DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, July 20, 2012
Breaking News
Potential ‘Death Tax’ Increase Makes 2013 a Very Bad Year to Die
The estate tax — often called the death tax — had been on the decline due to the Bush tax cuts, even reaching zero in 2010. Since then, it has risen back to 35 percent, with an $5 million exclusion, where it remains today.
Senators Try Compromise to Get Cyber Bill Passed
Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) introduced a revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 with a compromise on the most controversial sections regarding critical infrastructure. This is a last ditch effort before the August recess and the inevitable battle to keep the government open with a continuing resolution before Oct. 1.
Whooping Cough: Worst Year For Pertussis In 5 Decades, CDC Says
Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far – more than twice the number seen at this point last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. At this pace, the number for the entire year will be the highest since 1959, when 40,000 illnesses were reported.
John Deere Dealership Gets Robbed Again
‘Don’t Let this Happen to You’: Escalator Traps Teen’s Fingers as He Tries to Unstick Flip-Flop
According to MyFoxDC, a 14-year-old boy was riding down the escalator to the Smithsonian metro station when his flip-flop got stuck in the combs of the escalator’s step. Reaching down to pull out his footwear, his fingers then became wedged painfully into the metal tines for about 40 minutes.
Lawmakers Work On Savings Plan As Government Layoffs Loom
Political Reporter Pat Warren explains, Maryland jobs are at stake.
Military might and economic recovery are apparently working at cross purposes with a potential $56 billion in defense department cuts and $59 billion in non-defense cuts set to take effect in January.
New Tee Shirts Here For 3rd Friday
Pro-Obama Online Merchandise Sales Plummet, Compared to ’08 Election
In a dramatic shift from then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 election effort to this election cycle, anti-Obama CafePress merchandise sales are outpacing pro-Obama sales.
During first six months of 2008, 86 percent of Obama-related sales at CafePress were pro-Obama — just 14 percent were anti-Obama.
Over the first six months of 2012, 45 percent of Obama merchandise sales have been pro-Obama, 55 percent have been anti-Obama, according to CafePress totals.
House and Senate Republicans Move to Block HHS Welfare Waivers
The legislation, offered by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) and Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) would block HHS from issuing the waivers and rescind any that may have already been issued.
Legendary rock band KISS Plays Private Concert for Military Servicemembers
Legendary rock band KISS played a free private concert for military service members Thursday night.
The gates opened for 2,000 U.S. servicemen and servicewomen along with their families to get the chance to watch the band perform live.
Celebrating 40 years together, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are taking KISS on the road again for a world tour that starts right here at Jiffy Lube Live Friday night.
Obama Enthusiasm Remains Low Among Democrats
A new CBS/New York Times poll that gives Mitt Romney a 1-point advantage over President Barack Obama also displays some concerning numbers for the president and his re-election chances.
First, the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans when compared to 2008 gives Romney a distinct advantage in potential turnout. Only 27 percent of Democrats say they are more excited than 2008 to vote in this election. That compares with an insurgence of Republican enthusiasm — an astounding 49 percent of Republicans are more enthusiastic.
USDA Partnering with Mexico to Boost Food Stamp Participation
USDA has an agreement with Mexico to promote American food assistance programs, including food stamps, among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America.
“USDA and the government of Mexico have entered into a partnership to help educate eligible Mexican nationals living in the United States about available nutrition assistance,” the USDA explains in a brief paragraph on their “Reaching Low-Income Hispanics With Nutrition Assistance” web page. “Mexico will help disseminate this information through its embassy and network of approximately 50 consular offices.”
Are Postal Workers About To Go Postal On Imminent USPS Benefits Default?
That is about to change in just under two weeks when the USPS is due to make a $5.5 billion payment for retirement accounts. The problem: the USPS does not have the money and needs a bailout. The bigger problem: the USPS needs Congressional action to authorize this latest and so far greatest USPS bailout, however with Congressional recess imminent this won't happen. So are several hundred thousand postal workers about to go postal once they realize that (earmuffs time for all those who love chanting ideological slogans, but have yet to graduate to the abacus) math matters, and every "welfare-funding" entity in the US is ten times broke over? And maybe most importantly: just how will the postal labor union vote in the upcoming election if indeed they suddenly are denied what they had been lied to for years is rightfully theirs?
