DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, January 25, 2013
Barack Obama Provides Landing Pad For Fly
The buzzing insect stole the show as the President announced two new members of his second administration, cutting wild loops around the leader of the free world before landing squarely on his forehead.
The official White House transcript simply reads: "This guy is bothering me here - (swatting at a fly.)"
Meanwhile, the pool report which describes the President's movements throughout the day noted that "the president spoke for about five minutes while being menaced by a house fly".
It wasn't the first time Mr Obama has shared camera time with a fly. In June 2009, the newly-elected president dealt some tough justice to one which interrupted an interview.
The official White House transcript simply reads: "This guy is bothering me here - (swatting at a fly.)"
Meanwhile, the pool report which describes the President's movements throughout the day noted that "the president spoke for about five minutes while being menaced by a house fly".
It wasn't the first time Mr Obama has shared camera time with a fly. In June 2009, the newly-elected president dealt some tough justice to one which interrupted an interview.
A Follow Up On An Earlier Post
Oak Harbor City Councilman Rick Almberg walks out of City Council meeting. He refuses to follow his oath by supporting the laws of the State of Washington and our Washington State ConstitutionAt last Tuesdays City Council meeting a citizen commented during the citizens comment period encouraging the City Council to support the Second Amendment and to help educate our children about firearms and firearm safety.
In a rather disturbing display by Councilman Almberg this citizen was called back to the podium by Councilman Almberg and the councilman asked the Mayor to enquire if he was carrying a concealed weapon. After some discussion with the city Attorney about the legality of Councilman Almberg requesting a citizen return to the podium to be asked a question by the Councilman the citizen volunteered to answer any questions Councilman Almberg saw fit to ask him. After the citizens confirmed that he was lawfully and legally carrying a concealed weapon Councilman Almberg made a motion (during the citizens comment period yet) that he wanted to make a requirement that citizens coming to city council meeting check their firearms with either the police department or the Chief of Police before being allowed to attend the meeting. The Motion was seconded by Joel Servatius. After a long discussion the motion was presented for a vote with Councilman Almberg and Councilman Servatius voting yes and the remainder of the Council voted no. Immediately after the motion failed councilman Almberg excused himself and left the meeting.
We have a situation in our City Council where certain Council members feel that the oath of office they take is not meant for them.
In a rather disturbing display by Councilman Almberg this citizen was called back to the podium by Councilman Almberg and the councilman asked the Mayor to enquire if he was carrying a concealed weapon. After some discussion with the city Attorney about the legality of Councilman Almberg requesting a citizen return to the podium to be asked a question by the Councilman the citizen volunteered to answer any questions Councilman Almberg saw fit to ask him. After the citizens confirmed that he was lawfully and legally carrying a concealed weapon Councilman Almberg made a motion (during the citizens comment period yet) that he wanted to make a requirement that citizens coming to city council meeting check their firearms with either the police department or the Chief of Police before being allowed to attend the meeting. The Motion was seconded by Joel Servatius. After a long discussion the motion was presented for a vote with Councilman Almberg and Councilman Servatius voting yes and the remainder of the Council voted no. Immediately after the motion failed councilman Almberg excused himself and left the meeting.
We have a situation in our City Council where certain Council members feel that the oath of office they take is not meant for them.
Jennifer Stahl has been a strong advocate against the smart meter program in Naperville, Ill., for the last two years. The issue came to a head Wednesday afternoon when she was arrested while refusing to let the utility workers install the controversial device.
“I was protecting my property,” Stahl said in an interview with TheBlaze Thursday afternoon. “I felt my emotion was like a momma bear protecting her babies.”
Stahl was at a friend’s house when she received the call from her husband that the utility workers had arrived. She was home within 15 minutes and saw they were at a neighbor’s house. Her neighbors were not home, but they had signs stating they did not permit the new meter to be installed.
“I was protecting my property,” Stahl said in an interview with TheBlaze Thursday afternoon. “I felt my emotion was like a momma bear protecting her babies.”
Stahl was at a friend’s house when she received the call from her husband that the utility workers had arrived. She was home within 15 minutes and saw they were at a neighbor’s house. Her neighbors were not home, but they had signs stating they did not permit the new meter to be installed.
Paul Confronts Clinton Weapons Shipments Benghazi
We've covered the possibility that the CIA Annex in Benghazi was conducting covert operations aimed at arming Syrian rebels with heavy weapons (SA-7 missiles to counter Assad's air campaign).
At Hillary Clinton's Benghazi hearing today, Rand Paul broke ground by being the first politician to ask Clinton directly if she knew anything about these operations; in particular, about a ship containing 400 tons of SA-7 missiles arriving in Turkey, and if America had anything to do with it.
Clinton sidestepped the question: "You're asking the wrong agency, I don't know anything about that."
Which is odd since U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal in November that "the U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation" and that most of the personnel at the consulate were providing "diplomatic cover" for the CIA Annex.
At Hillary Clinton's Benghazi hearing today, Rand Paul broke ground by being the first politician to ask Clinton directly if she knew anything about these operations; in particular, about a ship containing 400 tons of SA-7 missiles arriving in Turkey, and if America had anything to do with it.
Clinton sidestepped the question: "You're asking the wrong agency, I don't know anything about that."
Which is odd since U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal in November that "the U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation" and that most of the personnel at the consulate were providing "diplomatic cover" for the CIA Annex.
Penalties For Closed Meetings Have Bipartisan Support
Del. Dan Morhaim, D-Baltimore County, introduced a bill Thursday that grants additional enforcement powers to the Open Meetings Compliance Board, allowing it to levy fines and provide court testimony against government bodies that illegally deny people access to public events.
This bipartisan legislation, HB331, has 18 co-sponsors, including House Majority Leader Kumar Barve and 10 other Democrats and Minority Leader Tony O’Donnell and six other Republicans.
Barve said that Morhaim’s bill was a no-brainer. “Why wouldn’t you support it?” he said, adding that government transparency was an “important issue” to address in this legislative session.
