This week "The Mist" based on the short story by Stephen King,is released to home video and I can hardly wait to go rent it tomorrow!I read the original story many years ago and always thought it might make a good movie-I shall see!"The Mist" is available on DVD with deleted scenes.
Other theatrical releases this week:
- "The Kite Runner"-A story about two boys growing up together in Kabul.Largely Middle Eastern cast-widescreen
- "Wristcutters:A Love Story"-Strange black comedy about afterlife for suicidees.-Commentary,widescreen
Other Releases this week:
- "Bonnie & Clyde"(1967)-also on blu-ray
- "Control"
- "Lost Highway"-widescreen
- "Solomon & Sheba"(1955)-widescreen
New TV on DVD this week:
- "Wings-The 6th Season"-4 disc set
- "Sliders-the 4th Season"-5 disc set
- "Party of Five - The Complete Third Season"-5 disc set
- "Daybreak-The Complete Series"-4 disc set
That wraps up this week!It seems like every week more and more television shows from both present and past are being released on DVD-all of us have at least 2 or 3 Tv shows we love so much we would sit and watch every episode if it were on DVD!