GM ‘Turnaround’ Reports Rely on ‘Overbuilding,’ Jam-packed Dealer Lots
Car dealerships’ lots are filling up with unsold trucks and SUVs because GM built more vehicles than it can sell in order to inflate sales claims and artificially boost its profits, The Daily Caller has learned.
The Detroit automotive giant records sales for vehicles in dealers’ inventories before car buyers make their purchases, said Mark Modica, a National Legal and Policy Center associate fellow.
ICE E-Mail: Obama's Uncle Granted 'Stay ... To Seek Reopening of His Deportation Proceedings'
Onyango Obama, 67, is the half-brother of Obama’s father, and he had been living in the United States since 1963. He was initially ordered to leave America in 1989. In August 2011, he was arrested for DUI in Framingham, Mass. The ICE e-mail was obtained, along with other documents, by the government watchdog Judicial Watch, as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit the group filed in April.
Romney Pulls Even With Obama In Virginia
Although the poll isn't exactly good news for Obama, all of the numbers are still within the statistical margin of error, so Chicago probably isn't panicking yet.
But there is another new survey out today that should really scare the Obama campaign.
Dad of Ohio Cancer Patient, 4, Denies Disney Trip
Breaking News: Man Shoots At Cambridge Police Officer
More to come...
Jobs From Forced Charity - The Socialist Way
Wealth creators produce jobs from engaging in such exchanges, mutually beneficial trade or commerce. If my neighbor hires my child to mow his lawn, he gets a mowed lawn and my child receives a few bucks in compensation. My child also may be said to be employed – in a small way. Thousands of such exchanges, from tiny to huge, constitute the free market. And they create wealth, various economic benefits and advantages for all those engaged in them and this is also where jobs are born! People aim to prosper by improving on their lives through the upkeep of their household, their businesses, their health and fitness, their recreation and so forth. All of these involve creating jobs. The wealth produced – incomes, return on investments, profits and the like – enable people to go shopping for goods and services. And so it goes, around and around, wealth creation leading to job creation.
But our president finds wealth creation to be a low-level economic objective, one may assume something selfish, whereas job creation is worthy, especially if it isn't linked to this depraved goal of becoming prosperous, wealthy.
What is left to create jobs? Government spending, that is what. Spending taxes taken from citizens on projects that do not make any private market agents rich, such as building up the infrastructure, giving away subsidies, paying out welfare and so forth. Now, these are worthy ways of creating jobs since they come from handing out resources with no expectation of any returns. The investment in such public works isn't marred by that dubious motive of private profit or income. No. It is handed out by the disinterested government and its public servants. It isn't their own resources, anyway, so they can be free of any selfish involvement, any concern about getting benefits in return.
Anti-Israel Bomber in Bulgaria Was Released From Gitmo Thanks To Left
Leftists who hate Israel can rejoice; their efforts at securing the release of a Gitmo detainee and their subsequent lionizing of him allowed him to murder five Israelis in the bombing Wednesday in Burgas, Bulgarian. The bomber has been identified as Mehdi Ghezali, who was detained at Gitmo Bay in Cuba from 2002 to 2004.
According to Wikileaks documents, Ghazali was “uncooperative, unforthcoming and deceptive during interrogations.” His father had met with Abdolrahman Barzanjee, an Al Qaeda associate and possible Ansar Al-Islam coordinator for Europe (Ansar Al-Islam is a group of Sunni Muslims trying to turn Iraq into an Islamist state), and Ghazali was friends with a Swedish operative who was a close associate of Abu Zubadayah, a high-ranking official with Al Qaeda.
BREAKING NEWS: Police Detail Colorado Movie Massacre
From Fox News
Pull Up or Pay up: North Carolina Mayor Pushes For Ban, Fine on Sagging Pants
Statement From Governor Martin O’Malley On PRELIMINARY JUNE JOBS REPORT
ANNAPOLIS, MD (July 20, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s release of preliminary employment data for the month of June:
“In Maryland, we are moving forward. Nearly 25,000 more Marylanders are working than were last June. Twenty-two hundred fewer Marylanders have filed new unemployment insurance claims this June compared to a year ago (following 10 consecutive months of declines over the year). Home sales have reached their highest levels in two years and home sales prices have reached a near three-year high. And Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) enrollment has fallen by over 5,800 since the beginning of this year.
