To ALL of the viewers of Salisbury News who have been subjected to "my" Posts recently on Joathan Taylor, I did what I felt I had to do. Jonathan Taylor chose to go after my Wife and Grandson, stealing pictures from this Website and even calling out my Grandson by name and I simply had enough of his personal attacks.
While I stayed quiet for the past 6 months and he continued to attack my Wife, our Grandson, Debbie Campbell, her Husband and Son, I made a promise during the election to stay quiet and I fulfilled that request. However, when a man continues to act like a tough guy and personally goes after an 8 year old innocent child, enough was enough.
Because I chose to finally go after him, Jonathan has chosen to remove those Posts and I have in turn fulfilled the wishes of Two Sentz and I too have removed those Posts about the Taylor's.
This has been a very difficult race and it got extremely personal. There had been an agreement involving States Attorney Davis Ruark and all local Bloggers to keep spouses and children out of any Posts and Jonathan broke that rule, something had to be done. When and if anyone goes after my Wife and Family, I will not stand still.
That being said, I'm done with Mr. Taylor and I have said what I needed to say. The agreement is to keep from bring each other up any longer and I will do so as long as Mr. Taylor stays away from my Family.
One thing I will agree with is that we have a light at the end of the tunnel here in Salisbury and we need to start focusing more on the positive. While I intend to continue to expose any wrong doings, I too look forward to the positive.
So Jonathan, I hope we're done. Let's all move forward to make Salisbury the safest City in America and that can't be done with just the Salisbury Police Department. We ALL need to play a part of helping these Officers make this a reality. We need to open our eyes and even patrol the streets and report crime as we see it. I personally got involved for many weeks walking the Downtown area at night when we were hit with Graffiti and it worked. No one was hurt and I can assure you, when I saw something wrong the SPD was there in seconds.
Tomorrow is a new day, let's all make it a good one. Thanks for tolerating me the past few days. Time to get back to work.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Friday, April 10, 2009
Has Hell Frozen Over On SBYNEWS.COM??
Hi Joe,
Even though I moved from Salisbury last year, I still check the blog daily to keep up with what’s going on.
I noticed a peculiar series of events…..
Barrie got voted out….. (about time!)
Comegys retirement from SHA is a mystery…..
Billy Burke arrested for wiretapping….
And right now on, it looks like hell must have frozen over!!! (see attached pic)

Keep up the good work, Joe!
Even though I moved from Salisbury last year, I still check the blog daily to keep up with what’s going on.
I noticed a peculiar series of events…..
Barrie got voted out….. (about time!)
Comegys retirement from SHA is a mystery…..
Billy Burke arrested for wiretapping….
And right now on, it looks like hell must have frozen over!!! (see attached pic)

Keep up the good work, Joe!
Yard Sales & Help Wanted
CLICK HERE for this week's post of Yard Sales
CLICK HERE for this week's post of the Help Wanted/Seeking A Job
If you have a Yard Sale or Help Wanted/Seeking A Job to post, please email it to SunnyInOC at Please type "Yard Sale" or "Help Wanted" in the subject of your email.
Have a great Easter weekend.
CLICK HERE for this week's post of the Help Wanted/Seeking A Job
If you have a Yard Sale or Help Wanted/Seeking A Job to post, please email it to SunnyInOC at Please type "Yard Sale" or "Help Wanted" in the subject of your email.
Have a great Easter weekend.
Is There A Press Release, Or Not?
Last night at around 11:30 PM I spoke with Mayor Mike McDermott of Pocomoke and he said he expected a Press Release on the Billy Burke arrest that night.
I called the Pocomoke Police Department around midnight and asked to speak to the Captain and they informed me he wasn't in but that he would be in tomorrow between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
I had read elsewhere that there was a press release available so I called the Pocomoke Police Department and asked for Captain Brumley. The woman who answered the phone said, he's not in today. I explained how I spoke with the Mayor last night and then confirmed after calling the Police Department last night that the Captain would be in today. She replied, Sir, this is a Holiday and none of the administrators will be in today. MUST BE NICE!
Nevertheless, I expressed how I had heard there was a Press Release, could you forward me to anyone that could forward me that Press Release. She replied, No. Wanna bet our telephone conversation was recorded, yet they didn't say I was being recorded?
So if any of you know of a Press Release out there and want to tell us where we can obtain it, say so in comments please. Have a nice Holiday Administrators. So you know, news doesn't stop on Holidays, NOR DOES CRIME!
I called the Pocomoke Police Department around midnight and asked to speak to the Captain and they informed me he wasn't in but that he would be in tomorrow between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
I had read elsewhere that there was a press release available so I called the Pocomoke Police Department and asked for Captain Brumley. The woman who answered the phone said, he's not in today. I explained how I spoke with the Mayor last night and then confirmed after calling the Police Department last night that the Captain would be in today. She replied, Sir, this is a Holiday and none of the administrators will be in today. MUST BE NICE!