This bipartisan legislation, HB331, has 18 co-sponsors, including House Majority Leader Kumar Barve and 10 other Democrats and Minority Leader Tony O’Donnell and six other Republicans.
Barve said that Morhaim’s bill was a no-brainer. “Why wouldn’t you support it?” he said, adding that government transparency was an “important issue” to address in this legislative session.
RAND PAUL TO HILLARY CLINTON: I Would Have Fired You Over Benghazi
Making his debut on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a hearing Wednesday on the Benghazi attacks Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lambasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her role in the attacks on the diplomatic compound in Libya.
“Ultimately, I think with your leaving, you accept culpability for the greatest tragedy since 9/11," he said. "Had I been President at the time and I found out you had not read the cables… I would have relieved you of your post."
"I think it's inexcusable," he added.
Paul's berating of Secretary Clinton was a marked break from the Senate's otherwise mild interrogation. As we reported last week, Paul has been planning on nailing Clinton with conservative criticism about Benghazi, part of an ongoing push to ramp up his foreign policy profile as he explores a possible White House bid in 2016.
“Ultimately, I think with your leaving, you accept culpability for the greatest tragedy since 9/11," he said. "Had I been President at the time and I found out you had not read the cables… I would have relieved you of your post."
"I think it's inexcusable," he added.
Paul's berating of Secretary Clinton was a marked break from the Senate's otherwise mild interrogation. As we reported last week, Paul has been planning on nailing Clinton with conservative criticism about Benghazi, part of an ongoing push to ramp up his foreign policy profile as he explores a possible White House bid in 2016.
Taking Questions, Harbaugh Family Gets Suspicious Call
Super Bowl XLVII has been called the "Harbaugh bowl," dubbed as sibling rivalry of epic proportions as Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh takes on his brother, Jim, head coach of the San Francisco 49ers.
As the brothers prepare to square off on Feb. 3, their parents, Jack and Jackie, have quite the situation on their hands.
On Thursday, they staged a conference call for the news media. They were accompanied by the NFL and their younger daughter, Joani.
As the brothers prepare to square off on Feb. 3, their parents, Jack and Jackie, have quite the situation on their hands.
On Thursday, they staged a conference call for the news media. They were accompanied by the NFL and their younger daughter, Joani.
Hillary Clinton Vs. Ron Johnson On Benghazi
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got into a heated exchange with Republican Sen. Ron Johnson during her testimony on the September terrorist attack in Benghazi when he asked her about the Obama administration's initial response to the attack.
Johnson asked why the people who were evacuated safely weren't interviewed immediately. He said that he believed U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice "intentionally misled" people in the initial aftermath of the attack by blaming it on a spontaneous protest, a charge that Clinton brushed off and said "nothing could be further from the truth."
When Johnson continued to press her on the initial misleading information, Clinton got visibly animated and shouted down Johnson before he could finish his question.
"We had four dead Americans!" she said. "Whether it was attack preplanned by terrorists or it because of a guy out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill Americans ... What difference does it make?!"
Johnson asked why the people who were evacuated safely weren't interviewed immediately. He said that he believed U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice "intentionally misled" people in the initial aftermath of the attack by blaming it on a spontaneous protest, a charge that Clinton brushed off and said "nothing could be further from the truth."
When Johnson continued to press her on the initial misleading information, Clinton got visibly animated and shouted down Johnson before he could finish his question.
"We had four dead Americans!" she said. "Whether it was attack preplanned by terrorists or it because of a guy out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill Americans ... What difference does it make?!"
What The 2012 Election Would Look Like Under The Republicans' Vote-Rigging Plan
Republicans have a new strategy for 2016: Change the rules of presidential elections in order to swing the electoral college in the GOP's favor.
On Wednesday, Virginia's Republican-controlled legislature became one of the first to advance a bill that would allocate electoral votes by congressional district. Last week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed pushing through similar proposals in other states with Republican legislative majorities.
The strategy would have states alter the way they translate individual votes into electors -- thereby giving Republican candidates an advantage. Had the 2012 election been apportioned in every state according to these new Republicans plans, Romney would have led Obama by at least 11 electoral votes. Here's how. Continue HERE
On Wednesday, Virginia's Republican-controlled legislature became one of the first to advance a bill that would allocate electoral votes by congressional district. Last week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed pushing through similar proposals in other states with Republican legislative majorities.
The strategy would have states alter the way they translate individual votes into electors -- thereby giving Republican candidates an advantage. Had the 2012 election been apportioned in every state according to these new Republicans plans, Romney would have led Obama by at least 11 electoral votes. Here's how. Continue HERE
Sheriffs Warn Obama Of Deadly War Over Guns
The Utah Sheriffs' Association has written an official letter to President Barack Obamawarning of a deadly war over guns if the president and Congress enact the gun bans,gun registration, and gun control measures Obama has recommended to Congress,according to Sipsey Street Irregularswhich received a copy of the letter.
The full text of the letter can be read here.
The key paragraph in the letter is as follows:
We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights -- in particular Amendment II -- has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.
The full text of the letter can be read here.
The key paragraph in the letter is as follows:
We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights -- in particular Amendment II -- has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.
Library Closing
The Centre Branch of Wicomico Public Library will close early at 7pm today due to the weather.
In 2011, there was a set of commercials that made their way around the internet by gun-maker Glock and featuring popular Marine drill sergeant Lee Ermey, aka “Gunny.” Pro-gun people loved them, as they make the case for those who are passionate about the Second Amendment in a slightly-funny, common-sense way.
And now the manufacturer is back with a new one that’s sure to grab attention.
The ads all are a play off the idea of robbers picking the wrong business, house, or person.
Click HERE to continue and see all the videos
And now the manufacturer is back with a new one that’s sure to grab attention.
The ads all are a play off the idea of robbers picking the wrong business, house, or person.
Click HERE to continue and see all the videos
Wicomico County Public Schools
Due to the winter storm forecast, all after-school and evening events in Wicomico County Public Schools have been cancelled for Friday, Jan. 25. All school-sponsored activities on Saturday, Jan. 26 are also cancelled. The Wicomico SAT administration that was scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 26 has been cancelled.
