The outline, drafted by Office of Management and Budget director, Mick Mulvaney, is the first volley to the federal agencies.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2017
President Trump’s budget outline calls for a surge in military spending and sharp cuts to nondefense agencies, including the E.P.A.
President Trump will instruct federal agencies on Monday to assemble a budget for the coming fiscal year that would include sharp increases in Defense Department spending; major cuts to other agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency; and no reductions to the largest entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, according to four senior administration officials.
The outline, drafted by Office of Management and Budget director, Mick Mulvaney, is the first volley to the federal agencies.
The outline, drafted by Office of Management and Budget director, Mick Mulvaney, is the first volley to the federal agencies.
Salisbury City Council Agenda Packet for 2-27-17
There are 128 pages to this file. It may take longer than usual to display for some.
‘Aliens’ and ‘Apollo 13’ star Bill Paxton dead at 61
American actor and director Bill Paxton died unexpectedly Saturday, according to an online report.
Paxton, known for appearing in hit films “Aliens,” “Twister” and “Apollo 13,” died because of complications during surgery, TMZ reported.
Paxton, known for appearing in hit films “Aliens,” “Twister” and “Apollo 13,” died because of complications during surgery, TMZ reported.
Remember When Salisbury Hired 12 New Firefighters Through A Grant A Few Years Ago?
The next morning, (after the Council agreed to hire these Firefighters) many of the Firefighters were laughing at all of us. Why, because they stood in front of the City Council and said, we'll have at least 12 people eligible for retirement and the new 12 will be needed to fill their spots. The next morning they laughed and stated, they may be eligible but NONE of them can afford to retire.
Sunday we published a Press Release from the City showing they wanted $140,000.00 placed into the upcoming budget for four more Firefighters. What they DIDN'T tell you, (conveniently) is the fact that they are also proposing to bring in yet ANOTHER 16 Firefighters on yet another grant, in which the City will have to pay for these full time Firefighters after the grant is over, just like they had to do with the other 12 a few years ago.
You see Ladies & Gentlemen, this is yet again another reason why SBYNews is so important. We expose what no other media source will do. We give you the heads up well before a vote is cast. You now know the funding the Mayor and Council want should be dumped immediately, unless you really want to pay out for an additional 20 Firefighters, averaging some $35,000.00 per person, per year in salary alone. Then add healthcare and disability liability.
I also came to learn they want more Fire Trucks. The big question is, will you be going to tonight's Council Meeting to challenge your Mayor and Council? Be very careful how the Fire Department words it this time.
Sunday we published a Press Release from the City showing they wanted $140,000.00 placed into the upcoming budget for four more Firefighters. What they DIDN'T tell you, (conveniently) is the fact that they are also proposing to bring in yet ANOTHER 16 Firefighters on yet another grant, in which the City will have to pay for these full time Firefighters after the grant is over, just like they had to do with the other 12 a few years ago.
You see Ladies & Gentlemen, this is yet again another reason why SBYNews is so important. We expose what no other media source will do. We give you the heads up well before a vote is cast. You now know the funding the Mayor and Council want should be dumped immediately, unless you really want to pay out for an additional 20 Firefighters, averaging some $35,000.00 per person, per year in salary alone. Then add healthcare and disability liability.
I also came to learn they want more Fire Trucks. The big question is, will you be going to tonight's Council Meeting to challenge your Mayor and Council? Be very careful how the Fire Department words it this time.
Prominent business man, Richard Parsons, was attacked Thursday night while walking to his office near Cato Oil. He was almost killed. No robbery occurred. He was hospitalized at PRMC and now is in Health South.
Prominent business man, Richard Parsons, was attacked Thursday night while walking to his office near Cato Oil. He was almost killed. No robbery occurred. He was hospitalized at PRMC and now is in Health South.
It's No Wonder Wicomico County Is Asking For An Assistant Internal Auditor
On Tuesday the Wicomico County Council met with Sheriff's Department representatives at the Council Meeting. Their intent was to ask the Council to approve the $66,000.00 of drug money they had collected over time.
The Sheriff's Department stated that they wanted to use the funds to pay for the 4 Harley Davidson Motorcycles that were currently in the Shop having equipment installed.
Mark Kilmer was very quick to start questioning, you already had tens of thousands of dollars worth of things done to these Harley's, where did you get the funds. Their response, drug money.