Nevertheless, I expressed how I had heard there was a Press Release, could you forward me to anyone that could forward me that Press Release. She replied, No. Wanna bet our telephone conversation was recorded, yet they didn't say I was being recorded?
So if any of you know of a Press Release out there and want to tell us where we can obtain it, say so in comments please. Have a nice Holiday Administrators. So you know, news doesn't stop on Holidays, NOR DOES CRIME!
BREAKING NEWS! Billy Burke, Boss Hogg Arrested For Wiretaping

The Worcester County Sheriff's Department and the Pocomoke Police have arrested Billy Burke, husband of Stephanie Burke who just ran for the City Council Seat in Pocomoke. While Stephanie has been all over the news recently based on a very interesting and questionable absentee ballot challenge, Billy Burke seems to have gotten himself into some really serious trouble.
It has been reported that Billy has been charged with multiple counts of wiretapping as he recorded conversations with multiple people, including Mayor Mike McDermott. He then posted those conversations on his Blog after excerpting them and this is completely illegal. In the state of Maryland it is completely against the law to record any conversation with anyone without their consent.
In speaking with Mayor McDermott last last night he said he completely supports any one's first amendment rights, people have died to provide that freedom in America. He went on to say, however, when someone abuses the first amendment, they deserve to be punished.
I did speak to Billy earlier and he has admitted to making such a mistake. The Police came to his home with a search warrant and arrest warrant and witnesses said they saw the Police carrying boxes of materials out to their vehicle.
The evidence will be taken to Pikesville, Maryland to be processed and reviewed and further charges are pending. I'm also told the possibility of multiple civil lawsuits may be in order against Mr. Burke as well.
Bloggers are certainly accountable as well Ladies & Gentlemen. When someone tells you not to do something and they purposely go ahead and do it anyway, there's a price to pay for that as well. I have experienced the same situation with the Fat Man, telling him to leave my Wife and Grandson out of it. He admits in his own words on his Posts that I told him this and he went ahead and did it anyway. That's harassment.
Nevertheless, Billy Burke will have his hands full and one can only hope it was worth the price because I know and I'm sure most everyone reading this Post knows, you can't just go taping someone without their permission. I'm sure there will be lots more to come some time later today but Salisbury News has it first and it will take some time before anyone else gets their hands on this.
See you in the morning.
UPDATE 12:37 AM: This just in from Billy Burke.
"Dear Joe:
I was just arrested and all of our computers were seized by the Pocomoke Police Dept for recording the Mayor of Pocomoke City making incriminating statements about the City Manager on the steps of City Hall.
I had no idea that it was a felony to record someone without their permission in the State of Maryland even if that person is the Mayor standing in the same exact location where Mayors have traditionally made public proclamations'.
The arrest warrant was issued in direct retaliation for our complaints of voter fraud during the election earlier this week and the warrant was dated Tuesday April 7th 2009 at 11:00 AM DURING the election.
I was arrested shortly after returning from Holy Thursday Mass and processed in Pocomoke by the PD then taken to a commissioner in Ocean City who released me on my own recognizance.
The reason for the arrest was the contents of the attached recording where Pocomoke City Mayor Mike McDermott admits to witnessing City Manager Boss Hogg Russell Blake DESTROY public government documents that were under an active Maryland Public Information Act (FOIA) request.
The entire 37 minute rant by Mayor McDermott that was made on the steps of City Hall which is a public place where one would have no expectation of privacy can be heard at this link:
He is clearly trying to intimidate my wife Stephanie Burke who was running for City Council and stated that "I have a plan, why don't you move" and he also stated that he did not care that the city bulldozed toxic asbestos into a big hole by the Pocomoke river poisoning the citizens to bring in a few jobs.
Our cell phones have been seized along with out digital cameras, video cameras, external hard drives, recording devices and more.
Boss Hogg does not like having the States Attorney called in to investigate a crooked election nor does he like it when a recording of his stooge Mayor is made public.
We need your help and the help of the public.
If you can post and distribute these recordings it will show what is really going on in Pocomoke City.
The people need to know how openly corrupt the Pocomoke City Government is and that Boss Hogg will use his private police force to intimidate people into keeping him in power.
It's scary, really scary....
