Hello Joe,
This coming election I believe voters will be going to the voting booth with more information about each candidate than ever before. This is all because of the time and effort by SBY News. I know that because of work it is difficult for me to get to all the public forums. Now I can simply go to SBY News and view them at my leisure. What is especially good about this is that if you weren't quite sure about what the candidate said you just go back and listen again. Your recent interview with former councilmen Ed Taylor brought back some memories that I almost forgot about. When you asked about the possibility of any tax breaks for the citizens Mr. Taylor made it quite clear that in this current economic climate this was not the time for any tax reductions. I wish you could have followed up and asked Mr. Taylor exactly what kind of economic conditions would be suitable for him to give the taxpayers a little break. I seem to remember a time when Councilmen Mathews wanted to reduce the Piggy Back Tax from 60% to 45% after an unexpectedly large revenue windfall for the county. Mr. Taylor voted against that measure. So by watching that SBY News interview and remembering what has happened before it seems to me that there is no way a taxpayer will get any kind of tax break from him. It was also clear from the interview that Mr. Taylor is no fan of the revenue cap on property tax rates. In fact he said it cost the county 50 million dollars.I don't know about you but I would rather see that money in the hands of our county taxpayers than in the hands of many county departments. The interview also brought up something that I believe most voters have forgotten about. Wasn't Mr. Taylor on the County Council that voted for the 24-26% increase in property tax rate and that started the push for the revenue cap? I'm sure someone will correct me on that if I'm wrong about that. Without having SBY News Interviews as a reminder a lot of this information might just have slipped into the back of my memory. Thanks Joe for the great job of keeping the voters informed informed about our county.
John Palmer Jr.