Mark said, wait a minute. You are here right now asking IF we'll give you those funds, it hasn't been approved or allocated for these motorcycles. He admitted they'd probably vote yes to give them the funds but... The Sheriff's Department admitted that they used funds allocated and approved by the Council for equipment for their new CARS but that the company was delayed, so they used the money on the Motorcycles instead.
The point here is, the Sheriff's Department illegally spent money on Motorcycles with funds meant to pay for something else and the Council had not approved anything to do with these Motorcycles.
While I firmly disagree that the County needs an Assistant Auditor, if the Sheriff's Department can break the law and misuse funds, maybe they were right after all. Or at least the County's Auditor should be investigating this matter, since the Council is claiming they're finding all kinds of fraud in the Wicomico County Government and an assistant is necessary, their words, not mine.
Now I don't care what the Sheriff's Department says to defend this, they were caught red handed, thanks to Mark Kilmer. Go back and watch the PAC 14 video and see it for yourself. Fast forward to 1:15:44 when the Sheriff's department speaks to the County Council about motorcycles
BREAKING: Salisbury Maryland A Sanctuary City?
Molly Likovich
February 20 at 6:42pm
The Salisbury Misfits has two main goals to achieve for the undetermined future and they are:
1. Make Salisbury a Sanctuary City
2. Set up an online campaign (like HeForShe or Lumos) to raise money and awareness for immigrant rights
If we spread the world and work hard, we have the chance to become a non-profit and really affect change here on the shore. I will be meeting with a group of fellow activists next week to start making set plans for how to achieve these main two goals. Will keep you informed on the progress and ways you can help in your everyday lives. As John Wright said, 'We must not rest.'
John Wright I'm Vic-chair of the City of Salisbury's Human Rights Advisory Committee. Making Salisbury a Sanctuary City was on our last meting agenda. We are currently working with the City Council to see if/how this might happen!
February 20 at 6:42pm
The Salisbury Misfits has two main goals to achieve for the undetermined future and they are:
1. Make Salisbury a Sanctuary City
2. Set up an online campaign (like HeForShe or Lumos) to raise money and awareness for immigrant rights
If we spread the world and work hard, we have the chance to become a non-profit and really affect change here on the shore. I will be meeting with a group of fellow activists next week to start making set plans for how to achieve these main two goals. Will keep you informed on the progress and ways you can help in your everyday lives. As John Wright said, 'We must not rest.'
Uh Oh, Molly Caught Lying Yet Again According To A Viewers Research/Comment
People are not "nominated" for the AWP National Poetry Award, they submit their work for consideration. One winner is chosen annually for the $6500 scholarship prize. There are also three $500 "scholarships" to attend writing workshops and the like held by AWP, those monies held by AWP as down payments to attend. Each poetry submission requires a $10 "reading fee". There is no limit to the number of submissions, so long as the $10 check accompanies each.
It appears that this young woman sent one or more submissions and a $10 check for each one to AWP to enter the competition, and was not one of those chosen by the organization for further consideration in that given year.
Hats off to her for joining the competition, but not so much for claiming that her work was "nominated" for anything, because it wasn't.
Add this to her claim of being a writer for NPR (later withdrawn as a "typographical error",) and it's clear that she has some issues with telling the truth without being closely monitored by those who expect it.
It appears that this young woman sent one or more submissions and a $10 check for each one to AWP to enter the competition, and was not one of those chosen by the organization for further consideration in that given year.
Hats off to her for joining the competition, but not so much for claiming that her work was "nominated" for anything, because it wasn't.
Add this to her claim of being a writer for NPR (later withdrawn as a "typographical error",) and it's clear that she has some issues with telling the truth without being closely monitored by those who expect it.
New City Administrator, Ms. Julia Glanz
Salisbury, meet your new City Administrator, Ms. Julia Glanz! Julia has served the City since April of 2015. She is a Salisbury resident, and a graduate of Salisbury University, having received her undergraduate degree in Business Management in 2011 and her Masters in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution in 2013. Before coming to the City, Julia worked for AFSCME representing Maryland State employees. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Salisbury University Alumni Association, and gives her time to volunteer to support veterans with the America’s VetDogs.
Julia has been the Acting City Administrator since December, 2016. On Tuesday night, in closed session, Mayor Day sought the advice and consent of the City Council, per City Charter. Julia's appointment was approved unanimously.
#SBY #SBYNEWS Julia Glanz
President Trump Overshadows Magical Molly!