Billy provided two links to the audio mp3 files but I had to remove them as I have been advised that I too could be brought in for providing such information that is under investigation. Sorry Billy but I do know the law in Maryland and I do know the taping was illegal and cannot participate by providing the recordings. I'm confident you'll understand. Joe
Update #2:
Case Information
Court System:
Case Number:
1I00083721Tracking No:081002045456
Case Type:
District Code:
02Location Code:04
Document Type:
WARRANTIssued Date:04/07/2009
Case Status:
Defendant Information
Defendant Name:
POCOMOKE CITYState:MDZip Code:21851 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date:
05/07/2009Trial Time:09:00 AMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:301 COMMERCE STREET SNOW HILL 21863-1007
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:WIRETAPPING
Amended Date:
CJIS Code:1 5705MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From:
Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code:
CXAgency Sub-Code:23Officer ID:0086
Salisbury Police Department Press Release

On April 7, 2009 at approximately 4:37 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding Worcester County District Court Bench Warrant. The Bench Warrant charges the suspect with failing to appear in court to answer charges of disorderly conduct on September 26, 2008.
ARRESTED: Shemeka Renee Hills, 30 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Worcester County District Court Bench Warrant- Failure to appear – Disorderly Conduct
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900011791
It's A Harley (NSFW)
Obama Signs Presidential Determination Allowing Palestinians Loyal to Hamas to Resettle in US.
Here is yet another unilateral action taken by our new President, for which we must rely upon the information of friends to discover. I wonder how the "Jewish" block of Democratic voters now feels about their choice for President.
Try and tell the American people that Obama doesn't have ties to the Islamic terrorist world. Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA.
This is the news that didn't make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
A review of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was inaugurated:
His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television. He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted. He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed. He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11. Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.
To verify for yourself:
Here is yet another unilateral action taken by our new President, for which we must rely upon the information of friends to discover. I wonder how the "Jewish" block of Democratic voters now feels about their choice for President.
Try and tell the American people that Obama doesn't have ties to the Islamic terrorist world. Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA.
This is the news that didn't make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
A review of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was inaugurated:
His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television. He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted. He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed. He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11. Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.
To verify for yourself:
Easter Sunday
Rockawalkin UMC will have a sunrise service at the three crosses in the field at the corner of Rockawalkin Road and Crooked Oak Lane at 7 AM Sunday morning. There will be coffee and donuts at 6:30. Following the service there will be a fellowship breakfast at the Rockawalkin Community Center across from the church. The regular Easter service will be in the church at 11:00.
All are welcome......
God is good ...... All the time.....
Rockawalkin UMC will have a sunrise service at the three crosses in the field at the corner of Rockawalkin Road and Crooked Oak Lane at 7 AM Sunday morning. There will be coffee and donuts at 6:30. Following the service there will be a fellowship breakfast at the Rockawalkin Community Center across from the church. The regular Easter service will be in the church at 11:00.
All are welcome......
God is good ...... All the time.....
American Tax Day Tea Party From MD Taxpayers Assoc
Dee Hodges, Chairman
410-665-4769 or 703-244-3431
Herb McMillan, President
The Maryland Taxpayers Association will sponsor the Annapolis Tax Day Tea Party to be held on Wednesday, April 15th, noon-2 pm, at the dock area. Co-sponsors include Americans for Prosperity and the Institute for Liberty.
Aaron Jones, a 2008 graduate of Salisbury University, who works as an auto mechanic, took up the idea of a tea party to demonstrate his frustration and sense of impending loss of personal liberty. He sought help from Delegate Don Dwyer (R) and the sponsors. He envisions that “the event will be a grassroots citizens’ peaceful protest to urge Annapolis and Washington to change their high spending, high tax ways.” Preliminary indications suggest that there will be a large turnout .
MTA President Herb McMillan will be co-hosting the event with WCBM radio’s morning show host, Sean Casey. A highlight of the tea party, will be the tossing of mock tea cartons overboard from 1700s era St. Michaels’ based skipjack , the Thomas Clyde, in a Maryland style imitation of the original Boston Tea Party. Delegate Dwyer, whom some consider to be a modern day Patrick Henry, will do the tea toss.
In the original Boston Tea party, pre-revolutionaries dressed as Indians, boarded ships docked in the harbor, and threw tea cartons overboard, to protest taxes imposed by King George without any representation from the colonies. Since then, tea parties have been considered a righteous way to protest high taxes.
MTA President Herb McMillan noted that “Maryland with its recent tax increases on every Marylander now has the 4th highest tax burden in the country according to the Tax Foundation….And that the tea party demonstrates grassroots opinion that our representatives are not listening to the people.”
Note: MTA advises people to park at Navy Stadium on Rowe Blvd and take the shuttle to Church Circle or the Statehouse and walk down Main St to the site. For safety reasons, Annapolis does not allow signs on sticks. MTA suggests that they be attached to clothing or attached to pieces of cardboard.
Dee Hodges, Chairman
410-665-4769 or 703-244-3431
Herb McMillan, President
The Maryland Taxpayers Association will sponsor the Annapolis Tax Day Tea Party to be held on Wednesday, April 15th, noon-2 pm, at the dock area. Co-sponsors include Americans for Prosperity and the Institute for Liberty.