“With all our economic indicators demonstrating positive trends, we would not be surprised if the Bureau of Labor Statistics once again significantly revises these preliminary numbers. Last month, they not only reported the loss of 1,500 state government jobs we knew not to be true, but also added back 4,600 jobs that their initial report claimed were lost.
“In the last few weeks, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranked Maryland #1 for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, our students are leading the way for our #1 ranked public schools with record progress on standardized tests, and all three major credit rating agencies reaffirmed our Triple A bond rating, making Maryland one of only eight states with that distinction. This progress doesn't happen by chance, but by the choices we’re making together to build a strong, growing and resilient economy.”
When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you — when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed. Ayn Rand
I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments. Friedrich Hayek
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and that’s good enough. Edwin Vieira
All of the services now funded by taxation and provided by the government were at one point in the not-so-distant past funded and provided privately. Red Rojas
And the so-called sovereigns, in these different governments, are simply the heads, or chiefs, of different bands of robbers and murderers. Lysander Spooner
Comments Worthy Of A Post
Comment 2. The reason Jim will run, despite the odds, is that he sees a clear path to Annapolis and beyond. He's young, handsome, well-spoken, a teacher, gay, and polished (as long as he's not challenged or worse, losing a battle). Perfect so far. When challenged, he ignores facts and goes to the personal attacks, dutifully following the lib mindset. He must push the lib agenda (Sec. 8 housing, tax increases, etc.) and he only has to be close to break-even to get noticed. If he's not successful locally, he must blame the "council of no" and doesn't that sound familiar. So far, that's all he has to be or do.
O'Malley just might be the Democratic nominee in 2016, if MD's economy doesn't implode first. A handsome family man with modest anti-crime credentials (to sway the middle), promoting a very liberal agenda otherwise, he has been groomed for some time now. Notice how he supports the president so strongly. Given MD's first-rate schools and the gay marriage thing and a few other (lefty) merit badges, he's the one to watch...if the economy doesn't get him first.
If Jim wins the election, he'll get more notice, and when O'Malley moves up, Jim has a shot at something mid-level in Annapolis or DC. Of course he's going to run, and run hard, and fight dirty, just like Comrade B. Hussein.
I think I'll be wearing my T-shirt to the plaza tomorrow.
'The Dark Knight Rises' Review: Batman Battles Bane, Nolan Nukes Occupy Wall Street
The conservative themes coursing through "The Dark Knight" were no accident.
"The Dark Knight Rises," the third and final installment in director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, pushes the ideological envelope even further than before. It's impossible not to feel Nolan's disgust at Occupy Wall Street, a movement the film paints as both incoherent and violent courtesy of a class warfare villain armed with nuclear weaponry.But Nolan isn't simply sending out barely coded messages to conservatives. He's brought the trilogy to a close in rousing fashion, leveraging bravura set pieces meant to convey the scope of the best comic book series ever committed to film.
Statement From Change Maryland Chairman Hogan On Dismal State Unemployment Report
The report comes on the heels of dismal reports in which Maryland led most other states in job loss going back to the Spring of this year.
The unemployment rate is climbing having risen from 6.6% in March. Meanwhile, Virginia is holding relatively steady at 5.7% and the differential of the rates between the two states is widening to record levels.
"Something isn't working here," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "Now would be an excellent time to re-evaluate our tax-and-spend approach to governing and start developing policies that increase private sector job growth. It's unacceptable to have increases in the unemployment rate month after month."
Obama Fundraiser Gets Energy Department Post
The practice is not new to Mr. Obama, but it’s generally viewed as unsavory.
Not to Steve Westly, a financier who has raised between $200,000 and $500,000 for Mr. Obama this election season.
In correspondence with the Energy Department as they were vetting him for a post on an advisory board to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, he was upfront about his political connections and money-raiser role.
