DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Kratovil for Congress
That's the theme today from Salisbury's Daily Times. Stung by Wayne Gilchrest's loss in Tuesday's MD-1 GOP primary my local paper is showing its true stripes in regards to the coming general election.
In their front page piece, "Shore Loses District 1 Stronghold", reporter Joe Gidjunis emphasizes GOP victor Andy Harris' status as a Baltimore County resident. We are treated to a sad image of Gilchrest's Salisbury office being "dark and empty Wednesday, exacerbating the news that the incumbent is a lame duck." Gidjunis makes good use of "he says, she says" journalism by including a quote from Democrat nominee Frank Kratovil portraying Harris as "extreme". The cherry on top is Kratovil claiming that, "I'm much closer to Gilchrest than Harris."
Of course nothing could be farther from the truth. While I have disagreed with Congressman Gilchrest on many issues, I have always believed him to be an honorable man who was (and is) willing to stand up for his principles - come what may. The same can not be said of Kratovil. In all honesty, I don't believe that Kratovil has any principles other than to do or say whatever it takes to get elected. This is evidenced by Kratovil's carpetbagging over to the Shore from Prince George's county, making some friends and contacts and then running for office. Kratovil, in all probability, will run slightly to the right of Gilchrest in the general. If elected he will jump left to do the bidding of Nancy Pelosi and her House leadership. If nothing else, I will never accuse Mr. Kratovil of not knowing which side of his bread is buttered.
The op-ed staff made sure that they got their licks in today as well. In a piece entitled "First District Voters Speak" we see Harris portrayed as a "far-right conservative". I can only assume that Harris is deemed "far-right" by the staff of the Daily Times because he believes in such seditious concepts as lower taxes, smaller government and Harris has the audacity to go to Church on Sunday (and treat it as more than an occasion to socialize).
"Harris and Kratovil differ on most issues. A campaign based on these issues will avoid the need for mud-slinging and attack ads." Can we expect to hear cries of foul from the paper when Kratovil and / or the DNCC (run by ex-Clinton staffer and prominent lefty Rahm Emmanuel) start running ads accusing Harris of being "too extreme for the First District"? I seriously doubt it. While I enjoyed the paper's little "truth squad" pieces during the primary race, I have doubts that Mr. Gidjunis will pick apart Kratovil (or allied) ads any more than he critically examined pieces put out by Gilchrest.
I also enjoy the faulty premise put forth by Ms. Parker & co. that the only issues that matter are the Bay, agriculture and education. I am bemused that the Daily Times believes that education should be a federal matter and that District voters must not be concerned with taxes, terrorism, immigration or national defense (among other FEDERAL issues).
Probably the most specious argument put forth by the paper is in their analysis of the two primaries. On the GOP side we saw an incumbent of long standing effectively challenged by two of the strongest opponents that could have been mustered in the First District. On the Democrat side we saw one elected official, claiming the support of almost every prominent personality in the Maryland Democrat party, winning a sizable (but hardly overwhelming) victory over three other opponents. Yet somehow the Daily Times interprets this as broader support for Kratovil.
Near the end of the piece we are again treated to a framing of the issues by the Daily Times. It needs to be noted that they are all from a left-of-center point of view. The environment, health care, education should be front and center according to our local paper. Forget the notion that education and health care should NOT even be within the Federal purview. By framing the issues such that a campaign becomes a contest of who pledges to spend the most tax dollars we can clearly see what side of the argument the Daily Times will come down on.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, politics, Maryland politics, Andy Harris, Frank Kratovil, 2008, GOP, Democrat, conservative, liberal, education, health care, environment
In their front page piece, "Shore Loses District 1 Stronghold", reporter Joe Gidjunis emphasizes GOP victor Andy Harris' status as a Baltimore County resident. We are treated to a sad image of Gilchrest's Salisbury office being "dark and empty Wednesday, exacerbating the news that the incumbent is a lame duck." Gidjunis makes good use of "he says, she says" journalism by including a quote from Democrat nominee Frank Kratovil portraying Harris as "extreme". The cherry on top is Kratovil claiming that, "I'm much closer to Gilchrest than Harris."