Aaron Jones, a 2008 graduate of Salisbury University, who works as an auto mechanic, took up the idea of a tea party to demonstrate his frustration and sense of impending loss of personal liberty. He sought help from Delegate Don Dwyer (R) and the sponsors. He envisions that “the event will be a grassroots citizens’ peaceful protest to urge Annapolis and Washington to change their high spending, high tax ways.” Preliminary indications suggest that there will be a large turnout .
MTA President Herb McMillan will be co-hosting the event with WCBM radio’s morning show host, Sean Casey. A highlight of the tea party, will be the tossing of mock tea cartons overboard from 1700s era St. Michaels’ based skipjack , the Thomas Clyde, in a Maryland style imitation of the original Boston Tea Party. Delegate Dwyer, whom some consider to be a modern day Patrick Henry, will do the tea toss.
In the original Boston Tea party, pre-revolutionaries dressed as Indians, boarded ships docked in the harbor, and threw tea cartons overboard, to protest taxes imposed by King George without any representation from the colonies. Since then, tea parties have been considered a righteous way to protest high taxes.
MTA President Herb McMillan noted that “Maryland with its recent tax increases on every Marylander now has the 4th highest tax burden in the country according to the Tax Foundation….And that the tea party demonstrates grassroots opinion that our representatives are not listening to the people.”
Note: MTA advises people to park at Navy Stadium on Rowe Blvd and take the shuttle to Church Circle or the Statehouse and walk down Main St to the site. For safety reasons, Annapolis does not allow signs on sticks. MTA suggests that they be attached to clothing or attached to pieces of cardboard.

Also, today is the last day to enter any Classified Ad items. .
FDA Reversal OK's Morphene Painkiller For Dying

A liquid morphine painkiller given by family caregivers to dying patients can remain on the market, federal regulators have decided after hearing protests over their decision to remove it. The Food and Drug Administration had announced last week that it was ordering manufacturers to stop making 14 medications including the liquid morphine. All were developed so long ago they had never received FDA approval.
But on Thursday, the FDA's Dr. Douglas Throckmorton told The Associated Press the morphine liquid will remain on the market until it's replaced by an approved version or some equivalent therapy.
The reversal was welcomed by experts in hospice care and pain relief. One doctors group had told the FDA that last week's order would "cause extreme suffering for many patients who are nearing the end of life."
The order has not changed for the other painkillers, at least for now, said Throckmorton, deputy director of the agency's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
The agency said last week that the unapproved drugs might be unsafe, ineffective or poor quality. The order gave manufacturers 60 days to stop making those products.
The liquid morphine is highly concentrated. Other approved forms of liquid morphine are more dilute, and Throckmorton said the FDA had thought the other forms could take the place of the concentrated form.
But reaction from hospice experts and others "helped us understand" that some patients need the unapproved version, Throckmorton said.
Troopers Seize Drugs in Bridgeville Raid

Bridgeville – The Delaware State Police have arrested two men for drug offenses after completing an undercover drug operation into the illegal manufacturing and distribution of crack cocaine.
Yesterday evening, troopers executed a search warrant at the home of Phillip L. Brewer in the 22000 block of Coverdale Road in Bridgeville. During the search, detectives seized 224 grams of a cocaine mixture that was being processed into crack cocaine in the kitchen area. Troopers also located 4.1 grams of crack cocaine in Brewer’s front pocket. Furthermore, detectives located in the residence 20 Hydrocodone pills, 45 Xanax pills, and 14 Tylenol prescription pills, .380 and 9mm ammunition, 18 grams of marijuana, and $522 in United States Currency.
Phillip L. Brewer, 27, was arrested for Trafficking cocaine, Manufacturing Cocaine, Possession with Intent to Deliver (PWITD) Cocaine, Possession of Ammunition by Person Prohibited, Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Possession with Intent to Deliver Schedule IV (Xanax), Maintaining a Dwelling, and Possession of Drug paraphernalia(x2).
Also located inside the residence was Christopher D. Brewer, 22 of Webbs Lane, Dover. He was arrested for PWITD Cocaine, PWITD Marijuana, PWITD Schedule III prescription pills, Maintaining a Dwelling, Possession of drug paraphernalia, and resisting arrest.
Phillip Brewer was committed to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of a $482,000 cash only bail. Christopher Brewer was committed to SCI on a $10,500 cash only bail. Note – the two arrested are cousins.

Philip Brewer
Rt. 13 Outlet Market

The Rt. 13 Outlet Market hosts their annual Easter Egg Grab for Prizes this Sat. April 11 from 1 to 3pm OC104 broadcasts LIVE Bring the kids to meet the Easter Bunny. Kids can grab a certain number of eggs. There will be lots of candy to give away plus some lucky kids will win a Blu Ray DVD player and a CD Boombox! Delmarva's fun place to shop is the Rt 13 Outlet market - Rt 13 Laurel, Delaware Open every Friday-Saturday-Sunday year-round!
