Similar to HELPING your children purchase a vehicle and them paying you back for it. If you GIVE it to them, more than likely they will not respect it as much, knowing once they break it they can just get another one.
The City of Salisbury is hurting the Taxpayers by spoiling these organizations with freebies and each and every year, WE WANT MORE! The Fire Boat is yet another perfect example. My God, Ocean City NEEDS these Volunteers! Think about all the investors who have put up millions, actually, billions of dollars in real estate there. They pay enough taxes on property now plummeting in value, yet the City is still getting top dollars in real estate tax revenue. IF the City could afford a Fully Paid First Response Professional Team in the past, they can't afford it now because the costs are only going up while the values of property will certainly be going down.
Fire Departments are a monopoly business and the Volunteers keep them honest. Taxpayers must have Volunteers or they'll end up just like Salisbury with contention everywhere and a divided organization free to do and spend wherever they so choose.
I'm pleased to see The Daily Times writing such editorials and allowing Letters to the Editor referencing such. With enough outside pressure the scope of their news and delivery of such said news will improve their chances of survival. My only criticism of their Editorial today is, perhaps they could use words the regular Joe out there can clearly understand. No, I wasn't lost but from the many comments I get here, especially from the Fire Department, they lost pretty much most of their attention, yet the Editor looks pretty darned sophisticated.
The real question is, what's better? An article people can read and understand or the idea that they can prove their better educated? Obviously with all the hits I get here each and every day, keeping it simple gets better results. Just food for thought.
Today we're seeing important information referencing the Ocean City Fire Department and the priceless Volunteers being ousted by a controlling majority of the City Council and the Mayor of Ocean City.
It's simple, they want the Volunteers out and they want the Taxpayers to provide a 100% Full Time, Fully Paid Professional Team on Staff. This will cost the Taxpayers a fortune and no one can say that the Volunteer Chief Chris Larmore isn't qualified to direct the Paid Fire Fighters.
In a call early this morning, I spoke with one of the 20+ year Volunteers and I asked him, you guys didn't pass up offering to PAY Chris, did you? Not at all. We did make that offer and they turned us down. You see, it's all about the Paid Fire Fighters not willing to take instructions and direction from the Volunteer Chief.
For more than 100 years the Volunteers have served Ocean City proudly and unconditionally. Clearly the Paid Fire Fighters come with conditions. I personally believe people shouldn't forget where they came from, yet far too often we see this power struggle where municipalities have to prove control.
Use the City of Salisbury as a perfect example. Come on now, a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station has been constructed, why? Because they have to be the biggest and the best. Would they have BUILT a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station IF they had to pay for it themselves? Yet the Daily Times never asked THAT question. The Salisbury Zoo wants to completely rebuild with a $36,000,000.00 Master Plan, FOR WHAT? They can't even keep animals alive and everyone who visits the Zoo can clearly see that it continues to fall apart with double the Staff and a quadruple budget than previous years. You have the old Station 16 that is a valuable piece of real estate being considered as a GIFT to the Artsy Fartsy people and then they, (the SFD) have the nerve to ask for hundreds of thousands of dollars from the City AND County Taxpayers to remodel another Station, yet they aren't willing to SELL the old Station and use the funds from that sale to do the renovations.
Just like the Salisbury Zoo, they have yet to hold a single fundraiser for a so called $2,000,000.00 Animal Services Building. The AZA demanded they construct this building 3 years ago and the Zoo knows it won't cost $2,000,000.00, they start high and when all is said and done they'll get what they want without doing a thing to help fund the expense. They already got $500,000.00 committed by the Taxpayers in the City, now they want an additional $300,000.00 from the County and another $500,000.00 from the State. Pretty SLICK, if you ask me! That building shouldn't cost $700,000.00! One can only wonder if Ron Alessi will attempt to get his Crew in there to build it too?
The point here is, the City has valuable property they can sell to help pay for their wants and needs and this is why I strongly suggest the Attorney General's Office look hard and deep and any so called, FOB's. It's the IDEA of fraud, not the fact that it has happened. It's the idea of opening opportunities for such a problem at the Taxpayers expense.