Updated information on activities scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 26:
The 100 Best Communities for Young People Celebration in the Perdue School of Business atrium at Salisbury University is on as scheduled for 2-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26.
The Wicomico SAT administration that was scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 26 has been cancelled.
The Northwestern Elementary Family Fitness Day (Saturday, Jan. 26) will be rescheduled for March.
The Wicomico County Chapter of the NAACP has cancelled its Saturday, Jan. 26 Financial Literacy Seminar.
All Shore Band auditions have been postponed from Saturday, Jan. 26 until Saturday, Feb. 2.
Holy smokes! Oregon Democrat Wants Prescription-Only Cigarettes
Oregon state Rep. Mitch Greenlick, a Democrat, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance, equatable with ketamine, lysergic acid and anabolic steroids. The bill would force all cigarette smokers to carry a prescription from a doctor or face jail time.
Offenders of the proposed law would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both, Fox 12 Oregon reports.
“I think it’s pretty crazy,” Juan Silva of Salem, Ore., told Fox 12. “I don’t see it going through. It’s going to be something to watch for, but I don’t think it’ll pass.”
Offenders of the proposed law would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both, Fox 12 Oregon reports.
“I think it’s pretty crazy,” Juan Silva of Salem, Ore., told Fox 12. “I don’t see it going through. It’s going to be something to watch for, but I don’t think it’ll pass.”
January 28, 2013 6:00 p.m.
Government Office Building Room 301
Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:00 p.m.
6:01 p.m.
6:06 p.m.
6:08 p.m.
• Mason Dixon Woodworkers – restoration of the Historic Smokehouse at
Poplar Hill Mansion
6:13 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols
• January 7, 2013 work session minutes
• January14, 2013 regular meeting minutes
• Manufacturing Exemption request – Machining Technologies, Inc. (Matech)
• Resolution No. 2247 - accepting the donation of materials for the restoration of the Historic Smokehouse at the Poplar Hill Mansion
• Resolution No. 2248 – appointing Jennifer Downing to the Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015
• Resolution No. 2249 – appointing Darnell J. Coleman to the Traffic and Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015
6:20 p.m.
AWARD OF BIDS – Assistant Internal Services Director-Procurement Catrice Parsons
• Declaration of Surplus-Pedestrian Signal
• Change Order #8-A-07-09 R2 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Program
• Change Order #4 to Contract 118-10 Rehabilitation of Park Wells
• Change Order #1 to RFP 06-10 Eng Svc for Wells
• Award Eng Svc for Citywide Pump Station Inventory and Assessment
6:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick
• Resolution No. 2250 – authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement extending the cable franchise agreement with Comcast of Delmarva, LLC until July 9, 2013
6:45 p.m.
ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman
• Ordinance No. 2229 – 2nd reading & Public Hearing – to close and abandon an area of land being the unimproved roadbeds of Ascension Drive and Centurion Drive and the easements that adjoin said roadbeds, located in Beaglin Crossing Business Park in the City of Salisbury, Parsons Election District, Wicomico County, State of Maryland
• Ordinance No. 2230 – 1st reading – amending False Alarm Fees and designating certain reoccurring false alarms within the same calendar year at the same property location as municipal infractions
• Ordinance No. 2231 – 1st reading – to eliminate fourteen parking spaces and provide three bus parking spaces on the east side of Wayne Street adjacent to the Salisbury University Stadium
• Ordinance No. 2232 – 1st reading – approving an amendment of the FY 13 General Fund and Water and Sewer Fund Budgets to appropriate funds to cover the City’s cost for a pay and classification study
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Government Office Building Room 301
Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:00 p.m.
6:01 p.m.
6:06 p.m.
6:08 p.m.
• Mason Dixon Woodworkers – restoration of the Historic Smokehouse at
Poplar Hill Mansion
6:13 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols
• January 7, 2013 work session minutes
• January14, 2013 regular meeting minutes
• Manufacturing Exemption request – Machining Technologies, Inc. (Matech)
• Resolution No. 2247 - accepting the donation of materials for the restoration of the Historic Smokehouse at the Poplar Hill Mansion
• Resolution No. 2248 – appointing Jennifer Downing to the Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015
• Resolution No. 2249 – appointing Darnell J. Coleman to the Traffic and Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015
6:20 p.m.
AWARD OF BIDS – Assistant Internal Services Director-Procurement Catrice Parsons
• Declaration of Surplus-Pedestrian Signal
• Change Order #8-A-07-09 R2 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Program
• Change Order #4 to Contract 118-10 Rehabilitation of Park Wells
• Change Order #1 to RFP 06-10 Eng Svc for Wells
• Award Eng Svc for Citywide Pump Station Inventory and Assessment
6:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick
• Resolution No. 2250 – authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement extending the cable franchise agreement with Comcast of Delmarva, LLC until July 9, 2013
6:45 p.m.
ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman
• Ordinance No. 2229 – 2nd reading & Public Hearing – to close and abandon an area of land being the unimproved roadbeds of Ascension Drive and Centurion Drive and the easements that adjoin said roadbeds, located in Beaglin Crossing Business Park in the City of Salisbury, Parsons Election District, Wicomico County, State of Maryland
• Ordinance No. 2230 – 1st reading – amending False Alarm Fees and designating certain reoccurring false alarms within the same calendar year at the same property location as municipal infractions
• Ordinance No. 2231 – 1st reading – to eliminate fourteen parking spaces and provide three bus parking spaces on the east side of Wayne Street adjacent to the Salisbury University Stadium
• Ordinance No. 2232 – 1st reading – approving an amendment of the FY 13 General Fund and Water and Sewer Fund Budgets to appropriate funds to cover the City’s cost for a pay and classification study
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Hospitals Say They've Been Left Out Of State Talks On Medicaid Waiver
Health care leaders broke months of silence about the state’s talks to come up with a new Medicare waiver plan, and in the process exposed a riff between hospitals and state officials.