Here at SBYnews we try to cover, and, explain the realities of life. We don't distort data nor do we throw-up a smoke screen to try and hide or deny the facts. We have no qualms about publishing our data as we simply want to look after the average Joe Blow to make sure he or she is getting a fair hand-shake in life.
So whether or not it is republican, democratic, or independent party leadership we feel compelled to let you know just what has transpired within our local economy. So Elkhart Indiana thinks it has been hit by hard times? Guess again, we've been hit by just as hard of times!
As April 15th - Tea Party Rebellion - is upon us, please keep these stats in mind. And my advise to those politicos who are currently in office - you had better take heed to what has transpired - all 57 of them - because they might just come back to haunt you!
Area Plant Closings – (Free Enterprise)
Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, & Dorchester Counties
1. Sealy Upholster Co. unknown – best estimate 150+
2. Field Container Corp. unknown- best estimate 150+
3. Dresser Industries/Haliburton 500 – 600 displaced workers
Facility moved to Austin, Texas
At production peak the planted
employed over 1000 employees
4. Shawnee Homes unknown – best estimate 150+
5. Salisbury Engineering Moved entire operation State of
6. Heinemann Electric Located in Northwood
Industrial Park – unknown
amount of displaced workers.
7. Moore Business Forms 148 displaced workers. Factory announced
Shutdown on 07-27-94 in Snowhill, MD
8. Campbell Soup – Salisbury, MD 604 displaced workers
9. Campbell Soup – Swanson Divison 245 displaced workers – Pocomoke, MD
10. Campbell Soup – Mrs. Paul’s Kitchen 200 displaced workers – Crisfield, MD
11. Montgomery Ward – Salisbury, MD 110 displaced workers – Centre Salisbury Mall
12. Gant Shirt Factory – Salisbury, MD 250 displaced workers
(At one point in 60’s 2nd largest
Shirt factory in the world)
13. Jodi Shirt Company 100 displaced workers
14. Delmar Sportswear 90 displaced workers – Pusey family owned
15. Ford Laboratory – Salisbury, MD 70 displaced workers
16. Grumman Corp, - Salisbury, MD 401 displaced workers. Employed 523 at peak
17. Peninsula Press – Salisbury, MD 45 displaced workers
18. Preston Trucking Co. – Preston, MD unknown, filed for Bankruptcy Protection
(Referred to as 131 Line)
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood, Pocomoke 500 employees – plywood plant shutdown
20. Ruddy Duck – Cambridge, MD 100 displaced employees
21. Airpax Industries – Cambridge, MD 500 – (best estimate) At peak it employed 1500
(moved lighting division to Matamoras,
22. Service Merchandise – Mt Hermon Rd, 75 displaced workers – now Dove Point Facility
(Land purchased by Government Entity)
23. Purity Bacon – Salisbury, MD unknown – South Division Street- now College
(land now owned by State government)
24. E.S. Adkins & Co. – Salisbury, MD unknown – Rt. 13, North Salisbury Blvd.
(land and buildings being leased by
Wicomico County Government)
25. Masten Home Center – Fruitland, MD unknown – closed in Salisbury & Pocomoke
26. IMS – ( – Salisbury, MD 40-50 employees – WBOC reporting
(Old Cambell Soup Bldg. at Lake St.)
27. Powellville Garment Factory closure announced 02/01 – 100 estimated empl.
(located in Powellville, MD)
28. Food Depot – Old Salisbury Mall unknown – last bastion to exodus Old Mall
29. Ames – Rt. 50 & Tilghman, Salisbury unknown – announced closure 11-14-01
30. Crown, Cork & Seal – Fruitland, MD unknown – announced plant closure 01-14-02
31. Central Tractor – Fruitland, MD unknown – announced closure 01-14-02
32. Naticoke Homes, Greenwood, DE unknown - announced closure 07-15-02
33. Stoney Point Decoy Factory – Crisfield 35-40 employees at peak, DT Reporter Cording
34. Tyson Foods, Berlin, MD 600 emloyees – announced closure 04-19-03
35. Black & Decker – Easton, MD 1400 employees – announced closure 04-29-03
Announced moving plant to Brazil
& Mexico (Daily Times reporter
John Vandiver)
36. Pine Country Corp. – Pocomoke, MD 35 employees (Daily Times reported 10-26-03)
Operations ceased 09/03
37. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill 40 employees – Peggy Neck Road - closed 2002
