"Why would Gordy tell them to knock it off?? I have personally seen him, See, and Hoppes, the top 3 idiots in the fire department read this blog, post on this blog and encourage the troops to post negativity on this blog. David See is one of the most miserable persons that have ever existed in the Salisbury Fire Department and has the most vulgar mouth in the entire fire department. This man has cussed the volunteer firefighters so much during his career that he is one of the most hated individuals in the fire department. Under a previous administration he was on the verge of being terminated until there was an investigation into the leadership and a shake up in the fire department and he slipped out of the sight of the bullseye. And along comes Barrie Parsons Tilgman who promoted this monster and Bill Gordy. Birds of a feather!!!"
Thank You for stepping up and exposing this information. Not that anyone didn't think they are involved. It just clarifies things and proves just how bad it is within the SFD Leadership.
If you want changes Ladies & Gentlemen, throw out those donation envelopes. Barrie Tilghman refused to give the Fire Department a single raise, yet she increased your taxes by 14% in one year. RETALIATE! DO NOT give any donations to the Fire Department this year, (I'm sorry to say) and let Barrie Tilghman know as well as the leaders in the Fire Department that you're NOT going to take it any more.