By Thornton Crowe
While Magical Molly and her posse were participating in flowery speeches based on Media generated fodder, down in Florida, something more significant was occurring elsewhere in the country, which also warrants attention.
President Trump had his first progress briefing with his real bosses: The American People.
In Melbourne, Florida, many people like Gene Huber, were on the scene at 4am for the slated 6pm speech by the President. Until yesterday, no one knew who he was but after the speech, the world knew because he spoke at the rally and as Trump stated, "A star was born."
Mr. Huber and every other American - whether they're with him or not - will soon enjoy a robust economy that is slowly awakening after an eight-plus-year hiatus. And it's not everyday (if ever) that we've seen a president randomly pick anyone out of the crowd to come up and speak without knowing what they're going to say in advance. But, then again, Donald Trump is no typical president which, is one of the big reasons why he won!
While Magical Molly and her posse were participating in flowery speeches based on Media generated fodder, down in Florida, something more significant was occurring elsewhere in the country, which also warrants attention.
President Trump had his first progress briefing with his real bosses: The American People.
In Melbourne, Florida, many people like Gene Huber, were on the scene at 4am for the slated 6pm speech by the President. Until yesterday, no one knew who he was but after the speech, the world knew because he spoke at the rally and as Trump stated, "A star was born."
Mr. Huber and every other American - whether they're with him or not - will soon enjoy a robust economy that is slowly awakening after an eight-plus-year hiatus. And it's not everyday (if ever) that we've seen a president randomly pick anyone out of the crowd to come up and speak without knowing what they're going to say in advance. But, then again, Donald Trump is no typical president which, is one of the big reasons why he won!
Man "Beaten To A Pulp" In Salisbury Coming From City Council Meeting
Yesterday we published a story where we were told by a viewer that Mr. Richard Parsons had been mugged. It wasn't actually a mugging, he was simply brutally attacked and beaten, I've been asked not to give details of his injuries. I will say however our reliable source stated "he was beaten to a pulp."
Mr. Parsons had attended last Monday's City Council Meeting and was walking through the Downtown Plaza and then down Fitzwater Street where he was attacked at 1100 Parsons Road. This occurred some time between 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
If ANYONE witnessed what happened, please make contact with the Salisbury Police Department and help them solve this horrific crime. Again, this happened Monday night.
Mr. Parsons had attended last Monday's City Council Meeting and was walking through the Downtown Plaza and then down Fitzwater Street where he was attacked at 1100 Parsons Road. This occurred some time between 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
If ANYONE witnessed what happened, please make contact with the Salisbury Police Department and help them solve this horrific crime. Again, this happened Monday night.
Petition: Put Salisbury Super Pet store Out of Business
One specific Salisbury Super Pet store, like many pet stores, is mistreating their animals by not providing proper medical examination and by ignoring the source their puppies come from (Hunte puppy mill was the last name i saw on breeder sheet). Many, if not all, are malnourished and ill that come from puppy mills. Many consumers have complaints about the pet stores quality of product/service, as well. After long research and investigation into the pet store, it has come to the attention of myself and many people that it would be best to revoke this store owner's license and shut his horrible business down. These animals do not deserve to live in agony hoping that someone pays a fortune to buy them and further pay their costly vet bills. Too many people and animals have been subjected to disturbing issues that have stemmed from this business and its apathetic owner.
By taking this action, many animals' lives will be spared the torture of crowded cages and living in their own waste.
Click HERE to sign the petition
Isn't It Sad When We Live On The Shore And Local Restaurants Serve Crab Meat From Indonesia
Yeah, it may be distributed from Salisbury, Maryland but it is a "product of Indonesia". That's right, pictures don't lie.
Salisbury Fire Department Station 1 & Mayor In Damage Control Mode
The City of Salisbury's Mayor Jake Day is currently holding a press conference in front of Station 1 on Beaglin Park Drive. I mean, what can they say. The Wife has left and the divorce papers have been filed. Typical of Liberals Leadership, the men won't let the Volunteers in to get what is rightfully theirs. More to come...
Tuesday's County Council Meeting, More Drama, Drama, Drama!
I was looking over Tuesday’s County Council agenda and I noticed an Introduction to Legislative Bill 2017-02, An Act to amend the Wicomico County Classification and Pay Plan by establishing a certain class title and pay grade in the County Council Office – Mr. Steve Roser, Internal Auditor. As this summary did peak my curiosity, I decided to further investigate by looking over the Council’s briefing book published on the County’s website. I came across a 371 page document and did not find the topic until page 316 out of 371. I was thinking, what are they trying to hide? It was like adding pork to a bill. No one will read the whole document to find out. But, I did learn that this County Council loves to grow government by adding a new position. I immediately thought, is this really a necessary position?