Princess Anne, MD
38. Salisbury Steel Products Inc. 35 employees – per rep. C.J. Townsend - closed
909 Boundary St. Salisbury, MD. 08-03
39. US Airways – Salisbury Airport constantly-in-and out of financial trouble, filed
Bankruptcy – reorganization in
Process – abandoned flights to BWI
40. True Value Hardware unknown – announced closure 03-04 Isabella
Street, Salisbury, MD
41. Office Max – Salisbury, MD unknown – announced closure 02-04
42. Helovet Pharma – Salisbury, MD unknown – announced closure 03-05
Northwood Industrial Park
43. Giant Food, N. Salisbury Blvd, 75 displaced workers – announced closure 03-05
44. Super Deep Discount Drugs unknown – announced closure 10-22-06
Salisbury, MD – across from Giant
45. JV Wells, Inc., Sharptown, MD Employed over 100 – largest MD Timber Co.
46. Nanticoke Seafood – Nanticoke, MD unknown – was owned by Booth Fisheries, Rich
Sea Pak, and most recently by
Cape May Canners before moving NJ
47. Islandic Seafood, Cambridge, MD 300 displaced workers – 03-07, an additional 122
that were laid off by end of 2007
48. Brunswick – Bayliner/Maxum 180 displaced workers – announced closure
One of Wicomico’s largest employers
Moved to North Carolina spurred by
Tax incentives to move from area
49. Americhem Inc. 30 layoffs – announced closure 10-23-07
Northwood Industrial Park
Salisbury, MD.
50. Powerwave Technology Inc. 100 layoffs – at peak employed 300 – closed
Rt. 50 & Walston Switch Road
Salisbury, MD. Closed 08-08
51. Oddi Atlantic – Salisbury, MD 70 layoffs – 09-26-08 – (Reported by DT reporter
Gwenn Garland) Owned by Iceland Co. that purchased Atlantic
Hastings Printing Co.
52. Invista Plant – Seaford, DE 400 layoffs – a subsidiary of Kansas based Koch
Industries – (former DuPont Nylon plant)
Announcement made 10-16-08 per
AP reporter, Randal Chase
53. Boscov’s Department Stores unknown – announced Bankruptcy filing 08-04-08
Salisbury, MD - may be spared
54. Circuit City – Salisbury, MD 30 layoffs – announced closure 01-12-09
Rt. 13 N. Salisbury, MD
55. Bob Smith Automotive, Easton MD unknown – closure 03-09 – GM Dealer
GM Giant Dealership in Easton
GMC Giant Dealership in Federalsburg
56. Schaefer & Strohminger, Cambridge unknown – closure slated for 04-30-09
GM, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep Dealer
57. Boater’s World – Salisbury, MD. 15 employees – closure announced 04-09
Rt. 13, North Salisbury Blvd. 75 employees in Denton, MD
So whether or not it is republican, democratic, or independent party leadership we feel compelled to let you know just what has transpired within our local economy. So Elkhart Indiana thinks it has been hit by hard times? Guess again, we've been hit by just as hard of times!
As April 15th - Tea Party Rebellion - is upon us, please keep these stats in mind. And my advise to those politicos who are currently in office - you had better take heed to what has transpired - all 57 of them - because they might just come back to haunt you!
Area Plant Closings – (Free Enterprise)
Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, & Dorchester Counties
1. Sealy Upholster Co. unknown – best estimate 150+
2. Field Container Corp. unknown- best estimate 150+
3. Dresser Industries/Haliburton 500 – 600 displaced workers
Facility moved to Austin, Texas
At production peak the planted
employed over 1000 employees
4. Shawnee Homes unknown – best estimate 150+
5. Salisbury Engineering Moved entire operation State of
6. Heinemann Electric Located in Northwood
Industrial Park – unknown
amount of displaced workers.
7. Moore Business Forms 148 displaced workers. Factory announced
Shutdown on 07-27-94 in Snowhill, MD
8. Campbell Soup – Salisbury, MD 604 displaced workers
9. Campbell Soup – Swanson Divison 245 displaced workers – Pocomoke, MD
10. Campbell Soup – Mrs. Paul’s Kitchen 200 displaced workers – Crisfield, MD
11. Montgomery Ward – Salisbury, MD 110 displaced workers – Centre Salisbury Mall
12. Gant Shirt Factory – Salisbury, MD 250 displaced workers
(At one point in 60’s 2nd largest
Shirt factory in the world)
13. Jodi Shirt Company 100 displaced workers
14. Delmar Sportswear 90 displaced workers – Pusey family owned
15. Ford Laboratory – Salisbury, MD 70 displaced workers
16. Grumman Corp, - Salisbury, MD 401 displaced workers. Employed 523 at peak
17. Peninsula Press – Salisbury, MD 45 displaced workers
18. Preston Trucking Co. – Preston, MD unknown, filed for Bankruptcy Protection
(Referred to as 131 Line)
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood, Pocomoke 500 employees – plywood plant shutdown
20. Ruddy Duck – Cambridge, MD 100 displaced employees
21. Airpax Industries – Cambridge, MD 500 – (best estimate) At peak it employed 1500
(moved lighting division to Matamoras,
22. Service Merchandise – Mt Hermon Rd, 75 displaced workers – now Dove Point Facility
(Land purchased by Government Entity)
23. Purity Bacon – Salisbury, MD unknown – South Division Street- now College
(land now owned by State government)
24. E.S. Adkins & Co. – Salisbury, MD unknown – Rt. 13, North Salisbury Blvd.
(land and buildings being leased by
Wicomico County Government)
25. Masten Home Center – Fruitland, MD unknown – closed in Salisbury & Pocomoke
26. IMS – ( – Salisbury, MD 40-50 employees – WBOC reporting
(Old Cambell Soup Bldg. at Lake St.)