Of course nothing could be farther from the truth. While I have disagreed with Congressman Gilchrest on many issues, I have always believed him to be an honorable man who was (and is) willing to stand up for his principles - come what may. The same can not be said of Kratovil. In all honesty, I don't believe that Kratovil has any principles other than to do or say whatever it takes to get elected. This is evidenced by Kratovil's carpetbagging over to the Shore from Prince George's county, making some friends and contacts and then running for office. Kratovil, in all probability, will run slightly to the right of Gilchrest in the general. If elected he will jump left to do the bidding of Nancy Pelosi and her House leadership. If nothing else, I will never accuse Mr. Kratovil of not knowing which side of his bread is buttered.
The op-ed staff made sure that they got their licks in today as well. In a piece entitled "First District Voters Speak" we see Harris portrayed as a "far-right conservative". I can only assume that Harris is deemed "far-right" by the staff of the Daily Times because he believes in such seditious concepts as lower taxes, smaller government and Harris has the audacity to go to Church on Sunday (and treat it as more than an occasion to socialize).
"Harris and Kratovil differ on most issues. A campaign based on these issues will avoid the need for mud-slinging and attack ads." Can we expect to hear cries of foul from the paper when Kratovil and / or the DNCC (run by ex-Clinton staffer and prominent lefty Rahm Emmanuel) start running ads accusing Harris of being "too extreme for the First District"? I seriously doubt it. While I enjoyed the paper's little "truth squad" pieces during the primary race, I have doubts that Mr. Gidjunis will pick apart Kratovil (or allied) ads any more than he critically examined pieces put out by Gilchrest.
I also enjoy the faulty premise put forth by Ms. Parker & co. that the only issues that matter are the Bay, agriculture and education. I am bemused that the Daily Times believes that education should be a federal matter and that District voters must not be concerned with taxes, terrorism, immigration or national defense (among other FEDERAL issues).
Probably the most specious argument put forth by the paper is in their analysis of the two primaries. On the GOP side we saw an incumbent of long standing effectively challenged by two of the strongest opponents that could have been mustered in the First District. On the Democrat side we saw one elected official, claiming the support of almost every prominent personality in the Maryland Democrat party, winning a sizable (but hardly overwhelming) victory over three other opponents. Yet somehow the Daily Times interprets this as broader support for Kratovil.
Near the end of the piece we are again treated to a framing of the issues by the Daily Times. It needs to be noted that they are all from a left-of-center point of view. The environment, health care, education should be front and center according to our local paper. Forget the notion that education and health care should NOT even be within the Federal purview. By framing the issues such that a campaign becomes a contest of who pledges to spend the most tax dollars we can clearly see what side of the argument the Daily Times will come down on.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, politics, Maryland politics, Andy Harris, Frank Kratovil, 2008, GOP, Democrat, conservative, liberal, education, health care, environment
Salisbury's Economic & Development?
What used to be, ain't no more! Just how many years does it take to build a Royal Farms? Well, that depends. Although this property is in Salisbury, it's not within the City Limits. Nevertheless, the economy obviously refuses to create enough demand for such an investment and the County hasn't been able to negotiate what it takes to get these guys started. I'd say that's pretty embarrassing and if I were Royal Farms, I'd at least take my sign down.
We've watched the Self Service Oasis Car Wash next to Sam's Club take at least two to three years to get even close to completion and Salisbury / Wicomico County doesn't seem to be too business friendly. We've watched business close left and right and now we're watching hopeful businesses stall and or simply walk away like Linens of the Week. There's a new County Council and I personally haven't seen much in the encouragement department there. The Mayor of Salisbury is only interested in giving things away like multi-million dollar developer reimbursements and TIF's.
