Kratovil will do or say anything to get elected
Annapolis - In his first television ad, Frank Kratovil has had an extreme makeover showing he will do or say anything to get elected.
"Either Kratovil has a short-term memory, or he is intentionally misleading the voters in the first district." said Campaign Manager Chris Meekins. "The reason Kratovil is trying to have an extreme makeover in his first ad is because he knows voters in the first district won't embrace his radical liberal Washington agenda."
Kratovil makes numerous misleading statements in his first campaign ad. See examples below:
Wasteful Spending
Claim: "decrease wasteful spending"
Fact: In an interview with WYPR, Kratovil stated he supports earmarks. Earmarks lead to billions of dollars in wasteful spending like the "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska, and to corruption in government. (Source: Transcript of Kratovil Interview on WYPR in Salisbury on 6/13/2008)
Illegal Immigration
Claim: "Crack down on illegal immigration"
Fact: At a debate in January, Kratovil stated he would have supported the "Amnesty" bill before Congress last year. Supporting Amnesty is not cracking down on illegal immigration. (Source: Star Democrat 1/13/2008)
Claim: "Decrease our dependence on Middle East Oil"
Fact: By refusing to support off-shore drilling, the United States economy will not be able to stop buying oil from the Middle East. Expanding domestic oil production is necessary to decreasing our dependence on foreign oil. (Source: Transcript of Kratovil Interview on WYPR in Salisbury on 6/13/2008)
Claim: "Independent. On Our Side"
Fact: Frank Kratovil has registered as a Democrat for Congress not as an independent. He has stated, "I want to be an ally of the Governor (Martin O'Malley) in Washington." Being an ally does not mean you are independent, it means Kratovil wants to go to Washington to be on Martin O'Malley's side, not ours. (Source: Maryland State Board of Elections and the Star Democrat 6/5/2007)