Top health officials told the state Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Jan. 22 that they want to update Maryland’s Medicare waiver — a policy used to regulate hospital rates — in a way that would change the way hospitals are held accountable for costs and open the door for systemic change to Maryland’s entire health industry. The plan has been in the works for months, and now officials hope to submit a proposal to the federal government within the next several weeks. Meanwhile, key stakeholders — hospital leaders — painted a picture of failed collaboration. They told the committee they have been excluded from the state’s negotiations with the feds and are worried the breadth of the state’s plan could jeopardize hospitals’ financial stability.
“This is very, very thoughtful and important work. But they know and we know there is more to this than an academic exercise,” said Carmela Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. “It’s going to be hospitals and insurance companies that have the business of making this work at the end of the day.”
Top health officials told the state Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Jan. 22 that they want to update Maryland’s Medicare waiver — a policy used to regulate hospital rates — in a way that would change the way hospitals are held accountable for costs and open the door for systemic change to Maryland’s entire health industry. The plan has been in the works for months, and now officials hope to submit a proposal to the federal government within the next several weeks. Meanwhile, key stakeholders — hospital leaders — painted a picture of failed collaboration. They told the committee they have been excluded from the state’s negotiations with the feds and are worried the breadth of the state’s plan could jeopardize hospitals’ financial stability.
“This is very, very thoughtful and important work. But they know and we know there is more to this than an academic exercise,” said Carmela Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. “It’s going to be hospitals and insurance companies that have the business of making this work at the end of the day.”
D.C. Man Who Shot Dogs Biting Boy Could Face Charges
D.C. police are investigating whether a man will face criminal charges for shooting a pit bull that was attacking a child in his neighborhood.
The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon, after three pit bulls attacked an 11-year-old boy as he rode his bicycle through the Brightwood neighborhood of Northwest, according to a police report.
When the man, a neighbor, saw the boy being mauled by the dogs, he went inside his home and got a gun. The man killed one of the dogs. The gunfire attracted the attention of a police officer in the area near Eighth and Sheridan streets, where the attack occurred. The officer responded and shot the other two pit bulls as they continued to attack the boy.
The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon, after three pit bulls attacked an 11-year-old boy as he rode his bicycle through the Brightwood neighborhood of Northwest, according to a police report.
When the man, a neighbor, saw the boy being mauled by the dogs, he went inside his home and got a gun. The man killed one of the dogs. The gunfire attracted the attention of a police officer in the area near Eighth and Sheridan streets, where the attack occurred. The officer responded and shot the other two pit bulls as they continued to attack the boy.
Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not Apply To The Banks
Those who watched Frontline's special on why nobody has been prosecuted on Wall Street titled appropriately "The Untouchables" didn't learn much new. The rehash of ideas presented is what has been well known for years - namely that when it comes to prosecuting Wall Street criminals nothing will ever happen, because as Bill Gross tweeted [13]" Its not Republican in politics. Its not Dem in politics. Its money in politics" and all the money in politics comes from Wall Street, which happens to be the ultimate ruler of the United States of America, pushing levers here and pulling stringer there to give the impression the constitutional republic is still alive. It isn't - this country has become an unchecked despotism of those in charge of money creation and who control capital - just the thing Andrew Jackson warned against. One thing we did learn, was courtesy of Assistant Attorney General Lenny Breuer who made it very clear that when it comes to the concept of justice the banks are and always have been "more equal" than others. He does so in such shocking clarity and enthusiasm that it is a miracle that this person is still employed by the US Department of Justice.
Anti-Gun Va. Lawmaker Who Brandished AK-47 In Legislature Was Disbarred After Brutal 1999 Assault
A Virginia lawmaker who drew gasps from his colleagues when he brandished a borrowed AK-47 during an anti-gun speech Thursday was found guilty in 2002 of committing a vicious 1999 assault, was sanctioned for legal misconduct while prosecuting a rape case, spent six months in jail for contempt of a federal court, and saw his law license revoked in 2003.
Democratic Delegate Joseph Morrissey brought the rifle to the floor of the House of Delegates to demonstrate how easy it is to carry firearms in Virginia. Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert interrupted Morrissey’s speech to ask him to remove his finger from inside the gun’s trigger-guard — a basic gun-safety practice.
“I don’t think you should be able to possess an assault rifle,” Morrissey told ABC News on Friday.
Democratic Delegate Joseph Morrissey brought the rifle to the floor of the House of Delegates to demonstrate how easy it is to carry firearms in Virginia. Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert interrupted Morrissey’s speech to ask him to remove his finger from inside the gun’s trigger-guard — a basic gun-safety practice.
“I don’t think you should be able to possess an assault rifle,” Morrissey told ABC News on Friday.
Miller Pitches Allowing Counties To Levy Gas Tax
County governments in Maryland could raise up to 5 cents per gallon on gas sales for local transportation projects, under the latest proposal made Thursday by the state Senate president on how to raise badly needed money for transportation.
Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller has been pitching various proposals this week on how to raise more revenue for roads, bridges and transit projects. He said the latest idea would enable counties to levy up to 5 cents per gallon on top of the state's 23.5-cents-per-gallon gas tax, which hasn't been increased since 1992.
Earlier this week, the Calvert County Democrat suggested lawmakers consider a separate 3 percent sales tax on gas statewide to raise roughly $300 million. The longtime Senate president also recommended the state consider selling or leasing the Intercounty Connector, part of which is now open. Another proposal would set up local transit authorities that could raise revenue for rail projects.
Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller has been pitching various proposals this week on how to raise more revenue for roads, bridges and transit projects. He said the latest idea would enable counties to levy up to 5 cents per gallon on top of the state's 23.5-cents-per-gallon gas tax, which hasn't been increased since 1992.
Earlier this week, the Calvert County Democrat suggested lawmakers consider a separate 3 percent sales tax on gas statewide to raise roughly $300 million. The longtime Senate president also recommended the state consider selling or leasing the Intercounty Connector, part of which is now open. Another proposal would set up local transit authorities that could raise revenue for rail projects.