You just have to wonder if there isn't anything in it for certain parties, are they simply walking away because they won't participate, if'n you know what I mean?
2 Years Ago Today
On 2-8-06 I discovered pipes from an exhibit at the Salisbury Zoo illegally draining into the river and contacted the MDE. The MDE came out to the Zoo and demanded they cut off any more raw sewage from this exhibit immediately.
I showed up a few days later and Jim Rapp opened the valve again draining raw sewage against the MDE's demands.
The MDE came back in and forced the Zoo to cap the pipe immediately. Jim Rapp & Ron Alessi claimed they didn't participate in running these pipes directly into the river but this was not true. This exhibit was built while Jim was the Director of the Zoo and in the end they were very much responsible for the illegal pipes.
Ultimately the City was forced into completely redoing these pipes directly into the City's Sewer System, costing the Taxpayers thousands of dollars.
One Year Ago Today
Sorry For The Delays
At the moment I am having some problems with messages being sent to my e-mail address and I'm having to go into the main center to see what comments are being left. I will try to pop in there fairly frequently to see what arrives but there will be a longer than usual delay in moderated comments. Hopefully it's fixed now but only time will tell. Thanks for your patience, Joe
They Came From Everywhere
While the Primary Election ended on Tuesday, people came in record numbers yesterday to see the results and additional Posts on this Blog.
To all the newcomers, WELCOME! Today's posts are probably the longest we've ever produced but they're well worth reading.
Welcome Governor O'Malley and former Governor Erlich and Staff. I learned the other night that our former Governor is a regular here on Salisbury News and as a matter of fact, Mr. Erlich asked me if I would join him on his Saturday Talk Radio Show in Baltimore and I told him I'd be honored.
There's always room for more growth and visitors and if the Governors can come to Salisbury News regularly and find it interesting, my guess is that more people from the Baltimore area would start coming in larger volumes than they already do as well.
Again, thank you for visiting and we hope you enjoy all that we deliver daily. Do let me know if a Post puts you to sleep though, like this one. LOL
To all the newcomers, WELCOME! Today's posts are probably the longest we've ever produced but they're well worth reading.
Welcome Governor O'Malley and former Governor Erlich and Staff. I learned the other night that our former Governor is a regular here on Salisbury News and as a matter of fact, Mr. Erlich asked me if I would join him on his Saturday Talk Radio Show in Baltimore and I told him I'd be honored.
There's always room for more growth and visitors and if the Governors can come to Salisbury News regularly and find it interesting, my guess is that more people from the Baltimore area would start coming in larger volumes than they already do as well.
Again, thank you for visiting and we hope you enjoy all that we deliver daily. Do let me know if a Post puts you to sleep though, like this one. LOL
Happy Valentine's Day
For most, this is just another BS day where we're subjected to go out and buy a Valentine Card, or if you're anything like I used to be, several at one time. That is, until I said I do!
Speaking of, "I Do," that's exactly what my Bride Jennifer & I chose to do on this very day. Yes, today is our Anniversary. It just seemed like a smart thing to do. I mean, if you're going to do something nice, why not kill two birds with one stone, right?
I made a great decision, I'm still head over heels in love with this woman and if I had to do it all over again today, I'd be standing there in a much larger suit but I'd be standing there without an ounce of hesitation.
Happy Anniversary Jennifer. Yes, she reads the Blog every so often. Happy Valentine's Day Everyone. Shanie likes chocolate.
Graciousness In Victory or Defeat?
Note - this is a long post, even for me.
I sincerely hope that passions quell and cooler heads prevail over the next fews days and weeks. After months of a primary campaign that supporters on all sides called "negative" and "nasty" the race is over. In each race there can only be one winner. Unfortunately, some of those very same supporters who pointed fingers during the race are making statements that are far nastier than anything that came out of any campaign.