“I am honored to be asked to serve on the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board,” Mr. Westly wrote to a conflict-of-interest investigator who was checking Mr. Westly’s suitability for the job.
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley announced today the elevation of the Honorable Dana Moylan Wright to the Circuit Court for Washington County and the appointment of John Phillip Rue II to serve on the District Court for Wicomico County and three judges to serve on the District Court for Montgomery County—Jeannie Eun Kyung Cho, John Christian Moffett, and Karla Natasha Smith. These appointees bring a diverse array of legal experiences to their new jobs. They also represent the ethnic and gender diversity of our great state.
Over the last month, Governor O’Malley has conducted numerous interviews with candidates recommended to him by the trial court judicial nominating commissions. All of the judges selected to serve in Maryland’s judiciary were recommended to him by the commissions.
In the District Court for Wicomico County, Governor O’Malley has appointed John Phillip Rue II. Mr. Rue has a long history of public service. He has served as an Assistant State’s Attorney for St. Mary’s and Wicomico Counties and with the Public Defender’s Office in Somerset, Worchester, and Wicomico Counties. From 1990 to 1997, he was the District Public Defender for the Lower Eastern Shore. During that time, he oversaw all of the attorneys in the entire region while maintaining a full time trial docket. Mr. Rue also has significant experience in private practice and has been a solo practitioner specializing in criminal defense since 2009. He graduated from the University of Baltimore School of Law and St. Mary’s College of Maryland.
US Forecast: Hot, Dry Weather to Linger Into Fall
14 Ways To Keep Cool In Your Home Without Air Conditioning
Here in the South, the weather has definitely taken a turn toward the sweltering. There have been some unseasonably warm days already, with highs in the 90s, and the temptation to flick the switch on that A/C unit to “on” is very strong. Before using the air conditioner, consider this: home cooling accounts for 5 percent of the energy we consume in the U.S. each year. That’s about 140 million tons of CO2 emissions annually! Here are some ways to fight that urge by keeping your house cooler naturally.
1. Keep the shades drawn during the day. When sunlight streams through the windows, it creates a miniature greenhouse effect in your home.
Related: Cool Curtains: Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly
2. Reflect the heat. If you do want to open the windows, consider investing in some reflective window film to help keep the heat outside where you want it to be.
3. Let the cool evening air in. If temperatures are on the chilly side after the sun goes down, crack a few windows open to let a breeze come through and cool the house. Just be sure to close them before the temperature starts to rise again!
4. Insulate! You want to keep cool air inside, so grab that caulk gun and seal off anywhere that air might be escaping. A handy draft dodger can help seal up those tricky leaks at the bottoms of doors and windows.
5. Get rid of incandescent lights. Not only do those suckers use more energy, they generate a lot more heat than CFL or LED light bulbs.
Are Big Banks Criminal Enterprises?
Laundering money for drug cartels. See this, this, this and this (indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis)
Laundering money for terrorists
Engaging in mafia-style big-rigging fraud against local governments. See this, this and this
Shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from pensions worldwide. Details here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here
Charging “storage fees” to store gold bullion … without even buying or storing any gold . And raiding allocated gold accounts
Committing massive and pervasive fraud both when they initiated mortgage loans and when they foreclosed on them (and see this)
Pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers. See this, this, this, this and this. This would be like selling your car, and collecting money from 10 different buyers for the same car
Cheating homeowners by gaming laws meant to protect people from unfair foreclosure
Committing massive fraud in an $800 trillion dollar market which effects everything from mortgages, student loans, small business loans and city financing
Engaging in insider trading of the most important financial information
Pushing investments which they knew were terrible, and then betting against the same investments to make money for themselves. See this, this, this, this and this
Engaging in unlawful “frontrunning” to manipulate markets. See this, this, this, this [49], this and this
Engaging in unlawful “Wash Trades” to manipulate asset prices. See this, this and this
Otherwise manipulating markets. And see this
Participating in various Ponzi schemes. See this, this and this
Charging veterans unlawful mortgage fees
Cooking their books (and see this)
Bribing and bullying ratings agencies to inflate ratings on their risky investments
The Postal Service Is ThisClose To Defaulting For The First Time Ever
More »
Four Car Crash North Of Milford Impacting Traffic
Date of Occurrence: Friday July 20, 2012 at approximately 10:41 a.m.