Maryland's "Firearms Safety Act Of 2013"
Have you seen this from Maryland Shall Issue? http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f9a3fb0d5de76b58560e66d8e&id=4241c1542a&e=b8e6db2821
There's also a link to a pamphlet MSI produced: http://marylandshallissue.org/share/SB0281_pamphlet.pdf
Second Amendment supporters in Maryland need to be aware.
Beefing Up Security
The State Department is moving quickly to beef up security at missions worldwide. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton repeated that refrain in back-to-back congressional hearingsyesterday. She called the September attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, highly personal for both the families of the four victims and herself. Diplomats stationed there repeatedly had asked for more security. Clinton said she never saw those requests. She chided lawmakers for cutting funds for embassy security over the years.
Report: USAID Probed For Alleged Bid-Rigging
Criminal investigators are looking into allegations that the top lawyer for the State Department's aid agency rigged a bid and that top officials tried to cover it up, according to The Associated Press.
The AP reported Thursday that the Justice Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development's inspector general are investigating whether USAID general counsel Lisa Gomer interfered last year to guarantee that a now-canceled bid for a “senior government-to-government assistance adviser” would be won by the agency's retiring chief financial officer, David Ostermeyer. Investigators are also probing whether Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg tried to shut down the internal investigation — possibly at the behest of USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.
“One document said Steinberg told inspector general officials that the agency's top administrator, Shah, asked him to speak with the internal investigators about the review,” the AP reported. “Steinberg, according to another inspector general document, ripped into the independent watchdog.”
The AP reported Thursday that the Justice Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development's inspector general are investigating whether USAID general counsel Lisa Gomer interfered last year to guarantee that a now-canceled bid for a “senior government-to-government assistance adviser” would be won by the agency's retiring chief financial officer, David Ostermeyer. Investigators are also probing whether Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg tried to shut down the internal investigation — possibly at the behest of USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.
“One document said Steinberg told inspector general officials that the agency's top administrator, Shah, asked him to speak with the internal investigators about the review,” the AP reported. “Steinberg, according to another inspector general document, ripped into the independent watchdog.”
A Message From Vice President Joe Biden
From | Joe Biden info@barackobama.com |
Joe --
The President did something big last week.
He proposed a set of major reforms to help protect our children and our communities by curbing gun violence, and he's already announced 23 executive actions that will go a long way in helping keep our kids safe.
This is an important start -- but I have no illusions about what needs to be done and how difficult it will be.
Every step we intend to take will preserve the tradition of responsible gun ownership in our country and uphold the Second Amendment. And while we'll never end gun violence entirely, if we can save the life of even one child, then we have a responsibility to act.
This action includes not only what we can do, but what Congress can do. To make a real and lasting difference, they must act soon.
The President has called on Congress to act on four specific legislative measures: closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons and limiting high-capacity ammunition magazines, making our schools safer, and increasing access to mental health services.
The President asked me to work with law enforcement, teachers, parents, sportsmen, Democrats, Republicans, faith leaders, mental health experts, and other organizations and individuals to come up with a set of concrete policy proposals. The plan he put forth is the product of those conversations and recommendations.
Right now, President Obama is counting on you.
Each one of us needs to speak up and demand action. It doesn't matter whether you live in a big city or a small town like Newtown, Connecticut. When our fellow Americans are victims of senseless violence, we all pull together as one American family.
Let's get this done, folks.
Whether the action we take saves one life or 1,000, it matters.
Thank you,
Penalty Could Keep Smokers Out Of Health Overhaul
Millions of smokers could be priced out of health insurance because of tobacco penalties in President Barack Obama's health care law, according to experts who are just now teasing out the potential impact of a little-noted provision in the massive legislation.
The Affordable Care Act _ "Obamacare" to its detractors _ allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.
For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.
The Affordable Care Act _ "Obamacare" to its detractors _ allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.
For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.
Gay Rights Executive Order
Gay rights groups have revived their campaign for an executive order banning discrimination among federal contractors. They unsuccessfully lobbied President Barack Obama last year for a directive to protect employees at those companies from bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Obama declared his support of gay rights in his inaugural speech Monday. But a spokesperson said the White House isn't ready to issue an order. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said any directive would have to be structured narrowly because the sanction is usually debarment. It said businesses also would worry about new paperwork and enforcement requirements.
Union Membership Drops
The percentage of American workers who belong to a union dropped in the past year, including among workers in the federal sector. The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show 11.3 percent of all workers belong to a union. That's down 0.5 percent from last year. It's the lowest since the 1930s. The federal workforce is nearly 27 percent unionized, down about 2 percent. Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union, blames widespread hiring freezes for the drop in federal union membership.
Carroll County Establishes English As Official Language
WESTMINSTER, Md. —Carroll County commissioners voted unanimously Thursday to establish English as the county's official language, ending a year-long debate.
As far as how the county operates, it doesn't mean much as the government already conducts its business in English. Supporters said the ordinance is simple and that it promotes assimilation, but opponents said it's unnecessary and it sends a negative message.
"I think it's dreadful. It's not needed. We have a growing population of many languages, and it's nonsense," said Tracy Lee, a county resident.
As far as how the county operates, it doesn't mean much as the government already conducts its business in English. Supporters said the ordinance is simple and that it promotes assimilation, but opponents said it's unnecessary and it sends a negative message.
"I think it's dreadful. It's not needed. We have a growing population of many languages, and it's nonsense," said Tracy Lee, a county resident.
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – To better support victims of domestic violence, the Maryland State Police is assigning domestic violence investigation coordinators at each installation throughout the state.
Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Marcus L. Brown has directed each of the 22 barrack commanders to assign a specially trained criminal supervisor to be a domestic violence investigation coordinator. The coordinator will review each incident reported at the barrack that involves or maybe related to domestic violence. The domestic violence coordinator will conduct follow up interviews with each victim. During the interview, the coordinator can offer assistance in obtaining a peace or protective order. In addition, the coordinator will put the victim in contact with a counselor and together, they can develop a plan of action to prevent any further abuse.