Don't believe me? Simply go to the "Story Chat" area for the Daily Times article declaring Andy Harris' victory in the MD-1 GOP primary. I realize that this was a very personal race for some. I understand that passion can be a positive thing. However, the race is over. I'm not going to give ya'll some speech with a bunch of "Kum By Ya" foolishness. If you want to vote for Frank Kratovil in the coming general, that is your right. If you want to "hold your nose" and vote for Andy, great. Your vote will count the same as someone like me who will proudly cast my ballot for Andy in November. If you want to criticize Andy, our Founders saw to it that you are protected. I would, however, appreciate it if you got your facts right when doing so. One of the things that I happen to like about Andy, and about Wayne Gilchrest, is that neither claim to be perfect.
In all fairness, the post-primary pot shot party started on a blog that I contribute to. Joe Albero penned a post last night that was a tad out of line. However, after a few hours of rest Joe was man enough to apologize. I certainly don't expect a bunch of folks on "Story Chat" to immediately "see the light" and start apologizing to one another. I do hope that a few of you read this and give pause the next time you decide to "lose it" online.
I am concerned about a few posts in particular. A woman purporting to be Greg Bassett's sister put up two (2) posts:
I can't claim the privilege of knowing Cathy Bassett. However, I do know her work. Does anyone honestly expect to hear Mrs. Bassett whine about Tuesday's primary? No! She's a professional. She knows that this is one of the risks you take working for elected officials. In fact, once Shelly and I started having kids, that was a large reason for my getting out campaign politics. Mrs. Fraze and other Gilchrest supporters could do more by praising the great work that Cathy and Monica Bell have done for both Congressman Gilchrest and his constituents. Assuming that Harris is elected November, he would be foolish for not asking them to stay on.
As for Greg Bassett, I happen to like him. I catch a lot of crap from many of my friends when I make that statement, but he's a great guy. I also respect him. I just have some serious disagreements with his paper from time to time. I criticize them when I disagree and I praise them when I think they're doing a good job. While I certainly wouldn't claim that the coverage of the Daily Times was anything but pro-Gilchrest during the race, they certainly weren't too blatant. While Greg would certainly disagree with this, my experience in campaigns and with the media tells me otherwise. Wayne Gilchrest was a newspaper's dream. A moderate - liberal Republican in office is great for a paper. They can endorse them and say, "See we don't endorse only Democrats". Yes, I realize the the editorials board didn't make an actual endorsement in the primary.
To those on my side of the philosophical aisle, you need to recognize this as well. If you disagree, I can only tell you that it's time to grow up! A case in point - I once worked on a Congressional race where the managing editor of the largest paper in the district was Tony Snow. That's right! The same Tony Snow who was (and is) a conservative commentator and who worked for President George H. W. Bush and served as President George W. Bush's press secretary. Did my Republican candidate catch a break? Hell no! The candidate I was working for was no more a Reaganite than Snow's former employers in the White House. Yet, we couldn't catch a break on the news side of the house. There are very few newspapers or TV stations that don't prefer to support liberals. It's the way of the world. If we don't like it then the only alternatives left to us are to criticize, start our own paper, or use other media like internet.
For the large number of loyal Wayne Gilchrest supporters out there I'd like you to think about something. Support Andy Harris in the general. Just make sure that when you meet him that he's aware that you supported Wayne in the primary. I can't claim to speak for Andy Harris, but I'm confident in saying that he won't take offense. In fact, he'll appreciate your candor.
If you honestly believe that Frank Kratovil would truly represent your point of view better, fine. However, you need to understand this. Frank Kratovil is going to run a race where he will sound an awful lot like your friend Wayne. He's even going to run to the right of Gilchrest on several positions, including immigration. If Kratovil is elected he WILL be a de facto slave of the Democrat leadership.