Milford, DE- The Delaware State Police are currently on the scene of a four vehicle crash on Bay Road (SR1) in the area of North DuPont Highway (US113) split, Milford. Three people have been transported to Milford Memorial Hospital with injuries.
Troopers are advising that traffic in the area of the crash has been impacted and currently only one lane of travel is open. Motorists are advised to avoid the area and plan alternate routes of travel. An updated release will follow as information becomes available.
13-Year-Old Left In Parked Car Goes On Destructive Rampage, Parks On Top Of Another Car
More »
A Crime Fighting Tool That Works
That’s why we’re very grateful and heartened by Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts ruling to resume the use of DNA sampling as a tool for our law enforcement efforts.
In Maryland, we’ve driven down the numbers of homicides, cold cases and rape cases because of our use of DNA—a process that is no more invasive than fingerprinting.
In fact, since 2007, we’ve been able to drive down violent crime by nearly 25%. Working together with law enforcement, we’ve also driven down total crime and violent crime rates to the lowest rates on record.
Our DNA collection law has been a big part of that progress. It’s enabled law enforcement to connect the dots between individuals convicted or arrested of serious crimes and earlier unsolved cases.
We recognize that this ruling is only temporary, but we are encouraged that the Supreme Court will be taking a close look at the Maryland Court of Appeals decision in this case.
There is no more important service that any of us do in Government than protecting our people.
We need to use every available tool to fight crime—especially ones that are as effective as DNA sampling.
GSA To Take 6 Floors At One World Trade Center
Where Is The Line For Revolution?
There are plenty of pessimists out there who would assert that Americans are totally oblivious to these developments. I have not found that to be true at all. Millions of people are awake to such issues, and millions more are, at the very least, angry at the state of things, though they may not fully understand the source of their distress.
Only a fool would deny that a fight is in the air…
‘Ludicrous’: San Fran Area Drivers Could be Forced to Install GPS Devices That Tax Their Travel
The San Jose Mercury News (via The Reporter) poses this scenario:
Imagine being taxed a dollar for driving to the store. Commute to work? That’ll be a few bucks more.More
Is it crazy or the way of the future?
The Big Mistake By The Obama Birth Certificate Forger
Joe failed in his selection of a disloyal Chief Deputy that had been a really poor choice. On the other hand a loyal and fine man was castigated and banished from his administration in error. Joe is a lot of things and perfect is not one of them. I have known Joe from before he was elected.
I do agree with him on many issues.
I have to respect the science of document examination and the evidence there points to the forgery pictured above. There are also serious signs that the forger of the Obama birth certificate released by the Whitehouse did not understand codes and numbers associated with the document. Analysis of the numbers and code revealed that the document is not genuine. The evidence is more than compelling.
The biggest error came as a result of the age of the document forger. He or she was obvoulsy too young to be aware of correct terms used to classify what we today call African-Americans. The creator of the phony document listed Obama’s race as African. That is a huge red flag because that term was not applied as a race title until well into the 1980’s. That term and the moniker, Black would have been considered politically incorrect and racist back when Obama was born. The proper term throughout history until the late 1970’s was Negro. The government did not change this until well into the 1980s.
A Letter To The Editor 7-20-12
Yesterday we went to Fat Boy's Crabs in Salisbury for a bushel of crabs. After we got them home we found out they where small and every poor so I called Fat Boy's and they said to bring them back. We returned back to the store and they where not willing to make it right and where very disrespectful. They wanted us to spend even more money and buy number one crabs. The owner looks at our crabs and said himself they where poor, but he said that what you get when you buy number 2 crabs. At this point he was getting rude and started using the F word. When we told him that all we wanted was to make this right and either give us our money back are some better crabs, and that the crabs where not good. He said if we where such ( again the F word ) crabs experts the we should go catch our crabs and to get the ( F word again ) off his property. I hope this is not the normal way they do business, but I think people should know what that if they buy from them they might get some very small and very poor crabs.