“By assigning domestic violence coordinators at each barrack, troopers can better serve victims living in these horrible situations,” Colonel Brown, said. “The coordinators will ensure all available resources are utilized to protect the rights and safety of the victims and their families. The Maryland State Police is committed to make certain that each domestic violence investigation is conducted in a thorough and professional manner, yielding the best chance to end the cycle of violence and successfully prosecute the abuser.”
Domestic violence coordinators have received specialized training pertaining to domestic violence investigations. Each coordinator will have contact with resources in their barrack areas to assist victims dealing with the aftermath of abuse. Each trooper has received entry level training in domestic violence focused on helping the victim and their families during the initial act. A responding trooper will be able to conduct domestic violence lethality screening, seize any weapons as policy allows, take photographs, conduct initial interviews of victims and witnesses, and provide contact information for the domestic violence coordinator on call. Responding troopers will also provide contact information for a victim’s advocate and encourage the victim to call for assistance.
Those experiencing physical or sexual abuse, or those who know someone who may be a victim, are urged to contact the state police or their local police department. There are also a variety of service agencies available to assist those who do not want to talk with police. For statewide assistance, victims contact the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence atwww.mnadv.org or by phone at 1-800-MD-HELP (1-800-634-3577).
These efforts are in concert with the Service Training Officers Prosecutors (S*T*O*P) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which are programs administered by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.
Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Marcus L. Brown has directed each of the 22 barrack commanders to assign a specially trained criminal supervisor to be a domestic violence investigation coordinator. The coordinator will review each incident reported at the barrack that involves or maybe related to domestic violence. The domestic violence coordinator will conduct follow up interviews with each victim. During the interview, the coordinator can offer assistance in obtaining a peace or protective order. In addition, the coordinator will put the victim in contact with a counselor and together, they can develop a plan of action to prevent any further abuse.
“By assigning domestic violence coordinators at each barrack, troopers can better serve victims living in these horrible situations,” Colonel Brown, said. “The coordinators will ensure all available resources are utilized to protect the rights and safety of the victims and their families. The Maryland State Police is committed to make certain that each domestic violence investigation is conducted in a thorough and professional manner, yielding the best chance to end the cycle of violence and successfully prosecute the abuser.”
Domestic violence coordinators have received specialized training pertaining to domestic violence investigations. Each coordinator will have contact with resources in their barrack areas to assist victims dealing with the aftermath of abuse. Each trooper has received entry level training in domestic violence focused on helping the victim and their families during the initial act. A responding trooper will be able to conduct domestic violence lethality screening, seize any weapons as policy allows, take photographs, conduct initial interviews of victims and witnesses, and provide contact information for the domestic violence coordinator on call. Responding troopers will also provide contact information for a victim’s advocate and encourage the victim to call for assistance.
Those experiencing physical or sexual abuse, or those who know someone who may be a victim, are urged to contact the state police or their local police department. There are also a variety of service agencies available to assist those who do not want to talk with police. For statewide assistance, victims contact the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence atwww.mnadv.org or by phone at 1-800-MD-HELP (1-800-634-3577).
These efforts are in concert with the Service Training Officers Prosecutors (S*T*O*P) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which are programs administered by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.
‘HB-106 - The Repeal of The Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Act of 2012 (SB - 236) - Recieves a Hearing Date’
(ANNAPOLIS) -- Today it was announced that HB-106, entiled ‘Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012 - Repeal’, will be heard in the Environmental Matters Committee on February 6th, at 1:00 p.m. “Let’s get as many people as possible to come out to Annapolis to testify in favor of this bill. We need to show the Environmental Matters Committee the negative impact this bill has on the people of Maryland and their property rights” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R- District 38B) in response to the hearing date.
“Last year, the General Assembly took away decision making authority from our local governments under SB-236. In the name of ‘preservation’, they gave us restrictions, and in the name of ‘planning’, they have now taken control. Currently, many local governments are waiting and hoping that some relief will come during the 2013 Session, and I am hoping to do just that with the Repeal of SB- 236” stated Delegate McDermott.
What YOU can do to SUPPORT this bill:
- Come to Annapolis and testify in favor of the bill in Environmental Matters on February 6th.
- You have to sign up on the “Witness Sheet” in the Environmental Matters Committee room by 12:00pm. This Committee is located in Room 251 of the Lowe House Office Building.
- If you cannot make the hearing, or you would like to voice your opinion in writing, you can also submit “written testimony” in favor of the bill to the Environmental Matters Committee. You can submit the written testimony by either emailing Delegate Maggie McIntosh, the Chair of the Committee, at maggie.mcintosh@house.state.md.us. You can also mail your letter to the committee at:
Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair
Environmental Matters Committee, Rm 251
Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen St., Annapolis 21401
As the title or subject of your written testimony, you should include the words
“Written Testimony in Support of HB - 106.”
- Contact the Delegates of the Environmental Matters Committee by mail, phone, and/or e-mail.
- A list of the Committee members and their contact information can be found at: Environmental Matters Committee Members.
- Call the Delegate and Senator of the district you live in and voice your support.
- If you are unsure of who represents you, or their contact information, please visit: http://mdelect.net/.
- Pass this press release on to as many Marylanders as you can.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Delegate McDermott’s office at 410-841-3431. Or you can email him at mike.mcdermott@house.state.md.us.
NEVER Talk To The FBI Without A Lawyer. Here Is Why
This is a great talk with the civil libertarian and defense attorney Harvey Silverglate. He is the same person that was mentioned in my recent post: A Broken Justice System: “Most Americans Commit About Three Felonies a Day.” This video is not just for those that fear they may one day be paid a visit by the Feds, but it is important for all of us to be aware of how the system works and just how shady these characters can be. Land of the free!
Ever heard of a Form 302? If not, definitely take the time to watch.
Ever heard of a Form 302? If not, definitely take the time to watch.
Weather Update From Wicomico DES
Weather Event Informational Bulletin Update8:00 a.m. January 25, 2013
Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services
Weather Forecast National Weather Service
The National Weather Service has updated their forecast and issued a winter weather advisory indicating the potential for 1 to 3 inches of snowfall For Friday January 25. The timing of the event is from 3 p.m. this afternoon until 1:00 a.m. Saturday January 26. The snow is expected to accumulate on all surfaces as temperatures will remain below freezing. The heaviest snow is expected to coincide with the evening rush hour, and driving conditions are expected to remain hazardous throughout the later afternoon and evening.