How has the County Council grown government? Answer, having their own County Council Attorney that resulted in an inflation of the County Council’s 2017 budget. In addition to massive pay raises to the Council staff they including the Internal Auditor himself with over $20,000.00 in raises since he started this new position.
Another question is this legislative bill and introduction without an official approval? Look at legislative bill 2017-01, An act to amend the County Code, Chapter 414, titled “Fees” Section 141-4, titled “Department of Public Works” to adjust the per ton tipping fee for commercial brush/yard waste and to establish rates for other items. (That was a mouth full) It is my understanding that the County Council made the error of not properly approving the Legislative Bill and questioned Mr. Culver on their own error. Why would the County Council try to belittle and embarrass the County Executive on such simple matters when the Council and public had no problem with the proposal? At the last minute Cannon pulls a power play over Culver without validity. It seems as if every time Culver tries to move the County forward in a conservative direction, Cannon and Council tear him down.
What blows me away is that this Council is 6 to 1 Republican. Watching this Council is like growing up in a dysfunctional family and “Dad” Culver is like Father Knows Best. He is not out to hurt anyone!
How has the County Council grown government? Answer, having their own County Council Attorney that resulted in an inflation of the County Council’s 2017 budget. In addition to massive pay raises to the Council staff they including the Internal Auditor himself with over $20,000.00 in raises since he started this new position.
Another question is this legislative bill and introduction without an official approval? Look at legislative bill 2017-01, An act to amend the County Code, Chapter 414, titled “Fees” Section 141-4, titled “Department of Public Works” to adjust the per ton tipping fee for commercial brush/yard waste and to establish rates for other items. (That was a mouth full) It is my understanding that the County Council made the error of not properly approving the Legislative Bill and questioned Mr. Culver on their own error. Why would the County Council try to belittle and embarrass the County Executive on such simple matters when the Council and public had no problem with the proposal? At the last minute Cannon pulls a power play over Culver without validity. It seems as if every time Culver tries to move the County forward in a conservative direction, Cannon and Council tear him down.
What blows me away is that this Council is 6 to 1 Republican. Watching this Council is like growing up in a dysfunctional family and “Dad” Culver is like Father Knows Best. He is not out to hurt anyone!
On another note, ethically, how can Mike Lewis officiate John Cannon’s wedding when John Cannon, (Council President for Wicomico County) who approves the Sheriff’s Department’s budget? Now, I am not saying this is unethical but it is damn close. The pictures are all over Facebook.
Perhaps we will see many of you at Tuesday’s 10:00 a.m. Council Meeting to support the man you elected to lead Wicomico County, Bob Culver.
Perhaps we will see many of you at Tuesday’s 10:00 a.m. Council Meeting to support the man you elected to lead Wicomico County, Bob Culver.
Originally published 2-20-17 at 9:11 PM
Md. residents hiding in homes in fear of immigration sweeps
LANGLEY PARK, MD (WUSA9) - Residents of this heavily immigrant community outside Washington now report people are hiding in their homes at night, and some children are being kept home from school for fear of immigration enforcement sweeps that could break up families.
“They stay home at night. It’s just bad,” said Melissa Garcia.
A 12-year old student at the Silver Spring International School and her uncle claim some students are staying away from school while others are refusing to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance”.
“They’re afraid they might get deported or something like that,” said 7th grader Melissa Muganda, whose mother is an immigrant from Tanzania.
“They stay home at night. It’s just bad,” said Melissa Garcia.
A 12-year old student at the Silver Spring International School and her uncle claim some students are staying away from school while others are refusing to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance”.
“They’re afraid they might get deported or something like that,” said 7th grader Melissa Muganda, whose mother is an immigrant from Tanzania.
JUST IN: Several News Organizations Blocked from White House Press Briefing
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — CNN and other news organizations were blocked Friday from a White House press briefing.
There was no immediate explanation from the White House.
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Politico were also excluded from the meeting, known as a gaggle.
The Associated Press and Time magazine boycotted the briefing because of how it was handled. The White House Correspondents Association is protesting.
The conservative media organizations Breitbart News, The Washington Times and One America News Network were allowed in.
There was no immediate explanation from the White House.
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Politico were also excluded from the meeting, known as a gaggle.