27. Powellville Garment Factory closure announced 02/01 – 100 estimated empl.
(located in Powellville, MD)
28. Food Depot – Old Salisbury Mall unknown – last bastion to exodus Old Mall
29. Ames – Rt. 50 & Tilghman, Salisbury unknown – announced closure 11-14-01
30. Crown, Cork & Seal – Fruitland, MD unknown – announced plant closure 01-14-02
31. Central Tractor – Fruitland, MD unknown – announced closure 01-14-02
32. Naticoke Homes, Greenwood, DE unknown - announced closure 07-15-02
33. Stoney Point Decoy Factory – Crisfield 35-40 employees at peak, DT Reporter Cording
34. Tyson Foods, Berlin, MD 600 emloyees – announced closure 04-19-03
35. Black & Decker – Easton, MD 1400 employees – announced closure 04-29-03
Announced moving plant to Brazil
& Mexico (Daily Times reporter
John Vandiver)
36. Pine Country Corp. – Pocomoke, MD 35 employees (Daily Times reported 10-26-03)
Operations ceased 09/03
37. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill 40 employees – Peggy Neck Road - closed 2002
Princess Anne, MD
38. Salisbury Steel Products Inc. 35 employees – per rep. C.J. Townsend - closed
909 Boundary St. Salisbury, MD. 08-03
39. US Airways – Salisbury Airport constantly-in-and out of financial trouble, filed
Bankruptcy – reorganization in
Process – abandoned flights to BWI
40. True Value Hardware unknown – announced closure 03-04 Isabella
Street, Salisbury, MD
41. Office Max – Salisbury, MD unknown – announced closure 02-04
42. Helovet Pharma – Salisbury, MD unknown – announced closure 03-05
Northwood Industrial Park
43. Giant Food, N. Salisbury Blvd, 75 displaced workers – announced closure 03-05
44. Super Deep Discount Drugs unknown – announced closure 10-22-06
Salisbury, MD – across from Giant
45. JV Wells, Inc., Sharptown, MD Employed over 100 – largest MD Timber Co.
46. Nanticoke Seafood – Nanticoke, MD unknown – was owned by Booth Fisheries, Rich
Sea Pak, and most recently by
Cape May Canners before moving NJ
47. Islandic Seafood, Cambridge, MD 300 displaced workers – 03-07, an additional 122
that were laid off by end of 2007
48. Brunswick – Bayliner/Maxum 180 displaced workers – announced closure
One of Wicomico’s largest employers
Moved to North Carolina spurred by
Tax incentives to move from area
49. Americhem Inc. 30 layoffs – announced closure 10-23-07
Northwood Industrial Park
Salisbury, MD.
50. Powerwave Technology Inc. 100 layoffs – at peak employed 300 – closed
Rt. 50 & Walston Switch Road
Salisbury, MD. Closed 08-08
51. Oddi Atlantic – Salisbury, MD 70 layoffs – 09-26-08 – (Reported by DT reporter
Gwenn Garland) Owned by Iceland Co. that purchased Atlantic
Hastings Printing Co.
52. Invista Plant – Seaford, DE 400 layoffs – a subsidiary of Kansas based Koch
Industries – (former DuPont Nylon plant)
Announcement made 10-16-08 per
AP reporter, Randal Chase
53. Boscov’s Department Stores unknown – announced Bankruptcy filing 08-04-08
Salisbury, MD - may be spared
54. Circuit City – Salisbury, MD 30 layoffs – announced closure 01-12-09
Rt. 13 N. Salisbury, MD
55. Bob Smith Automotive, Easton MD unknown – closure 03-09 – GM Dealer
GM Giant Dealership in Easton
GMC Giant Dealership in Federalsburg
56. Schaefer & Strohminger, Cambridge unknown – closure slated for 04-30-09
GM, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep Dealer
57. Boater’s World – Salisbury, MD. 15 employees – closure announced 04-09
Rt. 13, North Salisbury Blvd. 75 employees in Denton, MD
Secret For Longevity

"I smoke ten cigars a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On weekends, I pop pills, get laid, and don't exercise at all."