BREAKING NEWS: Area Near Colorado Mass Shooting Suspect's Home Evacuated
From Fox News
Go Back To Sleep
Cheney Is Back
Where Americans Are Moving
The states where people are fleeing in droves? Ohio, Alaska and California, according to updater.com, which designed the infographic.
The graphic also addresses the most common state-to-state moves and the furthest move someone made within the 50 states last year.
Auto Train Offers An Alternative to Driving to Florida
Jon Stewart Explains Libor
International Banking Actuality (Not Conspiracy) Part 37 - Libor (What is it? and Why Do We Care?)
July 2012 Notes From The Wicomico County Board Of Education
Board Reorganization
Conducted its annual reorganization, re-electing Ron Willey as President and Dr. Tyrone A. Chase as Vice President. Willey thanked Board members for their confidence in his leadership, and pledged to serve with a continued desire to have the school system build strong, cooperative relationships with the Wicomico County Council, County Executive and others involved with supporting public education. “We can accomplish much more if we join hands than we can by pointing fingers,” he said. The Board will continue to be open and transparent in its budget process, with more information than ever before available online to the public. The Board and Superintendent welcome questions, comments and concerns at any time.
Administrative Appointments
Appointed Lavion Bratten as Assistant Principal for Wicomico High School, Courtney Lewis as Assistant Principal for James M. Bennett High School, and Thomas Ferretti as Instructional Data Analyst, effective immediately.
As part of the approved budget for Fiscal Year 2013, the Board approved converting one of two Dean of Students position at Wicomico High and JMB to an Assistant Principal position, to better serve each school’s needs for administrative duties including the new evaluations that will be required under Race to the Top. All three city high schools now have the same administrative structure of a Principal, three Assistant Principals, and one Dean of Students.
Bratten had been serving as a Dean of Students at Wicomico High School. She had been part of the Wicomico High team since 2005, serving as senior class advisor, Instructional Leadership Team member, MDS3 team administrator and Professional Learning Community leader. She served on a Maryland State Department of Education team to help revise the Business Education curriculum. Bratten earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Education from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and master’s degrees from Walden University (Middle Level Math & Language Arts Concentration) and Wilmington University (School Leadership).
Lewis had been serving as a physical education and health teacher at Parkside High School, where since 2003 she has been a physical education teacher, athletic trainer and health teacher. She has conducted annual coaches’ clinics for the school system, worked with university interns, served on the Instructional Leadership Team, and was the professional development coordinator working with UMES and Salisbury University. Lewis earned a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Athletic Training and certification in Administration from Salisbury University, and a master’s degree in Health Education from the University of South Carolina.
Ferretti holds a bachelor’s degree in Financial Economics from Binghamton University, and master’s degrees in Teaching in Adolescent Education in Mathematics from Stony Brook University and in Applied Mathematics from Delaware State University. He has taught high school mathematics and engineering, and most recently served as a research assistant at Delaware State University, with responsibilities that included teaching undergraduates. He is the author of “Descriptors of Topographical Depressions: A Dimension Reducing Approach.” His research work, involving extensive use of statistics and data analysis, makes him well suited to fulfilling the duties of Instructional Data Analyst for Wicomico Schools.
Salisbury Police
Just wanted to share with you. My Mother call me upset wanting to know where the City finance department was located. I asked what was wrong. She told me that the Salisbury police had given her a ticket for parking in a Handicap zone. It would be understandable if she did not have Handicap tags, but she does. Her license plate number was written on the ticket, so the officer had to physically look at her plate. This is rediculous!
Taxpayer watchdog calls on IRS to probe re-branded Texas ACORN branch
The Biggest Threat To The Right Is The Right
“More and more Republicans agree that Mitt Romney has not released more tax returns because he has something to hide,” the ad says. It then features video clips of prominent commentators from the right criticizing Romney’s decision.
It's a smart move to give cover to the Democrat demands and agree that your candidate comply with a non-existent mandate to satisfy Team Obama's class warfare argument.
“The cost of not releasing the returns are clear. Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them,” says George Will, in a clip from Sunday’s “This Week” on ABC.