The Associated Press and Time magazine boycotted the briefing because of how it was handled. The White House Correspondents Association is protesting.
The conservative media organizations Breitbart News, The Washington Times and One America News Network were allowed in.
Keeping Our Transgender Community Safe In Wicomico/Worcester Counties
Hi everyone, anyone interested in finding a way to make sure our trans students are safe and feel accepted in Wicomico and Worcester County?
Black students demand whites be banned from their ‘space’
Author warns 'we're only going to see more efforts like this'
A black student organization at the University of Michigan is demanding that whites be banned from their “space,” insisting that a new $10-million race-centric facility under development isn’t sufficient.
And an author of a new book on how whites are being treated on university and college campuses warns that the future will see more and more such demands.
The College Fix reported the organization, called Students4Justice, is insisting campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”
They complain that the university president, Mark Schlissel, hasn’t complied with their orders.
Political correctness is just the beginning. The situation on college campuses is worse than you could ever imagine – and America’s future is at stake. Don’t miss the political blockbuster of 2017 – “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer.
“The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus,” the report said. “In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough, ‘because we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.'”
A black student organization at the University of Michigan is demanding that whites be banned from their “space,” insisting that a new $10-million race-centric facility under development isn’t sufficient.
And an author of a new book on how whites are being treated on university and college campuses warns that the future will see more and more such demands.
The College Fix reported the organization, called Students4Justice, is insisting campus officials provide them with “a permanent designated space on central campus for black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.”
They complain that the university president, Mark Schlissel, hasn’t complied with their orders.
Political correctness is just the beginning. The situation on college campuses is worse than you could ever imagine – and America’s future is at stake. Don’t miss the political blockbuster of 2017 – “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer.
“The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus,” the report said. “In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough, ‘because we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.'”
Many Wonder Why So Many Leave Salisbury After Graduating From SU And Some Stay Behind
I just started a group I encourage anyone who wants to keep up the work to make our town and our country a better safer, freer, more equal place to join "The Salisbury Misfits".
One of her followers wrote: "You're joking about the name, right"?
U.S. appeals court upholds Maryland’s ban on assault rifles
A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld Maryland’s ban on assault rifles, ruling gun owners are not protected under the U.S. Constitution to possess “weapons of war,” court documents showed.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided 10-4 that the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, a law in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, by a gunman with an assault rifle, does not violate the right to bear arms within the Second Amendment.
“Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war,” Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the “military-style rifles” that were also used during mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.
These are “places whose names have become synonymous with the slaughters that occurred there,” he wrote, noting that the Supreme Court’s decision in the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case excluded coverage of assault weapons..
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided 10-4 that the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, a law in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, by a gunman with an assault rifle, does not violate the right to bear arms within the Second Amendment.
“Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war,” Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the “military-style rifles” that were also used during mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.
These are “places whose names have become synonymous with the slaughters that occurred there,” he wrote, noting that the Supreme Court’s decision in the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case excluded coverage of assault weapons..
Welcome To Reality Liberals
At 5 PM today I took a peek at today's traffic. I believe we can rest our case when it comes to just how popular Salisbury News is here on the Shore.
When the Liberals investigated us and have since been claiming we are lying about our traffic, I'm confident now that their LIES will be crushed as I have delivered factual numbers with the previous days totals to confirm nothing is photo shopped.
I'm starting to firmly believe that the Liberal Party is nothing short of a bunch of lying scumbags who will lie, cheat and steal to fit whatever their agenda is. HOWEVER, it's a small group of people like me who aren't afraid to call these SOB's out for their lies and deliver EVIDENCE to prove they are wrong.
In the mean time, thank you for visiting. Sorry for posts like this one but I have the right to defend myself and we have worked very hard to achieve these numbers. No One is going to call me a liar.
When the Liberals investigated us and have since been claiming we are lying about our traffic, I'm confident now that their LIES will be crushed as I have delivered factual numbers with the previous days totals to confirm nothing is photo shopped.
I'm starting to firmly believe that the Liberal Party is nothing short of a bunch of lying scumbags who will lie, cheat and steal to fit whatever their agenda is. HOWEVER, it's a small group of people like me who aren't afraid to call these SOB's out for their lies and deliver EVIDENCE to prove they are wrong.
In the mean time, thank you for visiting. Sorry for posts like this one but I have the right to defend myself and we have worked very hard to achieve these numbers. No One is going to call me a liar.
Update at 7 PM.
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