The idea of Volunteers getting involved and raising funds for such wants and needs are one thing. There's a sense of PRIDE in paying for something on your own. Similar to HELPING your children purchase a vehicle and them paying you back for it. If you GIVE it to them, more than likely they will not respect it as much, knowing once they break it they can just get another one.
The City of Salisbury is hurting the Taxpayers by spoiling these organizations with freebies and each and every year, WE WANT MORE! The Fire Boat is yet another perfect example. My God, Ocean City NEEDS these Volunteers! Think about all the investors who have put up millions, actually, billions of dollars in real estate there. They pay enough taxes on property now plummeting in value, yet the City is still getting top dollars in real estate tax revenue. IF the City could afford a Fully Paid First Response Professional Team in the past, they can't afford it now because the costs are only going up while the values of property will certainly be going down.
Fire Departments are a monopoly business and the Volunteers keep them honest. Taxpayers must have Volunteers or they'll end up just like Salisbury with contention everywhere and a divided organization free to do and spend wherever they so choose.
I'm pleased to see The Daily Times writing such editorials and allowing Letters to the Editor referencing such. With enough outside pressure the scope of their news and delivery of such said news will improve their chances of survival. My only criticism of their Editorial today is, perhaps they could use words the regular Joe out there can clearly understand. No, I wasn't lost but from the many comments I get here, especially from the Fire Department, they lost pretty much most of their attention, yet the Editor looks pretty darned sophisticated.
The real question is, what's better? An article people can read and understand or the idea that they can prove their better educated? Obviously with all the hits I get here each and every day, keeping it simple gets better results. Just food for thought.
Salisbury Zoo Commission, Inc. Announces Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Salisbury Zoo Commission will be held in the ESBA Education Building on February 20th, 2008 promptly at 2:p.m.
The monthly financial report will be reviewed prior to the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Snacks will be served.
The monthly financial report will be reviewed prior to the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Snacks will be served.
Two Important Meetings Tuesday The DT Neglected To Post
On Tuesday, February 19th there are two very important meetings the Public should be very aware of.
The first meeting is the Ocean City Fire Department at City Hall at 6:00 PM. This will prove to be a historical event and I strongly suggest Citizens attend, especially ALL Volunteer Fire Fighters from the entire Eastern Shore.
The other meeting will be the County Council CIP Meeting held at 7:00 PM at the GOB, Room 305. I have already had a meeting with Rick Pollitt and Jim Finneran in reference to certain topics concerning the CIP and believe me when I tell you, you're going to want to attend this meeting and or watch PAC14 that evening.
I will do my very best to cover both events but I'm certain I'll be late for the Wicomico County meeting. Why the Daily Times neglected to post these meetings in today's paper is beyond me, unless they don't want them heavily attended? I can see missing one of them, but both. See you there Folks.
The first meeting is the Ocean City Fire Department at City Hall at 6:00 PM. This will prove to be a historical event and I strongly suggest Citizens attend, especially ALL Volunteer Fire Fighters from the entire Eastern Shore.
The other meeting will be the County Council CIP Meeting held at 7:00 PM at the GOB, Room 305. I have already had a meeting with Rick Pollitt and Jim Finneran in reference to certain topics concerning the CIP and believe me when I tell you, you're going to want to attend this meeting and or watch PAC14 that evening.
I will do my very best to cover both events but I'm certain I'll be late for the Wicomico County meeting. Why the Daily Times neglected to post these meetings in today's paper is beyond me, unless they don't want them heavily attended? I can see missing one of them, but both. See you there Folks.
Salisbury Public Works
Service Center
Lake & Mack Streets
Salisbury MD 21801
FEBRUARY 25, 2008.
AT 410-548-3177
Service Center
Lake & Mack Streets
Salisbury MD 21801
FEBRUARY 25, 2008.
AT 410-548-3177
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