"That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?"
"Thirty-four," she replied.

Does anyone know when it was built? The Preservation Trust of Wicomico, Inc. claims that it has been there “since the late-nineteenth century,” but the Public Works Department says that it’s “circa 1920’s and the site was used as a lumber yard that burned in 1899 according to others. Inquiring minds want to know both when it was built and when it ceased to be used by the City.
But a much more significant issue is whether the City should spend $135,000 or so to rehabilitate “an out of commission water tank” in order to placate the preservationists. In their letter of May 27, 2008 to John Pick they claim that it is “a distinctive feature of Salisbury’s skyline.” A fair guess is that less than 100 people per day even notice it and that at least half of them are the same persons each day.
Their letter postures its “historic importance” on age, which could be used as a reason not to replace many of the City’s crumbling sidewalks that are probably older than the standpipe. Dr. Creston Long, a trained historian, surely knows that simply being old does not make something “historic.”
The Preservation Trust of Wicomico, Inc. is probably composed mostly of upper middle class members, many of whom don’t live in the City (or reside in its more upscale neighborhoods) but want the City to provide all the funding. Spending public funds to preserve and beautify an obsolete structure won’t affect their lives, or will do so insignificantly.
But for many City residents it would less police protection and greater crime if about $90,000.00 of general revenue is used. And spending $47,200.00 of “Enterprise Fund Revenue” could mean higher sewer and water rates. That’s just the immediate effect of saving the standpipe from the dustbin of history.
This occurred at the meeting that Mr. Pollitt recently held at the Civic Center to drum up support for changing the tax revenue cap so that there will be more tax money to be spent by Wicomico County.
Before the tumult and shouting fades – and that may never occur – it’s worth revisiting some of the memorable moments, one of which occurred at the Board of Elections office as the polling totals in the general election were announced last night. We will present some of our favorites, beginning with the “Barrie & Bubba” show that was broadcast on WICO several times during the two days immediately before the primary election on March 3.
It was an outrageously blatant abuse by Barrie of the time that WICO allowed her to have, apparently at her demand, for public affairs information. The show was titled “Monday Morning with the Mayor.” Don’t listen for it, because the show is now “history”!
In the one that aired on WICO immediately before the primary election she made no attempt to disguise her effort to boost Bubba’s chances. In fact, it may be the main reason that he survived the primary by running slightly ahead of Bob Caldwell. And, had that not happened it’s at least possible that he might have defeated Jim Ireton in the general election.
The attached/linked sound file consists of various short sound bites from that show, spliced together – it’s a blast.
Bubba and Barrie.mp3
It was an outrageously blatant abuse by Barrie of the time that WICO allowed her to have, apparently at her demand, for public affairs information. The show was titled “Monday Morning with the Mayor.” Don’t listen for it, because the show is now “history”!
In the one that aired on WICO immediately before the primary election she made no attempt to disguise her effort to boost Bubba’s chances. In fact, it may be the main reason that he survived the primary by running slightly ahead of Bob Caldwell. And, had that not happened it’s at least possible that he might have defeated Jim Ireton in the general election.
The attached/linked sound file consists of various short sound bites from that show, spliced together – it’s a blast.
Bubba and Barrie.mp3
San Francisco Police Officer Killed In Chase
A San Francisco Police Captain tells the media the TRUTH!!!
Let's run this guy for The California Senate. I can see why he isn't Chief of Police of San Francisco , though. He's too straightforward, too politically incorrect, too plain-spoken. You've got to love him!
This guy's probably putting his career on the line but more cops oughta do the same....
This is a must see for law enforcement officers .. it's about time someone told it like it is.
Click this link:
Let's run this guy for The California Senate. I can see why he isn't Chief of Police of San Francisco , though. He's too straightforward, too politically incorrect, too plain-spoken. You've got to love him!
This guy's probably putting his career on the line but more cops oughta do the same....
This is a must see for law enforcement officers .. it's about time someone told it like it is.
Click this link:
Barrie Comegys Blog Gets Even Scummier Post-Election

While we should expect this from individuals like Mr. Taylor, going after someone's kid is low even for the likes of Jonathan and his sleazy pals. This is particularly so AFTER Taylor promised to stop attacks on Mayor-elect Jim Ireton and re-elected councilwoman Campbell.
I have been thinking today about what direction I want to go in now that the election is over. I have finally made my decision. I will no longer make any more personal attacks on Jim Ireton or Debbie Campbell, I will reserve those for Joey only.That was on Wednesday. I can only conclude that in the sub-70 IQ world of Jonathan Taylor "I will no longer" means "I won't do it NOW". On Thursday, the chief scribe of the Comegys, Boda, and Shields ticket was going after Campbell's husband Bill and their son Billy. Bad move Jonathan. Billy Campbell may just be the smartest person you've ever been in a room with.
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