Is this the way you want to see Wayne Gilchrest's legacy in Congress to end? I've disagreed with Wayne on many issues, but I've never said that he didn't vote his conscience. I've always respected him for that. I understand some of your concerns, but after a short period it will be time to make a decision. Andy Harris will respect your views (whether he agrees with them or not), Frank Kratovil will pander to them.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, politics, Maryland politics, Andy Harris, Wayne Gilchrest, Daily Times, Gannett, GOP, campaign, Frank Kratovil, Democrat
I sincerely hope that passions quell and cooler heads prevail over the next fews days and weeks. After months of a primary campaign that supporters on all sides called "negative" and "nasty" the race is over. In each race there can only be one winner. Unfortunately, some of those very same supporters who pointed fingers during the race are making statements that are far nastier than anything that came out of any campaign.
Don't believe me? Simply go to the "Story Chat" area for the Daily Times article declaring Andy Harris' victory in the MD-1 GOP primary. I realize that this was a very personal race for some. I understand that passion can be a positive thing. However, the race is over. I'm not going to give ya'll some speech with a bunch of "Kum By Ya" foolishness. If you want to vote for Frank Kratovil in the coming general, that is your right. If you want to "hold your nose" and vote for Andy, great. Your vote will count the same as someone like me who will proudly cast my ballot for Andy in November. If you want to criticize Andy, our Founders saw to it that you are protected. I would, however, appreciate it if you got your facts right when doing so. One of the things that I happen to like about Andy, and about Wayne Gilchrest, is that neither claim to be perfect.
In all fairness, the post-primary pot shot party started on a blog that I contribute to. Joe Albero penned a post last night that was a tad out of line. However, after a few hours of rest Joe was man enough to apologize. I certainly don't expect a bunch of folks on "Story Chat" to immediately "see the light" and start apologizing to one another. I do hope that a few of you read this and give pause the next time you decide to "lose it" online.
I am concerned about a few posts in particular. A woman purporting to be Greg Bassett's sister put up two (2) posts:
You people are unbelieveable! I always love it when someone thinks they know it all when in actuality know nothing!!!Mrs. Fraze has an additional post later on. As I stated earlier, it's not unusual for passions to run a little high after a really tough primary. While I don't know Mrs. Fraze, I am a little disappointed in her. Of course she has a right to express her opinion. However, she should ask herself a couple of questions. Would her brother pop his cork over this? No. Would her sister-in-law? No.
Andy Harris is a joke and it will be a sweet day for me when he is not elected in November as I know he won't! The dirty campaigning and mailings are proof that people choose not to do their homework and instead choose to buy into the latest thing being said. My 98 year old grandmother received abortion pictures in the mail that came from the "family man" and his campaign! If you are truly for the people then you don't need to resort to these type of tactics.
I have read while people trashed The Daily Times and their supposed bias. Could it be that the Daily Times is affected by Gilchrest and that the Eastern Shore will now cease to exist with Gilchrest no longer in office? What's going to happen to the Bay and the wetlands? My husband says their national but they still need someone in their corner and they will no longer have that.
Everyone has the answer but no one is willing to make the effort.
Do these hateful people stop to think about things that are being spread to the youth who see this nasty campaign? The staff of Congressman Gilchrest have tweens who are highly affected by this and are they learning about fair politicking or are they learning that the louder you criticize and the more you spend will help you win. Kind of like a celebrity on trial for murder. Money talks.
Wayne Gilchrest refuses to spend the millions that might have saved his campaign and that right there makes him the ideal man in my book. I have always said that is the White House were to cut out the Christmas parties and the candidates were to donate the campaign funds to a better cause (Republican or Democrat) we could get rid of medicaid and welfare. As if that will ever happen.
Should Andy Harris be elected in November and I pray to God he isn't, maybe he will live up to his promises. But I seriously doubt that will happen.
In reference to the comments about the editorials and the Daily Times, and editorial is just that...someone's opinion. We all have them yet when I see Greg Bassett write an editorial or an article I see his name attached. But once I walked into his office and saw the degrading letters and less than intelligent responses to some of these and the
funny this is that no one ever signs those! If you are big enough to say it, be big enough to sign it!