A winter weather advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities.
Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services
Weather Forecast National Weather Service
The National Weather Service has updated their forecast and issued a winter weather advisory indicating the potential for 1 to 3 inches of snowfall For Friday January 25. The timing of the event is from 3 p.m. this afternoon until 1:00 a.m. Saturday January 26. The snow is expected to accumulate on all surfaces as temperatures will remain below freezing. The heaviest snow is expected to coincide with the evening rush hour, and driving conditions are expected to remain hazardous throughout the later afternoon and evening.
A winter weather advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities.
Md. Court Rules Police Must Turn Over Files
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Maryland's highest court has ruled police must release files relating to how authorities investigate racial profiling.
The Maryland Court of Appeals released the decision on Thursday.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland and the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP have contended the Maryland State Police must turn over the record. Police have argued the documents are personnel records that are exempt from disclosure under Maryland's public information law.
The Maryland Court of Appeals released the decision on Thursday.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland and the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP have contended the Maryland State Police must turn over the record. Police have argued the documents are personnel records that are exempt from disclosure under Maryland's public information law.
Hogan Hosting Business Summit To Improve Maryland's Economic Competitiveness
Annapolis - The urgent need to improve Maryland's economic competitiveness has been a consistent theme from economic watchdog group Change Maryland. It will be on the agenda next month when the organization's Chairman Larry Hogan brings together a panel of recognized business leaders, economists, policy experts and government officials. They will lead an honest and candid assessment of what actions the state must take to improve conditions for private sector job growth.
"Maryland is lagging behind other states in the region in economic performance, and this forum is the first of what will be many bi-partisan, tangible steps towards a much-needed course correction," said Hogan.
With the poor business perception and a clear track record of tax and fee increases, Maryland is seen as damaged goods by employers of all sizes. Companies including Boeing, Caterpillar and KIA have recently created tens of thousands of jobs in business-friendly southeastern states. Maryland does not even make the short list of such major facility expansions.
Meanwhile, Virginia continues to best Maryland in virtually every measure of economic performance. Governors in nearby North Carolina, New York and Pennsylvania have realized the need to improve economic competitiveness and are actively pursuing fiscal, tax and regulatory reform to attract employers.
"Maryland will emerge as the mid-Atlantic dust bowl state when it comes to attracting private sector business and jobs if we do nothing," said Hogan. "Our over-reliance on the public sector employment base and federal government installations has been to the detriment of the private sector business community and has cost us jobs and revenue."
Change Maryland is committed to pro-business, private sector job growth and bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense to Annapolis. It is the largest and fastest growing non-partisan, grass roots citizen organization in the state with more than 25,000 members from every county. There has been tremendous interest in the February 21 event which has already sold more 250 tickets and is expected to sell out in well in advance.
Larry Hogan will moderate the panel and joining him will be Sage Policy Group Economist Anirban Basu, former Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Aris Melissaratos, newspaper columnist Marta Mossburg, Maryland Public Policy Institute President Christopher Summers and General Assembly members Senator Allan Kittleman and Delegate Steve Schuh. They will lead the review of Maryland's competitive situation and propose solutions.
The forum is scheduled in the middle of the legislative session in Annapolis to inject a different view into a hyper-partisan,politically-charged legislative agenda that glosses over structural problems in Maryland's economy. It will be held at the Westin Hotel, February 21 at 8:00 A.M.
Sponsors of the event include Merritt Properties, the Peterson Companies, Apple Ford, Taylor and Preston, The Columbia Bank, Koch Homes, NOVUS Residences/Cafritz Interests, Great American Car Wash, Bank Annapolis/First National Bank, Bethesda Architects, Caruso Homes, Stavrou Companies, Ribera Development, The Hogan Companies and the Maryland Public Policy Institute.
"Maryland is lagging behind other states in the region in economic performance, and this forum is the first of what will be many bi-partisan, tangible steps towards a much-needed course correction," said Hogan.
With the poor business perception and a clear track record of tax and fee increases, Maryland is seen as damaged goods by employers of all sizes. Companies including Boeing, Caterpillar and KIA have recently created tens of thousands of jobs in business-friendly southeastern states. Maryland does not even make the short list of such major facility expansions.
Meanwhile, Virginia continues to best Maryland in virtually every measure of economic performance. Governors in nearby North Carolina, New York and Pennsylvania have realized the need to improve economic competitiveness and are actively pursuing fiscal, tax and regulatory reform to attract employers.
"Maryland will emerge as the mid-Atlantic dust bowl state when it comes to attracting private sector business and jobs if we do nothing," said Hogan. "Our over-reliance on the public sector employment base and federal government installations has been to the detriment of the private sector business community and has cost us jobs and revenue."
Change Maryland is committed to pro-business, private sector job growth and bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense to Annapolis. It is the largest and fastest growing non-partisan, grass roots citizen organization in the state with more than 25,000 members from every county. There has been tremendous interest in the February 21 event which has already sold more 250 tickets and is expected to sell out in well in advance.
Larry Hogan will moderate the panel and joining him will be Sage Policy Group Economist Anirban Basu, former Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Aris Melissaratos, newspaper columnist Marta Mossburg, Maryland Public Policy Institute President Christopher Summers and General Assembly members Senator Allan Kittleman and Delegate Steve Schuh. They will lead the review of Maryland's competitive situation and propose solutions.
The forum is scheduled in the middle of the legislative session in Annapolis to inject a different view into a hyper-partisan,politically-charged legislative agenda that glosses over structural problems in Maryland's economy. It will be held at the Westin Hotel, February 21 at 8:00 A.M.
Sponsors of the event include Merritt Properties, the Peterson Companies, Apple Ford, Taylor and Preston, The Columbia Bank, Koch Homes, NOVUS Residences/Cafritz Interests, Great American Car Wash, Bank Annapolis/First National Bank, Bethesda Architects, Caruso Homes, Stavrou Companies, Ribera Development, The Hogan Companies and the Maryland Public Policy Institute.
