Below is what she posted yesterday.
Julie said: I'm going to make an executive decision here on my page. All and any Trump supporters need to exit stage right. If you don't of your own free will, I will help you out the door. Not only is Trump a Democrat, he has no idea what he's doing or talking about and foolish people will vote for him and lose the general election to Hillary and the GOP and the Nation is done! I am a daughter of the American Revolution. I do not take this lightly and if you don't support the constitution, I don't support you. I could not be more se rious.
Further, if you don't want to get your hands dirty and help the Cruz campaign you are equally contributing. Do not ask me to help your campaign. Do not ask me for anything unless you help in this cause. Trump gave his multiple wives weight limits in his prenups. WEIGHT LIMITS or he'd divorce them. This PIG wil never see the light of day in the Oval.
I've deleted close to 70 Trumptards. It's a sport now. I will not tolerate it at all.
I will not vote for any representative that supports him. If they refuse to answer they will not get my vote. period.
I will report back as I will call every GOP congressional, and senatorial candidate and tell you what they (or their) aides say.. I'm not casting my pearls before swine. Not this time.