My name is Lisa Bassett Fraze and my brother is the Executive Editor of The Daily Times. The only way I can get away with this is because it is in the form of a blog. Otherwise, it would never see print because my brother would never allow it.
Say what you will, but Greg Bassett cares more about the Shore than anyone I have ever met except for Wayne Gilchrest and the late Mayor Harry Kelley. And if you don't believe that than you haven't been paying much attention.
My sister-in-law is Cathy Bassett and she is the press secretary for Congressman Wayne Gilchrest. I am so proud that she has been able to work for the Congressman for over 16 years and I have been proud to raise my children with the fact that "Aunt Cathy" works for one of the good guys. I know that it is with a sense of pride that she has raised her children with the same values.
Because an election involves the entire extended families, my children, even though we live far away, have been actively involved in the outcome of this election. It was really hard for me to have to tell them this morning that more money and mouth won the election. They will have lots of questions and many that I will have no answer for. As young men who are running for offices within their respective schools I will have to try and convince them that money and negative campaigning are not the way to win an election. And should it be won in that way, it's not worth the position that they should end up holding.
Say what you want to my post as I know you will but it's just a matter of time before all of you naysayers realize that yesterday's primary was not a win but a huge loss.
Congressman Gilchrest, I thank you for the man you are. The man that was so good to my family and the man that my niece and nephew were able to look up to with pride. You are welcome in home at any time.
I can't claim the privilege of knowing Cathy Bassett. However, I do know her work. Does anyone honestly expect to hear Mrs. Bassett whine about Tuesday's primary? No! She's a professional. She knows that this is one of the risks you take working for elected officials. In fact, once Shelly and I started having kids, that was a large reason for my getting out campaign politics. Mrs. Fraze and other Gilchrest supporters could do more by praising the great work that Cathy and Monica Bell have done for both Congressman Gilchrest and his constituents. Assuming that Harris is elected November, he would be foolish for not asking them to stay on.
As for Greg Bassett, I happen to like him. I catch a lot of crap from many of my friends when I make that statement, but he's a great guy. I also respect him. I just have some serious disagreements with his paper from time to time. I criticize them when I disagree and I praise them when I think they're doing a good job. While I certainly wouldn't claim that the coverage of the Daily Times was anything but pro-Gilchrest during the race, they certainly weren't too blatant. While Greg would certainly disagree with this, my experience in campaigns and with the media tells me otherwise. Wayne Gilchrest was a newspaper's dream. A moderate - liberal Republican in office is great for a paper. They can endorse them and say, "See we don't endorse only Democrats". Yes, I realize the the editorials board didn't make an actual endorsement in the primary.
To those on my side of the philosophical aisle, you need to recognize this as well. If you disagree, I can only tell you that it's time to grow up! A case in point - I once worked on a Congressional race where the managing editor of the largest paper in the district was Tony Snow. That's right! The same Tony Snow who was (and is) a conservative commentator and who worked for President George H. W. Bush and served as President George W. Bush's press secretary. Did my Republican candidate catch a break? Hell no! The candidate I was working for was no more a Reaganite than Snow's former employers in the White House. Yet, we couldn't catch a break on the news side of the house. There are very few newspapers or TV stations that don't prefer to support liberals. It's the way of the world. If we don't like it then the only alternatives left to us are to criticize, start our own paper, or use other media like internet.
For the large number of loyal Wayne Gilchrest supporters out there I'd like you to think about something. Support Andy Harris in the general. Just make sure that when you meet him that he's aware that you supported Wayne in the primary. I can't claim to speak for Andy Harris, but I'm confident in saying that he won't take offense. In fact, he'll appreciate your candor.
If you honestly believe that Frank Kratovil would truly represent your point of view better, fine. However, you need to understand this. Frank Kratovil is going to run a race where he will sound an awful lot like your friend Wayne. He's even going to run to the right of Gilchrest on several positions, including immigration. If Kratovil is elected he WILL be a de facto slave of the Democrat leadership.