Enterprise Zones Are Only Part of the Answer
Credits Won't Lure Business If
City Remains Unfriendly to Business
City Remains Unfriendly to Business
SALISBURY, MD – Salisbury mayoral candidate Joe Albero says that enterprise zones are only ONE part of the answer in revitalizing Salisbury's economy. “I want to thank Gov. Martin O'Malley for his recent approval of an extended enterprise zone for Salisbury and Wicomico County. I just wish my opponent understood that tax credits are only a small part of the solution. As long as the city is governed by an administration that views business as merely something to be taxed, fined, and charged fees, entrepreneurs will be unwilling to invest in our city”
![]() |
Business Expansion Held Up By Ireton Administration |
the Ireton administration's attitudes towards business, Albero
announced his candidacy on January 8th at a local
contracting business where the city has held up an expansion for over
a year. “With all else being equal, enterprise zone tax credits
can be a deciding factor in a city's favor. Unfortunately, when you
are already faced with Maryland's generally unfriendly business
environment along with the Ireton administration's bureaucratic brick
wall, an enterprise zone (by itself) will not lure new businesses to
Salisbury nor will it encourage our existing businesses.
city should lend a helping hand to business, not hope that tax
credits will attract investment by itself. Jim doesn't even
understand what enterprise zones are for. Enterprise zones were
designed to provide businesses with an incentive to invest in
blighted areas. He thinks they are a means for controlling 'sprawl'.
The 'Crossroads of Delmarva' truly is at a crossroads.”
response to Gov. O'Malley's approval of the expanded enterprise zone,
Ireton stated, “As Salisbury grows, this designation
will become even more critical to reducing sprawl and revitalizing
our downtown and our city’s most historic areas.”
believes that the city and its residents are best served by providing
an environment that attracts employers and expands the tax base
rather than raising tax rates. Ireton proposed a rate hike in his
last budget. The tax hike was rejected by the city council.
Be Very Careful Walking Around Downtown
As cold as it is, most of the sidewalks were not cleared out on the Downtown Plaza and other areas of Salisbury. Obviously there is plenty of ice on the ground and the driving conditions on the Plaza aren't much better.
DelDOT Prepares For Friday Snowfall
Work crews applying salt to roadways
Dover -- In preparation for the snow that is likely to fall tomorrow afternoon in Delaware, crews from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) spent Thursday applying salt to melt the snow left over from the snow that fell Wednesday night, and also salting the roads in advance of the snow that is expected Friday afternoon.
"All of our crews will report for work tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., spend the day pre-treating the roads, and they won't go home until the job is done," said DelDOT spokesman Jim Westhoff. "Our goal is to apply enough salt that is prevents snow from accumulating on roads, particularly major roads like I-95 and Route 1."
In addition, in Sussex County tonight, crews will work throughout the night, salting roads, and monitoring road conditions.
The DelDOT Transportation Management Center, based in Smyrna, is manned 24 hours a day with staff who monitor weather stations, road temperatures, and traffic cameras. These personnel can quickly mobilize plow operators and other personnel if conditions change.
Dover -- In preparation for the snow that is likely to fall tomorrow afternoon in Delaware, crews from the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) spent Thursday applying salt to melt the snow left over from the snow that fell Wednesday night, and also salting the roads in advance of the snow that is expected Friday afternoon.
"All of our crews will report for work tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., spend the day pre-treating the roads, and they won't go home until the job is done," said DelDOT spokesman Jim Westhoff. "Our goal is to apply enough salt that is prevents snow from accumulating on roads, particularly major roads like I-95 and Route 1."
In addition, in Sussex County tonight, crews will work throughout the night, salting roads, and monitoring road conditions.
The DelDOT Transportation Management Center, based in Smyrna, is manned 24 hours a day with staff who monitor weather stations, road temperatures, and traffic cameras. These personnel can quickly mobilize plow operators and other personnel if conditions change.
Wicomico County

UPDATE: There is a 2 hour delay in Wicomico County. It is now 5:30 AM and the BOE's Website does NOT mention the delay.
Worcester County has a 1 hour delay and Somerset County has a 2 hour delay.
It is now 5:38 AM and the WCBOE has finally put up a 2 hour delay.
There is a 2 hour delay in Sussex County Delmar School District.
Worcester County has a 1 hour delay and Somerset County has a 2 hour delay.
It is now 5:38 AM and the WCBOE has finally put up a 2 hour delay.
There is a 2 hour delay in Sussex County Delmar School District.
Why 58 Representatives Who Voted For Hurricane Katrina Aid Voted Against Aid For Sandy
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Congress passed two relief bills almost unanimously. But when it comes to Hurricane Sandy, some in Congress seem to have had a change of heart.
After Katrina, a $51.8 billion relief packagepassed the House of Representatives 410 to 11. Another bill, which allowed the National Flood Insurance Program to borrow more money, sailed through 416 to 0.
On Tuesday, the House passed a $50.7 billion relief package for Sandy. This time, 180 representatives voted against it — 179 Republicans, one Democrat — 56 of whom had voted for the similarly sized Katrina bill.
Another Sandy bill earlier this month also garnered opposition. That bill, almost identical to the one on the flood insurance program passed after Katrina, was opposed by 67 representatives, all Republicans.
In total, 58 representatives voted against bills this month similar to ones that they had supported after Katrina.
After Katrina, a $51.8 billion relief packagepassed the House of Representatives 410 to 11. Another bill, which allowed the National Flood Insurance Program to borrow more money, sailed through 416 to 0.
On Tuesday, the House passed a $50.7 billion relief package for Sandy. This time, 180 representatives voted against it — 179 Republicans, one Democrat — 56 of whom had voted for the similarly sized Katrina bill.
Another Sandy bill earlier this month also garnered opposition. That bill, almost identical to the one on the flood insurance program passed after Katrina, was opposed by 67 representatives, all Republicans.
In total, 58 representatives voted against bills this month similar to ones that they had supported after Katrina.
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