With all due respect to George Will, with whom I've often appeared on ABC's "This Week," I disagree. Will assumes there's validity in the Obama campaign's presupposition that Romney must be hiding something for not acquiescing to their demands.. The higher cost in folding to a demand crafted in the war room of the DNC and nurtured by the media is simple: it shows America how easy you'll capitulate.
Are Obama’s Ideas Un-American?
First, he wished that President Barack Obama “would learn how to be an American,” and then he amended the comment with a “what-I-really-meant-was” clarification, and finally, he surrendered, as they almost always do, by saying, “I made a mistake.”
But did he? You don’t have to be a birth certificate conspiracy kook to ponder the question. After all, we’re no longer debating whether government should just be huge or whether it should be ginormous anymore. We’re not really wrangling over what levels of debt or spending are acceptable. The president’s central case rests on the idea that individuals should view government as society’s moral center, the engine of prosperity and the arbiter of fairness. Traditionally speaking, that’s not a very American notion.
The victim is identified as Garett Colona, 23, of the 5000 block of Sharptown Road in Rhodesdale, Maryland. Colona was the pilot and sole occupant of the plane. Emergency medical providers pronounced Colona dead at the scene.
Shortly before 11:00 a.m. this morning, emergency responders were dispatched to Bunting Airport in Berlin after receiving 9-1-1 calls reporting the crash. Troopers from the Berlin Barrack, deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and officers from the Berlin Police Department responded to the scene. Investigators from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation and the Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office also responded for assistance.
The cause of the crash is unknown at this time. The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are working in conjunction with state police investigators to determine the cause of the crash. The investigation continues…
‘President Obama, You‘re Killing Us Out Here’: See the Hard-Hitting New Romney Ad
SBYNews Sponsors Golf Tournament At Hyatt In Cambridge Today

Racial Profiling Trial Begins for Ariz. Sheriff
A lawyer for the plaintiffs who filed a civil lawsuit against Arpaio's department said in opening statements that the evidence will show that Arpaio and his deputies discriminated against Hispanics.
"It's our view that the problem starts at the top," attorney Stan Young said.
America Heading Towards A Collapse Worse Than 2008 AND Europe! Says Peter Schiff
Schiff, who famously warned investors about the housing and financial crisis in his 2007 book Crash Proof, says the Fed's palliative efforts during the housing meltdown have made the next crisis inevitable.
"We've got a much bigger collapse coming, and not just of the markets but of the economy," Schiff says in the attached clip. "It's like what you're seeing in Europe right now, only worse."
In this nightmare scenario detailed in The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy, the current economic pause is actually the beginning of a material slowdown or recession into year end. At that point, the Federal Reserve will unleash a third round of Quantitative Easing — weakening the dollar without jump-starting the economy. As a result of dollar weakness, import prices rise, pressing the margins of corporate America. Lower margins lead to heavy layoffs, sending millions of workers into unemployment during a time when they can least afford it. Banks fail, housing collapses, and taxes are raised in a futile effort to give the tapped-out government the capital to try yet more futile stimulus.
"That's when it really is going to get interesting, because that's when we hit our real fiscal cliff, when we're going to have to slash — and I mean slash — government spending," says Schiff.
Those cuts will not be at all unlike the draconian austerity measures in Greece, with programs like Social Security and Medicare being dramatically cut or possibly disappearing entirely. The easiest way to put it, is that everything you don't think could possibly happen in America will come to be.
"Alternatively, we can bail everybody out, pretend we can print our way out of a crisis, and, instead, we have runaway inflation, or hyper-inflation, which is going to be far worse than the collapse we would have if we did the right thing and just let everything implode," he offers.
Chick-Fil-A Dubbed ‘Hate Mongers’ After President Says They Oppose Gay Marriage
“Guilty as charged,” Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press when asked about the Atlanta-based company’s support of the traditional family unit.
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” he said in the interview, posted Monday.
Yard Sales 7-20-12

Yard Sale 7/21/12
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Fireworks at Napolitano Hearing-DHS Sec Unaware of Classified Doc Leak and WH Terror Group Visit
Police: 14 Dead in Colorado Theater Shooting.
He says 50 others were injured when gunfire erupted early Friday at the Aurora theater.
Oates says a gunman appeared at the front of one of the Century 16 theaters.