Is this the way you want to see Wayne Gilchrest's legacy in Congress to end? I've disagreed with Wayne on many issues, but I've never said that he didn't vote his conscience. I've always respected him for that. I understand some of your concerns, but after a short period it will be time to make a decision. Andy Harris will respect your views (whether he agrees with them or not), Frank Kratovil will pander to them.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, politics, Maryland politics, Andy Harris, Wayne Gilchrest, Daily Times, Gannett, GOP, campaign, Frank Kratovil, Democrat
Mayor & Chiefy MIA
Recently I learned of the passing of former Salisbury Police Capt. Stauffer, a 28 year veteran. I also learned that Salisbury Mayor Barry Tilghman and Chief of Police Alan Webster were not in attendance at Capt. Stauffer's funeral. Upon hearing this I was absolutely incensed. How could it be that a retired veteran police officer with 28 years of dedicated service to the City of Salisbury be cast aside and totally disrespected by the Mayor and Police Chief. Police officers are generally a tightly knit group. The respect they have for each other tends to bind them like family. They learn to trust one another with their lives. Somehow the Chief of Police has managed to seperate himself from the rest of the "family" and it appears that the Mayor couldn't care less. I hope the Officers currently employed by the City see how little regard the Mayor and Chief have for them. What message do you think this sends to the troops, Chief? Don't worry Sir, Wicomico County S heriff Lewis managed to attend to pay his respects. I'm not trying to make this a case of Sheriff vs Chief......I'm trying to make the point that if the head of another agency can attend the funeral of a former officer, Webster should have damned sure attended to pay his respects. This is absolutely unexcuseable.
The accomplishments of Capt. Stauffer were many and may have been at the root of Tilghmans and Websters absence. You see, Capt. Stauffer had a Degree in Criminal Justice. He also held a Bachelors Degree and a Masters Degree in Education from SU. Additionally, Capt. Stauffer was a graduate of the FBI National Academy hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice - a highly sought after accreditation for law enforcement administrators. I wouldn't be surprised if the likes of Tilghman and Webster didn't attend because they feared being compared to Capt. Stauffer. To those who know and love Capt. Stauffer, Tilghman and Webster will never have what it takes to get their own candles to burn as bright as his - even in death.
Grand Dad
The accomplishments of Capt. Stauffer were many and may have been at the root of Tilghmans and Websters absence. You see, Capt. Stauffer had a Degree in Criminal Justice. He also held a Bachelors Degree and a Masters Degree in Education from SU. Additionally, Capt. Stauffer was a graduate of the FBI National Academy hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice - a highly sought after accreditation for law enforcement administrators. I wouldn't be surprised if the likes of Tilghman and Webster didn't attend because they feared being compared to Capt. Stauffer. To those who know and love Capt. Stauffer, Tilghman and Webster will never have what it takes to get their own candles to burn as bright as his - even in death.
Grand Dad
SPD Press Releases
On February 8, 2008 at approximately 7:57 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department were in the area of the Pemberton Manor Apartments and observed a group of male subjects , to include the below listed suspect, acting in a suspicious manner. As the officers approached the group, the subjects ran in a number of different directions. Several officers pursued the below listed suspect, who was observed throwing items to the ground as he fled. The suspect was caught after a lengthy foot chase, and the items that he had discarded were collected. The items were found to be a substantial quantity of suspected marijuana and a handgun.
ARRESTED: Kevin Dubass Giddens, 25 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Handgun on person
Use of a handgun in a felony
Possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Possession of a handgun in relation to a drug trafficking crime
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 20080004572
On February 9, 2008 at approximately 4:30 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect pursuant to an arrest warrant obtained for a violation that occurred in early December, 2007. At that time, it was reported to the Salisbury Police that a male subject had inappropriately touched a juvenile female in the area of Riverside Drive. The female, once touched, fled to her residence and notified a parent, who in turned notified the Salisbury Police. The Salisbury Police were able to identify the male suspect, and obtained a warrant for his arrest.
ARRESTED: James Clarence Urie, 27 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800004706
On February 9, 2008 at approximately 10:00 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department executed a search and seizure warrant on a residence on the eight hundred block of West Isabella Street. The warrant was for evidence of Controlled Dangerous Substance violations. During the execution of the warrant, one of the suspects located within the residence bit a Salisbury Police Officer on the arm as she was being handcuffed. The officer was not seriously injured.
ARRESTED: Linda Subrina Rivers, 53 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault Obstructing and hindering an investigation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800004740
On February 11, 2008 at approximately 4:40 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect pursuant to an arrest warrant received by Salisbury Detectives following the investigation of a reported abduction and rape. On January 29, 2008, the suspect reported to the Salisbury Police that she had been abducted from the area of Olive St., then transported to another area where she was repeatedly raped. Detectives located and interviewed a number of witnesses that were not consistent with the account given by the suspect. The suspect then disclosed to Detectives that the incident did not occur.
ARRESTED: Anitra Marie Blue, 33 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
False Statement to a Police Officer
Obstructing and Hindering an Investigation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 20080003189
ARRESTED: Kevin Dubass Giddens, 25 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Handgun on person
Use of a handgun in a felony
Possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Possession of a handgun in relation to a drug trafficking crime
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 20080004572
On February 9, 2008 at approximately 4:30 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect pursuant to an arrest warrant obtained for a violation that occurred in early December, 2007. At that time, it was reported to the Salisbury Police that a male subject had inappropriately touched a juvenile female in the area of Riverside Drive. The female, once touched, fled to her residence and notified a parent, who in turned notified the Salisbury Police. The Salisbury Police were able to identify the male suspect, and obtained a warrant for his arrest.
ARRESTED: James Clarence Urie, 27 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800004706
On February 9, 2008 at approximately 10:00 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department executed a search and seizure warrant on a residence on the eight hundred block of West Isabella Street. The warrant was for evidence of Controlled Dangerous Substance violations. During the execution of the warrant, one of the suspects located within the residence bit a Salisbury Police Officer on the arm as she was being handcuffed. The officer was not seriously injured.
ARRESTED: Linda Subrina Rivers, 53 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault Obstructing and hindering an investigation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800004740
On February 11, 2008 at approximately 4:40 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect pursuant to an arrest warrant received by Salisbury Detectives following the investigation of a reported abduction and rape. On January 29, 2008, the suspect reported to the Salisbury Police that she had been abducted from the area of Olive St., then transported to another area where she was repeatedly raped. Detectives located and interviewed a number of witnesses that were not consistent with the account given by the suspect. The suspect then disclosed to Detectives that the incident did not occur.
ARRESTED: Anitra Marie Blue, 33 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
False Statement to a Police Officer
Obstructing and Hindering an Investigation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 20080003189
E. J. Pipkin Supports Andy Harris
Although Wayne Gilchrest has yet to concede to Republican Congressional Nominee Andy Harris, E. J. Pipkin has clearly shown he is the bigger man by offering the following.
"After a very intense primary election battle, Republican primary voters made their decision yesterday about who was going to represent them in the general election," the release said. "The voters selected state Senator Andy Harris."
While Pipkin, (so I'm told) spent around a million of his own dollars on his own aggressive Campaign, he leaves that all behind him and again proves he's a true Republican by supporting the Candidate the Voters supported most.
Last night former Governor Erlich stated that Pipkin has a heck of a future in Maryland Politics and I have to personally agree. In time, this guy is going to be a powerful republican in Annapolis and Washington and I look forward to watching him grow doing so.
E. J., I know you follow my Blog and as we had several laughs at the Lincoln Dinner last week, (PHOTO SHOP) I truly wish you and your wonderful Wife the very best. I don't know how you guys do it! You have my respect.
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